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If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

It is exactly because this sort of thing happens that I’d argue that a lot of your ranking is up to dumb luck of the draw. You can’t argue that the rankings are an accurate determination of skill, and explain how the same player can end up completely different on two accounts.

Statistically speaking a sample of 10 is indeed dumb luck of the draw. Especially early on when rating volatility is greater. Try playing at least 30-50 games before making judgment.

Agreed, and if your the average average guy it might work out eventually… or the season might end, or you might keep hitting 1200 and getting whacked with new players by bad draw luck before things average out in the long run. You just never know.

A new player isn’t going to play a sustained number of matches at 1200. Their volatility will be high. If they are good (someone’s alt) they will move up, if they are new to the game they will rapidly fall. Only if that is where they belong will they stay there. Only Anet has the data, but you can’t say you are more likely to get an experienced player’s alt or a brand new player coming in at a 1200 rating for their first match.

Agreed, but I’m arguing what if there are a steady stream of new players being introduced. It’s not the same new player, its a different one each time… or the same… but you get what I mean.

1) You have the same chance to play against the inexperienced player as to play with them.
2) The same argument holds for experienced player’s alts.

That is why there is a high volatility at the start to quickly move the outliers.

Condensing the rating down to winning matches is the simplest and most elegant way of doing it. It eliminates a huge amount of variables and is really the only important metric. Someone could be very mechanically skilled, but make awful decisions about where to fight and cost his team the win. The metric is evaluating not only your mechanical skill, but your overall understanding of the game mode and your ability to maximize your team’s chances of winning.

(edited by Faux Play.6104)

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

It is exactly because this sort of thing happens that I’d argue that a lot of your ranking is up to dumb luck of the draw. You can’t argue that the rankings are an accurate determination of skill, and explain how the same player can end up completely different on two accounts.

Statistically speaking a sample of 10 is indeed dumb luck of the draw. Especially early on when rating volatility is greater. Try playing at least 30-50 games before making judgment.

Agreed, and if your the average average guy it might work out eventually… or the season might end, or you might keep hitting 1200 and getting whacked with new players by bad draw luck before things average out in the long run. You just never know.

A new player isn’t going to play a sustained number of matches at 1200. Their volatility will be high. If they are good (someone’s alt) they will move up, if they are new to the game they will rapidly fall. Only if that is where they belong will they stay there. Only Anet has the data, but you can’t say you are more likely to get an experienced player’s alt or a brand new player coming in at a 1200 rating for their first match.

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

So, I was browsing the leaderboards today and I am literally laughing.

This guy has 50/50 w/l ratio and is there at 1849 rating.

This guy on the other hand won 6, lost 4 and still he is placed at 1881.

So, I have won over a half of the matches I played and have only 953…

If you are worried about your rating being to low do not, anet simply doesn’t even want you to play with those people xD

Of course this is probably due to duoqueuing, but still, horrible system.

lol, what crap of post it is
your mmr is not a result of matches in this league, is a “skill” calculation based on your story in pvp, the best players in this league are the “historical” best players that plays that league not the ones whith best winratio in this league
the main fault of this league sistem is not set a timegate to join it after a few weeks dont leting enter more players ,and not set a minimum number of matches to qualify for being in rank, that causes that “historical best” players play few, just to mantain their status and not geting downed for not playing

The system allows the top players to accumulate rating points and doesn’t force them to queue for hours to get a match. Whatever the current #1 rating is now will be less than the score of the number 1 player at the end of the season. As they get closer to the top, the rating points will get more and more valuable, while the max rating you can qualify with will be the same. The system will reward the people that can sustain a high win ratio.

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The problem with algorithms that seem logically reasonable but don’t account for practical reality failings.

If you want to design, code and implement a better algorithm be my guest. But judging from your complete lack of awareness of even the most simple key concepts of ratings and matchmaking you’d get nowhere. ANet didn’t come up with these algorithms, they’ve been industry standard for years, been adapted to multiple team sports and have been improved upon and updated over the years.

