Showing Posts For Lethalvriend.1723:

This made me sad...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you would like to add people from the forum as friends ingame, open your friends list. Then in the bar at the top you can type in a player name or an account ‘tag’. The tags are the ones you are seeing on the forum here, mine being Lethalvriend.1723 for example. Once you add someone you should be able to see when that person is online and if you talk to them and ask them to add you aswell then you will be able to see a small amount of extra information when a mutual friend is online.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think if people would have to take all tragedies into account the world would be a place full of depressed people. Bad things happen all the time, 32,000 chickens had to be ‘destroyed’ recently here because some were infected with a disease but because they aren’t humans it’s not important enough to make a fuss. However, out of the 6-7 billion people 130+ die and it’s too important that we have to keep it into consideration for an april fool’s. It may be harsh but the world just doesn’t work that way, for those that have lost loved ones it is a sad time. But that’s life and death is part of that, whichever form it may take. If you feel offended you should just take a step back and remember that nobody at ArenaNet is trying to make fun of you. It’s coincidental as this joke was likely prepared way ahead of the crash.

What is the point in transmutation stones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


@Phokus I think what he means is why not allow looks-changing without the use of stones (as in, just being able to change whenever you want for free).

A little question - i was out for 5 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Expansions are nearly always paid. In GW2’s case it’s also a paid expansion.

What is the point in transmutation stones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There is one simple answer to that, they have added it as a way to earn money. Singleplayer games don’t have to worry about things like this because they (usually) sell a box or a single game (with dlc or whatever) so they don’t add features like this. With transmutation stones people will stick to their looks longer and might spend money if they want to change it. It’s not too annoying for most as you do get a decent amount from map completion etc and it’s also not too expensive for those that want to get more stones.

GW2 needs ability to modify UI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I noticed in one of the HOT streams/footage that there was a ‘Scale UI’ in the options there, perhaps they are working on some more user interface customization. I’d really like it if we could move around any element of the UI aswell as hide and resize individual elements in settings somehow. It can all be built-in without a need for mods like other games use. Having extra space with keybinds for consumables is something many people have wanted for ages. Perhaps 3 keybindable slots where we can drag our most used consumables to for quick-use and a special border for the icons in the inventory. They could even add a consumable bag that auto-sorts consumables just like the crafting bags etc.

I would come back to the game if...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree with the OP that it would be nice if they finally added this. The way it works right now is, yea you can keybind skills to a key you wish. But as soon as you weaponswap or change elements when playing an Ele you can no longer customize that other weapon/element to your needs because you only bind a button, not an actual skill. Being able to swap places of weaponskills would solve this issue so that your 2nd skill may be your 3rd when you weaponswap to a different weapon etc.

Best Laurel to gold conversion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There is a slight risk in saving up all your laurels though, if you hold on to them alot of others are thinking the exact same thing which might mean that T6 mats will drop in value quite a bit right at the launch. But it’s hard to tell right now.

Getting 100% in an area?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Upon fully completing almost any zone you also get a free transmutation charge that you can use to change the look of your armor with skins you’ve unlocked. If you make sure you complete a fair amount of zones (or maybe even go for 100% across all) you can save those charges up and completely customize your looks when you have your lvl 80 gear.

Extend Double XP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I liked the buff, I put on food buffs, celebration booster, exp booster and then teamed up with some friends. I got about 8 levels or so in a fairly short time. At one point I even got a full level within 8 minutes by just exploring and killing lots of monsters. They seem to be going in this direction where they add celebration buffs during events (see WvW, sPvP previously). I hope they will continue to do stuff like that.

Did I just get rolled back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve had it happen a few weeks ago, I had just logged in and opened a black lion chest from a daily login reward key, got a ticket.. got d/cd and the chest was closed again (as well as some items I had sold were back). Afterwards I ofc got a different item out of the chest but it seems like a server error or connection error. No idea really.

exotic gear look accended stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The issue with the spinal blade backpack was from before transmutation charges. With the old system you actually lost the ‘item’ you transmuted with (i.e. putting spinal blade skin on another item meant you lost the spinal blade ‘item’). The upgrading is based on the item, not the skin. In other words, that issue is gone with the new system because you no longer lose an item if you want to use that skin on another item.

