Chronomancer; Well of Prewin stops counting towards node control.
Scrapper: Stealth Node Cooldown now 35-45 seconds to come in line with other elites.
Triple Leap finisher now; Double or Single Leap finisher, on Ending strike.DH; Traps no longer Daze. Test of Faith only hits once. 15% damage nerf.
Rev; Straight up 20% damage/condition efficacy nerf to most skills.
Ranger; Bristle Pet; 50% damage Nerf. What were you even thinking?
4 Second daze trait too strong. 3 Second daze maybe?Auramancer; 5%-10% nerf to overall healing. Stability up time 20% nerf.
Thief; Don’t even know tbh.
Warrior; Just leave it alone for now, In before you buff warrior through the roof again.
How about learn to kill pet first, which is only 16k hp to begin with on Bristleback, instead of crying about their damage? If you want to ignore pets as if they don’t exist like you always did, you deserve to be killed by pets.
You literally can’t kill the pet quick enough for it to matter, are you joking right now?
Can’t you?
Last time I check Bristle can’t dodge, rarely move, and has low armor.
Any meta class can kill it within 5 seconds if they focus fire on it. It’d be much easier in group fight though.
If I call a target on the ranger pet for focus fire I’d uninstall guild wars as the 2nd step.
Are you just unaware that you can switch pets?
Are we playing the same game?
Chronomancer; Well of Prewin stops counting towards node control.
Scrapper: Stealth Node Cooldown now 35-45 seconds to come in line with other elites.
Triple Leap finisher now; Double or Single Leap finisher, on Ending strike.DH; Traps no longer Daze. Test of Faith only hits once. 15% damage nerf.
Rev; Straight up 20% damage/condition efficacy nerf to most skills.
Ranger; Bristle Pet; 50% damage Nerf. What were you even thinking?
4 Second daze trait too strong. 3 Second daze maybe?Auramancer; 5%-10% nerf to overall healing. Stability up time 20% nerf.
Thief; Don’t even know tbh.
Warrior; Just leave it alone for now, In before you buff warrior through the roof again.
How about learn to kill pet first, which is only 16k hp to begin with on Bristleback, instead of crying about their damage? If you want to ignore pets as if they don’t exist like you always did, you deserve to be killed by pets.
You literally can’t kill the pet quick enough for it to matter, are you joking right now?
Chronomancer; Well of Prewin stops counting towards node control.
Scrapper: Stealth Node Cooldown now 35-45 seconds to come in line with other elites.
Triple Leap finisher now; Double or Single Leap finisher, on Ending strike.
DH; Traps no longer Daze. Test of Faith only hits once. 15% damage nerf.
Rev; Straight up 20% damage/condition efficacy nerf to most skills.
Ranger; Bristle Pet; 50% damage Nerf. What were you even thinking?
4 Second daze trait too strong. 3 Second daze maybe?
Auramancer; 5%-10% nerf to overall healing. Stability up time 20% nerf.
Thief; Don’t even know tbh.
Warrior; Just leave it alone for now, In before you buff warrior through the roof again.
I think they left all the expansion specs OP so that customers who bought it would feel like they got their money’s worth.
In before they nerf some aspects of the new specs to curtail the Power creep, then and ONLY then sell Expansion Mastery for use in PVP only for 1k gems.
I’d still buy probably.
Do it anet, sell me Chronomancy(PVP only) for 1,000 Gems. plz thanks.
Any chance of selling Skillsets seperate from the expansion?
I’d love to throw you either 10$ or 800 Gems so I could pvp like a pro.Thanks,
Will never happen, they want your full buy in to HoT.
Yeaaa but they did this before in Guildwars 1, come on arenanet, look at how much of a killing you could make : Sell me just ONE of the 8 Sets of specializations, 10$.
(That’s 80 if I wanted all of em!)
Think of how many other players are out there that would love this feature.
There’s tons now right, since you went F2P for the original game/pvp?
Micro transactions make more money then large ones, you know this.
Any chance of selling Skillsets seperate from the expansion?
