Loyalty To None
Loyalty To None
I applaud Anet for making such a amazing addition to the druid class.
The play style itself has been one thing missing from GW2 for awhile and contrary to a lot of the forum posters many many many people are interested in in.
My only concern is will HoT and future content development be designed around these new roles because if not then all these amazing changes are pretty much a waste.
With the release of the “soft” trinity I am hoping for much more involved content design and challenges which should now be possible since there are so many more development options via these new roles.
Loyalty To None
Amazing how people scream OP the minute something changes that looks strong.
The ability is indeed now strong but has so many hard counters it’s not even funny.
In logical civilizations some people might call that balance ? :P
Loyalty To None
You do realize there already ways to do this very easily via a gaming mouse right?
Loyalty To None
But other people saw the money WoW was making and said, I’d like a piece of that action. I’m going to make that game but in space. I’m going to make that game but it’ll have this twist. But essentially, when you risk a lot of money to make something, investors like to stay with tried and true. That’s how these things are sold to investors.
You don’t have to believe it. But the term WoW-clone came from somewhere.
Yeah .. because most people started playing MMOs with WoW and don’t even now UO, Lineage and Everquest and all what was before and from what WoW was a clone in the end.
And the success couldn’t be duplicated by others, because no other Company had a Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft with millions of fans and so the possibility to get players from other genres to try an MMO.
Wow was designed to compete and dethrone EQ1 originally – which is did.
Also, an interesting point was Wow was not designed with any type of PvP in mind at all. It was only later did blizzard implement pvp systems. So , the entire original foundation of that game was based around PvE.
EQ1 was the original carrot on a stick game – Wow simply perfected it.
UO itself was an anomaly. Still slated as one of the best PvP experiences of modern gaming. P.S. Pacifica ftw.
L1 myself I never cared for. But, the eastern market is still in love with that game.
Keep in mind we can go back as far as Mud’s but I think that would confuse a majority of GW2’s current player base.
Loyalty To None
That above description is GW2 to a tee. Anet has done a great job at making it’s community happy with mediocrity. Yes, it sounds harsh but that is the truth and I applaud them for it.
Actually I don’t see that as truth. I see that as an opinion. I had that exact opinion and in fact used almost those same words to describe WoW years ago. I felt it was a mediocre game that pretty much had everyone conned.
It was mediocre for me because what I was looking for in a game wasn’t there, so I wasn’t really in any mood to put up with all the ridiculous nonsense that goes along with playing that specific MMO. I liked Lotro better, so I was more willing to put up with the nonsense.
Every MMO I’ve ever played is mediocre. They all are buggy. They all have exploits and goldsellers. They all have really stupid things they do occasionally. They all have to patch stuff several times after a major patch to fix stuff.
When I played Rift, they patched every day after a patch sometimes for a week.
There are definitely things about this game that need work, but I’ve felt that same thing about every MMO I’ve ever played.
This game has less content after almost 2yrs then pretty much any other mmorpg I have played since Merridian 59.
People are also seemingly okay with that.
I can’t explain mediocrity any better that then.
I disagree. This game has had more content than any MMO I’ve ever played after two years. See how easy that is. The problem is what you consider content isn’t what I consider content, and what I consider content isn’t what you consider content.
I’m perfectly happy to play around with the Marionette for a few weeks on move onto something else. Yes, that was content. But I’ve done it and I don’t feel I need to do it again. I feel that way about dungeons in almost all games. I do them a couple of times and for all I care, I’ll never play them again.
The open world on the other hand has 1500 repeatable quests, far more than most games ever have. Jumping puzzles, to me they’re content. I love them. Those I can repeat.
I’ve played an awful lot of MMOs. Most of them don’t have content. They have ways to slow you down so you think you have content. That’s by no means the same thing.
I understand what you are doing with your examples.
It’s obvious you are a “loyal fan” as well and I respect that.
But, Let’s be realistic – the general complaint about GW2 has been and always will be lack of content. You can defend LS all you want but overall the large loss in players GW2 had and Anet reacting by creating the mega servers was due to that.
