Showing Posts For Bellyboomer.3048:

The human world

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Whenever we discuss the origin of humans, everyone always seems to assume that humans came from another world within the fantasy universe. I don’t want to appear like I know it all, but whenever this is mentioned on the forums I get a feeling like the truth is obviously right in front of us but I’m the only one seeing it…

Humans came from another world… Gee, I wonder, in what other world could there also be humans? Oh that’s right: earth!

I think this is obviously anet making the bridge between the gw2-universe and real life. And this happens in so much fantasy universes: like Tolkien mentions that ‘hobbits are still around today’ to form the same bridge between middle-earth and earth itself. Or “a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away”…
(Just summing up some nerd clichés)

There are also other species who came to tyria from another world, like the forgotten. Yet I don’t think it’s stated that they came from the same world as the humans.

You may try to prove me wrong, but it seems so clear to me and nobody is mentioning it…

another *what if* theory

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


The problem with this theory is that it relies on the ELder Dragons being concious of the decisions they make. It’s pretty clear the guildwars books that the Dragons are mindless, bent on one thing. They don’t have a war council, they just consume. They are mindless, which is exactly why I think they are being controlled by someone with a mind.

The elder dragons clearly show signs of intelligence. A mindless being does not control champions/luitenants/armies/fleets and does not sent an infiltrator to disrupt the Pact’s command structure.

And before you say Zhaitan doesn’t control his armies, his champions do. That’s like saying a general doesn’t command his armies, his luitenants do. It’s called an hierarchical command structure.

Here is something to think about: Zhaitan is a soverign and his champions are the generals. If you’ve ever read Sun Tzu’s Art of War, you’ll know that the two roles must be kept separate for war to be successful. The soverign acts like a supervisor while the generals do the warring.

This seems wrong, since the ‘mouths’ and ‘eyes’ of Zhaitan are involved in battle and command troops, but have a direct bond with Zhaitan and provide him with resources and information.

Feedback on dungeonbuild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Thanks guys! Changed it up to 10/30/0/20/10.

Feedback on dungeonbuild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048



I’ve just recently started experimenting with my build. Since I’m not a mathematical mastermind, I found it hard to start fiddeling with the numbers. So I’m asking for your feedback, any feedback.
So here it is:

It’s supposed to be a dungeonbuild, dps-zerker (very original, I know), based on phantasms.
Sword/pistol-sword/focus 10/30/0/10/20

I started out with the colesy-build ( but went for the illusion-traitline because I hardly used the focus-reflection. Took phantasmal haste instead.
Swapping a lot between utility skills mut most of the time I’m rocking signet pf illusions and signet of ether (works great in stacks).
What runes would fit the build?

Gime dat feedback ya’ll

(edited by Bellyboomer.3048)

Fun gem shop item

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


We have the bells already (and the flute?) More instruments seem very likely to me.

Festival Titles (hear me out)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I’ve been rocking the title ‘apprentice toymaker’ since the first wintersday. (It fits my character.)
So I am eager to get the ‘journeyman toymaker’ title as a new rank of my previous title. Yet I’ve got the feeling that this title is less significant: everyone who missed the first wintersday can have this title but old things tend to be more impressive in MMO’s.
—>“Wow you still have the first wintersday title? Super neat-o, I didn’t even play gw2 at that time! You are a quagganpwning gamelord!”

So, if Anet cares about this small issue I have, I’ve got a suggestion. Make the titles upgradeable: everyone who completes the winterdayevents for the first time this year gets ‘apprentice toymaker’, the title they missed last year. Anyone who completes the events this year and has completed them last year gets their title upgraded from apprentice to journeyman. In the end there could be ‘Grandmaster’ toymakers running around who have done the events every single year. Much like the pvp-ranking system, this will give the players a drive to rank up every year.
Same should be applied to the mad king-titles or the zepherite sanctum (I thought this also was a reccuring event).


