Showing Posts For Gaile Gray:

Is Anet SJW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


“Wintersday” really? So we’ve come to the point of hating our own culture so much that we can’t even call it Christmas anymore just to appease some minorities who don’t celebrate it?

Everyone knows it’s Christmas, no one is forced to celebrate it.

And just what culture are “we,” exactly? I’ve met players from several dozen countries who hold as many values and beliefs as there are stars in the sky. We have players joining us from nations that are preponderantly of one religion, or many religions, or of no religion at all.

Wintersday takes place in the fantasy world of Tyria, ruled by absent gods numbering six. As your fellow players have pointed out, Wintersday is not Christmas, even while we have incorporated some traditional seasonal decorations from Christmas and from other winter holidays into the world.

So while I may choose to say — and it’s my right to choose — “Happy Holidays” to one friend, “Merry Christmas” to another, and “Happy Wintersday” to my fellow gamers — the real message is “I care about you.” And that message crosses all boundaries, faiths, and beliefs.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Personal Story reverted to not complete?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Post above is correct. I’ll post up more information soon.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Ardent Glorious Armor Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I wanted to post that this is all cleared up now. You might say that with this fix, “No nudes is good nudes” and you may proceed to purchase armor from our venerable (and suitably chastened) NPC.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Ardent Glorious Armor Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Update: I removed the thread that contained a couple of images of the problem. We’re sorry about the issue and appreciate the reports. We apologize for the removal of that thread, but given we could not simply excise the images, and because they might cause concern from some of those viewing the forums, it’s best to have the thread disappear. Thanks for understanding!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Ardent Glorious Armor Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Oh man I missed it. Did we have naked ppl running around?

The bare truth is that we had an art issue but we quickly got to the bottom of the matter and it’s now well behind us.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Ardent Glorious Armor Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Due to an art issue with the Ardent Glorious armor, the Ascended League Vendor has been temporarily disabled. The vendor will be available again as soon as the issue has been addressed.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Bug: Wintersday Instancing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Ah, I remember this bug from a previous year. Thanks for the heads up!

so do I. such fondness!

good to know it’s still around though

It’s nice that someone can look on an old bug with fondness. Thanks for sharing your holiday spirit!

I am just happy there is a work-around and that we can get where we need to get, even if it may take a few tries.

Am I the only one to not see the meta achievement?

Some old wintersday achis appeared already completed and no meta achievement.


I just asked about the meta achievement, and one of the devs said that there is no permanent achievement, but there is a daily achievement and a repeatable in the non-daily group that tracks how many daily metas you do.

Hope that helps!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Bug: Wintersday Instancing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hi everyone,

You may experience a bug where attempting to join a Wintersday activity may cause you to get kicked back to Divinity’s Reach with the error message “The world you are attempting to join is full. Please try to have your party member join you in your world. (Code=33:9:19:1761:101)”.

We are aware of this bug. We are in the process of trying to find a fix and will correct it as soon as we identify it.

You should be able to get into an activity by trying again until you are successful.

We appreciate your understanding.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

The Santa Charr Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Evga got in touch with me to ask me to lock this thread, since their cut-off date was December 7th.

Hope everyone had fun with the idea, and thanks again to Evga for the generous idea.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Upcoming Changes to Skills

in PvP

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


A message from the PvP Team:

Hey all,

We have a number of skill splits (and some global changes) that will be accompanying the launch of Season 5 next week. Read on to see what’s in store for December 13.

Over the past few releases the PvP team has been working closely with the Skills team to implement some PvP-only skill splits. Moving forward the PvP team will have more opportunity to make these skill splits as we see fit. It’s important to understand that skill splits should not change the core functionality of a skill. Players should be able to use a skill in PvE and have it do relatively the same thing in PvP, though it may be more or less effective depending on the game mode. This means that when we are looking to split out a skill, the changes are limited to the following areas:

  • Recharge
  • Damage multipliers
  • Healing multipliers
  • Number of conditions/boons applied
  • Duration of conditions/boons applied
  • Skill cost (energy and initiative)

A lot can be done with these knobs, but there still will be cases where we identify a problem skill or trait that we feel cannot be addressed without a functional change. In these cases, we are continuing to work closely with the Skills team to find a solution that makes the most sense as a global change.

