Self proclaimed pro pvper: kitten noob pve people, get out of wvwvw, stop exploring and free upspace for us über-pvpers….
Self proclaimed pro pvper on forum: kitten noob pve players, stop moaning about getting world completion requiring wvwvw,get in there
I’d only be for it if every other class got access to a new toy also.
Ok, any other class with absolutely zero viable ranged options can get a new weapon too. How about that?
Scepter cant hit kitten, you can outrun it, but why bother, just sidestep and it misses every single time. It even misses npcs if they are not static. I like skills 2 and even 3. But skill 1 is crap.
Anet failed hard at guardian range, its about time they sorted it.
Dont hold your breath though……last time anet posted on this forum was over 3 months ago, and that was to lock a thread….great community engagement isnt it?
(edited by Cameirus.8407)
No, they need to drastically increase player numbers and increase number of maps to spread them out over, preferably bigger than the pintsized maps we have now
I can’t even think of a day when it should take more than half an hour, max, to do all the dailies..
And if you only have two hours to play, that’s 25% of your play time your spending doing boring stuff, which to me, if bad.
You usually get 3/4 of a daily done just playing normally for a short time.
I fail to see the issue.
And if you dont like them, dont do them, they are in no way required. No more than running every event in the game every day is….
They are required only if you make them so, and thats personal choice.
Now, as far as exclusive currency for dailies, that I agree with you. There will be, one day I hope, a MMO that will really give you a choice to get the things you want by doing the things you like. That won’t force you to a certain type of gameplay that you don’t like just because that is part of an item you really want. Life is boring like that. Games shouldn’t copy it, in my humble opinion.
Until then, I believe ANet is doing a great job.
That mmo is called rift btw.
The dailies on gw2 feel less like a chore than in any other mmo.
I dont feel compelled to do them at all, and yet always complete them, mostly without noticing, just by playing the game.
And if i miss one? Meh, its a laurel and some karma. No biggie.
So the mechanic was fine until you got your new job? Very interesting.
Of course, but how else to realise an issue until your circumstances change and it becomes aprarant.
A roll over seams a good idea, arbitrary cut off times can never suit everyone and the games is supposed to be designed around the players after all.
An idea with no downsides that i can see.
I could say the art, the theme, the starting areas and city, the glow, and it would all be true.
But really its because they are the only race that can weirdout a golem by asking it questions! Love the sylvari npc conversations.
Male 3 for most of my sylvari.(mes, rng, thief,eng, ele)
Though my warrior went male 9
7/10, not bad name, but does not grab me as overly interesting
Xihuitl – mesmer. (T2 cultural armour coloured purples is just so mesmer its brilliant, faerie illusionist!)
OOoooWwwww nooo,did I just fed another WP-plug
That guy is such a pain.Hey dude!! I know your reading this cause you are behind all this BS-plugging off yours. We all know you get money for visitors on youtube, but don’t bother us unless you finally get your facts right, wich is prolly never ever!!
To everyone else reading this. WP mixes facts with his own fiction, he might be a great story-teller but it has nothing to do with proper lore. If you want to discuss lore bring us things that have a solid background.
Um, that vid states right off the bat its speculation, it continually says its speculation, and it ends saying its speculation……
All his vids are like that.
I dont get how you think he tries to be anything but honest in his vids speculating about the game and lore.
5) “do it well or don’t do it at all”
This they have done. The statement “When it is ready” was thrown at us for months before launch and I again state that this game had the smoothest (though not perfect) launch of a game I have even encountered in my 20 years of playing MMOs.
I’ll agree with you that the game’s launch was a smooth one. The game, the engine, the world was all very polished at release. There were bugs, as to be expected. But seven months in, the honeymoon period is now coming to a close. That some of the bugs present at release still persist is starting to be an issue. It’s past time to clean up things like nonfunctional traits.
I have all classes at 80, except my necro who is at 70 yet, and played since launch and I cannot name even “one” bug that has persisted and became an issue. I definitely do not min/max but not one of my characters has any problems at all completing any of the content in the game.
I guess that, even if there are abilities or traits that are not functioning the way they should, the game is playable without those traits/abilities and therefore not really an issue that they do not work as intended. While they should be fixed, still not an “issue”.
If you use teleport skills you frequently end up inside walls, under the map.
At launch i had to stop using them on my mesmer entirely, i was getting stuck every 5mins, and running out of money on waypoint fees to port back above the map!
Still happens. I dont use judges intervention in wvwvw on my guardian anymore, and am cautious in pve. The other day i ended up inside keep walls 4time i the space of a 30min play session.
Terrain-teleport bugs still abound.
Well they said 500 players per map total in beta,
And recently a dev said that its been adjusted down from that as they could not handle it and regretted stating the 500 player number so would not release specifics.
So all we do know is that its less than 500 total players per map. So each faction is less than 166 players, quite a bit less by the sound of the devs post but thats just speculation.
Would be nice for the anet guardian dev (lol!) to let us know if this is intended or if they will be looking at a solution.
Not asking what that may be, or for them to commit to anything, just a quick ‘working as intended’ or ‘its an issue we hope to get round to’
Lol no. Needs to be the opposite, completely random world boss events, so camping becomes impossible
Iron’s TS too has been cut off at times when we were defending/attacking SFR garrison. I remember thinking “wow we repelled them even without being able to speak to each other” so yes there has been problems with TS over on this side too this week
This is not like getting a TS server down, well happens, this is like every single server we use is attacked fastly and droped down. This is an organized, continuous and determinated attempt to try to stop us from getting coordinated.
You serious? I think you need to take off the tinfoil hat.
I like it all except the silly helmet.
Op, there are basically two ways to play wvwvw.
Firstly, join the zerg, rely on your zergs ability to ball up, focus attacks on a small area, mitigate aoe by being grouped close and moving like that, and to react quickly to changes to cut apart enemy zergs and flip objectives quickly.
Get a small group of skilled players together and go for surgical strikes, cap towers and camps, hit unorganised groups and move quickly to avoid being zerged to death.
The first when done well can net you hundreds of kills, and rack up points very quickly, but can also be boring as hell if the commander is bad (like yours sounded) or if your zerg is bad. The worst thing a zerg can do is fail to commit. Dont split up, dont break apart, keep together and push through the enemy, if not you will be wiped out piecemeal. Sure you may die anyway, but at least you all die together, ao the zerg reforms quickly at a waypoint and is not spread out halfway across a map!
The second can be more fun, and more like small scale pvp in other games, but will usually net you less rewards.
In order to increase you chances of succeeding, you have to make sure everyone that doing it completely understand what the heck is going on. Communication is key.
This is the correct answer. Guild content is about coordination. If you truly work together, you don’t need nearly as many people to complete this content.
I get what you mean, but what you actually just said proves the op’s point.
Small guilds have to be much much more skilled than large guilds who can just zerg.
The whole gw2 content scaling system is really not living up to its promises.
Thief, rogue, whatever its called in an mmo, it seams to attract a certain type of player, not exclusively, but a majority, probably the stealth/gank/run away mechanics.
Lol, dont worry, its our viable ranged option
Lol id hate to see these forums if SFR were losing, they cry all the time when there winning
Tell me about it. You should see la chat and /map in wvwvw…..its all complaints about pugs, despite us winning anyway…
Good, because getting 100% if your server is always number 1 is a pain
Cant watch vid on mobiles or tablets.
Update: I’ve made a change so the wurm can no longer be killed before the event starts, and increased the max scale of the event so it should be slightly less zergable. It’s in QA’s hands right now for testing, and should be in a future update.
Thats great, i hope the scaling is upped considerably, and you may want to look at other low level events, shadow behemoth and maw for example get zerged in seconds.
SFR has been taken over by a load of useless pugs.
If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community)Wow.
Earlier today I was going to answer ethier with rather long and boring post, but didn’t get around sending it during the day. Seeing it was already discussed, I’ll try to be brief.
So we have one server (VS) that was dealing with this issue from the get go and their solution to it (that was working so far) is to thrive on, embrace and foster hordes of Mr. Pugs with things like propaganda, propagating “Vizunah spirit” thing and what not (I’m actually do not know specifics, but can imagine). This of course was in turn shaping the whole WvW community. VS themselves agree that they are mostly pugs with pug commanders and just a couple of big guilds. A lot of small guilds though do things that are vital to the score like timer-capping, supply ninjas etc.
