(edited by Aomine.5012)
It comes down to time.
Think of it like this. You work to get paid right? What did you get paid for? Your time.
Money is time and time is money. Very simple.
When you put the time into making Ascended Armor or Precursors by gathering all of the gear you expect that at the end of that your time is equal to the outcome. That’s how real life works. If you are getting paid 8 quid an hour for your labor and then are expected to work that time again without pay you have the Ascended Armor and Precursor crafting system.
And when it comes to Precursor crafting, you not only have to spend time on collecting materials, you also have to do tons of extra work.
If you collect those materials yourself, and then SELL it on TP, you’d only need to collect 70% of the material and save the whole process of scavenger hunts to get the precursor.
In short, if you choose to craft precursor, you spend triple amount of the effort (MORE time and MORE gold) for the same product on TP. This is why people are mad.
It’s like the whole time-consuming processes has 0 value, and you still pay more for the material cost.
And before people bring out the price stabilizing theory bs, Anet would be releasing new legendaries every 3 months, which are only craftable, and also COMPETING the same materials as old precursors. It’d take at least 1~2 year before the price can come down because every few month there’d be a price spike in material once again.
If Anet doesn’t solve the root of problem, nothing will change.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Crafting a precursor should not cost gold or anything that can be converted to gold. It should have been a longer-term method for players who don’t have the kind of money to buy the item outright, creating a dichotomy of “cheap, but a lot more time and effort” vs “expensive, but immediate”, with the mystic toilet as a wild card.
The situation fixes itself over time. Several people who realize that a precursor on the TP is cheaper than making it themselves will probably buy it on the TP. What happens when the supply of sellable precursors stays the same (we have to assume it does, as the craftable ones are not sellable and ANet said nothing about an increased droprate) but an increasing number of people buy one? The price rises.
This will go on until the precursors on the TP are no longer cheaper than the crafting price. Voila, balance. Just give it some weeks.
I’m legitimately not sure if you’re trolling or not. Either way, things getting more expensive is explicitly the kind of “balance” that nobody but the robber barons actually wants.
I am not trolling and you lack insight into psychology.
People are NOT upset that the crafting method of precursors costs a lot of money. If there had been no precursors on the TP, people would have been happy to finally be able to craft them, and when facing a big pricetag would have said “Oh well, it is a legendary so it is expected to cost a lot”. Remember that this crafting path was not put into the game to provide an easier or cheaper way to get a legendary, but to provide an alternative way.Now comes the TP and people see that there are precursors there cheaper than the cost to craft it. Instead of saying “Oh wow, that precursor costs less than its crafting price because mats prices are currently superhigh due to guild halls eating them all, I am going to sell all my mats that I planned to use for crafting and buy it before someone else does” people complain about crafting not being worth it. That is all there is to it. Once the cheapest precursors are sold, I believe that prices will slowly balance to close to the cost of crafting. And of course, once the guild hall upgrades are mostly done (which will take a while) material prices will go down again, and so will the price of crafting a precursor.
Your theory is like 1/10 correct only.
Material cost spike the first time WHEN people finally found out the precursor recipe of most popular weapons. (This is when Anet patched the bug of Collection 1 on most Precursor weapons)
Material cost spike a 2nd time WHEN they figure out Nevermore eats another 90 Spirit-woods, and can ONLY be crafted.
Guild Hall is only the minor issue here because not everyone is working too hard on their guild halls.
The reason for price spike is obvious: Anet put every precursor in the same bracket, consuming same material in an extremely huge quantity, so big that most people do not have that many saved up despite playing for 3 years. To make things worse, they do not address the supply issue at all by providing more ways to get low tier materials or t7 materials, while simultaneously INCREASING the material components crafting quantity (Like some materials need 4 base material to craft 1 now).
It’s like they’re intentionally creating this price spike to make regular players suffer, so that they are more prawned to spending real money for gold in game. This is what making players most angry. They’re breaking/ manipulating the market in a way that hurt many casual players because of their lame precursor crafting. Even normal players who only want to train crafting, or only want to craft some ascended weapons for themselves got hugely impacted by this change, that they need to cost TRIPLED for the same product now.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I just don’t get it, why is everyone so freaked out about the precursor crafting?
I mean, it’s called a Legendary weapon, because it’s hard to get, and the timegate makes it more rewarding.
If you want everyone running around with twilight and stuff, making your weapon skin feel common then fine.
But i’m noticing the same issue with the difficulty of the monsters on the jungle, and people crying about it being hard or everything being grindy…
To be honest, I never had a Legendary, and I’m slowly working towards mine. Even the mastery system, which I never grinded it but I’m suddenly lvl 87 or something like that.
I believe the greatest issue in the gw2 community, is the fact that it developed a weirdly childish personality where a bunch of people see something different or something they wanna get yet it’s kinda hard for them to, and they start a tantrum because the can’t get it NOW.Welcome to the age of entitled gamers.
To answer your question directly:
Many people expected the precursor crafting to be vastly cheaper than the old system. These people are now very frustrated since they did not receive their precursor for free with the launch of HoT and are still waiting on completing their legendary.
