Showing Posts For Geiir.7603:

SIck of thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Well known sPvPer that still have trouble with thieves?! Never heard of you though, except for some forum rant (and now this golden post)…

So thieves run 6/6/6/6/6?! Wow man. Just play a thief and you’ll see how “op” we are.

Melder – Thief

[PvP] Guide for (new) Thiefs in Ranked Arenas

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Every thief should watch this video before venturing into the mists! Great job man!

Melder – Thief

Help on courtyard ?

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


P/D cheese has worked wonders for me when I’m feeling lazy. Venom share or just normal p/d, doesn’t really matter. Both of them are deadly and able to survive forever.

But I’m usually staying with D/P or S/D for the challenge.

Melder – Thief

12/2/14 PvP Update

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Did you guys even read the post and matchmaking changes?

The new system will try to match you with people of the same rating and team size. As of now, the leaderboards have been reset – which mean that you will be queued with anyone. That be completely new PvP players to seasoned vets from the pro teams. Give the new system some time to settle. It’ll probably take a month until it have gathered enough data to match people accordingly. You probably won’t reach “your” rank until you’ve played about 150 matches.

I for one love the new system!

The old system matched me perfectly against other solo players. I’m all for the new rank system, just not against premade teams. Its not a matter of the system will “try” to match me with solo players.. it shouldn’t be an option for it not to. I am a solo player, not a premade team player its not fair that i would EVER have to face a premade team.

Give them some time man. They completely reworked the back-end of PvP, so things won’t work perfectly until they squish some bugs. Hopefully they’ll get them soon.

Melder – Thief

This matchmaking - What a disaster.

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Are you playing in Ranked or Unranked? Unranked has a new MMR, so the matches could be unfair until your rating adjusts. We’re looking into copying previous Team Arena MMR into Unranked as well which should aleviate this.

This. People don’t get that you guys reset mmr with this patch….

As of now people may be queued with new players or seasoned vets. People just need to get that and understand that their ranking probably won’t settle before they have played quite a few games.

Btw; thanks for the awesome update!

Melder – Thief

12/2/14 PvP Update

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Did you guys even read the post and matchmaking changes?

The new system will try to match you with people of the same rating and team size. As of now, the leaderboards have been reset – which mean that you will be queued with anyone. That be completely new PvP players to seasoned vets from the pro teams. Give the new system some time to settle. It’ll probably take a month until it have gathered enough data to match people accordingly. You probably won’t reach “your” rank until you’ve played about 150 matches.

I for one love the new system!

Melder – Thief

do u all want more PvE players in sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


When the new matchmaking system goes live there won’t be a problem where newer players get matched with seasoned players – so yes, they are very welcome!

I was once one of these PvE players that didn’t know my way around PvP. I went to the mists just to try it out. Got trash talked so bad by some elitist brat that I left PvP for over a year. I later returned and boy I loved it! From that day on I rarely touch PvE. PvP is my new home, and I would love to see it grow – and the only way to do that is to bring more PvE players to the mists!

As for rewards: I think they’re fine as is. We could see more titles rewarded to season champions (when leagues arrive) and more PvP specific skins.

Melder – Thief

Profession Swapping In New System?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


This is great! So this mean that you can’t swap professions after you have queued because you’ll then leave the PvP lobby, hence drop out of the queue.

Love it! Thanks Justin!

Melder – Thief

Get hyped lads. This could be the one.

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Amazing update! Can’t wait until this go live!

Thanks for listening to the community!

Melder – Thief

Thief tpvp/Hotjoin build...

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Critical Strikes is a thief slayer imo. Executioner and a lucky haste proc is usually and insta down compared to panic strike ^^ PS have far more survivability though.

Melder – Thief

Good thing about thief nerfs....

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


During weekends I see a lot of thieves, on weekdays I am usually the only one though!

Had a match yesterday with 5 thieves vs 4 thieves and a guardian. Felt like we played hide and seek. :p

Melder – Thief

[tPvP] Critical Strikes vs Deadly Arts

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Hi all!

I got a question regarding Dagger/Pistol builds – which one do you think is the strongest, and why? Do you think they serve different roles or should be used in different situations? What runes/sigils are you running and why?

