Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
i actually prefer the 5vs5 matches, because i like having more of an impact.
how did you manage to do your daily in 15 minutes O.o?
i never really liked other MMOs >_<, but i love gw2 ;D
5 6 7 8 9 0 11 12 13 14 15
… oh wait xD
i think finishing an enemy to revive an ally is… too risky. but im a shattercat with berserker’s amulet, so reviving and finishing in general is really dnageorus for me.
a thief could be finishing your ally before you cna finish the enemy etc, or they can stealth the enemy… several times ive died or watch people die because they finished instead of revived.
the titel should be “advise vs moa”, not mesmer.
when you get moa’ed, simply yell through your mic: “guise, halp i haz been birded!”
they should come running to your rescue, if not, then simply yell: “guise, halp im down!!”
you can thank me later.
sadly i dont have a mic, so imcompletely in my team’s mercy :’(.
well, i have 3 mesmers, so i guess that qualifies me as a “mesmer diehard”.
i dont browse the other profession forums as much so i cant tell :P.
- precludes skilled 1v2, 1v3 victories
in the case of a skilled 1v2 or more, downed states are not the things that kill you. you just have to be prepared when you down someone, you cant just prepare to down them, you have to prepare to also finish them.
there are 2 ways you can deal with a downed person, you can whittle them down while having enough control in the fight so their teammates cant revive, or you can finish them.
finishing is the fastest way, but you may need to use long cooldowns like stealth or invuln or blind to do it, and if their allies mass revive they can get up before your finisher finishes.
the second way is to whittle them down, while maintaining control of the fight and make sure they cant revive. you cna do this with aoe control effects like chaos storm and temporal curtain etc. it takes time though, and usually stability will still allow revival.
ofcourse, you already know these basics because youre skilled, as you said in the part i quoted (or maybe you were just talking in general, no offence).
at the end of this video, at 8:15 i have a 1vs2 in a free tourney.
at one point i decided to jsut damage the thief instead of finish, because i didnt have any cooldowns available to finish her, and as you cna see doing a bit more damage saved my life.
its pretty messy and not one fo ym best, but it shows what im talking about xD.
throughout the rest of the video i also put chaos storms and temporal curtains down to secure revivals and finishers in team fights!
i guess this is the option that makes you unable to walk through things?
back in the beta i always got stuck running into rabbits i could not see… then i discovered this option and turned it off. finally i could run through rabbits, yay.
dodging through people is one of my very common moves i use, so im definitely not going to put it back on :P
i never have problemsfightingasuras in particular… not going into deeper discussion here because this subject is already too much.. discussed >_<
i havent had an issue with HGH engineers in particular when trying to revive… its my high berserker gear/berserker amulet that makes it hard to revive. im basically trading personal survival for reviving, but if theyre all already on cooldowns i can do nothing but watch how much downed teammate gates “explodered” into the ground.
ofcourse, if im completely out of skills to use i just screwed up somewhere.
Have you ever-
been in such a weird mood, you got some friends and facerolled everyone in hotjoin… naked?.
well, it sure spices it up a little
using illusion of life on a downed ally revives them.. but as soon as they kill an enemy they get downed again… yesterday i killed someone by using this…
it was an accident i swear!
Thats a really long post, i read it and, well you have an interesting way of saying things. I wont be able to use the quote function because im on my mobile though.
About confusion on chaos storm, i think i prefer it the way it is now! Confusion is is just another damaging vondition, while all vonditions the chaos storm gives hampering effects, which makes chaos storm shine for the defensive purposes (in my oppinion).
If i were to rate chaos storm’s offensive and defensive capabilities it would looke something like this.: offensive 30%, defensive 85%, conclusion: its amazing ;D (no nerfs please). If confusion and maybe other damaging conditions were added it would be offensive: 50%, defensive: 50%.
What im tryingto say here, it would be less attractive to me if used as an offensive skill.
I should go sleep now read the forums some more untill i fall asleep… Its 1am >_<.
(edited by Alissah.9281)
The sword has better danage, better defense, better options to follow up with combos… Scepter just has range and a high danage single target hlock, the confusing images can do high danage in a power build but t takes a lot of time to use.
As a not so new shatter mesmer, id say staff is superior over scepter! What im doing here is, im choosing a second weaponset, because my sword is set in stone. The staff has more defensive and supportive capabilities (aoe aswel), the defense is the mos important reason for me to take staff, i can easily use swap and phase retreat after i finished my offensive combo etc…
I do have a condition buikd utilising the scepter, id say it works nicely.
