When I read this thread I get the impression that every top team is running 4 thieves, because they’re so efficient.
So basically there are about 3 1v1 builds, that are common to play:
- Phantasm Mesmer
- Kit-Engineer
- Spirit Ranger
The easiest build to play, without big efforts is the Spirit-Ranger. It is learned pretty quick. I’d suggest to try this out first.
The Kit-Engineer is only for dedicated players, therefore there is alot of experience required for success.
Burning is actually the only condition, that is outstanding. Condition-speccs without it have no chance to be successfull (see engi/necros). Therefore it should be reduced a bit in duration or damage. The rest of the conditions are not a big deal (weakness mabye).
Ever tried to play a necro before patch? Without burning the damage was fine, but definitely not overhelming. Or the engineer? His access to burning was the key-element of this build (and is still).
I agree that main dps comes from burning, at least on engineer. Poison, bleeding, and confusion do low-mediocre. You gotta be kidding me though if your saying you wanna nerf burning cause thats what makes our specs viable.
The problem with burning is that it can be applied too frequently, especially on the engineer. So what I suggest is to lower the duration of it. However this has to be done very carefully and doesn’t need heavy changes. I’m fully aware that burning makes certain speccs viable, therefore again: It has to be treated very carefully.
PS: I wasn’t call for a nerf, but for little tweaks. So please read proper
Burning is actually the only condition, that is outstanding. Condition-speccs without it have no chance to be successfull (see engi/necros). Therefore it should be reduced a bit in duration or damage. The rest of the conditions are not a big deal (weakness mabye).
Ever tried to play a necro before patch? Without burning the damage was fine, but definitely not overhelming. Or the engineer? His access to burning was the key-element of this build (and is still).
You’re the one missing the point unfortunately. You have a counter. You’re running the counter. The counter doesn’t involve using the profession against itself. That’s the metagame adapting to balance patches.
If your counter was ‘run moar necros’, that would be a balance problem. In my opinion, if every team needed a necro, that would be a balance problem too, but with every team having a guard since forever, I don’t think anet agrees with me about ‘required professions’ being a balance problem.
I think it’s kind of ridiculous to have to put in a counter build into a team comp in order to take down possible necros on the other team. While on the flip side, someone running a necro has a major advantage for everything else and doesn’t have to worry much about anything. Even given a counter-build you’d have to make sure that person is always focusing on the necro let alone being in the same spot with him. Throw in another necro and it’s even more fun to deal with (sarcasm). Fighting necros are okay, but their ability to single-target fear roflkill you is pretty stupid; I don’t think any other class except warrior has that easy of an access to cc to setup a lot of bursts while be effective in other areas (heavy condi).
Thanks for sparing me some time. Our counter-setup relies on splitting out necros, however on some maps it is nearly impossible, especially against 2 necros. I don’t even wanna mention that every person can create a necro, play a day with it and will be on the same level of effectiveness than other players spended months on perfection of a class.
We faced TP in the last days, playing with 2 necros (xeph, azshene) and they won 500 – 400. Even when they had no clue how to play necro, they facerolled us due to 2 necros roaming everything down.
In general this means: counter-play works, but has many downsides to certain situations (in this case mostly teamfights and CC in general)
If you think necro is overpowered, why isn’t your guild playing with one?
Because we play a counter-build. Besides that, A-Net allrdy said they will adjust the necro balance-wise.
How OP is it if your comp beats it already?
As you don’t get the point I stop responding . . . thank you for another useless topic.
If you think necro is overpowered, why isn’t your guild playing with one?
Because we play a counter-build. Besides that, A-Net allrdy said they will adjust the necro balance-wise.
My guild doesn’t play with a necro and is succesfull. Still I have the meaning necros are over the top now and need some tweaks. So I should stop saying necro is overpowered? I agree that many players come on the forums and call out for nerfs, because they don’t understand the mechanic behind some builds, therefore have problems with it.
But you need to consider both sides of the Balance-QQ, not only one.
@Arc: Good one there, even when warrior is not designed for this game, due to being melee.
(I really like that in the condition-meta nowadays).
