Showing Posts For Burnfall.9573:

Your favorite thing you miss from GW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


having no Perma-anything.
having no stealth classes
skill varieties
guild halls
better class balance at an extent
better game stability
awesome build mechanics
where “ranger class” where rangers

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Everyone here have the right to post without violating the forum rules.

Infact, i’m calling out to Ban you imposing my rights, How Dare You!!

They will certainly make you an example to others who think they have the right in imposing others from their very right to free speach in the forums.

For i didn’t violate any forum rules, Nor encourage others to seek retaliation to another person/

Embrace and Await your fate, once and for all.

No remorse.

I’d just like to point out that Calling out Arena.Net IS a violation of the forum rules. So yeah best of luck to you

We wil see to that.

Calling out is a violation by your rules

Code of Conduct

Do not engage in staff call-outs.

As a reminder; next time when you’re using quote/s, finish it.. it only makes you guilty of hiding the truth.

“Do not engage in staff call-outs. Using the words “ArenaNet” or any staff member’s name will not expedite the answer to your query.

Why hide the truth?

Should I requote once more?

Where do you see the words “violating the rules” do you see in the quote?

Let me requote it again, if you missed it,

“Do not engage in staff call-outs. Using the words “ArenaNet” or any staff member’s name will not expedite the answer to your query.

So there..

If you still want to continue in hiding the truth, please contact directly for better clarrification..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Spirit Rangers, prepare yourselfs for nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



perma-stealth thieves, will carry on.

How nice!!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I would stay away from power builds, they’re getting a nerf when Ascended gear comes out.

To quote another : “To simplify, say warrior longbow did 1000dps and rangers did 600dps with the pet picking up the extra 400 to round it out. If the new weapon sets gave you a 10% damage output boost the warrior would be at 1100 dps and the ranger would be at 660 dps plus 400 equaling 1060.”

Unless Dev comes here and explains it differently, our damage output will not keep pace with the rest of the Ascended wearing crowd out there.

I see no reasons for nerfing power builds to begin with, just because of Ascended gear.

I think they are smarter than that.

The only remedy to nerfing power builds is of not having the Ascended gears not ouputting too much damage.

As you had already mentioned with 10% damage boost, i would recommend lesser than that, with 2-5%. boost.

Why punish the core power builds due to Ascended gear?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i think what we can take away from this is best described by the joker, but in gw2 terms

“everything goes up in chaos when the unexpected happens, like, i could say a warrior is going to kill someone with his hundred blades combo because thats the order of the world, but when i say this thief is gonna use his stealth combos to kill that warrior, everyone looses their minds”

honestly, im sick of little cute, buggy eyed kittens, pointing the finger at the stealth class, ALL THE kittenING TIME, why is it always the stealth class that gets deemed op, oh i know why, because people dont understand how to counter it, what people dont understand they cry to the developers as being op “waaaaaaaaaa this character can invest lots of time into stealthing, almost like i invest lots of time into this combo but he can go invisible waaaaaaaaaa”

What i find alarming in your post is that, you blame and insult your victims for crying, yet you are their sole Abuser to their pain and sufferings.

You thieves, should be held accountable for your sadistic and malicious crimes against the defenseless.

PROTIP: Disregard anything burnfall says.

How very Dare you telling others to silence my posts

Everyone here have the right to post without violating the forum rules.

Infact, i’m calling out to Ban you imposing my rights, How Dare You!!

They will certainly make you an example to others who think they have the right in imposing others from their very right to free speach in the forums.

For i didn’t violate any forum rules, Nor encourage others to seek retaliation to another person/

Embrace and Await your fate, once and for all.

No remorse.

You have the right to say what you want, but that doesn’t mean you can force people to listen. Thieves (and some warriors) do grow tired of the zealous fervor with which you attack other classes while characterizing those who play them as sadists. Funny the first time, annoying after the umpteenth time.

Look up my threads and posts and quote my words where I’m calling players sadist and that will be end to this argument.

I never once called a players sadist or any names; and you’re responding to my post by prejudjing my words without doing your homework?

I will not continue until you apologize.

Infact, I’m calling out all thieves to tell me in quotes, where and when i personally called them names.

Times up, none whatsoever.

Thanks for wasting my time.

You from 8 questions concerning thief madness on Aug 23rd:

“Unfortunately, there is no denying that this class Have Not been Diciplined for any of their Actions, instead, they are Rewarded for their Malicious and Sadistic Crimes”

Thanks for providing ‘hard evidence’ of that ‘name calling’ post where i never once, called any indvidual person or players names.

I Appreciate your hard effort into looking into it.

For i will say again and continue to say again, Thief class is the problem, not the individual players; for i am an individual player myself.

I have no rights of personally calling or attacking individual players or others due to their class performance.

Also, you will never find me swearing on any game chats, ‘not now or ever.’

Nor I have, nor hold anything personal against anyone, ‘not now or ever’, as well.

-Everyone is unique in their own special ways; that i will always believe in-

No-matter what..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Everyone here have the right to post without violating the forum rules.

Infact, i’m calling out to Ban you imposing my rights, How Dare You!!

They will certainly make you an example to others who think they have the right in imposing others from their very right to free speach in the forums.

For i didn’t violate any forum rules, Nor encourage others to seek retaliation to another person/

Embrace and Await your fate, once and for all.

No remorse.

