Showing Posts For Ethics.4519:

Did Swiftness change somehow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


The other day I was in WvW on my engi and I felt REALLY slow. We would just finished fighting/killing, and although I was still in combat, I would randomly just feel like I was walking through mud.

It felt like I was crippled, but I had no conditions on myself AND I had swiftness. Something seemed a little off, but I have no clue what it was. I just blamed it on lag and moved on.

RIP in peace Robert

stealth - wasn't it planned differently?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I know were throwing out random ideas, and it will probably get nowhere. first of all, dots revealing stealth would be horrible.

Secondly, I think reveal should be as long as the player stayed stealthed. If that thief wants to HS in blinding powder 10 times, fine, but then once he’s out of stealth, he can’t stealth again for 30 seconds or so.

RIP in peace Robert

The other elitist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I am aware that those groups take longer to fill but they are a new occurence from my point of view.
Also stating only Px on the lfg and then kicking people is a kitten move. You never stated any requirements beside the path number. This gives people the right to assume anything goes.

People also have the right to kick anyone they want.

Why should one freedom trump another?

RIP in peace Robert

Staff support guardians

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Two wrongs don’t make a right. On top of that…. five wrongs don’t make a right.

RIP in peace Robert

No Longer Supporting the Gem Store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Your original post says nothing about getting a response. So it’s less that people didn’t read it, and more that you didn’t write it.

Secondly, “I’m fairly sure” I picked the right thing makes me think that, no, you did not.

RIP in peace Robert

Gold and Fastest Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


AC 1,3 (p2 sometimes bugs at the end, where you either have to leave the instance, or lure mobs and kill the npc. Which takes forever cause the NPC is the best tank in the game for some reason)

When you enter the last room, there is a large event circle on the map. Make sure you stay outside of it, because I think the bug is caused by detha being in combat while in the circle. Just run to the right (or left if you go in the left entrance) and make sure the NPC stays outside of the circle until she losses aggro.

RIP in peace Robert

Do i have to reroll warrior to play gw2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


If you have a problem with finding groups as a Mesmer and have problems doing things as a Mesmer, I think it’s safe to say we can all guess what the problem is.

First Nike says everything in my head, now you are. Get outta my head!

RIP in peace Robert

Alphard exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Well if a dev said they are looking into it they MUST be doing something…. right?

RIP in peace Robert

We dont want a new dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Do we?

RIP in peace Robert

[GUIDE] Solo Giganticus Lupicus (Annotated)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Good job, that reminds me that I should renew my own lupi solo guide soon. I do, however, not really enjoy the phase 3 wall use for the guide, I would say i only justify this use for specific record runs, and think that an initial solo would need to be for challenge, which it undermines. Though I am aware that many just want to do this to sell paths ,instead of challenge themselves.

I would say reflects trivialize the fight even more. I believe that if your primary profession wasn’t one that used reflects, you would quickly concede and fight on the wall just to save time. That said, I seldom put him on the wall when I am just solo’ing without trying to achieve a fast time.

Agreed. I’d say wearing armor trivializes the fight as well.

RIP in peace Robert

What happen to Fractals Leaderboard?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I had thought the point of resetting the levels was so that people couldn’t just pick and choose their Mistlock Instability right off the bat, and making them experience them all one at a time.

The leaderboard struck me as sort of tacked on rather than the reason for the change.

I thought this too. And then I realized that all it takes is a group (or even one person) to get to 50, then the rest can just skip them anyway.

The update really made me upset, so I didn’t play for awhile. Now that I’m back, most my friends are upper 30s, and obviously a good number of people have gotten to 50 already (yay leaderboards and challenge lol). So if I wanted to, I could just skip the levels I don’t like, by partying with people already at 50.

The two reasons given, are completely nullified, which means the reset was crap in the first place and should have never happened.

RIP in peace Robert

how can i know which paths i have already done??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Can we just necro all the dev threads so the whole front page contains dev posts?

I mean, in typical fashion, ARGH robert! Can we have an update. It’s been over a year? Are you guys still gathering feedback in your post-arenanet employment?

