they made it so people stop complaining about how difficult is to get laurel and instead start to complain now how easy are to get.
I look forward to when we can complain that there are too many ways to get them too!
I’ll just be happy to be on the friendly side of Spectral Agony for once..
but just because they are allies doesnt mean we won’t have to fight them as well. (nightmare court, blood legion, etc)
I don’t know what half the bosses in this game look like because everything is always on fire. I’m sure they look cool, and I’d like to give props to the team that modeled / designed them… but I have no basis to form an opinion. They are all particle effects (with the Limit option turned on)
also: please allow me to move around more of my UI. I have always hated stuff in the bottom center of the screen. in GW1 everything was shrunk and pushed to the sides. I’m here for an experience in a living world, not account / database / resource management. (true, its not nearly as bad as most other mmos, but this was easily customizable in the last game. don’t take things away from us)
99 lines of bug in the code
99 lines of bug
take one down
patch it around
123 lines of bug in the code
lol “looks pretty on the blue background”
-Necromancer minions have been updated to all look like chickens. we feel this really captures how the class was intended to feel.
-Mesmer clones and phantasms can now be summoned outside of combat, but only while you are using the /dance emote. type /hshake to enable this new feature!
-The Shadow Behemoth has had a jaw brace installed to help with all his recent screaming activity. Donations are accepted at the Old Shack in the swamp to help pay for the massive medical bills. A new currency has been added in order to do this. They only drop from Black Lion Chests.
-You can now apply dye to your inventory bags!
Hi, my name is roach and I’m bad at jump puzzles.
*pull up chair
it’s been 2 weeks since my last puzzle attempt, and I am recovering well. it’s tough!
you can type /emote, then type anything you want, and it will appear as <character name> <what you typed after /emote>
you can put a space and a * after an emote to sync it with others. there’s a 5 second delay. you and your friends can all dance at the same time by typing “/dance *”
you can direct your emotes at your current target by adding space @ after it. this only works for certain emotes. you can “point @” your target, and it will show the target’s name in the emote.
you can combine these, so you and your friends can all /point @ * and /laugh @ * the losing team, and you will all point and laugh at the same time.
other things I didn’t know, but feel stupid for not knowing:
you can right click on any piece of equipment or dye and preview it. this does not include the trading post, but from any vendor or any inventory slot.
you can hold Alt and drag to split a stack of something collected. the window defaults to the closest half of the original amount.
you can right click on someone’s name in your party or guild menu, and select send email to. you can then right click on items you want to send them and select send in email. it will put them all into the same email. you can do this in either order.
wow you really are a grumpy hermit.
I spend 7 hours in there. most of that was looking for stupid karka. the rest was trying that JP. I wanted to kill stuff today instead, but time got away from me.
this has always been a glaring dark mark for this game: the UI is horrible. this game would improve ten-fold if we just had something as simple as customizable UI options.
still one of the best hide and seek spots
omg, of course.
thank you.
GW1 with better graphics and features, honestly.
There is a lot to like in GW2, but the longer one plays it the harder it is to keep doing so. I was looking forward to a world I could wrap myself up in and also challenge myself in. What I got was a daily theme park with nearly endless grind.
Guild Wars 1 was like reading an excellent book series.
Guild Wars 2 feels like I’m at a chuckie cheese.
I’m a vet fractals runner.
I know them all by heart and I cringe just as much as anyone when the dredge or harpy fractal come up, but I go through them anyway. I was miffed at the little changes they made to some of them to prevent “skipping” or “exploiting” features (see: sneaking behind the jade maw and pulling the dredge boss out of the room) but understood they were for a good reason. These changes have not had any negative impact on my fractal experience and in fact provided a better challenge which I found more enjoyable.
My current fractal level is over 30.
I do not feel like I am losing anything with the change. I feel I am being rewarded with a new chance to prove my ability in new content and earn better rewards. If you feel the same as I do please post here and let the developers know I’m not alone.
If you feel like your gameplay experience has been hurt by this, there is already another thread for that.
Keep up the good work, devs. I look forward to spending my extra 2 days off checking out the new content this team worked on, and on any character I choose to.
whats wrong with a free 2-week trial to see if you’re interested?
ok, I’ll bite.
how is stacking in dungeons not a viable strategy? take 5 people and tell them to fight 20 people. out in the open is just begging for failure. the enemies don’t wait one at a time like old kungkittenmovies. they all rush in at once, causing confusion and panic.
in wvw, everyone would make a guardian line in the front and no zergs would be able to kill each other. what is already a glorified keep swap will just get worse, and I predict zergs will just hold their own territories and soak up the points. rip wvw combat.
and re: screenshots: just be patient. or ask them politely to move. it’s amazing what you can get when you ask.
this just in: necro threads! it works!