I used to have 5 points in illusion for the celerity, but yea, sad face.
After i make some changes i may post the build here, just for fun!
Im currently on mobile, so i cant do much… But i just wanted to mention that i really liked your videos (i watched some before) but i vompletely forgot to subscribe.
There is, by the way to make a video exclusive for subscribers!
Somewhere in video management theres a little box in which you can send a message to all subscribers, put the link to said exclusive video there, and send it.
Then, make the video “hidden” so people cant find it on your channel or while searching youtube, but rhey can only watch it if they have the link ;D. You can always set the video back to public just in case.
I believe that it makes 5 additional numbers if the target is moving… So instead of seeing 5 pop up per second, it becomes 10. Atleast i think it works like this, at some points while on my condition mesmer i saw a lot of numbers pop up.
Im not happy with his nerf/change, i used to swing in the air all the time before usin ohantasms…
But this is actually a change i can adapt to and live with.
The thing that makes me furious are the promised build diversity… But the decreased our diversity instead of increasing.
Its past midnigt… I should get some sleep.
I blame arenanet for ruining my mood/holiday, and this time… Im actually serious.
Happy being blinded,
looks like a regular shatter based build.
I think that was the point.
Oh.. Ok.
Although the title specified “after patch”, so i figured it used some of the new useless/semi usefull traits to deadly effect.
Currently i see the new quickness on interupt there, but quickness doesnt do much for me. Thats offourse just an oppinion.
I feel like the immortal mesmer and other high retaliation builds suffer immensely from this. Retaliation is their highest source of damage…. You probably can see where this is going now.
I was very excited for this patch. I dreamt of not having a single useless trait, all useless ones got reworked and what came out of it was a beautiful and deeo game where you could spend hours just over thinking which traits to out in each slot.
they messed up
Right now all theyre doing is forcing us to take other useless or semi usefull traits because the very usefull ones from the past were made not very usefull…
They literally said they were not goin to nerf much…
they lied, this patch is mostly bad things for the mesmer and they decreased build diversity instead if increasing it.
Found it! This video is currently “hidden”, whatever that means! It sounds like a bad thing though…. Someone should go fix that.
Chaos storm is best used defensively, no matter which build you use!
Im currently very sleepy and not in a too happy mood, so i wont be going very detailed, im also on mobile so my recorces are limited…
A shimmerless said, stay away from stairs! Illusionary leap wont work on those.
We can however make very good use of height differences. You can blink to make a quick escape, you can phase retreat up without using long cooldowns, you van jump down and leave a leap clone etc. Osicat has some good videos utilizing height differences. “Insane mesmer mobility” is the one thats shows best, i think.
General strategy
Stealth: stealth van be used for 2 reasons, target drop and repositioning. Targt drops are mostly offensive moves, you dont care about waiting untill the stealth is over, all that matters is your prey not seeing you before you strike! A target drop stealth can last as short as half a second and still be effective.
When reposiionijg, youll want to stay steahtled for as long as possible and find a better position. This can be used offensively and defensively. Its usually a good isea to run behind or to the sides of someone before leaving stealth.
Note: you can summon phantasms from stealth without leaving, and make the person waste dodges. When he used 2 dodges you can safely burst!
Ofcourse theres alot of other strategy, you will learn these in time, all by yourself! Ofcourse you can greatly speed up the learning process by asking for advise or watching videos.
Many people vomplain about how OP/UP a profession is because they got beaten in pvp for wxample. Truth is, theyre just missing out! While theyre complaining, they could be asking for advise to improve themselves, which you are doing right now.
I can do nothing but applaud and say something along the lines of: “keep it up!”
edit: chaos storm is best used defensively, try to make sure you hit both the enemy and yourself, but the priority is yourself. Its also invaluable (i think this word means very valuable, correct me if im wrong) in group fights. Try to hit as many allies as possible, while also making an area where your enemies cant go, especially useull if people are low health! I should have a new video up where i use chaos storms in group fights quite well, but youtube is being a kitten right now, a very very bad kitten.
If you need any mesmer related help, dont be afraid to send me a ask/send me a pm/ whisper me in game.