But I’m so glad that we have people like you, through your unmatched genius to point out flaws in these systems that the Ph.D’s and statisticians somehow failed to spot. I’m sure Mark Glickman would love to hear your analysis.

I’m sure the Glickman algorithm is fine if you are running all 5 members of your team. I don’t think he’d support it in this instance. I mean just think about it.

Like I literally just said, it can and has been used and adapted to other team based games/sports like LoL, CS:GO, the NFL, etc.

EDIT: Please don’t attack the tone of my argument, use the fallacy fallacy and then do the thing you literally just said didn’t want to happen to you.

And I argue with the adaption. I maintain its reasonable for its intended original purpose of Chess or Go. If the team composition remains mostly consistent such as an NFL team, then you could treat that as one “person” as well. However to apply it to an ever changing grouping of 5 folks whom need not play the class their rating was based on etc. is obviously going to be fraught with problems. Then you add in class stacking. then, then…. you’ll see that these derivations from the original purpose although minor seeming will result in well…. unpredictability.

The fallacy fallacy would be to argue you were wrong in your assertion because you made an ad hominem. I simply indicated that you argued against the wrong point (straw man) and that your ad hominem is not relevant.

So are you arguing that if someone can be competitive at multiple classes they don’t deserver to be ranked higher than someone that is one dimensional?

I’m actually arguing that their skill will likely be different in each of those classes, and the match making should be based on the class their playing to have more accurate results.

Then you are ignoring the rules of the game. The game allows you to change your build and class before the match starts. If you have enough knowledge of the game and ability to be able to pick a different build or class that will put your team in a better place then you deserve to be rated higher. Would you argue that if someone played and won without any runes or traits they should get more points than if they ran a good build? It will take more skill to win a match that way, but on average you will be hurting your chances of winning as well as your team’s.

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The system may not get you to the perfect spot your first match but after enough matches you will get there. The placement and soft reset provide enough volatility for people that have significantly improved over a season the opportunity to quickly jump their rating. Someone that deserves to be in gold will be able to win their way out of bronze. Yes you have bronze tier players on your team but so does the other team, and since you should be significantly better on average you will be able to win enough matches to get out of that division. Yes you will get some bad teammates you can’t overcome, but since there are no gates to your MMR, the bad players will continue to fall and the good players will rise.

The problem is your speaking of the average average situation. In a system like this with enough players you’ll hit a good number of outliers whom simply get enough bad match ups for long enough that their MMR will settle, and that if they did get to the 1200 mark again would randomly draw the new player card on their team.

It might help if people with highly random MMR’s were more likely to face highly random folks, this way having slowly worked your way up from 900 to the 1200 range wouldn’t put you into the “did I get a new player lottery” So basically including the confidence level in the match making.

And yes, you all played forever you’d probably get there….. but that doesn’t happen. And might not be able to if you look at a lack of class stacking understanding from the algorithm and playing classes for acheivements that folks haven’t been rated with. You can build pendantic cases where you’d simply never get there.

I experimented with 2 f2p accounts, and the system seems to work fine. One I placed high in the other I did not. After playing both accounts about 25 matches they were approximately the same rating. I’m not a great player, but give me a bronze tier account and I can get it to upper tier silver/gold in less than 40 matches.

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The problem with algorithms that seem logically reasonable but don’t account for practical reality failings.

If you want to design, code and implement a better algorithm be my guest. But judging from your complete lack of awareness of even the most simple key concepts of ratings and matchmaking you’d get nowhere. ANet didn’t come up with these algorithms, they’ve been industry standard for years, been adapted to multiple team sports and have been improved upon and updated over the years.

But I’m so glad that we have people like you, through your unmatched genius to point out flaws in these systems that the Ph.D’s and statisticians somehow failed to spot. I’m sure Mark Glickman would love to hear your analysis.

I’m sure the Glickman algorithm is fine if you are running all 5 members of your team. I don’t think he’d support it in this instance. I mean just think about it.

Like I literally just said, it can and has been used and adapted to other team based games/sports like LoL, CS:GO, the NFL, etc.

