Showing Posts For Dempsey.8760:

Warriors: Please Use Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


i just read a couple above posts.

1st Guardian especially 5 is not more dps than even just 3 warriors.
2nd Warriors should already be taking banners as disc provides at the very least a 10% damage buff to the group, while str is around 8-10%. Im not saying that if you’re the only warrior you need to use both, but at the very least disc.

I still disagree with battle standard though, it is mainly a PvP skill for its hard res ability and it generates swiftness a usekitten on during boss encounters. Sure fury and might are great for the group as a whole but again it is not always up for every fight, unless your group has very low dps, in which case standard probably isn’t going to see its full potential anyways.

Think about your statement, then laugh at yourself.

Guardians really arn’t as kitten as you think they are, they can actually have quite scary DPS.

I don’t think guardians are crap, the guild i run with DnT might have heard of us. Runs full zerk guards, because they do have good dps. But they still even at full dps spec only have 3/4 of a warriors, and even then it just comes down to how good the warrior is at his/her rotation.

And really 5 guardians do not have enough fury uptime that 3 warriors do, they might be able to keep 25 might and vuln, but fury would be the biggest killer on their dps.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Warriors: Please Use Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


i just read a couple above posts.

1st Guardian especially 5 is not more dps than even just 3 warriors.
2nd Warriors should already be taking banners as disc provides at the very least a 10% damage buff to the group, while str is around 8-10%. Im not saying that if you’re the only warrior you need to use both, but at the very least disc.

I still disagree with battle standard though, it is mainly a PvP skill for its hard res ability and it generates swiftness a usekitten on during boss encounters. Sure fury and might are great for the group as a whole but again it is not always up for every fight, unless your group has very low dps, in which case standard probably isn’t going to see its full potential anyways.

@jetwing 300 stats is like maxing out an entire trait line, a bit op really.
@Guanglai Kangyi the flat buff is worth taking true, but your bar as a warrior should never have more than 1 banner on it. even in fights like GL FgJ+OOM+1banner is optimal, even though OOM is “burst” during his phase 2 aoe when the mesmer feedbacks thats another 10% damage.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Condition build - Which is better?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


spvp? or PvE?

PvE I would do something like this|c.1o.h2.e.1o.h1h|c.0.0.c.1o.h5|1o.7g.1o.7g.1o.7g.1o.7g.1o.7g.1o.7g|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|p58.u38b.0.0.f5|0.0|5y.69.6j.62.6m|e

Here you should have a pretty constant 6 might with a 50% uptime of 11, your crits will hit for a prett good amount not what full zerk would but still good. your bleeds will last 100% longer ( the cap IIRC) and with 850-1050+ condition damage from you own might (not including corruption stacks) your bleeds will be a pretty good amount of damage too. obviously more might would be more bleed damage.
Use rifle as your ranged aswell since rifle has better bleed uptime.

Also note this trait set up is probably going to be void within the next 24 hours.

Warriors: Please Use Banners

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Warriors DPS isn’t being nerfed that much anyways. 100b is still viable axe is still viable, the only thing that isn’t viable is the axe/mace GS swap set up.

Banners should be used however I do agree however, in most cases battle standard is not a great banner to rely on. Since it may not be up for every major boss fight in an instance, and the party should already be capped with might with 3 warriors and 1 mes, also most fights shouldn’t take much longer than 1 min in which the party can stay capped with fury aswell.

In the next patch though I think 2 war 1 mes 1 guard and 1 ele will be the optimal set up. Since eles will now provide great fury and might stacking.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

AC3 Boss Non-stacking How?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Our group uses a mesmers F3 to remove 3 defiance, then 2 warriors remove the other 2 then when he howls either the guard or 3 warrior interupt, rinse and repeat.

Stacking to kill Spider Queen in AC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


You can stack on the spider queen anywhere, what determines the success of the stack is whether or not people move, if people move queen does psn attack, wiping the party. If people don’t move she will just spew web and melee.
However if the groups dps is good she should only live for about 30 seconds, if that.

Mystic Forge, Unknown recipes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


IIRC 300+ recipes have not been used in the forge since launch. Will search for source but guildies where talking about it.

Suggestion for trait tree rework

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


as it is right now, the warriors have some of the worst synergizing maintraits in their tree.
condition duration

This is not bad because strength is pretty universal and you dont need to have damaging conditions, the duration helps with cripple, imob and whatever else you might use.

condition damage

personally I think the warriors got ripped off here because crit based warriors dont usually rely on conditions. On the bright side it does offer some nice traits like unsuspecting foe and allows you to use the sword as a zerker with some effectiveness.

healing power

(here comes the nerd rage)fnhjanbfdjhsafuhadfgbudsahfbsauyh waaaaaaiii? the warriors have no coefficient on all of their healing abilities (void the crappy signet) so why even bother putting this in the tree at all? you want warriors to be unique? TAKE IT OUT.

boon duration

no arguments here, my quarrel lies with the terribly designed tree within it (honestly you cant spec a warhorn AND shouts let alone a kitteng banner at the same time. quick breathing should cover both shout CD and warhorn CD and the condition conversion should be for shouts aswell to avoid the soldier rune pigeon hold BS)

crit damage

wait. whats brawn? oh its a 3% damage buff when maxed out? ONLY ON YOUR BURST? srsly anet? The tree itself rocks but you lose a stat if you take it and it bothers me to death.