Now on to the changes! Note that all changes listed are global changes except for those that are designated as “PvP only.”


  • New PvP Amulet: Deadshot Amulet: 1050 Precision, 1050 Condition Damage, 560 Vitality, 560 Expertise
    • This amulet should be a viable choice for lower-HP precision proc-based condition classes, such as condition engineer and condition ranger. It provides strong offense, with some defense through vitality.
  • New PvP-only Rune: Rune of the Lynx: +175 power, +100 Condition Damage, +25% Movement Speed
    • We’re looking to add a viable damage-oriented movement speed rune to help professions with minimal access to in-combat movement speed or swiftness. This may impact match pacing, so we’re going to keep a close eye on it.


Support elementalist has long reigned supreme, but we’d like to see elementalist bring a bit more damage to the table. To start, we’re looking at giving scepter some stronger sustained damage to fill the gaps between their burst combos. The changes to Final Shielding are more QoL in nature, but should give the elementalist slightly better survivability when pressured in 1-on-1 scenarios. The greatest buff to the elementalist’s survivability will come as a result of reductions to other professions.

  • Arc Lightning: The damage of this ability has been increased by 25% in PvP only.
  • Arcane Shield: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 60 to 40 seconds in PvP only.
  • Final Shielding: The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 75 to 60 seconds The health threshold for activating Arcane Shield has been increased from 25% to 50%.
  • Glyph of Elemental Harmony: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 25 to 20 in PvP only.


We’ve been making some gradual changes to pistol and rifle, hoping to bring them a bit more in line with hammer. As for Jump Shot, it’s difficult to land both the first and second attacks consistently unless you’re cleaving a downed player. To address this, we’ve moved some of the initial damage to the end of the attack, making it easier to spike. The total damage done by the skill will be the same.

  • Blunderbuss: The damage of this ability has been increased by 10% at all range thresholds in PvP only.
  • Jump Shot: The damage of the initial jump has been reduced by 56%. The damage of the landing has been increased by 28%


We’d like to give the guardian some core buffs to encourage non-elite spec play, ideally pushing them towards a potential support role. As for Dragonhunter, we’re seeing a disproportionate amount of play across all skill levels. We’re mostly happy with their damage output, and have decided to instead shave some of their utility.

  • Piercing Light: This trait no longer causes traps to daze enemies and will instead inflict the Slow condition on enemies for 1.5 seconds on the initial ‘trigger’ of a trap.
  • Virtue of Justice: Increased the Burning duration of the passive effect from 2 to 4 seconds in PvP only. Increased the amount of burning of the active effect from 1 to 3 stacks in PvP only.
  • Virtue of Resolve: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 45 to 30 in PvP only. The healing contribution of this ability has been increased by 87% in PvP only.
  • Virtue of Courage: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 60 to 40 seconds in PvP only.
  • Shield of Courage: Fixed a bug that allowed this ability to grant benefits without going on recharge.
  • Detonate Orb of Light: The healing contribution of this ability has been increased by 67%.
  • Line of Warding: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 40 to 30 seconds in PvP only.
  • Signet of Courage: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 180 to 120 seconds in PvP only.


Mesmer has been on our radar for a while now, but it’s a delicate situation. We’re going to keep the change list small for this update, focusing mostly on sustain, and reassess the situation mid-season.

  • Echo of Memory: The cooldown of this ability has been increased from 30 to 35 seconds in PvP only.
  • Restorative Illusions: The healing contribution of this trait has been increased by 285% in PvP only. The base healing modifiers for this trait have been adjusted as follows:
    • 0 Illusions shattered: Base healing modifier reduced by 62% in PvP only.
    • 1 Illusion shattered: Base healing modifier reduced by 50% in PvP only.
    • 2 Illusions shattered: Base healing modifier reduced by 42% in PvP only.
    • 3 Illusions shattered: Base healing modifier reduced by 36% in PvP only.


Revenant is in an interesting place in PvP. It’s undoubtedly one of the more difficult professions to play, but when mastered it is devastating on the battlefield. We’re going to bring some elements of the main power build down slightly, while attempting to address the lack of stun-break in the standard Mallyx condition build.