EDIT: Please don’t attack the tone of my argument, use the fallacy fallacy and then do the thing you literally just said didn’t want to happen to you.

And I argue with the adaption. I maintain its reasonable for its intended original purpose of Chess or Go. If the team composition remains mostly consistent such as an NFL team, then you could treat that as one “person” as well. However to apply it to an ever changing grouping of 5 folks whom need not play the class their rating was based on etc. is obviously going to be fraught with problems. Then you add in class stacking. then, then…. you’ll see that these derivations from the original purpose although minor seeming will result in well…. unpredictability.

The fallacy fallacy would be to argue you were wrong in your assertion because you made an ad hominem. I simply indicated that you argued against the wrong point (straw man) and that your ad hominem is not relevant.

So are you arguing that if someone can be competitive at multiple classes they don’t deserver to be ranked higher than someone that is one dimensional?

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The system may not get you to the perfect spot your first match but after enough matches you will get there. The placement and soft reset provide enough volatility for people that have significantly improved over a season the opportunity to quickly jump their rating. Someone that deserves to be in gold will be able to win their way out of bronze. Yes you have bronze tier players on your team but so does the other team, and since you should be significantly better on average you will be able to win enough matches to get out of that division. Yes you will get some bad teammates you can’t overcome, but since there are no gates to your MMR, the bad players will continue to fall and the good players will rise.

If you feel bad about your rating check this

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

winning over half your matches against bronze tier players should count for less than winning matches in the plat/legend division. That is reflected in the rankings.

Why you messed up, again (5th attempt)

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

One last thing I want to point out is the ridiculous way that end of season rewards will be handed out. You are additionally slowing down the placement process by making only the final standings valid. Why would someone even try hard during the first month when his ranking doesn’t matter at all? People can even hold out on playing untill the very last week/day and completely twist the whole ladder just by doing their placement matches. Someone that’s been rank 1 for 99% of the season can be pushed down in a matter of hours and get robbed because of the dumb way rewards are being distributed. The season started on December 13th and ends on February 7th. Every game played during that time frame should be of equal importance, period.

Now you’re free to rant at me. Thanks for reading.

As the season goes on the top player’s MMR is getting higher and higher above the max MMR you can get from placements. By the end of the season I doubt any normal player could snipe their way into the top 250. That is the incentive to play the season out.

Why you messed up, again (5th attempt)

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Having a soft MMR reset is a good thing. The match maker will know people’s relative skill level. Therefore, it gets people where they belong faster in the placement matches. The system already had a lot of data on what people should be ranked so it should use it to setup matches. Sure people can get lucky or unlucky in their placement matches, but this would be happening a lot more if you started everyone at the same MMR. Without the caps in place from last season, the ratings should be even better when we start next season.

Alt accounts plaguing the NA ladder

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

keep in mind if they don’t rank their alt accounts where they belong they will be trolling the lower tier players. That probably was one of the main reasons for people griefing under the old system where you had to play x amount of matches to get out of sapphire/ruby/diamond.

PVP Season 5 Thoughts from Best Player

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Pretty sure I played him on my F2P account. He got bent out of shape because he was dying to a core power ranger on his druid and chased me the whole match. I think his team scored 200 pts. lolz I think dueling in WvW is more his speed. I’ll give him a +1 on the taunting though.

Describing new matchmaking: "Poop show"

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Why would you cut your games played from the ss if that’s part of your supporting argument? Or have you really not played 9k games?

Maybe they didn’t want to show their w/l ratio.

Skyhammer in ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

It isn’t all ranged that have an advantage. Hammer scrapper can put their gyro’s on the A/C pillars then jump down. They get a buff that you can’t kill from the ground.

PvP season 5 thoughts from a top 10 player

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

As a top MMR player myself I agreed completely with what katsumi said especially about the placement matches, I placed mid gold but get out of it within 3 games and got into top 10 (for like 20 mins then I logged off and 20 mins later I’m #12 FeelsBadMan )

The system is working definitely in my opinion. It is flaw in some aspects however with time it will work out. The complains atm are mostly from people who delude themselves into thinking theyre better than they truly are and they just need to accept that if you’re truly good. Then you’ll get Top 50 and Legendary.

