Showing Posts For Lethalvriend.1723:

Hobo-Tron Appreciation Thread!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Will we be able to get Hobo-Tron a new job in future LS? Perhaps as a tiny easter egg ‘quest’ which is seperate from the real LS. This guy should stick around to be honest, he sort of reminded me of CL4P-T4P if any of you guys play that awesome shooter.

So Being 1-Shot is meant to be a Challenge?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Honestly I’ve done the entire arena and the only things involving luck are the lady with all the tornados, the 4 bandits (random AI/damage rolls due to their number of npc’s), the chump/norn guy and that was it. The last boss uses a set pattern for entire phase 1, if you do phase 1 identical each time you can basically do it blind and you will always make it. Once you know the pattern, ofcourse.

This gauntlet has it’s seperate achievement panel because they INTENDED this to be kitteneshot mechanics are there to test a player’s ability to respond to certain mechanics. I am someone that used to play raids on a certain mmo for quite a few years and that game used similar mechanics.

I am most definetely one of the target audiences they pleased with this gauntlet and it simply isn’t made for everyone. If you do not enjoy it, you should skip it as it’s only a mini you will miss out on. No titles or skins. During the livestream on august 5 they also said this was meant to be for people to show off a bit because alot of GW players felt they had nothing to show that they were good at the game. This gauntlet allows people to show they can do difficult encounters all by themself and earn a mini as proof of that. They could have made an ‘easy mode’ gauntlet which simply does not reward the mini though, I definetely think that would have been better than JUST the hard mode gauntlet. Perhaps they can do so in the future? This event is supposed to become a year-on-year event as said by Colin.

Are people not running dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Dungeon tokens on alts should still give the proper daily bonus, cut the daily gold bonus for all I care but that’s lame..

which of the these 3 races would you be

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’d definetely go for a Quaggan IF this would be the 3 to pick from. However, I would love to see playable Ogres, Largo and Kodan.

10G in 40 minutes, intended?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


In about an hour I’ve found several lodestones, several exotics and lots of rares, a gigantic amount of greens and about 3g worth of ‘raw’ coin. It’s an insane good place to farm for materials such as t6 stuff and globs right now. You can even stack up your legendary precursor green versions taht you want so badly because the greens just keep pouring at you and then convert them to rare → mf toilet.

Where have all the People Gone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It’s because most people are trying to get all the Living Story content done I think, it’s taken alot of people’s attention because it’s only there for a limited amount of time.

Will cross-region play ever be feasible?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


but my NA friends play on the EU server with me fine… T_T I don’t see why we can’t guest to NA servers when na players can home on eu servers without issue.

That’s because their characters are saved on the EU data center. It doesn’t matter where the players are it matters where the character data is.

the data is still travelling from the servers in eu to na, can someone that understands networking explain why this is insurmountable?

The issue is not ‘insurmountable’. It could be done, more or less “easily” in fact.
However, the issue is whether it is desirable, and it’s not desirable.
The reason is, the length of the route the data would need to travel would increase a great deal, and this would translate into lag.

Players in EU or Players in NA but on EU Server
EU Players <—> EU Server <—> NA Players

Players in EU or Players in NA but each player on different server
EU Players <—> EU Server <—> NA Server <—> NA Players

You can see the route is longer when you allow players on different servers to play with one another = more lag.

So why aren’t EU players saved to the NA data center implying symmetry in the relationship you proposed?

Because then every single EU player would have 100-500 ms lag by default, which is not really such a ‘quality’ service for many out here. Pretty much every big online game acts this way, you cannot put all datacenters in one place and expect good performance for everyone so instead they spread it all out.

what is your favorite zone and why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I don’t really have an absolute favourite, but a couple of favourites ‘bits’ are all the ruins in Ascalon, I love ruins, in every game I always love them. I really like snowy areas aswell, so lornar’s pass is one of my favourites aswell. The volcano in mt Maelstrom is also quite nice, aswell as the tiny ‘island/shoreline’ all the way to the southeast in that zone. I also like dense forests but this game doesn’t really have that, only jungles or open ‘forest-like’ places. There’s plenty of spots that I think are pretty awesome. Overall the game world is well made with alot of attention detail for an MMO, even the zones with themes I don’t really like (all the purple stuff in the branded scar). It was still pretty awesome fighting Shatterer the first time.