  • Surge of the Mists: The damage of this ability has been reduced by 50% in PvP only.
  • Precision Strike: The damage of this ability has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.
  • Warding Rift: The cooldown of this ability has been increased from 12 to 15 seconds in PvP only.
  • Debilitating Slam: The energy cost of this ability has been reduced from 15 to 10.
  • Pain Absorption: This ability now breaks stun.


Thief has two very strong options between the dagger/pistol and staff builds. We’re putting in two small changes in this release that might open up additional options for pistol main-hand and sword builds. Sword already does top-tier damage between its auto-attack chain and various 3 skills – the changes to Infiltrator’s Strike should help make that damage land more consistently. The change to Shadow Strike should hopefully give a bit more punch to some off-meta condition builds.

  • Infiltrator’s Strike: The range of this ability has been increased from 600 to 900 in PvP only. Immobilize duration has been increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds in PvP only.
  • Shadow Strike: Increased the amount of Torment applied by this ability from 2 to 4 stacks in PvP only.
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

The Santa Charr Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I have attempted to split out two threads about Wintersday. I will now clean up both threads to remove the oh-so-frequent complaints about the erroneous merging.

I’d like to remind everyone that the people who moderate this forum are human beings, and human beings can make mistakes. Having a dozen and more people complain about it is unnecessary and unkind. In the future, if there’s an error, please PM me — and post that you have done so, so that others don’t flood my inbox, as the thread was flooded with unnecessary chatter.


Having said the above, as explanation for the changing nature of the threads/thread/threads, I want to congratulate Evga on such a nice idea, and thank them for being so kind.

We have apologized directly for the mis-merge, as well.

Thank you so much for clearing this up Gaile Gray. I will keep that in mind if a mis-merge like that happens again. Thank you again.

You’re kind to be so understanding, and I thank you for that.

Again, I love that you’re doing this, and I know it’ll be fun for all involved. <3 !

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Wintersday Timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Please let us have Wintersday as soon as possible and let it last a while. When the weather dips below -20 F and you are stuck in your house because of blizzards it’s nice to do the wintersday day stuff while drinking hot cocoa and listening to a crackling fire in chimney. Get me through the winter please when it gets closer oh great anet gods.

You’ve painted a very pretty seasonal picture there, aandiarie.

Keep warm now!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

The Santa Charr Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I personally can’t wait for the event, it’s my favorite one. Anyway I’m making a list and checking it twice. As of right now I have four fellow GW2 players that are going to get stuff. However, NO ONE is getting ANYTHING from the GEM store. It’s going to be all in game items. I already have a set of stuff I’m going to give out during the event.

Who can take part of the set stuff I’m giving out?
That’s easy anyone that plays GW2 this also includes ArenaNet staff.

How can I get on the naughty or nice list?
That’s also easy leave a naughty or nice comment on this thread.

Everyone will get stuff from me during the Wintersday Event and it might take until the end of Wintersday to get stuff from me. The naughty and nice list will vary on the set stuff I’m giving out.

Please be patient with me; if you can’t you’ll get put on the naughty list.

You can make a wish list if you like. But you may or may not get.

From your Santa Charr that looks like a Reindeer in a way.

I want to congratulate Evga on such a nice idea, and thank them for being so kind. It sounds like a ton of fun (and a bit of work for Evga). Thanks for doing this!!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

The Santa Charr Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I have attempted to split out two threads about Wintersday. I will now clean up both threads to remove the oh-so-frequent complaints about the erroneous merging. I have apologized on the team’s behalf directly to Evga for the mis-merge, as well.

I’d like to remind everyone that the people who moderate this forum are human beings, and human beings can make mistakes. Having a dozen and more people complain about it is unnecessary and unkind. In the future, if there’s an error, please PM me — and post that you have done so, so that others don’t flood my inbox, as the thread was flooded with unnecessary chatter.


Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Wintersday Timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


You’ll be happy to know that you will get both the opening and end date for the Wintersday Festival. I agree with everyone who expressed opinions in the past that it’s very helpful to know the extent of a festival, and it’s my belief we’ll be more forthcoming about end dates in the future.

We appear to have only got the start date. No end date on the News blog that I could see.