You placed Gold Tier 2 (mid gold) then you got to Plat in 3 games? Either your full of kitten or this system is (I think both). I don’t think the complaints are mostly from deluded players gimme a break. Sorry but I would think playing in Gold rank you would have teammates that didn’t play like they just got off the short bus from school.

I know I’m not legendary and I don’t give a crap. I do care to see some time of progression and not just back and forth etc. Even if you win and lose, you still end up losing more since it takes you longer to gain rating back.

I’d say it’s probably around 50/50 for the complaints. Some people have very valid arguments and then come on these forums only to be trolled to get good or told you are garbage when they haven’t even seen you play. The placement system is broken, if it’s 80% luck why bother calling this competitive PvP because it is not.

Another thing is a healthy enough community. Yes PvP tends to be toxic at times, but still all you get is trolled in game or on these forums. TBH this game’s “pvp and eSports” deserves to fail. I honestly pretty much can’t stand a majority of the player base.

Devs have the power to shape the meta yet they are happy with where it stands, and it’s crap. All these cool classes and abilities yet you see the same cookie cutter builds through out ranked. When you get bored of these and decide to do something else you get harassed and called out for being a noob, kitten wasting everyone’s time etc. I swear this community is getting near the level of LoL toxicity in ranked.

Uhm, you can check the leaderboard to fact checks me. I am a well known player at “high tier”. Don’t need to type a thesis on the issue dude. I placed ~1500ish and I indeed get out of it within 3 games because I do not belong there. I belong at High Plat/Legendary where I will fluctuate depending on how well I contribute/carry my team.

Also, you only need 200 pts to get out of gold to plat. And I get 87 +79 and +64 on my 3 games out of plats then it sharply drop to +30-3 and +7 now so Yes the system is working. It’s not flawless but it is working. Also, I have to 1v2 and 1v3 on those 3 games while my duoQ partner support the bads in team fight. Just because you cant climb to top 20 doesn’t mean the system is not working.

I don’t give a kitten if I’m in the top 20 buddy, I don’t even care if I hit legendary. I also didn’t type a "thesis’. It’s exactly this type of crap above which is why I’m done with this game till the next expansion if I even bother to get that. If the system is working so great why are their so many threads about how bad it is? Ya of course some of it is QQ, but c’mon seriously? Just like past seasons where “everything is working fine” says the ppl who didn’t get the short end of the stick.

Whatever, I’m done with this game.

1) the only certainties in life are death, taxes, and people qqing in the forums about computer games.
2) half the people that play a match lose.

In reality the only thing people are upset about is a few people got lucky and got placed higher than they should have and it wasn’t them. However, the “lucky” few will likely enjoy several beat downs until they are in the proper location. Unless, they actually were good enough to hang and the system actually got it right.

How Anet can let you down easy

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

you can always stomp disorganized pugs in unranked if you “want to play with your friends”. That is the same reason why legendries in season 1 were queueing with ambers. Getting easy wins had nothing to do with it…

Anyone know why i'm getting 10 point wins?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The more sure of your placement the math is, the less it deviates. So if you lose you don’t suddenly drop 400 points because it knows sometimes you lose, and vice versa it knows sometimes you win.

Winning at 60% means you’re ALLLMOST at where you belong.

If you start winning more you’ll advance a lot faster but you won’t get more points. You’ll just defy the expectation of the MMR.

I agree the more you play the less the matches count, but from what I’ve seen, 50% will keep you around the average (1200). You will need to keep a positive win to loss ratio above 1200 once your MMR flattens out. The more you are deviating from the center point the harder it is going to be to get farther away from it.

I played two f2p accounts just to see how it behaved. One I placed low silver on and one I placed mid gold. The low silver one had a less than 1200 rating. When I had consecutive losses they would subtract less points each loss and the wins were more points than the losses. The gold account was the opposite. Once I got past 1200 on the silver account, the behavior switched. Losses were more points than wins.

