Showing Posts For Burnfall.9573:

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I’m sorry, its totally and utterly kittened, many times where I would have won a fight while downed ruined by the IWIN stealth stomp, it pretty much counter anything you might do to stop them stomping.

Stealth should be broken on any kittening action taken while in stealth, be it healing, attacking or stomping.

Stealth stomping is the most insanely stupid kitten I have ever seen in any mmo.

I Completely Agree with you OP and you are not Alone in this long childsih mechanism uphill battle.

Only children plays this game.

A Real Man will show himself in Honor in Killing you.

Not “hiding behind the bush” which Cowards, and Children do.

OP, nearly 1 Year to Guild Wars 2 Anniversary and this is what WvW is all about, to those Individuals who chooses to play games instead of Fighing Like Men.

In other word, some of us, including you and I Op are Sick and Tired of playing thier childlike games.


As the saying goes, ‘when i was a child, i behaved and Acted like a child, now that *I’m a Man, I have No uses for Childish Games*"


Many choose to otherwise

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

STEALTH stomping needs to stop.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I think it’s not the first time I see that thread subject.


No Action have taken place.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Rate classes in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573




Ranger (your actually dragging your server down and should switch to a ‘proper’ class)

Solo Roaming


*They are so good, all other classes need not apply.


You “hit it dead on”

I’m glad and Relieved that you; a thief class Confirms what i’ve been saying for far too long.

In other words, The Ultimate Class Award goes to Thief; and only to The Thief.

This ‘put the nail on the coffin’ that I’m Not a “Troll or Making stuff up”


Thank You for Confirming this.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Stealth Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Thanks for your response gys.


That’s truely Surprising to know..

It make me Wonder how many “tricks Elementalists have up in its sleeves” (in a good way)

I Tottally Underestimated this class than lol.

So since Ele. have Stealth mechanics built in, them, it would be nice if Arena net expands it more, but not too much though.

To be honest, i really like the Ele. class, it’s just thier constant Aoe’s that gets ‘under my skin’; other than that, you guys (Elementalists) are good.

I’m sure you Elementalists class are very Grateful to the new Arena net with Elementalist class in Gw2 because the old Arena net nearly completely Destroyed this class.. (well it was their first Mage class experience.. so..).

I’m Glad the new Arena net learned from that experience.

And I’m sure there are some to many more work left to be done for your class and I Hope Arena net take care of you gys as quick as possible.

( I Always Enjoy having Elementalists in my group/party, you gys are Awesome class)

Here is your new skill; Summoning Elements gods: Leviathan-Water, Shiva-Ice, Ifrit-Fire, Titan-Earth, and Raijin-Lightning.

In other word, i would like to see an Elementalists/Summoner mix in the not so distance future.

If thieves can be a.k.a Ninja and Assasins, why shouldn’t Elementalist be a.k.a Summoner than?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

No WXP-Incresase for kills = Fail

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It wouldn’t be fair to lower tier servers who doesn’t have as big zergs. Transferring to tier 1 shouldn’t make you automatically richer than someone in tier 9.

I Totally Agree with you.

I also would like to Thank Arena net for this dramatiic change, in helping the Lower tier servers.

Wonderful thoughfulness..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WvWvW is so empty!

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Everybody’s doing The Living Gold Far…uh I mean “Story”.


We know what you mean.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Stealth Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Yesterday in WvW, I was fighting an Enemy Elementalist and at 50% healsh, this Ele.. stealthed-stomp me to death.

My groups and I were in totall shock as we immediately discused the event that took place.

We all confirmed that there are runes which gives short-invisiblities at Lower-Health State but not at 50%..

I’m sure it wasn’t a thief, mesmer, ranger, or even an Engineer..

While I layed there on the ground, all i can see is a fire attunment hitting me down with fire but not the Elementalist.

I waited for few minutes as my teammate quickly secured the area to hunt down that Ele..


They all confirmed that it was indeed and Elementalist as they Eliminated the Ele..

So my question is to the Elementalist class and its players..

Does Ele.. have hidden Stealth traits or skill that hasn’t been Exposed?

Is it possible Ele.. can stealth-like in 50% health rate?

Can Ele. Stealth Stomp to begin with?

I’m just in Shock, and just throwing questions..

I would Appreciate it if somone can confim this..

Thank You!!

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Get rid of invite in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Interesting thread, so this is the reason why there are Spies within the group; reporting to the Enemy Servers of the group locations and whereabouts.

If i were Arena net, I would shut off all ports in Voip in WvW, including Map chat.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Rate classes in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


From Best to Worst suited for WvW …

Thief- Intentionally designed to be the Over-Superior class.
Ranger- Intentionally designed to be at the Bottom Pitt of the classes… any chance of Hope is crushed by the Over-Superior class.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Wvw Overtaken by Childish Behaviors

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


As many of you, I was raised in fighting Man to Man or lMen to Men, to what i thought WvW was all about.

