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Done playing Rev.

in Revenant

Posted by: Aomine.5012


LMAO.. You must be doing something wrong.

Revenant has some of the highest burst in game, in addition to many tools to negate burst. The 10 CD stun-break and on demand quickness is a nice bonus too.

I've enjoyed H.O.P.E till 4th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Attaching it to Lyssa failing is like asking people not to kill Tequatl. Won’t happen if there is any sort of decent population on the map.

Same goes to asking people to stop blinding Shatterers.

I once asked people to stop blinding on Shatterer so I can get hit by x attack, and those childish kids start saying: “Everyone keeps blinding!” while laughing at me and mocking me for asking.

Why Anet design their quest that way is beyond me. They never play their own game, and only play in their perfect world of their own server.

Not everybody know about those stuff. Few days ago while doing the Shatterer, someone asked us not to blind. I was like uh? Why not? That person never explained.

It wasn’t until yesterday I caught some forum post related to why some people don’t want Shatterer blinded I finally understood why.

I’m sure as time goes on, more of the playerbase will become familiar with this situation. However, I do agree it’s strange of Anet to do this because yes there are trolls who will deliberately do what you don’t want them to do; there’s always someone who don’t know why; and I’m sure some people have traits set up so they’d blind occasionally.

If it was for a controlled environment such as a dungeon where you can form up a party with people who will cooperate with you, I’d understand those requirements but in an open instance filled with random people and strangers? No.

I did explain and they’re still laughing, saying who cares.

Ironically next few runs I stop asking them to stop, and I see less blind on Shatterers and got the item I need.

Here goes the GW2’s community. Pfft.

Legendary precursor journey is a joke....[Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


In the end the thought process seems obvious to me. The reason for the expense is less about current trends on TP, but more about the future of Legendaries. They want future legendary weapons to have both time investment and gold cost. Those future ones (like Nevermore) cannot be traded and don’t drop from anything so the cost is something baked into the collection. In the end, they wanted/needed the old legendary collections to use the same formula as the new ones so it made sense.

I’m sure you’ve realized that all the collections follow the same basic roadmap. This roadmap needed to be consistent between old and new legendaries, so what we got makes perfect sense. They did an ok job matching the price fairly well with the TP, but honestly I think that was purely a secondary concern.

New ones only need to be consistent with other new ones.

There’s no reasonable explanation as to why Anet want new legendaries to compete with the old ones despite they’re untradable.

Scribing 400 World First?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Anet should add in much more things for us to craft…

Currently this one is incomplete and very unreasonable.

I've enjoyed H.O.P.E till 4th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Attaching it to Lyssa failing is like asking people not to kill Tequatl. Won’t happen if there is any sort of decent population on the map.

Same goes to asking people to stop blinding Shatterers.

I once asked people to stop blinding on Shatterer so I can get hit by x attack, and those childish kids start saying: “Everyone keeps blinding!” while laughing at me and mocking me for asking.

Why Anet design their quest that way is beyond me. They never play their own game, and only play in their perfect world of their own server.

Chak Gerent success is down to RNG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Nouche line is not that bad.
People just always FAIL to kill mobs near spore so Sport could respawn.

SCAR, on the other hand, have bigger issue of killing.
The cannon ALWAYS break Gerent’s bar and break his channel, WHILE not applying bonus damage to him after the bar is broken, unlike other lanses.
SCAR is by far the line that failed to kill Gerent the most.

LFG system abuse

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’ve noticed that the “Looking For Group” system is being abused on a grand scale.

Many people use it for a completely different purpose than to find a group of others to form a party with in order to pursue a common goal in the game.

People use it to find map instances. I know, it’s disgusting behavior! What drives these people? Have they no shame? I’d report them all if it wasn’t so widespread; I’d be reporting people all day, I don’t have the time for that.

I talked to a few of them, and they told me they do it because the game doesn’t have a good map selection system. Well, of course, exploiters always have an excuse ready. It’s intolerable. Something needs to be done about this.

So finding people with common goals to beat a tough Meta-Event or otherwise the Meta could fail is disgusting to you? Some people really have the most twisted logic.

Competitive Mastery Points!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


They could be something more beneficial rather than combat oriented.

1st tier: Gain 10% more pvp track progression per match
2nd tier: Gain 10% more gold per match.
3rd tier: Unlock a special area that allow people to craft in Heart of the Mist.
4th tier: Gain 15% more pvp track progression per match.
5th tier: Unlock new and exclusive PVP reward tracks that you can choose to complete, with new skins that are only available this way.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Revenant Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’ve been playing GW2 since release and could never settle on a main, and when revenant came out I was really excited about it since I love the archetype, but even tho I have a lot of fun playing the class, I’m utterly disappointed.

It feels like the class is still in beta, and definetly not what I would expect from arenanet in terms of polishing. The whole expansion is incredibly well done (except maybe for the rushed story at the end) and even herald is in a good spot, but base revenant feels completely broken.

Disregarding the numerous bugs, revenant has too few weapon options for a class locked in pre-defined utility kits, not all legends even have stunbreakers in them, ways to deal with conditions are lacking, options for condition builds are lacking since we literally only have 1 condition weapon, staff skills feel completely random and disconnected from each other, underwater combat was lazily done and this is just what I can remember from the top of my head.

Even if Jalis/Ventari feel a bit underwhelming right now, they could be in a good place with just a few buffs, and probably mallyx too despite losing a bit of its personality from betas.

Anyway, what really worries me is the fact that we actually have some working builds and I dont want to see some buffs/nerfs and the problem scratched under the rug, revenant needs more options in the condition department, staff needs a focus and underwater combat with 2 legends and 2 weapon skills (since 3/4/5 are pointless) simply won’t do.

tl:dr – Really loved what revenant has to offer, but class feels incomplete and even lazy in some points and only buffs and nerfs won’t solve it, imo.

Underwater 4 can teleport to target and 5 is an AOE crowd control with some damage.
Why do you think they’re pointless?

However, I do agree not being able to use Glint in water is rather strange..
I bet the prime reason is they’re too lazy to make an underwater version of Facet of Elemental active skill. The other skills seem fine to be used under-water.

Seriously, just change the active effect to something simple, like remove boons or something and get over it Anet/
There’s no reason Herald can’t compel with underwater.

Herald runes. how are they so expensive!!?

in Revenant

Posted by: Aomine.5012


They are that expensive because you cannot make them. People are getting them by extracting the rune from account bound gear that you get from either sorry or spec unlock, I forget which

I tried and the gear granted by specialization can not be salvaged.