PvP Needs a basic tutorial

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Something either mandatory or at the very least very heavily rewarded to at least run once. Rotations, when to cleave vs when to stomp, what “home” and “Far” are, map timings, etc.

People tend to zerg rush a point and don’t seem to understand that there’s more to pvp then deathmatch, even in Ranked.

I would agree. There are a lot of exceptions though. For example, people will get upset at others for not fighting on point, but a lot of ESL fights are off point for map control. Having someone in the community stream team scrimmage matches in hot join and comment on them would be awesome.

+9 for win, -15 for loss

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I have won matches 4v5 and with a feeder on my team. I am no where near a top tier player. If you are better than your pier group you will raise your ratings. Yes you will get some matches you can’t win, but with no cap on dropping levels the baddies will sink faster.

Oh, good to know that you can contradict yourself.

how did I contradict myself? If I can win matches with an afk or feeder a top tier player that got place at my level should be able to too.

+9 for win, -15 for loss

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

What I want to know is why my rating gain keeps dropping as my win streak continues.

I went from gaining 33 to 28 to 18 to now 16…still on that win streak – that’s not 4 games btw; that’s actually incremental drop I’ve noticed over the course of 10 game winstreak. What a joke!!!

As if my initial 10 games wasn’t kitten enough as is to put me in a far lower rating than I know I belong in, thanks to dcs and rage afkers/throwers.

You cannot use a simple win/loss to determine rating for a game like GW2. This isn’t a god kitten MOBA like DotA2 where you can carry people that are utter garbage or clearly throwing a game. Not to mention the balance team is still doing a horrific job – but that’s another story.

If you look at the math behind it:
1) The more matches you play, your (and others) volatility will go down. That means you will bump less with each win/loss.
2) If you are beating teams you should win against you will get less of a bump, and if you lose to teams you should beat you will get more of a bump down.
3) Odds are they are capping the number of players in the upper tiers, so as the season goes on, the total number of players ranked will be increasing. Many of the top tier players will have alt accounts so it will get harder and harder to advance as the player pool increases.

As for carrying, a top tier player can affect the outcome on two nodes by switching out once he has tipped the scales enough to help his team.

A ‘top tier player’ cannot win in the situation of a (or duo) rage feeder/afker/dcer after first skirmish. Stop trying to make up such a stupid argument that has no basis.

I have won matches 4v5 and with a feeder on my team. I am no where near a top tier player. If you are better than your pier group you will raise your ratings. Yes you will get some matches you can’t win, but with no cap on dropping levels the baddies will sink faster.

+9 for win, -15 for loss

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

What I want to know is why my rating gain keeps dropping as my win streak continues.

I went from gaining 33 to 28 to 18 to now 16…still on that win streak – that’s not 4 games btw; that’s actually incremental drop I’ve noticed over the course of 10 game winstreak. What a joke!!!

As if my initial 10 games wasn’t kitten enough as is to put me in a far lower rating than I know I belong in, thanks to dcs and rage afkers/throwers.

You cannot use a simple win/loss to determine rating for a game like GW2. This isn’t a god kitten MOBA like DotA2 where you can carry people that are utter garbage or clearly throwing a game. Not to mention the balance team is still doing a horrific job – but that’s another story.

If you look at the math behind it:
1) The more matches you play, your (and others) volatility will go down. That means you will bump less with each win/loss.
2) If you are beating teams you should win against you will get less of a bump, and if you lose to teams you should beat you will get more of a bump down.
3) Odds are they are capping the number of players in the upper tiers, so as the season goes on, the total number of players ranked will be increasing. Many of the top tier players will have alt accounts so it will get harder and harder to advance as the player pool increases.

As for carrying, a top tier player can affect the outcome on two nodes by switching out once he has tipped the scales enough to help his team.

cheating in season 5

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

thieves are the worst. some have jump/evade hacks too.

absurd penalty for disconnect

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

if you team can win with you afk or disconnected for 2+ minutes, you don’t deserve any points because you were being carried anyway. I’m all for harsh punishments for afkers and DC’ers.