Say yes to Cantha and Elona

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


And Tyria has still too much potential to move to another region already.
And there aren’t any signs of the ED being active outside of Tyria.

Say no to Cantha and Elona.
Or even better, don’t say anything at all and appreciate what we have already.

So, who's up for a scary conversation? :)

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Never played gw1, but Abadon always seemed like an equivalent of cthulhu to me.

Strange smokescreens?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Heh, thanks Randulf.
It looks like one awesome awesome mystery, good job Anet.

And we can have our wedding pictures somewhere else, hon. I hear Beetletun is nice this time around.

Strange smokescreens?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Hi folks,
me and my buddy were in Kessex hills, running from haunted door to haunted door. When swimming trough Viathan lake, we suddenly got pushed back, like there were invisible walls. Each time we got pushed back, there was a small cooldown on our skills. We saw these strange, faint smokescreenlike things in the lake. And I don’t think they were there before. Here are the screenshots.
So, what do you think, a bug? Some weird halloween thing? … Let us know.

(My idiot friend kept running in front of my screen, so the screenshots are a bit messy.
He will also try to leave some kind of funny remark here in this thread.
Ignore him.)


lightning bolt like zeus?

in Asura

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Sounds like an elementalist wielding daggers.

What is in the Water?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Best gw2 joke EVER!

GW2 in order to create lasting players

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Take some time to watch this. I know it’s rather long, but it’s worth it:

The living story is anets way of introducing new character and new stories, it’s much more enjoyable if you’re able to follow. The living story is still something they’re working on, it’s not perfect. The players have been dissappointed by the living story (like the first impression of Scarlet) but have also been nagging om this forum about content that’s not nagworthy. You’ll find that we’re all tempted to nag about the smallest things.
But overall I’m still a fan of the living story and anet is trying to fulfill the players wishes. I find the new characters very promising and engaging and even though the living story still seems young, I’m hooked.

An other unpopular opinion of mine: I liked Trahearne and I liked being his commander. I think Logan is a boring character. Shining armor, long hair, handsome face, uneneding heroism, unquestionable love for his queen… He’s the prince charming of guildwars. But I haven’t read the books yet so who knows…

Asura Customization Suggestions

in Asura

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I hope anet will do an update on this. Even though I like the dynamic content they’ve been adding, the thing we secretly all want are more skins (or at least I do).

I’d love to see more hairstyles with typical technologic accessories, like holographic lights or power crystals. It might be a little extravagant, but I’d love to see some sketches.
I can draw pretty good myself, perhaps I will attempt something myself.

Btw Louveepine, your hairstyles look good but I’d love to see a side-view.

The new wings...

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Right, you’ve made your point, there are ways to tie it into the lore.

The new wings...

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


…they don’t fit with the lore.
I’m not here to complain about the new awesome looking living story update, but ‘the wings of the sunless’ don’t belong in Tyria. The holographic wings did, the asuran holographic technology is a common thing. But these fleshy appendages shouldn’t be sprouting from a human back.
How do you even obtain them? Do tiny moving wings fall from Tequalts toenails when you defeat him, or is there some wacky necromancer making them so you’d have a fun souvenir from the time you were almost eaten by a dragon champion.

From plush backpacks to 8-bit weapons, they all fit. But the wings don’t.

A hypothetical question.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Well, it seems the physical needs of religion somewhat slip away the more civilized groups of people become. I personally think that this is because of the Heirarchy of Needs. In a more civilized land, the notion of depending on a diety for your yearly harvest is not really a necessary thing. And I want to note that I am not calling religious people uncivilized or savage, I myself am a believer, I am just looking at how history seems to unravel these sorts of situations. Once you get past the physical needs of survival (security, food, water, shelter, etc..) you move on to the point of needs that is along the lines of the afterlife, the meaning of life, philosophy and such. These types of questions throw religion in a different light.