I’d just like to point out that Calling out Arena.Net IS a violation of the forum rules. So yeah best of luck to you

We wil see to that.

Calling out is a violation by your rules

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i think what we can take away from this is best described by the joker, but in gw2 terms

“everything goes up in chaos when the unexpected happens, like, i could say a warrior is going to kill someone with his hundred blades combo because thats the order of the world, but when i say this thief is gonna use his stealth combos to kill that warrior, everyone looses their minds”

honestly, im sick of little cute, buggy eyed kittens, pointing the finger at the stealth class, ALL THE kittenING TIME, why is it always the stealth class that gets deemed op, oh i know why, because people dont understand how to counter it, what people dont understand they cry to the developers as being op “waaaaaaaaaa this character can invest lots of time into stealthing, almost like i invest lots of time into this combo but he can go invisible waaaaaaaaaa”

What i find alarming in your post is that, you blame and insult your victims for crying, yet you are their sole Abuser to their pain and sufferings.

You thieves, should be held accountable for your sadistic and malicious crimes against the defenseless.

PROTIP: Disregard anything burnfall says.

How very Dare you telling others to silence my posts

Everyone here have the right to post without violating the forum rules.

Infact, i’m calling out to Ban you imposing my rights, How Dare You!!

They will certainly make you an example to others who think they have the right in imposing others from their very right to free speach in the forums.

For i didn’t violate any forum rules, Nor encourage others to seek retaliation to another person/

Embrace and Await your fate, once and for all.

No remorse.

You have the right to say what you want, but that doesn’t mean you can force people to listen. Thieves (and some warriors) do grow tired of the zealous fervor with which you attack other classes while characterizing those who play them as sadists. Funny the first time, annoying after the umpteenth time.

Look up my threads and posts and quote my words where I’m calling players sadist and that will be end to this argument.

I never once called a players sadist or any names; and you’re responding to my post by prejudjing my words without doing your homework?

I will not continue until you apologize.

Infact, I’m calling out all thieves to tell me in quotes, where and when i personally called them names.

Times up, none whatsoever.

Thanks for wasting my time.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I was providing a suggestion to save others the trouble because they are going to do it eventually, regardless if I told them or not.

Once again, leave that to the forum devs; that’s their job nor yours.

They know who the trolls are.

Why do you think they have Infraction System set in place for?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


@ Burnfall

I never said silence, I said disregard. Big difference. Most of your posts are either trolls or really ignorant and it has gotten to the point where if any attention is given to your posts it is either a glance or results in a ridiculing reply.

The biggest thing is you’ve gotten to that point on your own. I hope you understand that.


I hope makes an example out of you.

And believe me, they will.

You have no Rights of Imposing another person from reading and replying to someone’s posts or threads.

Leave that to the forum devs.

As “ignorant” as i am, i never once retaliated someone against you for disagreeing with your posts.

Once again. you will never be given the right to impose to others; not now or ever; after you punishment by

Even i myself don’t have that right including others, what makes you think you do?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


And once and for all, calling someone a troll is becoming quite childish and immature.

People who’s sole purpose of playing these childish games should be banned fromposting in the forums and ban entirely from the game.


Too many childlike individuals in guild wars 2 world, and i don’t have time to defend and justify my self to childrens.

Exposing problems within the game or exposing the truth within the game in a formatal manner, does not make one a troll.

Tip and encouragement; look up the person history before labeling them a troll.

(I’m a vitcim of that as well , and should ban those who label me as one; starting from day 1 by my posts and threads).

I’m very tired of these games.. Grow Up!!!!!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i think what we can take away from this is best described by the joker, but in gw2 terms

“everything goes up in chaos when the unexpected happens, like, i could say a warrior is going to kill someone with his hundred blades combo because thats the order of the world, but when i say this thief is gonna use his stealth combos to kill that warrior, everyone looses their minds”

honestly, im sick of little cute, buggy eyed kittens, pointing the finger at the stealth class, ALL THE kittenING TIME, why is it always the stealth class that gets deemed op, oh i know why, because people dont understand how to counter it, what people dont understand they cry to the developers as being op “waaaaaaaaaa this character can invest lots of time into stealthing, almost like i invest lots of time into this combo but he can go invisible waaaaaaaaaa”

What i find alarming in your post is that, you blame and insult your victims for crying, yet you are their sole Abuser to their pain and sufferings.

You thieves, should be held accountable for your sadistic and malicious crimes against the defenseless.

PROTIP: Disregard anything burnfall says.

How very Dare you telling others to silence my posts

Everyone here have the right to post without violating the forum rules.

Infact, i’m calling out to Ban you imposing my rights, How Dare You!!

They will certainly make you an example to others who think they have the right in imposing others from their very right to free speach in the forums.

For i didn’t violate any forum rules, Nor encourage others to seek retaliation to another person/

Embrace and Await your fate, once and for all.

No remorse.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i think what we can take away from this is best described by the joker, but in gw2 terms

“everything goes up in chaos when the unexpected happens, like, i could say a warrior is going to kill someone with his hundred blades combo because thats the order of the world, but when i say this thief is gonna use his stealth combos to kill that warrior, everyone looses their minds”

honestly, im sick of little cute, buggy eyed kittens, pointing the finger at the stealth class, ALL THE kittenING TIME, why is it always the stealth class that gets deemed op, oh i know why, because people dont understand how to counter it, what people dont understand they cry to the developers as being op “waaaaaaaaaa this character can invest lots of time into stealthing, almost like i invest lots of time into this combo but he can go invisible waaaaaaaaaa”

What i find alarming in your post is that, you blame and insult your victims for crying, yet you are their sole Abuser to their pain and sufferings.