So here are the builds:

Deadly Arts: 6/0/2/0/6
Good condition removal, long immobilize, good burst, free stealth at 25% hp, Improvisation and trickery.

Critical Strikes: 2/6/0/0/6
Very good burst, access to Haste, a bit more health, trickery.

I run Critical Strikes most of the time. I feel it has its place in soloq where there are little organized play and you’ll usually roam between fights and gank people at 50% health. What this build lack are condition removal. There’s none really… What it do offer is insanely good low health burst. Well timed I can almost one shot a mesmer (heartseeker -> backstab -> steal + fire and air proc) or any other squishy profession. I run with Ogre runes and fire + air sigils.

I feel like Deadly Arts are more team oriented. Getting immobilized at 50% health and focused in a team fight is usually the end for most professions. This do require teamwork and focus targeting. Improvisation is one of the main reasons I choose this build from time to time. It is one of the strongest traits in the game imo. I sometimes choose revealed training over panic strike when in soloq because of the extra damage boost while revealed (which is quite noticable). What I don’t like is the loss of presicion… Haven’t played too much around with this build, which is why I am bringing this up here.

So what are the community’s thoughts?

Melder – Thief

S/d, D/p or d/d theif

in WvW

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Try the sPvP d/p meta in WvW. Hard mode for sure, but fun as hell when you pull it off (plus very good practice)!

On topic though:

  • Dagger/Dagger: More burst than with pistol off-hand, but harder to gain stealth unless you are good at landing Cloak and Dagger.
  • Dagger/Pistol: Blinds, lots of them too! Good burst, very good survivability and the king of trolling! This is also the king of dueling because of the on-demand stealth, interrupt, gap closers and hard hitting attacks.
  • Sword/Dagger: Less burst, lots of sustain. Good for dueling, especially in outnumbered situations. All the evades can be really annoying to fight, so prepare for a lot of QQ – but that applies to almost every thief build. :p

I am playing D/P in PvP and WvW – same build in both game modes. It is a lot of fun, but very unforgiving.

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)

Tips for a returning Player

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Carpboy explained it perfectly!

My best tip: learn to love the shortbow! I use like 90% of the time. I only swap to d/p to burst or duel (after poison and weakness is applied).

2/6/0/0/6 has more burst potential while 6/0/2/0/6 has more survivability and a nice debuff from 3 in deadly arts. I use both, it all depends on the enemy comp. Lots of conditions? Panic strike build. Lots of squishies? Executioner build.

Melder – Thief

New To Thief need help with builds and tips

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Since the OP is in a position similar to mine, I’ll kidnap this topic a bit.

I’m also new to thief and I want to start doing PvP exclusively, last night I tested a d/p build but I found out that with my ping (~300ms) I can’t do most of the teleport combos like heartseeker -> stealth for example, when I do that I end going somewhere and get lost completely.

So, can you guys suggest a more forgiving build, for example, I played d/d ele and shatter mesmer and it was fine, hopefully OP can enjoy such build too.

Thief is in general very unforgiving, so having high ping might make it difficult. S/P or S/D may be the best bet due to the extra survivability.

Melder – Thief

[TCG vs MiM] Sizer vs Red Levon

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


let’s make something clear here, d/p doesn’t counter s/d and s/d doesn’t counter d/p. both sets have plenty of ways to handle each other but neither set has a definitive mechanic that puts them clear above the other. put two players of equal skill against each other with one playing d/p and the other s/d, and the results will be very inconsistent both ways.

Dp has a clear advantage in a duel setting. It has access to more stealth making easier for dp to get the first strike. When its a battle between squishies thats very important. Dp also has more burst and headshot/black powder are the icing on the cake.

I sort of disagree. S/D usually has Withdraw which is an instant heal and can’t be interrupted. So Headshot isn’t that strong against that set. But D/P offers a ton of blinds, stealth on demand and higher burst.

I think both sets are really good, but they serve two completely different roles in PvP – which both Sizer and Red Levin performed excellently at!

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)

the Toxicity is op

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I think one of the biggest reasons sPvP population are so low, is because of the bm players throw around. It isn’t exactly fun to get spammed with crap all day long just because you’re new to PvP. And this again has its roots in the match making system. When better players get matched with new players they get angry because they are getting their score drawn down – which is never fun.

