There! We found the champion!
They should totally do it like that…
I seriously hope they change it, most of the female outfits are like that it’s annoying
Make it unbuttoned like male outfit and put a cloth on the chest… You have no fashion sense kitten it
Be more specific lol how did you even think anyone would understand
I’m guessing this is a troll post since he said spamming through heal skill to elite so he’s probably kitten with engis
I’m pretty sure it removes all stacks
Honestly, I wouldn’t call rocket boots with stunbreak AND evade overpowered at all. Gadgets need some serious love
That’s what roll for initiative does.
And that’s why it has 60sec CD
Honestly, I wouldn’t call rocket boots with stunbreak AND evade overpowered at all. Gadgets need some serious love
Mostly engineers, it’s very crucial not to be able to use overcharged shot or net
This is the reason I kittening hate engineers, I main engi for 4 years now and I’m sick of not being able to use my skills whenever my targets are too close…. Easy way to fix this ? kittening remove the kittening 3seconds CD each time it cancels the skill..
Yes but reading stuff like this hurts me physically and mentally because deep down I know it’s never going to happen.
kitten fake advertisement i cri evrytim
I want to dual wield shields and buckle up in a corner like how anet wants us to and let the AI robots fight for me, with all the “fuel” they have it should take a while for them to stop.
It’s not like I use gyros doe
Gyros ? kittening gyros ??
How just how the actual kitten did you decide to go for gyros ?? It’s not like there are other more important stuff to look at right ?
How was this decided ? We need gadgets to be looked at, weapon skills, traits… And you go for gyros SELF-DESTRUCT There are too many important stuff that need buffing/nerf, why do you keep going for unimportant useless pieces of kittening cat ?
new elite spec – The Anet
new weapon – shield mainhand
skills – AI minion robots
class mechanic – cast robot skills without CD
(edited by Kaizoku.1298)
mesmer gs and druid staff #1 are beams, so they need a target.
bows are projectiles, you shoot and they simply go flying. You can’t compare them
can’t say I understood
Alternatively it could apply resistance for 8 seconds if you would have died.
Again, too much. 3 seconds at MOST
AED cast time is perfectly fine. They should reduce CD and make the toolbelt skill ranged, that’s all we need.
You are asking for too much..
you, i like you
Autoattack isn’t good at all, it’s hard to remove blindness if you don’t have any condi removal since the attack is so godkitten slow… and of course lacks damage.
One handed power weapon is a must… It doesn’t have to be ranged weapon either.
shield only needs a bit CD reduction, rifle is the one that needs love, it is too slow and predictable. With all the blindness and blocks everyone got now it is frustrating to play rifle
Unblockable overcharged shot would be very good, blocks are one of the reasons s/f fresh air counters rifle so much. Then they won’t kitten on our attacks with their blocks, only with their unlimited projectile destroying skills and invulnerability
That’s too much to ask for considering anet rarely buffs gadgets
Best suggestion I’ve read in a while now..
This is l2p situation my dear friend..
Shock Shield deals less damage than an autoattack now, it is disappointing
eyyyy dat finisher ! high5
I used an overcharged one. Also I noticed that the CD is sometimes 40, when overcharged sometimes 30 instead of 22. It’s so annoying…
Yes, this only happened once though.
Condition engineers can do something about s/f eles, power engis however can’t.
This was a 1v1 match and I wasn’t talking about scrappers.
Also my opponent is very skilled and he won’t use arcane shield for something as silly as hammer #5 which has a very huge after cast and he knows I can’t combo with it that much. He counters me because almost all my attacks are projectiles since I use rifle.
He also has 3 break stuns.
So I was killing the warrior npc in heart of the mists, I used my A.E.D and right after I used it I got knocked down by the warrior and A.E.D never went on cool down. I also got healed for 12k.
Anet should seriously work on gadgets, they are my favourite.. If only they were viable
They walk over rangers and engineers so it doesn’t matter who gets stomped 3 times and who twice
If you’re using hammer or have stealth gyro or are condi, then not so much. If you’re referring to the bunker ones, then it’s not really a counter if they can just live forever, but if you mean in more of a dueling aspect, where it’s 1v1 and they go far more bursty with marauder amulet and are taking arcane shield, etc, then it’s probably the hardest counter to rifle engineer in the whole game. They’ll be cycling through invulns/reflects/projectile hate all the while being able to attack you, and the openings you get will mostly be when they’re in air and are going to blind you with all the random lightning strikes. So yeah, rough times, they’re beatable with rifle but it’s more just dumb luck than anything when you win one in ten times. But this has been true from pretty much the games launch. S/F has always been a rifle engis biggest counter pretty much.
I knew exactly the answer to my question when I asked, and I still asked.
Maybe I was just desperate lol, I can’t stand not being able to do anything against them in 1v1s. Hopefully we’ll get something that works in future specs
No matter what power build I try, I get devastated by s/f elementalists that know how to play. I feel like I don’t have anything to hit them with or to defend.
Say I use block, they have an unblockable skill that knocks me down and then I eat a phoenix. And if their knockdown skill is on CD they just use phoenix which is also unblockable and deals a ton of damage.
My attacks are also very easy to dodge, blind and reflect. Do they completely counter power engis ?
So I was dueling a D/F ele, he cast air #4 (projectile destroying skill). I cast my F1 spear and it goes right through his skill and hit him, so it is not a projectile, can’t dodge it by reaction, pulls your opponents to you and low CD.
rifle changes will never ever EVER be considered by anet, that is too much.
F2 should do damage and immob without being traited to do so
That would also be too strong, F2 traited is so kittening good
Removing cast times would be too strong, I’ve recently had some 1v1s with my DH and I really think their cast times are perfectly fine, F1 is so fast it’s almost impossible to dodge if not predicted. F2 can deal damage, heal, immob and be used to travel. I don’t think it really needs buffing. F3 can last for an entire 7 seconds and refresh it with your elite making it 14 seconds frontal block.
Instant cast time is just too strong for DH
My account name and password were already written down so I clicked login
My phone is broken and now I can’t enter the code
Considering berserkers can use their primal burst skills around 3-4 times in 10-15 seconds, I don’t think there is a real counter to them :/
I, for one, wouldn’t mind Rifle auto-attack becoming a close-range buckshot. It’s how I like to play Engineer.
Yes please !!!!!
Oh my god that is good news !!