I AM NOT saying GW2 is dying but it did take quite a large population hit and very few can deny that.
Someone did a nice post of comparative content releases between GW2 and other games – it was very interesting and sad at the same time.
I’ll have to try and dig it up.
Loyalty To None
That above description is GW2 to a tee. Anet has done a great job at making it’s community happy with mediocrity. Yes, it sounds harsh but that is the truth and I applaud them for it.
Actually I don’t see that as truth. I see that as an opinion. I had that exact opinion and in fact used almost those same words to describe WoW years ago. I felt it was a mediocre game that pretty much had everyone conned.
It was mediocre for me because what I was looking for in a game wasn’t there, so I wasn’t really in any mood to put up with all the ridiculous nonsense that goes along with playing that specific MMO. I liked Lotro better, so I was more willing to put up with the nonsense.
Every MMO I’ve ever played is mediocre. They all are buggy. They all have exploits and goldsellers. They all have really stupid things they do occasionally. They all have to patch stuff several times after a major patch to fix stuff.
When I played Rift, they patched every day after a patch sometimes for a week.
There are definitely things about this game that need work, but I’ve felt that same thing about every MMO I’ve ever played.
This game has less content after almost 2yrs then pretty much any other mmorpg I have played since Merridian 59.
People are also seemingly okay with that.
I can’t explain mediocrity any better that then.
Loyalty To None
F2P from a business standpoint is just a superior model. There are huge numbers of people who will just not pay a sub fee because they don’t play enough to justify the fee.
There’s a solid parallel in software piracy actually. Companies like to cite all downloads as lost revenue, but the truth is, a large percentage of the pirated copies were people who would have just not bought the game anyway. It’s only an actual loss if they would have bought it.
With an MMO it offers more flexibility. People who would not pay a sub fee very well might drop a few dollars here and there. Chances are, the larger player base is going to bring in more revenue than a smaller one with a fixed income. There are also some notable benefits as well, like higher populations which stops the “empty server” death spiral.
I like the B2P model myself, but I’m not sure the initial barrier is income maximizing. It make have tangential benefits like weeding out people with no investment and greifers which add to the stability and lifespan of the game.
Wildstar and TES will be Free To Play. TES far sooner most likely, but it will happen.
The people who mentioned Starwars being essentially P2P because of the huge gates are spot on. As much as I hate the gem store Keys (never bought one, never will), GW2 seems to have found a very solid balance with the gem shop. GW2 is kind of a trailblazer; for good and ill. They’ve done an great job balancing the business end of the game but made some really huge missteps content side. Honestly, whatever manager/executive ok’d living story/one shot content over long term content shouldn’t be in that position anymore.
I also think they’ve strongly under estimated how popular an expansion would be; take a loan, hire some more designers and crank out an expansion already.
F2P games with a cash shop are more profitable and require far less resources to continue to run.
The expectations of a F2P game are far lower then sub based games as well. Content can take much longer to come out , bug fixes are can be far slower, and overall the cost of development can be less due to not requiring as much resources to keep it’s player base happy enough to continue to play.
That above description is GW2 to a tee. Anet has done a great job at making it’s community happy with mediocrity. Yes, it sounds harsh but that is the truth and I applaud them for it.
Also, An interesting point. We will us gyms as an example. An average cost of membership in my area is $10.00-$15.00 a month for a top of the line gym with the best equipment and all the features you would expect from an upper scale gym. Now, what has begun to surface is new gyms opening with far less equipment and options but they are only $2.00 per time you work out. No contract , no monthly fee. People are flocking to these lesser equiped gyms thinking they are getting more value due to the price point of $2.00 per time you go.
Assume you go to the gym 10 times a month – that’s $20.00. So you are end up paying more for an inferior service.
The above system is based on the same ideal is F2P or B2P games.
The expectations for these type of games are so much lower then sub based and the marketing behind them is amazing that people actually believe these games offer more value.
Granted I understand the argument that you do not have to pay a dime to play gw2 via the cash shop. But, the bottom line is if people didn’t use the cash shop the game would cease to exist.