You thieves, should be held accountable for your sadistic and malicious crimes against the defenseless.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Lol @ OP: Another “thief” asking for a nerf. No one asks for a thief on their own class though. Nice try.

I do not find anything amusing especially when an honest thief screams, “foul play”.

I get it with you indeniable thieves, you don’t want no penalty, no fair play, no rules, no cooldown, no counter play whatsoever.

It all make sense now..

Thank You! for exposing your true intents and the truth.

(How many honest thieves will it take to admit thier intents?
How many honest thieves will it take to end this irony of thier godlike perfect mechanic class; thief, once and for all?)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


engineers > thieves

the problem isn’t thief<X but stealthing/Heartseekering to the other side of the map without you being able to see the target. its just to easy to get out of fights. I want stealth to be nerfed as much as rangers will be nerfed in the next 2 patches and that is coming from some1 who mains a stealth class.

Excuse me?

Why would you compare thief stealth to ranger’s “stealth”?

As a ranger, our “stealth doesn’t last more than 3 sec..” while your thief class mechanics revovles around ‘24/7’ stealths.

Any thieves here can tell you how ‘useless’ rangers ‘stealth’ is to them..
kitten, we rangers are still easy killable to you Op thieves, no matter what ‘changes’ we are given.

You nerfed our pets damage and mobility,

what now, make us run naked with a useless pet.. is that what you want?

What might get nerfed on Ranger is Spirits. Take a gander at SPvP Burnfall.

And I wouldn’t be Surprised, Dual.

In one note; Dev. Robert.H who was our last hope, was fired not too long ago.
Word has it, that his work and ideas were not appreciated.

Does this sound like a class to you called the Ranger class?

At the state of the moment, the ranger class permanent deaths is imminent at any give time.

At the end, it’ll be just you thieves and; just the way it was supposed to be; Thief Wars 2.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


engineers > thieves

the problem isn’t thief<X but stealthing/Heartseekering to the other side of the map without you being able to see the target. its just to easy to get out of fights. I want stealth to be nerfed as much as rangers will be nerfed in the next 2 patches and that is coming from some1 who mains a stealth class.

Excuse me?

Why would you compare thief stealth to ranger’s “stealth”?

As a ranger, our “stealth doesn’t last more than 3 sec..” while your thief class mechanics revovles around ‘24/7’ stealths.

Any thieves here can tell you how ‘useless’ rangers ‘stealth’ is to them..
kitten, we rangers are still easy killable to you Op thieves, no matter what ‘changes’ we are given.

You nerfed our pets damage and mobility,

what now, make us run naked with a useless pet.. is that what you want?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


My ranger can kill 5 people at once without stealth, nerf me?

I have a buddy that would love to know your build! LOL! (seriously)

Ranger here, i also would like to know this “My ranger can kill 5 people at once without stealth, nerf me?” build?

And I’m also serious.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

come one please, nerf stealth.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


its totally insane how a class with stealth can just pop it and even when hit directly remain in stealth, classes like thief just stealth spam using cloak and dagger and reset a fight at will, it takes no great feat of skill to just spam stealth nonstop stabing a player who has no clue where you are.

yes I have an 80 thief.

Stealth should not remove target lock, you should regain lock once they appear.
stealth should not be stackable.
stealth should be removed when they attack and are blocked.
any and all action from stealth should remove stealth.
if you take a direct hit (not aoe) you should have stealth removed.


The world need more honest thieves as you.

Thank You! for your confessions and truths bearing.

We need more like you in changing the brokened world and making an example out of it..

Once again,

Thank You!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Robert Hrouda has left Arenanet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


He’s gone. Read his FB wall.

Judging from his posts, it looks like he wasn’t too happy with how his last piece of work at ANet was used.

That is totall shocking and sad news.

The last post he posted on was in my thread; in the ranger’s forum and than he went M.I.A.

Thanalso, another person made a thread trying to hear back from Robert.H; unfortunately, no answer or replies from him.

His favorite class was the Ranger!! Even the rangers’ community felt that he was being intentionally forced in jeapordizing our class, we all felt it including myself.

We could always feel a despearate cry in his writings; even though he tried his best in hiding it.

So sad…

As the saying goes, “you will never know the truth when you are in denial of the truth”

-The truth all along, he was being programmed-

I Hope the best for him…..

The world is far greater; it will care of him and make him feel worthy and valued.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As the saying goes, “be sincere in what you say and do, improve the negativity about you, only than you will have less complaints”

So the question that raises,
has been sincere with their words and actions?
has improved the negativity of guild wars 2 world?

Answer any of them, you will find the answer.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Thief, at Guild Wars 2 World's End?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


After reading recent Threads about the Continiously Frustrations, Tired, Exhausted and Dissapointements with Guild Wars 2 World, i raised this question.

Most Importantly, the Rise of recent Revolts by these Faithful Individuals including others ‘who haave had it’ completely, Quite and Walked Away from the Inconsiderate, and Uncaring World….

The Majority of the World are Aware, ‘waking up’ to the Devastating Impact of Guild Wars 2 World no Needing and Wanting them Anymore.