Have you looked at the other class forums?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Have you read the patched note?

Berserker got a huge revamp, making it Warior’s top dps spec.
Druid got a total of 4 HUGE nerfs since HoT.

Some forum people will cry about everything, that their class is so bad/ignored despite getting everything. Those people can hardly be taken seriously.

As for Druid, there’re PROOF that we’re being continually nerfed/ abused.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


It was never meant to make legendaries cheaper anyway.

Because that’s what we’ve been asking for since launch and what they should have delivered.

No, that’s not what “we” have been asking for — only some people wanted it. Most people asked for a way to get precursors that didn’t depend on saving a lot of money or getting lucky. Some thought that meant that the process would be cheaper; a lot did not.

Moreover, it’s only hellishly expensive now because the materials used are in high demand and low supply, because everyone and their sister is trying to worth on the same collections.

As in any economy, those in a rush to be first to get new shinies should expect to spend more, often a lot more. Those who are willing to wait will spend much less. (Although whether that’s less than pre-HoT prices remains to be seen.)

Keep on repeating that same statement over and over again and nothing will change.

Anet will be releasing new legendaries every 3 months as they claimed, and they’d still be asking all this “100 Deldrimor this”, “90 Spirit Wood that”, and market will still be chaotic every time the new legendaries released. Even guild hall upgrading is using the same material, and ask for EVEN LARGER quantaty.

So how long do you expect the market to be stable, when they keep on adding this sink again and again and again and not changing the supply, or not changing the formula of this stupid crafting system?

2 years?
By the time no-one play this game?

Quit being delusional. The market will never heal, or takes too long to heal from this if Anet still continue this process and change nothing. Things will only get worse, not better, because there’d be more legendaries to come, and the max level of Guild Hall is 99, which is an infinite amount of material/gold sink. We have been hoping new precursors share a different formula from the old ones so they don’t compete with each other, but clearly this does not happen.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Reclaimed metal plates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


You get one every time you open the box next to Zinn’s Print-o-Matic in Rata Novus.
Just answer 10 questions correctly and you are rewarded.

I opened it 3 times, all 3 times with Glyphic Weapons.

Are you sure is the right one?

Reclaimed metal plates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I also found my answer too.

The most reliable way of getting Reclaimed Ticket is through doing PVP.

The Magmus Fall reward track gives a reclaimed ticket at the end of reward track, and it is the only new reward track that is repeatable.

Tbh, I’m more relieved now. At least doing PVP is more enjoyable than farming RNG chests.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


It’s a plenty fair point because the price of a precursor on the TP tends to be variable; therefore, saving gold to buy your precursor is NOT a pre-defined goal.

But so are the prices of materials, so the costs of the Precursor Crafting also fluctuate over time.

Again, the “this is an alternate method of earning them” argument would fly IF it was all through activities and account bound materials, NOT through processes that involve tons of TPable mats.

First I haven’t seen any proof that mathematically it costs more flat gold to craft a precursor and even if it did, I would much rather go on an interesting journey where I have to explore the world and slowly refine this weapon as opposed to just dropping a bunch of gold on the trading post and getting it, the precursor crafting system as far as I’ve seen is cheaper then just buying it, and even if if isn’t that much cheaper, making a precursor is just much more interesting and dare I say “fun”

I would love to do the “fun” parts of crafting the precursor, but unfortnately large chunks of it are gated behind dumping hundreds of gold into the void. Again, people are not complaining about the tasks required, they are complaining about the gold required.

And dev is going to say that 101 answer of:
“The market is fluctuating, so ofc the price would be high. Give it some time and the economy would eventually be stable again.”

Irrelevant response. The pricing issues are still their fault because they attached the price to complete it to market goods in the first place. You should never require market goods to produce a Precursor via crafting, or at least not in significant amounts.

If you want to craft The Legend, it should require AT MOST, the amount of wood and metal that it would take to craft ONE Ascended staff. That’s it. Ideally it would only require enough to produce one Exotic staff, since that’s all you get anyway. All other materials should be account-bound stuff that you earn by doing various activities in the world.

If they absolutely must include a gold cost, and I really reject that on principle, then the gold costs should be entirely player->NPC, hardlocked prices, like Icy Runestones and Elonian Wine. They should not be items you can buy or sell on the TP. From an economic perspective that seems win-win to me, since instead of being only a 15% gold sink in TP fees, it’d be a 100% gold sink for every item purchased.

There is absolutely no reason that a single staff should take enough wooden planks to construct a log fort, or a sword enough metal to build a battleship.

Calm down dude, you’re losing your mind.

Read my post carefully.
I AM criticizing this system.
I AM criticizing the developers’ decision.

Reclaimed metal plates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


The rare versions are easy to farm if you have multiple alts and know what you should be farming to get them.

Hint – It’s not mobs.

I just opened like 150 Airship Cargo and didn’t get a single reclaimed weapon at all.
Not even blue/green ones.

Can you please just tell us what we should farm?

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


First I haven’t seen any proof that mathematically it costs more flat gold to craft a precursor and even if it did, I would much rather go on an interesting journey where I have to explore the world and slowly refine this weapon as opposed to just dropping a bunch of gold on the trading post and getting it, the precursor crafting system as far as I’ve seen is cheaper then just buying it, and even if if isn’t that much cheaper, making a precursor is just much more interesting and dare I say “fun”

Mathematical proof:

Current lowest Sell order: 950
Current lowest Buy order: 850
Current cost to Craft: 1656

Completely insane.

And dev is going to say that 101 answer of:
“The market is fluctuating, so ofc the price would be high. Give it some time and the economy would eventually be stable again.”

Then they release more legendaries every 3 months, that require the same 90~100 Deldrimor/ Spirit-Wood and fluctuate the price again.

So tell me, any dev, if you’re even here, how long is the market going to be stabled then?
2 more years? By the time no-one play this game anymore?

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


First I haven’t seen any proof that mathematically it costs more flat gold to craft a precursor and even if it did, I would much rather go on an interesting journey where I have to explore the world and slowly refine this weapon as opposed to just dropping a bunch of gold on the trading post and getting it, the precursor crafting system as far as I’ve seen is cheaper then just buying it, and even if if isn’t that much cheaper, making a precursor is just much more interesting and dare I say “fun”

Feel free to start your interesting journey, like RIGHT NOW.

It’s not interesting at all. It’s just a grocery list of buy this and that.
There’s not even a story behind it because most objective is like do this/buy this from a npc and move on.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


People are irrational to think precursor crafting was ever meant to be cheap precursors.