Robert was let go awhile back.

Please, tell me more.

Also, don’t look at my sig.

RIP in peace Robert

What happen to Fractals Leaderboard?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


We’re holding the leaderboard for now to see if we can’t decide on a better way to help differentiate people on it who are all at the same tier, other than just the first who got there specifically. Once we have decided that, we’ll need to code, test, and vet it and then update the leaderboards to reflect the new tracking.

But leaderboards was the reason given for resetting our levels =(
So that we would be on equal footing for the race to the top of the leaderboards! Hoorah!

Announcing Fractals of the Mists Leaderboards

Soon you can earn the envy and adulation of your friends and total strangers through our new leaderboards, which show off the players with the highest fractal levels! As part of the introduction of leaderboards, everyone whose current personal reward level for the Fractals of the Mists is above 30 will be reset to 30 so the competition can begin in earnest."

RIP in peace Robert

(edited by Ethics.4519)

Citadel of Flame: Path 1 (the superweapon)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Omg please, please stop necro ing the glory days of this forum. X.x

I post how I want.

RIP in peace Robert

Citadel of Flame: Path 1 (the superweapon)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Hey folks,

Just thought I’d pop in and drop a comment on this since I designed it. MadMossy has a great tactic of utilizing poison to diminish the healing done by the crystals in your pug group. And of course, mesmer time warp is always a great way get some team burst damage no matter what the situation is.

Crystal drops are a bit random in their placement and their quantity, but there are caps in place for it. The only real luck in this fight is the same luck you encounter every other mob with.

the MSP is a tough dude, who I built to directly counter brute force comps. I haven’t seen a group yet internally able to defeat him while ignoring the crystals, so you’re on the right path.

As for an ANet video of it being done by in-house folks, I don’t know what that would prove. If we released a video of any tough encounter being done, I don’t know if it would help, since a thing that tends to happen with those is that people will claim we’re wearing special dev armor and dev weapons.
There are some guides out there. Some of them I have read aren’t quite correct, but some are spot on. You’re on the right path though.

Lol. Good read. I agree,, this boss is very tough. I haven’t seen one group yet do it while ignoring those well placed crystals.

RIP in peace Robert

how can i know which paths i have already done??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Can we just necro all the dev threads so the whole front page contains dev posts?

I mean, in typical fashion, ARGH robert! Can we have an update. It’s been over a year? Are you guys still gathering feedback in your post-arenanet employment?

RIP in peace Robert

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


It would never happen. It’s like the devil trying to enter a church. As soon as he/she accidently crosses the boundry, burning ensues.

Look at what happened to poor robert =(

RIP in peace Robert

LFG Tool is breaking my Spirit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


This is my build and I can crit over 600 with my burning so I know my personal damage is fine

This is your problem. Condition damage cannot crit, and a single auto-attack from Guardian Sword in berserker gear does more damage than that anyway… when it doesn’t crit. Your build is hurting your teams and you’re joining groups who are expecting more.

If you want to keep your build, advertise in the LFG tool that you are using a substandard build and are welcome to others using substandard builds. You will find people playing that way, and you can complete the dungeons at your own pace then.

Don’t tell him how to play! You’re so rude!

RIP in peace Robert

Stacking and skipping is for bads

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


All that’s missin in this post is a necroed dev post from robert a year ago. That would have really summed up this week (Read: 1 day) nicely.

check the main dungeon page again, thread about soulbound runes in dungeons just got necro’d

“In this post”

RIP in peace Robert

Stacking and skipping is for bads

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


All that’s missin in this post is a necroed dev post from robert a year ago. That would have really summed up this week (Read: 1 day) nicely.

RIP in peace Robert

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


So yes, I see what you just did there.

The dungeon pve community of so-called elitists don’t going around reporting people for champ train farming. We don’t go out of our way to troll the champ trains, or whatever other casual content farm there is.

So in all these forums, all of the complaints come from casuals?? I’m confused.

The anti-selling crowd maliciously plans and inflicts harm on the dungeon sellers in game. There is no opposite equivalent in the other direction, dungeon crowd maliciously griefing the casual scene, which is what my example showed. Your post where you switched the words around created a false equivalence as if the two positions were equally malignant. That is not correct.