In the end the only thing the F2P and B2P models did was reduce the average consumers expectations of value and nickle and dime us to death for inferior products.
Loyalty To None
also same report says that eso has nearly 800k subscribers and wild star is doing good as well and in 2014 these 2 games eso and wild star will change the chart.
Wild Star is Ncsofts new baby – they already are receiving pretty hefty content patches.
I can’t blame them – it’s basically GW2 2.0 or in fact more along the lines of what GW2’s combat system should have been.
Definitely a more in depth game so it is attracting a larger audience atm.
Wildstar is the game for all those elitist hardcore players that were never the target of GW2 and that only brought ANet to give us ascended gear and Teq 2.0 wasteland.
In the end i think its more WoW style graphics with EQ2 level raiding while it don’t seem to have really much content when people after 1 week were already complaining that there is nothing much to do.
However … people that like those kind of games should better go there instead of turning GW2 into another EQ raidstyle game.
99.9% of guilds in Wildstar have yet to complete all the raid content – just an fyi.
So less exaggerations plz.
On a side note – you are correct. GW2 is a very casual much less in depth game. It’s target audience is those who can invest small amounts of time here and there to play.
There is nothing wrong with that at all.
Loyalty To None
I know, I know. We’ve been posting about this for really close to two years now. You’re all probably tired of it.
Is there any update on what’s going to be done about the cap on condition stacks in PvE? It’s a design decision that eliminates dozens of potentially fun and useful builds from group PvE content because it utterly cripples their ability to do damage. I can’t understand the logic behind it, either. There’s no cap on how many characters in Assassin’s/Berserker’s gear can tear into an enemy; what would be so unbalancing about letting condition-specced characters do the same thing?
Last I heard, something like a year ago, ArenaNet wanted to implement some sort of change. So I’m wondering if there’s been any news since then.
It will not get fixed.
Complaints have been been posted about this since beta to no avail.
Loyalty To None
also same report says that eso has nearly 800k subscribers and wild star is doing good as well and in 2014 these 2 games eso and wild star will change the chart.
Wild Star is Ncsofts new baby – they already are receiving pretty hefty content patches.
I can’t blame them – it’s basically GW2 2.0 or in fact more along the lines of what GW2’s combat system should have been.
Definitely a more in depth game so it is attracting a larger audience atm.
where almost 100% of the “newest” P2P MMO turned F2P..
Once You are confusing me.
FFXIV is quite new still(its re release aka a realm reborn) and its not F2P.
I really don’t think you understand what you post.
Loyalty To None
(edited by Azreell.1568)
GW2 could not survive as a sub based game.
No game will ever survive as a sub based MMO, at least in the western market.
WoW, EvE and Final Fantasy are pretty much the only sub games that still survive as P2P, ESO and Wildstar will become F2P soon or later (specially ESO).
I’m confused by your statement.
First you say no game will ever survive as a sub based mmo – then you go on to list games which are surviving, thriving and doing well as sub based games.
You basically disproved your own point. <boggle>
Also, You can’t predict any game going F2P. Some will of course but that is not because it is a superior model.
F2P is nothing more then a trend which has been proven to offer far less beyond box price worth for many people as the above listed stats have proven.
The majority of the mmorpg market share still belongs to Wow – a sub based game.
So one could make the assumption the majority of mmorpg players find better value in sub based games then cash shop games.
Loyalty To None
GW2 could not survive as a sub based game.
It simply does not offer enough.
In terms of the list – it’s interesting how a 10yr old game still has so much of the market share vs all the newer games.
I guess that just further enforces, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
Loyalty To None
The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results.
After almost 2 yrs of GW2 being out – it’s pretty clear what direction the game is going.
If you like it – great.
If you don’t – Find another game. I happen to follow this ideal. As much as I wanted to like GW2 – in the end it simply didn’t offer enough content or depth to keep me interested.I check back now and again to see if something interesting is going on but for the most part GW2 is just another icon on my desktop now.
The game is not going to fundamentally change. So, threads like this are nothing more then wasted time.