And people are irrational to craft the precursors right now because it’d be twice the cost of buying it on TP.

People are irrational to believe Anet would make the economy right.

People are irrational to have faith in Anet, that effort will pay off, but in reality, gold still dictates everything.

HOPE IV collection bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Those of you having issues with the Karka Queen might not be tagging her properly. Only the first X number of players to hit a monster will qualify for kill credit and loot. If you aren’t seeing an XP gain once her shell is broken, then you tagged the Karka Queen too late and won’t get loot from her corpse, and possibly not progress for this collection either.

If you’ve ever wondered why sometimes you can kill a champion enemy in a huge crowd of players but don’t get the champ bag drop you know it has, that’s why. You’re arriving too late once the max number of tags have been made. It’s a bug that’s existed forever and unfortunately has never been acknowledged..

That theory is only 20% correct.

The real issue is the scaling vs % of HP damaged.

First few players hit Karka when the scaling is very low, resulting in bigger percentage of toal HP they cut compare to other players, who then have Karka Queens HP scaled up by at least 50 times. Obviously you can’t really do 50 times more damage than other players, so your damage will then be too low to receive the kill credit.

Reclaimed metal plates

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


using mystic salvage kit for that, for the reason that my guess is the plates are considered a rare drop like ectoplasm

It’s much rarer than Ecto yknow.

Plus the “rare version” of reclaimed weapon, I NEVER see it dropped from mobs.

Maybe they’re exclusively in chests.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Such as what? The cost was more or less in line with what someone else found which was just over 600G.

Just because you chose to buy the time-gated materials at their sell order prices doesn’t mean that it’s more expensive to craft.

1) I based my calculations on the crafting cost, not the TP cost.
2) From an economic point of view, crafting vs buying time-gated materials makes next to no difference. If you craft them all yourself you save money. If you buy them off TP it costs more, but you can sell all the time-gated materials you craft (and now don’t have to use for precursor crafting since you already bought those) for the exact same price difference (-15% taxes).
3) The reddit post you link to is 19 days old. Back then it WAS profitable to craft instead of buying, since there still was a pre-HoT surplus of materials on the market. Notice how I mentioned crafting The Legend shortly after expansion launch and saving money?

Since then prices have roughly doubled for most materials, so it is no longer possible to save money by crafting most precursors. The price for crafting Zap i calculated several days ago was 1100g by the way. Feel free to prove me wrong using today’s material prices.

1) Then you did something wrong in your calculations. I looked at the materials that make up the core cost of crafting a precursor and they do not come close to 1,100 gold unless you use the cost of buying the time-gated materials directly off the TP.

2) Actually it does make a large difference and I’m incredibly surprised that you don’t understand that. It almost makes me wonder if you even did the calculations yourself. You do realize that crafting something like deldrimor ingot and then selling it at the buy order price still yields a profit, right? You’re completely ignoring that there’s a profit margin for some of the ascended materials simply because they are time-gated and people are impatient.

3) We go back to my original post.

You stated that it was wrong. I asked you to show how but instead you ignored that and started arguing about the links and how they were 19 days old.

Hey, stop all these NS theory crafting and start crafting precursors yourself by buying all the TP materials and prove us wrong already ok?

If you find it profitable, go ahead, show me a screenshot of you buy all the materials off TP and then craft it. Do those that exculsively use ores or woods, which is like 90~100 of each t7 materials. If you refuse to do it, it means you’re just spreading NS that even you yourself wouldn’t consider using, and completely contradict yourself.

Price level changes, so we use the price level of the current materials. I can say that back then precursors are 50g, so should I use the price level of 50g for precursors?

Wood Farming for Nevermore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I made a dozen ascended weapons by mining and cutting wood all by myself. It can be done for a legendary, too, it you do not want to throw 1,500g at the trading post. See it as a long term goal.

Also you’re not really “playing” the game if you’re just mindlessly roaming in boring low level map logging like bots and Chinese slaves workers. You’re better than this.

Why do some people always think that their playstyle is superior what other do ?
I could also write that it is totally mindless to just follow the herd in other maps
just like a mindless sheep.

The most efficient way of gathering woods is ignoring every possible mobs and events, running in a circle looking for woods. You call that not mindless? Plus lv1~60 maps are a joke that pose no threat at all while running around, so they can easily be ignored.

There’s not even rich woods like rich ores to begin with. Taking 200~300% longer to get woods than getting ores.

Ok then, be it your way. Hope you enjoy that logging.

First i also mostly farm rich iron and platinum veins, that are often gurarded
by veterans, also finding a good route where you get the most ressources in
the shortest time needs maybe still more brain than mindlessly following
just a commander tag.

Also for rich node :
Iron can give 1-2 per swing thats mostly 12-15
gold, silver, platinum give only 1 per swing so thats normally 10
and then there are the 1-3 bonus swings you can always have from WvW bonus.

Guarded by vets that can either ignore or easily face-rolled with 1111 and die in 5 seconds.

For Iron ores I’m pretty sure the average is 16.
I collected 70% of iron ores myself for Zap, so pretty sure.

Logic behind making asc. mats more demanded

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


There is lots of logic behind it because if you think about it, most people don’t need ascended and the cost barrier is a way to get people to rethink and break out of their “new gear, must get” MMO thinking so embedded in gamers from decades of other MMO’s. Plus, I got no problem profiting off of people wanting to get ascended gear, needed or not. It’s actually a great way to get lower level players/newer players some gold as well.

The only logic from this system is it encourages people to use real life money → buy gems → convert to gold. That’s the only thing Anet cares anyway. Gem store item is a tiny fraction of income compare to this.

Wood Farming for Nevermore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


The most efficient way of gathering woods is ignoring every possible mobs and events, running in a circle looking for woods. You call that not mindless? Plus lv1~60 maps are a joke that pose no threat at all while running around, so they can easily be ignored.

There’s not even rich woods like rich ores to begin with. Taking 200~300% longer to get woods than getting ores.

Ok then, be it your way. Hope you enjoy that logging.

I kill everything on the way- there was a time where I also did map completion by farming. And I loathe champ trains. But as I said in other posts directed to you – if you chose to not do node farming but other stuff in game you roughly get the same amount of gold the wood/metal is worth. Depends on what you’re doing – I guess those who currently try raids have it worse.

And your “no rich wood nodes” has got a flaw: wood usually is packed at several spots – so they “are basically rich nodes” and they respawn every 30-45 (not sure) minutes – rich nodes don’t, they take 24 hours.