In any case, while you are entitled to your opinion, could you perhaps list what you feel are the benefits to time gating? For me personally, I can’t see any benefits. It does nothing to enhance the gameplay experience. Even old legendaries could be crafted without any time gating so I don’t see why new legendaries should be.
Besides preventing a massive price spike short term and causing even more unbalance? And any price spikes with new content that requires the ressource (you think now it’s bad, what do think would happen if every person bought 60-90 times the amount of ressources from the TP at once?)
It allows crafters to have some value with their timegates and opens up the ability for players to sell the time ressource for small profits.
It allows for an easier balance from arenanets side as far as time goals they have for content.
The biggest entitlement of the whole thread is you sir.
No-one expect it to be cheap or easy, but no-one expect they implant a system that only benefit “rich casuals”. or “rich casual who uses credit card”, and expect everyone to do the most boring thing ever (collecting 30000 woods or ores) to make a precursor.
If this system is only benefiting rich casuals, then the TP option were there long ago that those rich casuals can buy them a long time ago. The rest who’re looking forward to this system are those hardcore players who’re dedicated to work hard for their precursors, but got slapped in face because it’s another system that only benefit rich casuals.
To make things worse, Anet asks for the SAME MATERIALS across all legendaries , both old and new, as well as guild hall, everything put into the same bracket, without adding any extra way of getting those t7 materials . This is what people getting mad at the most.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I find Herald rather strong, if not op, even with full zerk I have much sustain than I ever had on warrior. You just have use your skill strategically. Use Glint heal when you are about to get a big hit incomming, use Shiro heal when you are about to burst. Use Staff 5 and Sword 3 for Evades, pretty easy.
Pretty easy? Thats long rotation involved timing. With Dragon Hunter you just spam all traps and Guardian all meditations when you need heal.
I bet you haven’t soloed the tougher Champs.
The only class that can do that without being a master skillful player with perfect timing and rotation is ranger due to having 2 meat shields and good range dps. MM Necro is pretty close, but the result is pretty inconsistent depending on Champ.
DH is not going to win against some tough champs in TD. Also DH dps is considerably lower than Revenant. I have tried all E-spec with zerk or a mix of zerk and know the dps difference of all classes pretty well.
Theoretically, Revenant has the tool to solo all champs if you make 0 mistake and rotate your skills at perfect timing, since it has all the tools to negate damage/ evade/ heal. However, because it’s very hard to do so, I still feel that ranger is the stronger class when it comes to soloing champs.
DH = TRAPS. You get traps to skills 6,7,8,9,0 thats 5 traps. All traps daze, most cripple, very easy to kite. Traps give maad DPS too. You melt break bar like nothing then you can start using GS what got alot better dps than revenant.
Lmao, you never played Rev before I assure you.
I have every E-spec, all of them full zerk or maurader, and DH and Chrono are 2 of the lowest dps ones. I played Rev, and then go back to DH, and find that my killing speed is like WAYYY slower than Rev, like 1/2 of the kill speed.
DH is good at chipping CC bar, but so does Rev.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Im a berserker war, i palyed war for more than 4k hours. From my own exp, be honestly, I can do more than 45k damage only by using hunderd blades when im in berserker mode with 25 stacks of might. My critical chance is 101% with fury, and critical damage is 245% when im in berserker mode. On agverage, i can do more than 120k damage in the first 3 sec after actived berserker mode.
This is like using the damage you do vs the dredge mining suit in fractals as an indicator of what the class can do… ie: irelevant.
This damage is when doing the throneheart, if u can do this damage, plz uplode a photo. I just upload this for fun, normally its like this…
My Rev can hit around 40k per hit on thron heart too, only that I can hit 70% faster during that burn (sword auto alrdy hit faster than War’s GS, then add that with on demand quickness
Honestly GS has a pretty moderate average dps, especially against mobile foes which your 100B doesn’t land every hit.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Curious, why do you need to earn your E-spec from PVP when you already unlocked it on default in PVP?
PVP is PVP, PVE is PVE, they should be separated.
revenants needs to be nerfed as they are sustainable as hell!
and thats coming from a main revenant playerI kinda agree to an extent. That shield trait needs to be removed or the healing on it needs to be cut down a bit. Playing off hand shield is so forgiving when fighting anything other than a reaper. You can make a lot of mistakes and recover so easily. Other than that, Glint heal is only strong if you manage to time it well which takes really good prediction and baiting which I think is part of the skillful play. At least on 1v1 against a good player. Inexperienced ones will never stop attacking haha. But fighting other Revenants on my daredevil, I really dont have an issue with Revenant sustain unless theyre using shield. Even Unrelenting Assault isnt an issue anymore due to everyhing else getting buffed.
i think shield is fine, it becomes a problem when combined with staff and glint heal tho.
i would see staff changed instead of shield, staff has the shortest CD block on top of evade.Except staff has a low dps, a pretty useless and costly 2 skill, and one of the most telegraphic/slow cleanse skill which anyone half-decent can interrupt it.
staff has decent DPS if you get devastation with leech grand master on auto and 5 does massive damage too, at least for pvp side of things.
if you want to keep it as a tank weapon (as in having lowest CD block in the game and evade) then these two attack should have their damage nerfed.
anyhow the point is that shield is fine, if you really want to say one thing too good about shield, i would say heals.