Your being a tad dramatic, how does anyone maliciously affect your time in GW2, I was simply pointing out the argument could go the other way. (Ie isn’t the casual vs. hardcore argument getting old?) Are we not just gamming enthusiasts with different opinions?

It is not over dramatic. One example:

People don’t think selling dungeon is right. Some people will just complain. However some white knights will make a party with another friend, and merge their party into the sellers. They will then kick the person selling, which means the instance is destroyed.

It’s the equivalent of a baker selling a cake for $200. Instead of saying “oh, that’s too expensive” you pretend to shop at his store, and then you smash the cake on the ground, then run away.

RIP in peace Robert

Stacking in the corner. What fun is it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


WvW and PvE are drastically different. A pure PvEr new to WvW will get destoryed in his full zerk, not understanding large group play mentality. Just has a WvWer may get destroyed in his cleric/boon sharing gear not understanding one-shot mechanics in PvE.

As a typical PvE’er, I’m not experiencing this. As most WvW’ers are probably zerglings, you can handle them pretty much like PvE silver trash. LoS, CC and AoE perfectly work, noone ever suspects.

You have to remember who the majority playerbase is for GW2 =).

On a more serious note, You probably aren’t running the same PvE build that you do WvW. I mainly meant taking a great WvW build into PvE is hurting as much as taking a dps meta pve build into wvw. I just added more stuff to make myself sound smart. Sometimes it doesn’t work (all the times).

RIP in peace Robert

Skipping enemies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Just trying to promote doing dungeons as they were intended.

The way you see something does not mean it is the way it was intended.

RIP in peace Robert

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


And as a self-proclaimed hardcore, would you ever buy a path that was too hard? But its ok to sell them to the casuals, isnt that somewhat hypocritical.

This seems silly. Just because I have a certain opinion doesn’t mean I think that everybody else should share this opinion.

RIP in peace Robert

Stacking in the corner. What fun is it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


No, I’m okay with it. I’m not going to be mean here since you seem polite, and you already admitted you generally only do WvW.

WvW and PvE are drastically different. A pure PvEr new to WvW will get destoryed in his full zerk, not understanding large group play mentality. Just has a WvWer may get destroyed in his cleric/boon sharing gear not understanding one-shot mechanics in PvE.

There is a LOT more to these fights than just standing still and auto attacking. That’s what PUGs do and that’s why they die, build tankier, and rage on the forums.

Good groups know the tells to watch out for, when to use what skills, how to properly build their character and group, etc.

If you find it boring, I would recommend searching for other games, sticking to WvW, or actively searching for a guild/group of friends that also think stacking is boring/skill-less

RIP in peace Robert

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Ah, the casual, hardcore debate see what I did there??

Yes, unfortunately I do =(

I should just change my sig to “What Brazil said” cuz I mean…. what Brazil said.

We have casuals telling us that they can play how they want, report people for selling paths, stacking is an exploit, report people for soloing bosses, stop skipping mobs, etc.

Then you have the “elitists” that make guides and set speed run records.

One of these sounds “toxic”, while one does not.

RIP in peace Robert

Find group invitation

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


You mean, like how you can use the LFG tool across map to join any group, then use the huge map makers that indicate where dungeons are?

Also, it’s not well known, but this website called google has a lot of information. You may be able to find dungeon locations there.

He means he can’t be bothered to use a waypoint and go to the map; he wants the dungeon lfg to directly teleport him into the instance from wherever he is. It’s well known that a casual can’t afford the prohibitive cost of a wp, also finding the right map can be anno- /cough
My job here is done…

Thanks, I knew what he meant.

RIP in peace Robert

Find group invitation

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


You mean, like how you can use the LFG tool across map to join any group, then use the huge map makers that indicate where dungeons are?

Also, it’s not well known, but this website called google has a lot of information. You may be able to find dungeon locations there.

RIP in peace Robert

[merged] "Selling" Dungeons Is wrong

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I wanted to come in here and read all of those sarcastic dungeon responses.