What I tend to do is to whisper these players and offer my help after the match. I then take them into a custom arena and show them around and explain the basics and more. This is what keep them coming back. ANet need to get a better match making system and a way better tutorial area. People should understand the basics of conquest before they enter soloq, and hot join us not the place to learn…

But I don’t want name plates removed. I love it when people shiver at the sight of my name and character model! It is part of getting glory amongst other players if you are truly good. Every time I get queued with one of the top players I know I am going to have a great game – which is part of the fun for me.

Oh, and btw; every time I see someone raging on me or in map chat from the opposing team I smile and know that we are going to win the match, simply because they are more interested in writing than playing.

Melder – Thief

The zerg is real...

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Numbers wins a fight. Fights do not necessarily win a game.

In hotjoin you can have a zerg train because there is not initial momentum by capturing points.
In arenas people are generally (not always though) aware that if a group of enemies stacks together they are exposing 2 points at least. So they are losing big time.

Conquest maps have an almost perfect balance when played 5v5.

This. Every time I’m playing soloq and I see 4 or more people engaging me alone at home I just shadow refuge (they will wait on my home point until they are sure I am gone) and just move on to another point. Those matches are usually an easy win for the team that is not zerging.

Melder – Thief

[EU] - Forming New Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Thief here! I’ll send you a pm here.

Melder – Thief

Steal is too strong (needs adjustments)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Geiir.7603


If someone predicts it and evade at the right moment (or just a random evade) we just wasted one of our strongest skills on nothing.

No, missing steal outside of a terrain bug or other type of bug is a l2P issue, and completely the fault of the thief.

Did I say otherwise? I am talking about adding more counter play to Steal, which I think isn’t needed…

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)

Steal is too strong (needs adjustments)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Requiring a Line of Sight would fix much of the QQ. But I don’t understand what you are complaining about? You invest almost all traits into one skill – don’t you think that skill should be good then? If someone predicts it and evade at the right moment (or just a random evade) we just wasted one of our strongest skills on nothing. It is in general a weak skill, but when heavily traited it is strong.

Melder – Thief

[PvX][Thief] Shadow Arts

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Geiir.7603


If you were to change these traits, 90% of bad WvW thieves who are carried by these would flood the forums with tears.

Exactly! But I think it is wrong that bad players can just reset and return until the better player eventually makes a mistake and end up dying. Shadow Arts are extremely powerful in WvW, over the top I would say. But in PvP it is never used for that reason. If these changes were to go through it would give the thief access to more condition removal and sustain – which could lead to SA being viable in tPvP.

Melder – Thief

[PvX][Thief] Shadow Arts

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Hi all!

So, I was scrolling through the thief forums and found a post where someone wanted to delete Shadow Arts from the game… We all know that SA is a highly defensive trait line that focuses on buffing stealth. In WvW this prove to be extremely powerful, while in sPvP and PvE it is close to useless. Then all of a sudden someone posted a good an sensible suggestion in that thread on how to fix SA! This fix wouldn’t just make it viable in sPvP (what?!), it would take away a lot of the cheesy use of SA and actually force all stealth builds that use it to play more offensive and be more active to gain the benefits from this line.

Thanks to evilapprentice for making this excellent suggestion.

Shadows Embrace
Changed from “Remove one condition when you enter stealth” to “Remove one condition when you gain Revealed”.

Shadows Rejuvenation
Changed to heal for a small amount (or removed totally while stealthed) to heal for a greater amount while revealed.

These two changes alone would fix a lot imo!


Melder – Thief

Shadow arts needs to be removed

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Shadow arts does not need to be removed.

What it does need is to have it’s shift focused from “Sit in stealth for benefits” to “Engage in combat for benefits”.

At the moment, many of the most used SA traits give alot of incentive to sit in stealth for their benefits, regardless whether or not the current situation calls for sitting in stealth. That needs to change, and can be done easily.

Shadow’s Embrace – changed to “Remove 1 condition when you enter stealth. Remove 1 condition when you gain revealed.” Now an SA thief will mitigate conditions by staying in combat and weaving in and out of stealth, not by jumping into stealth and just sitting there.