Except staff 5 already have their damage nerfed by 25~27%.
And seriously, staff AA doesn’t have good dps… When 3 , 4 ,5 is on cool-down, you should always change to the more damaging weapon.
revenants needs to be nerfed as they are sustainable as hell!
and thats coming from a main revenant playerI kinda agree to an extent. That shield trait needs to be removed or the healing on it needs to be cut down a bit. Playing off hand shield is so forgiving when fighting anything other than a reaper. You can make a lot of mistakes and recover so easily. Other than that, Glint heal is only strong if you manage to time it well which takes really good prediction and baiting which I think is part of the skillful play. At least on 1v1 against a good player. Inexperienced ones will never stop attacking haha. But fighting other Revenants on my daredevil, I really dont have an issue with Revenant sustain unless theyre using shield. Even Unrelenting Assault isnt an issue anymore due to everyhing else getting buffed.
i think shield is fine, it becomes a problem when combined with staff and glint heal tho.
i would see staff changed instead of shield, staff has the shortest CD block on top of evade.
Except staff has a low dps, a pretty useless and costly 2 skill, and one of the most telegraphic/slow cleanse skill which anyone half-decent can interrupt it.
My sarcasm detection bell rang.
Hmmm..Do you know, sarcasm which is too obvious is not really fun at all!
You know what, you’re right. Thanks for weighing in and taking the time to post your relevant comment, that was really an insightful thing to say.
You’re a pretty boring person
My sarcasm detection bell rang.
Do you know, sarcasm which is too obvious is not really fun at all!
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Which is the best class for DPS nowadays?
Don’t worry so much about picking a profession for DPS. With the right build and skill, the practical DPS (achievable consistently in play) of most professions is relatively close. Where disparities exist there is usually utility, de/buff or other factors to look at. When you consider professions it’s much more helpful to strive for diversity in your group
Someone who gets it. Kudos.
Yeah, for diversity sake, let’s bring all 9 classes into the table
1 Ele 1 War 1 Guard 1 Ranger 1 Rev 1 Necro 1 Engi 1 Teef 1 Mesmer
Let’s promote this! Everyone should live in harmony like in old days
mesmer is a low DPS class (decent with full phantasms doing work) but can make it up with extreme utility and is easily the best tank in the game.
Since when did mesmers have low DPS and high tanking ability? since when was HoT elementalist good at anything other than aura spam? did I walk into a parallel universe?
Mesmer always have one of the lowest dps in PVE, on par with Guardian.
It’s fact.High burst =/= high dps. It’s totally different thing.
Mesmer sword/greatsword with perma quickness and aclarity has higher DPS than most other professions, regardless of phantasms. they hit for 2000 every half second, sustained. I’ve been playing GW since 2008 and I have a level 80 mesmer, engineer, necromancer, and elementalist. If i had to rate their DPS it would be engineer > mesmer > necromancer >> elementalist. also, guardian has MASSIVE dps from what I understand with the bows
Try other classes. Comparatively this damage is still lower than other classes.
Tesmpest/ Herald / Warrior/condition engi still deal way more dps than that.
People use certain classes in raid for a reason. They’re not idiots.
If they know Phatasm is going to outdamage Herald/ War/ Engi, they’d use it.
But people only ask Chrono for high quickness up-time and alacrity. At least Mesmer is one of the best support classes in game right now thanks to these unique buffs.forgetting about the mesmer, why would anyone take elementalist over engineer or reaper or warrior? elementalist and thief are bottom tier atm, idk why everyone on this forum is lauding them. i dont have a thief but my ele can’t do kitten ever since HoT came out
Cuz tempest still do one of the highest or top 2 dps when against stationary bosses?
I agree thief is in some trouble now due to dps not the top anymore and lack support and survivability in raid too.
\Mesmer always have one of the lowest dps in PVE, on par with Guardian.
It’s fact.High burst =/= high dps. It’s totally different thing.
What? Guardians have always been midtier DPSwise but they bring loads to the table in addition to their DPS. Not to mention the fact that theoretically a Phantasm Mesmer can kick out loads of damage, the main issue being getting the Phantasms up and keeping them up.
So yeah, it’s not fact.
Guardian is no longer mid tier dps with the introduction of new E-spec.
In fact it was around 2nd last place even before HoT.
So on par with Mesmer being the 2 lowest dps spec is still true because other classes just do more dps. It’s not the matter of feeling, it’s hard statistical fact.
mesmer is a low DPS class (decent with full phantasms doing work) but can make it up with extreme utility and is easily the best tank in the game.
Since when did mesmers have low DPS and high tanking ability? since when was HoT elementalist good at anything other than aura spam? did I walk into a parallel universe?
Mesmer always have one of the lowest dps in PVE, on par with Guardian.
It’s fact.High burst =/= high dps. It’s totally different thing.