The only Remaining ‘contents’ that’s keeping Guild Wars 2 World Barely Alive, are 4 things..

1. Exp, upgrades etc…
2. Zerges
3. Free and Easy Kills by The Perfect Killing Machine Class; Thief.
4. GVG

Other than that..

It’s a Thief World

The Reason I also believe why Guild Wars 2 World is quickly becoming Avoidable of Players.. (see New thread) – ‘Guild Quit due to lack of wvw contents’ is because of Arena.Net playing Favoritism.

I Hope Many of You Know what that is and the reason i say that is because after knowing the obvious reasons, you will see the After-Effect of it.. The Consequence.

I Believe Arena.Net Passionately and Devoted so much of their Time, Effort and Energy in Perfecting the Perfect Killing Machine Class;Thief in Everyway they Possibly could (thief Class is still being Perfected at each state), they Forget or Neglected the other Remaining Important Factors of what Guild Wars 2 World was supposed to offer and Constitute.

For Example; the contents, fixing bugs, adjusting class/ Class Balance that are in need of it (Perma-Stun Warriors, Perma-Stealth Invincible OP Theif)..

or even

Improving Class Mechanics and Dynamics (Ranger’s Pet, Elementist Staff, Guardian Range Weapon, Engineer Turrents, Mesmers Speed Mobility)


At the End

Everyone one Realized Arena.Net was Never in their Best Interests, well, Except; Nerfing thier Capasity In Becoming Worthy Class Players (Ranger, Guardian, Elementalist, Engineer)

Unfortunately, .

The Only Class that is and will Never be Impacted by this Devastating Revolt, is Thief Class.. sadly but True.


Thief class was Created to be Future-Proof, while the other classes were Created in having no Value or Worth Whatsoever; they are Intentionally Nerfed, Brokened and thier cries for thier Fixes and Improvements are Intentionally Ignored.

To Sum up the whole Thread

Guild Wars 2 World was and Is and will Always Revolve around and Favor Thief Class, ‘kitten’ the Guild Wars 2 World..

‘Kitten’ Every Potentials Contents, Fun, Dynamic, Entertaining and Progressful of what Guild Wars 2 World was supposed to offer.

Again and Afterall, its your World Thief.

Then Afterward, You can continue to be Free to do Anything, Whatever, Everthing (as Always as before), ..

And you can Continue your Perma Rampage Killing Machine Kills at Will; with Time at your Control; Obviously.

Thief, when Everyone Leave, it will Only be Just You; Like Before.

With all Sincerity, I Always Believed Arena.Net value’s each classes and having Desire for Great game contents for their World but near 1 year.. the Truth Hurts……. I was Wrong All Along.

-The Only World That Exists Near 1 Year Anniversary is a Broken World

As the saying goes, ’When you Neglect your World,, Your World Will Leave You)

Arena.Net.. do you Care about your World?

I usually dont care much because im not ontop of my game on forums when it comes to perfection etc….. but your use of punctuation’s and grammar…..ESPECIALLY your use of capital letters at the first letter of each word is just annoying to read. Weekdays, months, names, places, people, titles, acronyms, countries, and sometimes titles. plz take heed.

that aside……….. he is right about 1 thing even tho he eluded to mention this … the level of stagnation in this game/forums is unbelievable. same posts…topics… conversations and silly responses. its getting old. living story content is cool for no more than 1 week. after thakittens just old news. there needs to be new lvls…new skills…new classes….new maps. i know you said its hard to make a new map (which is why we are getting rearranged WVW maps instead of new ones lol) but if u want to keep gw2 a relevant game. get ur head right. pffft. (targeted at ARENA ….not OP)

Thanks for correcting me, i need to improve my use of cappeling letters and words, plus improving grammer errors

I also edited the the thread with improvements, and with other corrections.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief, at Guild Wars 2 World's End?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Recently I came about recent threads questioning the concerns and motives of the world of guild wars 2; even revolting against the world due to being inconsiderate and uncaring to them.

Faithful individuals’who completely have had it’, had quit and walked away with shame..

The impact- the majority of the world are aware, ‘waking up’ to the devastating impact of guild wars 2 world not needing and wanting them anymore.

The only remaining ‘contents’ that’s keeping guild wars 2 world barely alive, are 4 things..

1. Exp, upgrades etc…
2. Zerges
3. Free and Easy Kills by the godlike class; thief.
4. GVG

The reason I also believe why guild wars 2 world is quickly becoming avoidable .. (see new thread) – ‘guild quit due to lack of wvw contents’ is as always of playing favoritism for thief class.

I hope many of you know what that is and the reason i ask that is because after knowing the obvious reasons, you will see the after-effect of it.. the consequence and the ‘hard truth’, the ‘back-lash’ of favoritism which is total detactchment from the world.

I believe passionately and devoted their time, effort and energy in creating their perfect creation and intentionally neglecting the soul of their world which are the faithful devoted classes who had helped shaped their world in extrondinary ways. why?

Not fixing or Implimenting contents, fixing bugs that plagued the world for far too long, not adjusting class/ class balance that are in need of it, permitting (perma-stun warriors to totally immobilize players till until the Final blow, Permitting and Intentionally permitting perma-stealth thieves to control the destiny of your world.

(In other word, you created them to be like gods, ‘in your likeness’)

What your world been asking for far too long……..