Living World Trinkets - Un-Delete?

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I don’t know if they will give them back because you knowingly deleted them. I’ve never had to contact support (and hopefully never need to) so I’m not sure how willing they would be to fix something like that. You can always open a ticket and see if they reject the request or not.

So... about PAX South...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Make the most out of it, all of you who manage to win. I’ll be watching the livestream from across the ocean :P

I can't wear the same ascended trinket twice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Unique is something used in quite a few MMO’s and basically means you can only equip one of those items at a time. It’s something that is never really explained anywhere so I can understand for a new player it is probably confusing. Perhaps ArenaNet could add something like a special confirmation box when you purchase unique items that explain what Unique means.

Carapace Coat Box: Feedback & Suggestions [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I am not against using tokens to unlock items as they are now. But when you look at the whole thing it takes more than 10,000 crests to unlock the full set when you don’t get lucky with boxes. I found the carapace to be overcosted since they were first available from the vendor. I also think that the chest should be available from the nightmare chest, random events in SW and from the vendor so that players aren’t fully tied to a single piece of content.

Then there’s the mordrem organs, the first week I was fine with it because I didn’t realize where that was going yet. Requiring RNG to obtain your wanted organ is a really good way to demotivate someone trying to go for the lumi set. Perhaps you want very few people to get the full set. Either way, players should have been able to use the specific extractors in the week the content came out, not in the next episode. It is personally deterring me from really going through the whole process to complete the whole set.

Apart from that it’s been a good run and I’m glad we finally got non-gemstore armors recently (both the pvp and this one).

Back after 3 months break...

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I personally think the new story was enjoyable. Alot of people are just sour or spoiled by other things. The whole theory thing being confirmed just means that if alot of people ponder over the same thing there is a chance they will come up with the exact same solution as the devs. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that and I think the story is going in a good direction. You have to realize that they have set up the major framework for this story loooong ago. I really doubt they would come up with major plot points ‘on the go’. They probably fill in the details like that with a few months of preparation each time, but the major story arch is set up early. Don’t forget that the LS is free if you are an active player and for what they delivered I’m glad I took the time to unlock them.

Heart of Thorns Wish List:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I don’t really have a big wishlist, I’ll just let them make the surprises. I do hope that they won’t increase the level cap and just add most of the expansion as level 80 content, perhaps with a few new things for people that are levelling (new race + zones for them?). We’re probably getting one or more new/old weapons for classes since they have been hinting at it with the LS story. Hopefully they will also add one or more extra PvP game mode(s) and do something for WvW. Apart from that I’ll just see what happens.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There are a huge amount of replies here so I don’t know if this has been suggested before, I don’t have the time to read through 50 pages. Anyway here is my experience:

In the old daily system I never ‘aimed’ at dailies except if I had 4/5 I would often do the 5th to complete it. The end result is that I don’t have as many laurels as others, but that doesn’t bother me. I always did get some AP.

In the new system I haven’t completed a full daily once, yet. This has two reasons, I haven’t played much lately and there aren’t that many options to finish the whole daily within a certain part of the game (i.e. 2 fractal dailies on a single day has occured for example). Since I never really aimed to complete the daily other than ‘accidentally’ I don’t mind. However, I am currently receiving 0 AP even though I am still completing dailies sometimes. It could be improved by adding a meta for the daily that gives the achievement points in tiers.

Complete 1/3 daily +3 AP
Complete 2/3 daily +3 AP
Complete 3/3 daily +4 AP

This way people like me still get the AP for doing the dailies, but there are now no negatives for doing only 1 or 2 rather than a full 3. On top of that the AP hunters will still only have 10 points available per day as it is now. No downsides for the players as I see it at least.