Mesmer sword/greatsword with perma quickness and aclarity has higher DPS than most other professions, regardless of phantasms. they hit for 2000 every half second, sustained. I’ve been playing GW since 2008 and I have a level 80 mesmer, engineer, necromancer, and elementalist. If i had to rate their DPS it would be engineer > mesmer > necromancer >> elementalist. also, guardian has MASSIVE dps from what I understand with the bows
Try other classes. Comparatively this damage is still lower than other classes.
Tesmpest/ Herald / Warrior/condition engi still deal way more dps than that.
People use certain classes in raid for a reason. They’re not idiots.
If they know Phatasm is going to outdamage Herald/ War/ Engi, they’d use it.
But people only ask Chrono for high quickness up-time and alacrity. At least Mesmer is one of the best support classes in game right now thanks to these unique buffs.
mesmer is a low DPS class (decent with full phantasms doing work) but can make it up with extreme utility and is easily the best tank in the game.
Since when did mesmers have low DPS and high tanking ability? since when was HoT elementalist good at anything other than aura spam? did I walk into a parallel universe?
Mesmer always have one of the lowest dps in PVE, on par with Guardian.
It’s fact.
High burst =/= high dps. It’s totally different thing.
I’ve actually soloed some of the new hero points on Revenant. Unrelenting Assault (Sword 3) is an attack that makes you immune while attacking. It’s awesome when you need to dodge while keeping your dps up. Duelist’s Preparation (Sword 4) is another good skill as it’s a channeled block that doesn’t automatically activate the next linked skill from a melee attack. With just those two skills and the dodges, I soloed the Egg Clutch hero point in Auric Basin.
On top of that, I don’t like Revenants. They lack the amount of utility skills that all other professions have and I feel they don’t have enough condition clears and stun breaks. The ones they do have are traited into things that I rather they weren’t. For example, I don’t want to legend swap to stun break because that temporarily locks me into skills that may be bad for my current situation.
All the utility of Revenant is actually hard-tied to Invocation. Try to pick that up and you’d see the difference. Also Shiro’s strongest point is actually not imposible odds, but rather Jade Wind. This CC is so darn powerful lol..
I find Herald rather strong, if not op, even with full zerk I have much sustain than I ever had on warrior. You just have use your skill strategically. Use Glint heal when you are about to get a big hit incomming, use Shiro heal when you are about to burst. Use Staff 5 and Sword 3 for Evades, pretty easy.
Pretty easy? Thats long rotation involved timing. With Dragon Hunter you just spam all traps and Guardian all meditations when you need heal.
I bet you haven’t soloed the tougher Champs.
The only class that can do that without being a master skillful player with perfect timing and rotation is ranger due to having 2 meat shields and good range dps. MM Necro is pretty close, but the result is pretty inconsistent depending on Champ.
DH is not going to win against some tough champs in TD. Also DH dps is considerably lower than Revenant. I have tried all E-spec with zerk or a mix of zerk and know the dps difference of all classes pretty well.
Theoretically, Revenant has the tool to solo all champs if you make 0 mistake and rotate your skills at perfect timing, since it has all the tools to negate damage/ evade/ heal. However, because it’s very hard to do so, I still feel that ranger is the stronger class when it comes to soloing champs.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I did my own testing.
Herald can overall do the highest dps when you only consider about yourself, with no additional outside buff.
I tried Fresh Air Tempest roatation, pure fire staff, none of them exceed the killing speed of Revenant’s Glint Shiro roatation. (Glint/ Rev can bring down undestructable golem from 100 to 0 in around 9.5 seconds with the right rotation, whereas Tempest/fire ele takes longer to do that even with air Glyph of Storm.
But when everyone has quickness, 25 might, 25 vulnerable, the result may differ.
But I can still safely say Herald is on the top 2 raw dps category. (I’m talking about raw dps, so I’m excluding condition spec atm)
Also Herald is a better dps source than Tempest/ Fire Ele if the target is moving, since sword AA can hit while moving, while air-overload/ glyph of storm, lava font, meteor shower all have a fixed destination.
One last note, ranger’s dps is not as bad as people make it be anymore thanks to Bristleback. I’m not going to discuss this in detail but this pet really pulls up ranger’s dps by a large margin.
Revenant need more cleanses imo. Especially Mallyx.
Mallyx is fine, with Demonic Defiance, FoN, and Pain Absorption
It’s pegeon-hole into one play-style, which is try to stack boon duration and spam Elite.
I really think Mallyx need a way to transfer conditions.
The heal skill of Mallyx is very weak compare to Necro’s too. I say it should grant resistance, duration depending on how many conditions on the character.
I played the whole Personal Story only once 3 years ago, and even I can still remember Zhaitan’s weakness. It was made very clear…
His weakness was the Sylvari race as a whole, because Sylvari could not be corrupted by Zhaitan.
This part has always stuck to me because I previously made the theory that all Sylvari were minions of Mordremoth, and it somehow turned out to be true. I dont know if the story devs had already planned it, or if they got the idea from my post though
This was a while ago, before Scarlet was even revealed to be working for Mordremoth.
So basically you’re saying all the dragon’s weaknesses are Sylvari?
Because it seems Sylvari is the only race that can connect people into dreams and kill Mordy. And it is also Zhaitan’s weaknesses?
How convenient.
