AikijinX- [Mada] [MILF] [HUNT] 7.3k Thief Hours
Defend Your Back
This thread should get locked soon lol.
I’m not sure what’s worse, the QQ thread of the day about how someone lost to a thief so they want them removed from the game, or the people who feel the need to decide that the 2/0/0/6/6 build is or isn’t sizer’s.
He popularized it. That’s why it’s called his build. Just deal with it. I don’t care about this other random kitten who wants his name on this build.
Hop off his private region
A good 2/6xx/6 (S/D or D/P) Can counter that sister build. I’ve done it numerous times. But it is very annoying to fight absolutely. Btw, Sizer just played it in ToL this is not “His” build.
Arganthium was the innovator of this not so “new” build. It’s just popular because a well known Thief is using it now. It never used to be considered good, but now because of this strength rune buff. We now see a build that used to be looked down at and not used, becoming meta.
Note: All of those builds on that guide is over a year old.
(edited by AikijinX.6258)
That’s the problem with people now a days, they all think just because they have more numbers they will always face roll everything. The fact you call your “Guild” a clan makes it kind of obvious that you don’t play as much either. And probably haven’t developed and 1v1 skill sets, and just believe in Zerg mentalities and philosophies. Do not plague our Thief community with your L2PQQ threads.
This is not new. I came up with this discovery, a year ago. I told Coloxus about it and he put it in his Thief tips and tricks YouTube video.
Over 60% chance is when you see diminishing returns. But who am i.. I only have 100% crit chance with full stacks. Mr.NevermissAcrit
Going to give this a try, as I said – I respect your insight
Do you have problems vs d/d or s/d in PvPs ?
No i don’t have any problems, because it will be very hard to get hit. Due to the fact that you can cast black powder, and then walk around the rim of the circle, so that their hits cant reach you, while they themselves will be stuck with blind.
~It’s really much so how you play the build and utilize it, I have a video up where you can see how i utilize my skills.
Watch people like sizer on twitch. 2/0/0/6/6 is the current s/d meta
Sizer fanboying lol..
Let’s create over-dramatic threads of our own (“ooh we are predators, we should think, critisize, weigh the scenerio”), link them to everyone, call ourselves high tier player and then bash on people who are actually trying to help
If you think what I wrote, and linked to you about how to think as a thief, and what it takes to actually be one is too over dramatic than I wish you luck and many other successes on your path to future thievery and skill development. I hope not to see a QQ thread from you in the future about Thieves being OP.nooo, not really. I actually respect your contribution back to the community, and quite honestly enjoyed your build’s insight and video however it just clicks me off when someone comes in and links to an obviously one of the best thieves in the scene and then you come and call him out as a fanboy while you are trying so hard to depict yourself as one of the better players out there. You may be a very good thief and a player, but the fact that you are trying to put it under the spotlight, and then call others fanboy contradicts each other.
Well I can understand your frustration. I also understand You are very new to guild wars 2 and forums if I am not mistaken. Posts like these happen on a daily basis. I’ve taught, sparred, and dueled many thieves whether they be of high tier or average. I’ve got 4300+ hours under my belt, and Thief is the only class I’ve created and have. I like to give back insightful and intuitive knowledge back to the community as well as different more dynamic builds. I don’t depict myself as anything but someone who loves to help my thief community and supporters. The people I help depict me.
Watch people like sizer on twitch. 2/0/0/6/6 is the current s/d meta
Sizer fanboying lol..
Let’s create over-dramatic threads of our own (“ooh we are predators, we should think, critisize, weigh the scenerio”), link them to everyone, call ourselves high tier player and then bash on people who are actually trying to help
If you think what I wrote, and linked to you about how to think as a thief, and what it takes to actually be one is too over dramatic than I wish you luck and many other successes on your path to future thievery and skill development. I hope not to see a QQ thread from you in the future about Thieves being OP.
(edited by AikijinX.6258)
Watch people like sizer on twitch. 2/0/0/6/6 is the current s/d meta
Sizer fanboying lol..
No single profession should be the best at everything? Do warriors know that?
LOL, Genius! and clever.
Thieves don’t need anything but Berserker or Dire.
Don’t go making hasty generalizations. Rampagers are good, as well as Assassins/Knights.—- WvW purposes—- PvP purposes
Video— —(PvP life absorb version)
I run Celestial ascended with traveler’s runes, with Knights trinkets (S/D 2/6xx/6) . Celestial is also good when using my Hybrid build. Celestial even though it did get nerfed, is still viable for Thief.