Threads like these are only a waste of time to individuals that read through them only to complain that they were there to be read. The poster is has every right to express how they feel. They were a long time fan and customer of Arena Net’s product and feel let down by what the company has done or hasn’t done. If you don’t like a game, sure don’t play it. But if you like a game, feel or felt passionately about that game but are disappointed in how it’s panned out, by all means express yourself. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with people expressing themselves about things they are passionate about.
From release until now the game has changed very little in overall design.
Once could easily assume then the direction of the game.
Them not liking it is understandable but, Thinking a forum post has any impact at all on Anet’s direction for GW2 is laughable.
The game is what it is.
Loyalty To None
The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results.
After almost 2 yrs of GW2 being out – it’s pretty clear what direction the game is going.
If you like it – great.
If you don’t – Find another game. I happen to follow this ideal. As much as I wanted to like GW2 – in the end it simply didn’t offer enough content or depth to keep me interested.
I check back now and again to see if something interesting is going on but for the most part GW2 is just another icon on my desktop now.
The game is not going to fundamentally change. So, threads like this are nothing more then wasted time.
Loyalty To None
Combat is very one dimensional and somewhat shallow in the game.
In pve zerker meta and pew pew something stacked until it’s dead.
Pvp you have a few more options but everything in this game is indeed judged and rewarded by how much dps you do.
All else is an after thought.
Says the guy who accepted Dub’s challenge and never showed up for it, hm?
You mean the same guy that got some obsessive player and his obsessive friends to log on in the middle of the morning and wait for hours on end for something that means absolutely nothing?
Let me introduce you to being rl trolled.
A bunch of us got a big laugh out of it in ts. We honestly didn’t think anyone takes games that seriously – especially this one.
Loyalty To None
(edited by Azreell.1568)
Combat is very one dimensional and somewhat shallow in the game.
In pve zerker meta and pew pew something stacked until it’s dead.
Pvp you have a few more options but everything in this game is indeed judged and rewarded by how much dps you do.
All else is an after thought.
Loyalty To None
Everything else are barely blips on the radar in terms of mass appeal for their times and genre changing in their implementations.
There has not be a truly “new” experience in a very long time since these games.
Loyalty To None
The problem guilds have currently is they offer nothing a player can’t accomplish by himself.
A pug can even hitch rides on guild missions.
To attract people in this game you need to be really inventive.
Loyalty To None
Why not charge for something that you can not get elsewhere?
Most of this issue is Anets fault for the continual nerfs to gold acquisition methods.
I applaud those who are doing this. You are making the best of a currently broken system.
Loyalty To None
This is and has been an issue with GW 2 since launch.
There is little a guild can offer in this game to keep player retention high.
Guilds are very transient due to how this game currently is.
Loyalty To None
This IMO is something that would not only bring a lot of players back but also keep a lot oof current players interests high. It would give a lot of possibilities for new builds and that is always good.
Loyalty To None
They don’t hate farming specifically.
They hate everything that gives players gold that wasn’t bought with gems.
We have a winner !
Loyalty To None
GW2 will never allow damage meters.
It would give proof just how horribly balanced this game is.
Loyalty To None
No no, YOU played through the destruction of LA, I got a very poor exposition of content. They changed so much in the game, yet the feeling is that nothing has been added to the game since launch in terms of PVE. Everything is temporary and gone long before I have an opportunity to play and enjoy.
Are you saying that you’d rather be happy with a never changing static world that looks and feels the same EVERY time you log in? O_o Does that not sound boring to you… ?
I’ve seen people try and twist others words pretty hard before, but I think you take the cake. You took what he was saying, did a 180 with it and then added in your own statements just for the heck of it. Bravo, that gave me whiplash.
You seem really unhappy about that. I take it you hate temporary content as well.
Pretty difficult to like logging into a game that content wise is almost identical to how it was when you bought it over a year and a half ago.
Loyalty To None
First tip. If you see hordes of people running around, don’t join them. That’s not the way to experience the game. Go out into the world, try things, ask questions, explore.