Personally, I’ve been having more success in PvP with Jalis than Shiro. Relatively small sample size thus far, and it may be a matter of playstyle, but it does have the following advantages:
1) CC resistance. RotGD is more expensive than Shiro’s stunbreak, true. However, if you get the RotGD to complete, that’s a benefit that’s almost always worth having, even if you might not have chosen to use your energy that way if it wasn’t being used to break a stun. Riposting Shadows is great if you just want to escape, but if you want to get back into melee afterwards, once you’ve used a gapcloser you’re close to having used 50 energy anyway. On top of that, Jalis can pre-empt through Stability (either through the road, although that probably is overnerfed, or the dodge roll) – particularly useful for securing stomps.
2) Condition removal. The Jalis heal gives you an option to get rid of multiple conditions quickly.
3) Vengeful Hammers. I didn’t like the change to this initially, but I’m definitely warming to it. It doesn’t deal the damage that Impossible Odds does, of course, but if you’re contesting a point, the damage reduction and healing can help a bit (particularly if you’re facing a MM necro or otherwise have large numbers of AI mooks to feed on).
4) Allows other build choices to be more aggressive. While Shiro is probably always going to be better from a pure DPS perspective, the typical Shiro/Glint build tends to rely on a shield to achieve the right balance between offence and defence. A Jalis/Glint build has the inherent survivability that means it can (and possibly should) replace the shield with something more aggressive like an axe (regaining some of the mobility that you lost from not taking Shiro).
On the whole, I’d probably say that Shiro/Glint is the better “roamer”, and will probably move from location to location, win 1v1s, and escape from 1vXs better than the Jalis/Glint setup does. Jalis/Glint, on the other hand, seems to work better in teamfight situations, where you can continue to support your team in both legends, and you have the survivability to withstand the often greater firepower that gets thrown around in a teamfight.
Well actually shiro was guted with the cd on phase travel. Shiro is supposed to be mobility. I’m okay with the fact that spamm phase travel was too strong. But 5 sec cd is too much too and it’s more annoying when you actually see that phase travel bug one time on three… The only interest remaining in shiro for now it’s impossible odds.
I’m running Jalis too now. Sure he is not as tanky as he must do but at last i have 3 condi removal and a bit tanky skill with vengefull hammers. Others skills are situationnal or useless.
I don’t know why the class is actually called revenant. She must be called Herald. Coz herald is just the core class. Others legends are useless compared to Glint and Glint and revenant traitline (for the shield too, best offhand weapon we have) must be used 90% of the time.
Maybe with the grace of the six gods we are going to see changes making core revenant legends and traitline(corruption,redemption and a little retribution) viable. But before one year i really don’t think it’s going to happen. Enjoy Glint guys!
I really think people way underestimate how powerful as a CC skill Jade WInd is. It has a CD of around 10 ((takes 10 seconds to regen 50 energy if you don’t use any other skill), can use it right when you swap to Shiro, and does a long hard CC over a HUGE radius. I never see an AOE CC this strong, this spammable and have such a large radius.
I would like to see a base off-hand weapon, the revenant feels limited at the moment, especially since the new elite would lock us out of the shield.
Main-hand daggers for a new elite would be interesting, since no heavy-armour class can use it currently. It could be a ranged weapon for a ritualist spec.
This actually sounds like an interesting idea!
Using dagger to curse the people from range, doing range condition damage as dagger, summoning dreadful spirits from the mist and aid you in the fight!
So what the dragon best at turns out to be the dragon’s weakness then?
So far both dragons go down in the same type of fashion: killed by their own strength.
Let’s start guessing what’s other 4 dragons best at then.
Maybe Ice will kill Jormag.
Fire would kill Promodius.
Water would kill Bauble.
Crystal will kill Krik.
Sounds logical.
Easy ways to save dungeon:
1. Add the option: Extreme Mode on all the dungeon’s entrance.
2. Extreme Mode has a full list of new achievements
3. Extreme Mode grants EXCLUSIVE new rewards/ currency that are related to NEW legendary weapons. (Maybe a substitute of 90 spirit-wood)
4. Extreme Mode would be nearly as hard as raid in terms of difficulty. Or at least the level of “Heart and Mind” extreme mode.
We do not need to be another Warrior.
We should use something different.
Currently Revenant lacks range main-hand option and non E-spec offhand weapon.
I’d say Anet should add at least one more off-hand that’s not bound to E-spec, and one range one-hand E-spec.
1h ranged wont happen cus we dont have any offhand wep to support it unless they release 2 weps at once with elite spec.
This is the flaw of the Elite-spec.
We would have been able to use shield if not it’s bound to Herald line. I also heard you can only choose 1 E-spec at the time if future E-spec releases.
They either need to create more base-class weapons or change this E-spec restriction entirely.
Lol, no, rev doesnt depend on herald line.
if you really say “depend”, then it’s just as dependent as other classes to their elite specialization@above Invocation isn’t even part of the meta build how can it be required in anyway, meta power build uses retribution..
You seem to be indicating PVP only.
If you take Retribution in PVE, it’s a huge dps and utility lost.
I were once taking Retribution over Invocation, but once I switch it, I can never go back.