Fixed that for you
No problem!
hmmm… In my context it was about stealth play and the surprising moment, which is very effective against bunker-speccs. Well, bunker-meta was the false word for it anyway, so thanks for the advice
updraft is pretty obvious. However it is an instant death if used in stealth for eg. Some teams in tournament do this allrdy. Instead of using Moa, they use the updraft to savely kill anything. Even Guards have to pay attention (as you said stunbreak doesn’t proc).
So it’s more about the correct use of it which can be very crucial. I mean every ele that rtl’s/run in air-att. to a target and tries to updraft, cannot be considered as a experienced/intelligent player.
Sure it’s too early, but atleast A-Net starts to provdie tournaments on their own, instead by third-parties. This tournament was actually a reason for some teams to come back into tpvp.
where does one learn the basics?
hotjoin teaches 5 man cap a node.
1 man run into 3+ people.
A player that didn’t even discover the map first, before jumping into a tournament, has allrdy a big disadvantage. So yes, hotjoin can atleast show you how the map looks and how the conquest-system works in its basics.
Seems like they hotfixed it.
Have to agree on everything here. AoE-stealth is out of hand, but also is a huge tactical aspect in game-play. Therefore it has to be treated very carefully, as without it conquest would be even more predictable as it is nowadays. Especially after a lost-teamfight AoE-stealth can produce very surprising and game-changing moments (I really like that in the bunker-meta nowadays).
Stop capslock-ing thread-titles!
it’s nonsense to give out skins from the livingstory to players, without playing the living story. As living story is only PvE, these skins will only be obtainable through PvE.
Idea is great, also I hate people calling it Heroes Ascent, its Hall of Heroes or HoH, you can tell who didn’t play the original from the beginning.
HoH is the final map of HA.
In your face
Yep… at the moment PvP players have to play PvE to get new skins. It should be the other way around too.
Thread of the month!
At least this sort of update wouldn’t require 10 months to find its way into the game.
Can someone make a collection of everytime Anet says something is “on the horizon”?
haha . . . ye, we can expect a new reward-system, more Titles, AoE-Nerf, soloq/teamq-split and many more things in the near future. Sound great, doesn’t it?
For PvE or WvW it’s fine. For PvP this is a no go!
i saw numerous topic’s in the past about the great axe specifically yet anet didn’t put one out yet.
So far these suggestions for loots are a little too hopeful.. You guys realize the world bosses only drop a guaranteed rare right? And if you look at how often people are killing champions in Queensdale, you can quickly see how getting those kinds of drops that often is way too much.. I’d vote for maybe an increased chance at getting a rare (not 100% obviously, but maybe 30% chance), but anything more would make champions way too good of a way to make money.
Scale the loot to the level of the champion. Champions in low-level areas are too easy, so they shouldn’t have the same rate as an 80’champion.
How about lightsabers or rocket-launchers?
Already exists
See Eng turres/kits and eternity/twilight
kitten you
Mabye Laser-pointer and Hand-Mirror?
The laser-pointer as offhand, which blinds enemys and burn them and the Mirror, which reflects spells on you back to the opponent. Also the character could look into the Mirror and would see how fantastic he/she looks. This would boost your self-confidence, which would be a new boon invented by me. However, I have to think about what this boon would generate.
Man, I definitely should become a game-developer.
How about lightsabers or rocket-launchers?
arenanet care toooooo much for e-sport
Don’t use these two words in one sentence, at least not in GW2.
They care about e-sports, but not developing PvP.
There is no e-sport, without developing PvP in this case.
That’s why it is not considered yet as an E-Sport. :O
Sorry but this game will never be an “e-sport”, they are incapable of balancing the professions. Such a shame how Anet went from GW1 to GW2.
There were tons of imbalance in GW1 as well.
Assassin’s were known to phase in and out of the game for months at a time.
GW1 wasn’t affected by imbalance as heavy as GW2, due to dedicated healers/prots. They balanced the imbalance to a certain degree.
arenanet care toooooo much for e-sport
Don’t use these two words in one sentence, at least not in GW2.
They care about e-sports, but not developing PvP.
There is no e-sport, without developing PvP in this case.