In GW2 we are at a bit more of a civilized era. The kingdoms are more settled, and while there is still war and trouble, people have made a somewhat philosophical shift from looking at direct needs to looking towards indirect needs. This is why, IMO, things like the teachings of a valiant Spirit of the Wild can remain useful to the norn even til today.

I think on Tyria these mechanics wouldn’t work like they do on earth, because Tyrian gods have more to offer. It is true that gods on earth primarily answered to these basic needs, and that this is now a thing of the past in western society. Tyrian gods have a larger purpose than fulfilling basic needs, the physical need for the gods doesn’t stop there. Magic and technology advance hand in hand on Tyria, so I’d think that godly magic would too. While on earth, we find insight trough selfreflection, on Tyria we could walk up to Melandru in Arah and have a chat with him in order to obtain wisdom (before it sank ofcourse).
I know you’re a fan of Owl and I’m not saying that his teachings don’t have as much significance as the teachings of the other spirits, but I mean that he’s not there anymore to help you out magically. In a world where the gods have so much to offer, why pick the dead god over the live god?

(edited by Bellyboomer.3048)

Some thoughts on Tengu and Mursaat

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I don’t quite see these statues, unless you mean the large cross-like things like the one above the gate. I doubt that’s really a statue. It just seems like adornment to me, shaped after bird wings rather than Mursaat appendages. Look at the bridge, same style structure like the cross above the gate, yet no head.

A hypothetical question.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I would probably worship the Spirits of the Wild. Their teachings make sense, some of them died/disappeared while trying to protect their followers and the ones that lived are present enough in the material world to make me think that they will always be there for their people. I would revere the memory of the Owl.

Yet, your gods are not immortal. Owl for example will never be there to support you in your struggle, you can only remember his teachings. What would you do if all the spirits were dead? (Which reminds me, what’s the origin of the spirits? Could they be reborn?)
There are magical beings in this world who can aid you and grant you power, wouldn’t it be a waste to worship owl, who is now powerless?

Well it does seem that the worship of Owl Spirit has kind of disappeared, if you look at the state of her lodge in Snowden Drifts. But that said, just because the Owl Spirit is dead does not mean her teachings are pointless.

You forgot about the Sun, Beetle!

I always liked the idea of a sun god. If you were a caveman on earth, wouldn’t it make more sense to worship the large source of energy and life in the sky as a god, rather than an invisible god?
But in Tyria there are other noticable sources of life and magic, so the sun is only one of many options. (btw, what’s the origin of the Tyrian sun?)

Many people worshiped the sun, moon, stars, rivers, mountains, any and everything that has a large impact on their lives. This can be seen through a multitude of religions around the world IRL. The belief in a single omnipotent/omniscient god is a more recent development.

I think it’s my scepticism about gods irl that raises these questions. Gods on earth aren’t ‘touchable’ and don’t have impact on the lives of those who don’t believe in them.
That’s why these nature religions you speak of are more appealing to me, these forces are much more noticeable or easier to picture than for example the christian god. The egyptians could feel the presence of their god Horus all day long and witness him floating in the sky. In that aspect, Horus seems much more logical to me than God.

This is also why I’d find it strange to worship Owl on Tyria. There are all these godlike beings on Tyria who are more noticeable and touchable than the gods on earth. Those gods or their avatars can appear before you, they will shape the earth, they will share power with you, let you travel to the mists,… Yet all you have left of owl are his teachings, and not the power to influence the world like the other gods have. His teachings are still important, but over time they will become vague, rewritten, reinterpreted and confusing, while you can still go up to the other gods and ask for their insights in person (sorta).

ps: I don’t want to offend anyones religion in real life, I’m just interested in the idea of religion in alternate worlds. I’m not some one-side-argument atheist who’s here to tell other people’s beliefs are wrong.

A hypothetical question.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


The eternal alchemy is a nice idea, but it seems like that’s more of a science than a religion.

I’d say that the eternal alchemy can only be theorized, and you would choose to believe in it. Much like how the big bang theory can only be theorized and not fully proven, while creationists don’t choose to believe in it. So yeah, let’s classify the eternal alchemy as a ‘religion’.