Yes, which was not what I expected. However, the news it out there through the MMORPG article, and both dates will appear, I believe, on the release page which goes up the date the festival starts.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Last Call: Wintersday Art

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Was playing around with my guild in WvW keep and ported a bunch of golems into a tree with mesmer. I was pretty sure the count was 13 but not certain.

That looks great! Golem Winterdays lights! <3

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Wintersday Timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I absolutely don’t get the radio silence we get on upcoming events, specifically holiday events. The harm in giving us start and end dates in advance is … ?

…. if they are delayed, due to technical issues or other causes, players can feel concern, even get upset. We prefer to give you dates in a reasonable timeframe but with minimal “risk,” as the saying goes.

You’ll be happy to know that you will get both the opening and end date for the Wintersday Festival. I agree with everyone who expressed opinions in the past that it’s very helpful to know the extent of a festival, and it’s my belief we’ll be more forthcoming about end dates in the future.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Aurene plushie?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hi mads. It’s funny you should ask, I was just writing a post about our new partnership with WeLoveFine, and with the opportunity that it gives our players to create merchandise. It seems to me if a fan creates a cool plushie, our new partner WeLoveFine may consider making it.

Looking at the Fan Forge page, I’d suggest that anyone offering items that don’t fall into the normal categories, such as hats or t-shirts, might enter their submissions in the “Accessories” section. This is a new partnership, but we believe WeLoveFine will be happy to look for entries there. If they get back to us with another suggestion about where to submit entries that don’t easily fall into the established categories, I’ll update to let everyone know.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’d dearly love to see an Aurene plushie myself!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Exciting Opportunity for GW2 Fan Artists!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


You should read today’s blog post if you’d like to join in the new Fan Forge project we have kicked off with our partner, WeLoveFine. The article outlines an opportunity for you to be considered as a possible creative source for Guild Wars 2 merchandise. And if your work is selected, you would earn a commission on each item sold, too!

Not an artist? No worries! Visit the Fan Forge to vote on items you’d like to see.

We’re super happy about this new program, and hope to see a lot of cool new items on offer in the future!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Wintersday Timing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey there,

We appreciate your Wintersday spirit! Information on the festival will be coming in the near future. In the meantime, don’t forget our hopes that you will share your arts and crafts on our Creative Corner forums, or on our Tumblr page! We love seeing your creations, your GW2 decorations, and anything you’d like to share. (On Tumblr, please use #GW2FanSubmission as your tag.)

Happy Wintersday… soon™.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

About Forums

in API Development

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Ahh, actually… this forum software was built for us by a company called Fangamer, back in 2012. It was customized for us, of course, and contains may singular features. However, the core was built on software that their company created and that one of our developers spotted in searching for a system for us to use.

Of course, our working with a smaller company did have its drawbacks, one of them the fact that we’re not able to make improvements to our current forums, for a variety of reasons including the code used to create it, the fact they no longer have team members working on forums, etc. Features that we’d like to have — even basics like a working search engine — are outside our reach. On the other hand, some features on this system are superior to systems used on other forums on which I’ve worked, so it’s sort of a “win some / lose some” situation.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Art stuffs

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Wow, the last one is great! Looks like a creator-god or mighty angelic related to the human deities of Tyria. What did you imagine when painting it?
Best regards

I agree, Benjamin! I wondered the same — that image is great. Stained glass, wings, noble expression, gleaming weapon…

Setius — we want to know about this guy! (Oh, and is this a watercolor?)

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Art stuffs

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


These are all wonderful, Setius! Thank you for sharing them!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Last Call: Wintersday Art

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Ah yes, I remember now. I had a team member review and she noted that the video includes copyright properties (music) so while we can allow it on the forums, I cannot feature it on the show.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

DPS meter in game would be a "God Send"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey guys,

We have a lot of tools that we use in the development of the game, but not all of them are available or supportable in the live game. Adding tools to the game that would require continual updating and maintenance would not be the best focus for the team. So while we’re aware that some players would like to see an official DPS meter — and clearly the community is divided on this topic — you should be aware that the team does not intend to add one to the game.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Last Call: Wintersday Art

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Did you post that before? I think it’s the first time I’ve seen it!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Community Showcase Live Archives

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


November/“Norn-vember” 2016 Episode:

Guest: Matt Tate, Animator – ArenaNet

Here are the featured artists from this month’s show:

  • Michael Hester
  • LegendForce
  • charrbeque
  • Mis Blogs
  • BenjaminK
  • Meiko-san
  • Vargorm
  • Grise
  • Smoogle
  • Exillus Worlds
  • Elianaofshiverpeaks
  • Ikoos
  • Cornish Rose
  • Rivendown
  • Erlie
  • Adalheiart
  • Tons of Chex Mix
  • 404 Error Hipster Not Found
  • Teulius
  • Manlima Cosplay
  • Zachary Hiltz
  • Mostly Ignored
  • Zen 81
  • Bakakebab
  • Splintered Shard
  • Heria Wartel
  • ViDi
  • Frikineitor143
  • lyraheart-art
  • arkatrine
  • poropuffs
  • Warlicia

Major shout out to all the talented artists who contributed to the show, as well as those who joined us during its presentation. It was super fun to chat with you! Special thanks to our guest Matt Tate, another long-time coworker and friend.

As always, please keep in mind that we select art from any period in time on the forums or Tumblr, not just recent weeks. For the Wintersday show, I found some great art from 2014 and maybe even earlier! So never hesitate to share things, even if they are “off season.”

For instance, some of the art for next year’s Halloween show will be chosen from this year’s shared art; many of the Wintersday pieces that are submitted this December will be used next year, especially since the holidays prompt us to select art very early in the month.

If you share here, great! Sharing on the forums means you have given us permission to feature the art. If you’re sharing on Tumblr, please always use the hashtag “#GW2 Fan Submission” to ensure we can showcase your art!

Next Show: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 — Noon Pacific Time

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

2v1 against my server

in WvW

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


This post has run its course — if it had one — and is now closed.

Please note that we do not allow Glicko reset requests, and we do not allow posts asking for the opening of a specific server. Rule explained here.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(music)Happy Wintersday from Catalyst!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


This is great! Be forewarned, though: You might want to start with your headphones on low.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Some Wintersday song parodies

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I just found these and they are super cute!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

[Fanart] Wintersday Warrior

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Thanks for the feedback

I didn’t had much time during the Holidays so here is a late update.
After a bit experimenting with color this is my progress so far.

Schlaya — I remembered this image from last year. Does she have a name? I’m thinking Human, but can you confirm profession?

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Last Call: Wintersday Art

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I’m looking for drawings, paintings, videos, music… any number of nice pieces of art for our Wintersday 2016 Community Showcase Live. If you’ve created something, please do share.

If you are working on something now, no worries. I choose from previous year’s offerings, so share and we’ll consider it for the 2017 show!


Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Braham portrait

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


This is really good.

As far as CSL: I am going to save some Norn images for another month’s, because the Nornvember edition, which airs tomorrow (11/30) features a lot from that neck of the woods and we’re moving into Wintersday gathering right now.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Peacemaker's Experiment

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Super nice! I said “Whoa” out loud. Tell me about the dual weapons!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

[FanArt] Dragon Slayers

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I really like this! What can you tell me about the characters?

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


This topic was started two and a half years ago and the changes involved were explained at the time, refunds were given, facilitation of the change process was implemented, and so forth. While I appreciate the opinions expressed, rehashing old topics with the hopes of having the development team take significant steps backwards simply is not reasonable.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Forum Maintenance Scheduled November 29, 2016

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


This maintenance has been completed. The forums may be a bit slow to load in the next hour or so, but everything should be back to normal.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Fanart: Nornvember

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


That is lovely! We selected Nornvember art before this was submitted, but I will keep it in mind for future shows. Even if we focused on Norns this month, we’re always looking for good art representing all the races!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

CSL: Wednesday, November 30 -- Noon Pacific!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey all,

I normally don’t make quite so many posts about the upcoming edition of Community Showcase Live, but we’re having some technical issues with the website and we haven’t been able to make the usual website blog post.


Please join us at on Wednesday, November 30 at Noon Pacific time! It’s Nornvember!!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Forum Maintenance Scheduled November 29, 2016

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


We will be performing forum maintenance on Tuesday, November 29, between approximately 9:00 AM and Noon Pacific time (-8 UTC). The forums will be inaccessible during an approximately 90-minute period within this block of time.

