I agree, skimpy is better. Or at least let us choose armor from skimpy or robot ones.
One day…i hope ANet reward those who play on the first day.
Mending: Remove two condition
Shake it Off: Remove a condition
Signet of Stamina: Remove all condition
Warriors complain about condition removal because all of you use always the same build and the same utility. You have to find a new play style, tha bull’s rush kitten can’t fit top players at all.
For my point of view Anet should balance the game so when you fight against a player you CAN’T say “Oh this is a bleed thief” or “This is a bs thief” or "This is a Well-Mancer or “This is a kitten d/d ele”
I want a game so when you fight against a character the surprise is always behind the corner.
Gj ANet if you give at all classes a 25% signet u can break the game totally.
Think before change skills. Ele with 25% signet? Necro with 25% signet? really? all can run fast as thieves? And thieves what can do to escape from battle? Use stealth? So you can give all stealth too because thieves have?
Please ANet think before change something.
Race change <——————
All i want for christmas
They don’t allow us to change traits but allow us to change character. LOL!
I’m looking for team too, but i have only 1 QP because i never found a real team to compete with.
Lol do you really compare invis stomp of thieves with vapor stomp of ele? Thieves can stay in hide yes, but remember they are always there, hittable; elementalist in vapor form can’t be hit at all (like mesmer with distortion)
Lol just y/d i was near to oneshotted by one guardian that kill me from behind when i folow a necro. When he kill me i just said WTF!!
Ppl make this game bad.
ANet can change something, but ppl have to change.
Well if you see a dev playing again make sure you pick a theaf and backstab them in stealth as many times as you can and run away like a coward and then we might see some changes
Again? Stop.
Yes we can have all of this healing but if u go for all of this healing you don’t kill anyone.
Vapor form should not reset the pool hp of downed state. That’s all, if they do this for vapor form, they have to do the same with other skill of others classes.
Infiltrator strike is affected by the bug of portal of mesmers, we need a patch.
Thief are ninja, so they can kill only lord without problems, what’s wrong?
Yeah agree, blind now is kinda useless.
We can’t manage utility with ini too if ini pool stay at 12/15. They need to improve the ini pool so, yes would be funny use ini also for utility/heal/elite. No maybe better without elite.
“Using a stolen bundle item should no longer destroy a bundle being wielded in their hands.”
Can anyone explane this? I’m not english :P
If you’re holding an environmental weapon (like hammer/torch in fractals) and use what you steal, you won’t lose the environmental weapon you were holding anymore.
This. My guess is that the bug was a result of steal’s early design actually giving you a bundle/skill bar. They moved the stolen skills to just rest on the f1, but they never removed the special case “drop bundle so we can give you the stolen one” bit until now, when people noticed it.
Thank you both!
Lol, now ppl start complain about caltrops, and when devs fix caltrops will be another skill ppl want destroy.
Leave this place and let thieves their skills. If u can’t move out of caltrops you are a noob. Let them the point for a 5 sec, so u can kill them in ranged. L2P your classes before ask for a nerf of ALL of thieves skills.
“Using a stolen bundle item should no longer destroy a bundle being wielded in their hands.”
Can anyone explane this? I’m not english :P
I’m a D/D Ele main, and I am very strong against melee thieves. I have tons of defenses to ruin your day, like shocking aura (stun on hit), frost aura (chill on hit), and mist form -> ether renewal (escape all damage and heal to
How you full with Ether renewall?
Why Moderators have closed the previous post? They can write something about that and then close it not close without a reason.
I like suggestion about spirit, guardian have their spirit weapons that damage us, ranger can have spirit that buff him and don’t damage us but why we have to kill them in 3 hit?
And for ress yeah, give rangers usefull ress or leave/replace that useless skill.
70% of the time you try to use Steal there’s no effect no damage and no skill stealed, because of block, evade and obstructed.
Yeah they have to fix the aoe of our traps, because isn’t rectangular but squared and only in the center of the trap.
There are two tipes of mesmers.
Mesmer you can kill with a good skill, and mesmer u simply can’t killl because of their shatter burst, you loose 1-2 sec to target the right one and in the meantime you have 1K HP to manage because he use mind wrack and blurred frenzy.
I’v stopped reading this at the title.
Have you already seen other calsses in tPvP or are you refearring only to hot join?
Because if you go to see how other classes can be played (like shatter mesmer or elementalist) you would change your mind about thieves.
Think about thieves. For this skill queue thieves burn their initiative totally if they use two times in a row a skill that use 5 ini.
We need to destroy this queue on skilll. Is useless.
A bank in the mists is something i’ve been wanting to see since BWE2.
Yeah… totally agree.
I vote for the beta one!!!