Patience – I’ll be honest, I don’t have a great suggestion for this one, but it also need to change, partly because it incentivizes sitting in stealth, and partially because it’s buttkitten useless and nobody runs it. Perhaps something along the lines of “All CD’s tick 20% faster while revealed”, or something of the like.

Shadow Rejuvenation – changed to “Heal X when you enter stealth. Heal Y health per second while revealed”. Again, now a thief is healing by weaving in and out of stealth and fighting his opponent instead of by just sitting in stealth doing nothing. X and Y will obviously need to be playtested, since being healed while revealed is more powerful than healing while in stealth.

Resilience of shadow – changed to “Stealth effects you apply reduce incoming damage (30%). When you (and only you, not others) are revealed, reduce incoming damage by 15%.”

There you go – you now how an SA tree that’s useful in PvP and not annoying in WvW.

Finally someone with some sense! This would definitely shift the style from defensive to offensive and more active and fun. Love the ideas. You should post these in the balance suggestions forums, or I’ll do it for you :p

Edit: posted it here.

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)

Shadow arts needs to be removed

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Shadow Arts is not optimal for PvP, and most thieves ignore that trait line because they can’t burst as good as other builds then. The new 6/0/2/0/6 build utilizes the two points in shadow arts to get a condition cleanse and is one of the few builds that actually enjoy Last Refuge.

Saying that an entire defensive trait line should be deleted because you hate it is ignorant. It has it uses, especially in WvW. It is great for new and aspiring thieves since it is more forgiving. As players get better they usually move away from SA to get more burst and learn to survive in other ways. I agree that it isn’t optimal for PvP, but that doesn’t make it useless…

Melder – Thief

charr thief ?

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I’ve met a few great charr thieves in my day, and while it’s true that larger models ‘telegraph’ their moves,, it’s not really much of a disadvantage.

The main reason for that is, other than the asura player who purposefully chooses the smallest model in order to exploit the animation/tell system, we’re all basically in the same boat. Seeing a human do the big windmill loopdeeloop with their arm to apply basilisk or hide in shadows is essentially just as telegraphed as a charr.

To avoid this, you just apply those things from within stealth, which you should be doing as a general rule of thumb anyhow!

The most annoying characters to me are purposefully ultrasmall afro asuras, I just know they are going to be bad news on sight.

I’m playing smallest size asura. You should try it sometime. I also have biggest sized charr.
The difference is not even that much in visibility. It’s how it feels. Charr feels like a slug. Asura feels like some hyper-mobile rocket.

This is so true! After playing Asura for a few years everything else feel so slow… I have a Charr thief though, and she looks amazing!

Melder – Thief

GW2 is Now E-Sport? =D

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


You guys are either Trolls or completely ignorant…

The link I provided is an Announcement of World Tournament 2014.
There seems to be Prize money for the winning Team.

This means that GW2 is finally E-Sport now… Unless I’m mistaken prove me wrong otherwise cause how I see it, E-Sport is when players win prize money in PvP tournaments as a team and people come to watch or participate.

Also GW2’s PvP takes lots of skills and strategy so it’s appropriate for E-sport genre.
This is why I support it becoming E-Sport… We need games with combat like this.

Because you seem to be honest with your post, let me give a serious answer.

First, the bolded part is a problem right there. Not many people watch the streams because thre’s not much fun in doing it. This is for several reasons:

A lesser one is that the conquest game mode does not makes for many great plays. It revolves around bunkering points instead of pushing tactics. The audience greatly prefers more offensive-driven games. The scoring system has a passive feel to it. Turnbacks take a slow time and are unexciting. Generally, they come of too late. And frequently enough, tight matches are decided by whichever team is the luckiest by scoring that 1 extra point first. Which can be very accidental.

But a bigger reason is that GW2’s game design disregards visual or tactical clarity. Between the huge amount of particle effects, invisible procs, pets, skill spamming and lack of telegraphed attacks, you can’t understand anything of what is happening on the screen, even as a player, much less as a viewer. Traits sacrifice clarity and skillful playing for the sake of customisation, to make up for the very restricting skill system. Pets passive AI is mathematically too impactful and too frequent, and traits incentivate builds to bring as many pets as possible. The lack of skill weight, generally as a direct consequence of no resource/ energy system, makes skill spamming highly effective, which in turn overloads the UI with condition and boon icons, and the screen with particle effects. Traits also contribute to UI overload. No energy also leads anet’s devs to place more emphasis on skill cooldowns, which in turn demands more skill quantity to the combat system (else, you’d be auto-attacking all the time when waiting for the cooldowns to go off). On top of this, most weapon sets lack any build-up and momentum or decisive telegraphed attacks. There are many situations where skills within a weapon are all “equally useful” and equally fast, with no build-up or climax. Bad for the stream viewer, bad for competitive counter-playing tactics.