Or you can join them and get a glimpse out of what you will end up doing most of the time at max level.
/sarcasm off.
Loyalty To None
There is NO treadmill, UNLESS you want the look items (legendary and ascended items).
As Vesuvius said – the Pavillion, 3-headed Wurm and, Tequatl are all Group-coordination content. A.Net is adding content like that and the majority on this forum are whining against it.
If you don’t want the look items then there is no reason to play the game either.
This game is a grind. All mmorpgs are – that’s the point of them. To keep you logging in and keep you playing/spending money.
This game lacks enough content that is must force it’s players to grind year and a half old content.
But, GW2’s problem is that the rewards for the grind are probably some of the worst I have seen in any game.
Between DR and anet pushing players in the direction of the gem shop – there isn’t much hope for the future of this game.
Loyalty To None
Anet does not hate farming.
Actually, Anet loves it’s players farming – but only farming what Anet feels is appropriate.
Achievement Points – Farming
LS – Farming
Festival/Events – Farming
PvP – Farming
World Bosses – Farming (Heck they even gave us a schedule to farm them more efficiently)This game lack so much content its almost unbearable. So you are forced to farm the same content which is now over a year and a half old but with a few VERY unfortunate rules.
Gold – Due to the gem shop Anet does NOT feel comfortable with you farming gold since it would dip into their profits. So from release to now – all gold farms have been nerfed with each and every patch. You want money – time to buy gems I guess.
DR – Diminishing returns have to be the most ludicrous thing I have ever experienced in this game. Why does it exist? IF I want to spend 5 hrs farming a particular spawn for particular materials – why should I not be able to?
The reason is simple – DR makes it not worth your time. Its far easier to use gold and the TP to aquire mats.
Once again this is pushing people to buying gems.
In terms of loot this entire game has had a problem with risk vs reward from the start. GW2 has become a cash grab and quite frankly I am in a pretty decently large guild and it was interesting on TS the other nite exactly how may people are totally unhappy with this game in it’s current state and how most are only playing it to pass time until a title they are waiting for is released.
My friends lists and guilds I know are getting smaller by the day – and I can assume it’s not just me experiencing this shrinkage of players.
I suggest Anet really rethink their ways. From the lack of content issue to the apparently money / cash grab tactics they now use – Their player base is not very happy.
The posters on this forum are not happy but many of them don’t play the game any more and just come here to whine. This forum is a VERY SMALL subset of players of GW2.
Actually it could be considered a viable sample size of the current player bases feelings on the game.
Also, I don’t think its fair to assume that the people who post on this forum do not play anymore.
Loyalty To None
Anet does not hate farming.
Actually, Anet loves it’s players farming – but only farming what Anet feels is appropriate.
Achievement Points – Farming
LS – Farming
Festival/Events – Farming
PvP – Farming
World Bosses – Farming (Heck they even gave us a schedule to farm them more efficiently)
This game lack so much content its almost unbearable. So you are forced to farm the same content which is now over a year and a half old but with a few VERY unfortunate rules.
Gold – Due to the gem shop Anet does NOT feel comfortable with you farming gold since it would dip into their profits. So from release to now – all gold farms have been nerfed with each and every patch. You want money – time to buy gems I guess.
DR – Diminishing returns have to be the most ludicrous thing I have ever experienced in this game. Why does it exist? IF I want to spend 5 hrs farming a particular spawn for particular materials – why should I not be able to?
The reason is simple – DR makes it not worth your time. Its far easier to use gold and the TP to aquire mats.
Once again this is pushing people to buying gems.
In terms of loot this entire game has had a problem with risk vs reward from the start. GW2 has become a cash grab and quite frankly I am in a pretty decently large guild and it was interesting on TS the other nite exactly how may people are totally unhappy with this game in it’s current state and how most are only playing it to pass time until a title they are waiting for is released.
My friends lists and guilds I know are getting smaller by the day – and I can assume it’s not just me experiencing this shrinkage of players.
I suggest Anet really rethink their ways. From the lack of content issue to the apparently money / cash grab tactics they now use – Their player base is not very happy.
