Showing Posts For Jelzouki.4128:

Making PvP Necro Viable

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necros are quite strong, they just need a solid team around them. Its weaknesses are exposed if the enemy team is just allowed to effortlessly train the necro without paying a price.

I don’t think this is a valid argument anymore considering the best team in North America just crushed because their weakness (the necro) was exploited; they are all really good players.

I know Necromancers are strong, but they have the worst utility in the game to recover from missed/blocked attacks which leaves them vulnerable more than 50% of the time while fighting!

Their necro was a strength and a weakness.

The necro was their main output of damage, and allowed them to win 99% of the matches, but they faced a team of players who were able to shut him down. Perhaps they will need to figure out a way to protect the necro more, instead of replacing him. I saw a D/P thief and hammer guard constantly free-casting on the necro without anybody doing anything about it.

I believe a medi guard works better in protecting a necro than DD ele or engineer because his attacks are an instant threat which cannot be ignored (unlike the solid DPS & condi that celestial builds put out). Even a sword thief doesn’t really do the kind of damage to make an opponent back off from somebody. When the rest of the team only puts out a consistent but not over-whelming amount of DPS, the necro is an easy target to focus.

Maybe they would’ve done better with another engi, but we cannot know until they face oRNG again without the necro. The celestial engi certainly doesn’t put out a similar amount of damage. Abjured were also very unlucky to lose some of the matches that they did, so it’s not like the necro was being totally useless. They were leading by hundreds of points until the whole team made huge mistakes.

No matter what the issue is, you can’t deny necromancers have the worst recovery-utility in the game, and if you can’t see that then this conversation is over. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Downstate is the place where necro should be

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


For everyone saying no class should be this strong in downstate, well no class should be able to revive themselves through use of a pet but then you have rangers. It’s a downstate form people, learn to deal with it. I would much much much rather have a mist form like elementalists or a port and stealth like a thief but no I have strong damage while in downstate, DEAL WITH IT. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

ranger bleeds over the top

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Drarnor just mopped the floor with this thread. GG. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Elites pulsing stability

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


i think elites are fine as is, if you want to complain about an auto-win elite, you look at Moa Form, not rampage as one, or rampage(warrior), or lich form, or supply crate. you can escape from all of these EXCEPT moa form. you can’t argue “dodge moa form” because dodges can be baited and just count when your opponent is out of dodges, there , dead. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Making PvP Necro Viable

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


First I would love to hear Noscs opinion on the state of the Necromancer.

Yes, I think Necro needs some adjustments, but I don’t think he is the worst state of all professions.

1.) Allow Necromancer to get healed in Deathshroud. Either increase Lifeforepool or Health.
2.) Every Necromancer should start with at least 10% Lifeforce after spawning in PvP.

Many months ago I had an in-game mail conversation with Noscoc concerning regen in deathshroud. He responded: Regeneration in deathshroud would be a nice long-awaited step forward for Necromancers (the conversation was about actually making the boon Regeneration work in deathshroud as it currently does not). Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Making PvP Necro Viable

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necros are quite strong, they just need a solid team around them. Its weaknesses are exposed if the enemy team is just allowed to effortlessly train the necro without paying a price.

I don’t think this is a valid argument anymore considering the best team in North America just crushed because their weakness (the necro) was exploited; they are all really good players.

I know Necromancers are strong, but they have the worst utility in the game to recover from missed/blocked attacks which leaves them vulnerable more than 50% of the time while fighting! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necros on this forum needs better manners

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Post patch, I just glance through all the other professions’ forum threads and guess what? they have little to no hate there.

No one is crying and screaming and denouncing ANET for the changes.
Some even thank and applaud the changes.

But look at our Necro forum.
You see so much hate posts complaining about this and complaining about that.

I think we need to show better appreciation and manners.

If a change hits your skill negatively, then don’t use that skill.
if it affects your build negatively, then change your build.

a willow tree bends with the wind
a straight tree cracks under pressure

be that willow tree

this post gave me a headache, what in the actual f…..


I thought this was a port nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


What META are you referring to? There are DPSguardian/thief or Mesmer/thief. This post has nothing to do with the balance of the MESMER class. There are 4-5 decent teams eu and mesmer is in and out of all of the teams. TCG used mesmer, 55 used it. Currently latest has SALT using it, and even solo. that 3/5 and a 4/5 to thief. This has nothing to do with your solo q and celestial ETC BLA BLA. So sick of hearing about celestial whine. Its still the zerkers which are the roamers that carry this conquest game. In a solo q, 5 celestial is strong ofc, cuz it requires less cordination than a mesmer thief spike with no TS. Come with proper arguments about the PORT. thieves port through the landscape atm.

I didn’t understand your OP.
You need to organize your thoughts better so people can understand what in the fudge you’re talking about. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Elites pulsing stability

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Pressing 111111111111111 on Lich without it being able to be countered with boon rip is silly.

Elites shouldn’t be autowins like the above 3 posters think.

If you don’t build for the least bit survive to escape a situation then you have been mislead on how to PvP.

The only elite you cant escape from is Moa form, nuff said. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Downed State Build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Chill of death used to proc in downstate already. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

This que from mists BS must be fixed.