If I could make a suggestion, why not diversify the warriors abit making their tree seem less terribly generic and look a lot more like they are warriors

crit damage

this would allow warriors to maintain their toughness while getting some kitten crits in aswell and it will force GS warriors to drop the amazing discipline tree therefore nerfing the OP 100B in PVE (since they have to make a choice)


make a new line and FIX brawn to its previous glory (or even half for Balthazar sake). the new line could be CDR on burst skills. 1% each point spent adding up to 30% at the max level. combined with burst mastery warriors could get a 50% reduc on burst cooldown but it will cause them to sacrifice other traits and utils to get the adren they need to maintain that 3 bar burst every 5 seconds (if it turns “OP” nerf some of the adren building traits) keep in mind the 50% CDR is only available with grandmaster AND traited. otherwise the highest you can get is 20% which is fair IMO

Combined with the rework on other warrior traits that were promised to come, the warriors burst may actually be useful and insanely deadly. Hell it might be able to compete with thieves backstab :S

Actually crit damage isn’t even near close to why gs warriors use the discipline tree.
In current meta 20/25/0/10/15, 15 is only allocated into discipline for fast hands as some if not most op 100b users use axe on swap for a better up keep of damage, as a + we get H.focus which adds much much more damage than the 10 crit damage you have to gain to get the trait.
In fact I would still go only 15 down the discipline tree just for fast hands since it would invariably add more damage through correct rotations than 15 crit damage would. Especially if H.focus stayed at adapt tier, 9% crit strike would absolutely be more damage than 15 crit damage.
But the only problem with the suggested change is that the defense tree along with warrior has nothing to do with critical hits so I don’t see it as a viable change.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


On paper I like some of the moving-around that’s been done with the traits, but when you think about it a little it’s really a veiled nerf. Two of the +damage traits we take for granted are put into inaccessible GM slots while Desperate Power is swapped to make up for it, except that Desperate Power is only effective at low health (I suppose the devs know their audience well) whereas Berserker’s Might and Heightened Focus are pretty much always useful.

H focus is usefull but in pve it really isn’t needed hitting 90% crit chance is pretty usual without the trait at all and I think without it and just going for beserkers power would still be the stronger choice 30/25/0/0/15 would probably be most optimal now and really you only need 15 in disc for fast hands, I would’ve liked to see that as the lvl 5 minor trait but eh oh well.

@killa, desperate power isn’t that great at all in either PvE or PvP. Since being bursted from 50% hp can happen in many cases.

with my above and if all changes are correct you would be able to get dual wield slashing power and beserkers power on top of 300 power, and scholar runes would be another 10% which undermines desperate power.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


But guardian has same trait with 10%…. in vitality tree.
I tried out everything out of 30/25/0/0/15, 25/25/0/0/20, 20/30/0/0/20, and 20/25/0/10/15 and have to say… 25/25/0/0/20 and 20/30/0/0/20 feel the most comfprtable in solo’ing things. Finally sticked back to 20/30/0/0/20. The difference between 30/25/0/0/15 and 20/30/0/0/20 when using same rotation on afk’ing down a boss was so minor i couldn’t give a flying cupcake about and perma swiftness, fury and quicker adrenaline restore are simply too comfortable to give away, aswell as the option for bringing 100% Chance to Rally while Vengeance or Movement Skills break Immobilize in.
Aswell i’ve already hit wraithlord for over 50k on 20/30/0/0/20 and i’m not even having ascended trinkets which would increase my damage pretty much more than the build could.
10 Points in Tactics make you heavily relying on your group to catch up, which isn’t worth the minor improvement in group fights.

To answer the OP’s question: there is no “the berserker build”. Different variants may work out best in different content. While 20/25/0/10/15 may be the most effective in CoF farms it’d horribly loose when doing arah out of the famour 3w/1g/1m setup (which isn’t even best for arah).

Well then what is the best group for arah? You know since in my guild running arah P2 and 3 only takes us 30 mins ( about 15 min per path and that is a pretty casual run) and we use 1g, 3w, 1m. Of course i encourage you to try different set ups to get better times than us in DnT.
You should need sweet vengeance isn’t needed in pve, since you shouldn’t ever go down >.> and mobile strikes is a PvP trait at best since there are not enough mobs in the game to dedicate that trait to, even so we melee everything, yes everything even GL so if a mob was to immob us we would still be in range.
Either way I stated, and you can go back and find it, that 20/25/0/10/15 is universal to all dungeons and not just cof P1, the 6% increase you can give to yourself is better than the 2% crit chance and 5% crit damage you take. Not to mention when you start getting more than 3 boons since 1g, 3w, 1m is the universal setup atm and will give you much more then 5-6 boons.

HOWEVER, after looking at the leaked trait changes I and another hardcore warrior player in DnT believe that the new build will in fact be 30/25/0/0/15 for the gs/axe/mace dps build but only because of the move of berserkers power. Other possible full axe builds might be comparable but we wont know till after the changes are confirmed and some testing can be done.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I didn’t mean 30/25/0/0/15 would be better than 20/25/0/10/15. Just wanted to make sure you remember all little things when making the decision.
Maybe if they buff that 3% to 10%….

I care about solo performance so that’s why I personally use 30/25/0/0/15.

I was looking to improve my 20s build but it seems to me that I overlooked so many little things in my calculation. I’m going to give the 30s a try.

Wethospu solo’s everything making the 30s better since he actually has to dodge things, in a group setting the 20s is better.

@wethospu, I don’t see them buffing it that much it was already nerfed from 5% down to the current 3%.

Warrior Assigned Traits:

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I think 20% is far too much, and you are making that entire line about sword?
Sure warrior has to go down specific trait lines to get different masteries for different weapons like any other class but the last trait line of every class is usually about helping the classes innate abilities etc. Usually the “F” abilities, the way you’ve reworked it completely changes that, Also with your changes (assuming you haven’t changed the actual traits in each line) a PvE axe/gs warrior could (and would) put 25/25/0/10/10. Making them far too powerful since getting the benefit of fast hands, 10% more crit damage, 150 more power, equal prec and 10% more damage to the current meta.
getting both str and arms 25pt minor on top of also getting empower and fast hands would come at no cost, and with the new percents and other traits like tactics 5 you suggest that’s like making warriors at least 15% stronger 60-70K100B inc.
For instance atm we need to sacrifice some points from 1 other line to get fast hands.
25Pt minor in str is also extremely strong, it was already nerfed from 5% down to 3% buffing it again 3 fold would make that a bit rediculous.
I don’t like the new arms 15Pt minor because not landing a crit on evis already hurts enough making that even more likely is just painful to see.
Your defense line could use some reworking, maybe the 5pt minor as a tier 3 major, also the 15pt minor should heal more for each level of gained.
the tactics line is actually pretty good.
Disc, the 15pt minor makes no sense with what a warrior does vul and bleed on crit i get but confusion? maybe with a hammer or mace. Keep disc to the warriors specialties wep swaps and bursts.
and no no smart gs/axe user would waste 25 points going down that line when we could easily get 32%(42% for gs use)+ at least another 6% plus 350power 250 prec (not to mention H.focus) 25% crit damge, and fast hands from 25/25/0/10/10.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


So you run 30-25-0-10-15?
Also Endurance is not same thing as Adrenaline.