You’re right that we do have a lot of currencies. We certainly know we could improve the experience here
Simply move all currencies (WvW Badges, Dungeon Tokens, Fractal Tokens) to to bottom of your inventory just like money, laurels and karma and stack via account not characters and we are good to go. This should have been in from the start.
This exactly. This. Please. Unless there are plans for said tokens to be traded, sold or otherwise used, there is no reason for them to be in inventory space.
I have two charr. I enjoy them. (They don’t actually run any slower, that’s perception messing with you) but the reason my other 5 characters aren’t charr are for one very simple, honest reason:
I hope they instigate some kind of character limit, or some way of preventing people from selling dungeon runs. I do not know how they could do this, but it’d be nice..
As long as it doesn’t take me 20 minutes to find someone out there willing to do a story mode, I’ll be happy.
I have a couple charr and an engineer (one character is both of these things) I haven’t noticed any glaring issues or bugs. In my opinion these issues with how low the number of players using them can be summed up honestly like so:
Charr don’t have cleavage.
Engineers take more effort / patience to play like other classes.
Same reason there aren’t as many Mesmers. It’s a complicated class that’s less rewarding up front.
I always laugh when I read “endgame” in regards to an MMO. It’s especially funny in regards to GW2 with the whole Living Story and dynamic elements.
Its a living, breathing world in a virtual universe. IRL “endgame” is death. Do you want endgame in GW2? I sure don’t.
1: yes, I am in such a guild. we have a site: and we also have a facebook group. we’re on Fort Aspenwood. We PvE mostly, dungeon and end-game focus, with some hardcore WvW members. we have a private chat server. check us out. (end shameless plug)
2: all classes are useful, but just don’t ask anyone playing that class. Everyone has their place. GW2 doesn’t have a holy trinity, so everyone is more accountable for their own actions. based on your experience you will be fine regardless of your choice. When is a tough dungeon, a Guardian is an always welcome addition to a group, and they are fun to play too.
3: I’d go High Population, but its not much of an issue in the end. guesting is free, and you can play with anyone on another server if you stay out of WvW (thats for your home server only) FA has a good community and strong support. the official forums are here:
and finally, welcome to the game! we hope you enjoy your stay!
Advice for new MMO Player:
Please spend as much time away from the forums as possible. They do not represent a majority of the in-game population and will bring you down if you stay too long.
Enjoy the game!
it would be nice if a border appeared when you hovered over the heart in question.
some hearts are very misleading in their zone area, and some feature enemies you can kill that exist outside of their zone. these aren’t exactly common, but it would certainly be a good QoL improvement.
they shouldn’t be individual summons and instead be more like ritualist-style weapon enchantments. this would make so much more sense and fit the flavor / lore of the class better.
salvaging things isn’t much of a problem, really. I have 120 slots in my main’s inventory and, yeah, salvaging can be tiresome, it is leagues better than it used to be (remember when you had to confirm salvage of green rarity?)
the clicking nightmare most definitely comes from all the bags that ALSO contain things to double click on, AND things that require salvaging. Open a box, get another box, etc. Silverwastes and Wintersday events are infamous for this. sometimes, when I am just too frustrated at the clicking I don’t even bother salvaging the green rarity or lower, just feeding it all to the merchant only because it’s fewer clicks overall.
Please give us a right click – salvage all and/or open all option. Please do it right, and let it both play by normal inventory rules and allow us to set a rarity gate. some people may want to auto salvage up to rare, while others only want to auto salvage up to uncommon.
while I agree, I feel that older links to the previous game are best served in story only and in new fractals.
I want to know what’s north of Divinity’s Reach. or whats west of Rata Sum. or what’s east of Mount Maelstrom. new lore breathes new life into the story. just going over older story stuff is almost pointless. links here and there are great, but if you want a full game of that content it’s still there, and it’s called GW1.
Saw a moogle wandering around DR one day!
A better system you be to have each slot be unique. Have left handed rings and right handed rings. No one complains that they can’t wear two hats at once. That’s because the UI is intuitive.
The ascended stuff is not.
This is the answer.
ANET do this.
sell junk. this is easily one of the most constant sources of income. they cannot be used for anything else unless they are a specific “event only” item, and they are easily obtained with that event when it’s active. If you keep them you’ll never use them again, I promise.
I even sprung for an oil lined back to filter all junk, so when it’s full I can just turn it all into silver.
I wouldn’t mind a “kill X type of enemies” or “kill X number of enemies in X zone” goals, or even a “kill X boss”; but only AFTER you have the option to skip one of the dailies and still get credit. If you can pick and choose which ones you do an leave one out, this is no problem for me.