Improving class mechanics and dynamics (Ranger’s Pet mechanics and their weapons need Improvement, Elementist stakitten need shorter cooldown, , Guardian range weapons need improvement, Engineer turrents needs improvement, Mesmers speed passive mobilites need improvement)

In other word, the listed classes are in Serious need of your Attention.

What grieves your world is when your world finally realizing that their wonderful given world was never made for them.

In other word, World that you created was never in your Intent for us to belonged to;, all along.

Whenver your try prove their worths; you tear them down with unJustify nerfs, whenever they try to show you that they are special; you plague them with bugs, and when your world try to show you that they will try to live on; you strip them from their freedom of enjoying your world.’

Afterall, many of us knew your intents all along, . we knew it!

As you the God of your world silently watch; thief are given The Golden Key to overpower and control your world at will; as we the world are their Slaves.

And as their slaves, ‘we can not take it anymore’, we can no longer suffer their ironies anymore, we can no longer enjoy (have fun) and the only way to stay alive is with our attachments to groups and zerges (even so, we are still vulnerable to thier perma-stealth).

All remains to us at this state is a broken world.

Once again,, please put an end to this irony.

Deep within my core, i had hoped you would finally care and valued your living world (the remaining classes and your world contents) but with your world 1 year Anniversary approaching, where is our savior"?

Lastly i will leave this saying,

As the saying goes, ’When you forsake your world,, your world will leave you)


Will you save your world?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Mighty Ranger / High Level FOTM: 7/24/2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



I Appreciate your Great Effort and Contribution to the Ranger Class.

You Deserve it alot.

Thank You!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Is GW2 meant to appeal to only casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Why does everyone feel the need to categorize and judge people?

I’m a hardcore players, and I love this game to death. Eh…?


That made my day.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Full spirits Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Let me get this right, you Stated and Confirmed that you have 0zero Experience with Rangers yet you made a Spirit Build and call it OP?

As a Future Encouragement, Just because you made a build and it ’works Wonders" for you, calling it OP is Pre-Mature.

Though I will give you Credit for liking your build but again as a Future reminder, keep the word “OP” ’to the Eyes of the Beholder".

By the way,

Good Build

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

I am done with ranger for wvw.

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I also look forward in next Tuesday patch and see where our Future is heading because at our current state, it looks ‘blurry’ for us; even our near-blinded pets agree to that.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Which Class is Boastful, which is Humble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


1. Which Class seek Attention, “show’s-off” “what they are made off”?
( as in their “skills” and their Machoism)

2. Which Class who has ‘the skills’ but instead, choose to restrain themselves from "showing-off’their "skills’ and their Machoism by not seeking Attention?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

[merged] Warrior's New Meta Unkillable Rematch

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Also, no thief using that weapon combination ? Ok sometimes thieves go d/p to brutalize necromancers but sword/dagger still stands as the strongest 1v1 thief build right now. Where have you been all this time when people complained about larcenous strike brokeness like no tomorrow ? Anet even nerfed that freaking thing (same patch that reduced dhum fire from 4 seconds to 2 seconds) and it is still the strongest land weapon skill in the game. If you genuinely think that no thief uses that weapon set you are either trolling or unexperienced. (although i often see shadow refuge used instead of rolling for ini)

And you are either daft or ignorant quite frankly. Nobody uses double Sword/Dagger anymore, neither does anybody use RFI among other things (which makes me wonder where you have been all this time).

So let’s summarize:

- He’s using a 0/30/0/30/10 build (So no Mug and no Serpent’s Touch) on top of the lower damage output of the build compared to the 10/30/0/30/0 build. Mug, Serpents Touch and Pain Response would have made a huge difference in this fight.

- He’s using double S/D, which nobody runs with anymore and never was a good idea to begin with (though one could argue it was viable before the Infiltrator’s Strike "nerf)

- He’s not using Pain Response, which practically 90% of the S/D thieves use since the necromancer changes and which would have come quite handy here as well

- He’s using RFI, Infiltrator’s and Agility. Most thieves will either run with Shadowstep, Refuge (or both) and the Assassin’s Signet (and Infiltrator’s Signet, if they don’t run with Shadowstep for the stun break), as that’s the most effective set of utilities

- He’s using Energy sigils, when 95% of the S/D builds out there are either using Fire or Air for the extra punch

So basically out of 7 traits that the meta 10/30/0/30/0 build you mentioned uses, he’s running 5 and not even the same trait or stat distribution (and I am being generous, because most S/D thieves have also dropped Signet Use by now).

Out of 2 preferred weapon sets, he’s only using one that we see in a S/D build nowadays and out of the 3 preferred utilities, he’s also only using 1. Furthermore he’s using different sigils.

It’s a completely different build basically.

Your eyes are more keen than mine
I thought the “not seen playing that weapon set” came from a non-thief player who was surprised about the sword/dagger combination, not from a thief player who already analized the build better than i did.

He is probably one of the best players of this game. He just isn’t such a big attentionseeker as all those streamlings and WvW-Intigos, that shine by killing baddies and posting videos of it.

Beautifuly Well Said.

And He Deserves Respect and Honor.

As the saying goes, “The Strength and Power of a Man is Humility”

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Lots of complaints about Anet being greedy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



I Do Agree with you, with Guild Wars 2 being free to play-no monthly subscription, how and where should Arena.Net get and make income in return.

It all comes down in showing Appreciation and Grattitude sadly, many take them for Granted.