I would probably worship the Spirits of the Wild. Their teachings make sense, some of them died/disappeared while trying to protect their followers and the ones that lived are present enough in the material world to make me think that they will always be there for their people. I would revere the memory of the Owl.

Yet, your gods are not immortal. Owl for example will never be there to support you in your struggle, you can only remember his teachings. What would you do if all the spirits were dead? (Which reminds me, what’s the origin of the spirits? Could they be reborn?)
There are magical beings in this world who can aid you and grant you power, wouldn’t it be a waste to worship owl, who is now powerless?

You forgot about the Sun, Beetle!

I always liked the idea of a sun god. If you were a caveman on earth, wouldn’t it make more sense to worship the large source of energy and life in the sky as a god, rather than an invisible god?
But in Tyria there are other noticable sources of life and magic, so the sun is only one of many options. (btw, what’s the origin of the Tyrian sun?)

To build off the OP, which afterlife do you guys think you’d end up in? Me, I’d definitely end up in the Bright Hollow. ^ ^

The bright hollow just looks like the skritt interpretation of the mists to me. Why would you want to live in skritt-nirvana anyway?
I think almost all races have accepted the mists as the afterlife.

Just asking questions to keep the debate going, think about it

I think we should go through the Desert Gate

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


palawa joko rules the elonian states, kralkatoik could also be in the crystal desert/elona, or further south than that, all we know is that at the end of edge of destiny he flew south in toward the crystal desert. i hope we can go there soon though, AD IT ISNT TEMPORARY CONTENT!!!!

Of course it won’t be temporary, the living story is designed to add content to the game. They are going to let us go to the desert in order to fight the crystal dragon, and they will make an entire story about it. It’s possibly an expansion.
Don’t get so upset with the temporary content.

I think we should go through the Desert Gate

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It’s true man, the humans are secretly aliens man!


It’s explicitly in the lore that humans were brought to the world of Tyria from some other place by the gods.

I doubt that humanity would like to phrase it that way. Rather, they were gifted with verdant lands that happened to belong to uncultured barbarians who wouldn’t accept the benevolence of mankind.

draxynnic.3719 is in fact right. Humans are not native to Tyria as they were brought there by the Human Gods.

Yes I know. My previous statement was not posted in all seriousness.
By the way, how common is that knowledge in Tyria? When was the last time you heard a human say: “yeah the Asura look like midget aliens, but we are the ones from another world.” It’s on the wiki, but how many humans actually know that?

Opinions on SAB? lore-wise

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


-The 8-bit weapons just look asuran to me.

-Hats and backpacks were knitted by the loving human housewives.

-The dreamer is a magical weapon linked to the fabric of dreams, thus shooting dreamlike projectiles.

-The super adventure box is an asuran invention made with moto’s last recources.

It fits, it doesn’t mean you have to like it. You can just ignore it if you’d like.
I’m sick of this board being used to talk trash about the living world, Anet is doing their best and we’re lucky we can get so much new content. Everybody is mad at the devs since Scarlet was revealed and we didn’t get enough information at first so everybody started shouting ‘bad writing’. Look at all the great fun we’ve had with the living story?! One poorly written character and some joke content and everybody has lost hope in the living world.

Kitten you, kitten you so hard, kitten you until the kittens claw your eyes out and eat them.

I think we should go through the Desert Gate

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It’s the government man, they don’t want you to know man! Humans secretly run the world order man! It’s the man that’s putting us down man, taking away our freedom man!
Man I’ve been behind the gate man, I’ve seen the things they’ve been hiding man… UFO’s man! It’s true man, the humans are secretly aliens man!

They’re here to take all our lands man, suppressing us man, taking away our rights man!
Rise up to the power man!

Giant Stone Heads Across Tyria

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


But come to think of it, the Jotun are bald. They used to be less ugly and more powerful, so they could have built the heads.