1. Rich ores can be farmed by different characters. 9 alts with full wp unlocked is not a rare thing consider this game has been out for 3 years.

2. Each rich ores usually contain 16~18 ores, and they’re in fixed location.

3. Rich ores cycle takes only 15~20 minutes, netting around 180 ores per character.

4. Frankly, woods take MORE materials per component despite being harder to get.


Anyway, I already answered the OP’s question while you guys are being off-topic and arguing for the sake of arguing while not helping OP at all. You can keep on pin-pointing me, doesn’t matter. The female developer who create all these mess must be laughing at us right now while reading all these threads of people suffering because of this messed-up system.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Wood Farming for Nevermore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’m going to copy-paste my previous post.

“On my fastest fastest character (perma 33% walk speed, staff/ GS Druid), it took me 45 minutes to gather 200 soft wood.

I need 8000 soft woods for 100 Spirit Woods, that’s like 30 hours.
Then I need 6000 Hard Woods, that’d be 22.5 hours.
Then I need 3000 Season woods, that’s like 11.25 hrs.
Then I need 15000 Elder Woods, that’s like 56.25 hrs.
Total time of logging: 120 hours."

Long term goal involving roaming in low level boring, threatless zones for 100 hours, logging woods 24/7. You’d never get the materials yourself by playing real contents such as HoT maps, raids, fractals, WvW, PvP if you don’t buy them.

Pretty convenient then that all the wood can be gathered in wvw as well, as the maps offer all tiers of nodes.
As a wvw player, he also wouldnt need to neccesarily log all the elder wood as he gets enough blues/greens from kills to salvage.

If you do it in WvW, you’d probably spend like 5~10 times more hours due to lack of woods that you can actually gather. Plus you’re not being productive at all in WvW if you just constantly searching for woods.

Btw, you already show a screenshot of buying all the woods on TP yourself. Why bother responding to this? It’s not like you’re going to gather woods yourself since you’re so rich.

Wood Farming for Nevermore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’m going to copy-paste my previous post.

“On my fastest fastest character (perma 33% walk speed, staff/ GS Druid), it took me 45 minutes to gather 200 soft wood.

I need 8000 soft woods for 100 Spirit Woods, that’s like 30 hours.
Then I need 6000 Hard Woods, that’d be 22.5 hours.
Then I need 3000 Season woods, that’s like 11.25 hrs.
Then I need 15000 Elder Woods, that’s like 56.25 hrs.
Total time of logging: 120 hours."

Long term goal involving roaming in low level boring, threatless zones for 100 hours, logging woods 24/7. You’d never get the materials yourself by playing real contents such as HoT maps, raids, fractals, WvW, PvP if you don’t buy them.

There goes the immersion and long-term goal.

Additional Info: Spirit Wood cost 15g~ to buy on TP right now.
You’d need to spend 1500g if you can’t be bother to waste 120 hours on logging.

New legendaries are exactly the same as old legendaries: A toy that are made for “rich casuals”, whether to buy with gold people exploited in market, or gold traded from real money. There’s no skills/immersion involved because you can buy 95% of the material from TP for the new legendaries. It is a tool Anet used to scam people into wasting real life money to buy in-game gold.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

So Many Scrub Legendary Champs on the Loose

in PvP

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Well, if you see Champion Brawler, then you can really admire his skill level

Heads up about Spirits (noticed 11/17 patch)

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Posted this in the bugs forum, but this should be noted here- spirits currently prioritize minions and pets and turrets and even other spirits over players.

If you use both Frost and Sun Spirit, your spirits will at max buff 2 other players, 3 including you, instead of 5 players.

If your Engi summons a gyro or turret, it will receive buff priority over players.

If your Reaper uses “Rise”, the bone minions receive priority over players.


As a result, Sun Spirit is still okay, because burns are burns (apart from the occasional non-attacking gyro or turret receiving the buff), but Frost Spirit is currently almost useless.

Yeah, I can see Anet trying to sneakily destroy ranger bit by bit from inside out with these nerfs after nerfs post HoT. Irene also disappeared at the same time right after HoT launches for over a month.

This is getting really obvious yknow, Anet.

Tribal Armors (Anet please!)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Tribute Armor set is SO NICE on my Norn


New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


And it costs around 1300g to craft the full precursor ravenswood staff atm because spiritwood already went down to 10g on buy order.

The new pistol pre costs between 350-550g, depending on if you use buy orders or buy directly.

If those are the prices just for the precursors, how much does it cost to make the final legendary?

I cant give you correct numbers atm as didnt update the other 3 gifts to craft the legendary but i can give you estimates.

The first gift is the mystic tribute:

  • 250 mystic coins
  • 77 mystic clovers
  • 2 gifts of condensed might
  • 2 gifts of condensed magic

Its basically just like the old gift of fortune with the difference that you dont need a full stack of each fine t6 mat but only 200 and you need an additional 500 each t5 and 100 each t4 and t3 fine mats.

I didnt calculate but i would estimate that the price for the 50 t6 mats you need less equals the value of the t3-t5 mats needed. I attached a screenshot of the shopping list for the old gift of fortune, which is about 600g atm. But that shopping list doesnt consider all the mats you get back while forging mystic clovers, so the overall costs will probably be more like 400g. But for the new legendaries, you also need to buy 8 new recipes, at least for the first one you craft, which are 10g each, so lets say mystic tribute will cost around 500g, plus 480k karma (unless you farm your obsi shards another way) and 136 spirit shards.

The 3rd thing you need is the gift of maguuma mastery:

  • Gift of maguuma (map completion in all 4 new maps)
  • Gift of insights (masteries maxed, plus 800 each new map currency and 3g)
  • Bloodstone shard (200 spirit shards)
  • 250 crystalline ingot (shopping list in 2nd attachment, 250g worth of tradeable mats and a bunch of account bound mats, 250 each obsi shards, ley line sparks, auric dust, airship oil and crystalline ore)

The last forge ingredient is gift of nevermore:

  • Gift of the mist (250 each shards of glory and memories of battle, (would cost 50g on tp atm), 500 badges of honor, 1 ball of dark energy (salvaged from asc gear) and 75 stabilizing matrixes (30g)
  • 100 icy runestones (100g) vendor
  • gift of the raven spirit (10g) vendor

The last ingredient is unknown but for the new legendary pistol HOPE its gift of wood, which would be another 120g for the mats and 10g for the recipe, if yo udont have it yet.