(edited by Alissah.9281)
looks like a regular shatter based build.
i would recommend replacing illusionary elestacity with either invigoration or reflection, the extra bounce doesnt do much for you, as the staff is mainly there for defense.
i feel like quickness doesnt help much in a shatter build, shattering is more like jump in, jump out. ofcourse, thats just personal style.
all negativity aside,
in my oppinion there are 2 specs for damage, shatter and phantasm. toobz justsaid the shatter spec (0/20/0/0/30), the phantasm spec needs 0/10/0/25/0 for increased phantasm damage.
currently the 0/20/20/0/30 shattercat is my favourite, i have some videos in my signature link if youre interested.
its kind of late and my reading/thinking isnt currently akittens best, but i hoped i helped anyway. if you ever want life help, you can always whisper me in game
like i tried saying before the thread got moved, you just perfectly and objectively summarized what i was thinking… and the majority of the mesmer community.
idlike to keep the negativity out of this thread to increase chances its kept, becuase the last thing we need right now is objective posts like this being buried in the merged posts.
however, heres a fact that bothers me: they wanted to help us, increase build diversity. they failed.
edit: i was, by the way, very very excited for this patch, especailly the build diversity and revamping useless traits. i even dreamt about how it would be if all useless traits gotreplaced by usefull ones! especially when they said in that preview article “wewont be nerfing things because it does more harm than good, instead were buffing new traits!”
ok, ill stop now.
(edited by Alissah.9281)
you can also ge thit by un evadable attacks… like necro wells i guess?
they said they were adding build diversity…
the nerfs are just too much, and on top of that they lie to us.. i feel so ignored right now…
i guess i sitll recommend 25 inspiration over illusions…
ill always be a mesmer and ill just learn to live with whatever nerf they throw at me.
but now theyve gone too far…
rihgt nowim justhoping they refert these nerfs…..
the worst was that they said “were adding more build diversity”, while in reality they removed it.
its like real life all over again… people say they want to help me.. all they do is bash me into the ground
i just wrote the same comment 3 times. 3 times te thread was moved…
so here goes.
i cant remember exaclty what i said due to me beingseriuosly mad now…
its like real life all over again!
people say they want to help me, but instead theyre just making it worse… theyre just making it worse… and theres nothing i can do about it…
i would say that whoever proposed these nerfs isnt getting away with this… but the truth is, i cant. arenanet overpowers me and i can do nothing about it, im asusming that even complaining on the forums wont solve it.. at one point i got the feeling they were listening. that feeling is gone now.
does arenanet even paly mesmer? they should honestly just let the players balance the game.. it would look much better.
if anything is overpowered, its arenanet’s nerf bat…
they said they were going to help us, to increase build diversity… MAKING IMPORTANT TRAITS GARBAGE IS NOT HOW YOU DO IT
imsorry for the caps lock, but simply typing in bold cant explain how mad/sad i am right now… if they dont give us alot of buffs to compensate or refert the nerfs… oh who am i kidding… i cant do anything about it.
“were increasing build diversity”, they said
Well, its pretty good gameplay but not “the best” ive ever seen.
wait a second…
is that.. is that bolt?
best mesmer ive ever seen, 10/10!
i dont really like the hardcore music but thats just personal preference.
immortal build.
oh no ;D.
i once tried this build in Spvp for a change, i really liked it, its so muc different than other mesmer builds i tried.
ofcourse hot join people died easily, but thats usually the case in hot join. i figured id duel a friend ofmine who plays sword/dagger thief.
basically he spammed lacenouss trike all over the place and my win/lose rate was only 50%, with each duel taking around 2-5 mins. it was cramped in a little capture point though.
the only advise i can give you: you can tank the dodge hit, but after he stabs you basically dodge or move away. i dont have much experience with the immortal build.
however, in the case of a good thief:
I just roll over and die
The Minor Adept trait “Illusionists Celerity” has been made the Minor Grandmaster trait and the other Minor traits have been pushed down.
If this happens… well, lets just say it wont end well for whoever proposed this change.
unless, ofcourse if we get alot of other traits to make more builds viable, which i hope!
+1 to this thread, we need more support mesmers!
currently the average community member lives by “only guardians can support, if they dont support theyre bad, and if another profession supports theyre also automatically bad”.
maybe having more mesmers support will change this, i really hope it does.
i always try to fit 20 inspiration in shatter builds and 25/30 in phantams builds (in dungeons). i purchased a second set with healing power aswell, but i still have to make a buildfor that one, right now I just switch to the healing power if my party doesnt already have 100% regen uptime. i’d rather not pick builds from the internet, because making and testing my own is just pure joy ;D.