I’d love to throw you either 10$ or 800 Gems so I could pvp like a pro.
Stuck in ToTSS been here for 30 now.. ;_;
All you have to do is give it a Non-combat 4 second stationary cast time in PVE/WVWVW..
“Being able to re-actively toggle builds on the fly is horrible for meta diversity.”
You didn’t actually bring any data to back up your opinion.
It’s logical that removing gates from content makes that content more accessible.
The easier it is to switch builds the easier it is to play different builds, This PROMOTES build diversity.
Every game which has allowed build templates I’ve played has allowed me to try new things fast easier and without hassle.
in WvW that template function should be disabled.
i shouldnt be allowed to have a zerg, roam, and solo template saved?because that function would be abused by high mobile classes where they could swap entire builds(phys<=>condi) with one click.
Arenanet’s stance on WVWVW is it will not be balanced and has followed through since Beta, why does it matter if builds get switched in an environment that isn’t meant to be a balanced in the first place?
Why has this not been done, a long time ago?
Because being able to re-actively toggle builds on the fly is horrible for meta diversity.
It would have to be limited to HoM(and the Citadel for WvW)
What?… You’re blatantly wrong.
No. It would have to be limited to pre-game ready period. Just like now.
I feel like they might be sitting on it just because of the ideas that are already arising in this thread.. “Wvwvw needs it!” “Pve needs it!” “No they don’t!”
Now PVP can’t have it until we have a version that works across all game modes which isn’t easy to do…
Im about to write an auto hotkey script.. it feels like I can make a non intuitive scrummy version of this that works for only me in like 5 minutes.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
ummm coding for that isnt that hard. ive seen much much much smaller teams pump that feature out in a very short time frame.
My suspicion is that they basically have it for PVP only, and have had it for quite some time, ever since the new PVP build UI launched..
If you look through “We need templates” posts there was actually a pretty big discussion with Justin/Evan about what could be in the Template UI for PVP.. and basically people from pve came over and like yea we really need finishers and minipets, otherwise there’s no point.,,
Edit; Found it.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Evan/Justin… please . please. please. Please. make this happen ..
I know it is within your power!
As an above poster mentioned This thread has been consistently created over the past two years, the demand for templates is not going to go away, its just as big as any other feature.
Guild leaderboards sound like they’d be who’s the fattest most grindy guild if they use the same philosophy as the current leaderboards.
TBH though.. sounds like MOBA/WVW…
PVP forums always good for a laugh.
Old school Shatter mesmer is getting hit really hard by the blanket Might nerf.
We’ve been picking up 3-5% damage buffs for like a year and now you drop 14% Damage off might?But WAIT your useless weapons are still useless because the buffs don’t go far enough.
How are you computing 14% damage loss from might?
My math is wrong.. :/
Might was cut 35 to 30 = 14%~
I can stack might and upkeep it at 20-25, by myself.
How much is that in relation to total damage? I’d wager it’s at least half
So maybe 14% is a little heavy handed, maybe more like 7%~ compared to current if might stacks =>20Blanket Nerf Might was the Wrong way to fix this problem, It was the easiest.
They could have nerfed the higher tiers of might maybe from 18+ to give exponentially less Pow/cd to equal out to the new number of +750 p/cd
This would have been better in conjunction with a -20 stat nerf to cele and sigil nerfs.You cannot have fewer than 975 Power at level 80. It is simply impossible, because that’s your base stat value. Currently, the max Power you get from Might is 875, meaning Might is, at max, 47% of your damage (condition damage gets murky, because then you have to account for what mix of conditions, stacks, and uptime on all of them).
Might is getting nerfed to a max of 750 from 875. At absolute maximum, which is assuming 0 investment in Power from either traits or gear, this change will lower your damage output by ~7%.
If you have any improvement in your Power stat from gear or traits, the damage loss is even lower.
4-7% is a lot when you take into account Vuln and crits though :/
I feel like I need Every point of damage to kill Cele Engineers/warriors/eles at the moment….