Not fighting like children playing Hide and Seek.. a.k.a Cat and Mouse; not playing Ring around the Rosea and Certainly Not; where is Waldo..a.k.a Thief.

As the saying goes, ‘Stand up and Fight like a Man’

It not ony strips the Seriousness and Fun factor in WvW but it initiates Childish behaviors in which many and I are gretting tired of.

I didn’t come to WcW for any of that; not by a long shot..

Unfortuanately as i already stated,

WvW is a childsih playground run by none other than the child thieves and by those players who like to play games.. "so-called Hardcore players’, oh really!!

Spam and Keep Spamming that #2.. oh yeah, ’you’re really a Man. a Real; Man’….‘Wait! i meant You’re Really a Hardcore Skillful Player’


tell this to a Level 47-67 thief in my guilds.. and yes, they are teen players.

If Arena net is Serious about puting Seriousness to WvW; their first Priority is to Eliminate those childsih game mechanics and replace it with mechanics that
makes the player use all their skills and guts in Fighting like Real Men.

No more Theiatrics “PBS” Playground setting.

As the saying goes, “You’re Not Childrens, Fight Like Men”

And Men, We Will Fight, “Mano to Mano” in WvW

No Children Allowed

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WvW ideas?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


merge -> more queues for the higher tiers
NAvsEU -> coverage wars

So simple, yet incredibly effective.

I agree

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Living World is killing mid-low tier WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


If you live your life expecting consistency, I have some bad news for you…

I don’t expect consistency per se, but the level of inconsistency that has been plaguing WvW is getting out of hand. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it needs to be better.

You’re totally correct.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WvW ideas?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


EU vs America would be interesting if every server had steady coverage all day long. For example you could match the Vizunah and some T1 or T2 US servers.
BUT everybody else doesnt have that. EU servers dont have 24/7 coverage. They have peaks in the evenings and next to nobody a few hours later. Matchung EU vs US would mean that for EU primetime the maps will be painted with EU, at US primetime they will be painted US-colours. And you would end up plaing vs gates and guards instead of players.

Very true indeed

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Wvw Overtaken by Childish Behaviors

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It has been too long and far too long in dealing with those childish behavior players.

Why is it that those players are in WvW in the first place?

Well because its their playground; which WvW is becoming at a rapid rate.

As someone Beautifuly put it; there will come a time, the Hardcore and casual players will leave and be replaced by childrens.

We all know the casualty of WoW; 69% of its players are under the age of 15.. so that shouldn’t be shocking.

Ok let me get to the point..

Have you ever come across enemy players hiding behind Npc’s?

Have you ever come across after taking out a keep; suddenly out of nowhere the enemies rushes in for the kill? (It should be obvious that they were Hiding instead of counterattack your group)

In other word; those childish behavior players choose to Intentionally Hide than fighting your and your group.

Another ones are the #2 key Spammers and the Perma-Stealthers.

Since when does an Mmorpg beside Gw2 granted this immature childish behavior mechanics having 10-30 players seeking out or even chasing 1 Thief?

Yes, you heard it right.. for 1 Thief.

No Mmm’s otehr than Gw2 have this thietric childish Mechanic..
(Well I forgot about WoW majority of group age players)

Who is the Hardcore players than?

Are they any of the listed above?

Certainly; Not

I define Hardcore players as putting hard work and Great effort in accomplishing a Purpose..

Not playing Mindgames or Childhsih games by cheating.

I do agree that thief class have those Mechanics built in them which to me is Immature in all state (childish for sure)

But equipping them with 1 Spammable utility with Stealth, none to 0 cooldown, leaves room for thorough Investigation by Serious Individuals

Nearly 1 Year and this is all we witness…Wvw being a Huge Playground for Childish Behavior Players.

It’s not about who have the best build; the best gears or the best at anything..

It is not about who is the Pro. or No anymore.. well accept for the few remaining hardocre and causual players

It is about who can play the childish game and cheat to win:

Who can Spam key #2 the most, Wins.

Who can Spam Stealth the most, Wins.

Who can Perma-Burst the most, Wins.

Who can Hide behind Npc’s the most, Wins.

Who can continually output the Highest Single Actack, Wins

Who can Perma-0 cooldown the most, Wins.

Who can Reset the most Fights, Wins.

Who can output the Highest Aoe’s, Wins.

Who can output the Highest condtions, Wins.

Who can Perma-Stun you the most, Wins.

What a Tragedy?

My Predition for Guild Wars 2 WvW..

Will exceed far quicker and great than WoW immature playgound and playerbase.

It’s Unfortunate Guild Wars 2 WvW is Dying at this moment because of these included factors and more.