As for the variety, having 12 dailies is pretty good and it does allow people to set foot into unknown territory. I do think that it’s not enough on a per-day basis. Having 6-8 per category while keeping the same limit would make it alot easier for players to pick out the ones they want to do to prevent issues such being forced into fractals because 2/4 dailies are from the exact same content.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

Dungeon Story Mode = PVP Reward Track Unlock?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Reward tracks are account-wide so your progress and unlocks are independent of your character.

What excites you about the future of GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


For the future I would like seeing more new zones to explore with new mechanics (such as the sandstorm in dry top and the giant caves/verticality of Dry Top and Silverwastes). Perhaps an entire map that’s nothing but a giant cave system deep underground (perhaps linked to Primordius). New mobtypes with better AI and new abilities, as some of the new mobs introduced have more interesting mechanics than a lot of the old enemies.

Less clicking involved with essences of Luck (consuming stacks at once), the crafting discovery panel (1 click instead of double to add/remove), the mystic forge (same as discovery panel aswell as the ability to forge the same thing multiple times without re-adding items).

Obviously new races and classes, new dungeons, new weapons and armor that are unrelated to the gemstore. Zone specific rewards such as the Ambrite weapons from Dry Top and Carapace armor from Silverwastes. Hopefully they would implement this into old zones aswell. They could combine everything zone specific in the achievement panel then aswell, you’d have a Zone tab with the jumping puzzles specific to that zone, achievements specific to it etc. But that last bit is only useful if they decide to give every zone unique achievements and rewards from this point onwards (LS2 seems to indicate they intend to do this at least).

Lion’s Arch being rebuilt, hopefully with a new layout and thematic changes. It aren’t just pirates living there now afterall.

New game modes in PvP, I always liked capture the flag type of modes as the current Conquest doesnt keep me interested for long. As a result I have barely done PvP in GW2 compared to other games. Having dueling in the outside world (outside of capital zones) would also be nice. It would probably help attract some people into PvP aswell. Right now you can either do it in WvW or private servers but the easy access of a duel in the open world is what always made it nice in other games.

One or more new races and a new class or classes aswell as more weapon options for existing classes. The new weapons could even be tied to a few class quests where your character learns the basics of wielding a new weapon. They could also expand the current trait system to allow traits to be obtained in more than two ways (gold or events) and add new skills to be obtained in a similar way.

More world bosses with fun mechanics, Teq is definetely better than bosses such as the fire elemental etc. It would be nice if they added world bosses that don’t require as much people but still have a similar difficulty and rewards.

As said in the OP, these are long term things and there is probably more I could come up with, but these are things I would like seeing added.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

[Suggestion] Why not press Enter to confirm ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It would be nice if they added this, the game already involves quite some clicking. However, this shouldn’t be used for everything because it can be quite easy to accidentally confirm something with a hotkey if you are doing several things at once. On the trade post it wouldn’t matter because you probably shouldn’t be fighting when you do. But in other cases it can be possible that such a dialog pops up while you are typing or fighting and have an accidental confirm or cancel.

So disappointing, after ~2 years…

Waiting for an official response.

My guess is that people who knew how those parts of code worked are now long gone.

I’m pretty sure that they have documentation on their systems, otherwise it would be virtually impossible to maintain such a giant sourcecode if they ever want to change anything at all.

Daily/Monthlies Rework

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The new way to earn rewards looks quite nice, especially how you unlock the ‘monthly’ stuff now. I’ve missed out on loads of monthlies because I tend to play actively for a few days or weeks and then return to a few hours every now and then. The dailies never really felt like they meant anything rather than the mystic coins and laurel (and if you are lucky, keys or transmutes). With this new system it seems like people will have to do things that are actually more fun to earn extra rewards, that’s how it should be. I’ll have to wait for it to actually roll out but by the looks of it, there are no downsides to it compared to what we have now.

Now that they have changed so many reward systems I wonder if dungeons (the tokens) and fractals will get an overhaul aswell. If they update both of those then it would mean they have a nice reward structure for pretty much everything in the game. Although the current dungeon system is alright, it would be nice if dungeon tokens were universal or that the dungeon gear has a one-time stat selection upon purchase (such as ascended weapons having a ‘weapon’ choice etc). Since all this stuff would essentially have the core finished I’m assuming that the workforce that was on this can start focussing on other content or new features which is a nice thought.

