Just to clarify and go one step further then the poster I quoted above.
Everything is NOT optional in this game.
Ascended is REQUIRED if you choose to do fractals above a certain point.
So all those saying GW2 is that different from all other mmorpgs – Quite frankly it’s not.
You have exactly the same ideals in here as you do in all other games. The difference being the rewards are far inferior here for the time you invest.
Also, This game’s biggest problem is it took far to much effort in trying to be so different from everything else and forgot to that some systems/ideals available in other games are actually good.
Yes and No.
Gw2 tries to provide a package that is aimed both to people who want vertical progression and those who do not want it. Fractals is the specific content aimed at those who want vertical progression. Yet the game still doesnt put it out of reach of those players who dont want vertical progression cause well obviously you can do every fractal without a single piece of ascended gear. In other games this is not always the case. Case in point are gear scores.
Thats not all but gw2 differs on a lot of things to your typical MMO. Mob tagging before Gw2 very few if any really rewarded both players killing the same mob without being in a party. No MMO that I am aware of left 2 players tap the same resource within seconds of each other. I’ve been in MMOs where we literally had queues as in straight line long queues to kill bosses in turn. Or camping near dungeons waiting for a tank or a healer and hoping they’d join our group rather then one of the others waiting for the same thing. So yes Gw2 is different in several aspects to a lot of MMOs out there. Of course with everything else it shares similarities too.
Rewards are “inferior” just because it is actually different then other MMOs. Why are reward valuable in other MMOs? because they’re better then what you already have but that means that every single new content raises the bar. Hence if I played an MMO for 10 years someone who can compete with me will require a few years of playing to reach me. In Gw2 in 1 single week a new player can reach a level that can measure up well with a 2 year player. In your traditional MMO they’d be no were close.
Just to clarify – You can not do every single factal without a piece of ascended gear. The highest level of fractal is 50. Generally speaking due to the instability list the most commonly done fractal is 49. Level 49 requires 55 Agony resist. Level 50 requires 70.
Both would require ascended gear unless you have more money then most players in this game and have the ability to craft some pretty hefty infusions.
The interesting part about your post is the equality issue. This is where we differ greatly in our mentality. Why do you think it’s proper for a player who played 10 yrs to be on par with a player who played for 2 weeks and was able to catch up in literally less then a day? If that was the case then what incentive would any player have for every continually playing GW2? Human nature generally desires if you work harder you should reap rewards greater then someone who works less. That is a reasonable assumption and part of the issue with GW2 also.
The point being though other games have systems to allow player’s to catch up gear wise but not in such a ridiculously short time as GW2.
But, quite frankly – I have always had an issue with the fact that I can take 4 hrs to craft a character from 1-80 and he is just as powerful as a character I have played for over a year and have 100’s if not more hrs invested in.
“Idle mind is the devils playground” An interesting quote which would explain a lot of the current forum activity and tone.
People are simply bored of GW2 and it’s systems and are desiring for it to improve to renew interest.
Eventually if things don’t change the forum activity will subside again and that will be due to more player’s leaving.
Quiet forums are never a good thing though.
Loyalty To None