Their ability to cleanse vuln, facetank burst and put-out enough damage to make me disengage really makes me wonder why I play mesmer.
Old school Shatter mesmer is getting hit really hard by the blanket Might nerf.
We’ve been picking up 3-5% damage buffs for like a year and now you drop 14% Damage off might?But WAIT your useless weapons are still useless because the buffs don’t go far enough.
How are you computing 14% damage loss from might?
My math is wrong.. :/
Might was cut 35 to 30 = 14%~
I can stack might and upkeep it at 20-25, by myself.
How much is that in relation to total damage? I’d wager it’s at least half
So maybe 14% is a little heavy handed, maybe more like 7%~ compared to current if might stacks =>20
Blanket Nerf Might was the Wrong way to fix this problem, It was the easiest.
They could have nerfed the higher tiers of might maybe from 18+ to give exponentially less Pow/cd to equal out to the new number of +750 p/cd
This would have been better in conjunction with a -20 stat nerf to cele and sigil nerfs.
Old school Shatter mesmer is getting hit really hard by the blanket Might nerf.
We’ve been picking up 3-5% damage buffs for like a year and now you drop 14% Damage off might?
But WAIT your useless weapons are still useless because the buffs don’t go far enough.
I want to see Scepter/torch become a viable weapon set in pvp.
This means Buffing iMage further; Projectile speed has to happen.
You can basically strafe the scepters Confusing Images if you’re face to face range, and the precast for it is just crazy… Compare it to unload… :/ and Pistol isn’t even used that much.
I want to see this set have good pressure in a high skill cap shatter build.
Counterspell should be a little faster ;(
Based Devs.
Good Changes Overall.
Reduced TTK for Glass by nerfing Might.
Some passive play nerfed(Battle,Nightmare),
Some underpowered weaponsets buffed..
This meta is probably over..
But Some changes make me shake my head..
Add More passive play with new Sigil of Fire™, now available for condition classes.
Buff Duel build ranger to also be effective in team fights.
Buff Medi guard which is a mostly a faceroll class which hard counters Zerkers.
“Yo Justin, I’m really happy for you, Imma let you finish but Evan Lesh is one of the best devs of all time…one of the best devs of all time!”
Nevermind.. why wouldn’t it be account names..
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Yes, the meta exists because of pseudo-power meta.
Thieves have basically infinite gap closers because of Shadowshot(cancel)
Which allows them to blind and stay in stealth while also teleporting the thief for backstabs. BUT SKILLCAP, bind shadowshot next to stow weapon, skillcap.
Thief has the best mobility in the game while also being able to 1v1 any zerker class in 14-30 seconds, a good chance at 1v1ing nonzerker classes and the ability to disengage from almost any fight.
So yes, why bother playing mesmer when you can play d/d ele with more mobility, group utility, 1v1, team fight potential.
TBH if thieves didn’t have consume plasma mesmer v thief would be much closer to 50/50 then to 75/25 winrate, and this could potentially put mesmer back into the meta.
BUT before that; Passive play needs to go.
Sigil of Fire
Sigil of Air
Sigil of Battle
And so do the ridiculous unintended skill behaviors.
Lightning whip cancel, Mesmer gs cancel, Shadow shot Cancel.
I asked this yesterday :/
Anet why are you so inconsistent, I was so sure I didn’t have to log in to buy my bell because the merchants from the other festivals are still in..
Did Anet Remove every winter’s day merchant? or is there still a place to turn the last of my dirty swag?
Nerf Sigil of Battle
Nerf Sigil of Air
Nerf Sigil of Fire
Nerf Hoelbrack Runes Might duration
Nerf Celestial Amulet by 20-30 stats.
See how this effects meta; Then start nerfing classes. I’m looking at you engineer.
Half the problem right now is Passive play; Zoose made a good video but it was largely ignored.
Isn’t this a huge l2p issue like the asura animations. Good players know what kit they swap to from their rotations or the backpack or what skill they use first. It’s not game breaking in the slightest.
Actually it’s a pretty much established fact at this point that asura animations are a huge handicap and the rationale for Standard models in Ranked/Teamque.