1 hour on teef, perplex at that! dam dawg pro!
Do I get a cookie? Or a restraining order?
Hahah Auesis nice bro haha. 4k hr GANG!! Shoot i didn’t know you were still playing lol, and active in forums, haven’t seen a post from you since like a year ago haha.
1.5k/2k hrs on thief. I’m alright I guess? No where near the best though.
more hours != more skill
More hours= bigger D
Support email.
Zendesk (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Jun 02 07:11
We wanted to apologize for the delay in responding to your support ticket and to assure you that your ticket is in the queue awaiting review. We anticipate that an agent will be able to work on your support request soon, so please watch for our e-mail.
Thank you for your continued patience.
kitten looks like i really do haave no life Q_Q
I guess you canceled ir with a dodge roll. So you could use is twice in a row. Gonna test this for myself :-)
But i noticed you Always jump+dodge roll. Yea this Looks cool, some have a Makro for it, but especially for s/d Its impractical because the jump cancels slice (nr1 from AA) which Would occur during your dodge roll right After fs. So you lose dmg. Nothing too important but still…
Lets leave it unanswered
Thanks for watching everyone. I’m a little bit hesitant to give away that infil strike trick even though it’s really obvious, because I love it and would hate to see it nerfed due to everyone doing it.
Why would you put it in the video…. it’s people like you that get thieves nerfed (end rant)
Anyways, I loved the outnumbered fights man, I didn’t know you were that skilled, good job bro. Look forward to more videos
Just a fun little thread. Just want to know how many hours you have on your Thief class. And state if it is your only toon, and optional question, do you consider yourself a high tier or good Thief.
Me: 4,207 Hours. Only toon. And yes, I am God. Actually this is my 2nd account, I would’ve had more but the first one got banned lul…
Look forward to seeing how nerdy I am, and other people are =( #NoLife #stillcutetho #cutestteefNA
I too have yet to receive my chest. This is ridiculous. And they basically tell us they don’t f*#ck!n9 care, and will ignore any support ticket. That’s just flipping great. Great service.
Don’t perma stealth. That’s enough advice for today.
I hope this doesn’t get over looked.. [Bumped]
I use Critical haste Thief trait (2 seconds quickness) along with sigil of rage ( 3 seconds quickness) so i typically don’t look at my quickness duration, but i usually do my stomp when i see the quickness activate.
I want to suggest that when killing a champion or legendary monster in PVE, that (like WvW) you gain 5 stacks of any stacking sigil equipped. And the Elites monsters give 2-3 stacks on stacking sigil.
This has got to be fixed, because in some cases it works as intended.
~ But in others it’s very frustrating when I (as a thief) haste stomp a guardian and then my stomp animation is finished, so I decide to step away, and think i’ve completed the job, but the yellow cast time bar is still there in the middle of the screen meaning the haste didn’t even finish the stomp fast enough when i walk away. Then I get knocked back, and have to perform a 2nd stomp, as if the first wasn’t good enough. This is a bit of a frustration, because if haste if not going to finish the job quickly before the downed player has a chance to (blink away, knock down, knock back), then why have haste in the game at all. It is very frustrating.
I would really like an answer if possible arena net.
Hahaha can’t see it in germany
but i have a unblocker on my Laptop. Watching it tomorrow.
I do apologize.. It’s either I limit viewing access to people outside of U.S or take out the audio.. =\
I had to reupload due to youtube, and copyright infringement, so hopefully I don’t get muted again. Please Enjoy!
Build Threads WvW and PvP
When will the video be up again? Haven’t got the chance to see it Q_Q
Yeah my apologies, I need to change the music, Youtube felt it right to mute my video.
Over 1 min intro of you walking in a PvE zone. Turned it off after that.
C- for trying.
Yeah it was quite long, But as i said novice editing skills ^^
[EDIT] Youtube has muted my video D; need to change songs..
My first video, I’m a novice at editing.. etc.. Enjoy!
Build Threads WvW and PvP
(edited by AikijinX.6258)
Wow! Interesting! I don’t have the money for travelers but i’ll start with crafting the equipment and start experimenting.
Anytime mate, Stay tuned for my video, in a couple minutes
Hey man.
After the update, do you still use travelers runes? I used to run your build when I got sick of D/D, and wanted something else. People don’t really expect the life leech, pretty funny.
Do you sometimes feel “cheap” running this? I mean, you are an pain in the kitten with this setup, haha.