Thank you for understanding.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Ok, I have a suggestion. While the team is investigating the fix for this, you should do the following: After you have completed the story, if you wish to resume the achievements, be sure to select “Continue this chapter” and not “Restart this episode.” If you do the latter, there is a high probability the Grawl Firestone will not be displayed in the vendor window. But if you continue, you should be able to acquire it.

Hope this helps!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


ive completed the story and am currently on my second time through, the heart no longer has the grawl firestone for sale for me, and I can no longer loot the suet. Ive already submitted a bug report ingame, so now im just playing the waiting game.

Are you going through with the same character, or a different one?

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


EDITED: QA responded to my e-mail to say that they are aware of the issue and now have replicated it. I may have some advice on how to avoid this, which I’ll share after I verify it.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Bundle of winterberries bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey everyone,

We just got a note from Customer Support, and all the karma that was lost from the bug has been refunded. You will find your karma in an in-game mail!

Thanks for bearing with us as we got this one addressed.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

ArenaNet Survey: Week of November 23, 2016

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager



We received a couple of tickets from Guild Wars 2 account holders asking about a survey e-mail they received. It’s great that they checked with us, and we admire their attention to security!

Yes, ArenaNet is conducting a survey this week. We’ve partnered with C+R Research, and they are e-mailing the survey on our behalf to a modest number of players. Because the number if small, the chances are that you will not receive the e-mail with the survey. However, we wanted to post about it in case you did or do receive such a mail, so you would know it’s a legitimate process.

One note: As always, we recommend (and in fact the e-mail suggests) that you copy and paste a URL into your browser, rather than clicking an embedded link in an e-mail. Sometimes fraudulent people and organizations display a “link” but in fact what you see is not where you go. By copying and pasting, you know exactly where you are heading on the ’Net.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Disconnects and roll backs..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


We just updated the game. Please let us know if you continue to have isssues, but several crash issues were resolved with the patch, and we’re hoping your experience will greatly improve now.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Issues with Grawl Firestone, Suet [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Thank you for these reports, btw.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Disconnect error & rewards deleted

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Hey there,

The devs are working on a hotfix that should roll out today. You certainly can contact Customer Support if you find that something is missing, but we’ve found that nearly all accounts return to their proper status — items, achievements, etc., restored — by waiting for a little while after a crash or disconnect. If you find after a few hours that you still are missing something, do submit a ticket.

In the meantime, we hope to reduce the issues today.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

NPC Temporarily Disabled November 21, 2016

in News and Announcements

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


We’ve temporarily disabled the NPC Koollan the Little Builder to fix a server crash. We’ll update this thread when the problem has been fixed and the NPC has been re-enabled.

This NPC has been re-enabled. Thank you for your patience.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Game Update Notes - November 21, 2016

in Game Release Notes

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a server crash.
  • A dropped kodan torch may now only be picked up by its owner.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Karmic Retribution from being correctly applied when entering Bitterfrost Frontier.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Endless Kodan Tonic to not correctly animate in several situations.
  • Guardian—Shield of Courage: Fixed a bug that allowed the user to gain certain benefits without the ability going on full cooldown.
  • Thief—Staff Master: Fixed a bug that allowed this trait to grant endurance without paying the initiative cost.
  • Debilitating Arc: Fixed a bug that allowed the user to gain evasion without paying the initiative cost.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Sensor Tracking skill to not work correctly in Southsun Cove.
  • Prevented Cold Resistance from working outside of Bitterfrost Frontier to avoid disrupting other game types.
  • Precocious Aurene—Training for Battle: Fixed an issue that could cause Aurene to drop out of combat and become unresponsive, and fixed an issue that could cause Aurene to fail to appear in that area at all.
  • The Winterberry Bush home instance node is now available to purchase for players who had previously purchased the Bloodstone node.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from looting winterberries after a task region has been completed.
  • Added water to Loyalty and Friendship for a more hospitable incubation.
  • Fixed a bug in which certain fractal scales were rewarding incorrect daily achievements.
  • Fixed a bug in the Nightmare Fractal where attacks that damaged for flat health percentages were reflectable for flat health percentages.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Exalted Portal Stone could be used by players in combat and by players who were downed.
  • Bundles of winterberries no longer allow players to attempt to purchase more than one at a time.
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)