I’m just saying; If Engineer’s Speedy Kits was nerfed, in your own list ranger would move up a bit.. The design decisions behind engineer make my head hurt tbh,
No no wait, he’s a ultra mobile high sustain point holder with tons of utility and game changing elite on a moderate cooldown.
Ranged DPS should never be the fastest moving thing on the field.
This is also why Mesmer mobility is awful; Mesmers would love to have a 25% movement signet, or a double leap combo or swiftness that stacks with other swiftness.
The choices you have now ; 25% move speed signet, Ability to use Trav runes, SwordLeaps, GreatswordLeaps, Stunbreaker Leap, Warhorn swiftness,
You still have backwards leap AND frontwards Leap from sword… or leap in greatword…
Sometimes burning your Stunbreak is a good idea if you can beat a thief home, and get +1’d in time.
Is it mobility? Yes.
Did you mention blinks and lightning flash above as mobility? Yes
(Medium cooldown stunbreaks)
On the subject of why warriors have such high mobility?
Warrior used to be the “Carry” class, they’d 1+ fights by sword/Gs leaping around the map with perma swiftness and 100bladesInstaYoloswag, but they weren’t really good alone but still they were Meta, UNTIL the haste nerf.
Warriors complained that they had no real builds after haste was nerfed so then they started buffing things like Heal sig, Para Sigil, Hammer, Zerk stance…. anyway they’re toning warriors down a little and hopefully they’ll cut cele down by 25 stats and battle sigils etc etc and it won’t be as bad.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
The only good idea I saw in here was “Nerf Engineer Adept Trait which gives perma-swiftness”
Honestly perma-anything is bad, it’s basically passive play ..
Everything else is like, "Give me other stuff in addition to my Leaps and lighting reflexes which can legit get me from Graveyard to Home node almost instantly.
Yea but there’s mystic forge on top of the Port in at WVWVW so you can technically always go there..
Right now It doesn’t even kick you out of que half the time (It says it does, but It doesn’t) because Classic Anet.
They took our mystic forge :/
Just space everything out around the map within about a minute of travel time
The handiness of the Gem shop items is that everything is together in one space.
I don’t think we need crafting stations because then we’ll need crafting merchants.. and so on and so on BUT a mystic forge would be really nice…
If you wanna play a sort of fun “pvp-esque” game you could try WvWvW in GW2 it’s completely different then actual pvp in this game.
For one thing It has absolutely no balance,
There’s no real need for it, because how else are you going to kill the PVE mobs? lol.
So there’s things like Food buffs, Consumeables, Ridiculous stat combinations, dire gear, perplexity runes, and Ascended infusions which grant an absolute advantage to those who are geared
The best part is you never have to play alone, you find the Blue (Now there are different colors but I like the blue ones! So Vintage) Triangle and follow it around running a champ train, and smashing into other zergs. This is my personally recommended playstyle, because it’s fun catching the 1 or 2 guys on the map you zoned into running from the bigger zerg and utterly crushing them under your feet. (They call this floating)
If you wanna roam by yourself, you better get all the advantages you can from a fat stack of gold; this means you need ascended, you need the 40% condition food (Holy kitten why wouldn’t you get this) You need the stupidly expensive runes, because all the other neckbeards have them, otherwise you’ll meet matchups where players open up on you with 12 stacks of confusion from stealth and you can do absolutely nothing, By the way Confusion wasn’t balanced in WVWVW and hits for like 3k a tick, so don’t try to heal, because your heal will literally outdamage itself if you have poison on you.
There’s no skill required either you either out-zerg them or they out-zerg you, or you out-gear/out-Food them in 1v1s, so no one ever gets mad and spams mapchat with their vitriol or gets mad when their pve mobs die.
ALSO The people in this PVE community are really nice.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Good video..
Small gradual change is better then clunky large changes anet usually does with 0 testing, 17% nerf to personal might stacking is a good start.
Theres’ a lot of bad mmorpgs with pvp in them..