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I used to queue from arah and farm Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]


in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Why is this a thing? We all know immob stacking is the single worst change Anet made to this game! Worse than Skyhammer! Worse than courtyard! Worse than Dhuumfire! And yet, they take an immob stacking elite and put it on an extremely short cooldown! Anet plz!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Pretty brave of you to make this thread and not expect to get torn apart since you constantly say that you don’t play this game anymore. Why are you even still here if you don’t play….that is beyond me my “frands”. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Why you removed the "looking for team"?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Calling all devs please fix your mistakes within reasonable time instead of months afterwards. Arena net needs better organisation, who the heck runs the show over there? There has to be some internal problems, either understaffed or not giving a flying f about their game. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Why you removed the "looking for team"?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


arena net is very sucky at catching their own mistakes. Never own up to them either. It’s a pride thing I think, due to all the “awards and accolades” guild wars 2 has received. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Why was the mystic forge removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Why was the mystic forge removed from the heart of the mist? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Power Block and Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Oh look, thieves have executioner grandmaster trait, but you can make a distortion and avoid the dps. Welp … lets buff that GRANDMASTER trait and have it hit people through blocks and evasions and stuff. Yeah, seems fair!

Pretty sure every class can complain of other classes negating their grandmaster traits.
You can hardly get a bunker guard below the health threshold for the execution to work … OMG OMG NERF BUNKER GUARD BECAUSE THIS WAY HE EFFECTIVELY NEGATES EXECUTIONER TRAIT

wait what? o.O

Now if you are done posting jibberish, accept a simple truth. If you can’t beat a thief, you are not good enough. Also, there are classes/builds you simply can’t defeat in 1on1. Every thief lives with this mindset. Learn to do it as well.


P.S: Plus you are talking out of your kitten . Take D/P thief for example. If he fires Headshot at you and you block it, he is 4 initiative back. Maybe create a thief before posting bullkitten?

Also its like 99% of you thief crybabies forget that thieves get Revealed debuff on out of stealth anything…

What the actual kitten, this is not even remotely the same. lol.

It actually is in fact the same. Someone in this thread made the plea that a class avoiding another class’ GM trait is poor design or unbalanced or whatever. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Players Looking for Rated Teams

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


some oblivious moderator will move this to the ‘Looking For’ thread which is dead for pvp because of the influx of pve and wvw post. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

The finals were a joke.

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I think they are trying to balance PvP around celestial and zerker.

3 celes + 2 or 1 zerker/condi class for that extra spike

I wouldn’t mind this celestial meta if they buffed the classes that dont do as well with celestial such as necro etc Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

gamebreaking fps rate drop

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I’m usually at 60 and I just dropped to 11 in a pvp match. Anything going on that could be causing this? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue from other map besides HoTM

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Let us queue for pvp from other maps besides the HoTm, it is boring and stale. We used to be able to do map completion or farm. This is horrible for the PvP experience. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Enough is enough ...

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Purchase a Custom arena, invite people for 1v1.
Problem solved.

In case you still don’t understand then:
- In almost all games which features dueling system, it creates toxicity within community due to kittening who’s better and who’s not.

To imply there isn’t already toxicity in pvp, and saying that dueling would be the root cause of toxicity within the community, is a laughable reason to not have dueling. I’d take the risk of having good content over hurting the feelings of someone who is emotionally unstable.

And nobody wants to organize their own 1v1s, that would take 10x the amount of time in queue.

What I think the OP is saying is he wants a specific queue for a 1v1 server that can progress reward tracks/give rewards. To be honest the 1v1 dueling servers are filled with people transitioning from PvE/WvW to PvP, and are usually extremely easy to beat. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Screenshot your skillpoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Post your skillpoints….who has the most?

And how can we put these skill points into good use for the future…just make it a currency honestly…the clicking is real.

So where’s yours in this pointless threat? :/

I’m typing from my phone …but if you must know I’ve got around 1000 on my warrior, 700 on my necromancer 400 on my ranger 200 on my guardian.

Do you want to elaborate on why this is a pointless thread? Skill points are technically currency, they should be in your wallet…and it would be nice to expand on their usage. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Screenshot your skillpoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Post your skillpoints….who has the most?

And how can we put these skill points into good use for the future…just make it a currency honestly…the clicking is real. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Black wings disappear while in deathshroud

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Please tell me this is a bug, please. I want a refund!!!!!!! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

List of necromancers useless trait bonuses and traits.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


This thread should be resurrected every time theres a big patch (april 15) and useless traits are added.