In addition to that, GW2’s pvp infrastructure is poor – no, it barely exists. There’s no incentive for competitive growth. Hotjoin is a failure at teaching players good pvp habbits or giving them a stress-free environment for casual play/ learning experience/ non-competitive matches. Solo and team queues have crude systems for fair matchmaking. Leaderboards are broken, hard to measure and relegated to outside of the game. The reward system feels a bit crude and incomplete.

For GW2 to be “esports”, it needs more game mode diversity, it needs an effective match infrastructure, and it needs core gameplay concepts to be reshaped for the sake of more active playing, counter-playing, tactical clarity and UI/ visual clarity.

I both agree and disagree with you.

First off: bunker vs bunker meta and no big plays or tactics? Ever seen TCG played? They have clever tactics, lots of good plays, mind games and one bunker. Bunker meta are gone. I find many of the fights and match ups to be really fun and enjoying to watch. Point scoring is fair and easy to understand. Getting that last point can be accidental, but often forced by focusing an enemy or stealing a boss kill.

I agree that there are too many passive procs. Runes and sigils are too strong imo – runes/sigils should help the build, not be the build. Particles need to get cut down and we need more telegraphed attacks so that there are more possibilities for countering them.

New game modes is not needed, but they would be good for the game. The infrastructure need a massive overhaul. Ladders need to get fixed, same with matchmaking. We need un-ranked solo and team queue. We also need a better tutorial area for PvP.

Melder – Thief

Halloween Reward Track

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I like the bag. I don’t like PvE enough to bother farming for them there. And getting a few 20 slot bags for doing what I love is perfectly fine with me.

Melder – Thief

Foefire Lord

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Pushing lord often requires the entire team to leave all capture points. The lord push can easily be countered by a few of your teams players going back and harass them while the rest of your team goes for a 3-cap before returning to lord to help.

I have won so many games because my enemy pushed lord and failed. It is also very easy to predict a lord push. If your team lead by 100 points or more or there are literally no other way the enemy team can win without killing the lord, then you should be ready for a lord push.

Melder – Thief

IMO shatter mesmers need a nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


What point has this forum come to, where anyone that disagrees with others is “trolling”. Looks like the entire mesmer community is defending their over powered build. I could tell friends and guildies to come and post and agree with anything that I post just to have +people in my favor on the topic, would that change anything?

You dont need to know how to cook to know if the food tastes good or not. The same way you dont need to play a mesmer to notice how broken it is. I did one copy paste played in some hotjoins saw how cheese it is. You go whatch people on a dueling server everyone is a mesmer/thief.
Another analogy for you guys to see if you can understand this time. The great majority of this forums complained about passive dhuumfire but never played a necro. Does it make their argument useless? No

I am confident that anyone that played + than 50 games can see the unbalanced state of the class.

ps: Thank You for helping the topic get so much attention. Almost 2k views, + than 100 replies. Lets keep bumping it up to spread this for the entire comunity who misleadingly thinks PU is the problem when shatter really is the cancer.

You copied a meta build, went to hotjoin and decided mesmer was cheese? Hotjoin is as far from organized or any sort of balance point as you can get. If the devs start balancing around hotjoin then most good players will leave this game.

Thief and mesmer has the best set of skills and class mechanics to duel, it is just how the class was designed. Where they lack is group support. Shatter mesmer is the spec in the game that requires best positioning and best use of cooldowns. A thief can effectively shut down a Mesmer, so can an Elementalist because of their insane AoE damage.

As many people said; you rarely see a Mesmer without a thief. A profession that need to be carried by another profession are far from op imo. I have played under 50 matches of tPvP with Mesmer, but far more on thief – and I have yet to think shatter Mesmer is op. If I die to one he was just better than me. If it is the other way around then I was out playing him. Balanced as far as I am concerned.

