Stop with this kitten already… It does not bother me at all, if you equip a kit while in PF it deactivates PF like you normally would. If you remove the CD you’ll be able to deactivate it anytime you want and get all the benefits from traits.
Gross, you are unfit to post in these forums.
50% heat on hammer? You realize hammer is only for scrapper and heat is holosmith right?…
Now as we all know, PF packs a ton of damage and as we saw, people aren’t happy with it but we wouldn’t want it to be nerfed.
The solution is to keep the damage but instead heat generation per second should be increased and reduce “deactivate PF” CD to compensate.
Hard Light Arena would be OP if it could apply to allies as well. I can understand if it stays as is.
They have to change the sword skill casting times before that, it’s impossible to hit your enemy they just get out of range before you attack.
Don’t get me wrong, I was the one playing the deadeye first. After that I asked my friend to choose deadeye to show him that it’s possible to dodge it only by sound(it makes a weird sound).
This isn’t a rant it’s feedback. Sure it’s easy to dodge it, but at some point you won’t have endurance or blocks left so you end up getting hit by it.
However once we are able to reflect those shots it’ll be all good, but I think the bug will stay until release.
Yes, this is a known issue and is expected to be fixed by release.
Yup, the ONLY weak spec I’ve seen so far is weaver(I was VERY surprised as it looked freaking strong on paper).
Needs to have increased initiative cost based on your malice. It’s too strong, 12k damage and also spammable.
Our damage is simply too high, 4k autos is not a joke man..
As for the overheat 15k damage… just wow. Don’t get me wrong though, I only played 1v1s against a friend of mine to test them out but seriously, I don’t think he had anything to do against me (he was weaver).
15k overheat damage when traited.
4k autoattacks
6k leap attack on 2 second CD
Sucks that we’re going to get nerfed soon :<
Does gw2skills have its contents updated to account for the last balance patch changes?
Okay first feedback from the stream:
We have traits/skills for 50% heat, but not a 50% heat marker? Instead we got 33%,66% :/
We have 50%, 100% and 150%.
I’m just going to ignore you since you’ve been posting your salt all over the forums Kusumura.
And for Mea, I’m not talking about people who love kits, I’m talking about those who doesn’t so whether you love kits or not is irrelevant to what I said.
I’m just asking for more synergy in that line, Backpack Regenerator could merge with Inversion Enzymes and leave it’s spot for a new trait.
You can use any weapon you like, holosmith allows the use of them all… by the power of PF.
Still, first line and last line are fine since if you don’t want HGH you can choose another one that won’t be useless, but in the middle line, if you don’t run kits you have to choose Elixir S which will get you killed 90% of the time so you end up choosing another trait that won’t change anything one bit since you don’t use kits.
Yeah, I have no idea why this was removed…
It was literally the best thing about turrets IMO
Take a look at the whole line other than HGH. <3
First line is fine, even though 2 out of 3 is useless, protection is a good one to go for in any build, unlike the second line.
I agree with Chaith… Core engi/scrapper loses considerable damage if you choose defensive skills, holosmith doesn’t lose much. Holo will definitely be tankier, stronger, and just better at everything. Look at the arena skill… a few good seconds of fury and protection and on top of that AOE CC toolbelt skill. The burn damage capabilities, the spike damage, the survivability, they’re just too good.
The Photon Forge mode is simply worth 2 offensive kits/skills. And that isn’t something you can just ignore.
I think we’ve gotten away from what the topic actually is about; THE TRAITS. The skills could be the best thing in the world, but the traits are a disservice to those skills.
All you need to do is take anyone of the builds you’ve apparently theorycrafted and ask yourself whether those builds would really be significantly different depending on the traits you selected in the Holosmith line. The answer I’m predicting would be; no.
What you will end up wishing is that you could use the Holosmith with a different trait line other than the Holosmith’s own trait line.
We’ve talked about this long enough. The preview weekend is on Friday. I will revisit this topic after that.
Actually I’m liking the holosmith traits. It looks like you can choose different playstyles too.