My bad, Endurance isn’t Adrenaline. Which will change everything I’ve said before.
Since you asked, I realized that that’s 7.4% increased in 30s build w/ Stick&Move for the entire 60s duration (based on 5% recharge rate) whereas the 20s build basically got even for the first 33s (8% increased on 4 boons) then lost for the remaining 27s. To make it even, the 20s build need 8 boons in total. And that’s a lot of boons to ask. Am I correct?

in the 30s build it requires you to dodge to gain the full effectiveness of the build, which in turn makes your actual dps lower because you arn’t attacking, something not needed with the boon build. Since 90% of this games bosses die quicker than 33s, and in anything but cof P1 the guardian should retain most if not all of the aggro (or apply blocks/blinds correctly) to where you should never really need to dodge at all, maybe the 30S build would be more effective against bosses like lupy since our fastest kill was only 46 seconds 13second outside the margin of efficiency, the boon build retains its validity against even bosses like alpha since no alpha fight should take longer than 30 seconds dodges included it’s simple get good enough to never need to dodge, run boon build, profit.

Dual wielding should be applied to the 30s build but not the 20s build.
But dual wielding would only effect the axe rotation where as the boon build buffs both axe and gs, and since gs is your largest dps spike i still don’t see the 30s build topping it.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Absurdity of bladetrail.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I really wish they changed it to so you slammed the ground and then the ground slam came back or something.

It looks silly and un-warriorish.

We are not mesmers… :/

Bravehearts Mel Gibson disagrees, I feel it’s warriorish but not the coming back part. I think we should have to rip it from our foes to get it back, kind of like Sword OH #4.

@Dolan, I was thinking just today what if they took OH axe #4 out put #5 on #4 and the new #5 would be some crazy chain wielding dual axe combo, then remembered GoW and sighed because it probably would never be.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


screen and build plz

30-25-0-0-15 if you have 3 buffs or less. 20-25-0-10-15 if you have 4+ buffs.

this agreed ^. since 4war/1mes teams have fury/might basically only, i run the power build.

notice the boons

for 4 war/1 mes (cof p1/coe) i had 30/25/0/0/15

Unless you run 5 wars or w/ a class doesn’t provide boon’ support, how could you get less than 4 boons w/a mesmer?

Edited: I use excel to confirm Puandro numbers. The difference of power base (60s duration using SoR, 3 boons by war) between 30/25/0/0/15 & 20/25/10/15 is 1485.6, adv to 30s build .A total of 1% better for the entire of 60s duration. If 4 boons are provided, 19.2 adv for 20s build. Unless my math is wrong, it’s not worth it to go 30/25/0/0/15 for the difference is so minuscule. If any class can provide 1 more boon outside of the warrior’s 3s, 30/25/0/0/15 is not an efficient built.

Your math seems to be correct, either way the 20/25/0/10/15 build is universal to all dungeons and not just cof P1 farming noobs that believe they are dungeon masters since they ran every other dungeon 1 time.
Actually, having a zerker guardian isn’t that bad in cof P1 as long as they run the correct build etc, and if the 3 warriors are running the more efficient boon build they will have way more than 4 boons, thus having much more damage than the 30str build.
Though 4 warriors are an easier way to fill the group, it can be a viable option. But again that’s only if you don’t have ignorance filling the rest of the group.

Off topic, but do you have a link or quick guide to the accepted zerker guardian build? I’d like to grab a second set of armor and try that out.|c.1g.h2.d.1g.h4|6.1g.h4|1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|a2.p6a.0.u28b.5|0.0||e
This is what I use, Spam F1, use blinds as a main source of damage mitigation, combined with agies for the party of course.|c.1g.h2.d.1g.h4|6.1g.h4|1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e.1g.7e|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|0.u6ab.0.u28b.a6|0.0||e
This one is better for CM, arah, and fractals. just for the longer wall time.

@SkyChef, besides protection a zerk guard should be able to apply just as many boons except protection wont have the high uptime.
Also you’re welcome.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

100 Blades, its going to be reworked or not?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Remove the root it does to the war and its fine in its current form. Allow for the user to move with their target.

no, then its damage would be nerfed, don’t people see that 100b only hits so hard because it roots the player? if it didn’t have that risk it wouldn’t have such a nice reward.

Also please go pick up a gs and flail it about while running and see how viable that is.

PvE dual axe Warrior build feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


OH Axe = worst weapon for warrior in this game (There is nothing worse atm).


Sword provides a block> better than axe #4
and a single target attack that does a little more than lvl 1 evis, i’ve gotten it to hit for 16k. 25 might that whole deal.
So it is actually a better pvp weapon and can be a better pve weapon since most mobs’ big attacks can be stopped with a single block.

on the other hand @ op just because axe has some nice traits in the str line doesn’t mean you should neglect better traits to get them.
Axe is mean to burst mainly the burst will be without a doubt your biggest source of dps and must be used whenever it is up. BUT you most also not neglect the huge damage modifiers such as beserkers power and H.focus.
20 points into tactics just for shout recharge isn’t that great, as a warrior FGJ is up enough to keep perma fury anyways, and even without shout recharge SiO is still your fastest recharging stunbreak, 25 seconds is pretty low, and if you want to run zerker or anything non tanky you shouldn’t be getting hit as much as you think you will.