So thats about 1.1k gold in tradeable mats for the other gifts, 2.4k gold for the whole legendary atm. which is quite in line with old popular 2h legendaries.

Thank you for posting this summary. 2,400 gold is less than I figured it would be. I mean, it’s still a lot of gold, but it’s not as bad as I was thinking. I really like the look of the pistol and this helps give me an idea of what is involved in the new legendary process.

The other parts of legendaries I’m well-awared, and I ACTUALLY think it’s fine.

I tried to do events for map bonuses, or use laurel or even open bags I got from HoT maps

I got Mystic Coins naturally too from doing old dailies.
I got pvp Tokens from doing pvp regularly.
I got wvw tokens from doing wvw regularly.
I got enough Ectos myself from salvaging rares.

And I ALREADY have around 180 t6 blood WITHOUT SPENDING A SINGLE COIN.
I also do not feel grindy because I’m doing lots of events. Some of them I actually haven’t done it before even after 3 years of playing, which I feel refreshed when I see them.

But when I see that I need 8000 soft woods and 6000 hard woods, I feel so unreasonable because we don’t normally get them if you don’t play like robot in low level zones roaming around for woods.

What is wrong with just buying the wood on the tp then from the loot you get from the content you like to play?

NO low level maps involved, no robotics involved.

Sigh, someone clearly don’t get the point because they’re too rich.

Can’t you see I try to WORK for my legendaries without revolving around too much about TP and gold? Isn’t that the PURPOSE of precursor crafting?

However, 100 Spirit Woods completely destroy that purpose and just add in time-gate or excessive gold gate on new legendaries and nothing more.

Anyway, not going to reasoning with you anymore. We already know you’re too rich to bother about price.

The dragon stand event

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’m still a bit noob with this event, but I understand the basics. What I don’t understand is, why don’t we try to kill all the mobs in the blighted tower part after we kill the Preserver?

They keep spawning and it gets increasingly difficult to get to the next preserver. I’m the one that has trouble getting through the throngs of mobs after the preserver is killed. Any tips?

I never target mobs, only the preserver. But after a few preservers, there are more and more mobs. Would it take so long to kill them all?

Because the timer of preserver respawn time is very delicate.

Usually is EXACTLY one circle rotation before the next one in the same location spawned again.

If you stay for mobs for even 5 additional seconds, it’d be too late for next preservers, and boss will revive and you have to start over again.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

do they not want us to play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I find it highly unlikely that you’re experiencing true DR, based on what has been said about DR in the past.

Map Bonus have a very quick DR threshhold.. I usually hit it in half an hour and start getting less and less map bonus.

I’m curious. How do you know when you receive one of the Map Bonus Rewards items? As far as I know, they just drop into your inventory with no special ID.

Without DR. It takes exactly 2 events to get one map reward.

With DR, it takes 4~8 depending on your DR level.

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


And it costs around 1300g to craft the full precursor ravenswood staff atm because spiritwood already went down to 10g on buy order.

The new pistol pre costs between 350-550g, depending on if you use buy orders or buy directly.

If those are the prices just for the precursors, how much does it cost to make the final legendary?

I cant give you correct numbers atm as didnt update the other 3 gifts to craft the legendary but i can give you estimates.

The first gift is the mystic tribute:

  • 250 mystic coins
  • 77 mystic clovers
  • 2 gifts of condensed might
  • 2 gifts of condensed magic

Its basically just like the old gift of fortune with the difference that you dont need a full stack of each fine t6 mat but only 200 and you need an additional 500 each t5 and 100 each t4 and t3 fine mats.

I didnt calculate but i would estimate that the price for the 50 t6 mats you need less equals the value of the t3-t5 mats needed. I attached a screenshot of the shopping list for the old gift of fortune, which is about 600g atm. But that shopping list doesnt consider all the mats you get back while forging mystic clovers, so the overall costs will probably be more like 400g. But for the new legendaries, you also need to buy 8 new recipes, at least for the first one you craft, which are 10g each, so lets say mystic tribute will cost around 500g, plus 480k karma (unless you farm your obsi shards another way) and 136 spirit shards.

The 3rd thing you need is the gift of maguuma mastery:

  • Gift of maguuma (map completion in all 4 new maps)
  • Gift of insights (masteries maxed, plus 800 each new map currency and 3g)
  • Bloodstone shard (200 spirit shards)
  • 250 crystalline ingot (shopping list in 2nd attachment, 250g worth of tradeable mats and a bunch of account bound mats, 250 each obsi shards, ley line sparks, auric dust, airship oil and crystalline ore)

The last forge ingredient is gift of nevermore:

  • Gift of the mist (250 each shards of glory and memories of battle, (would cost 50g on tp atm), 500 badges of honor, 1 ball of dark energy (salvaged from asc gear) and 75 stabilizing matrixes (30g)
  • 100 icy runestones (100g) vendor
  • gift of the raven spirit (10g) vendor

The last ingredient is unknown but for the new legendary pistol HOPE its gift of wood, which would be another 120g for the mats and 10g for the recipe, if yo udont have it yet.

So thats about 1.1k gold in tradeable mats for the other gifts, 2.4k gold for the whole legendary atm. which is quite in line with old popular 2h legendaries.

Thank you for posting this summary. 2,400 gold is less than I figured it would be. I mean, it’s still a lot of gold, but it’s not as bad as I was thinking. I really like the look of the pistol and this helps give me an idea of what is involved in the new legendary process.

The other parts of legendaries I’m well-awared, and I ACTUALLY think it’s fine.

I tried to do events for map bonuses, or use laurel or even open bags I got from HoT maps

I got Mystic Coins naturally too from doing old dailies.
I got pvp Tokens from doing pvp regularly.
I got wvw tokens from doing wvw regularly.
I got enough Ectos myself from salvaging rares.

And I ALREADY have around 180 t6 blood WITHOUT SPENDING A SINGLE COIN.
I also do not feel grindy because I’m doing lots of events. Some of them I actually haven’t done it before even after 3 years of playing, which I feel refreshed when I see them.

But when I see that I need 8000 soft woods and 6000 hard woods, I feel so unreasonable because we don’t normally get them if you don’t play like robot in low level zones roaming around for woods.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


In GW2, cosmetic = end-game contents. So if gold can get you 95% of legendary weapon, then it’s a form of pay to win.

I think you greatly underestimate the amount of account bound stuff needed to craft a new legendary.

I’m well aware yknow.
250 Crystaline Ore, and 800 of each currency is NOTHING compare to 100 spirit woods. We get them NATURALLY from PLAYING the game.