That’s why it is not considered yet as an E-Sport. :O
Sorry but this game will never be an “e-sport”, they are incapable of balancing the professions. Such a shame how Anet went from GW1 to GW2.
Never say never, that’s the key-sentence of life. This rule is not necessary if you are God or Jesus (or some supernatural über-human). Even if the chances are that small, they still can get the right turn. However I believe they’ll mess it up again
Have to bring this thread back to attention, as it is a key-issue in this game and should definitely be looked at.
I think deathmatch would work
Did some 2v2s with friends in my CA just for the funzies, and even bunkers went down. Not a gamebreaker if you take one or don’t.
Some reworked or new formats, doesn’t matter, I don’t think ppl want the exact same HA back, just a global tournament where winning a match actually makes you feel some kind of progress, the more you win the more rank points you get, many maps and game modes are maxed in a row, and the HoH winner team is broadcasted, gets into observer and has access to some kind of reward.
They had this with reward chests in the 3 round tournaments. People complained that they took too long to complete.
So which is it community – are you willing to play in a pvp match for a possible long time, or do you want shorter matches?
The original problem wasn’t really the time, but moreover the entry-fee for paid-tournaments and the lost challenge in free-tournaments, due to no MMR and obviously the paid-tournaments, where the best teams were only playing in.
After they took the 3-round paid tournament away and replaced it with 1-round paid-tournaments, the competitive scene was there. Meanwhile the 3-round tournament still were in place, but as said, the 1-round tournaments took all the competitive teams into it, while 3-round tournaments were left to soloQers. So the question was for SoloQers: Do I farm 3-round tournaments without any guarantee, or do I farm Hotjoin, where I get more points in less time. That’s why 3-round tournaments died and A-Net was not cappable of providing a real tournament-system. So now we have 1 round tournaments. . . and that’s it.
Would be nice if those roaming champions meant something. Idk if a stack of lodestones is reasonable but maybe 1 or 2 guarunteed, cores for lower mobs, shards for even lower, etc. I wouldn’t expect a lvl 30 champion to drop a lodestone.
My post was obviously exaggerated. Mabye Champions should drop something that doesn’t end in an inflation of gold, but more or less bring some personal goody. I have Tokens/Rare-Salvage-Kits/Items of BL-Chests/Food-Buffs and similar things in mind. Something which you use frequently or to get an advantage, but are not sellable to prevent that inflation.
And for sure as an additional drop, something that is sellable. T6 drops, higher chance of rare items, lootbags/coin-bags, minipets etc. etc.
A champion should atleast drop an exotic. Or some T6 mats . . . with 2 – 5 gold.
Solojoin wouldn’t work in GW1’s HA, for the same reason what was happening in RA. If you are unlucky and get no healer, you better resign.
But here, almost every random mix of professions can work, so HA would be awesome.
Yep, that wasn’t very well thought. Nevertheless, HA in its format is not really fitting GW2. In general deathmatch would require heavy customization.
arenanet care toooooo much for e-sport
Don’t use these two words in one sentence, at least not in GW2.
They care about e-sports, but not developing PvP.
There is no e-sport, without developing PvP in this case.
That’s why it is not considered yet as an E-Sport. :O
Shadow-Refuge as it is now, is well balanced. It allows tactical play and some surprising moments, but also can be countered/negated with CC. With applying stability on it, this possibility would have gone.
Tombing was indeed the best PVP I’ve ever played. It’s was good on so many levels. The only thing missing was solo join option (briefly existed)
If SoloQ for HA would be available back in times, it would have been so huge.
I honestly don’t remember solo joining a team ever existing, but maybe my memory sucks. I can see why it wouldn’t work though. We have the same problem with soloQ right now: a PUG getting rolled by a premade team.
It’s a nice thought, but in GW2’s case, that’s why we have hotjoin. Rank discrimination was a big pet peeve to many PvP newbies in GW1 so ArenaNet gave us a place to go and “farm” rank points PUG vs PUG.
The problem back in HA was that unranked players were dhummed to search for other unranked groups. I think with a solo-join, they could have met together much better. When I started I couldn’t find a group most of the times. Many unranked-players were driven away by that, because standing for 1 hour there and can’t find a group is not really fun.