I like a few different trait set up’s for axe only builds.
the first 2 require you to be spamming F1 every 8 seconds.
str10 with V
arms 30 with V, VI, and XI
Disc30 with V, IX, and XI
this build is best if you’re just killing single targets, things like cof P1 farming or hotw, mainly things with little to no mobs to deal with, even though you will be losing your adren a lot both arms XI and disc IX, with X will get your adren back up asap to make the most out of your str V and disc V. Axe 5 should be saved for only places that have 4+ mobs, otherwise the auto attack provides better damage to 3 or less, and the auto will still fill your adren just as fast against 3 mobs
-note since you are a warrior and runnign zerker your attack should be around 3.1-3.2k the extra 10 or 20 into str isn’t going to make as much of a difference as 20% burst CD or the extra adren on crit.
Next is
str 15, V again
arms 25, V and VI or III i don’t care i think VI is better since you will lack the utility of a shield or mace extra dodges are always nice also note that the 25 minor point in arms is better than both axe mastery and dual wielding combined (by 1% IIRC) regardless viking takes 20 into arms and neglects it for sweet revenge which is probably a completely useless pve trait, also again your power should reach 2k + (mine hit 2201) and your crit damage should be well over 100 making higher crit chance the best option to add damage rather than more power or crit damage, and the 15 point minor trait is just, needed, there is nothing worst than an eviscerate that doesn’t crit.
Disc 30, V, IX, XI again
this is a build better for places you fight a lot of unavoidable trash, you won’t need the extra adren to build from the arms trait because you’ll be hitting multiple targets more often, and the str 15 is a free dodge for every evis. which is nice against trash.

Either of these could be used with axe/mace and shield on swap. This would provide 2 sources of defiance removal blocks and of course vuln stacking.

str 30, V, VIII, X
arms, V, VI, XI
Disc 10, V
This build would provide the most effective power to a dual axe build, so all of your attacks including eviscerate should hit harder, however I feel the loss of burst cd and not building adren as fast would turn out less dps than the other 2, unless you never touched F1, then it might be better not sure. either way you lose fast hands in this build and I just don’t like that lol.
Build #1|7.1g.h2.7.1g.h1h|7.0.0.e.1g.h4|1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7|2s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0|a5.u56b.0.0.u59b|0.0||e

and lastly just so I am not trolled I personally use axe/mace +gs with the best dps set up 20/25/0/10/15.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Asking for Destroyer Lodestone farming tips

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Yep SE 1&3….15 chars

yeah and with good groups both paths can be done in 20 min or so.

Leaf of Kudzu

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


super luck there. super – ted wassanasong


One final plea for banner changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


The reason that the Warrior is so… for lack of a better word, gimpy… is because we LACK complexity. We lack options, flavor, abilities, and yes maybe we have uniqueness, but the only way we’re unique is that we’re simple and easy to counter.

The class with the deepest and most involved gameplay, Mesmer, is currently the most powerful because they have OPTIONS. Maybe not the weapons that they can use, but the THINGS they can do, and the fact that they can do it all without really sacrificing anything.

Yeah i can somewhat agree, with warrior needed a little more complexity.
My idea was to change a warriors auto attack based on what weapon it has in the off hand. You know, so we actually use both weapons in combat? like if im running axe/shield then my first attack is a chop, the double chop could be like a chop then a hit with the shield, etc. If you where to run double axe your warrior would swing both of them, possibly with less animation cool down making the chain a bit faster. same with others like dual sword, mace etc.
Obviously this wouldn’t effect 2 handed but i also think every class with 2 handers should have 2 #4 and #5 skills to chose from.

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


screen and build plz

30-25-0-0-15 if you have 3 buffs or less. 20-25-0-10-15 if you have 4+ buffs.

this agreed ^. since 4war/1mes teams have fury/might basically only, i run the power build.

notice the boons

for 4 war/1 mes (cof p1/coe) i had 30/25/0/0/15

lmfao, indeed I notice that you have the 30 str build nearly full stacks of bloodlust 25 might, a damage modify potion? And you only got a 51k vs a risen beserker? A mob that notoriously takes increased damage to begin with but also has light armor. I lol’d.

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


screen and build plz

30-25-0-0-15 if you have 3 buffs or less. 20-25-0-10-15 if you have 4+ buffs.

this agreed ^. since 4war/1mes teams have fury/might basically only, i run the power build.

notice the boons

for 4 war/1 mes (cof p1/coe) i had 30/25/0/0/15

Unless you run 5 wars or w/ a class doesn’t provide boon’ support, how could you get less than 4 boons w/a mesmer?

Edited: I use excel to confirm Puandro numbers. The difference of power base (60s duration using SoR, 3 boons by war) between 30/25/0/0/15 & 20/25/10/15 is 1485.6, adv to 30s build .A total of 1% better for the entire of 60s duration. If 4 boons are provided, 19.2 adv for 20s build. Unless my math is wrong, it’s not worth it to go 30/25/0/0/15 for the difference is so minuscule. If any class can provide 1 more boon outside of the warrior’s 3s, 30/25/0/0/15 is not an efficient built.

Your math seems to be correct, either way the 20/25/0/10/15 build is universal to all dungeons and not just cof P1 farming noobs that believe they are dungeon masters since they ran every other dungeon 1 time.
Actually, having a zerker guardian isn’t that bad in cof P1 as long as they run the correct build etc, and if the 3 warriors are running the more efficient boon build they will have way more than 4 boons, thus having much more damage than the 30str build.
Though 4 warriors are an easier way to fill the group, it can be a viable option. But again that’s only if you don’t have ignorance filling the rest of the group.

Need some help with build gs / axe+shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


for spvp there are 2 options
arms you want VI, furious reaction, and X, forceful greatsword
defense you want, II, III, or V, for the first slot, VIII, or IX for second slot, these choices depend on play style and what you think you’ll get more use out of. and XII, spiked armor really helps since 90% of builds in spvp are crit based and you have endure pain on your bar.
in disc 1, or 5 or choices, if you want to play as a roamer specing completely for shield can be a good and bad thing though, and then X, vs enemies with lots of immobs you’ll have to manage gs 2 and 5 well.

you can use this build with long bow as well doing gs and LB obviously not taking any shield traits, but kiting with the lB is pretty strong and has a few great combos not much melee fun though.

the other axe/shield gs build is 10/30/0/0/30
in this you neglect nearly every defense option besides the shield, and if you find yourself not using the shield that much sword off hand would be a much better replacement.
str II or V i like V because survivability is junk with this build anyways.
arms VI, X, and XI
disc I, or V, ( might stacking for a huge evis can be effective) X always its pretty op, and either XI or XII i like burst mastery more but if you find alot of boon heavy builds that day its easily changeable.