Mining and Logging aimlessly across the world in those threatless/brainless zones, to me, is not playing a game. It’s only a core. It’s like bots. It’s like Chinese slave worker doing repetitive things that do not require thinking and interaction.

To me I’d value doing real game contents over mining/logging 10000% of the time.
I rather win raids 100 times over logging materials enough for 100 spirit woods. (Which also could easily take over 100+ hours)

It’s arguably more difficult, but that’s what makes it legendary, not just a pile of gold that are used only to satisfy “rich casuals”

Ah, so getting the new legendaries isnt hard enough for you?

Again, read the op, this isnt what this thread is about, its about new legendaries being out of reach for semi casuals.
What other long term goal you want for the casuals then?

You know, the ones this game was designed for?

Yeah, I think all the other materials I see are fair because there’re numerous methods to obtain them.

Even the rare t6 materials are easy to get now from map bonus now by just doing events across the world, which is more enjoyable than mining/logging.

The 100 Spirit Woods is the only part that’s 100% unreasonable because it fores you to either spend excessive money on TP, or make you play like a robot, a slave for hundred of hours, doing mindless logging.

Logging isnt the only way to obtain wood and ore. You can just do events that spawn lots of mobs and salvage the weapons you get.

And the magic here is they only give t5 woods on lv80 characters.
They never give low tier materials because of Anet’s bad system.

Before you say anything, I have ELEVEN lv80 characters.
Don’t tell me to create new alts and fight those boring/ threatless mobs in old zones again.

I MAY actually afford the logging IF they release this material sink since Day 1 of the game, because I can actually get them naturally by playing noob alts.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Anyone who starts crafting a precursor now is either too rich to care, or too oblivious to realize he is gonna lose a lot of money by crafting instead of buying. You are essentially paying a few hundred gold for a minimal amount of lore and story at this point.

So, just out of curiosity, how long do you think it will be before crafting material prices come down and it would be more reasonable to consider making a precursor?

At least a year.

New legendaries would be releasing every 3 months, all of them competing the same Woods and Ores. The only difference is this time there’s no supply from Mystic Forge, so those materials are actually essential. The price will only get worse, not better.
(Just imagine what’d happen to the ore prices when new legendary GS is out. Just imagine it for a moment!)

And Anet will still be watching us over that high Ivory Tower, laughing at its citizens while grabbing more and more money from desperate people who give-in and use real money to buy in-game gold. (gem conversion)

(edited by Aomine.5012)

do they not want us to play the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I find it highly unlikely that you’re experiencing true DR, based on what has been said about DR in the past.

Map Bonus have a very quick DR threshhold.. I usually hit it in half an hour and start getting less and less map bonus.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


They put items in the game knowing the strain it will put on the economy, if they had planned a little differently, this could have been so much better.

Better for Anet or better for the player saying it could be better? John is balancing for YEARS of game play, not months. And he’s not balancing it for players so much as the requirements he has to get the in-game economy where he determines it needs to be.

Likewise, seeing the devisation they caused, they can now make little adjustments to even the balance… and that’s all I’m asking for.

To use a word like “devastation” regarding an economy in a video game explains why some have this expectation for something that is not realistic while balancing for years, not months.

No, they changed their mind-set entirely when it comes to “balancing the economy”

Now they want to make everything expensive as hell, yet cut out all the gold reward from Dungeon/ Fractal.

Can’t you see the direction they’re taking? They want to encourage people to spend gems for in game gold more and MORE because they’re getting desperate. Any logical person can see this trend. You’re blinding yourself if you don’t see it.

Balancing around economy for years? So causing a 100%~200% inflation in 1~2 day, you call that expert in economy? Yes, maybe this is entirely intentional, but ones can’t help to think that their intention is entirely base on enormous GREED.

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


In GW2, cosmetic = end-game contents. So if gold can get you 95% of legendary weapon, then it’s a form of pay to win.

I think you greatly underestimate the amount of account bound stuff needed to craft a new legendary.

I’m well aware yknow.
250 Crystaline Ore, and 800 of each currency is NOTHING compare to 100 spirit woods. We get them NATURALLY from PLAYING the game.

Mining and Logging aimlessly across the world in those threatless/brainless zones, to me, is not playing a game. It’s only a core. It’s like bots. It’s like Chinese slave worker doing repetitive things that do not require thinking and interaction.

To me I’d value doing real game contents over mining/logging 10000% of the time.
I rather win raids 100 times over logging materials enough for 100 spirit woods. (Which also could easily take over 100+ hours)

It’s arguably more difficult, but that’s what makes it legendary, not just a pile of gold that are used only to satisfy “rich casuals”

Ah, so getting the new legendaries isnt hard enough for you?

Again, read the op, this isnt what this thread is about, its about new legendaries being out of reach for semi casuals.
What other long term goal you want for the casuals then?

You know, the ones this game was designed for?

Yeah, I think all the other materials I see are fair because there’re numerous methods to obtain them.

Even the rare t6 materials are easy to get now from map bonus now by just doing events across the world, which is more enjoyable than mining/logging.

The 100 Spirit Woods is the only part that’s 100% unreasonable because it fores you to either spend excessive money on TP, or make you play like a robot, a slave for hundred of hours, doing mindless logging.

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


In GW2, cosmetic = end-game contents. So if gold can get you 95% of legendary weapon, then it’s a form of pay to win.

I think you greatly underestimate the amount of account bound stuff needed to craft a new legendary.

I’m well aware yknow.
250 Crystaline Ore, and 800 of each currency is NOTHING compare to 100 spirit woods. We get them NATURALLY from PLAYING the game.

Mining and Logging aimlessly across the world in those threatless/brainless zones, to me, is not playing a game. It’s only a core. It’s like bots. It’s like Chinese slave worker doing repetitive things that do not require thinking and interaction.

To me I’d value doing real game contents over mining/logging 10000% of the time.
I rather win raids 100 times over logging materials enough for 100 spirit woods. (Which also could easily take over 100+ hours)

It’s arguably more difficult, but that’s what makes it legendary, not just a pile of gold that are used only to satisfy “rich casuals”

(edited by Aomine.5012)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Pre HoT – RNG Driven Money Sink
Post HoT – Still RNG Driven Money Sink but, now it also needs crazy amount of scavenger hunt all over the place. Scavenger hunt is cool, however, money requirement just quadrupled.