Are the Maguuma Wastes about to flood?

in Lore

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think they have only just enough Skritt living there to read the blueprints and organize the construction, but not enough to realize the ship is meant to be flipped over.

I personally think that the giant vines aswell as the breach itself that we see in the Silverwastes are not part of the champion, but rather Mordremoth itself. It was hinted quite early on that the vines that attacked Concordia etc were actually Mordremoth himself and not random corruption. Perhaps his growth simply went unnoticed for a long time and in doing so caused the jungle to dry up around these regions. Regardless of whether dragons want magic, growing a giant plant like that requires a giant amount of water aswell. Although down at the caves you can see those ruins constructed fairly deep, as if the water was high, but never all the way to the top in the past.

Question about new trailer

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There is no need to jump to conclusions, in points of interest they even mentioned December 16 so I wouldn’t worry about it. If there is no trailer by tomorrow THEN you may be right, it’s probably just slightly delayed because of whatever reason. No need to panic.

Stuff IDK....starting with Silver Wastes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Going into the canyon actually doesn’t cost any gold at all, you are probably talking about the bandit. If you pay the bandit you can walk into their camp unharmed and disarm a trap (which you can also disarm without paying) which will cause the bandit you paid to get angry and attack you. When you kill it you can use the key she drops to open a chest nearby.

No Patch next week... Confirmed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There have been a few weeks where the trailers got posted at a later time, I wouldn’t jump to any conclusion right now. During points of interest they even mentioned December 16th so it would be strange if they suddenly ‘sorry guys, wait a little longer’.

I want to play *my own* characters

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I personally enjoyed playing both of the instances with the new skillset. Even on my alt that couldn’t get the achievement I made sure I did the whole thing in full stealth when I reached the Asuran lab :P The cutscenes in these episodes were also nicely done with some nice camera angles. It almost felt like a singleplayer RPG and I don’t mind having one story that has me playing as another character. It takes only a few minutes to just read the skills and test them out but perhaps because many people rush into it they got frustrated?

The way the visions were told were pretty good overall in my opinion and I liked learning more about the Sylvari in the Grove. There is one thing that seems to have been overlooked though and that’s a reset mote for the achievements at the centaur boss, it would probably help alot of people if they wouldn’t have to rerun the entire instance to try again.

Dodgy Crowd - backbreaker

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you take a full group you can take a ranged weapon and climb onto a safespot ledge or on top of one of the rocks. As long as the elementals aren’t killed near you you will never be hit by the sandtraps. The walls of sandgusts also never reach those 2 locations.

No more stealth sections, please.

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


This one wasn’t that big and I liked playing through it, the music and area also fit with it in my opinion. At least I gave Faolain the least of an oppertunity to go slaughter Asura.

Where are craftable precursors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Whether they will add this or not, they have indeed been adding better reward systems to the game. PvP reward tracks, WvW rank chests, PvE champion bags, Achievement rewards and collections (a good thing that could be used for precursor scavenge hunting?) and now also zone-based rewards. If it doesn’t come at some point I’m not bothered to be honest, I’ve moved my priorities to other things in the game that are more about fun rather than building an item that costs alot of gold.

Kickstarter to provide funds for new content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Why would people pay money for a kickstarter instead of just buying gems? A game developer such as ArenaNet already has a huge ‘kickstarter’ on their back. NCsoft provides it and they have investors that are already putting money into the company so they can earn more money from it. Obviously investors are in it for profit and fans are in it for the game, but as I said, just buy gems instead.

On another note, if you want to help the developers you could send ArenaNet a postcard with your thanks or a cake.. I am sure that they would appreciate such a gesture. It’s also morale that can help a company perform better. Throwing more money at something isn’t always the solution.

New Player Crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Crafting is definetely NOT neccesary at all. I’ve been playing this game for 2 years in Exotic quality armor and I have been able to do everything except high level Fractals (a dungeon that gets harder each ‘tier’ but it’s arbitrary numbers increasing and a new damage debuff that gets added at higher tiers). Since I personally am not interested in grinding the same dungeon just to get to a higher tier of the same one I ignore Ascended weapons and armor.