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


You reach 50k + on risen berserkers. They take extra damage. Im not full ascendant, but my highest hit on a normal mob was ~42k

slave driver has equivelent armor to that of a light armored toon, so 50k+ is possible and ive done myself. However you do need scholar runes and sigil of night iirc, not too big on all of it since it dies in 6 seconds anyways.
also for cof 20-30-0-0-20 is fine since guardians usually arnt in the group you should only have 3-4 different boons which only equates to 6-8% damage, and is you’re spamming evis you’ll really want that extra adren on crit because really losing that 12% damage and 9% crit chance is about 1/6th of your effective power.

also @ dolan, I run with a pretty elitist guild DnT (you may have seen some of strifes videos?), and have near 1700 hours on warrior alone. Questioning a dps rotation backed be me, and every other elite dungeon runner in this game is just ignorant.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Mjolnir/Infinite Light vs Legendary

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Do you guys think it would take longer? Would you be happy wielding one of the rarest items in the game that nobody on your server might even have? Could you accept that it’s not a legendary?

Personally I am thinking of skipping legendary’s and going for Mjolnir for my Guardian although those charged lodestones are going to be pain haha.

Does anyone have one of those and is willing to say how long it took them to make it vs a legendary?

And feel free to comment and agree/disagree with me for going for one of those and not a legendary. But in the end it’s personal preference I suppose.

It would take roughly the same amount of gold to make it. maybe a couple hundred less, but it definitely isn’t that rare.

Warrior Weapon opinions

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


PvE – Greatsword and Axe/Shield
WvW – Hammer and Sword/Shield
PvP – who cares lol, you’re rooted anyway. I used to go Axe/Shield and Rifle to get those kittens that think they can just kite you into the ground.

Why would you ever use a shield in PvE >.> maybe if you’re pugging arah or grawl fractal at 30+ it could be handy, but otherwise mace brings a better source of CC, and using CC as a sudo block is probably just better overall.
sword/wh is probably better for zergs, but shield has its applications
pvp just depends on the person, the warrior has a lot of gimicky builds that are pretty trolly.

What's the "zerker" build, exactly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Pretty much get zerker stuff, with ruby orbs, scholar if you want to spend the money.
the weapons should be gs then axe mace on swap, force in axe and gs battle in mace, or bloodlust, battle for things like cof.
traits should be,
Str 20, V, IX
Arms 25, V, X
Tactics 10, VI
Disc 15, V
Also the attack rotation is as follows gs2, 1 auto, gs3, (if target is not against wall gs4, the gs5, 2 auto, then repeat gs2, gs3 before swapping) swap to axe/mace Axe2, Mace4, Mace5 (if target can be interupted save 5 till needed otherwise spam to remove defiance) axe auto till swap is back up then repeat.
You should never freely use Axe F1 unless the target is almost dead (10% or below) or unless you can time a healing surge afterwards, otherwise you lose out on your 2 biggest damage modifiers and since your biggest source of damage comes from gs not axe keeping them at max is optimal.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

Adrenaline Rising: August 4th - Dromar

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


only got 17 seconds into the PvE videos before realizing that his skill selection is abysmal. 2/10 at best.

The Greatsword Enigma

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Greatsword is used for it’s superior mobility and ability to disengage if used properly.

If you would spend 5 seconds looking at a skill calculator or actually making a warrior you know in game you would see from our weapon skills, utility abilities, traits and downed state warriors are designed to do massive damage in a very short amount of time.

Our ability to last in battle is non existent against semi decent players. A lot of people think you can build a warrior for sustain or prolonged fights but then these people never play outside of pve or a massive zerg ball with 10 guardians supporting the 40 other players running around the map steamrolling one person at a time that doesn’t know how to dive through a zerg.

Btw I can’t tell if your trolling or just really ignorant?

Hammer+Sword/Warhorn has better mobility (savage leap isn’t affected by chill/cripple immobilize, and allows for some pretty nice shortcuts on maps like Kyhlo)
It doesn’t rely on stuff like Bull’s Rush because it is already build into one of the weaponset. Since Hammer also has a stun, not just a knockdown (ranged aswell, not affected by chill/cripple) you can use it with Unsuspecting Foe.
Using Valkyrie with 10 points into arms, you are at 79% critchance with Fury.
Using Zerger with 20 points into arms and fury is 64% critchance.

A full zerger warrior (20/20/0/0/30) build does ~33% more damage (if you are lucky and crit every single strike, which took a while to test btw) with 100B than a 0/10/0/30/30 specced hammer warrior with shout heals and soldier runes.

So you can choose between 33% more damage or:

  • Defensive Utilities for you and your group
    • More CC remove
    • More movement impairing effect remove
    • Small additional small heals over time
    • Perm Vigor
    • Perm Swiftness
    • Access to Protection
    • Access to Regen
    • Access to Aegis
  • Way better CC
  • More realiable damage (also inbetween stuns)
  • Actually better mobility (earthshaker can also be used as a 600 range jump)
  • 644 additional toughness
  • Higher critchance when bursting
  • Minor improvement in healing with Valkyries
  • Good access to weakness (the reduced endurance regen helps alot)
  • Blast finisher (best finisher ingame) on a pretty low cooldown

I kinda laugh at this standard Bull’s Rush, Frenzy, X warriors. They run out of stunbreaks so fast, and if they stunbreak with Frenzy, I crit them for like 5-6k with my autoattack.
Or if they really get me and hit a full 100B and not even get me below 50% health.
What a zerger warrior can kill is other zergers players, and not even any of them.
A valkyrie on the other hand deals so much damage over time, while surviving so much longer…

Though I understand each point and some of them are valid, the gs isn’t really worse or better than sword. Sure sword isn’t effected but crippling effects but gs still has 2 of them and both do a great deal more damage than the leap.
It comes down to play style differences, really you’re probably playing warriors who haven’t reached rank 30+ and haven’t realized that 100b should almost never be touched, especially on an enemy that can move.
Sure hammer has some great CC however, all of them are highly telegraphed and easily dodged. not to mention blinds. Hammer has downsides too you know.