While GW2 has problems, I can’t name any b2p or even P2P game that’s even close, the only thing that comes to mind are moba’s FPS and super smash.
Evannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn make this happen please.
Right, Every profession has seen serious buffs and changes.
Mesmer had some minor buffs to try to make some unviable weapon sets viable.
Stow Weapon also effects Thieves Giving them basically a free teleport+blind on shadowshot if you weapon cancel. WITHOUT BREAKING STEALTH WHICH MAKES IT OP AS kitten
Stow Weapon also gives 1.5-1.8 second of reflect every 3 seconds on mesmer Reflect heal
Stow Weapon used to give a no aftercast for a lot of warrior hammer skills which was funny but they changed that.
Anet Has not thought out weapon cancelling, I’m surprised Mesmer reflect hasn’t made it into the meta with all the engineers/LB Warriors.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Portal was originally 60 seconds, and EVERYBODY ran Mesmer..
Then Portal was nerfed to 90 and Mesmer basically rotated out of the meta
A Lot of Noteable mesmers stopped playing and mesmer wasn’t given anything that would allow them to be viable in the Metas that followed which were more or less established by one or two overbuffed classes.
As Mesmer, I’ll Take..
Ele’s Ride the lightning.
Thief’s Infiltrator’s Arrow.
Warrior’s Zerker Stance Final thrust or Balanced stance.
Engineer’s Tool Kit.
Necromancer’s Consume Conditions.
Guardian’s Smite conditions.
Ranger’s ……….I dunno.. maybe signet of stone? :/ Maybe Sic’em.
That’s the skills I would steal from each class
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Consume plasma is ridiculous; it’s a free I win card against any mesmer because you can do absolutely nothing about steal; RNG dodge? Yes, Realistically? Nothing.
Prioritize Boonstrip (Stability), If I get a shatter off in the evade spam(Ele) meta Id like to boonstrip something useful! Not the 0.1 seconds of Regen.
I’m not mudslinging you, I’m just pointing out ,if it wasn’t already painfully obvious,
You don’t have the slightest frame of reference.
As you yourself stated “I Never tried to play on a team”
Your opinion is irrelevant,
Thanks for bumping the thread with"Get good like helseth, he can beat cele" Spam
You’re saying that there are toxic players in PVP ? :/
No way.
Block and move on, stop trying to create your own carebear world.
I wondered what puts you in the unique position to critique high level play,
So I looked you up on the leaderboards from when leaderboards actually had some semblance to them, Sure they weren’t perfect, but you could sortof tell the skill of a person if they never even broke the top 100.
Then I remembered who you were,
Thief who solo’qued a lot.
Never having achieved a high rank in either Solo or Teams I can see how it would be easy for you to tell us to get good, and on the level of Helseth.
(EVEN THOUGH He lost to Cele-engi/ele team.)
It also demystifies your amazing understanding of the meta and balance from such a high level never having actually played on it.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
He’s that really good Eu player, …………….right?
Everyone on EU is good.
All that said, Mesmer has the potential to be in the meta currently. However, I defintely don’t see any mesmer’s near Helseth’s level in NA.
TIL NA needs to get Good, cause Helseth won against the Celestial Meta team and so can YOU.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
I…………..want this……………… I’ve been asking for this since the beginning of time!
PLEASE DEVS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUSTIN .. if you make this happen,
I will convert to Freshprinceism,
He Lesh’d for our sins.
Uhh.. I think I was misquoted somewhere somehow..! I basically agree with Cutie…
Also <3 Ferox.
Anyhow… what Grinds my gears ;
Developers have shared very little insight on Cele Meta AFAIK…
I guess this is better then Chapman coming in and saying
“Actively react to their passives” ( AND then Nerfing spirit ranger)
Would love to hear from Devs whether we’re all wrong and cele is the end goal….
And if so, what is being done about 4/8 Classes not represented in the meta which don’t utilize Cele quite well.
Also Im 80% sure Amir is Vanish(Thief) and is like a mega troll :/
(edited by Darnis.4056)