Comon ANet.
I think bag of kitten would be better.
Lol elementalist can always be in swiftness they don’t use at all that signet, Thief need mobility to survive, they don’t have vapor form or 1000 of skill that to dodge.
For the rest i feel like only necro don’t need signet of locust but thief and ranger need it at all. And as is now is fine.
With bunker you have to use your shortbow, let them use water attunement / heal, then swap on D/D and use all of your dps, you can kill EVERYONE like this.
Why cooldown? Because u wanna again ppl crying about how op would be thief with cooldown and not with initiative?
Initiative have a good point and bad point, if u let thief spam 10 skill in a row like other class thief can be the most powerfull in this game, let initiative like is now is better for everyone.
Oh and for who said “10 ini and 1 point in trick and regeneration on swap” i say "all class can spam 5 skill, then swap and spam 5 skill, thief simply can’t.
If you play alone yes, burst spec is useless, but if u have a good team you can shine with burst build. Just remember to use you good point.
PS. A good thief can escape by ALL fight, you need only shadowstep.
This is the reason because ppl have to stop complain about thief. Thief can do burst damage but after all he have to run away or he die. Elementalist can burst and still have no cd (because of attunement) to fight.
I think the problem of elementalist is that change attunement don’t have the right cooldown.
Ele : 20 skill to spam in fight.
All autoattack chain last longer than they should. For example 0.5 +0.5 +0.5 = 2.5. It would be nice to make public information about the global cooldown, or change the tooltip.
Another bug: Vital shot has the same cast time as Bleeding shot. 3/4 = 1/2
How can u calculate the global cooldown?
I mean, how u can say 0.5 0.5 0.5 is 2.5 ?
It does not give a free res. These guys can’t rally you. Also they die in about 11 seconds, not 2 seconds. I would like them to have a bit more survivable, but the real problem is obviously them aggroing. Necro minions are supposed to aggro based on what you attack only, so if this particular minion is not following that rule that is the real problem. We are currently investigating it and will make any changes we think are necessary.
Warriors in vegeance can rally with them >_> also with shark, pls fix this, is really annoying.
Let’s wait a costumer support, if they upgrade standard to deluxe, all of us that bought game on standard need to have upgrade.
I think the thief was buffed with a good amount of stack of might. If u have a good equip and a good build this is a high number for a thief, i can’t do 4K and 7K on a really bunker build without buff me on a fire field.
PS. to all thief, have you already tried to got buffed from fire field with blast and with guardian staff skill and rangers feline skill? U can have the max amount of might in the game and u gonna hit hard XD
(edited by Kerishan.8460)
They should fix channeled skill stop channel if target go in stealth.
Start Paid tournaments = you play against the best hardcore team in europe. Result = 500-20 or 500-100.
Paid is for organized? No, there is for crazy ppl that play 24/24 7/7 all day all time. So other ppl can’t, simply can’t win paid tournament.
ANet should fix this.
This set has this effects:
(1): +25 Power
(2): 5% chance to cause your next attack to steal health when hit. (Cooldown: 15s)
(3): +50 Power
(4): Your next attack after using your healing skill steals health.
(5): +90 Power
(6): You become mist when you fall below 10% health. (Cooldown: 60s)
But the last one seems not working, i’v tried reaching 10% of my health but nothing happens.
Please allow me to use profanity because I am extremely mad.
You know what the faq I got?
I got an exotic weapon that my profession can’t use, a kitteny weapon that I could use, and….TWO PAIRS OF EXACTLY SAME kittenING LEATHER PANTS, YEAH EXACTLY SAME BABY, EXACTLY SAME!
wtf just wtf.
Me too man, and ANet said “You got the chest at least” OMG this is crazy.
ok honestly as long as you looted the chest you won….the minimum you could get out of it is 30g worth of items..the max is 200g or so…if everyone got it it’d ruin the market as well so the random factor has to be there. What upsets me is that some of us didnt get to do it at all and some did it over 3 times, ruining the market ultimately.
Don’t lie man. I open the chest at the end of event and all i make after sold it at trade broker is 1g 80s. So 30g is a dream.
Totally +1 to OP.
Is lame some ppl drop precursor (value 200G) and all other drop exotic kitten (value 1G).
Is unfair.
Event was annoying, really worst event i ever seen in a mmo.
Press 1 for 3hr isn’t funny at all and ress ppl continously isn’t funny at all.
And the lag? Oh for the goddess i run at 5 fps all the time, isn’t funny at all.
- 20 bag slot, not bad;
- 2 random exotic, all kitten i don’t need i sell them for 1 gold (>_>)
- 3 random rare, all kitten i don’t need i sell them for 30 silver (-.-")
The event worth it? Not at all.