Back to GW2, the major problem is that solojoin akka hotjoin is a better way to farm your rank than in the more skilled tournaments. I don’t have any problem to let casuals farm their rank, but it’s not healthy that these grinders have faster rank progression than successfull tournament-teams. That takes incentive away from competitive PvP.
I like the system in place, the nice little rewards are some sort of gift for investing those hours into this game. Allthough I’d like to see a system where you can actually choose between reward skins. This would mean when I hit for eg. 3k, I can choose between several skins (not only weapons/gear of one type). This means I can pick either one of the three pieces of hellfire or one of the three of radiant.
Well 80% of JP’s are done in about 5 – 10 minutes. Some of them allow you (if you do it correct) to port back to certain area-stations, if you fall down. Sometimes it gets really frustrating, I have to agree. But even then, I prefer the challenge, instead of easy done content. The only JP that was not fun for me till now, is “Not so secret”. Without a portal it’s just a pain.
However in general JP’s are one of the best inventions from A-Net. It’s just too funny
Tombing was indeed the best PVP I’ve ever played. It’s was good on so many levels. The only thing missing was solo join option (briefly existed)
If SoloQ for HA would be available back in times, it would have been so huge.
we should talk about this ingame, its offtopic
I have no idea how balanced it would be but i could see it being a fun thing to play in hot join at least.
It’s “fun” in hotjoin because it is not organized and totally random.
This game is too far away to create an interesting deathmatch. No dedicated support (heal,prott) and way too much spammable AoE.
Try spirit ranger, it’s more than viable.
its viable, but for sure not more.and its also not a amazing build, its decent
not more…
when we form a team we dont see a good spot for ranger atm instead of any other profession
The hype now is on necro, that’s why many setups run one or two necros. So basically the meta replaces classes like ranger, till necro gets balanced. In my opinion the Spirit-Ranger is at least more viable than the old BM-ranger. Comparing that with the Mass-QQ on this forum, it’s more than viable. That’s just my opinion.
Try spirit ranger, it’s more than viable.
The game has as far as I’ve experienced the best combat system and PvP in a fantasy Mmorpg. Not thakittens perfect mind you.
Which is why its frustrating to see slow updates/progress/response.
I think this is what everyone bothers and why we lost about 95% of GW1 PvP-Players.
I think it would be funnier if everyone rolled stun warriors.
They’d get rolled by Necros. You gotta land those stuns first, while necro is just running around, double-dodging randomly, because he doesn’t have to land anything to kill you.
lol bad warriors giving bad rep to the class, a necro can’t kill a decent stun lock warrior. right now warriors have lots of stability sources as well as they they have the most condi clears
More than that, all they need is to spam those stuns. You have more than the enemy can dodge. This means necros won’t have the time to kill you with conditions.
So the new meta should be with 3 warriors at least? Seems legit
2. Nearly every proffession can be singled out.
Some guy made a post with some collected builds. Pretty good to start with.
Overall every class can take a certain role in PvP. However, Hotjoin servers allow more freedom. There you can nearly play whatever you want, as the main goal is not winning but having fun.
In the more organized PvP, the TPvP or Tournament-PvP, organisation and class-roles are much more important. I recommend to watch some higher level play.
I recommend to watch some streams and vids on youtube, where you can get an idea how to perform.
Good luck and I hope I could help!
1. The Guardian and the Elementalist are considered to bring the biggest support to the team.
Guide for a Support-Guardian:
In this video, the author is talking about the “bunker”-role of a guardian and everything you need to do in order to run the build. “Bunker” is a specc that is very tanky and can absorb lot of dmg (blocking, healing, boons). The idea is to support the team with your f1-3 skills and shouts and trying to get focused by your opponents, while the rest of your team can deal damage with a lesser risk of being catched.
List of several Elementalist-Builds:
Here is a list of some very well described videos about elementalist and its different roles. I think there is enough content and specific details to allow you getting a good overview of the class and what part it has in PvP.
- So you use Axe/axe and something with mace?
- utilities?
- lack of survivability as every trait goes for dmg-increase?