People complaining is not an indication that there is a problem with a product, it is an indication that they are people.
Yes and no. While yes, someone complaining no matter what, is inevitable, if there are enough complaints . . . well . . . you know what they say about smoke and fire, right?
Very well. ANet made promises they didn’t keep because certain parts of the community wanted something else. In order to meet this demand, ANet reverse the promises in the manifesto.
While this pleased that part of the community in the short-term, it enraged the ones who didn’t want those items (i.e. raids, expansions, etc.) in the long one.
Those persons came to this game and stuck with it for years based on how those promises, beforehand, were delivered consistently with bi-weekly to bi-monthly content that didn’t need grinding or long hours on their computer to make a goal within a certain time limit.
In other words, the game was very much catered to a casual audience.
Now that audience feels betrayed based off those business decisions, lack of communication, and sudden reversal all to please a minor, yet very vocal part of said community.
And you’re reading the results in the YouTube comments.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
I don’t really understand all the doom and gloom, or the ultimatums one finds on the forums.
The community is use to silence. But they’re not use to long and extended droughts of PvE content. I think, before the expansion, there was a two month delay at most with no event seasonal or otherwise.
The community is getting served appetizers with these micro-events and Super Adventure Box. They’re ready for what happens next in the story. They want the main course now.
Heck . . . they’re starved for it.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
It’s a bit premature to state such an opinion given that we have little to no information on Season 3. Much less not seen it in action. As far as hype?
Let’s not get on that train again.
It’s a moot question. If you don’t like the game, don’t play. If you’re still interested, please continue to play. Negative comments from people who still play have merit. Negative comments from people who don’t play have no merit.
At all.
They made their comment when they quit the game. It says it all to the MMO in question.
By no means am I happy with the state of the game right now. But to drag the manifesto from X-amount of years ago to discuss the negative comments on a YouTube video is beyond the pale.
It’s a promotional video trying to sell the product. It’s not stone tablets brought down from Mount Sinai. We already have enough criticism on the forums already, thanks.
Please don’t stir the pot.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Loving these ‘drought’ topics. Pretty much proves that those who warned about this very situation were right. Meanwhile, most of us are playing something else in the meantime.
For those interested, here is the link:
No doubt.
Chase achievements when I can . . . if they’re worth the time. Otherwise, for right now, just dailies. But since you don’t want none of the dailies . . . might be best to wait for Living World to return.
The thing is . . . once the majority leaves these events . . . they’ll be pretty much impossible to complete. Not all, mind. But enough to cause a headache if you try.
That’s kind of the entire problem with the “expansion.”
Getting HoT trait line will take months?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
Regardless, it doesn’t matter. You have more than enough time given the current pace in the game. Don’t rush it. The real fun in Guild Wars 2 is the leveling journey.
Tangled Depths: What were they thinking?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
What were they thinking? I think they wanted to expand the exploration behind Silverwastes. Upper and lower levels. How well did that work? Well . . . that’s a matter of opinion.
Rumor has it happening some time this month. The seasonal update anyway.
HoT is what would have been LS3, instead of releasing it one chunk at a time they held everything back and packaged it as an expansion. That they couldn’t do both at once is not a surprise to anyone. It’s a rule of thumb that 80% of the problems come from 20% of your customers, this is what happens when you try to satisfy those who are never satisfied.
Did it work? Yes, but I was doing the dailies anyway. I’ll take an extra 2 gold for it.
What BrotherBelial said.
Given how the hype train sometimes derails . . . silence might be the better option.
I just want staff to work underwater.
I approve this idea! +1
Honestly? I’m against it. Not because of you or your well-thought ideas, but because it reminds me of Black Desert Online’s summoner who does a lot of what you describe.
And I want no reminders of that mess of an MMO.
Honestly, after all the jumping puzzles and their monthly requirements of the past, I hope never to do another one again.
Yeah, when this question was originally asked, and a developer responded, it created all kinds of drama and confusion.
Honestly, I think they did the darnedest to back-track from it while trying to avoid the egg-on-the-face syndrome.
Either way, I wouldn’t do it.
Definitely Open World PvE exploration and content.
Sadly, this was a very common topic and complaint while you were away. And, unfortunately, there’s no method to learn how to navigate better than time and experience. You can also read some of the guides presented on YouTube and sites like Dulfy.
But, again, yeah . . . welcome to our world.
Notice this the other day as well in Queensdale. Seems this lightening is also inside the Grub Cave.
I sincerely hope the PvE and PvP split happens. And I also hope a lot of the changes to PvE skills, due to PvP, get reverted.
The rangers/druids thank you.
As mention, some add-ons are allowed. I think ANet’s stance is: None that allow some kind of in-game advantage or words to that effect.
Either way, I’d rather not have the required add-ons. Warcraft taught me what a mess that can become.
Man, this panicked me for a moment. Yes, it hasn’t been released yet, but should be soon.
To be fair, the Star Wars, Star Trek and Final Fantasy franchises have been around since the 1980s, while GW2 has only been around since 2005.
With that in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised to know that games created today based on these franchises would have the financial resources, fanbase following (to create positive hype) and time to refine content, as compared to Guild Wars 2.
I think you meant Guild Wars 1. But, regardless, it had enough of a following to build another game based on the concept and history: the game we play today.