An LS event that no one knows about

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The way this can be done would not be a traditional living story we see now, it would be about introducing lore and it could be done on a large scale to get players involved in searching around the world. However, it should be spread over quite some time for people to catch on and let word of mouth do it’s thing. Especially if it is done in many different stages there will be people that find out about to get the word to spread. I’ve played some other games that used this and it was quite a way to make some hype. The actual event would then still be announced though, but only after the initial signs have already happened.

LA other asura gates look rdy

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The portals leading to the other capitals in LA do point towards the cities they lead to, perhaps not 100% accurate but they do. The extra portals are also inactive on Ring of Fire.

more hearts in guild wars 2 question?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it’s a valid point that they do add some extra detail to the world with npc’s involved (heart vendor etc) and that it gives a sense of direction. I do think that if they wish to add more they will have to make them more meaningfull than just ‘search this that or that or kill x’. I don’t know how they would go about doing that though, events can be chained while hearts are just.. fetch quests.

Problem with the Two-Week Release Schedule

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree with just about everyone here, I didn’t play the game much for nearly 7 months and got back to playing somewhat regularly now. However, the completionist in me felt so pressured to complete the new stuff that is gone in 1-2 days from now that I am already starting to feel burned out of the game in only 2 weeks of playing. I did manage to squeeze some regularly playing into it but only because I have lots of time right now during summer. When I get back to my regular schedule next month I doubt I’ll be able to keep up. I said ‘kitten’ it by the time dragon bash lead to the pirates and missed all the pirate content because I just didn’t enjoy racing for the content. I caved in for the bazaar and politics but I’m not sure if I will play through all the jubilee content that’s coming.

So, my main issue is the time pressure. Making the content last longer, release slightly less often (3-4 weeks? maybe even 2 months) and please.. add actual lore to the stuff that ties into what we have been going through the entire game. All the LS just feels like something unconnected that’s added to the game. What does this all have to do with the massive theme of centaur attacks, elder dragons, dredge and dwarves and so on. I want to go past the broken bridge at brisban wildlands, go past the blocked passage at the southeast of Mount Maelstrom.. This game world has so much potential and they don’t utilize any of the lore and locations that are already in place.

The Wallet...check!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Dev’s can’t read every single post, but community managers etc probably pick up some suggestions and let them look into it. It’s always a matter of whether they think the idea is worth exploring, if it’s doable (time/money) etc. This isn’t the first suggestion that’s been added and I’m sure more will come down the road.

more hearts in guild wars 2 question?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think they could be without hearts entirely if they make DE’s be big chains that actually tell a story, where NPC’s have some proper dialogue etc. They shouldn’t be all over the place ofc cause some people still want to farm events, but they could easily use it as a story telling tool.

Is living world taking all the dev time?

in WvW

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


lordKrall I think you are missing the point of the OP. While there have been bugfixes and improvements to the system, there has been no actual ‘content’ added to WvW. The maps are still pretty much identical as a year ago, which is what the OP wants. I think ANet is currently spread fairly thin amongst their features and such that they are trying to implement. It’s probably going to take quite a while before we see a large scale content update (if at all) or something like more WvW maps.

When you realize you voted for your nemesis.

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I bet my Charr would gut Evon if the game allowed me to, preying on the weak and profiting off of it..

Election: feedback

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


When I read the OP it immediately became clear that, even if he did poll a 500 man guild, he isn’t even sure about his own statistics which leads me to believe he pulled them out of thin air. 70-80% didn’t want them <- it’s either one or the other, simple.

I think the vote is just fine, however, like said by some others. I would have liked to see some concept art and some clues for the reactor and abbaddon fractal. I don’t farm fractals but it would be nice to not vote semi-blind. As for my votes, the only votes Evon got from me were so I could do some support achievements. I vote for Kiel for a couple of reasons, she’s not a criminal, not a profiteer, waypoint cost reduction benefits me slightly whereas keys do not benefit me at all since I hate RNG and don’t support it. I also want to see the reactor because I am more interested in dragon magic and Asura than some god. The only thing that actually may have persuaded me to vote for Evon is purely because he is a Charr. Charr are awesome, sadly he had to be scum and lost my vote there.

They could have definetely improved the information regarding Living story by utilizing their personal story system. Give players a marker on their map on where to go and have some cutscenes portraying what’s going on, who offers what.. etc. This doesn’t even have to be limited to this LS, they can use the same method in the future.