Sometimes i use auto run while i have TP, guild panel, friends list, equipment preview and steam overlay open….i rarely most of the times run past it… And it never ends well xD.
If im not occupied i turn around, dodge and phase retreat backwards, then turn around and jump through it.
Or when im in the mood… I use an experimental portal gun, when im just out of junping range i jump and create portals, then i phase retreat and dodge backwards, and then i enter the portal and dodge at the end, then im in the loading screen : D.
I remember devs saying bwfore the game was released that downed health is called consciousness. So im assuming that defeated is simply unconsious.
As for some npcs not being reviveable… I like to think people who learnt to use magic to revive, can also use it on themselves to keep themselves alive when they shouldve died, aka defeated.
I guess some people’s revival skill is just higher, so theyre not immediatally defeated, but get downed first. They can also heal themselves when downed, but like lesser skilled people need a waypoint or someone else’s help to recover from defeated.
Makes sense :o?
I like the white little dragons that fly around… I also like the music they used in that trailer, shame it isnt in the game :’(.
I really liked the fireworks and that pvp mimi game, but i think the balls you throw could have more of a visual impact.
I didnt fo moa races so far becuase i avoid gambling at all costs. I like gettig little boxes from everything bt i never open them, i just sellthem. I like the new mystic firge… And all the other decorations, i jus wish there was some special music in lions arch.
We dont neer any more gold taps. If we had a tap like this we would need a huge gold sink to compensate, all players gain xp somehow, meaning that all players should be affected hy he new gold sink aswell, resulting in nothing that changed.
Even if we got xp to gold conversion, gold would inflate massively and your more gold would seem like more, but at the same time that piece of bread or equipment raised in price aswell.
Creating gold out of thin air doesnt make players able to buy more, It jus lets them buy more vendor items.
Keep in mind that TP flipping isnt easy, if a flipper is swimming in gold they probably wpent alot of time to learn and improve. If flipping was easy everyone would have done t and no one would profit.
Flippers also help the economy by sinking gold through listing and selling fees.
TL;DR: when creating money out of thin air, prices of all items go up, so players wont be able to buy more
I use wasd to move, q and e to turn, although i neer turn like that in combat.
I use 12345 for weapon skills and f1 f2 f3 f4 for profession mechanics.
Z C and a mouse button on the side for utilities, another mouse button for healing.
X for dodge…
I have the option that enables free camera movement (so it doesnt reset) urned on, i usually turn the camera with the left mouse button, i change moving direction by just pressing ritht mouse once.
And thats about it i guess.
When i interupt the pet revive… It just continues to revive afer the daze wears of anyway :’(.
Or maybe thats the bug that everyone talks about? That bug happens more than half the time then…
Dont change blurred frenzy, i dont feel like explaining as ofhers already have.
MEsmer doesn t need a nerf..
Elementalist did n t need one also.This game will die if pvpers don t understand they are a TINY minority and they are destroying the game for 90% of players that doesn t care of their pvp balance.
Sincerely a pve player really tired of pvp eghoist
Inb4 someone saying pve is easy…..i had 2 pvpers in fractal party Yesterday we disbanded in swamp fractal
OP didn t even consider PvE and WWW they are just too focused on their little world.
What about Tomorrow devs started to apply the most deserved PvE balancing?
Like giving warrior a most deserved nerf?Note also dev s guidelines for making PvE and pvp consistently similar.
Thats not being called an egoist. The same could be said about pve’ers trying to vhange balance so it affects pvp and wvw.
This can all be countered by a simple pve/pvp split.
I feel like youre confusing the greatsword and sword.
Greatsword is a ranged weapon, main hand sword is melee.
The off hand sword has a high damage ranged block and single target single attack high hitting phantasm.
We have unreliqble aoe?
Our burst damage is aoe, if you use it as single target damage something went wrong.
We cant cleanse conditions?
Yes we can. But mesmers, like thieves are about avoiding damage, most conditions can also be avoided. For me a utility that cleanses conditions is almost a waste or a slot.
We cant get run speed?
Get a focus and run over the curtain. With a swiftness rune you can easily get 100% swiftness uptime, if we had any easier acces to swiftness or a runspeed signet t wiuld be overpowered, due to us already have the 2nd best in combat mobility.