(I’m sure there are more example of Childish Behavior Players but these are the ones whom I experienced at the most)

As the saying goes, “Dying with Honor is Far Greater than Dying by Cheating”

As the saying goes, “when you’re no-longer Serious, you only leave room for children to play with you”

(all comments are gladly Welcome inclduing those Responsible individuals and to those who label me as a troll; for you too are Welcome

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

How Should Mesmers *Confuse* an opponent?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


First of all.. Op Great Work! in helping to make Mesmer clkittenter Build meaningful..
I feel you are quite Passionate for your class and I Appreciate you providing meaningful resourses in helping yuor class much better.

Second of all; I don’t believe nor felt that the Op was being Arrogant or Rude; believe me as a advocate against those sinful fruits,

Third of all; The Op is driven by his Enthusiasm about the Greatness of his Shatter build; he Never belittled anyone shatter build; why would others think otherwise?

Fourth of all; since the majority are jumping on his throught and strangling him.. he even Apologized if his Intent was to insult or belittke or being Prideful. Than isn’t that enough to accept his apology and continue to work with his ideas?

So what makes you if can’t accept his Apology and Encourage him in his journey in helping to make Mesmer Shatter build much better?

Better than him or Worse than him?

The Results of Ego, Pridefulness is Selfishness


The Op Results of his Ego, Pridefulness is to help others in a non-Selfish way,

Where is the Justice?

(Osicat and others are great players as well)..

(We can all learn from each other without the Belittling)


As the saying goes, "Those who are No’t against us, are for us

Please! keep that in mind

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

You have been playing for one hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Please take a break!
I kind of miss this from GW1, can you still get it in GW2 or was it a feature that was axed?
Even if it’s not telling me to take a break, is there any way to time the current session in game? Did anyone else like it?

I know it featured on many games released in the same time-frame as GW1, has the industry as a whole stopped trying to tell people to take breaks?

I’m glad you came about this Interesting post OP.

If I remember clearly, someone (in real life), had Sued a MMorpg comppany; I blieve it was either Gw1 or FFxi; i’m pointing at Ffxi..


for Anxiety, Depression etc.. so the vast majority of MMorpg companies had to set Up Dr; in case somebody sues them as well.

As a Precautionary..

I think Gw2 should follow the same approach as Gw1 did.


Arena net Gw2 should know better than that.

(Lust for Power; Control and Greed, should be taken very seriously)

There should be no room for Naitivety and Carelessness.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Is SM too easy to cap? If so...

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It is not too easy to cap. In fact it is too easy to defend if you have a server that knows what they are doing.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I wamt to Remind Everyone that the Op is a Thief class.

So it’s ok to Nerf-Spirit Rangers beacause of “powerful” they are with 45-60 seconds cooldown.. ’


It’s ok for Thief Class to have zero Cooldown from Perma-Stealth to their skills and traits.

What I’m saying is that, we shouldn’t be Juistify nor Defending our Spirit Build to him/her whatsoever.

Any class no matter what build they have are Easy Killable to a Thief..

As someone had already stated, “the Op need schooling at the Thief forum”..

Seriously. (It’s like asking a Blind person to walk you across the street)

Again Op

Stop Wasting your Time

Either your a Troll or Intentionally: like Always.. crying out to Arena net to make the Ranger class more Fragile and Vulnerable to you thieves even more.

Let me ask you a question Op..

How many stabbs does it take to kill a Ranger?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10?

You will know after your schooling..

It takes 2-4 stabbs to kill a ranger.

(It’s like asking a Blind person to walk you across the street)

Now, Let us be,,,,,,,,,,,,

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

What stat will replace MF in celestial gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I think it will be Boon Duration as well,

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


At the state of the monent, Guild Wars 2 conssts of 2 things..

1. For Hardcore players


2 For the Survival of the Fittest.. (as a Fragile Vulnerable Ranger Class, that’s where I fit).

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

3 Things that need to go

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


- Perma Stealth Thieves
- Perma Stun Warriors
- -/+40% Condition Duration Food

Thats it already! 3 simple changes! Increase revealed to minimum 10 seconds, nerf mace stun to 1.5-2 seconds. Nerf the condition duration food to -/+15% maximum. There.. 90% of broken game mechanics eliminated.

Op. I totally Agree with you 100%.

Yes . condition duration food to -/+15% maximum, would be a great as well.

These things you mentioned are majoiity of the Ironies that’s negatively severely Inpacting the game and def. need to be resolved a.s.a.p

Arena net is aware of them all; believe me, nothing slips Arena net eyes.

So the question is, should they just look at those problems and just continually look or look at those problems and do something about them.

The next Question is, Will care to do anything? or not Care-less at all.?
-As in ’Business as usual"-


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Avenging Blood-Team Server

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


One thing I totally very much Admire and very Appreciate our Strog-Will men and woman in Sacrificing and Riskng their own Safety and their Ego in Avenging the Blood of their Fallen commarades.