Snapshot of Wood price on TP at the time of posting:
Ancient Wood Log 7s 57c
Elder Wood Log 2s 6c
Hard Wood Log 5s 68c
Seasoned Wood Log 2s 79c
Soft Wood Log 7s 8c

Step 1 of Legendary Nevermore: Ravenswood Branch
What it needs —
2100x Hard Wood Log
2800x Soft Wood Log
1050x Seasoned Wood Log
5250x Elder Wood Log
55x Glob of Ectoplasm
450x Thermocatalytic Reagent
200x Shard of Glory
200x Memory of Battle
6x Orichalcum Ore
6x Ancient Wood Log
5x Pile of Crystalline Dust
400x Thin Leather Section
200x Coarse Leather Section
400x Rugged Leather Section
2000x Thick Leather Section


Are you seriously asking semi-casual players to GTFO of your game?

What does it take for people to understand new legendary items are not meant to be farmed?You are supposed to buy gems for $ and convert them into gold.Lots of people with no time to play a lot,will spent $ converting gems to gold.

We all should expect all of this,when they for the first time,couple years ago mention “micro” transactions.

As far as i know,micro transaction doesn’t cost 10-20-30-40-100 euros.

It was matter of time,for game to become pay to win.

Pay to win what exactly, do you even know what pay win means?
If you could buy relic items that did even 1% more damage then ascended/legendary then yes it would be pay to win, but noone can do that.

Pay to win does not need to be directed to combat related stuffs.

In GW2, since there’re no vertical progression, legendary itself is the symbol of the winner. The heavy emphasis of gem store items and the lack of new items acquirable in game further enhance this stance.

In GW2, cosmetic = end-game contents. So if gold can get you 95% of legendary weapon, then it’s a form of pay to win.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

hardest hitting class in HOT ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


so this is a topic for people to give their opinion on the hardest hitting class dps wise on HOT thorn expention i personally think warrior could be amongs the top 3 because of this right here 168k dmg in that small giff wich is like 42k dps + seens pretty high up i dunno could be bad too im just curious to see what other class could be better and more up there in the class amongs ranking so go ahead and give a list of your top 5 or 10 best dps ! go go go ;3

You have to consider several things:

1. Warrior’s 100B has a 3.25 second of channel time, so you need to divide that number by 3.25 to get the right number.

2. Warrior’s 100B loses dps when target moves.

3. Warrior’s 100B has a CD. GS has significantly lower dps when not using 100B.

When you consider all these factors and average out, the real dps is actually way lower than that pretty number in the GiF.

I vote for Revenant’s 1-h sword for now.

They have really really good dps traits
2% per boon (That’s around 16~20% dps boost in a team fight), 7% when fury on another 10% from sword,, 20% more crit chance from fury, extremely high self quickness up-time, constant 15 layers of might and fury, and consistent non-stop dps. (Their highest rotation is AA, so they’d never lose a single bit of DPS). Facet of Elemental has a cast time of 1/4, so casting this increases the dps even more. Not to mention this dps rotation is MOBILE.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

too many transmutation charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I have a feeling you’re a charr. Most charrs realize they can use all the transmutation they want but it can’t fix ugly so they give up.

Pfft.. Talking about ignorence.

Anyway, I have 300 charges now and still feel like I don’t have enough because I’ve been changing some skins for funzie recently.


(edited by Aomine.5012)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Wanna make a legendary?
Start playing wood logger 2!
Don’t see how something feels legendary by just logging wood 24/7

Thats the beauty of it, you dont need to chuck wood, if you dont want to.
If the value of chucking wood isnt appealing to you, you can play content you like and just buy the wood from someone who does love to chuck some wood, for example wood-chucker Chuck.

If wood-chucker Chuck would chuck wood, how much wood would wood-chucker Chuck chuck?

Then what’s the point of making the new legendaries account bound then?

It’s still just a bunch of gold gather into one place, nothing more. No different from the old legendaries, except this time you have to play it in Anet’s way: Following the material grocery list.

You’re not making any argument here. You’re just stating the obvious.
If you’re so rich and you can easily afford the materials, good for you. You can leave the topic now since it’s none of your concern right?

One more thing, if you have time wasting here, why not start your step 2 already?
Go figure out the real cost then.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


In short if you’re complaining that it’s cheaper or faster to buy them from the TP then you are not the target audience for precursor collections.

Just like there are people who don’t like dungeons, or don’t like PvP or whatever there are people who don’t like buying high-end rewards and would rather not have it if they cannot earn it themselves.

They don’t want to do it quickly or cheaply or efficiently, they want to do the entire process by themselves instead of collecting gold to trade to someone who actually got the item they want.

Do you know what’s the actual target audience?

Not those who’re actually working hard for legendaries, but those who want to make a profit by making Dusk and sell it.

This is just sad, because they decide to make them tradable, with insane material cost.

People who complained are those who want, and work for legendaries the most.

That seems contradictory to the rest of the thread, which has been about how it’s cheaper to buy one from the TP than craft it. It can be cheaper to buy it and more profitable to sell it.

Have you not got it? People are basing the material cost on the MOST EXPENSIVE precursors. As the result, all the other precursors that sold less than Dusk got the same price inflation for the material usage because they share the same materials, making them not optimal to craft.

So what IS the point of precursor crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


In short if you’re complaining that it’s cheaper or faster to buy them from the TP then you are not the target audience for precursor collections.

Just like there are people who don’t like dungeons, or don’t like PvP or whatever there are people who don’t like buying high-end rewards and would rather not have it if they cannot earn it themselves.

They don’t want to do it quickly or cheaply or efficiently, they want to do the entire process by themselves instead of collecting gold to trade to someone who actually got the item they want.

Do you know what’s the actual target audience?

Not those who’re actually working hard for legendaries, but those who want to make a profit by making Dusk and sell it.

This is just sad, because they decide to make them tradable, with insane material cost.

People who complained are those who want, and work for legendaries the most.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Pre HoT – RNG Driven Money Sink
Post HoT – Still RNG Driven Money Sink
Are you seriously asking semi-casual players to GTFO of your game?

Since when is logging wood rng based? Just semi casually run around some maps and chop away.

And since when should long term goals be designed in a way that semi casuals can buy completion if it on the tp within 5 days?

Long term goal involving roaming in low level boring, threatless zones for 100 hours, logging woods 24/7, Meaning you’d never get the materials yourself by playing real contents such as HoT maps, raids, fractals, WvW, PvP if you don’t buy them.

There goes the immersion and long-term goal.

I rather do raid100 times than this.

Want more danger, while logging wood? Roam on the wvw maps, they have all the wood nodes you need.