Like for example as some of us already experienced. ‘Living under your Parents ’roof’- for Free, and having a job is Good. Even though your Parenets Doesn’t ask you nor Force you (the son/daughter) in helping to ‘pitch-in’ for the epense bills (including yours and theirs) but in showing Grattitude and Appreciation, you ‘pitch in’..’

Arena.Net- The Game and Class Parents, is that Parent.

At the End, it rest in our hand, in Showing them in Return, our Appreciation and our Grattitude for their Hard Work and theirTiredesly Effort in Providing Everything they can, to keep us Motivated and Occupied.

Where is their Greed in all of this?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Underwater city

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



I had suggested that in a thread, it certainly would be Great Idea.

(That would require alot of adjustments to each class underwater skills etc..)

TNo-doubt..that would be game-changing for Guild Wars 2

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Please bring back the Log-in Screen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m with you guys on that, I definently want that Awesome ‘Jaw-Drop’ Amazing Log-In screen back as well, which was totally Epic.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Sword is OP.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thiefs in general are OP, didn’t you know?
They’re practically godmode.

GW2 is OP

I know you’re being Sarcastic, but honestly.. Arena>net should really put Thief Class under heavy Re-evaluation.

You’re right, maybe they should make revealed 10 secs and up base hp to 20k, wait…. warrior?

As one voice of the remaining community, we would gladly Welcome that.. in exchange for thief class ‘in a heartbeat’..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Sword is OP.

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thiefs in general are OP, didn’t you know?
They’re practically godmode.

GW2 is OP

I know you’re being Sarcastic, but honestly.. Arena.Net should really put Thief Class under heavy Re-Evaluation.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Those new Skills and Traits.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Before adding anything , old bugs must be fixed and addressed than.
As the saying goes, "taking out trash to make room for something anew’

Unless, adding piles of ‘trash’ is the new way of adding ‘new things’

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


All I’m getting from here is that anyone can “get out” Perma-Stun?

In other word, anyone can “eaily get out of” Perma-Stun?


Thanks for telling me that Theifs Perma-Stealth can be “easily escapable”

I’ll share this with the remaining community, including Thief.

I’m sure they’ll find this Breaking News quite Interesting and Suprising.

Once again, II will make this very clear..I’’m talking about the constant (Perma) Duration of of Warriors Hammer Stuns

Once a Warriors Hammer knocks you down, you are instantly unconscence-due to Stun duration, and as you regain consicence from Stun duration; another Stun Blow is Initiated while still remaining on the ground, than again and again until the Final Blow.

Why not Admit to your Hammers Perm-Stun ability?

Why the Fear of Admitting?

Finally again,

I’m Not asking for Warriors Damage to be Adjusted but for thier Hammer Stun Duration to be adjusted.

(I Hope I make myself more clearer)

-Afterall, I have Nothing against Warrior Class -

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

tactic against pro thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


2-2-2 aint that pro !



Keep it up Pro!!


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


All the kittening kids are complaining about 1 extra second on a mace. Nothing else has changed.

Enough of the kittened kittening threads.

You shouldnt be able to wtf facebash your face on the keyboard and beat a heavy tank. GG L2kitteningplay

Your quick Premature Insulting responses are obvious..

It is Not Mace, it is Hammer.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Hammer Perma-Stun in Need of Imm. Adjustment

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


First of all, I ask myself, what are Arena.Net Attentions of buffing Warrior’s Hammer to the Extreme of Perma-Stuning?

I’m always Advocating and Defending Warrior Class not being the 1st Top Melee Class than the Thief Class but at this state, Warrior Hammer is getting out of control.
(I will not even go about of Wars. Rifle 13k-28 Single Shot.. at least it doesn’t Stun+Damage)

I just don’t get it with the New Arena,Net of allowing a non-Heavy Armor class called Thief Overtaking the King of Melee Crown- Warrior?

This is the only MMorpg where you will find a light arnmor class out-Damaging a Warrior in all stats.

What a Shame..

(Anyhow let me continue….)

Warriors Hammer can Stun+Damage= Instant Lock+Death.. which only spells out. Overpowerdness.

Even Thief being the 1st Melee Class doesn’t have Perma-Stun.

The community and I are already Suffering Heavily the Irony and Tyranny of Thiefs Perma-Stealthing , so now it’s ok for Warriors Hammer in having Perma-Stun?

So than, who’s next Engineer Turrents Perma-Locking?

I Encourage Arena.Net to take a stand with Warriors Hammer Perma-Stun.


I Will Not repeat myself again, I’m Not asking for Warriors damage to be adjusted but for Hammer Perma-Stun duration at the most, to be adjusted.

Also to completely remove or adjust the foods that’s also Responsible for the Perma-duration of it.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Staff ele, cast time

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As I’m leveling my Elementalist, I do notice how very slow and low cooldown the staff is.

Honestly the way i see things, (in my viewpoint), Arena.Net replaced Ele. staff short cooldown for daggers. In Guild Wars 1, many of us know how Awesome Staff Ele was; until they completely Nerfed it to the ground, due to outcry by their short cooldwons and Powerful Aoe’s. Than Later their Nerfs were later reversed..

My point is, I don’t know how in the World Elementalist from Gw1 went from staff/sceptor to daggers?

In other words.. because of those Radical Changes, Ele. Stakitten are Punished; with long cooldown.

And i think that’s not fair at all.