Where the Beauty and Wonderfulness truly Shines and Amazes is by the countless Army/Zerges who seeks the same Agenda; to Seek and Avenge the Blood to those who has Fallen by the hands of the Enemy.

I’m not talking about 10-15 people or small Zerg (that too as well) but a mere 30-50 man Zerges seeking out 1-2 enemy player/s.

You would say that it’s Crazy but to us, it’s Not; by a milestone.

It doesn’t matter if that Enemy/s is in Perm-Stealth, Perma-Regen or Perma-Anything; we will seek you out at costs; even if it takes hours, day or months, we will find you.

Blood of the Innocent by a Merfilss Perma-Stealth Thief or by a Merciless Perma-Bunker Warrior will not go to Rest or be Forgotten.

Even if it takes us minutes, hours; we will find you. and make you Pay for Shedding Blood to the Innocent Fragile Vulnerable Class Players.

As a Fragile Vulnerable Class Playe,, I know I am in Good Hands.

It make me Realize, Admire and Appreciate how many Elitist classes Sympathize my weakness and will do anything to make me feel Important and Cared for.

And Yes!, the Majoity of my Commarades are Elitist Classes, and Yes!, that Includes The Tyrant-Thief

I want to Thank the Strong-will Men and Woman for making Darkhaven worthy of it’s name and especially being a Wonderful Hospitality and Strength to everyone; New or Seniority.

My Commarades; Great Job.. Always

As the saying goes, "No Spilled Blood will Not go Un-Avenged )

For we are a Family; who seek the Best Interest for Everyone.

Thank You! once again..


(No! I’m Not Qutting, Not Yet

(I Encourage Strong-Will Helpful Players in joining Darkhaven.. and Yes, you will be Cared for and Avenged as well..)


Any Wonderful Testimonies.. will Gladly be Welcomed

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Reduce the damage you take in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Word of Encouragemen OP.. if you’re having trouble finding yourself being Entrapped, i Encourage you to stick with a medium or large group;.. as a Ranger I do just that at the best i can.

(one key note) is to stick with your Commanders; they most at the times have good if not the better counters against large enemy zerges.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Hacking in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



From experience in dealing with Hackings in MMo’s which i had played; the Hacker clear messages is this, ‘we are already broken and we will abuse it to its Full Potential’

In other words, If Class/Professions are not Balanced, Hackers will Abuse thier powers"

‘Broken as in being OP’

Sound like you already listed few Elitists Classes; not forgetting thief.

It obvious as I had countless time had mention how I Believe Arena net is at faulth for allowing class Abusing Excessive Powers.

If those Elite Excessive Power Hungry classes were Balanced, you would find almost to few or zero Hackers.


Just for Curiousity sake; I believe Thief Class Overpowerdness is to Blame as well for Influencing Hackers in Competing for Lust for Excesive Powers.

In other word; they question themselves, which Op Elite class can match or surpass Thief OP status?

They all seek World and Class Domination, yet Thief still lead as being the Champion and Leader of The Excessive Superior Class among the remaining classes combined.

As the saying goes, “Lead by Example”

Yet None Whatsoever

The Irony still Remains and we the remaining classes been Paying the Harsh, Unfair, Unjust Price for far too long.


Guild Wars 2 Anniversary is reserved solely for the Thief

(well, ’it’s the Perfect Ultimate Superior Class of the Year’ and Beyond)

why not?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Questions for Devon Carver

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


i have never seen an anet dev in wvw

i play all the time

perhaps they’re in Perma-Stealth

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Questions for Devon Carver

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Everyone should know the answer to the first question.

The Obvious answer to that is Thief, not only to Devon but to all Arena net members..

Why thief?

Well thief class Fullfils Everything

‘Who needs the other class, anyway’

They are the only class which Fulffills the Appetitie and Desire for Ultimate Power.

Everything they Ever Wanted and Needed in a “Perfect Class” , ranging from Self-Reliance to Grandiosity. you will find them in only 1 class; the thief.

Pretty much it..

(not forgetting Theif is an “All One Man” Class and a Master of Time Reset).

In othe word, they’re in Full Control of Everything

(who would want to mess with them?)

By the countless Unjustifiable Deaths; proves Everything…

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Spirit build in WvW [video]

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


It’s Obvious Rangers Spirit build is not OP..

The Majoirty of the video you are dualing with onother team player,

Unlike thief who doesn’t need assistance or rely on any players in helping to be OP.

Personally i stay away from Spirit build in wvw; too risky.


(nice play)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Please change the XP Scroll bonus to lvl 20+

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You remind me of a certain harry potter character…

Be Nice….