I am happy to see the mature back and forth, adult compromise, however sad at missing some of swiftpaw’s comments =( Only a matter of time before the next thread.

It’s always nice to see Nike’s response, where he tells me exactly how I’m feeling in much better words than I could ever express, and I simply rub my chin and nod in agreement.

RIP in peace Robert

Some griping about support guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Mind you if you want DPS, go play a Warrior instead, why try to be something you are not?
While your DPS guardian is trying to do damage instead of upkeeping might and boon heals and damage mitigation you are affecting the overall dps your entire party can do.
Doing dungeons effectively means maintaining group DPS and staying alive, what good is a guard who does nothing but swing his greatsword around.

Downed players do no DPS, that applies for you and your party. Even when stacking in dungeons, having someone in a downed state and having to stop attacking and resurrect them means lower DPS.

However much you want a guardian to be a DPS class, they just don’t fair as well as others in this category, so instead of “role-playing” your “DPS” guardian swinging his greatsword and thinking it is efficient, you need to take a step back and look at the entire picture on how group synergy works.

You know you can support and DPS at the same time?

“Downed players do no DPS” I’m tired of this mantra that people scream. First of all, you’re wrong. Downed players still contribue DPS by spamming #1.

Secondly, I believe you meant dead players do no DPS. Using the top DPS meta build, you could probably be dead for 25% or more of the fight and still out DPS most of the play how you want builds.

Also, if you think warriors are the meta for DPS, then you should grab a zerk thief or a FGS ele, that may open your eyes.

RIP in peace Robert

Casual Lupicus Speedkill [Only]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Yes, that’s not very casual at all. You do seem to have a drastically different (read: incorrect) definition of casual.

Also, is this not the same kill as you posted in your other post?

RIP in peace Robert

Two handed weapons just one sigil - why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


On the opposite side, two handed weapons take a lot more work. I could have made one ascended greatsword for my mesmer, which would give me +10 AR, or a one handed sword, for +5 AR. It takes about two times the materials just to get the same AR.

Pros and Cons to each I guess.

RIP in peace Robert

Some griping about support guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Lyssa runes gives precision, random boon on healing and on top of that, cleanses all conditions, gains all boons and has a cooldown of 45 sec.

We are talking about a support guard here, while healing, you gain boon and on elite you become tanky due to the boons and removes all condition. This frees up my self condition cleansing utility slot and also allows me to use healing breeze instead of Signet of resolve if I do not have 1.
On top of that, you have a 5 sec all boons that allows you to soak up plenty of damage.

Sure, if you want to be a dps guardian by all means wear zerker but if you are trying to increase overall dps to party and sustain party dps by playing support, you need those heals and survivability.

Think about it, a full Zerker guardian(lowest hp pool) that gets downed often cannot control the battlefield and instead of tanking, preventing party members from dropping and giving boons and constantly stacking 15 Might to the entire team attempts to provide DPS.

In the end, it’s a matter of play-style and if people want to play DPS guardian, by all means, but IMO a support heal/buff/tank guard contributes much more overall dps than one that attempts to do nothing but provide mediocre damage.

You can say whatever you want, but it depends on why you’re playing the game. If you want to do dungeons quickly and efficiently, then you’re wrong and should just go with DPS guard.

If you want to play how you want and role play as some white knight paladin pretending you’re keeping the party alive (which, mind you, you can still do in zerk) while ‘tanking’ all the damage (Don’t forget most attacks are AOEs or cleaves, so that’s silly) then sure, you’re spot on.

RIP in peace Robert

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I’m not sure if this has been said yet, but one thing that doesn’t sit well with me is the craftable AR used in infusion slots. I love the idea, but I don’t like the reality that you either need to use it or save it.

We should either be able to remove the AR and use that to craft the next one, or to just craft it in the item. If I made a +8 and wanted a +9, I’d either have to not use the +8, or craft 3 total +8s just to get to +9.

I hope this is looked into as what’s the point of progression you can’t use? Especially when it’s unlimited progression

RIP in peace Robert

[Merged] Fractal level reset is equity wiped. Discuss.