Why Force daggers on Elementalist instead of staff?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

8 Questions for...concerning Thief Madness?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Already started leveling my thief. I can’t wait to feed off of the tears of my victims.

Where is the Pleasure of taken Advantage of someone/player who can’t see you and who can’t defend themselves?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

8 Questions for...concerning Thief Madness?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I love: “inflicting irony”. XD

I Don’t know what to say….

And No!

I Do Not find No Joy in what you said.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

8 Questions for...concerning Thief Madness?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


6/10 for the effort, but it was way more fun and beliavable when you were rambling about Elementalists.

I recently had an encounter with a Stealth Elementalsit, so instead of posting it here, i posted in their forum in show of Respect… you know.

On the side, I’m finally leveling my Elementalist, so again, to the Ele.. forum.

No wrong doing here….

I didn’t ‘bash’ them whatsoever..

Infact, I finally Welcome the Elementalist Class in my circle of desirable classes.

I Encourage Arena.Net in cutting down their Very- Long….. staff cooldowns as well and resolving thier other issues.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

8 Questions for...concerning Thief Madness?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Do you do this for fun Burnfall? You are a bad troll.

Certainly Not.

Standing up for what is wrong, make me a troll?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I continued today in my discussion with the guilds and group parties; i took all your reasonings as well to them, and what they all agree to is that Elementalist can Stealth; in fact as many of you had already posted;

With all combinations of Mist Form, (Supringly; blasting smoke fields- which was demonstrated to me).

They also confirm that are more ‘Stealth’ hidden factor in Elementalist but those ones are the ones that are discovered.

Lastly, they Encouraged me to Level-up my Ele.. to show me more ‘ropes’ in Ele. hidden Potentials.

I main a Ranger class and also keep an eye on Elementalist threads and is aware of the problems of this class.’

In the mean-time, on the side, i will work on leveling my Elementalist and take suggestions and informative guides from your threads and posts.

For I do want Elemetalist class to Succeed

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You don’t find it “fun” so it has to stop? How about you just do something else yourself and let others get on with what they want to do.

Quite a lot of players don’t rez in the Queens Trials either, being a kitten is not restricted to people running about in a zerg.

I Completely Agree with you.

In addition, we all have choices, why Impost the choice of another for the sake of your Cause?.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m sorry, its totally and utterly kittened, many times where I would have won a fight while downed ruined by the IWIN stealth stomp, it pretty much counter anything you might do to stop them stomping.

Stealth should be broken on any kittening action taken while in stealth, be it healing, attacking or stomping.

Stealth stomping is the most insanely stupid kitten I have ever seen in any mmo.

I Completely Agree with you OP and you are not Alone in this long childsih mechanism uphill battle.

Only children plays this game.

A Real Man will show himself in Honor in Killing you.

Not “hiding behind the bush” which Cowards, and Children do.

OP, nearly 1 Year to Guild Wars 2 Anniversary and this is what WvW is all about, to those Individuals who chooses to play games instead of Fighing Like Men.

In other word, some of us, including you and I Op are Sick and Tired of playing thier childlike games.


As the saying goes, ‘when i was a child, i behaved and Acted like a child, now that *I’m a Man, I have No uses for Childish Games*"


Many choose to otherwise

So I assume you don’t actually play Guild Wars 2, and spend your time in active warzones. I also assume you just stop by the forums every once in a while to remind us that we are children.

Sorry for not capitalizing every other word, hope you still understand.

It’s Unfrortunate instead of you reading my past threads and posts, you Deilbertly and Intentionally attack me for your Egoniss and pleasure.

In that case, you Do Not deserve my Quality Time Response

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

8 Questions for...concerning Thief Madness?

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


To Arena. Net

Before I begin, this thread isn’t about “Complaining” or “Trolling”, it is about Thief Class Behaving akittens Worst; resulting in inducing Seveer Tyranny and Oppression among the other classes and its Devoted Players.

We can all agree that there are no Rules for “Playing Games A.K.A Stealth and Hide and Seek” in Guild Wars 2 but there comes a time where a Line must be drawn and Enforced; no matter what’- in Not Resulting in Non-Deserving Rewards.

And when that drawn line is Broken, Heavy Punishments and Severe Consequences Must be Initiated.

Unfortunately, there is no denying that this class Have Not been Diciplined for any of their Actions, instead, they are Rewarded for their Malicious and Sadistic Crimes.

Ok, enough of this, here goes my 20 Questions for The Parent of the Classes; Arena.Net.

1. Thief Class is Guilty of Intionally Inflicting Irony, Tyranny and Unfair Play Mechanics to the Masses of your Devoted Hardcore and your Casual Players.

When are you going to Put a Stop to this, Once and For All?

2 . Nearly 1 Year into Guild Wars 2 Anniversary., yet No Signs of Interest in Resolving this Matter from you Arena net.

Is there a Valid Reasson why Thief class haven’t been Disciplined and Punishished for crossing the Line since?

3. As we all know, Thief is the only class who Posssesses the most Exceeding Skills, Traits lines, Stengths, Powers, Mobilities, Speed, Stealth-Perma-Stealth, Invulnerability, Escapability, Reversing Time and Immunity to conditions in all Class Combined.

What are your Justifications in Intentionally Allowing this Class Overpowerdness Mechanics Madness Overbearing Guild Wars 2 World?