Awful oversized weapons in soldier classes

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


It kinda makes me sad that Greatswords have a ton of skins that would be good… except that the weapons look ridiculously out of proportion on any character.

Ebonblade is a fantastic skin and looks proportional, though i do agree with some the are a bit oversized, twlight and sunrise are good examples, and I feel twlight is just a copy paste recolor of sunrise anyways, but that’s a different topic i suppose.

List of my Idea's Traits/Remakes for Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I actually want to see off hand weapons get some love.
I don’t mean all of them are crap but, I want to see them integrated into auto attack chains.
For instance if I run axe/mace I have the standard auto attack chain, but if I run axe/axe I get a different chain the actually includes the second axe in the attacks maybe it speeds up how fast the chain is?
Even adding the mace in the chain with axe/mace set up would be cool each off hand choice gives a different attack chain while providing different effects to that chain.
It would kind of work like a thiefs weapons but instead of changing the skill in the 3rd slot it would give different auto attack animations
It would give a better illusion of interactive combat. Right now I run around with an axe in one hand and a mace in the other and there is no real connection between the 2 I use axe for axe skills and mace for mace ones.
The same could be done for other classes too, but I feel if only 1 class could benifit from this it should be warrior, though warriors have the most combinations of weapons they are supposed to be the weapon masters and when you dual wield 1 weapon just sits there till it’s needed, a real warrior would be flailing both of them lol.

Shield Mastery Trait Idea:

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I also see quite a bit of warriors running shield, especially with axe, so I’m not sure where this idea that shield is not being used comes from. It’s certainly being used more than mace (MH & OH), OH axe, and OH sword.

Yeah in spvp it is pretty much a staple for warriors a 3 sec invuln (pretty much) on a 24 sec CD? pretty please? I don’t trait mine and its still 30 sec which is still better than endure pain, especially since it will block incoming conditions as well.

In PvE though I see no reason to run shield unless you’re doing like grawl fractal 30+
Mace OH still brings a defiance removal and a bigger source of CC which when used right is more effective than blocking, while also giving more vuln stacks.
Sword OH is actually REALLY strong in spvp (sometimes) and PvE, I will use this now and again only because it provides a single block, which again just depends on how you use it but can be really effective while not having to have the much longer cd of shield. The #4 also does a substantial amount of base damage for being on such a short CD.
Axe OH is just sad, When starting the game almost a year ago in BWE2 I ran dual axe thinking whirling axe was just frickin cool as hell, it still is mind you but in todays speed clear of most dungeons you seldom get to use it I mean, using it vs a single target is fine but to me I can’t justify it knowing that auto attacking will deal more damage. And the #4 is a joke.

The worst warrior trait

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Reviver’s Might, Versatile Power, and Mobile Strikes are all bad. xD

Please explain why mobile strikes, an AMAZING PvP trait is bad?
Really? It breaks immob with a ton of different skills, many of which are in kitten near every PvP warrior build. And currently immob is probably one of the most op conditions in the game, considering in most cases (especially warrior) it cannot be cleared instantly like a stun or another form of CC, and is used to gain advantage over the enemy by 7 of the classes in game? All of which either use immob to kite or to keep you in place for another attack. Being able to take back that control is really powerful.
Distracting strikes can actually be good in spvp if used correctly and with a set up like mace/mace OR shield and hammer you just have to be good at interpreting your opponents moves. However confusion being the condition it applies is like WTF? I understand the premise of the trait name with the attached confusion but really? The condition does not what so ever synergize with anything else a warrior has.

(edited by Dempsey.8760)

buying pvp assassin coat with gold

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Probably means PvE counterpart, as I believe he should know spvp things are account bound?

Crafting Dialogboxes

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


There is a search option.

Legendary Updates

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


probably not, I personally don’t believe that any of the legendaries are works in progress but rather lackluster design that has generally disappointed the community and changes to some of them have happened or are being planned because of the upset community.
In that regard I wouldn’t expect a change for either.

Charged Lodestones... how / where?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


HAHAHA…. No CoE is NOT fun. And it’s b/c you have to fight Subject Alpha 3 times in every path, and he’s one of the worst designed fights in this game. Glitchy, Gimmicky, and Tedious as hell. 6 months ago We told them (the Devs) directly 1,000 times that they HAVE to overhaul this dungeon or atleast every fight against Alpha. And they still haven’t done jack about it.

So do the wise thing here Engel…. Take a vacation from this “Endeavor” until Anet finally feels generous enough to make Charge Cores & frags & stuff drop from more Mobs and more events and more chests all around the world in general. There’s no excuse for their Laziness in the Drop-Tables. And the more Legendaries involving Gift of Light that get crafted in spite of it, the less likely Anet is to quit screwing around with Tounaments & Holiday crap to fix these obviously broken oversights in the main sections of their game.

IE: don’t be an “Enabler”… and don’t validate any other deluded ppl who claim it’s a “Reasonable” grind

If you are the 1% of the dungeon runners that believe coe is not an easy dungeon then maybe you should reconsider stepping outside of the comfort zone of cof you have built your thoughts on. Tedious, being the word that lead me to believe you don’t think it’s easy.
Alpha is a poorly designed boss fight, a fact I am willing to admit and agree with you on.
1. He can be pulled into a corner and meleed down in about 1 timewarp, save for the last encounter which only really takes 1 timewarp and about 30 seconds more of fighting.
2. His crystals are buggy, other than that he seems to work as intended.
3. He is rather boring, “Red circles?” waits aprox 2 seconds, dodges other than thakittens just hitting him, the only skill required is to be able to count to 2 and press your dedicated dodge hotkey, otherwise is is just simple I don’t see it as tedious, but definately unforgiving if you mess up.

What i find frustrating is that expect for 1 encounter of alpha they are all the same, he doesn’t change drastically depending on which path is chosen, just leads me to think that little effort was put into him.

As to OP running coe P1 and 3 daily can take as little as 25 min and net you 1 to 2 cores along with enough coin to upgrade them and have a bit extra. With other chances of lodes and more than 6 possible cores if i remember right it seems like a fair trade in time, but please do not think that a little 100 charged lodestones is enough of a grind to rage on the forums about. Considering sunrise requires 6 to 700 more gold than your bow.

wtb karma with gold

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


just from farming the mats for a gift of fortune i had 700k, after precursor, and specified gift, i don’t see how one could not have enough.
But, this is my 4th im working on so maybe i’m just used to it?