Tier owner's thread

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

There seems to be a lot of griping about what tier someone is binned in. Perhaps we should have an owner’s thread for the tiers so you can see what game play at the different levels looks like. I’m sure there will be outliers at the beginning of the season, but I expect there to be an observable difference in game play at the different levels.

Less rating for each win

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

You will have some outlier matches every so often. Either you would play teams that you could easily smoke or you would play vs. better teams. Your performance in those matches will affect your MMR the most.

Not sure how true this is… I do believe this SHOULD be the case but from recent experience…

Versed someone roughly +200 rating above. Won = +19. Lost = -19.
Versed someone even rating. Won = +19. Loss = -19

Seems to be no difference no matter how many times you verse the outlier. The leaderboard is there, it’s easy to find people you verse (if not just asking them).

Did you look up the entire team you had vs theirs?

Congrats on the "matchmaking"

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Matches seem fine so far. You are going to get on win streaks and loss streaks. I think too many people want the most efficient way to farm rating and get frustrated because of it.

New scoring system

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Who likes the new scoring better? I thought it was a better representation of how people are performing. Would be interesting if you could see what your teammates got.

Less rating for each win

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

You will have some outlier matches every so often. Either you would play teams that you could easily smoke or you would play vs. better teams. Your performance in those matches will affect your MMR the most.

Spvp Noob Questions

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

If I am fighting for a non-claimed node 1v1 and it’s a stalemate should I leave it and join team to try and roll a fight or do I stay and keep it contested hoping my team can win an even fight?

Not sure what you mean by no claimed. No one has it or your team doesn’t’ have it.

If the other team owns it leave. They are just ticking points owning it and you can’t do anything to stop it.

If it is neutral not ticking points for anyone then, you are probably better off keeping it neutral as long as you aren’t a threat to die.

If your team owns it don’t leave.

Anything being done about Broken DH trapper?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I only played guardian a couple time to learn their skills. I’ve vs’d and won many times against multiple dh teams They are similar to warrior. They are a strong but selfish build. If you have decent team play, they can’t really do much to help sustain their team. That is why you don’t see the upper tier teams running them often.

ZERK Ranger PvP w/ MONSTER Kills

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

You fought vs terribile thieves in this video.

Ranger is pretty much a hard counter for a thief in a duel, really shouldn’t die to one unless you get +1d.

So what does it change?
He said that “enormous amounts” of people ask to him how to fight thieves with Rangers and as answer he posted a video where he stomp only terribile thieves (in unranked and with silly matchup, take a look on scores).
I mean, a thief that insted of run away and +1 somewhere else engage him again with 1/3hp and get rekct by mail without Dodge, a D/D that did nothing other random steals and so on…

I find it hard to believe that rangers in sPvP have issues with thieves. A warrior, rev, or mesmer would all be harder 1v1 matchups for a power ranger.

ZERK Ranger PvP w/ MONSTER Kills

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

You fought vs terribile thieves in this video.

Ranger is pretty much a hard counter for a thief in a duel, really shouldn’t die to one unless you get +1d.

What is this game's fetish with pets and AoE?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

There is not ‘too much’ aoe in this game at all. If you want to avoid area/cleave attacks then don’t stand on point, spread out, dodge. If you are dying to on point AOE/cleave then you deserved to die. There are many ways to counter AOE. In addition, AOE is useless outside of teamfights so if you find yourself dying a lot, force the other team into smaller fights where they will be less effective.

The only class that can truly spam AOE is the necro. No matter what anyone says, unless people run useless builds like staff ele, only necro spams AOE, which is one of the reasons why it is always the focus in teamfights other than the fact it has low active defences. It is also a bad class in 1v1 fights which is why it has lots of area attacks to make up for that weakness. Druids and eles can do a lot of AOE support, but that is necessary because single target support would be useless.

As for pets, I agree that they are a bit too strong right now, but all they need to be balanced is for pet stats to be affected by amulet choice. They would be absolutely fine then.