Agreed. /15 chars
Talking about the middle traits
elixir gun trait
elixir S trait
kit trait
With holosmith coming, we’ll be able to play without kits meaning we won’t need the 1st and 3rd traits, so we’ll end up with elixir S but it’s not really good as it can proc at the wrong time and get you killed or let your opponents escape. I’d appreciate if you could take a look at them before xpac releases.
Yeah… S/P might be kitten scary haha..
Wouldn’t mind though mwuhwahwahwa
We’ll see tomorrow if we get a new patch.
I agree with Chaith… Core engi/scrapper loses considerable damage if you choose defensive skills, holosmith doesn’t lose much. Holo will definitely be tankier, stronger, and just better at everything. Look at the arena skill… a few good seconds of fury and protection and on top of that AOE CC toolbelt skill. The burn damage capabilities, the spike damage, the survivability, they’re just too good.
The Photon Forge mode is simply worth 2 offensive kits/skills. And that isn’t something you can just ignore.
I used to want this, but I hope it doesn’t happen. The synergy with holosmith is quite delightful.
The question ITT is whether Holosmith is poorly designed or not without more integrated traits, and added GvG utility, I didn’t think we’d argue the need for a functioning DPS spec with gap closers among other DPS tools.
Would you agree that a “functioning” DPS spec needs to actually be able to counter one of the other professions in order to be effective as a dps spec in PvP?
Yeah, but I’m sure Holosmith will counter lots of professions – Weaver, Spellbreaker, Scourge, these all look very fragile against power spike
I sincerely doubt we’d be able to take on Spellbreakers and Scourge due to their boon hate and condi hate, of which we are currently packing ALOT of boons and condis. Arguments could be made for Weaver but Holosmith is definitely not a direct counter to it when comparing skills, traits and potential combos one might use on each class.
On the contrary i see the counters to scourge spellbreaker and weaver being pure power with not a reliance on boons and holo can certainly do that
Even if you go pure power, you’re going to need stability to fight any of those professions. Scourge and Spellbreaker will definitely take advantage of that, Scourge especially. Spellbreaker doesn’t even need you to have boons, in fact they thrive both when you have boons AND when you don’t. Not to mention their F2 ability which counters all things and will definitely be something for any melee character to avoid getting hit by.
When it comes to going up against other classes, the Holosmith has no immediately apparent advantage. It has no boon strip, no blocks, just CC and a 2 types of condis, burning and vulnerability. If it had any immediately apparent counters, I would concede that it could take down any of these professions.
You don’t need stability to fight things that hard counter boons, that’s contradictory.
I guess you forgot all the stuns that can come out of a Spellbreaker?
Then again, like Kaizo said, if you run 3 defensive utilities then maybe.
I’m confident power holosmith is going to do fine with 2-3 defensive skills. Obviously core engi won’t since it won’t be able to deal any damage with just the main weapon, but holosmith has PF which from what we’ve seen, is hella strong.
But let’s all just wait 4 more days and decide shall we?
The question ITT is whether Holosmith is poorly designed or not without more integrated traits, and added GvG utility, I didn’t think we’d argue the need for a functioning DPS spec with gap closers among other DPS tools.
Would you agree that a “functioning” DPS spec needs to actually be able to counter one of the other professions in order to be effective as a dps spec in PvP?
Yeah, but I’m sure Holosmith will counter lots of professions – Weaver, Spellbreaker, Scourge, these all look very fragile against power spike
I sincerely doubt we’d be able to take on Spellbreakers and Scourge due to their boon hate and condi hate, of which we are currently packing ALOT of boons and condis. Arguments could be made for Weaver but Holosmith is definitely not a direct counter to it when comparing skills, traits and potential combos one might use on each class.
On the contrary i see the counters to scourge spellbreaker and weaver being pure power with not a reliance on boons and holo can certainly do that
Exactly, holosmith is undoubtedly strong.
Holosmith’s killing power seems a bit over the line TBH… Been theorycrafting for a while now, both power and condi capabilities are very high. You can choose 3 defensive utility skills and still be a murder machine by the power of Photon Forge.
At least now we will be able to choose defensive utility skills and still do damage like every other class does…PH looks kitten good.
While it is much better now, IMO it’s still not reliable compared to, say, Healing Turret.