Rather run raids? Then do so and buy the wood from your rewards.

No rng involved, just a long term goal.

What was your original stance of collecting materials yourself rather than buying on TP for the materials? Then you’re still hitting by inflation harshly too.

You completely refute your own stance.

Anyway, kinda pointless to argue with you. You’re one of those 2 types of people:

1. Filthy rich, making money by exploiting the market. So rich that whatever the price level you can buy them. Inflation means nothing to you.

2. No interest in crafting these at all. Just stand outside the box laughing at people who suffer.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Pre HoT – RNG Driven Money Sink
Post HoT – Still RNG Driven Money Sink
Are you seriously asking semi-casual players to GTFO of your game?

Since when is logging wood rng based? Just semi casually run around some maps and chop away.

And since when should long term goals be designed in a way that semi casuals can buy completion if it on the tp within 5 days?

Long term goal involving roaming in low level boring, threatless zones for 100 hours, logging woods 24/7, Meaning you’d never get the materials yourself by playing real contents such as HoT maps, raids, fractals, WvW, PvP if you don’t buy them.

There goes the immersion and long-term goal.

I rather do raid100 times than this.

Edited: I’m actually not making the numbers up.
On my fastest fastest character (perma 33% walk speed, staff/ GS Druid), it took me 45 minutes to gather 200 soft wood.

I need 8000 soft woods for 100 Spirit Woods, that’s like 30 hours.
Then I need 6000 Hard Woods, that’d be 22.5 hours.
Then I need 3000 Season woods, that’s like 11.25 hrs.
Then I need 15000 Elder Woods, that’s like 56.25 hrs.
Total time of logging: 120 hours.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I hope that everyone is smart enough to realize that Anet is not as stooopid as you think they are.

They want you to do the math — and then whip-out your credit cards and buy gold to acquire your ascended and legendary items.

It ain’t complicated folks…..

Good thing I crafted all mine prior to the expansion.

Edit: The game has very clearly become Pay 2 Play.

I have suspected as much.

Anet is getting so desperate that they need to scam their player-base like that.

Another proof is the large quantity and continuous of gem store items RIGHT AFTER HoT launches, compare to very few quantity of new skins actually obtainable through HoT. (which all of them have extremely extremely low RNG drop rate, so low that even after a month of playing HoT map, I get not a single one of them from RNG boxes. This is excluding the currency gears and trash new reclaim skins ofc)

New Legendary Crafting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Pre HoT – RNG Driven Money Sink
Post HoT – Still RNG Driven Money Sink but, now it also needs crazy amount of scavenger hunt all over the place. Scavenger hunt is cool, however, money requirement just quadrupled.

Snapshot of Wood price on TP at the time of posting:
Ancient Wood Log 7s 57c
Elder Wood Log 2s 6c
Hard Wood Log 5s 68c
Seasoned Wood Log 2s 79c
Soft Wood Log 7s 8c

Step 1 of Legendary Nevermore: Ravenswood Branch
What it needs —
2100x Hard Wood Log
2800x Soft Wood Log
1050x Seasoned Wood Log
5250x Elder Wood Log
55x Glob of Ectoplasm
450x Thermocatalytic Reagent
200x Shard of Glory
200x Memory of Battle
6x Orichalcum Ore
6x Ancient Wood Log
5x Pile of Crystalline Dust
400x Thin Leather Section
200x Coarse Leather Section
400x Rugged Leather Section
2000x Thick Leather Section


Are you seriously asking semi-casual players to GTFO of your game?

Almost 528G. What’s the problem?

That’s only step 1 yknow?

Step 2 cost way more by asking way more Spirit Woods

Step 3 ask for more Spirit Woods

Step 4 ask for more Spirit Woods.

After you complete Precursor by spending 2000g, you still have to spend another 3000g for other legendary materials.

See the problem now?

The girl designer who talked in the live show is now my least favorite developer of all time.

Basically Anet still live in their ivory tower, never log on to their game to see the market for themselves. They ask for enormous material sink without changing the crafting component from 3~4 back to 2, without adding extra ways to optain t2~t4 materials to increase the supply.

How do you know it’ll be 2,000G? It’s also in line with how the other popular legendary weapons were prior to the announcement of HoT. You have to realize that there’s very high demand for those materials so what you see the precursor worth now won’t be the same once things settle back down.

Because of math?

Do some math yourself plz.

100 Spirit woods, excluding everything else, is 1500g on TP alrdy.
Other materials that require lots and LOTS of extra woods are not exactly free either.

And there’s no-way market will back down when Devs promises to release 3 new legendaries every 3 months, and all of them are competing for Spirit Woods and Deldrimor Steel Ingots.

The only way to fix this is fix the crafting component, fix the recipe for precursors, and add more ways of getting low tier materials other than playing in low level zones.

But we all know it’d take another 3 years until Anet does this.

People who’re clueless, who’re not even trying to craft one, who’re not even doing any research about this matter should really stop talking / defending Anet because they do not know what they’re talking about at all.

Math? How about you link the recipes for the other parts. That’s what I was getting at. Also, spiritwood is 11G to make so that’s 1,100. You claim I’m clueless except you keep using the sell order price for the time-gated item to inflated the price so your argument appears to be stronger. I’m fully aware of what the actual costs are from what has been released so far.

Except if you sell your spiritwood it’d worth 1500g, so using Sell order is ofc the right value.

Yeah, I know, rich people like you wouldn’t care about whether it’s 1500g and 2000g. Any value is fine to you. That’s why you can stand up and defend Anet even after all this.

Enough with the ad hominem attacks please. Whether someone is rich or not doesn’t negate their argument unless the argument itself is based on that. In this situation, it is not.

Yeah, there’s a very high demand for the materials because everyone is going for legendaries and I believe guild banks require some of them too. So time-gated materials will be selling at a premium and players make the choice to pay that much because they don’t want to wait and craft those materials themselves. Yes, you can sell the spiritwood planks but selling them will not put you any closer to the new HoT legendaries.

There’s a really high demand for materials BECAUSE Anet put all the resources in the same bracket, etc, guild hall, old precursors, new precursors. They do not diversify the material at all, while asking for huge material sink, making demand sky-high, while not addressing the supply issue a single bit.

This inflation is totally forseeable, and Anet still CHOOSE to do it regardless. This is still 100% Anet’s fault and oversight. It’s like a fail government who has no idea what they’re doing, printing too much money without considering the price level, workers’ income and GDP, and inflation, and doom their own country.