That’s not what this thread is about, it’s that there’s so much AoE that wherever you stand, you stand in AoE.
Excuse the language but it’s simply just a whole lot of clusterkittening in this game.

Pets I don’t care about them being strong, I just hate that I can target them, when it’s useless to kill them when you can kill the pet owner faster.

Great idea. It is annoying finding Mesmer’s in all those clones. While we are at it please fix targeting so it doesn’t drop a target when someone stealth’s.

Necro/Reaper is a joke!

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

When the whining got bad I tried the meta necro. I was literally hitting the wrong skills half the time, and still had great aoe pressure, and the fat health pool will keep you up. They are awesome for group fights. Yeah you can’t chain blocks and invunerables, and you can’t disengage, but you can really rek the other team and keep the pressure up while they attack you. I played solo queue in both ranked and unranked. If you have a support with half a brain (doesn’t heal you in shroud) they are amazing.

Population balance joke

in WvW

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Easiest fix would be to force all worlds to have no more than +5 players on any map. It would stop zerg map hopping and would fix imbalances in time zones. Over populated servers for a time slot would have long queues forcing people to swap to lower pop servers.

Get rid of Hot Join?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Im wondering if Anet should do this?

I recently was looking for a server to play on since i didnt want to wait in que for a match.

I ended up joining a PvP daily room where i got flamed for killing 2 people who were on the winning team.

This was my first time in a room like this and i thought this really defeated the purpose of PvP rewards and dailies.

I personally would be for this. Just like the PvP seasons, i want people who PvP to get the PvP rewards. A big reason why the people i played with left GW2 was the big patch some time ago where Anet made leveling easier for casuals. Not only did Anet made getting to level 80 in PvP easy now, it seems alot of people just go to daily PvP rooms and collect rewards.

I personally think HOT JOIN servers should turn into 1 vs 1 rooms where people can practice but dont get rewards to tracks or dailys from these rooms.

I dont know, it just be nice if Anet actually gave PvP back to the PvP community.

Only thing I can buy is eliminating dailys from it. Is is a great mode for practicing as a team as well as 1v1. You can set up the server so you can tweak your build on the fly, and observe others. Great tools to have for coaching 1v1 or group combat.

Are the devs doing anything about Macros?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Some people can type insane wpm. I’m sure there are plenty than can hit 5 buttons in a sequence quickly. If you put all your skills in a row of keys, i’m sure anyone can execute a spike rotation. Plus the Mesmer build needs a ground cast. If you are depending on snaps for your ground targets you aren’t going to do well at all in a scramble.

I know some power mesmers use macros. They usually use this setup.
1.) Full zerker, scholar runes, uses mantra. Setup that lets him deal the most burst dmg enough to 1 shot any class under 18000 HP.
2.) Instantly kills anything maybe not a warrior (because of defy pain auto cast)
3.) he uses teleport/invisibility so he can get away and recast his mantras and chooses next target.
4.) Repeats step 2 instantly kills anything maybe not a warrior.
5.) if countered, easily dies bec he/she doesn’t know how to play Mesmer but relies on a macro combo to kill.
6.) Bec his combo literally takes less than a second you would be dead before you can press ur stun break.

Nobody can perfectly execute all those moves in sequence in less than a second every -single – time without using macros.

Too many quitters

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Came back from a 200+ point deficit today. Yes there were some angry people in team chat, but they didn’t quit. Other team was at 430 and didn’t get past 450. Plz try comparing something that is relevant. Chess is not team based. In chess you are 1v1 and can get in a situation where you can kite indefinitely and not lose, but you have 0 chance of winning. If you quit you affect no one else but yourself.

In sPvP you are machining a decision for 4 other people on you team. Please respect the other people on your team and try your best for the time you have in the match. Quitters are losers.

In Chess, it’s a sign of good sportsmanship to extend the hand and recognize you are in an unwinnable position. It’s Déclassé to force a game to play out when a side has clearly won.

Sportsmanship really isn’t a prominent feature in GW2 pvp, sadly. If it were, I suspect we’d have a larger population.