The utility and dps difference is just too significant.Oh btw, as for Meta, the Meta PVE Berserker raid build no longer pick up discipline, so your theory of warrior depending on disp is flawed too.
So you are talking about PvE then?
Then tell me which class isn’t forced to take DPS lines when building for DPS, or we can trait for defense still asking for DPS now or something? like which class isn’t forced to take defense line if they want to tank, which class isn’t forced to take healing line if they want to be a healer.
Your logic is just flawed, do you even understand what we talking about as dependency of a class on specific trait line?
like seriously, PVE shouldn’t even be in this kind of conversation, like seriously, i’m able to function properly even traitless in pve, except that DPS lost.
Try taking Herald off any Power build and see how it goes.
It loses dps, utility, mobility, everything.
Even Condition spec need Herald line for the F2.
So Revenant is DEPENDING on Herald to be functional.
Lol, no, rev doesnt depend on herald line.
if you really say “depend”, then it’s just as dependent as other classes to their elite specialization@above Invocation isn’t even part of the meta build how can it be required in anyway, meta power build uses retribution..
You seem to be indicating PVP only.
If you take Retribution in PVE, it’s a huge dps and utility lost.
I were once taking Retribution over Invocation, but once I switch it, I can never go back.
The utility and dps difference is just too significant.
Oh btw, as for Meta, the Meta PVE Berserker raid build no longer pick up discipline, so your theory of warrior depending on disp is flawed too.
It is intentionally being slow because the dps is actually way too high as a range weapon.
It serves as a semi-counter play to other classes.
Regardless of slow speed, it’s still a high dps weapon with LOTS of utility value. (Projectile denial, life leech, evade, range burst)
PS: I’d like to know your gear or trait set-up to see your problem. Hammer dps is by no means low.
My Rev;s hammer can hit up to 4~4.5k per hit, and 6~8.5k with hammer 2.
This damage modifier on average is higher than my LB ranger when you factor in CD.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Well that’s warrior all over again… But you Revs should be grateful for you are forced into only one traitline. We, warriors, were born forced into two traitlines.
But hey, that’s off topic (I don’t know what isn’t though).
Not quite true. Rev is also forced into two traitlines on regular dps build. (which represent of 90% of current Revenants) I’d even argue that dps Rev is forced into THREEE traitlines.
Without Invocation and Herald, the dps spec has too many weaknesses that CANNOT be resolved by any of the utilities. Without Invocation, Rev’s condition removal is extremely limited, and stun-breaker is extremely limited, almost tied to Shiro since Jiro’s stun-breaker is way too costly. You also lose 20% crit chance and 7% damage.
Without Herald, you pretty much lose everything. So this one is no brainer.
Without Devastation, the impact is not as great as the above 2 because it’s only a straight dps lost. But it can still “function” properly without Devastation though, just alot lower dps. So one would argue this line is mandatory too for dps Herald.
How about Druid’s AF is infinite and 0 CD?
How about Revenants’ skills with 0 energy cost?
How about Warrior’s Rage skill is always active/always full?
How about Necro having infinite Life Force?
How about Mesmers clones/phantasms never dies even when pressing shatters?
The list goes on.
Another GS fanatic lol…
For me, I’d ask for a main-hand pistol that shoots out magical bullets. This also gives Revenant option of ONE-HAND range weapon.
Oh for…this again?
1. ArenaNet have NEVER said that the precourser crafting system would be easier or cheaper then the current way, it’s not meant to be easier, it’s meant to be an alternative method of obtaining a precursorIf your going to distill everything down to basic numbers, then fine don’t craft precursors just buy them if it means that much to you, but don’t come on the forums and cry about how precursors are too difficult to obtain, a legendary is not something handed to you,
2. What happened to the FUN? I found crafting my precursor super interesting and compelling, having to create a basic weapon then slowly upgrading and infusing it with various magics and strange items throughout the world
Can we please stop with this “discussion” about how ArenaNet “falsely advertised” (Which they didn’t) and quit demanding the system be changed to make it easier, legendaries are common enough already, and now that a non-RNG system is in the game, people still complain… sheesh, if you don’t like it go play a singleplayer game
I bet you’re filthy rich, and skip all the tedious part by buying everything, then you can have your fun in part 3.
Try not to use gold for once and start gathering 8000 soft woods, 6000 hard woods and call it fun.
Welcome to an MMO, legendary weapons are not some super cheap thing everyone gets as a “thanks for playing”, that’s why they are legendary weapons, as I said, if you don’t like it, you shouldn’t be playing MMO’s
All the MMO I know/played give you TOP GEARS by doing the HARDEST, TOUGHEST contents, TOUGHEST bosses, with TEAM EFFORT.
GW2 ask you to do the most boring stuffs: Logging/Mining for hundred of hours for legendaries. I DO NOT consider this as playing the game, or playing MMO.
Oh for…this again?