I wonder if A-Net actually realises this...

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I honestly hope A-Net doesn’t nerf damage anywhere on the warrior, if you were ever attacking a bunker ranger/ele/guardian you’ll see just how pathetic the damage is for the amount of time it takes to stick to them before they just cripple/knockback/chill you away.

Also if PvE was the problem then it’s simply because of the shoddy PvE monsters design. Want an example? Take a look at the molten facility dungeon, while having one warrior might be useful, having multiples of them would cause alot of problems. The mobs there were constantly moving, had a lot of CC, hit incredibly hard, and had enough health to make bursting them down difficult.
If you don’t want warriors dpsing down legions of mobs, give them abilities besides the slow once every 20 seconds attacks. Also I can’t believe people keep saying warriors are king of PvE, warriors only king of dps on stationary targets. Go do dungeons such as FoTM lv70+ and use only warriors spec for dps in the dredge fractal and tell me how it went.

I guess you didn’t watch strifes video of molten facility where we take our standard dungeon group 1 guard 3 war 1 mes and clear it in 24-25 min? No problems what so ever mind you.
70+? only dps spec? ill get the group together and record it.
I don’t see why people are intent on thinking that DPS spec is bad, this games dungeons need massive over hauls in order for DPS specs to not be bad. I run arah daily with a full dps group, dps guard included, and still manage to do 2 paths in 30 min.
I agree with others, warriors damage dose not need to be reworked, great swords biggest damage dealer requires you to root yourself is easily avoidable in pvp and makes you vulnerable to incoming red rings if not canceled in PvE. And anyone can tell you that if you cancel 100b your dps takes a pretty big hit, so in turn, being able to do a full 100b and getting that high damage is a reward for setting it up correctly. It’s a high risk high reward skill.
Axe is a different story its best place being pvp really. Even then the biggest part of its damage is from the burst which sacrifices your damage modifiers such as beserkers might and Hfocus, overall making the auto attack worse. The auto attack is formidable but the bulk of the DPS is still in the burst and again it is easily dodged in pvp because of how its telegraphed.
Warriors just bring everything needed in a dps role for dungeons and people are upset enough that they will not see how terrible they are in Tpvp and Spvp.

I wonder if A-Net actually realises this...

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


The problem is this….

WvW (Roaming) – Average
WvW (Zerging) – The current OP class
sPvP – Average
PvE/Dungeons – Really strong

So, how do you improve WvW roaming and sPvP without making WvW zerging and PvE completely OP?

Roaming: Horrible, almost every class does it better.

Zerging: Average, every class is good at Zerging. Warriors are a missile, however they don’t bring nearly the crowd control a necromancer/elementalist can in Zergs. Unfortunately Hammer warriors lead the fight, however they die very quickly and are very squishy.

Spvp: Horrible, i’d rather bring a ranger’s pet, more damage+more survivability.

PvE/Dungeons: Average, they are good in old content (CoF Path 1.) and horrible at new content (Karka.)

You should see the video of a warrior trying to solo a Karka, wheras every other class can solo them, warriors cannot without luck+lots and lots of skill, one mistake = instant death.

I agree with everything but dungeons, warrior is good at all dungeon content. Regardless of what you think.

Incoming Burst Revamp

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


currently Adrenal Health grants 360 hp per 3 seconds, if wiki is to be believed. which seems better than Regeneration 130 + (0.125 * Healing Power) per second.

360/3=120 hps. Regen is slightly stronger.

Now it does have the advantage of being a trait and not a boon, but you need to sit on your adrenaline for it to function. The devs have stated they wish to make adrenaline more usable. Thus you wont be sitting on adren, you’ll be using your bursts. In that scenario, adrenal health would be useless in it’s current form.

Does that also mean they play to take out healing surge berserkers might and H.focus?

Lets Improve physical skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


how do you get 11120? Either way it would be pretty op I feel the healing it provides along with the CD removal it correct on a 25s CD, seeing that signet is on a 20 second CD (without mastery) and only provides 3k or so, and please don’t argue that the passive regen is enough to make up for 2 conditions being removed. Especially since the removal is before the heal applies meaning things like psn can’t hinder you getting the full effect of the heal, provided that you don’t have more than 1 other condition. Still pretty strong heal as is.
@daecollo, 50% is a giant heal, something more along the lines of what anyone would expect a guardian to be doing. Either way I feel that Healing surge should remain the warriors biggest heal since it is based off of the warriors unique ability.
Also Anet has already stated that the warrior is the most balanced class ATM. I am expecting the biggest rework of a warriors traits to be in the Defense and Tactics lines as they are the most under used and most looked down upon, mainly because they are junk. With the exception of Empowered and leg specialist. Even then every tactics minor trait is about reviving and has no real synergy with any other traits of a warrior besides themselves.
Also I see no reason for great sword to see a big nerf if any at all. The damage it provides is balanced for the risk taken and only really applies to PvE, since a smart player in PvP can just move. With the exception of whirlwind, 100b, blade trail, and rush and all highly telegraphed and fairly easy to avoid. Nerfing gs just doesn’t seem like a move Anet would make. Increasing MoB AI and make more challenging content would be a better mediation if 100b is a problem. Otherwise it is pretty balanced. Also Nerfing it would make warrior completely useless as dps in dungeons, since its spreadsheet numbers would be far lower than other classes. where as it is nearly on par now and is just prefered over other classes because they don’t have to rely on terrible pet AI or other sorts of variables to be seen akittens peek. So really in order to nerf warriors in PvE you would have to change the content provided.