Yeah man this setup is very surprising to people. But Yes i still run travelers runes. They’re too good not to run. I need to because I need every utility i have equipped.
>.> u were 20/0/20/0/30 when I last fought u, u said u were testing the build out, and wanted to 1v1, so we 1v1’d for over an hour on a few of my characters lol
I have no problem redueling. I need a refresher of your play style.
I’ve beaten u over spring break on thief too haha, we each won and lost on thief, and yeah, u were testing this over spring break, I saw ur build.
so u srsly don’t remember Elsa? I was the one who used a LoS build on u lol before I respecced to my normal build
I’m telling you this isn’t the build I was fighting you with. I was using my WvW spec, this spec is completely new. Yes I may have used the same sets of weapons, but it’s different traits from back then.
This had happened to me when I used shadow strike, P/D. But it wasn’t really a problem, who can argue with 4 stacks of torment in one click. And then do another steal then another shadow strike for 6. Can’t argue with that.
ohh, I was actually talking to aik hehe, im S H A D O W F A L L, Poof Goes Ur Health, and Elsa The Snow Queen is my ele (it has accents in the name), remember? I was messing around with my build between every duel? Remember the LoSing behind elementals and rock dogs, svanir runes, etc. etc. :P
but then I respec’d and beat u so hard that u wanted me to join ur guild and transfer to SoS with u (jk), but I did transfer to SoS for my other guilds if u remember…
if it helps, u ran away because I was respeccing too much… xD I got bored so I kept trying new things. this was over spring break, I haven’t been on in like a week and a half cuz I’ve had a lot of exams so… yeah
I know the name Poof goes your health. We’ve dueled and i’ve won. Also during spring break this build was non existent. I was not using this spec. So at this moment if you want to go again, than I am more than happy to.
hah, I beat u on my ele like over 9000-0, Elsa The Snow Queen ftwwwwwww whooooo
jk, but I still beat u so that means ur build is bad and u should /uninstall lyfe bro
I have no issues re dueling you since you supposedly beat me, I can’t remember this duel. I duel many people.
I’ve tried playing that build before, and I just get melted by nothing. I could be playing it totally wrong. I’ve been running the balanced build I saw on here:
It works pretty well with might stacking with a SB from afar, then when I see someone I pick off that’s less than 50% HP, I just swap to D/P, use my signets and venom, and go in for a quick kill, then GTFO as fast as I can to repeat the process.
You need to get used to the gameplay of “getting melted by nothing,” and play around it. The 2/6/0/0/6 build has been consistent in providing results even at the highest levels of play. Your linked “balanced build,” really hasn’t.
Again, play a build you KNOW can provide results, and so the only variable factor is yourself. If you play a random build that hasn’t “proven” itself so to speak, then you run the risk of not knowing whether a loss was due to your bad decision making/player skill or the choice of build. Reduce variable factors as much as possible.
Just my suggestion.
I will start gathering some clips of some of my duels. Just give me some time. Im not as tech savy as some of these other guys. I need to learn how to use moviemakers and video editors, etc.
Tested this build with AikijinX himself this morning. It may seems like it’s not that all great, but when you use it to its full potential, it’s almost close to unbeatable. I’m not that good in thief nor do I have that much hour into it, since I just got back to the game after half a year, but for spvp, I’d definitely recommend this. Once you get the hang of it, it’s cheesy as kitten! And at the same time, the build offer more versatility
Yes sir man, it’s easy to say something isn’t good at first sight, but once gaining experience with the build, and grasping the skill rotations, it’s very effective, and hard to beat, and target.
With in this thread, is another thread which has the wvw version to the build. I layed out the first engagements of how to start a fight typically, and i listed sources of lifesteal. The WvW and PvP builds are different in traits, but in engagement it’s the same, and in lifesteal.
I’ll send you a message when I get some time.
I didn’t mean asking for a 1v1 was inappropriate, I just meant to head off at the pass any comments that I didn’t play it right (because I admittedly probably didn’t.)
I have a ton of respect for anyone who’s put as many hours into the Thief class as you have, whether I agree with them or not. TTYS.
No I understand my friend, that is why I want to respectively ask of you of a duel. I would love to show you the true potential and extent to this build. I have had many people whisper me, and tell me they are using and loving my spec, and many other positive feedback, Because even at 10 threshold life, they “mysteriously get back up to around 75 in a single burst”. I would take pictures of the messages if you’d like. But thank you, but not always to assume that the person is always good even though they’ve put in many hours, but in my case it’s true.
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