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Fractal Progression Reset

As we were looking at the fractal reworks we wanted to change the relative values of how hard it was to work through the fractals, because of this we wanted to bring everyone to a common starting point.

Level 1 is a common starting point. Level 30 is not. =(

But we got our answer. Our conversation was fruitless and we can stop now and move on to another game.

Let me know where you end up. I also need a change.

RIP in peace Robert

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Before talking about character progression, horizontal or vertical, I think it would be necessary to have a word on Anet view about progression reset.

With the Fractured patch, many players saw their progression (fractal level) resetted to 30, without any kind of compensation for that loss.

Many threads were opened on the forums to talk about it. The first few got deleted, even some pretty big threads, like this one:

Another was locked here (over 850 posts):

And finally the last one active is this one (over 1000 posts):

Over 2000-2500 posts were made, without any concrete answer from Anet. The only answer we got, 3 weeks ago, from a community coordinator, is that “the Developers are reading these posts and we are gathering feedback.” But not a word from those developers since.

Of course, in those 2000 posts, some were quite vindicative, especially after seeing we were completely ignored, but quite a few were also constructive, like this one from Abramelin:

So, before talking about progression, let’s talk about progression reset. Because if Anet consider it’s okay to reset a player progression without any form of compensation, why talk about progression anyway, it can be reseted at any time…

Since I can’t say it better myself, I’ll just quote it so I don’t mess it up.

RIP in peace Robert

ascended rings overflow

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Good Idea. I can’t believe nobody has had this issue or thought of certain ways around this before.

It’s a good thing you post this suggestion in a forum that accumulates lots of dev feedback.

RIP in peace Robert

What the hell was done to Arah P2?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Sounds like you can just have a mesmer run through then portal the party past the gate instead of WPing.

The only thing Anet has done (which is the majority of the changes made) is to make it a slight inconvenience for optimized groups while making it a headache and a hassle for PUGs.

RIP in peace Robert

Copper Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Anet won’t respond. Once they figure out the glitch they’ll just ban all those that exploited with the kit.

RIP in peace Robert

Now FotM takes forever

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Yes guides won’t help with the order. Just like how they didn’t help before the update when the order was random.

Guides will help with the dredge when they reveal new strategies on how to get past the obstacles people are currently struggling with.

Guides have been out since a little bit after release. Fractals ins’t new. Tons of guides on dredge (I used strifey’s videos) and people still complain constantly.

Ability to get 3 easy ones in a row made fractals very unbalanced, it’s much better now, though I’m not sure why they put uncategorized into first pool, because it’s long and annoying and will get re-rolled 99 % of the time. Cliffside in second pool is pretty bad too. Dredge needs to be reworked from scratch, just about everything about it, except from final boss.

The discussion is about how it takes longer now. You are correct as it was unbalanced. But it takes longer now. So congrats for you on arguing a point that doesn’t matter.

RIP in peace Robert

Now FotM takes forever

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Once people release guides then those ways will become the new meta on how to do the fractal(s). It’s no different than when they revamped AC and people were constantly failing at spider queen until someone found a way to kitten the mechanic and stack in a corner to faceroll it.

I agree it’s similar, but there are certain aspects that make it worse. The guides will help with instabilities.

However the guides will not help with the rounds being categorized into round 1>2>3 etc. And guides will also not remove the additional amount of dredge that was put into the round.

RIP in peace Robert

Now FotM takes forever

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


How does FotM take longer now than it used to? The only thing that changed was making it harder to get longer fractals together, that just shortens the time overall. The only thing that made the dredge fractal “harder” is that they got rid of the die on the switch “exploit”. With all of the PUGs I’ve been running with over the past 2 or so weeks we still get the dredge control panel on the first or second try in the 35-39 fractal range.

Edit: Unless you’re talking about them adding a 4th fractal to every run, which does increase the total time, but at least you get rewarded every level now, which I think is an improvement.

You are horribly mistaken.