And these look a bit alike.

Giant Stone Heads Across Tyria

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It’s late, I didn’t do my research, I’m just ranting, don’t judge me

Giant Stone Heads Across Tyria

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It’s a real shot in the dark and I have nothing to back it up, but I’d say making stone heads could have been a trend in the time of the five ancient races who fought the dragons (including mursaat and seer.) The mursaat could have made the great Oouo as well as the other heads. I’m thinking of the connection between riven earth and the mursaat (the anagram ’riven eart+rata sum = strive near mursaat.)
And to take it to the next level of asumption: what if the colossus was one of the five races?
Who knows, who will say, we might just be living in some virtual reality world made by an asian looking asura!

A hypothetical question.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It isn’t the living in the Mists bit that make gods gods, it’s all the things they did around a thousand years ago, and the things they hypothetically have the power to do. They brought humanity into the world, they gifted magic to the races, they set restrictions on magic that held firm for a thousand years, and that’s just what we know about. Ther’re also numerous events hinted at in the scriptures and the history scrolls- purging and terraforming an entire kingdom, taking part in massive battles, turning entire seas into deserts. And then there’s the fact that, two hundred and fifty years ago, a fallen human god almost reshaped the entire Tyrian reality in his own twisted image. What if the other gods could do such too? It’s the ultimate deterrent.

That said, I really want to know what the interplay would have been between a Nightfallen Tyria and the Elder Dragons…

As to the original post… I personally, would revere raw magic, as it is the source of power of every being or entity worshiped in Tyria (to the best of our knowledge, anyway… I don’t know that it is outright stated that the human gods are powered by magic). And then perhaps I’d pull a Gaheron and see if I could be a god if I controlled enough of it.

EDIT: And while Tyria is much richer in godlike beings, no fictional universe will ever be able to encompass the kind of diversity one can see in real world faiths. ^-^

And now the dragons are reshaping the earth, while the gods are so silent they could even be gone. Why are the gods gods and the dragons not? (I know some suspect that each dragon is tied to a god in order to keep the magic in the world in balance, but we can’t know for sure.)
And your edit is right but I mean Tyria is filled with godlike beings who are much more touchable than those on earth. I think the choise between all those beings would be so hard, I could run around worshipping ice statues and large faces like the grawl.

Mellagan is considered by Human scholars to actually be Melandru, by the way. Quaggans are too polite to correct them.

Yes, but for the Quaggans, Mellagan is the only god. For the humans it’s one of six (and some more stuck in the real of torment or killed by gods who have taken their place).

A hypothetical question.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Talking about believes is quite hard, especially since some of the gods (the human ones) are proven to exist, which would make their existence a fact rather than a belief.

That’s why I find it so interesting!
Do you follow these proven gods and ignore other versions of gods (like Mellaggan, the Quaggan god)?
In a world full of magical creatures, what makes these gods ‘gods’? Is it because they live in the mists? By that logic, the unseen were gods too.
Would you say "it’s all part of a great plan’ like the eternal alchemy, without being able to understand it?
Would you act like the atheistic Charr, because you are afraid to follow false gods?
Would you follow one of the teachings? (The pale tree, Koda, the great dwarf…)
You could also worship the dragons if you’d like!

Tyria is much richer in godlike beings than earth, what would you believe?

A hypothetical question.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


You are an inhabitant of Tyria. ragardless of your race or origin and only from lore-perspective, What would be your religious belief and why?

Asura and Mursaat?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I think Rata Sum was a phrase in Latin

It’s on the wiki I think

I don’t know what “Rata” means in Latin but “Sum” should mean “I am” In English

Two of the possible translations from Latin of “Rata Sum” are “I have calculated” and “I am certain.”

Make "What Scarlet Saw..." a movie

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I think this entire forum would agree with you. A lot of players are upset with the writing of Scarlet because we didn’t know much about her. This could have been avoided if this bit of backgroundstory was included ingame at the start of the event.