4. Not only Thief Class is Guilty of causing Irony and Unfair Play Mechanics but they are Guilty of making Guild Wars 2, -Un-Enjoyable, Stressful, Unsafe and causing no Desire to Pariticipate in the Wonderfulness that Guild Wars 2 World have to offer.

-Many have Entirely Quit Guild Wars 2 due to this class of Robbing thier Pride, Joy, Great Work/Effort and Valuable/Precious/Devoted Time and thire Energy into Guild Wars 2 World due to Theif Injustice Practises.

As the Parent of the Classes, If Any, what Steps are you taking to make Guild Wars 2 World Fun, Equally Enjoyable Competitve and Safe? (instead of Instantly being Killed by 1-5 stabs) ?

5. As the saying goes, “No Crimes Go Un-Punished”, well Unfortunately, only in Guild Wars 2, you will find 1 Class who who is given Free Priveldge to committ many Unjust Crimes on Demand; due to being given 110% Power and Full Control without having any Punishments or Consequences whatsoever.

If any, What are the chances in Saving your Faithful, Committed and Devoted Guild Wars 2 players from this Class Madness?

6. If any, if you do consider in Saving us, what are our Assurance; that this Unjustice Unfair Madness Will Never Happen Again? (for the the duration of Guild Wars 2 World)

7. Lastly, I Hope you choose the side of Justice, Peace and Fairness For all….for The Sake of Guild Wars 2 World.

Would that be an Option Arena.Net?

8. I Do Look Forward in Guild Wars 2 World Success for the Very Long Duration.

It all lies in your hands as the Parent of the Classes… and if you’re really Serious in putting Fun and Fair competition back in Guild Wars 2 World.

Will you take the Consideration at least as soon as possible?

My Hope, is for you to make it happen, Once and for All; as the saying goes, "putting the Final nail in the coffin)


Remind Thief Class who is in Control of Guild Wars 2 World..

Until than, we all await for your next move…

(With all Sincerity, Humiity and Respect, I look forward in you Arena. Ner in responding to this Crucial Concern Matter)

Thank You! Aren.Net, in Advance.

-A Devoted Concern Player-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i love how every one in the forms always ignore the one or two sensible posts and just trolls the trolls trolling the trolls

As you alreayd know, Troll- (childish behaviors) only responds with 1 or 2 sentences..

Now do you see who is the Troll?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m sorry, its totally and utterly kittened, many times where I would have won a fight while downed ruined by the IWIN stealth stomp, it pretty much counter anything you might do to stop them stomping.

Stealth should be broken on any kittening action taken while in stealth, be it healing, attacking or stomping.

Stealth stomping is the most insanely stupid kitten I have ever seen in any mmo.

I Completely Agree with you OP and you are not Alone in this long childsih mechanism uphill battle.

Only children plays this game.

A Real Man will show himself in Honor in Killing you.

Not “hiding behind the bush” which Cowards, and Children do.

OP, nearly 1 Year to Guild Wars 2 Anniversary and this is what WvW is all about, to those Individuals who chooses to play games instead of Fighing Like Men.

Someone playing this game calling players childish. You have issues.

I Encourage you to Quote where i called evey players Childish..

Yet I Don’t Play those Childlike games

Did I Offend You?

You said only children play this game.

You still going to troll more?

You as a Troll.. Obviously

Do Not Deserve My Time and My Quality Response.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m sorry, its totally and utterly kittened, many times where I would have won a fight while downed ruined by the IWIN stealth stomp, it pretty much counter anything you might do to stop them stomping.

Stealth should be broken on any kittening action taken while in stealth, be it healing, attacking or stomping.

Stealth stomping is the most insanely stupid kitten I have ever seen in any mmo.

I Completely Agree with you OP and you are not Alone in this long childsih mechanism uphill battle.

Only children plays this game.

A Real Man will show himself in Honor in Killing you.

Not “hiding behind the bush” which Cowards, and Children do.

OP, nearly 1 Year to Guild Wars 2 Anniversary and this is what WvW is all about, to those Individuals who chooses to play games instead of Fighing Like Men.

Someone playing this game calling players childish. You have issues.

I Encourage you to Quote where i called evey players Childish..

As the saying goes, “Pity Yourself when you know the Truth Hurts”

In other words, I Don’t need your Pity.. keep that to yourself.

Being Human is to take Full Responsibility for your Actions and your Behaviors, Not Hiding like Cowards or playing Hide and Seek or Where is Waldo games like children


Ask yourself, ‘Why than these games are Annoying, Frustracting and Time Wasted’?

Well, I answered that question already.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m sorry, its totally and utterly kittened, many times where I would have won a fight while downed ruined by the IWIN stealth stomp, it pretty much counter anything you might do to stop them stomping.

Stealth should be broken on any kittening action taken while in stealth, be it healing, attacking or stomping.

Stealth stomping is the most insanely stupid kitten I have ever seen in any mmo.

I Completely Agree with you OP and you are not Alone in this long childsih mechanism uphill battle.

Only children plays this game.

A Real Man will show himself in Honor in Killing you.

Not “hiding behind the bush” which Cowards, and Children do.

OP, nearly 1 Year to Guild Wars 2 Anniversary and this is what WvW is all about, to those Individuals who chooses to play games instead of Fighing Like Men.

Someone playing this game calling players childish. You have issues.

Yet I Don’t Play these Childlike games

Did I Offend You?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth