I experience this bug often, manual weaponswitch fixes it.
whats even the go to build for newb mesmers ?:/
Is this intended ? :/
If so, why is mesmer the only class that has no movement abilities which work on this map with the orb?
Literally the worst orb carriers imaginable all we get is 3 dodges if we use energy runes.
Blink ? no
Swiftness? No
Portal? Hell No.
Not Even illusionary Leap works.
:( I could swear this is How I played most of my matches start2 and THEN 3.. cause I just now started noticing my blurred frenzy going on Cd
No ? :/ I used to Blurred frenzy to get invuln before Leaping all the time.
To stop interrupts :/
This literally never used to happen in 43 Ranks of play.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
What’s up with this bug ? :/
Fixed Prestige to not interrupt, and now this interrupts.. and blast finisher is gone from torch? please fix((
Please fix this sooner then later Still bugged march 02 2013
While blast finishers are bugged no point in using torch :/
Double blast finisher in Tpvp is godly… especially if you have a ranger or ele on your team who lay down water/Fire fields and call them out..
iMage is terrible It’s not amazing but why would I give up like 4k dps of the duelist for 3 stacks of confusion,
The blast finishers are realllllly strong though… 3k heal or double area might can turn a team fight into team kitten
Also.. lol at rebranding pve+ as wpvp.
Mantras are so OP… Clearly this one video proves it. Nerf Mantras, buff Shatter mesmer.
I knew I noticed this not working…
:( Please fix this as fast as you fixed our ultimate stealth otherwise it’s back to pistol or focus for me.
Please ask about any plans to revamp the Glory system ALSO;
What about the QPs we’ve racked up for what are these mystery prizes they will be useable for later?..
Ask them when Pink Puma can be on the show :/
Hey anyone else notice they nerf Zerker damage when they buff torch? 3 patches in a row.
I only see a problem with your post is..
4.) PvE/Gem/Gold rewards for winning tournaments
The problem with giving pve rewards in sPVP is there are no gold sinks in pvp.. You don’t need to upgrade your gear you don’t need to repair, you don’t need to warp, you don’t need to craft, you don’t need to do any of these things…
So the rewards have to be
a)Risky, either by adding things you have to buy with gold to try to get the gold. Like tournament tickets.
b)Balanced, they might have to introduce unrelated gold sinks to PVP to make sure they don’t crash the economy otherwise gold’s just going to build up like glory(A Failed attempt at a currency which you can only spend on getting dyes realistically).
c)Limited, you can’t introduce gold rewards to hotjoin so bobby thief#434849 can’t farm, all day and get better rewards then people farming in pve. Otherwise why pve? You can’t introduce Large farmable rewards, maybe daily or monthly stuff you’d have to work for.
Why not just revamp the glory system? Make it worth something?
1-2million per legendary w/ Qps
Make Some skin unlocks expensive like the new 6-10 skins they introduced could have been put up for 130-150k glory a piece, and Rotated, like you can only buy some skins during some months.. allow that glory to be sold to players for gold(Gems?:D).
But at the same time I totally agree with adding incentives to pvp for Pve and pve+ players to bring them in for a taste.
Mesmer – Nerf Nerf Nerf…thats what I saw. Portal is now countered by just standing on it….THAT DOES NOT TAKE SKILL. Mind Stab only hits 3 targets…MIND STAB was never good in the first place. It stopped you from moving. Mirror was never a good heal in the first place and giving 1 more sec to reflection will not change it. Mesmers are still a 1 build class for teams and now we have less reason to take them because of nerfs.
Dear Apollo;
It seems you have misread all the mesmer changes.
Portal can’t be used to exploit walls anymore.
i.e Put 2 portals on top of eachother pop onto the other side of a wall.
*The only thing changed for portals.
Mindstab is the sword 1hander auto attack. and this was a buff.
Torch was made useable, and actually my favorite weapon at the moment.
Minor touch ups for weapons which were just unpolished and bad but no real changes to offhand sword + Scepter.
All in all, please reread the patch notes or a consult a mesmer near you
(edited by Darnis.4056)
My opinion is that taking signets purely for the 1 second of distortion is such a massive waste if utilities and traits. The only bonus they give is a tiny tiny honor active defense that can’t even be activated while stunned. To get that, you waste 2 traits that happen to occupy the slots of other extremely powerful traits.
To have shatter traits, yet you have abysmal clone generation. You also have the 15% illusion damage trait which suits a phantasm damage build. Your build is crazy and all over the place.
First, ditch all the signets. You seem to be doing a hybrid shatter/phantasm build. As such, you need some different utilities. Taking mirror images and/or decoy allows you to have stunbreakers that double as an active defense through distortion. Additionally, they have their cd trait at 5 in illusions, which you always already take.
Having ditched the signets, you can actually take some useable traits. Take deceptive evasion in the dueling line, this will be the source of most of your clone generation. In domination, you have a few options. You could take cripple on clone death, which is never bad in a melee build. You could also go for the 20% enhanced mind wrack damage to give your shatter burst some more oomph. You could also take my personal favorite, the boon strip on shatter (strips 1 boon per illusions shattered that hits the target). The choice is yours.
Edit: noticed that dumb torch comment. While the glitch is fun, and I’ve had fun running a dungeon providing nothing but continuous blast finishers, it’s also still mostl useless in pvp. You can’t hit anyone with the flames or you take the revealed debuff. Sure, it’s decent for getting away from people in wvw, or letting your phantasms chunk the target. Shame the torch phantasm doesn’t chunk the target then…or do anything to the target really.
Dear Fellow mesmer; Please refrain from making silly commentary “dumb torch”
Bro .. if you haven’t figured out how to use torch yet that’s your problem.
The definition of torch is “hit anyone with flames properly”.
Hit me up for duels any time r42mes 155qp. I’ll even fight your duel specs with my 5v5 spec.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Tried this.
Didn’t work very well.. Duelist is better phantasm Stun is better to dps…
Why bother while torch is ridic op? :/
Mesma is ridic OP till they fix our double stealth.
getting hotpatched tomorrow enjoy while it lasts.
Jinx! Haha After 3 repatches my fingers were so crossed they were dislocated.
I’m fine with having it be very important to gamescore.. The 2ndary mechanic SHOULD be the most important.
Having it on a 4second pick up and 10 seconds to respawn while also being worth major points is just dumb though.
The Capture the ball should feel like Football, where everybody rises and screams GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL
Rather then basketball where people are mostly apathetic after the first 30 points.
This should be an easy fix Hopefully one that doesn’t require you to remove prestige from the game or make it useless like it was before.
“Has no interrupt cd reduction” or “Always goes on 30s Cd”
There’s not a lot you can do to a guardian who’s protected by a 3 man pain train..
Here’s how it goes:
FOCUS GUARD . Can’t the thief just backstabed my for 20 mindwracks.
So you have to focus his entourage, and then guard gets half way he just Lolololol line of warding, lololol sanctuary lololol Bubble. lolollol invincible.
So the counter strat is to have your guardian pick up the ball. and portal back faster then the other guard.
If there was more delay the 10 seconds to the respawn it would be a lot more fun you could have more fights over the ball. or a bigger channel..
Longer channel for ball maybe 3 extra seconds would be totally justified.
30 points per cap is waaay too strong, Mr.guardian running the ball speeds up the game to way too fast.
Reduce to 25 points at least please :/ 5 minute matches are no fun when the ball is getting scored like this is basketball.
Or Increase the time on respawn of the ball…
Or half the points from the conquest side of the map.
3-4 minute matches (2cap and ball running) aren’t fun :/ Games should last 7-8 minutes.
This was hilarious .. till we worked up our mmr we kept facing teams r1-10 then r20-30 finally we can steam roll r40+ again.
My anger has been sated.. bring forth the true patchnotes.
Any plans for making sword offhand viable in sPVP ?
SWORD / TORCH for a week for me:
Not sure if I want to use Mirror :/
Reflect projectiles and heal yourself.
Healing: 3,915
Duration: 2 s
Heal yourself. Gain additional health for each active illusion.
Healing: 5,560
Healing per illusion: 640
2 seconds of reflection vs 3k heal ? :/ Not sure if want.
Maybe if the meta becomes Longbow/rifle warriors and Rangers and short bow spam thieves..
I thought everything else was buffed other then kit refinement though ?…
What happends to daily/monthly prizes now that tickets are worthless?
When is patch hitting ? zomfg.
Confusion builds are ….pretty meh in pvp :/ maybe in pve+
but even then why trade shatters for slightly better confusion application?..
You can 9stack confusion with a full Cry of frustration PLUS burst…
Also you don’t have to use inferior weapons like scepter.. and can stick with sword mainhand.
20/20/00/30 still much better, but we’ll see what the patch today will bring …
Engineer has a steep learning curve compared to other classes :/
Maybe due to the fact that I haven’t seen many good engi streams.
but with lots of potential..
I played around with condi engi in 1v1s and my necro just seems to do the same job but better.. till I figured out I needed to take back my healing turret to get my heal back I just kept dieing.. not the easiest class to get into for sure..
Well this thread is dead, and no official response I guess anet is saying we should all just reroll to asura and stop QQing about completely imbalanced tiny character modules.
if they were hell bent on making it free, maybe 1 charslot limit, no custum armors no mail no whispers no map 1 say per minute 4 class limit which changes per month.
I disagree, this will only bring in gold spammers to the mists.
SpVp should be the crown jewel of this game, why people stay to play for longer then a month(in which they max their pve char and get bored.) Not F2P Br?br? paradise.
Will it expand the player base? Sure for a while it might work.. but it’s just a bandaid fix Arenanet needs to concentrate on making the best pvp game they can with more modes custum arenas ladders etc which by itself brings people in.
Second we need to deal with these forum dwellers who just QQ all day, many of them don’t even play the game anymore, get out already no one cares about your dead guild and the times of yesteryear, anyone reading these forums who wants to buy the game will think the game is a joke because QQPlayedfrombetapants quit. These players should be ridiculed and their arguments should be rebuked.
Most importantly we’ve got a huge untapped player base in the pve/pve+ crowd you could just as easily bring in by offering daily/laurel rewards for people who only care about pixels. Steadily the pvp population will grow because of people who want to pvp having tons of competition, and they’ll stay the course even after the pveers go back after getting their daily done.
I cant believe somebody is complaining about this lol.
You can never please everybody. There will always be haters. ALWAYS. Even God has haters.
No gods, only Iron and blood.
My knee jerk reaction was ; wow this is such a stupid change what’s even the point..
OH YOU’RE GONNA MAKE IT AWESOME AND MATCHMAKING IS GONNA WORK BAWSS LIKE WHILE Reviving free tournaments, and fusing the paid/free tpvp community?
Maybe some new skins ?:) Would be nice if they added some new skins to spvp…
Expecting everything from one patch is silly..
They even said they’re already working on a second patch with other PVP content :/
New map is a big plus, balance changes? yes please. Maybe a little bit of incentivising spvp
Daily tournies/Monthly tournies maybe?
Rating system ? as promised? please please please..
I have high hopes for this patch but fixing all the problems in the game with one patch is impossible, don’t have expectations over what’s humanly possible.
Shatter: 20 20 00 30
Best build there is , funnest to play, Versatile, Great DPS, Great surviveability.
Phantasm 10 10 15 25 10 , (10 10 15 30 5)
Great for killing shatter mesmers 1v1 surviveability is high. Boring to play.
Mantras 30 30 0 0 10 (Or variants .. I don’t actually know the varients for mantras)
Great dps, meh versatility.
Dude.. firey shoulders? what’s not to love.. you don’t HAVE to use the full set..
I spent r10 to r25 soloqueing.. it builds character
Also it’s a great way to meet new players…
Also a good way to rage quit after a few matches though….
Guys this is the PvP Discussion forum, please Take wvw Discussion to the forum just below, no need to start these flamewars about who’s game mode is better.. It just derails the thread and ultimately gets it closed.
I feel like there are more people playing since the 1tv1t map rotation change…
Had 30~ of the people on my friends list on thursday prime time.
Hopefully new patch new map new changes will bring even more people back to pvp… Stay positive forum dwellers.
What ?:/ I’m sorry if that was intelligible to you because it wasn’t to me…
I’m r42 atm, and I enjoy tpvp with friends 3-4 hours of straight head to head action a day… the game is fun and everyone agrees a few more maps and game modes maybe spectator mode and a ladder and we’re in the big time.
What?.. No more gems no more rotating maps ? :( Y u do dis anet…
Anvil rock is the most populated server.. I play on blackgate.. it doesn’t actually matter for pvp you just get access to a slightly bigger pool of players in the lobby.. which means chat is slightly more spammed.
I personally love the mesmer above all else, but any class can be viable..
Guardians probably the most sought after though..
Guardian>Ele>Ranger>Mesmer> Epic necros/engis are always sought after… just very few of them around.
GW2 is already a great pvp game.. and it’ll only get better… there are definitely many critics but I’m optimistic and willing to wait a little bit longer for what feels like the best pvp mmorpg I’ve ever played.. and I’ve played probably every mmorpg ever.. from Asheron’s call to warhammer
The best thing about gw2 is if you have good players with you , you can run a myriad of builds.
Most People will bring a Guardian, because it does make things alot easier..
Portal mesmer running shatter 20/20/00/30
Pretty good start of any group, you then add the fillers, most played is probably Ele/thief/ranger, very solid comp G/M/E/T/R, Good necro is hard to find but if you get one and facilitate him they can be pretty disgusting as are engies..
My favorite comps are non guardian comps, more fun to play
Ele Mesmer Ranger Engi(necro) thief(Warrior)
No doubt having a guardian who can survive for a guaranteed 36~ seconds against 2-3 players makes the game easier though…
Gonna try this out later thanks for the build