Loyalty To None
“No, From each patch – the reality is you can only play the way Anet wants you to play. That way of “playing” is directing you to the cash shop with each and every patch.”
That’s just the cynics view of everything in GW2. I’ve seen nothing in the gem store that I need to buy. I can play exactly the way I want to play without gems. I’ve seen nothing to convince me that other people can only play the game in the way they want to play if they visit the gem store. They might not be able to get the rewards they want but that is something entirely different.
What way do you want to play that is impossible without the gem store? Does it involve a reward of some kind?
Each patch has continually nerfed the ability for players to accumulate gold.
That forces players to the gem shop for gem to gold conversions – especially casual players.
There is nothing cynical about my viewpoint – I just happen to live in reality. GW2 has become a cash grab game – like it or not and apparently many other users agree with me as this forum can prove.
Loyalty To None
You must be kidding…
After they introduced the grindiest grinds ever in a western AAA MMO (noone likes to grind they said), vertical progression (even casuals should have BiS they said), most of the events are watered down to press 1, 1 and 1 again (boring they said), you still think they would give a kitten about what they said in the past?
That is a lot of faith you got there.
Hi, how’s ESO going?
(sorry, I couldn’t help it :<)First of all, you can never eliminate grind in a MMO, ever. The very fact that devs can’t make content faster than players play them just enforces this.
The difference here is that the grind is optional, you aren’t gated from any content apart from very high FotMs (I won’t go into this argument again) by not grinding.
Watered down to 1,1,1,1? Mentality like that is why I don’t ever bother with Wurm or Teq, and why I gave up on Queen’s Pavillion after 5mins.
The problem isn’t the grind itself.
The problem isn’t the event’s themselves.
The problem is the total lack of reward for doing ANYTHING in this game that is not gem shop related.
Everything in this game is grind based when you truly break it down. That isn’t even the issue since it’s expected in a mmo – BUT the issue comes in when the rewards are so lack luster the grind it not worth it.
Loyalty To None
What the actual heck…
They’re nerfing farm trains because they’re mindless and not fun. Their existence was never intentional and they do nothing but tunnel vision farm minded players into doing nothing but.
You can still farm for gold, you just have to ‘think’ and ‘communicate’ a little bit more. I want them to do what they did to the queen’s champions to every champion in the game.
Down with the mindless Zerg. Down with zerker stacking. Down with farm trains.
The gem shop would like to thank you for your endorsement.
Loyalty To None
This game has been advertised like " we make the game for you, the player, we let you play the way you want to play"
This has been happening for over a year now but after the recent nerfs, “the way of how we want to play” has become “the way we want you to play”
Notice the change? it is “you”You can still play the way you want to play. Nothing to stop you. If the like scenery in a zone and people who adventure there then go back there and see it all again and again.
I guessing you’re actually complaining that you’re no longer highly rewarded for low skill activities, like the Queensdale champ train. Well you can still choose to play low challenge content for low reward if you want to play that way, can’t you?
No, From each patch – the reality is you can only play the way Anet wants you to play. That way of “playing” is directing you to the cash shop with each and every patch.
In terms of content – all content in this game is low level quite frankly. There is absolutely little to no challenge in pve – but that’s another debate entirely. In terms of being highly rewarded for it – I do find your point interesting. Amazing how train awarded players more for their time and effort then any content release to date.
Most would view that as a terrible design problem with Anet not rewarding its “higher” level content or events enough to sway players away from farming.
The reality is Anet is moving in a direction were a lot of players will not be interested in going. The new event is a mindless, time bloated, poorly designed event with absolutely horrid rewards for how long it takes to complete.
I understand Anet needs to make a profit , and I have truly supported that idea prior but enough is enough.
The content they are rehashing is a terrible excuse for a patch.
The event last year was enjoyable – this one is probably one of the worst I have seen from a company in a long time.
Loyalty To None
And now you see the result of cash shops vs subs.
I honestly think if this game was released with a sub – it would have went in a totally different direction.