As to op’s other reworked skills they are pretty cheesy, slapping a 20 second CD (16 with aforementioned trait) is pretty overpowered considering now with a 40 second cd on bull’s rush it generally means I’ll kill something doubling that would only get people to cry about warrior even more. Also chain stunning with a warrior is how you win as a warrior. Making it so you can spam CC without much regard is just, bad play. As it stands if you play a chain stun warrior managing your stuns to inhibit the enemys counter abilities is how you gain the upper hand and it makes a difference when playing against good ones vs bad ones that just spam every CC ability they have. Making it so any warrior can just mash buttons and win will just dumb down the skill cap.
Also warriors if specd for chain stunning only really have 1 option for a solid choice in condition removal, which you decided to buff as well.

@Olba, throw bolas as it stands is a 4 second immob on a 20 second CD, which is rather strong actually. Cutting the CD in half for a 1 second immob isn’t that op even with leg specialist it’s only 2 seconds and with that you have to give up 10 trait points and a major trait. Maybe decrease the cripple duration a little but still not that op.

Legendary footrepintstacking

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I know that rodgort and Frostfang footrpints don’t stack. Would the same happen if u combine bolt and rodgort? And which would be shown?

This is a bug, would take some digging to find source but I remember it being stated.

Bolt is awesome but could be much more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


, and well Rampager s/s warrior is a complete mystery..

It isn’t a mystery, it is just not viable for PvE, or WvW.

Another precursor thread..

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I find it hard to comprehend why people complain so much about the precursor price.
I remember somewhere in here a thread aching over being a 75%er or whatever. Yet they fail to see that they have managed to gather 400G+ (variable depending on number of clover tries) for the gift of fortune, if I sold all of my GoF mats I would have a little over 460G, enough for my precursor. Yet people complain about saving up a large sum at once? In some cases like those making the gift of light have to spend roughly 400G twice, but complain about the other 450 for Dawn? Sure it is a bit outrageous to have to save up the much coin for a 3rd time, but certainly they have proved twice already that it is within their limit.

Bloodstone Shard

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I’ve got a question regarding hoarding skill points, I need them 200 (the sooner the better, but normal tempo will suffice), and I can’t decide which way is better.
I have an engineer for whom I am doing it with 100% map completion and 76 skill points at the moment which are more or less left after getting over with the clovers (pfft, blew over 250 SPs…).
I was thinking that by the time I will finish 500 badges of honor I will have enough karma and SP to give around, but (luckily!) I have hit a good commander and a week and managed to get those before the SP.
Now I am torn between just grinding it out on the above mentioned engineer; and my husband’s idea of leveling a new toon purely for the purpose of the SP farm with spending 0 SP and hoarding the 200 from levels and SP challenges.

Which way do you think is quicker and more comfortable?

only do new toons if SP’s are the only thing you need, really by the time you have to required gold you will be done with the skill points as well. But again if you have everything else then there are a few things to do to get them quickly, without an alt.
-WvW, obvious choice.
-Mastering every other crafting you don’t have already. Like my main if I ever am in dire need of skills points could master the other 6 crafts gaining 60 points for a fairly low amount of coin.
-Running this dungeon pattern, Cof P1-1-2, then CoE 1-3, repeat. CoE is really an easy dungeon and the combination a paths 1 and 3 gives you the most dungeon chests (core/lode drops) and can be completed in about 25 min. probably the most time consuming be you make coin and get levels fairly quick.
Otherwise starting an alt can net a quick 200 SP but you cannot transfer the blood stone to you main and will have to make the gift of mastery on the alt then send it back. So I suppose it depends on how fast you want it and whether or not you want the whole craft of your legendary to be on 1 toon.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


More than boosting the ranger I just think thief and warrior damage need nerfing.

No. Warrior and Thief are definitively dps classes, they don’t bring much utility to the group (and with all the nerf on stealth and even revealed while dropping bombs..), these classes would make no point if you dropped their damage to the level of a dps guardian. It would just make guardian even more OP than it is as a dps guardian can still deal decent damage and has so much support it’s not funny.

Ranger is also a dps oriented class. It’s just that the whole class mechanic and pet is broken. You can see it in a lot of the buffs the ranger can give to the group and himself, it was meant for dps, it’s just broken when it comes to actually dishing it out.

Ranger is so strong in PVP partly because the pet won’t die half as much (or at all) and there is little need for cleave in tournaments. In PVE the class is broken. Even if you nerf thief and warrior damage, ALL of the other classes would STILL be a better pick than a ranger. I would still take a guard, ele, necro, anything over a ranger. Ranger needs a buff.

I suppose banners, fury an,d might are not any sort of utility. You sure you run with DnT bro? lol

Mystic Forge for precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I spent 100g yesterday making gs’s to throw in, ended up making 405 rares, got 30 exotics threw those in too, no precursor. not that bad, I’ll just buy it now but was worth a shot. I can see why people get down about stuff like that.

Hardest part of making my legendary

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Honestly you have your decision based on two things. Which weapon do you use more, or which weapon you like best (look wise). If the answer to the both is the same then your answer is easy. If you like the look of one better but use the other weapon more you have to ask yourself if you can make builds around the one that looks better (to make it worth it).

Well I made howler simply for looks, i really don’t use it anywhere. He could do the same.

Howler...howls forever

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


@facepunch, I play axe/mace as well, having frostfang and the corrupted mace this is rather true it is very much the same type of glow. But frostfang is pretty special in its own right and I don’t regret it at all.
I am too going for sunrise atm, them kohomal’il or whatever it is lol but I do an axe/mace gs rotation combo, it puts out a lot more damage than just axe/mace, but thats off topic.

I do think Frostfang is very cool, but it just doesn’t have the same level of pop that you get with the sunrise trailing effects. If I’m going to be making exactly one legendary (I am), the gap in their visuals make it a no brainer, and I think that’s unfortunate.

I also run the axe/mace/GS combo, but when I need to go ranged for a fight, it’s the axe/mace that I keep, and the GS I switch out, so I’d consider axe my primary.

Kamohoali’i Kotaki has some of the most amazing effects in the game, glad I picked up the precursor when I did, yet to make it though.

Having only made howler to compliment frostfang I sometimes fail to notice what its apparently lacking to everyone else.
I love the frosty/misty aura, the animations of the wolf head and moon. The howl could use some work, to aaa sound like a howl this is true but please do not take away my continuous loop. for any that have it and want to annoy people wait till night use a skill, weapon swap, put away weapon, swap back, enjoy.