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

spirit ranger good for PvE/WvW?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


For PvE, you tend to only want one spirit (frost) but can also bring stone, and the build is power based, not condition based. As for WvW, you can run the standard PvP build but only for very small group fights as any zerging will result in the instant deaths of your spirits, leaving you incredibly vulnerable.

Indeed True.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Please show some respect..

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Devon Carver, Arenanet staff, who has posted numerous responses in the WvW forums.

I agree with Skylight that many of the responses to him have been childish and disrespectful.

kittening, moaning, complaining and whining… the normal nonsense of any discussion. That’s one thing. But personal insults are quite another. A lot of the comments I’ve read would result in bans if I was moderating these forums. They’re also counter productive. There’s a lot of dev teams that never post on their own forums because of nonsense like this.

Frustration is no excuse.

I disagree with you. Frustration is a legit excuse. I don’t care what you would do. Bow down and show respect for your authority figure. I will stand here and continue protesting.

And what are you protesting? The hundreds and hundreds of hours you’ve gotten out of a game you’ve paid 60 bucks for? When most single player games can’t even come close to that? Or the fact that you’re not paying monthly and can take a break/walk away at any minute? Or maybe another MMO where you have to wait an entire year before any content is released at all in the form of an expansion AND you’re paying monthly for it? The entitled garbage on these forums is becoming an epidemic.

You again? You want more phun time? “And what are you protesting?” Do I need to help you with that? You are a terrible communicator by the way. Everyone on the forums are “entitled!” Its an epidemic!


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Power/Crit - PvP?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Absolutely, and definently No

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The problem is it takes no skill to play spirit rangers, but it takes a lot of skills and exotic builds (that’s practically useless vs. anything else) to outplay them.

That’s where the cry for nerf is coming from. Its risk vs. reward is out of range, and needs to be toned down to match that of other classes.

Oh as for asking to nerf a class in their own forum. Get used to it. All other classes had their share of critiques also, have you never been to other classes forums? Or is the ranger so special to be beyond reproach? I think not.

Bud, you are such a kittening looser. No skill to play the ranger? what about you playing your thief, because we all know that’s what you play. You are a kittening one trick pony, spamming one button to get your kill. Risk Vs Rewards? Thief’s don’t even have any risks, you guys pratically invis whenever you want. I’ve even seen builds that almost give you perma invis. Where the kitten is the risk in that in order to justify the INSANE amount of damage you do?

Take your Bullkitten and your stupidity somewhere else. The ranger’s don’t need trash like you in here talking kitten like if they knew anything about rangers, just because you suck so bad that you lost to a spirit ranger one time. Stupid kittening moron. And yea, report me, I don’t care, I don’t even play the game anymore, I just pop up here from time to time to see what Anet’s done about the worst class in the game, and it looks like they haven’t done a hole lot except listen to whining kitten’s like you.

Your Frustration is not alone, including mine and many other players and classes who been Impacted and still being Impacted each and everyday while Arena net Fully Supports, Promotes and Fully Responsible in their 1 Ultimate class causing Devastating Tyranny, Frustration and Pain thoughout Guild Wars 2 worlds, players and it’s classes.

As I said again and will say again, Arena net is Fully Responsible for Promoting and Justifying this class reassons in causing the Excessive Ironies Frustrations, Anger, Unjustice and Backlashes throughout the community.

Here is a Demonstration of their Tyrant at work

(the thief player is a good player and is not at fault for doing what he was Created to do. Choosen to do and Programmed to do)

(I Love the choice of music.. so Peaceful)

Peaceful Way of Dying by The Invincible Hand of The Tryrant: Thief:..

Such a Tragedy

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Spirit Rangers are OP!

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Seriously, these guys can keep distance, they’ve stealth, deal tons of damage, have area denial and can soak an ungodly amount of damage.

There’s no hard counter to them and even the spirits take forever to kill.

Please reduce nerf either their damage, the spirit health, their cc or stealth.

I Find this quite Interesting and Shocking

OP. you are a Thief in Disguise

See thread Thief WvW Help

Op I advise you, next time do a Better job Disguising your True Nature and your True Intents;

which is to continue your Rise to Extreme Grandiosity to Complete Demolish any Capable Class who Resists your Oppresion, Bullying and Tyranny

We Rangers had Enough of your Arena net given Supreme Powers

For Once; Leave us Alone.. . Stop Wasting Your Time in our forums.

Conttinue your Arena net given Mission for Guild Wars 2 Complete World and Class Domination and Eradication

At All Costs

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Another letter to Anet with all respect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


OP you posted a valid concern, next time try to leave emotions out of it though. I quit threads are not allowed which will likely result in this thread being locked or deleted and it would be a waste cause right now Arenanet are still trying to decide the rate of temporary to permanent content and this kind of feedback would be useful. If I were you I would edit that part out.