Melder – Thief

GW2 Marketing team

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


All former Twitch videos are ready for viewing on the Twitch Guild Wars 2 Channel. Just click the one you wish to watch.

But these ain’t available on mobile devices. Pushing them to a YouTube playlist would help reach more people.

Melder – Thief

Balance Patch on Early November

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


So, now my 3 second chill will be on 40 sec cooldown instad of 45? I can hear new meta builds comming.

I would rather keep these venoms at 45 sec CD and not mention them until remake to save people from being irritated.

Basilisk venom on a 40 second cooldown sound pretty sweet to me.

Melder – Thief

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Added some more videos and tips and tricks to the guide ^^

More to come!

Melder – Thief

Thief's Trickbook

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I’ll add these tips to my Book of Shadows if that is ok?

Melder – Thief

ToG: EU meta vs NA meta

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Sizer’s superior keybinds, how could they lose?

So does it make me moar pr0 b/c I use a naga and don’t rely on nub keyboard binds?

I went from custom keybinds to naga and my game was completely changed! Best investment in my gaming years so far!

Melder – Thief

New PvP Thief: Why Am I Dying Within Seconds?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


thief is dog poop right now. Patch made me switch from 5 year exp thief into necro. I skyrocket from 50% winratio into 80%. Necro EASY WIN! Imagine what i ll be able to achive when i learn a lot.

Can’t agree with you that thief was nerfed into oblivion. Last time I checked both Caed, Zizer and Magic Toker are still going strong in high level tournament play. I am still having a blast on my thief with a pretty decent win ratio.

Melder – Thief

[EU] forming new Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I play d/p trickery thief. Have mained thief since beta and feel I have a good understanding of conquests rotations. Could probably need more practice on 1v1, but that is something I am up for. I am currently looking for a team and aim to be high in the leaderboard and play in as many tournaments as I can manage.

I used to play PvP a lot before but have been inactive since the last reset of the leaderboards. Have been playing a lot lately and have catched up pretty good on the current meta and rotations.

I am 24 years old and located in Norway.

Edit: team me up with a good mesmer for insane mobility and burst potential!

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)


in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Love the map.

Just play a mesmer with Sw/F+GS and double stealth utilities and you can 2v1 the whole match without any problems. One of them is always going to die to your pull/push, sometimes both if you use stealth properly. Never lost a match on this map so far…

Seriously though, even though I have a blast on this map I think it’s somewhat unfair. Completely removing the canon/holes in the ground would make the map boring but at least reduce the impact both have.

I get this weird sadistic feeling of joy every time I pull someone to their death with scorpion wire. Get the same feeling when I steal from a Necromancer in hammer room and fear 4 people off the platform.

Yes, it forces you to watch your position, but killing multiple people with 1 button and call it competitive (even worse, ranked) is just wrong…

Melder – Thief

ESL sPVP Weekly Cup #51 16th Oct

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Gonna watch it! Also need to grab a team and start competing in these tournaments!

Melder – Thief

Are pvpers suppose to be broke?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


The need to add more tracks that reward bags, WvW tracks and so on. But I think that the reward tracks are good. Yes, we don’t get as much as doing the dungeon or killing the boss, but we are fighting players, not running the same dungeon over and over again to get those skins. I play PvP to challenge myself and get better at my profession. Getting skins and all that other stuff is just a bonus. The gold stack up pretty fast too if you are active.

Melder – Thief

[EU] Thief LF Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Still looking for a team! New but serious PvP’ers as well as more seasoned players are welcome!

Melder – Thief

Are pvpers suppose to be broke?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


15 silver for a win plus the mats and drops (sometimes exotic and rare) quickly adds up if you play a lot. I had 100 gold without noticing it because I had too much fun smashing skulls in PvP for an entire week! After all, we play PvP to challenge ourself, not to earn gold, right?

Melder – Thief

Clocktower roof insta-death

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


It should be fixed, but there are far bigger issues and needs they have to get done first imo.

Melder – Thief

Team queue: 2 players of same class max

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


TeamQ should have absolutely no limits as it is supposed to be pre-made teams. If someone want to run five engineers, then they should have that opportunity. As for soloq it should be a limit since that is not pre-made teams and having more than two of one profession can really destroy the match.