There are a few things that are nice from crafting, each ‘tier’ of crafting (apprentice, journeyman etc) you can craft a backpack skin that you can only get through crafting, it’s nice to have while levelling and they do look nice but are completely optional. Another thing is that at level 400 crafting you can make account bound ‘Ambrite’ weapons made from materials from Dry Top (a zone added this year) that you can only get through crafting. Again, only for the visuals. On top of that legendary weapons require crafting but if you want to aim for a legendary then you will likely have so much gold that you can just buy your crafting to 400+ by getting materials from the trade post.

When levelling the only benefit you will have is getting experience from crafting and being able to create your own weapons and armor along the way. Overall it’s not such a big deal in my opinion.

Thank you for the new Jumping Puzzle!

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It took me over an hour of casually exploring the place, it’s a really amazing puzzle to be honest. I bet Sir. Foreman is responsible for this puzzle :P I also liked the ending reveal, although you could guess what it would be if you talk to a certain NPC. It reminded me a bit of when I first did the pirate puzzle in LA around launch time. There are some seriously epic caverns in this zone.

Empty Discoverable Map Sections

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Just note that on a character of mine that has all sections explored, the content direction system still points to an unreachable ‘undiscovered’ area in certain zones, this are probably bits from Guild puzzles and they aren’t included (as I already have the achievement).

Rebuilding Destroyed Areas

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The time in Tyria was only adjusted so they can keep the wintersday etc. at the same time ingame and have it make sense for the Tyrian calendar.

Silverwastes vs Dry Top - Rewards done better

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Some things I preferred in this episode: The (in my opinion) significant rewards were less grindy and attained from the story (shoulders and the ascended jewels). The tonic is a fine reward for those who want it, but Dry Top initially didn’t have much to aim for either. I am pretty sure that the patch coming tomorrow adds a large area to the Silverwastes as many have probably already figured out some stuff regarding it from youtube or other sources. With an additional area I’m sure we will also get additional items to buy. I think that buying bags with copper, even if it’s little is indeed something a bit odd, but if you have really grinded the place to death that that’s literally all you can get anymore then I think it’s a fair deal. As for the champions and such, they are there purely for the extra challenge and I don’t see anything wrong with it to be honest, legendaries are meant to be a bit tougher to kill. They could ofcourse give them a rare chest as a reward if you kill them the first time of the day such as other world bosses but they are alot weaker. The only thing going for them in that regard is the fact that they are rare themselves.

exploration and nag story tracker

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you open up the options menu, at the first tab under User Interface you can find ‘Content Guide’ (second option) and there you can choose which things the tracker should show.

Giant vines appearing in Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Those weren’t there a week ago, 100% sure of that. Maybe they will spread a bit further before tuesday comes around. I bet they snuck them in another one of those ‘fixed a server crash’ mini patches like they did with the waypoint vines.

Exotic and Ascended armour textures

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think that what you are saying is nothing more than a matter of taste. I really like alot of the armors precisely because they aren’t ridiculously shiny or oversized etc. There are currently quite a few flashy weapons in the game, though I must admit there aren’t that many flashy armors but that does not bother me personally. I think there are already alot of players out there that use ridiculous combinations of armor that make my eyes hurt :P I’m glad that the over-the-top glowy armors such as Radiant aren’t rampant in the game. There are many really amazing armor and weapon combinations that can be used to create a cool look in this game and if there is one type of armor that’s lacking it has to be medium. Medium armors have the least variation in armor design. I know you are using a thief in the example, but even then it doesn’t need shiny ornaments. They just need to get armors that aren’t based on long leather coats.

[suggestion] LA could use some new music

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think that they are going to start restoring LA after we finish LS season 2. Right now we are at war, what better time to restore the capital once we have a victory over there? I also think wintersday will get the same treatment as halloween this year.