If you are set on sword / focus for your other set, I recommend traiting into reflective focus abilities. The well timed temporal curtain between initials on zergs will take care of more damage alone before your GS or illusions ever enter the picture.
while I like the lore and this is an awesome basis for a cracked, horrible villain, this does almost nothing for the Scarlet we see in the game. Everything between the lines is awesome. the cover and content really stink. if we have to look this hard for meaning and enjoyment out of something we’re blasted in the face with every two weeks something is wrong.
in gw1 I disliked prince rurik. after meeting trahearne I missed rurik. now i want trahearne back…
I haven’t run into the immune to chill one yet.
The fear one is a problem, yes, but not across the board. The way these forever stable mobs react is one of two ways:
-fear is applied, the condition does damage, but there is no CC at all
-fear is flat not applied at all, and no damage from it
the problem is this is inconsistent across these mob types.
please make both of these conditions apply and do their damage, and if the mob is CC-immune, just don’t apply the CC.
just please remember to put an option to purchase through the gem store. some of us have more in game gold than real world money..
“I was once a boy in these lands” – Prince Rurik; Ruins of Surmia.
is it just me, or do only charr like, belch instead of saying “feel my wrath”?
like, really? belching? wtf? I don’t need more wildstar in my guild wars =P
< been playing since first beta, and I don’t have exotic armor yet. I’m still enjoying the game.
Like anything else, taking in the journey slowly is more rewarding overall.
I wish there were a way to make a soul bound item account bound.
There is, but it won’t work with ascended, like the OP asked.
Allow me to rephrase:
I wish there were a vendor that, for a gold and or karma fee, would make any item I have “Account Bound” from “Soul Bound” only. This should also apply to Ascended tier.
I do not want to have to use other characters, and use transmutation stones in a complex, not-at-all-intended method of outfitting my characters with the stuff I want them to have.
I can plan ahead. What I cannot do is use a soulbound dungeon drop on my character with no interest of using it, nor get rid of it any other way but “merch” and even then, sometimes that doesn’t work.
But you only get like, 1 or 2. The price hike puts retail to shame. For the same amount of coin you could buy half a stack of cotton instead of 1 random chance to get maybe 8 silver worth.
none. I want to see more weapons, utilities, and elites release for existing classes, as well as Orders specific skills akin to Racial only skills.
How can I get rid of it?
ocd trigger: its sitting at ONE, cmon.
value trigger: I have something of value that I cannot use for anything. no one wants my shiny old action figure.
frustration trigger: there is no system set up to deal with this.
I’m afraid of getting stuck in a loop of always having 1 extra gem sitting in my wallet. Can there be a way to get rid of this single gem?
For those of you familiar, you know that the sword Infinite Light has a magic find stat by default upon creation. This is also, to my knowledge, the most expensive non-legendary weapon in the game.
From what I’ve read, all existing MF items will become account bound. Those items listed on the TP will be returned to their owners. I assume this means they will be stuck with them. Unfortunate for them sure, but at last check there were only what…half a dozen of these even listed?
If we make one of these after the change in MF patch, will we have the option to choose it’s stats? What will the new default stats be? Will it be account bound? Will those that already created and listed the item be free to list it again after they change it’s stats?
I’m sure this isn’t the only item on the TP that will be impacted like this with the MF change. For expensive items like this, players should be given a way to make up for their time and cost of creating the item. Sure, they get their listing fee back, but they are now stuck with something they wanted to turn into profit, likely as part of a goal to reach something else.
its like raaiiin on your fire field
like a free pooooort, when you’ve already waypointed.
It went away to pay for all the bloom and particle effects in the new maps.
…now if only I could make my trait panel “legendary” so I can change that on the fly, easily, between different build load outs.
I’ve lived with my girlfriend for nearly four years. I guess the novelty of real life lingerie has worn off.
I humbly request the resignation of your man-card now please, on behalf of all fans of slinky undergarments.
the shield skills themselves are yes, somewhat lackluster. you are forgetting about a couple of things here tho, that at least I have observed as a guardian:
in sPvP you can lock a team in their starting spawn area for 6 seconds with one skill. LOCK THEM IN. in 6 seconds that means points for your team they didn’t get. You have 2 more skills that can do this…
the skill 4 grants a party buff as well as damage, and it can make or break a last minute defense in the right situation.
the skill 5 provides a lot of combo ops with other classes, especially other classes with more range than us (see: all of them =P)
There is one glaring problem with the skill, and I don’t know if it has been fixed yet:
Skill 5’s area of knockback scales with your race. Asuran’s bubbles are far smaller than Norn or Charr bubbles, and it effects where the mobs end up afaik. It’s a fundamentally sound ability that is completely broken.