  • pets have terrible responsiveness
  • parasitic contagion doesn’t heal enough to be effective sustain, and is arguably in the wrong traitline
  • too many traits are separated such as Staff Mastery, Greater marks, Soul Marks, Spiteful marks. there is no logical reason as to why 2/4 of these traits can’t be combined.
  • dagger #2 was buffed but hardly gets used because it is technically a dps loss as you cannot get the full cast/heal off due to the long cast time + after cast which tends to be a huge pattern with necromancers. after-cast should be a lot quicker i.e focus #4
  • axe auto attack is still bad, should have been a cleave attack resembling axe on warrior
  • for axe to be effective it needs to have a greater range than 600 OR refer back to the above (cleave)
  • focus #4 casted from long range will almost always get randomly obstructed or dodged due to its long after cast time (once again, why is there a super crippling cast/aftercast on so many necromancer skills??? we dont have enough counter moves besides Doom to be able to get these skills off efficiently!!!) Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please take a look at shoutheal war

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Simon baiting dodges usually means using soft CC such as chill, cripple, immob etc

Shoutbow is a lot easier to kill than a d/d ele or cele engi.
This is a learn to play issue guys, no need to bring anymore attention to this thread. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Focus #4 m8's

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


All in favor of Focus #4 after-cast time reduction? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]


in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


The EU casters do fine calm your kitten Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Axe and power necromancers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I think axe would be better if they increased the range to 900, or turned it into a melee weapon that has the same dagger #1 cleave. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Focus Cast Times m8

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Focus cast times are so long. oh my god. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Are you looking for a PvP team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Look no further!

Just post it in this forum because the “Looking For” thread got merged with the PvE and WvW heroes so now its incredibly hard to find people to PvP with on the forums!

Man, Arena Net never ceases to disappoint its PvP players! You guys are fantastic! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

All this talk about countering Abjured

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Don’t get me wrong, they are good, but people are treating them like gods, round up some good players who dedicate as much time to this game as them and you can beat them.

They have really good rotations, something most other teams lack. As Blu says every week, give them mid at the beginning of foefire and you might as well call it gg. There’s a reason for that.

I said they are good. Do you know what that means? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

All this talk about countering Abjured

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Don’t get me wrong, they are good, but people are treating them like gods, round up some good players who dedicate as much time to this game as them and you can beat them. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

What makes you log out for the day?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


longbow ranger while playing necro. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

AngryJoe Interview - HoT Questions for Devs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


The majority of the PvP population wants to be able to queue from other maps besides being stuck in the hearts of the mist while trying to queue for PvP. Before you could farm or do map exploration or literally anything else but arena net has yet to comment on why they haven’t reverted back to the old ways even though you can go into the hearts of the mist and ask literally ANYONE what they would prefer and they will tell you they would rather queue from outside of the mist because the HoTm is a boring and stale map. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Who is the BEST Duelist?

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I think ROM is better than tarcis Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Dear Forum Specialist

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128

Jelzouki.4128 Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

A Need for More Frequent Balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


When the expansion comes there will be unbalance, and Arena Net, if you want your PvP system to prevail, you need to come out with more PvP updates than just 1 every 6 months.

EDIT: what does the community think about this?
(Now it’s not a call-out thread) Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Of course it would, but ANET doesn’t like to admit to their mistakes and revert changes. Probably too embarrassing? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please fix flesh wurm!!

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Path of movement/accessibility

And as you know, those elite forms destroy all minions in your control.

Yeah I’m aware they destroy it, but doesn’t it seem like a bit harsh to take away your only escape? Nothing useful on necromancer is instant except deathshroud and fleshwurm, such a vulnerable class! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I would like those things in PvP but crafting will keep you occupied for 30 seconds maybe?

I have no idea why they removed the mystic forge, but gave us a bank, trading post and laurel merchant. We need the REAL reasons behind every mindless change anet please and thank you. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I really hope anet sees this poll and the stronghold poll, two issues that would make the game a lot better. It’s sad that is an issue that could have been prevented. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


There most definitely would be more people queuing +1 Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Stronghold Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


can we get a confirmation that a dev has looked at these poll results…. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


If you know you have a bad PC and anticipate your queue popping while loading, then load in first, then queue. Done.

It’s like anet thinks we’re incapable of getting around a problem with such a simple solution. Thinking hurts.

That is exactly true. I used to pvp on my macbook pro before I purchased my pc. People with not-so-great hardware already anticipate these things. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Even if there was a missed queue pop due to a loading screen, the minor delay would be offset by being occupied by the outside world. Players can farm, do events or explore the map and many other things while waiting in queue. Map exploration for a legendary would be less tedious.

It is really all about what you value, a minor delay to your queue, or waiting in the HoTm literally burning productivity by doing nothing. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue Outside Of the Mist Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


That stronghold poll caught the attention of 1000+ people, so lets see what everyone thinks about being stuck inside the boring and stale map that is the hearts of the mist, while queueing for pvp. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Powermancers vs Other Zerkers (SPvP)

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Hopefully, the new necro specialization and greatsword will add some more active defense for necros, so they don’t get focused so easily.

just slapping a specialisation on the profession while leaving the default class unfixed sounds like a very kittenty way to adress a problem. i hope therell be done more about it than just the specialisation.

@firebird: 2 invuls? and those are?

It’s not a complete invuln but Spectral Armor while activating deathshroud is technically invulnerability, but kind of sub-par. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Powermancers vs Other Zerkers (SPvP)

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Let me explain it to you:

A power necro is all about positioning, if you position yourself well you can do lots of damage with the right combos.


A power necro under focus will die faster than anything in this game. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Stronghold Poll

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I voted no by accident lol sorry xD Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]