With that out of the way…

If I were you I’d wait to see how things evolved.
As you can see in the post here:

Colin says “You’ll start seeing this strategy come into effect with the release 2 weeks from now, and grow as the year continues. The story of these living releases will occur long enough for it to play out reasonably and then update as the story moves forward, while the content and playable experiences (except specific story beats) will persist forever as a result of that story occurring.”

We do not know what this will mean achievement wise yet but this other statement by Anothny Ordo suggests that perhaps there might be a change of direction there too:

“Queen’s Gauntlet will return, possibly as part of the activity rotation or even other events. In any case, you’ll be able to complete those achievements at a later date.”

So who knows perhaps they’ll change the game in a way thakittens more friendly towards complitionists. It might not be the case but there is nothing lost with waiting and seeing if thats the case or not dont you think ?

The OP Deserves all Right to Express her Emotions; she’s hunam Afterall.

I’m Very Happy that many individuals are Encouraging and Uplifting the OP in being a little bit Hopeful toward Guild Wars 2 Crucial State.

No Reasons to Close, Infract or Delete the OP thread..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Another letter to Anet with all respect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



That’s quite alot of time and effortt you put to your thread.


It would be wasted if Arena net Infracts it or Delete it.

I’m not Encouraging you to leave or stay but be a little Patient.

Honestly, i’m feeling the impact of time as well and all i have left is a little bit Patient.

I Agree with everything you said, and we are not alone. Many players had posted those issues and concerns in countless threads and posts.

(You can see my post histories of the my long uphill battle against Elitism, Favoritism, Intentional Class Imbalances and Injustice Practices etc..)



Guild Wars 2 Annivesary is near the corner; so perhaps things might change or not

Who knows…..

That’s all i have to say..

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief is cheese

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


(Due to Respect; if anyone is nearly blindedsided, i advise you to not waste your time in viewing the video)

(Due to Respect of the Thief Player in the video; Well played)

Hard-Core Proof of Thief is Cheese .. Spamming only 1 button+ Stealth = Game Over

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Commander/Leader burn out, what can i do?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I agree with kitten , take a break from commanding. Whether you roam around tagless, play some PvE, play some PvP, or just take a breather from the game, WvW will be there when you are ready to re-up. And it’ll probably be even better!

Very Well said.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Why can't we have 24 competitive servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Also at the current state of server Laggs and Crashes, can you Imagine the Chaos if it were ever to be?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Can we stop hating on the dev team?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I as a Ranger and other classes will continue be Tyrannized and be Trolled by The Over-DominatingTheif class)

a learn to play issue, maybe this might help you becoming better:

I Appreciate the video.. Ranger did played good

Yet the Problems with Thief remains..

-Attacking while in Stealth, Resetting the Fight

Even the Ranger stated in the video how to , “Swing and Hope”

I reserve my Hope in Fighting someone whom I can see, as a Normal Person.


What other Mmorg in Mmorg History beside Guild Wars 2, comes out with this Theatric Lunatic Class-(Theif) style of gameplay?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Can we stop hating on the dev team?

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


We’ve got thick skins, but I certainly appreciate constructive feedback. It’s also much more likely to receive a response both in the forums and in the game. So, as always, make good suggestions in a positive way and you’ll see changes. Cheers!

First of all, you did quite well in putting good captivating words in your statements.


Where are your “Actions”?

So many, Too many brilliant minded players/individuals had carefuly put well Positive suggestions concerning Thief class in need of changes concerning their OP status in wvw and Spvp, yet no actions are taken.

Why don’t you answer this question,

Why than many of those Brilliant minded individuals/players threads/posts concerning those issue were Infracted and Deleted?

What “Changes” have we the remaining classes have seen from you and your team?

Absolutely Nothing..

I’m sure any “Newbies” players will “fall” for your well captivated statements but we the communit will not be taken as Fools.

It is not Personal Devon and I totally Respect you

It is obvious you are the Greater Representative of Arena net but, we are Tired of hearing the same speeches over and over again..

Next time..

Less Captivated Speech, make the Changes

And I know you can do that,


Why won’t you?

Clost to Guild Wars 2 Anniversity


No “Changes” toward Theif Overpowerdness..


(It’s Obvious by now, you and your team fully Embraced and Promote Class Imbalance Mechanic)

-Way too obvious..

Thief Class..

Everyone knows this, even Honest Thief players… sees how Broken their class are.

Until than

I as a Ranger and other classes will continue be Tyrannized and be Trolled by The Over-DominatingTheif class)

(By the way, I Don’t Hate Devs, I Hate their thier Choice of Actions, especially here in Guild wars 2, where they Intentionally Promoted and Armed “to the teeth” a Highly No-Risk Class to Over-Dominate and Tyrannize Wvw, Spvp players (other classes).