May we get a Salt Finisher?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

How about Pouring salt on a slug/snail? xD

Are the devs doing anything about Macros?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

There are buffs/condis in the game that affect casting speed. Since macros are time sensitive, they won’t work right when your casting speeds are buffed/debuffed. Anyone that is using them will be handicapped.

Reasons to vote yes at the poll by Helseth

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

There already is a competitive format for organized teams that practice together. It is the ESL league. Forcing solo queue allows the matchmaker to make better decisions about people’s individual skill level. It is like a highshool/college team wanting to play as a team in a pickup/hat tournament.

The next step should be to publish people’s rank so people that want to create competitive guilds and teams can get people of their skill level.

Force chat during matches

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I pay more attention to the map pings than the chat. Most of the time the person in chat shouldn’t be giving advice.

Reasons to vote yes at the poll by Helseth

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

limiting it to solo or duo will allow the match maker to make a better assessment of skill based on wins and losses. People getting carried on teams is one reason there is a large skill gap in the higher divisions.

Any serious PvP team will be doing scrimmages in a private hotjoin vs. queuing for a long time to stomp a group of solo queue players.

pvp issue of extreme importance

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Killing the treb and running repair kits is the key part in any ESL match on Kyhlo…

PvP Druid needs balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

A message from the Skills Team:

One of the most notable changes being made is to the healing values of the Druid as a primary healer. Base values for the Celestial Avatar heals will be reduced, while the healing power contribution will be enhanced significantly. The reasoning for these changes is that while we are excited about the Druid being an incredibly strong healer, we would also like to see that role as one of many choices in your attribute build.

I’m thankful the Devs realize the problem with Druid healing. But even with the planned CA heal nerf, how does “healing power contribution” buff factor into the changes? Does that mean Druids who spec for healing will get even more benefits? Or will the healing be the same as previous base healing should a player spec into healing?

Considering the meta Druid runs +1050 healing power…

Extend Revenge of the capricorn please

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I have the title so the title doesn’t impact me personally, but the fallout from it does. People in unranked are either mad because they have to play the new map, or mad because the other one got selected so a large fraction of your matches are with people that are already half tilted.

They really need to have a separate beta test queue that only loads the map related to the current limited time achievement. It is a terrible idea to make a limited time achievement and then force people to play maps they don’t want to play because 1/3 the population (probably much more at the end of Capricorn) doesn’t want to play the new map.

PvP Druid needs balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Or maybe your just not playing solo que because obviously 5 vs 5 is different as with synced burst anything will die. I played solo que to legend so all my references are solo que based.

Maybe it is a skill gap issue. There are pretty big skill gaps in most divisions where the guy playing 500 matches is pitted against people that got to the same place in less than 100. There is no way a druid should be able to hold a point for a minute 3v1. Any class except thief should be able to consistently pressure a druid enough to decap a point 1v1.

Positive Message to Community+Game Developers

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

That is a bright blue deer.

Why can't ANET balance for 1v1?

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

The game is pretty balanced 1v1 with the exception of a few outliers. In most scenarios, skill can overcome, or build tweaks can make up for disadvantages. If you don’t agree, I can almost guarantee you’re not very good.

That being said you are always going to have a class that’s best at something and a class that’s the worst.

No its not even close to being balanced.

Every class should have a 50/50 chance vs every other class but that’s not the case. Too many hard counters in this game

If you know what you are up against, you can build for a 50/50 match up vs any class 1v1. However, the game is complex enough that you can’t have one build that guarantees you a 50/50 chance for every possible combination each of the nine classes can throw at you. You specked to survive against that high burst build, but now you may not have enough damage to kill the bunker. You need condi clear to fight the the condo bomber, but it is a wasted slot vs the power build.

any attempt to guarantee 50/50 will drive the game to less options and less build diversity, or more “brain dead” play because skills will have to do two things. Regardless one of the camps is going to be unhappy.

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

One more con to think of is if someone is running a sub optimal build for their class. All sorts of hate will be created.