Transparent Terrain

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


You have to turn off terrain reflections at the graphic settings, I had the same issue on my GTX 260.

Living world destructable environments

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it would be quite nice if dodging through a fence during combat would actually break the fence for some time, then respawn eventually ofc. This could be applied to alot of things, but I’m not sure if this game supports physics like that at all. The physics I’ve seen in this game are mostly on an individual basis such as throwing a rock or shooting with your bow.

Do you prefer if there was no LW contents?

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think having LS is definetely better than having nothing to replace it, obviously. I think they should keep the LS but they really have to make the stories connect much more obviously. Furthermore, I hate politics IRL and thus the current one doesn’t interest me much. I really want to see more of the dragons, it’s been a year since launch and saying that it might harm the experience for new players just doesn’t cut it for me. They have built up to a climax with Zhaitan and then ended up adding stories to the game that feel like they come out of nowhere, they aren’t (as far as I’m aware) linked to things already established in the game.

LA other asura gates look rdy

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you consider the other asura gates all pointing towards their destination (LA portals point towards the actual cities) you could guess where they may lead to.

An LS event that no one knows about

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Actually, if they were to continue the elder dragons’ stories they could use something like this. Perhaps mobs show up somewhere, or the environment starts to change at certain zones with no information on the wiki or an official announcement. That would actually be able to get people excited and even search for more places where things are changing. The idea of actually having a living world like that would be pretty awesome in my opinion. The changes can start subtle, like perhaps a few boulders that came down a hill, then a week later a cave opening up or something.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

12K+ achievement points? How?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Personally I’m about to break 4,5k and I haven’t played the game for about 7 months. I think if I had continued playing I could have had about 9k by now purely from monthlies/dailies and some repeatable achievements.

What will happen to tokens in my bank?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The only reason you have to log in on each character is because the data for them isn’t updated untill you log in I’d imagine. Considering logging into any character is tied to your bank, that isn’t going to be a problem.

WXP/WvW levels Account Bound When?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree that they should let all the ranks be shared among your characters. I also think they should add an option to reset your wvw skills for a bit of cash (like traits), but only allow people to do that at their spawn. I never liked having everything character bound in other games, it feels so pointless.

Just stepped back into MMOs. Confusion...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


You can buy dyes or open unidentified dyes that will unlock colors to use for that character. The dye can be used infinetely once unlocked, but they are bound to a single character (sadly not acc bound :P). You can open your character armor panel and then click on the little brush at the top left to swap to dye-mode. By default, when you first equip an item it’s dyes will match what your previous armor had in that slot.

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


While this is a very old necro’d thread.. The idea in this is really good. I had the most fun while levelling when the game was just released. Not just because everything was new, everything was fresh. It was because I could run into other people and seek out help for events and actually got a response. If I see someone now it’s unlikely they will even talk and I sorta refrain from it aswell, because most interesting stuff happened in bigger groups.

Dungeon changes make gilded infusion useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree with the OP that this is a valid concern, I do not use these infusions myself.. or any ascended items for that matter. But having your source of gold to change from drops to UI-gained and then losing the 20% bonus on the significant part of that (being the boss drops) would actually make him lose 20 days of worth of dailies, or two months of monthlies.

Furthermore, comparing this to ‘goods aren’t permanent’ is not really valid, Guild Wars 2 exotic lvl 80 armor is still as good now as it was 11 months ago and likely won’t change much even with new ascended items coming out. People speaking out is better than nobody speaking out untill the problem already exists and may not be fixed for ages (if at all).

Please, no more Festivals!!!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I am one of the people that, while I do enjoy the mini-events I really do hope we will be seeing the personal story continue. It’s now been almost a year since I finished my personal story and apart from Jormag and the Destroyer, I have not seen much of a sign that there are other dragons on the verge of attacking. I would love to have new zones to explore, more personal story missions, more dungeons, different themes in environment etc. I am not as much a lore guy as some diehard fans out there but I do enjoy worlds with lots of secrets, history etc.

I hope that this current chain of events will finally lead to a charge towards another elder dragon perhaps, or a new threat as a whole. The scale of the stories we’ve been getting over the past months have all seemed to be quite small. Sure they are connected, but I already forgot half of the story because it seems to go one way and then another way again. If we can have another story on the scale of the main personal story which includes new places to visit or rigorous changes to existing zones then I’m all for that.