1. ArenaNet have NEVER said that the precourser crafting system would be easier or cheaper then the current way, it’s not meant to be easier, it’s meant to be an alternative method of obtaining a precursorIf your going to distill everything down to basic numbers, then fine don’t craft precursors just buy them if it means that much to you, but don’t come on the forums and cry about how precursors are too difficult to obtain, a legendary is not something handed to you,
2. What happened to the FUN? I found crafting my precursor super interesting and compelling, having to create a basic weapon then slowly upgrading and infusing it with various magics and strange items throughout the world
Can we please stop with this “discussion” about how ArenaNet “falsely advertised” (Which they didn’t) and quit demanding the system be changed to make it easier, legendaries are common enough already, and now that a non-RNG system is in the game, people still complain… sheesh, if you don’t like it go play a singleplayer game
I bet you’re filthy rich, and skip all the tedious part by buying everything, then you can have your fun in part 3.
Try not to use gold for once and start gathering 8000 soft woods, 6000 hard woods and call it fun.
I’d not make it easier. I would ask for 5000 currency in HoT contents and 20k badges of honor instead of 100 t7 materials. I’d ask for 10 raid currency too.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
It’s very saddening for me to come to this revelation. I don’t understand what’s going on. Everything that has been implemented since the expansion has completely stabbed everyone in the back. Ascended crafting has practically tripled in cost; we now have to salvage multiple pieces of those pricey gears for a ball of dark energy for a collection or three.
They talk of keeping Legendary stats the same as ascended because they don’t believe in the “new tier of gear,” yet they practically contradict themselves directly by successfully draining gold and items from the economy and then requiring additional gold and items to be spent on gear that has always been available.
Hate to turn this thread into a bash HoT one, so I’ll stop. Thanks four your input, and I’ll know not to look at another precursor collection. I halfway want to drop Colossus but since I’ve already spent this much on it -.-.
Ask yourself WHY the cost tripled. What do you think caused it? Did it just “happen” out of thin air? Did Anet somehow “remove” people able to craft the ascended mats? No? Then what caused the price to triple?
Players did by wanting to rush and be first. Anet added more areas to the game that needs ascended mats (guild halls, precursor crafting) and the supply remained the same. So in a sense, the price tripled mainly because demand for the mats increased, and the supply is drying up. So anet needs to increase the supply in order to start to balance things out.
Until then, I’m just gonna keep selling all my ascended mats and enjoying the liquid gold and buy what I want.
Do you know why the price is tripled?
There’re 2 simple reasons.
One is requiring MASSIVE time-gated materials. Some of them requires up to 100~110 of the same type of time-gated material. It’s a very very cheap way to lock people away from legendaries for 3~4 months, not because of the difficulty and the challenges, but because of the pure time-gate issue.
The second reason is NO-ONE likes to do the boring low level zones for HUNDRED of hours just to gather 30000 worth of woods/ores. That’s why people ended up paying triple of the amount BECAUSE Anet is forcing them to do the most boring/brainless stuffs in game for hundred of hours.
So basically it’s not because of the challenge that push people away from legendaries. Is not because of the effort that push people away from the legendaries. It’s because of this cheap time-gate strategy in addition to asking you NOT to “play the game” for hundred of hours that drive people away from this new precursor crafting (I don’t consider roaming in maps that cause me 0 threat, skipping all mobs and just running around for woods/ores = playing the game)
If they ask for 5000 of currencies from HoT contents or 20000 badge of honors, people would be more willing to do so because it’s more engaging and fun. It’d be a long journey sure, but at least it’s more meaningful than gathering 30000 woods/ores. But instead, it’s all about money and time-gate again.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Such an Epic Journey LOL
Pranked by Anet
It is an Epic journey, Is your definition of epic journey requires no gold, time sink and effort to get complete? Because that’s not epic.
Yeah right, roaming around low level zones that has 0 difficulty, ignoring all the mobs, and gathering woods/ ores for hundred of hours is SO EPIC am I right? Some people who clearly doesn’t know what kind of a joke this precursor crafting is and call it epic really need to go do your research. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
I’m not even exaggerating. The whole journey is asking you not to “play the game” for hundred of hours because they want you to gather 30000 worth of woods or ores.
If it requires raid currency, then I’d call it epic.
I’m more concerned with the high sustain that comes with that type of damage. High damage is fine by me as long as it’s high risk. Unfortunately, Revs get both.
Say hi to condi reapers then.
Lol yeah, they do a kitten ton of damage too, tempests seem to be in the same boat however it’s either pretty much un-killable with some damage or still hard to kill with good burst.
I thought these Elite specs were just supposed to change the way a class played not just make it stronger….I think you misspelled scrapper as tempest.
A good tempest is harder to kill than old D/D.
Checked his forum history. His FIRST post is around 16 days ago.
It means he probably is a new player that only play for around 1 month.
I can understand why you suggest things that you have no idea what you’re talking about now. Play it longer and get better. This idea would not be accepted because it’s so broken.
So you only play a class only in PVE, and only for 1 motnh, and you want this OP changes that’d shatter the whole Meta-scene because it’d make it easier to you?
Sounds about right.
Dragons common weaknesses are their laziness, arrogance, and stupidity.
All of them share these same weaknesses.
If they just work harder and act before other races can react instead of just waiting in their liar doing nothing, Tyria would have fallen ages ago.