And what i find Alarming is how Arena net give Unjust reasons to Justify thier cause by Intentionally Nerfing/Crippling other classes who “For Once in thier Lifetime, able to stand-up to the Bully-Thief”

Now I wonder, does Arena net Promotes and Rewards Class Bullying?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Thief is cheese

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


A thief spam HS 4 times (5 if 15 in Trickery). It’s just impossible to die to heartseeker if you’re getting attacked from 100% hp. You can evade two of them and then it’s game over for the initiative free thief..

You Deserve My Honor As A Thief

Very Well Said

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Nerf Black Powder + Heartseeker

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Misinformation. Misinformation everywhere.


Stealth is a defensive means of mitigating damage by becoming untargetable. Stealth grants neither invulnerability nor stability. Note skills with long warm up times that are activated while the target is visible and then gains stealth during that time are not interrupted and target as normal. Subsequent attempts to target (or generally know where the player is) are nullified for the duration of said stealth, thereby mitigating direct damage by up to 100% depending on how well the attacking player can predict the position of an invisible target.

Just wanna throw this in there. Some attack need a target to active, not everything is melee sweeping auto attack or ground targetable. Also stealth provides(spec provided) a lot of condition removal, tons of healing over time, and in the case of say my Mesmer boons.

If stealth didn’t provide so much outside of its targeting issues and gaining the stealther position I think we would have a whole new conversation.

Imagine no healing and free offensive conditions removal in some way. Or even a penalty for healing.

I hope one day a mmo comes around without a pure invisible mechanic for stealth. It only brings headaches for both user and victim.


You are associating the things the Thief can do when activating or while being stealthed to the stealth effect itself. Stealth does not inherently cure conditions nor provide healing.

Stealth can provide healing if traited for it, Shadow Refuge also heals you while activated.

Exactly. A Thief trait and a Thief skill that trigger when entering or while being stealthed. These are not mechanics of Stealth itself they are mechanics of the class.

Weapons don’t do damage unless you push the buttons ether. Reguardless reading everything is probably a good idea beforehand.

Thieves have no stealth that only provides invisibility. Damage, blinds, healing, teleport are tied to it aswell. The only pure invisibility only stealth abilities I can think of off the top of my head is vale and mass invisibility. They do however provide for multiple player stealth. So arguing stealth as a sole mechanic wouldn’t make sense with out factoring in its built in advantages that when combained sometimes provides too much.

This thinking exemplifies the common placed ignorance of the mechanics that lie at the root of most of the stealth nerfing arguments. Any class can gain stealth from blasting a smoke field. Stealth does not blind targets, that is a mechanic of smoke fields. When a class such as an Engineer gains stealth it does not heal nor remove conditions, because those are mechanics specifically related to thieves, not Stealth.

Stealth is not a thief class mechanic, stealth is a general game mechanic.

That’s just irrelevant schemantics though.

You continue to miss the mechanical differences.

Remove the thief from the game, and stealth is still present. The problem is not, has never been, nor ever will be the Stealth mechanic. It is, has been, and always will be (since ANet seems happy to leave it broken) the Thief mechanics. Creating this paramount distinction targets not stealth as the source of the problem, but the thief class itself and its plethora of petty no-skill-required troll mechanics.

Very well said and not forgetting they’re Philosophy “The One Man Army”


That doesn’t Red Flag “OP


This by far is the worst Balanced Team supassed the worst Unbalanced mmo ever created
(even WoW Rogue would laugh at that class)

As guild thieves members put it best "Arena net Implimented a Single Player Game Philosophy into a mmo and think they work together— that will Never work, no matter what “adjustments/fixes” they do for the class/thief"

Another example; it’s like putting Single Player.. Snake-(Metal Gear Solid) and (Thief) (Stealth Mechanices) into an MMO, wouold you Imagine the Mess and Choas that would cause to class/profession balance?

(Well Arena net thinks not) they think it works


Since their Fail Proof Experiment was implimented to Mmo; Guild Wars 2. has there been any Choas, Discruptive and Outcry reactions among the Game and Class Mechanics due to their Failed Experiment?

Most Deffinently

I believe Pride, Grandiosity and Arrogance were the cause of implimenting Thief class to Guild Wars 2 class roster.

No wonder they fired “moving on with their live” Guild War 1 team members..

That should “ring a bell”

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Why don't you just erase pets from this game.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


If Arene net were ever to Improve Rangers pets, it would make them OP- it would make our pets “warrior-like”

As always,

Whenver they mention Ranger class+pets, they bring up Warrior class.
(even warrior have “pets” Elite)


Sometimes I wonder, that no one at Arena net team knows nothing about how a Ranger pet functions

Well except for Robert H. who was teamleader in Guild wars 1 Ranger class+pets design and function.


Robert H. been M.I.A far too long….