Candidate Trials T4

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I took the advice of some early poster on my warrior. I put on full zerker gear, equipped a rifle in one hand, hammer in the other. Went with bolas, invulnerability, quickness and signet as elite and nuked the sabotagers as they came from the mortar side. When mortar npcs spawned I used the hammer to knock them back, furthermore I could use the hammer to intercept and interrupt any sabotager that nearly managed to succesfully steal the treasure. I did both kiel and evon’s t4 this way and it worked like a charm. You gotta make sure the veterans stay away though, so in case you aggro on while fighting a saboteur you run back behind the rocks near the mortars and go back when they turn around.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree that resorting to custom arena and say ‘go duel there’ really misses the point of dueling. In some other games I’ve dueled on top of mountains, on floating platforms in the sky, in forests.. simply by running into someone that enjoys dueling! That’s all, it is really not hard to implement a dueling system for a team like Anet. They just have no interest in adding it, likely because some leadership sees no profit in it. I still hope they add it some day but it’s unlikely.

The Character Models

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree that graphically the game is really outstanding, animations and detail to environment are much better than many, many other games. There’s still a few bugs I encounter.. like my charr being all weird when falling and swinging a sword at the same time during landing. I do think that they missed an oppertunity with making everyone look young though. I would have liked to make a more elderly character to fit as an elementalist or something, it takes time to learn all that magic after all.

What do you want to see in GW2 before 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’m seeing lots of other cool suggestions/ideas here aswell, like more underwater content. I would definetely love to see that, just don’t fill it with Krait :P Hate those little snake things.

What do you want to see in GW2 before 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Personally I would like to see a few improvements regarding treating us as a player rather than a character.

- Make Karma share among all characters, like laurels do etc.

- Make dyes account-unlocks, reduce the dye drop rate to compensate.

- Turn weapon skins, armor skins etc into unlockables. Got those badges for those heavy CoE leggings? Great, you can now get that skin from a new bank tab, using it costs 1 of those transmute stones, depending on which level the item is you apply it to. Now you only have to worry about buying stats afterwards.

- Continue the story of the elder dragons, personal story or living story.

- Much more zones to explore, I love exploring, many others do aswell.

- Make ALL zone rewards scale based on character level rather than zone level, sure people may speedlvl and then go through the zones for max rewards, but is that worse than people farming for exotics/rares in Orr and other places?

- More armors, we’ve had like.. 8 dungeon sets, the basic levelling/crafted gear, some random pieces of equipment and since launch we’ve only got a handfull of standalone pieces.

- Better TP UI, it’s cumbersome to buy things, check prices of stuff, go back to buying more stuff or selling stuff. Plus, when I open the TP it opens the gemstore by default, allow the thing to remember my last opened page as sometimes I have to close the TP and then get back to it, having to search for X item AGAIN.

- More weapons, both in skins and gameplay. We haven’t seen two-handed axes, above-ground spears/polearms, crossbows and many other possibilities.

- After the dungeons overhaul, unify all dungeon tokens to one currency.

- Make all currencies UI based, rather than items. Nobody likes having 8 bank slots taken just for dungeons, among other things i.e. badges from wvw.

- More active skills, I really dislike being stuck to 2 weapon sets and 5 skills that tend to have huge cooldowns.

There’s probably more but this is what I can think of from the top of my head.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

So GW2 didn't get the 1 mil likes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Just an FYI for those saying that ‘the mmo that should not be named’ is being very succesfull even now. It’s lost 700k subscribers over the past 3 months and has been in a downward spiral like that for the last few years. GW2 does not rival the amount of active players and I think it never will, but on it’s own it’s a good game. Personally I do not play GW2 the way I have played other MMO’s. It is a game you can enjoy for a long time and then quit, or play every now and then. It is still well made regardless of knowing that there are tons of things they could have done smarter, better.. or not at all. Just remind yourself you paid only once to play this game and you can enjoy it whenever you want. In terms of fun per euro I spent on it, this game beats ALOT of other games I own.

Transmute between armour classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


A big reason why this wouldn’t work so well as you think right now, all medium classes are made to mix and match with medium, all light is made to mix and match with light, all heavy is made to mix and match with heavy. There are a few examples where the models clip, but try previewing heavy gear on a light geared character. Loads, and really.. loads of models will clip with eachother making it look really bad.

Lost Shores event disconnect solution? [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I just read they were just distributing with a new script and I checked my mail, finally got my karka box today. 2 Karka items + 2 rares and 2 exotics is quite nice.