Putting the fractals in grouping now makes it so you have 0% chance to get the 3 easy ones in a row. If you got swamp>water/urban>frozen you could easily fly through it. That combination is no longer possible. One of the old worst case scenarios like sawmp>Cliff>Dredge is much more likely to occur.

Also, they added more dredge to dredge. Because they must have read “We want more dredge!” everytime somebody complained about fractals.

RIP in peace Robert

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


For all we know this is an intended change, not an exploit.

It wouldn’t be the first time a change gets made and the corresponding tooltip doesn’t get updated.

I don’t really care either way, but I’ll be continuing to use my salvage kit as I always have.

That’s a fair point. It has been used by many people before. “If Anet didn’t want me jumping on this boat, they would just put an invisible wall there”

RIP in peace Robert

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


The last few posts of this topic sound like the guys who got their accounts botched for massively exploiting the Karma bug at games launch and are slipping in here with a sour perspective on it.

And you sound like you have no clue what you are talking about.

My game account has never been banned, permanent or temporary.

If you don’t like me pointing out the fact that this is considered an exploit, so be it. But don’t make an assumption about me, especially when it’s wrong

RIP in peace Robert

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Doesn’t sound very joking-ly?

Does it? I bought this game, so I should be able to play it how I want, according to you guys. However, I would get banned for exploiting. Apparently unless I only exploit a little bit, with your logic.

no bans for using this kit, so far.

so far.

RIP in peace Robert

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Poor comparison. The player base did not “Hack” to get the salvage o matic to work as it does currently. If it turns out to b e a mistake on Anets part then it will get reverted back in a small patch. You people are so paranoid.

People who salvaged snowflakes did not “hack” to get the snowflake and salvage kits. Yet they were all banned. Anet seems pretty clear on this stance.

If I was to salvage a rare armor and get some materials and rare armor back, then I can see how that would be an exploit. Otherwise, a few extra copper is barely any excuse of an exploit.

Oh, so it doesn’t really count if you only exploit a little. Okay, crystal clear now. Thanks.

RIP in peace Robert

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Poor comparison. The player base did not “Hack” to get the salvage o matic to work as it does currently. If it turns out to b e a mistake on Anets part then it will get reverted back in a small patch. You people are so paranoid.

People who salvaged snowflakes did not “hack” to get the snowflake and salvage kits. Yet they were all banned. Anet seems pretty clear on this stance.

RIP in peace Robert

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Nobody is in danger of being banned for this bug, if it is even a bug. What would Anet have us do? Not use our CFSoM? Just because we get more essentially worthless sigils and runes? Nah.


Essentially worthless is not the same thing as worthless. An unfair advantage is still an advantage no matter how big or small.

If I were hacking in wvw in order to do 2% more damage, would that be worthy of a ban? I mean, it’s just 2%, not like 100% or anything.

It’s still an abuse of a game bug for monetary gain.

RIP in peace Robert

Summary of Fractal Issues and Bugs

in Fractured

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I’ve seen it reported and discussed, but it hasn’t happened to me.

If you take off a piece of gear that has AR, switch to a piece that doesn’t, then switch back, you will not gain the original AR. The fix is to remove all pieces with AR, and put them all back on again.

I believe this also happens with AR, if you have 55 with say a 2-H ascended weapon, and switch to a 1-H ascended weapon with an exotic offhand, you drop to 50, and when you weapon swap back, you are still at 50.

*Disclaimer/Edit: Again, I haven’t experienced it. I only read it in another thread/forum.

RIP in peace Robert

(edited by Ethics.4519)

The Defiant Mechanic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Yes it’s possible. Coordinated groups do it often. Mesmers are very good at this, as they can also daze shatter removing 3 stacks in one go, or 4 if you trait correctly.

It’s valuable in certain instances, such as the boss in dredge, where you can wear the stacks down and interrupt the heals.

Some bosses just have way to high of stacks or are outright immune to it, like Mei Trinn, where it actually would be very useful.

Also, in uncoordinated groups, you have bearbow rangers (I even had one using a pig…. a pig! in CoE), GS mesmers, and rifle warriors that spam knockbacks on cooldown nullifying all dps hits and attempts to remove stacks.

RIP in peace Robert