So tired of the cash grabs and anet.
Such wasted potential with this game.
Loyalty To None
To the people that way the players are doing it wrong. I stole this quote from a poster named Pifil as I thought it very relevant.
“Yep, it’s always the players fault, never ArenaNet’s for not actually communicating the change in direction or putting any effort into “retraining” the players in those changes or giving them tools to better organise themselves in the multi-lingual, multi-server mush that the megaserver system created.”
Yes. I agree that ArenaNet needs to do a better job of teaching players HOW to play these events. I even created a very long post about it. Look for the “Herding Cats” post.
That said, players share some of the responsibility. The information is there. Players are trying to explain in mapchat. The tooltips offer plenty of guidance.
This isn’t a megaserver problem as this exact problem existed with Marionette. Or the Holo-knights. Or Tequatl. Or the Three-Headed Wurm. Language barriers certainly make this more difficult, but that’s not something completely new.
It has nothing to do with teaching anyone anything.
The content is simply poorly designed. The encounter themselves are not difficult at all and while different are more boring then prior years since they take so much longer to do.
Add into the fact for the increase in time to complete and the TOTAL lack of any viable reward for doing such.
Anet has once again failed miserably at keeping people interested in playing this game.
Loyalty To None
Arenanet doesn’t like to have rewarding content because it makes people less likely to buy stuff from the gem store.
Quoted for truth.
Shame but true.
Think this patch might have been the straw that broke the camels back for me.
So much wasted potential with this game but in its current form it simple is becoming more and more cash shop based with less and less rewards for actually playing the game.
The definition of insanity is doing the same action over and over and expecting different results. Over a year and a half of “giving Anet time to get things right” is long enough.
The direction this game has taken is simply a cash grab with rehashed content and little to no reward for the players.
That is something I am not interested in.
Good luck all time – to seek other options for me.
Loyalty To None
If you liked or disliked the train is somewhat irrelevant.
The real point is Anet removing player created content. Perhaps if we had any type of viable content patches after a year and a half this would not be such a big deal.
But, since this game is almost identical today as it was at launch content wise – yes many people are upset about you limiting activities many enjoy.
There is such little content to do in this game it’s mind blowing – especially for its age.
Before you lose your remaining players I think you should worry more about creating fresh new content instead reducing further the amount of things players can do.
Loyalty To None
That’s great !
I’m assuming we will see this by around 2022 – shortly after you release the ability to craft precursors.
Loyalty To None
I will take a different approach to explaining this problem.
GW2 is and will continue to lose people due to bordom and a lack of content.
I myself know of 4+ guilds that completely quit as a whole and my friends list continues to dwindle at an alarming rate (people simply not logging in anymore).
It’s happening across the entire game. Mega servers were nothing more then a very good way to server merge the game without all the bad press that goes with closing /merging servers.
From the people/guilds I associate with the reasoning behind leaving is always the same.
Lack of content.
With NCsoft publishing a very similar AAA title within the next month and other big name games coming out shortly after – GW2 isn’t really in a good position to not have things for it’s players to do.
Loyalty To None
At the end of the day people want new zones, dungeons, gear, skins, playable races, and classes. What have we gotten along those lines permanently?
- 1 new zone (southsun)
- 1 new full dungeon (fractals)
- 1 new path of a dungeon (aether, doesn’t count as a full dungeon imo)
- a few new gear types, some of which are rather useless, others of which are prohibitively expensive
- 1 new in-game-acquirable armor skin which is locked behind horrendous grind
- a bunch of new armor and weapon skins locked behind gems and/or borderline-criminal RNG gambling boxes
- 5 new traits per class (no new classes in sight)
- 1 new healing skill per classThis is about 10% of what I would expect delivered in a full expansion, and it’s taken them 2 years to deliver this stuff to us piecemeal. It’s pretty disappointing looking back. The best patches, really, were the feature packs, not the content.
I’m seriously ready to pay real money for real content, if that’s what it takes.
What GW2 has taught me is I prefer sub based games.
There is simply much more content on a constant basis.