Asura and Mursaat?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I freaked when I found out the RATA SUM is an anagram for MURSAAT.
WP alsomst covers it all:
Tell me what you think, I do hope anat will reveal there is a connection.

The anagram thing has been known since Eye of the North was released. But ever since that, I don’t think anyone has ever managed to connect Asura and Mursaat.

Did rata sum already exist then? I don’t have much knowledge of the first game.

Steam Creature World?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I’ve seen them before. I’d say it’s more likely that it’s early concept art for the black citadel or some other charr city.
If they ever make a steam world it would be great if this concept is used, but don’t get your hopes up. Anet hasn’t given us much about the steam creatures in the last living story event and it looks to me like they want to steer us away from the steam world idea….

What Scarlet saw...

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Why o why did anet not put this ingame?! This story does not explain all her ties to the steam creatures and the molten aliance, but now she at least have a motive. At least she is a character now and not just a boss with some vague dialogue. This should have been out at the start of the event, so the players would not have the time to yell “bad writing” before there was anything actually writen about Scarlet.

I love how the story is based on the sylvarian curiosity. It’s something all sylvari experience, but Ceara is the exeption that drives it even further.

I love it, but for the love of Kormir put it IN the event next time!

Asura and Mursaat?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I freaked when I found out the RATA SUM is an anagram for MURSAAT.
WP alsomst covers it all:
Tell me what you think, I do hope anat will reveal there is a connection.

Sylvari intelligence

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I think it’s safe to say that Scarlet is most likely a mist-traveler. Whether she has seen the eternal alchemy, came from a parallel universe or a possible future, she probably did not gather all her assets on this plane of existence.

And I know we all have a Scarlet fever at the moment, but doesn’t it bug anyone that the sylvari are so advanced in only (and I must correct myself) 24 years? I thought about it some more today, and the there are almost as much sylvari as humans or norn in Tyria. Their settlements spread trough the entire maguuma jungle, yet the other races don’t feel threatened by their rapid growth. If anything, the pale tree can raise quite a horde of minions in a short period of time. If Mordremoth were to claim all those sylvari, we’d be in some deep kitten.

Sylvari intelligence

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Her wiki entry is everything they could think of to show that she is extremely smart and strong and cunning : she trained and excelled with every main races except Humans (but she got Hyleks).
The only thing missing on her entry is something like “she killed a dragon by herself”.

Btw : since I’ve yet to play it, and for some reason can’t find any thread talking about it (I’m terrible at searching), what are her motivations ?

Other than being the most evil deranged chick in the whole gw2 universe, she doesn’t appear to have a motive yet, or at least not that I’ve seen. The way I’ve seen her she’s just like: ‘hey, I’m behind it all, I’m evil, and I’m going to kitten up your day, MUHAHAHAAHHAHA!’ But then again I’ve only played a little. There must be a lot I’m missing.

Sylvari intelligence

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It came to my attention that Scarlet Briar is one really smart sylvari.
From the wiki: “She earned special dispensation to study at all three colleges in Rata Sum and earned advanced engineering degrees at each.”
The average asura spends a lifetime in one of these colleges, yet Scarlet manages to study and excel at all three. So she’s at least as smart as the average asura, probably smarter. Vorpp even says she’s a show-off, which would mean that he feels threatened by her track record. Yet she can only be 26 years old, maximum. It makes me wonder: just what are the sylvari capable of?

These plant creatures are already present in every corner of the world. The other playable races have been around for ages, building their strength and culture, yet the sylvari can already somewhat compete with them after 25 years. And meanwhile, some of the oldest races like the jotun are scratching their behinds in their mudhuts.
A fifth member fo Destiny’s edge? A sylvari! We reunite the three large orders of Tyria to invade the land of an undead dragon, who will lead them? One of those 26 year old plant people of course!