Even so, the fact still stands: they pushed out content with amazing speed before the expansion. Granted, it’s not as big of a name as the others. But to even hint it didn’t have a large following is ludicrous.
Okay, and how long has Anet gone without content. Raid wings are coming out once every three months. Last I heard, raid wings were content.
Fine. Raids are content. And thank you for proving me right again. ANet is in fact pushing out content every two to three months already despite not being a big name. That was the point I was making.
So again thank you.
That said, please stop following me around on the forums and quoting me. I hope I don’t need to explain why.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Those are the names of MMOs you’re pulling out. And then compare Guild Wars 2 to that. Do you not think that there’s a bit more backing behind these three huge franchise names that Guild Wars – which is by far not a huge franchise – may not have?
Besides, you’re all saying hours of content released every 2-3 months. That’s exactly what LW3 was said to be in the short-lived article.
On one hand folks are saying “How can ANet do this to us!?!?” then on the other hand “this is exactly what other super-franchise MMOs do and ANet should be able to do the same!” about the same kind of – or at least very similar – release plan.
Oh. My bad. I was under the impression ANet made millions of dollars too. And . . . hello? We haven’t seen any “hours of content” in kitten-near a year. I’ll be more than happy with two or three months between at this rate. And have said so repeatedly. But do you know how I know they can release content on a regular basis?
Because they’ve done it before and in even less time. Every two weeks to two months. So please take that ’They’re not a big name so they can’t do it’ nonsense somewhere else.
It’s a ridiculous thing to say given ANet’s history with Living Story.
In terms of new content injections, I always found EvE Online to be the best in terms of consistent delivery. It wasn’t always the best stuff, with one update causing the CEO to literally apologize to the player base, but they were always free and genuinely expanded the game.
I’ve heard the learning curve on EvE is hellish though. Still, it’s impressive if they can do it.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Great thread. Thank you for posting some of this information. I’m heavy healing, but had no idea about the boost to percentage was better than base healing. Used Runes of Water and Sigils of Life. Switched to Monks and Transference.
My God . . . what a difference!
Again, awesome information here.
Oh the stories I could tell. . . .
I’m for it. If it’s cosmetic only, why not?
As much as I love Dulfy, I must agree. Honestly, in order to enjoy the content, you pretty much have to go to third party sites like Dulfy.
Otherwise, you’ll miss out.
Since we’re getting a Robo-tron glider, can we also get a Robo-Tron Mail Carrier? Also, a Halloween Robo-tron mini pet would be awesome.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Unlikely given we’ve never seen it before.
I’ve heard this is true for Final Fantasy as well. Don’t know from experience about FF, but I do know Star Trek Online is doing this right now. And a new expansion is coming out in a few weeks—for free—on top of that.
So, no, it’s not an unrealistic expectation by any stretch.
Still, I do appreciate Guild Wars at least releasing these new achievements to chase with the Ley Lines. Something is still better than nothing.
Keep in mind, expansions were never supposed to happen. Living Story, and later Living World, were supposed to update the game for free. So, originally, the ’Buy Once, Play Forever" advertisement was true.
But I think we all know how that worked out.
Regardless, I did a little search and found HoT for sale on Amazon for twenty bucks . . . if you want to take a chance.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Definitely Tangled Depths.
Agreed. Your best bet is to put your pet on ‘passive’ while you practice on the NPCs.
Then, what I stand stays. There were no WvW server merges prior to HoT, and from what I see WvW has also been destroyed with HoT release.
Agreed. No one can deny the devastating effect Heart of Thorns had on WvW. I know they’re trying to fix it, but it’s clear WvW was an afterthought at the time.
The fact they copy/pasted the new map over the old map is a pretty clear indication too.
I wondered that as well. Seems a new trend for some reason. Yes, I’d rather see it beforehand instead of stumbling upon it or seeing it after I actually completed it.
Thank God for Dulfy’s guides.
It’s going to sound jaded, but if you can wait until the next expansion comes out . . . there’s a good chance they’ll include Heart of Thorns in it . . . if history is any indication.
If and when you see it on sale on the official website, that means the next expansion is coming out soon . . . again if history is any indication. . . .
Careful about buying the expansion anywhere else, though. Heard some nightmare stories that didn’t end well.
I’ll second ranger/druid as a favorite. Most boring? In my opinion, it’s warrior. But I tend to hate melee classes.
Honestly, the answer depend on your playstyle.
As far as cutscenes? Yeah, people have been asking for this for a long time. If I remember correctly, a developer at one point said that they were looking into it . . . but it would cause some issues with the instance.
This was more than a year ago though, so we can presume the decision as of today.
Queensdale back in the days of the train. I miss the huge population, tons of RP on Tarnished Coast, and . . . ahem . . . Meat Chop.
He brought me tons of entertainment.
I’m loving the phoenix wings! Apparently, ANet is taking the suggestions here seriously and in some cases using them.
Maybe a compromise? Have a special one for the account and another one for the characters?
The point of this thread was not to have a fit with me. If you don’t like my opinion, kindly stop quoting it, telling me I’m wrong, and then getting upset because I can defend my position better than you can yours.
We’re done here, remember? Your words. Not mine.
We’re done here.