Loyalty To None
People will always take the path of least resistance.
I do not agree with stacking , but understand the game is almost 2 yrs old and if they made dungeons harder without making the rewards MUCH better people would simply stop doing them.
The rewards are not good enough to warrant a difficulty increase at this stage in the game.
Once again I do not agree with stacking , but its a bit to late to really do anything about it now.
Loyalty To None
Same problem
Same posts.
Different people.
The game is not changing anytime soon.
GW2 makes a nice cheap filler game while you take a break from your primary game or are waiting on a new game.
So, for that it is worth the box price.
If you are looking for a more in depth or engaging experience in terms of your gaming you will have to look elsewhere unfortunately.
Loyalty To None
When I compare this game to others, sometimes I can’t help but wonder how foolish I was. A couple of my friends are returning to the other game that shall not be named. Even after a 10$ price hike, that 50$ expansion will have more content than what Guild Wars 2 had and possibility will ever have.
The other game is HOW much older too. WoW (that is the game you didn’t want to mention) is 8 yrs old, you can’t compare that game to this game which is not quite 2 yrs old.
Actually you can compare it – since it’s competition to gw2.
Also, In “that” games first 2 years it saw more content up dates then gw2 has content overall.
GW2 is a good game – but it fails miserably when it comes to content which can keep players – well … Playing.
Of all the games I have played since merridian 59 , eq1 and up to all current titles – GW2 has offered the least amount of content I have ever seen in a title this old.
GW2 as of today is almost identical content wise to how it was at launch – and that fact will turn off and turn away many returning or possibly new players.
Loyalty To None
If you are looking for a ranged option or class in GW2 – you need to find a new game.
GW2 is a melee based game with ranged “options” .
Keep in mind those options are generally looked down upon and not very useful.
No. Ranged options are looked down upon only by a specific subset of the community, not “generally.”
Ranged damage is inferior to melee by a LARGE margin in pve.
I did not create the rule set for GW2 – Anet did. Quite frankly I am not very thrilled with the current standard either. A game that is soley based on dps in which is even more limited by melee dps being so superior to ranged and direct damage being so superior to condi – in a pve environment.
GW2 quit frankly is probably the most limited in terms of choices for specs and ways to play then any other game I have ever played.
Sure you can play anything – but do you really find enjoyment doing half the dps of melee or think it’s fair for whatever group you are in to play that way?
Most would answer no.
I am a ranged player by nature in pretty much all other games I have played and it’s a shame ranged is so inferior in this game.
Loyalty To None
(edited by Azreell.1568)
If you are looking for a ranged option or class in GW2 – you need to find a new game.
GW2 is a melee based game with ranged “options” .
Keep in mind those options are generally looked down upon and not very useful.
Loyalty To None
I think the funny thing, other than that there are 50 million “haet zerk” threads at any given time, is that the same people respond to them in the same way every time. I guess I’m guilty of it too since I’m posting here too but really guys,.
I never once said I hate zerker – just to clarify.
Loyalty To None
The answer is below.
GW2 has become such a toxic player base.
And you wonder why people are continually leaving this game….
Loyalty To None
I wonder what my wife woul do if she told me I’m not communicating enoughand I responded, “I hear you, honey, but I’m really busy right now. Kthxbye!”
You wouldn’t be writing this as she would have been awarded your computer as well as everything else you own in the divorce.
Loyalty To None
I’m pretty sure that almost 2 years of GW2 for those who’s been playing it since the beginning deserves to be called “patience”, by any standards taken.
Expansion time!!!
More like saintly.
The problem is now though people are getting fed up and tired of the ,“Hey we got great things coming in the near future”.
We’ve heard that line far to many times and the near future never seems to materialize.
Anet is pushing the boundaries going this long without any new content. Quite frankly from all the players / guilds I know leaving recently – I think it’s going to come back to bite them in the behind when all is said and done.
Loyalty To None
Amazing people continue to fall for the exact same stereo-typical Anet response’s we have been hearing for the better of a year now.
Oh well. It is what it is.
Loyalty To None