Now, we have another server that was hit by “War Z” and took different stance: “You are useless and not welcome unless you prove otherwise. Here’s how the game is played here and you will obey or else”. I wonder btw what follows this “or else”.
It will be interesting to watch the story unfolding but I’m not sure the way SFR WvW community is heading is sustainable. Not to say if it is healthy and constructive given the lack of in-game leverage and/or restrictions in GW2 that one would probably need to pull this off.
Well, seems like I’ve managed to come up with long and boring post anyway
TLDR: Wow.
P.S. I should have mentioned Deso as third server but we don’t seem to have this issue atm. We had it at one moment and our solution as far as I remember was to drop a tier or two.
Other than that, our answer to “War Z” would be I guess “Everybody join IRON!”
It seems my post cause some kind of a stir.
We have had issues with pugs before, However the difference between those and the ones that have recently joined us, They have been willing to learn and we’ve tried to help them as much as possible and even set up guild channels on our Team speak for the smaller guilds that have been doing WvW or other things as a guild. How anyone from another server like Desolation can go on about how we don’t embrace the pugs, When IRON have closed off meetings with a select few guilds before reset night and not letting randoms join is quite funny to me. Not saying ours is right or wrong. We are willing to help and train pugs if they are willing to join our community, We don’t ask for them to join on of the “Bigger Guilds” at all.
The idea you need to train pugs is condescending.
I don’t get why you see this as “condescending”
I’m learning new stuff about the game all the time like builds/siege placement/commanding ect. How is helping people improve in a certain aspect of a game “condescending” ?
It may not have been intended, but your posts sound like they can be paraphrased ‘all pugs suck and have to be taught how to play by guilds and should be grateful that someone with a guild tag is so generous to share their knowledge with the poor guildless scrubs’.
Like i said, may nothave been intended, but thats how it reads.
Still 00:00gmt.
Uk is on bst now which is gmt +1
I think mesmer is the best solo class personally, its almost impossible to die on itmto anything.
But guardiqns are good, and probably a bit easier to pick up. Go 15into radience for the voj reset, and aoe blind, round up mobs and nuke them down spamming f1. Cant really go wrong. I like the virtue reset elite over the more flashy ones, if you need to cut and run 3 secs invul and reset on virtues is great.
Op is arguing semantics to try to justify exploiting which he knows is wrong, if i were anet i’d be taking a good long look at his account….chances are there is some dibious activity there.
Thiefs dont die…..they try to gank….and if that fails, run away with impunity.
No risk, highreward.
You should never see thiefs jumping in to attack a large group and porting out with impunity. They have too many escape options. Either make them hit like a wet blanket, or make them commit, if they dont get the kill, make them pay for it, not just be able to get away and try again.
Sooo, you want ANet to nerf a class just because you are bad at the game? lol
Thiefs = Assassins, and that is how assassins work, see an opportunity, take it, failed? bail out. How is what they do different than being an ele, using ride the lightning, spam all your skill and then portaling out? Eles should be nerfed too? pfffffffttttt!!!
Insulting people just means you have no valid point.
Lore reasons donot excuse bad game design
SFR has been taken over by a load of useless pugs.
If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community)Wow.
Earlier today I was going to answer ethier with rather long and boring post, but didn’t get around sending it during the day. Seeing it was already discussed, I’ll try to be brief.
So we have one server (VS) that was dealing with this issue from the get go and their solution to it (that was working so far) is to thrive on, embrace and foster hordes of Mr. Pugs with things like propaganda, propagating “Vizunah spirit” thing and what not (I’m actually do not know specifics, but can imagine). This of course was in turn shaping the whole WvW community. VS themselves agree that they are mostly pugs with pug commanders and just a couple of big guilds. A lot of small guilds though do things that are vital to the score like timer-capping, supply ninjas etc.
Now, we have another server that was hit by “War Z” and took different stance: “You are useless and not welcome unless you prove otherwise. Here’s how the game is played here and you will obey or else”. I wonder btw what follows this “or else”.
It will be interesting to watch the story unfolding but I’m not sure the way SFR WvW community is heading is sustainable. Not to say if it is healthy and constructive given the lack of in-game leverage and/or restrictions in GW2 that one would probably need to pull this off.
Well, seems like I’ve managed to come up with long and boring post anyway
TLDR: Wow.
P.S. I should have mentioned Deso as third server but we don’t seem to have this issue atm. We had it at one moment and our solution as far as I remember was to drop a tier or two.
Other than that, our answer to “War Z” would be I guess “Everybody join IRON!”
It seems my post cause some kind of a stir.
We have had issues with pugs before, However the difference between those and the ones that have recently joined us, They have been willing to learn and we’ve tried to help them as much as possible and even set up guild channels on our Team speak for the smaller guilds that have been doing WvW or other things as a guild. How anyone from another server like Desolation can go on about how we don’t embrace the pugs, When IRON have closed off meetings with a select few guilds before reset night and not letting randoms join is quite funny to me. Not saying ours is right or wrong. We are willing to help and train pugs if they are willing to join our community, We don’t ask for them to join on of the “Bigger Guilds” at all.
The idea you need to train pugs is condescending.
I completed the new monthly achievement on April 2nd at 10:44 pm MST. Here’s a screenshot. I think the Monthlies should take longer to get. I wasn’t even tring to complete it, I was just playing.
Get the other 147 audio logs, the we’ll talk….
You assume everyone plays the same way you do, thats a silly assumption.
Really, either guardians or D/D elementalists are just a very bad matchup for thieves.
But I’ve taught even rangers and engineers on how to handle thieves. Find a friend who play thief and go train 1v1 in sPvP some. Depending on the type of thief, making distance with the thief is always a good solution.
Making distance with thiefs is not a problem, they run away very well….if they mess up the attack, they should be forced to fight, not allowed to just run away
I always hate to say it but its a L2 kitten ue. I play a thief and I die, other classes beat me. (And I’d like to think I’m a fairly good thief 1k+hours) I also play a Necro (badly I might add ~50 hours) and don’t have a issue killing thieves.
Most thieves won’t be in a rush to kill you, they will take there time and ware you down. This also (obviously) frustrates the enemy, making it easier to kill them. People say “just don’t fight thieves” because you sticking around in a 1v1 fight is what the thief wants, your playing his game. You running away makes it more likely that you’ll find people and put the thief at a large disadvantage and they don’t want that.
Thiefs dont die…..they try to gank….and if that fails, run away with impunity.
No risk, highreward.
You should never see thiefs jumping in to attack a large group and porting out with impunity. They have too many escape options. Either make them hit like a wet blanket, or make them commit, if they dont get the kill, make them pay for it, not just be able to get away and try again.
sorry for double post but the free transfers have only made us stronger guilds are recruiting more than ever I see zergs growing might take a while BUT if everything is successful there will soon be a much stronger t1 server in action.
Some people are just being petulant, they want to be treated like special snowflakes. They think for some reason they are entitled to special treatment and no queues. They dont realise there are no pvp servers, that the pve players on sfr had a harder time because of a lower pop, and they place their enjoy,ent of the game over other peoples, which is understandable from a personal point of view, but can never be how game decisions are made by devs…..what would be the result:
Free transfers to med pop servers…..apart from sfr….sorry guys, you get to stick with a low pop because of some entitled people who think they are more important than you?
No dont think thats a good idea.
Btw, thanks for the run the other day when we rolf stomped vs for hours in EB, where you ran commander to a largely pug group. No matter what some people on here say, a good commander can do wonders no matter the group.
I’ve seen loot bags barely sticking up out of the ground, sometimes I only see the sparkle. Very easy to miss. Had a few stuck so i couldn’t loot them.
Would very much like to have my loot direct to my inventory or if not possible to do that, have it appear in a chest at spawn.
You could even sell this as a option in the gem store and offer to increase the size through gem purchase like we do with bank and bag spaces.
Hold left control key. The yellow loot bag text is shown then.
But you will forget you are holding it and link random items on chat when clicking your inv!
Engineer or necro
I,d say necro, cant remember the last time i fought a necro in wvwvw, see engineers quite often.
Thief…..all they do is run like hell
Staff 1 is brilliant, one of the best tagging tools in the game, though number 2 is a bit useless, nice idea, but pretty pants.
Scepter 1 is awful, needs a major rework.
We need a better ranged option, i like a longbow idea, but buffing projectile speed for scepter 1 or making like trident 1 would do for now.
We need more movement speed increaese, so we can get swiftness without having to take a weapon, 2 elites and also traits+runes for it.
SFR has been taken over by a load of useless pugs.
If any guild or player, joins our server, we will treat them like hostiles unless they make a decent effort to join our community)Wow. With an attitude like that, especially from a ‘community website moderator’, how can you expect anyone to WANT to join your community? So, if you’re not part of one of the buddy guilds, you’re useless and not welcome? Wonderful community spirit, right there.
Totally, if people act like kitten to newcommers its counter productive. And the whole server suffers.
People moved over, deal with it. Be nice qnd try to foster a good community, or leave, no one will miss someone with that kind of toxic attitude,
Yaro if you like, read my answer @ the end of the previous page……
Its not like we hate them or something, but if new guilds dont join our community and read-be part of our scheduled raids…..Guilds who have been in scheduled ,cant enter due to queue. Ofc the majority are pugs who just run around WvW without the willing to be part of our community.
You dont get to define how other people play.
You dont get special treatment becuse you have scheduled something, sorry but thats just how it works.
The problem is not pugs, transfers or whatever, its that the wvwvw pop limit is so low. If anet get more maps out and the pop can spread out a bit, you solve both the queues and the zerg problems.
Dunno what’s going on with SFR last few days but we’re having fun over in IRON painting it all red with our kitten allies
Special shout out to Coin, best buddies EU.
Watt’s up with SFR? We are in our path to 5th victory in a row.
Hope this week you not end for the 5th time in 3rd.
We can post so many screenshots like yours …but in green.
Grow up mate, or drop your commander title from your posts.
People are in queues so they kitten and moan, and try to say its awful because we are now full of pugs and losing…..only last time i was on a couple fo days ago we were winning.
Not at home now so cant check,,but willing to bet we are still tops.
It needs one, yes they say they are working on it, but they also said any new mmo should launch with one….
So a bit of prodding to push it up the priority list is not out of line.
There you go.
Doesn’t get more spartan
Nice, where are the pieces from?
As for race/prof…well there is no ancient greek based culture so go human or pic your fav. For prof, i’d say guardian, its got that whole fight as a unit thing going for it, and sucks at range!
The limit imposed i understand since no machine and internet line can hold that much data transfer. So with the limit we have the queue. The idea is somehow to bring the players with big activity in WvW in front of those with less. The new ranking system is ok. So a raider with lvl 16 would take the place of a lvl 1 invader.
Dunno, topic open for discussion….
at the risk of an infraction, F-you.
No. You are no more important than any other player. Only your misplaced ego makes you think otherwise.
ironically the issues is the queue itself…
The queue is long because people /afk-macro, and people /adk-macro because the queue is long to get back in….
Only solution is to up population in wvwvw, which means more maps as the current one cant handle it.
I think that doors should be damageable by seiges only.
But up the dmg seiges do vs infantry, to try to counter the zerg a bit, make grouping up too much a hazard!
one thing that gets me is that people on SFR qq abotu people comming over. I know its havign an impact on queues….but that will likely drop off to some extent.
The thing is its not a “pvp” server, its a just a server. The overall pop was medium meaning pve was under populated. So the transfers benefit the pve’ers.
yes that has a consequence on the wvwvw pop. but its not exclusively a wvwvw server, none are.
What the issue is, is not the transfers, its teh really low wvwvw pop limit compared to server populations overall. And the smallness of the maps.
Anet need to introduce more maps, say 3 more link maps to tie the BL together. hopefully much bigger, but with a lower density of bases.
@ vynt in borderlands vizu and SFR both blob way worse then deso. You guys create 90+ blobs… That’s madness and need perfect control of the ppl who are online. Deso rarely have that amount of people, and if they do, they rather split up. If you think 50-60 blob is bad, then look at your own 90+.
Biggest Blob in SFR I saw today was about 40 people, and that carved up a much larger VS zerg which kept trying to take SM this afternoon.
VS seams to have numbers in their zergs, SFR seams to be better at concentrating the power of the blob.
Deso….hit and miss, some blobs are great, others cut and run at the least resistance.