Potential change to dungeon rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


They could limit the amount of stat combos to the current dungeon-stats sold by all different dungeon vendors (PVT, PPC etc.) that way Celestial would remain exclusive to crafting aswell, while having the convenience of choosing your dungeon-stat rather than having to run a specific dungeon for specific stats.

Can we have more items like Mawdrey please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think if the way to obtain it was more like how we get the new carapace shiny skins then I would actually bother with it. Right now it requires alot of gold or grind to get all the correct items, while the new armor is obtained by simply playing the new content for a reasonable amount of time. Alot of items in the game are already extremely expensive for the average player and the way Mawdrey works is cool, but I don’t find it worth the time as it is now.

Potential change to dungeon rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Due to the great search function I wasn’t able to find other recent threads regarding this, but recently ANET have showed they are willing to hand out rewards through means such as ascended boxes, the new living world etc. where players can choose their own stats on the gear they receive. This basically got me think, each vendor for dungeons currently sells 3 stat combos for 3 armor weights, ditto with weapons. However, what if each vendor only sold 3 armor sets, 1 for each armor weight which would then allow the player to choose stats on the item. Do you think people would suddenly ignore certain dungeons due to stats on the gear from them or do you think people would still play them for the skins? Because I think it would be quite nice to just worry about a skin when you buy a dungeon reward, rather than also having to worry about which dungeon has which stats available.

So in short, I think being able to choose the stats on dungeon armor and weapons would give players more freedom when they are gearing up their character with additional armors. As a minor bonus it would also make it easier to find the item you want on the vendor.

How did you get your precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I bought my precursor from the TP, I didn’t want to risk the toilet and end up with nothing but an empty wallet. Now I just have an empty wallet and a precursor.

It was a good year.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think this year they added more robust updates to the game than last year, things such as account wide dyes, wardrobe, a better storytelling system, better achievement rewards (the current collection to get the shiny shoulder armor is in my opinion a better way to get rewards than the mawdrey golddrain). Sure there are still issues such as a lack of WvW and SPvP updates. But I honestly don’t think that the pace at which we will get such updates is going to skyrocket. The thing is, stuff such as the wardrobe are huge for certain people and because they are out, they can now focus on another big requested feature. They are slowly working through a list of things so to speak, gradually improving the overall game. It takes time and perhaps more than some would like but that’s the way a business works.

Rank what class you take in dungeon

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


When I talk about my own classes I like doing dungeons on my warrior and necromancer. I have just recently got my 5th class to 80 (Guardian) that also seems to be fun for dungeons. The reason I take my warrior the most though is because he is my main and I enjoy the playstyle the most. A warrior is capable of blocking damage through a shield and stance, it can stunspam if needed, it can do decent damage, can stack vulnerability, it has good group buffs with shouts and banners. It can basically fulfill a ton of roles and I like having the ability to change that quickly. I feel that my necromancer is more limited in what it can do in dungeons when I compare him to my warrior.

As for my mesmer and thief, I just don’t play those 2 very much so I don’t really have much of an opinion on those classes. And my other classes aren’t near level 80 yet.

I am Beyond Impressed... Speechless

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I just managed to kill one of the bosses in the new map after fighting for the keeps, this map is really awesome and reminds me a bit of the Straits of Devestation, except due to story, the rewards, smaller map and structure it is a much more fun. I wonder what happens if all 5 bosses are defeated, that giant plant inside the cavern did look as if it would be the end boss when I did the story mode.

The story instances were also the best they have made yet, the library section and the lair were really cool. I took almost half an hour to read and look at everything in the library when I first went in there. Zhaitan’s tail even hangs by the ceiling along with many other hidden objects scathered in the library.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

Strange reward for first chapter of Episode 5

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I must add though that the way you get the new skins is alot better than how you get Mawdrey. I felt the backpiece is just a giant goldsink but getting the carapace armor is actually done through playing the content. And yes you do only kill a few NPC’s in this instance and the other rewards are good (also from the other parts of episode 5), it just felt out of place to get minor runes or sigils as a guaranteed reward from content that can only be done by a level 80.

New Pact Weapons?

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Maybe we get them the same way we got the Zhaitan pact weapons, by getting one token at the final chapter?