I once mentioned here that the dream of dreams is more potential than basic evolution. Instead of just giving useful features to future generations, the dream actually shares the memories and experiences from other sylvari. This would mean that the sylvari will grow rapidly in intelligence over the years, since they have acces to the memory of others who have had a lifetime of experience.

So yeah, smart sylvari+ present everywhere+ dream of dreams = sylvari will conquer the world?

Dragons over the world.

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


I think anet still needs to explain why Cantha is the dragon nation while the dragons are awakening in Tyria. How can Kuunavang be there without being tied to the ED while everything else in Tyria is.

We think there are six dragons from Tyrian perspective (six zones in crucible of eternity and such.) So more dragons are possible. I’ve read here that people thought there could be a seventh dragon based on the sky and the stars, something like the celestial dragon from Cantha. But that’s probably just player speculation.

Bloodstones and Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


The seers intention was to save the magic from the dragons trough the bloodstone, so I’d say they used powerfull wards so that the dragons couldn’t find or claim it.

Missing Dragons and Cantha

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Can’t confirm it, but I’ve read that Kuunavang might be related to the deep sea dragon.
And I think he should be! Anet will have to explain the existance of Kuunavang, why Cantha is the dragon empire and how this all ties to the ED.

Though Kuunavang doesn’t resemble the description of bubbles minions: “The currently unnamed Elder Dragon from the depths of the sea has the power to create tentacled creatures from the water. It is said that through its powers, it has been creating servants from every lake and river around its location.”

No tentacles:

Dragon in the trailer?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Isn’t it a poor idea to show the outcome of your storyline in the trailer? It’s like showing an exploded deathstar on the cover of star wars to me.

Dragon in the trailer?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


So not much interesting going on.

Dragon in the trailer?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


That’s Zhaitan’s body, before he was redesigned to what he is now. I kinda wish some of the stuff in the trailer that got changed had stayed that way, like LA…

What? How can that be, Zhaitan was sleeping below the sea near orr before he woke up, this map looks ascalonian?

Underwater Dragon and Inquest? - Theory

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


The six zones all represent a certain dragon, blue is for the yet unseen dsd. The green one predicts Mordremoth.

Dragon in the trailer?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


Watch at 3:50

Where and what is this? Some sort of dragon-shaped structure, the remains of a dead dragon, some dragon just chillin’ there?
It’s the first time I’ve seen this.

Underwater Dragon and Inquest? - Theory

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


From the wiki: "The currently unnamed Elder Dragon from the depths of the sea has the power to create tentacled creatures from the water. It is said that through its powers, it has been creating servants from every lake and river around its location. "

The leviathan was a serpent in ancient mythology, which is also shown by the concept art. So I don’t think these are the ‘tentacled creatures’ made by bubbles. I could expect more kraken-like beasties.

Strange Coin!!

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


It could be from Cantha, the wiki states that stuff from Cantha washes up on Tyrian shores from time to time, and you found it near the LA coast. The symbol looks traditional asian.
Maybe Anet is teasing us, maybe it’s nothing, we will never know…

How do you want to fight the Elder Dragons?

in Lore

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


-Primordus: underground, on a bridge built by the dwarves inside a gigantic cavern, mines of moria style. “You shall not pass, motherkitten!”
- Kralkatorrik: In the crystal desert, with an army of asuran golems, to honor Snaff. And there should be a Snaff-masterpiece golem, about half the size of the dragon himself.
-Jormag: On a corrupted mountain peak in the far north, near the old Norn settlements. He may control the mountain, but the norn will answer to their ancestors and take back what was theirs.
-Mordremoth: A spiritual battle within the dream, the dragon corrupts the dream, but we have the memories of our deceased heroes living within the dream, fighting besides us. (If the jungle dragon actually has some sort of connection with the sylvari…)
-Bubbles: With ships on open waters, while he swims near the surface of the sea. He uses his appendages to strike our ships above the waters, while his immense body remains under water, to create a nice kraken-like sea monster feeling.

And I shall battle all these great creatures in the nude…