AED is something you want to use only when you think you can drop to 0hp, so you need to put yourself in a vulnerable position.
If you miss for any reason:
- hard cc (0.75s cast time is often interrupted)
- ally heals you (difficult to avoid other allies’ aoe heals or cleanses)
- enemy notices your heal and stops damaging you
you are probably going to die.
Best case scenario, I still found myself wanting more out of it. I’d be in the middle of the fight, pop AED, die, get the full heal (~12-13k), but then have nothing left for the next 20-24s. Unlike HT, there’s no regen in the toolbelt skill, no team support from blasting water fields, and no option to reduce the cooldown to 16s and trade off a bit of heal.
I’ll play around with it some more, but so far it’s not replacing Healing Turret for me.
Traited AED lasts for 8 seconds, even if your opponents stop hitting you, you can still damage yourself by overheating if you are a holosmith. And after you are healed, it’s going to be on CD below 20 seconds.
have you tried gadgeteer throw mine? 2 mines is pretty good.
if only mine field mines got back the 60 range they lost when the explosive trait disappeared when specs were introduced.
True :<
They need that 60 extra radius
Either this comes back or riot! What the hell??
I think you’ll have to memorize when you explode through combat practice. I’ll definitely practice until I get it pinned down. I doubt there will be a bar, it could be your character’s holo colour
Traited AED is actually very good. It lasts for 8 seconds and by the time you are healed the skill is going to be on 16 second CD. Not to mention the shocking aura that comes with it.
Kinetic Battery is kittening awesome now.
These changes are awesome! Glad to see gadgets getting some love. Also Kinetic Battery change, love it! However it could offer alacrity instead of superspeed :].
Ammunition system fits well with the gadgets and Explosion traitline changes could open up new playstyles.
And I do believe there will be another patch prior to PoF release? Haven’t seen barrier added to the game yet, more core class traits and skills might be changed. Looking forward to it.
Those look too good though lol
It would be better IMO if its CD also changed according to the heat level.
Agreed. 40 seconds CD for blindness and maybe 10% condi damage reduction is too much.
Photon Forge will always have the holographic themed weapons. Always. And that will never change.
However once you spec into holosmith, you will no longer have access to orbital strike and other F5 skills.
There’s still the mystery of the Orbital Strike animation from Aurora Peachy’s vod:
My wild guess is there’s some change to the Siege Rounds trait in Explosives line.
Woah what the hell was that? The character just stopped moving for 1 seconds and then orbital strike hit the golem, it didn’t even have an animation.
I cannot unsee it lol
Exactly as Chaba said.
Once you activate PF you cannot use kits for 6 seconds. Your weapon skills become PF skills (1-5). Once you deactivate PF, you’ll have to wait 6 seconds (or 4 not sure) to be able to reactivate it.
However once you spec into holosmith, you will no longer have access to orbital strike and other F5 skills.
The photon forge is your F5 skill of the new elite skill.
Does that mean if we don’t use the new elite skill we are going to lose 5 whole skills?
Or does F5 always stay photon forge even if you use different elites? That would mean we could lose orbital strike or that medpack drop thingy.
Nevermind, from what I’ve seen, you will always have Photon Forge as your F5 skill when you spec in holosmith.
(edited by Kaizoku.1298)
I can’t believe how much time you had to waste C_C
Core engineer lacks a power offhand so, if we stick to that rule, it will never have a power main hand.
Not necessarily – the warrior leak indicates that they’ll get dual-wielding daggers. So it’s possible that a future elite specialisation could come with a power mainhand and a power offhand to go with it.
Yes, that would be for the best. Hopefully we’ll get MH and OH.
Now rocket turret knockdown is easy to dodge since you know that’s what it does when it is first spawned so :/
You can’t really be super careful when you’re in Stonemist fighting a 40v40v40 and the game engine is lagging so much that it only registers half your button presses.
I think we can all agree that it was better the way it was before.
Also, healing turret is the only usable one that clears conditions without speccing HGH. (not counting AED as usable because .. well, it isn’t)
If you want to spam SO BAD then you still could even if they remove the stupid delay, you have 3/4 seconds to spam, ain’t that enough for you? geez