Crafting, argh!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It would also be a really good idea to check out the Tailor page on the official wiki, it states alot of the recipes and will help you find out how the recipes work. They are actually all done pretty systematically.

Anyone notice a decrease in population?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’m playing on Ring of Fire (EU) and there is nearly always an overflow in LA, plenty of people running dungeons etc. I personally run 1-10 dungeons a day with mostly pugs and usually 1 or 2 friends tagging along. Now the levelling zones are definetely not as crowded as the first month but I still see people going there, including myself (for alts, world complete etc).

What's happening to the price of gems?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Since the lost shores event it has become insane easy to earn gold through dungeons (not by selling, but raw gold generated from completing something). This is, I think, a very large reason for the huge inflation. My dungeons now changed from 20-60s per run to 1g-2g per run just from drops by mobs that i vendor + rewards from those bags, money drops etc.

The multi-guild system & why guilds are pointless.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I can see where you are coming from if you have such a large guild, to be honest. In the other games I’ve played guilds were very very rarely as large as 200+. Most guilds I’ve seen had perhaps 50 members of which 30-40 were most active. I think a part of the problem occuring right now is people handing out invites far too easily. I personally run a guild of 7 right now, yes that’s very small. But we only invite people we really enjoy playing with PLUS we make sure everyone in the guild will enjoy playing with that person. My guild doesn’t have so much guild chat spam as big guilds but we all talk to eachother and we all play together, there is no guild hopping or anything destructive currently. I think it is generally an issue with guilds just trying to get ‘big’ and inviting strangers without knowing anything of them. I am personally strongly against advertising in map chat etc because you will essentially invite a person that may not fit in at all. This can work both ways, but if you instead decide to only invite people you encouner while questing, doing dungeons or pvp you will see they won’t have this behavior.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Charr Warrior, no speed boosts.
Human Mesmer, no speed boosts.
Asura Necromancer, no speed boosts.

Did it multiple times on my Charr, it was the most difficult on my charr at first as it was the first character I tried it with. Despite that, I would say Asura have the hardest time because they are basically invisible before the main zerg fails at the first few jumps. I managed to do it in 1 single attempt on my Mesmer (I was kinda proud and surprised). It took me several hours on my Charr while having a headache, then I came back the next morning and got it in 10 minutes. My Asura took me about 10 attempts before I got all the way up.

Why No Mistfire Wolf for Asuran Thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you are interested in it you can also upgrade your account to digital deluxe for 2000 gems (which you can buy with gold if you wish).

Should I Learn All Skills In A Tier Before Getting Skills In The Next Tier?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Do realize not all skills are available in structured PvP, some are specific to species I believe and those are left out. Also, if you intend on running dungeons at level 80 expect to get a huge amount of skillpoints. I have all skills unlocked on my warrior, I have even used 50 to make a mystic weapon and I currently have nearly 150 skillpoints to spare. You can basically spend them at will.

What weapons and armor should I look for at 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I recommend you take a look at it explains how you can save yourself alot of money on obtaining exotic quality items.

Missing One Point of Interest at 99%/100%

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


What Danicco said, it is likely the chantry of secrets (look it up on the wiki and it’s easy to find). As for cani, the ‘world completion’ achievement is completely unrelated to the explorer achievements.

SPvp armour/weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Basically when you have bought yourself Spvp gear and got the runes, sigils etc you like all there is left is just PvP for fun. The gear you get are just skins, if you want to look different you can use those to change your gear’s skins. There is no difference in stats at all just like exotic lvl 80 gear has similar stats on all gear.

Shield opinion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Personally I am using a flame shield which is a rare fire-themed shield, it doesn’t look like the Citadel of Flame themed items and personally I have kept it ever since. The ‘flame’ greatsword also looks amazing, you could check those weapons out and see if you like them.

So what happened to end game from the very begining?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There is a giant devourer boss in the Ascalon zone just past Blazeridge Steppes.

Order of Play Strategy--What Area to Pick Next?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Your story quests occur about every 2 levels all the way to lvl 80 to give you an indication, if you are doing all zones the way you are now then there should be no problem. You will hit lvl 80 way before you will finish all zones though but that doesn’t matter much.

Personally I have 100% completion on my main and on my second character I basically decided to go from west to east across the map (starting southwest, moving north, east etc).