That being said; 5 turret engineers should be easy to outplay. If they stack three on one point then outnumber them somewhere else and have two ranged dps stay with the three just to hold them there. Outnumbered fights with cleave and/or AoE is gg for turret engineers…. After that you can just snowball them on the two points where they don’t have 15 turrets.

Melder – Thief

New PvP Thief: Why Am I Dying Within Seconds?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


What the first poster said is what I am agreeing with. The build he posted is the exact same build as I run in tPvP.

If you are on EU I could give you some in-game help and tips.

Knowing how to rotate, areas to use your shortbow and when to disengage is critical as a thief! D/P is not about engaging 1v1s, but helping outnumbering team fights by bursting down a weak target or ranged dps and decap far. We have mobility far beyon every other profession – use it.

Just send me a pm on the forums or in-game if you are on EU and want some pointers ^^

Melder – Thief

Helping Teams to get better!

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Now this is how you grow a larger and stronger community! Thanks for doing this Sam! I may even hold you up on that offer

Melder – Thief

Stealth Usage in PvP

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I use it as an opener to guarantee a burst from start. I then use blinds and evades to mitigate as much damage as possible. I sometimes stealth again to drop a second burst mid fight if needed. I also use it to get away if things look bad. That being said; I never engage in a 1v1 fight that I am not sure I can win. I usually back cap and drop some quick bursts in team fights – which is really where the thief shine

Melder – Thief

is spvp dead?

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


The main reason for this is probably that sPvP is so unforgiving to new players. The first thing that happens to a new player in a match (after spending 10 minutes figuring out how to join one) is being totally lost and running around randomly, then getting facestomped by a Legendary Champion D/D ele. He then respawns and runs to another point, where he gets double-teamed by a p/s engi and a mesmer. He then proceeds to quit the game, because that wasn’t fun at all.

The more people do this, the higher the concentration of veteran players becomes compared to new players, which in turn leads to a higher chance of getting matched up with veterans, and more new people quitting. It’s a cycle.

The only thing that can save sPvP isn’t some tournament or desperately pushing esports™, but to make pvp more accessible to newcomers by creating some sheltered learning enviroment or training area, where they can try pvp without running into highly-skilled people, and without the pressure of a scoring system.

Just my 2 cents.

100% agree with this! New players are just left with nothing to guide them. There are a post in the forums, but the majority of players never go to the forums to learn basics. We need a way better training area, with preferably a training match with AI that just do basic rotations. The veteran players also need to lend a hand to new players. I have seen people ask for hours in the mists for help with literally no response. I tend to do my best to help these guys understand the basics, but that ain’t enough in the long run.

What also seriously need to stop is the constant downgrading of players. If someone is getting roflstomped there’s a good chance that they will be told that they suck and they should get back to PvE. Those who say that are usually those who complain about PvP having few players.. Instead of do this they could instead offer tips or assistanse so that the new player can learn and enjoy PvP as much as we do.

There are a huge blame on ANet for having bad leaderboards (someone with under 15 matches was no 1 in eu for a few days….) and bad matchmaking. They should add two more queues, both solo and team, but not ranked and with hidden mmr. This would make it a perfect practice arena for new players and veterans to really try out tactics without hurting their score.

Melder – Thief


in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I don’t understand why they removed the Capricorn, but they won’t remove Skyhammer. Was stopping one profession’s underwater op abilities (ranger) more important than encouraging everyone to become pull/push/fear bots? I haven’t played spvp in a while because I got so sick of skyhammer. Remove it from soloq, and bring back the Capricorn, but in a dry dock setting if you really hate water. The map was cool. Skyhammer could be cool, if it wasn’t floating in the air between mesas. Get rid of breaking glass to insta death, and punting off the side to insta death, make it so you just drop to a lower level and have to run back up, even that would be a change for the better.

This would literally fix this map. Also make it so you can dodge the skyhammer…. team with most thieves/engies is usually winning.

Melder – Thief

Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I find Moa amusing really. I think it bring some depth and is a really good counter against bunkers, minion masters etc. In a well coordinated team it is deadly, but in soloq it is near useless. Most Mesmers use it as an oh kitten card, which usually end with them getting pecked to death. I really don’t see a problem with this skill…

Melder – Thief