Where i come from everyone is unique, and its a goodthing.
Making mesmer more in line with other professions would be a huge nerf.
I like it!
Maybe give us the option to choose which voice we want to hear, instead of tying it to the race yur playing? More customisation is always a good thing.
I like having my dialogue volume slughtly hther than ofher volume, but it makes the accouncer way too loud, id like a seperate option to change annoujcer volume aswell.
Female sylvari mesmer!
What happens when you combine awesome, elegant and sexy?
You gt threads complaining about how OP mesmers are.
Using a pvp finisher in wve is enough fun for me.
But sometimes i like going tealth and /dance, see how thy react xD. Sometimes they attack me, in which case ill kill them, sometimes they just bandage and try to kill me anyway, which results in my downing them over and over unill they die from downed penalty : D.
Sometimes i use a quaggan tonic and circle them while theyre downed
Or when im on my engi put bandages on them xD.
Yea… Good times.
When im in a solo outnumbered i have no choice to kill them all though… Sometimes i leave the last one alive for fun.
Edit: laughing is just rude :O!
The thing is, I am not a fan of condition damage. My ranger used to be a condition ranger but I got sick of being crippled against inanimate objects, world boss fights and everyone in pvp has condition removal. [Also, can’t guarantee you’ll be behind someone with Shortbow in PvP]
Perhaps one of these classes might persuade me to try conditions again. Thanks for the tips.
Thats not true actually, i run in pvp without condition removal 90% of the time.
I would give the ascended item to whicher char you use the most for fractals, as thats where you need it most.
If you dont need the stats you can equip the ascended before a boss fight, but for therest keep your own ring on
Practice is definitely the most important thing to get better, having a good build to begin with helps aswell.
Copying what someone does in a video is rarely a good idea, everyone has their own style, what may work for them may not work for you, even if they can take on like 5 players at a time.
You van improve from youtube videos though, just ask yourself what the difference betweentham playing and you playing is, ask yourself why they are so much better than you, maybe they use skills in a certain way, if thats thecase you can try to copy them. But most of the time you just need practice.
I play a shattercat and i have some videos in my signature below if youre interested.
Female sylvari mesmer,
For people who like awesome with a hint of sexy and elegance.
Ive been having his alot lately aswell, in pve wvw and spvp. In spvp it happens more often on my human when im nog wearing armor than on my sylvari :o.
Graphic settings doesnt change it.
Using shatters without blurred frenzy is indeed a good way to keep pressure. Sometimes i like using cry of frustration whenever i dodge in close proximity to someone
Also keep in mind: when a bad player panics, they often act very predictable! As someone else mentioned here: usually when you finish your shatter combo, people dodge after thr immobilize wears of, for some reason!
If you do something that makes a bad player panic, and you can predict what theyre doing after, youll have a huge advantage.
Dodging or not dodging our Ileap makes the difference between a good and bad player. If you see your target dodging it alot, you van try using only leap bu not swapping to let them waste a dodge! Or delay your swap untill the dodge ends and your clone ran up to him.
And yes, the skill ceiling is insane, after 1700 hours im far from reaching it :p. Which is also one of the reasons i love mesmers so much.
I use thr portal in wvw… When im solo : D.
Its like an extra blink you can use several times that has a much higher range. You also dont need line of sight of the place youre teleporting to ^__^. Portal finishing is also fun
Ive been experimenting with a Spvp condition damagr build lately that uses the torch aaaaannnddd… The phantasmal mageisntthat bad. In conbat i summon it wheneve i have time, when im stealthef and repositioning i sometimes let it attack twice, but when ik not stealthed i just shatter it inmeriatally…
Its not the best phantasm but it has its uses in a confusion build imo.
but then again. My condition/confusion build is highly experimental and ive only tested it in hot joins, in ehich you can kill most 1v1 with a 0/0/0/0/0 build… Ill have to test it against good players some day.
Im not currently at my computer, but the traits are 0/20/30/0/20, i use conditon duration runes and scepter torch staff.
Now to answer your question: in a team fight your duelist wont die in the aoes, but most players will notice the attack and dodge atleat half of it. The swordsman is very hard to dodge but t may die in aoes before attacking, the berserker and warden are your only aoe phantasms, berserker would be the best option due to fast attack speed. I use the focus in my tourney shatter build, i put the warden on downed players and people off point with projectiles, but the biggest use of the focus for me is the aoe pull.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.