As for stupidity, the only reason Mordremoth lost is because for god-know-what reason, Mordremoth wants to CAPTURE Trehearne instead of just killing him like he did to Faleon, and allowed Trehearne to grant connection to Modremoth’s own mind, which would have been imposible if Mordremoth didn’t leave Trehearne alive.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
400g its not a big deal , You spend the most on making 2nd vol. I’ve spent 700g on making vol. 1 and 2 for H.O.P.E. and another 100 g i guess to finish my prec . Its 800g lets say 900 . These are new Legendaries what do you expect? everybody rush to do them the price of mats are growing up fast. I’ve made a mistake i bought every mat i needed when they had the highest price and after 1 day dropped badly. Even the old precursor costs a lot.
Way to show forum people never read the post.
I pretty much agree 99% of your post as a head-start player.
Story is pretty obvious, they rushed out for it and out of time, can’t meet the schedule. That’s why it ended so suddenly, skipping the whole “finding weakness” part.
Also HoT story is a wasted potential since the build up leading to HoT story is so epic.
Anet really does not utilize the concept of Sylvari’s betrayal. They only touch the very surface of it without explaining too much.
Also, this post misses one crucial flaw of HoT: The god-kitten precursor crafting system.
This entire system is a joke and a big gold sink and nothing more. They make such a huge gold sink/time sink only to scare people away so legendaries can keep their scarcity. However, new legendaries are exactly the same as old ones, a huge pile of gold gather into one place. There’s nothing legendary about it.
rage is useless with facet of darkness. go scholar
Rev is heavily connected to fury and as soon as you use the darkness facet as your only Glint Stunbreak (or also for its blind) or Swap legends your Fury is gone within seconds on you and your party
RageRunes make it possible to stack up enough fury to be free to use all your options at any time without panicing about loosing your fury.
Rage > Scholar
Thanks for the advise guys, I went for rage because it was just so kitten cheap it was like 3G and change for a full set. I’ll use those for now until I earn enough G for the runes of strength if it i s THAT much better
it definitively gives some more DPS but not even remotely enough to place >90Gold into it
Not quite true. Fury is the easiest boon to stack, can easily stack well over 26~30 secs even with just Revenant. If there’re other classes giving fury, or multiple Herald, you can always cancel fury to regenerate some energy back then open it again.
The thing is Rev in not Team Fighter but it can win any 1vs1 in the game.
Go away from the main fight you will be much happier….
Not a team fighter when Hammer 2 can easily hit 5 people around 8k?
Not a team fighter when the cleave damage is insanely high?
Ik the lack of high stability skill may hurt, but it still have on deamand stun-break, evade, and block. There’re multiple ways for Rev to negate burst. It’d be perfect if someone else cover up Revenant’s condition weakness by bringing AOE cleanse.
That shield is rarer than legendary shield since Sab is gone for years and not many people able to beat Tribulation mode.
If you want condition removal, don’t play Glint/Shiro.
But the thing is all the other stances are bad at dealing with conditions too. (Except Ventari maybe, which is clunky when used in roaming)
My biggest issue is Mallyx, the supposedly condition manipulation spec of Revenant, does not remove a single condition on himself…
At least one skill on Mallyx need to transfer conditions to the target.
Mallyx Heal need an overhaul.
The new function is, in addition to bonus heal, Mallyx heal now grants 3 seconds of resistance to self, and 2 seconds of bonus duration per condition on yourself.
This would punish people who just mindlessly blow all conditions on Revenant, and instead grant Rev a long duration resistance. This heal can be countered by boon strip, so I wouldn’t call it OP.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
I think in order to fix Sword, the range of sword 5 really need an enhancement.
I’d say 600 is fair. Pulling/ Teleporting a target foe from 600 range to you and dish some damage.
Sword 4 is alright though.
Also I think shield 4 protection duration really need a slight buff.
3.5 seconds are more usable. Currently it’s just too lackluster compare to Guardian’s shield 4.
I LOL so much when you decide to increase sword damage even more, despite it’s already the Top~Top 2 damage weapon in the whole game.
I think part of the problem is that lots of pub players use condi builds, which rev is stupidly weak to unless you kitten yourself with Mallyx. Most of the ESL groups don’t use condi much at all because there are too many counters as a whole. So ESL players can kitten out revs all over the place, but as a pub player you run into all the condi classes which just DoT you down. Quite quickly in the case of any of the major burners.
To answer some of the questions I am running your standard Herald / Shiro build. Have tried many different variations and runes / sigils.
condi ranger / druid build / Mesmer / Guardians are the major classes that literally face roll me. And yes, I may not know the class as well as some players or know how to counter them as well, But I have a fairly good understanding of how they’re played and have no problem beating them on my other toons. Its only a matter of time before I’m simply over whelmed. Or even melted down in a matter of seconds by some…
Or you may stop playing the “Meta Build” and try hammer and some tweaks and find your happy medium. Hammer counters those shiny Ranger/DH roaming around the unorganized pvp scene.
Btw, I think it’s mostly because of how new the class is that some people find it hard to utilizae Revenant. Revenant has actually quite a high skill-floor because it requires you to control your energy source and click skills /swap stances very quickly. Most of their defenses are active defense rather than passive, so you have to time it right for your numerous evade/block/heal.