(I’ll leave it at that)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Rogues need to be nerfed, now

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Unfortunately the Irony and Tyranncy continues,,

Why no fix?

Only Arena net knows that answer and to why they Intentionally Intended this ‘rogue’ class to cause so many Misery and Tryanny since Day 1.


Arema met

What happend to your Famous quote “Evey Class Are Treated The Same:”?

Why the Injustice Arena net?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Good Job Arena net.. Improving Laggs/Crashes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Within couple days under heavy zerg about 50-60, i experienced almost no laggs and crashes.

I was totally Amazed and Suprised as well

With Appreciation, i would like to Thank Arena net for taking WvW lagging and Crashes very seriorusly.

Please continue and continue in Improving; in the best interest to your dedicated players.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Do rangers need a nerf? (sPvP)

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


You do realize that those spirits have health, right? And since they have health, they can die, right? And when they die, you are now fighting a Ranger with 0 skills in his utility slots.

Most Deff. True.


It is the same as saying that Rangers are ’Hard to kill" with their pets, well.. it is obvious if so, is to kill their pets and prblem solved.

The Difference to Ranger pets who can take a little more hits before dying, whereas a Rangers Spirir can’t..

Kill their Spirits and as ItlsFinished had already stated “And when they die, you are now fighting a Ranger with 0 skills in his utility slots”

I Encourage you OP to try it out; you’ll get no issue with Ranger Spirits than after.

Why Nerf Ranger Spirit Build if their Spirits can be easily killed?

It is not as our Spirits are Spamable or Perma-Spirits.

Having 60 seconds cooldown, where is the base of outcry?

They already Nerfed our viable pets to the ground, now what, our spirits?

Than what?

Every mean to Ranger “support” Mechanism is being shred apart…

I won’t even go that far,

Somehow I’m getting the Feeling that Arena net class balance mechanism is to make every class non-support (like the theif class), selfishly dependy only to itself.

Was giving Ranger class Stealth the First step in Prophetising that Reality?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

New Hunters Shot

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


The new hunters shot should be like a ranged blinding powder, rather than a ranged CnD. Stealth for 3 seconds +smoke field for 5 seconds.

I like that idea mechanic

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

Rangers and rifles

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


There is no place for rifle within the already existing weapon skills. Between the longbow and shortbow, there is nothing left for the rifle to bring as a unique weaponset.

If anything, the ranger class is desperately lacking in control based weaponsets on the power side. Personally, for nostalgic reasons, I would love to see a hammer.

However, if somebody is creative enough to put the design themes that the current weapons lack into a reasonable skillset for other weapons (aka rifle), there probably would be less opposition to the idea of rangers receiving a rifle, as the core argument against rifle is that is doesn’t make sense thematically (it would need to be similar to the harpoon gun to make sense), and that it would just be another ranged weapon with no unique purpose.

However, if ranger rifles functioned as shotguns, maybe with a basic autoattack, a block/evade, an immobilize, a blowback, and a big damage point blank attack with a possible stun, I might finally get on board with the idea (same tools I would want on the hammer).

Screw it man. Bring back the Bunny Thumpers!

I know, especially because of how little access any class has to hammers. Heck, I’d even take a revived Bunny Thumper build with a mace mainhand lol.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

What's the current state of the Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



Our pets need alot of work/improvements, our weaponss, our traits, our spirits etc..

Pretty much its worth a try with the Ranger classs

Ranger class state are ok; about 77% rating.

Just Hoping for more Improvements soon and I Encourage Arena net to stop comparing our class to the warrior class.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Rangers and rifles

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In my opinion, rangers should be able to use rifles. Seeing as their a mostly ranged class, it would just make sense. Warriors can use longbows, so why cant rangers use rifles? What do you guys think?

In addtion, Warriors uses Rifle (Arena net twist)

But Ranger in the other-hand, is the class (True to its core) is the class to posses Rifle, beside Engineer.

Ranger class not being able to equip Rifle yet Warrior does, is Baffling.

This again is another case of Ranger class being Intentionally designed toi Fail.

What I find baffling also is that, whenver Arena net speak of any Improvement to the Ranger class; they always make Ranger class in comparrison to the Warrior class.

Well shouldn’t be Suprising No?

They won’t improve our pets attacks and our pets ability to ‘stick’ to our targets, due to being Warrior-like.

I’m sure Arena net had thought of the Idea of giving Rangers Rifle, but as again, it would make Rangers only like a Warrior.

In other word..

‘Leave all those to the Warrior class; we don’t want Rangers to be like Warrior class no matter what.

I’m sure you know, Warrior have “pers” as well on their Elite skills.


If you compare Ranger to Warrior.., we are very similar

In conclusion

Warrior is what Ranger should’ve been..

(I Promise You.. very soon, they will have Stealth as well.)

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)