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Dragon Stand closes mid meta event.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’m just going to make a guess here but perhaps the server hosting that map crashed. There are still quite alot of bugs in HoT which will take a while before the most critical will all be fixed. I haven’t experienced this myself so far but I can definetely understand the frustration. I’ve seen others being booted at the final chest aswell.

The great achievement point depression

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve noticed the low amount of AP being rewarded for HoT achievements aswell. As someone that doesn’t bother with dailies because I find it ‘a game playing you’ rather than playing the game myself I am sitting at around 9.7k AP and slowly rising. I have been doing alot of HoT achievements and barely gained a few hundred AP. Some were pretty difficult (Fungus Among Us gold, some story achievements etc). I’ve reached a point where I no longer cared much about AP a very long time ago, but it just seems to me like they don’t want us to earn alot of AP for some arbitrary reason. It’s very consistent through all of HoT’s achievements so it must have been something they decided on consciously. I doubt this will be addressed though. They probably just want to stretch out the AP skins reward-time for as long as possible.

Verdant Brink T4

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you are having a hard time finding a map, make sure you are early. Each time I did one I was already taxi-ing people from the very start of the Day cycle. If you don’t have that much time you should still at least come 20 minutes early so you can taxi in enough people. I’ve seen people trying to organize it 5 minutes before nighttime, it’s very hard to get a map full and organized in that time. Just waiting in a map hoping it will be T4 isn’t very likely to get you into one. The LFG tool is your best friend for this.

So the patch is coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I received map completion chests for Southsun, Dry Top, Silverwastes, Tangled Depths and Verdant Brink on my warrior. All I had to do was log in (I was in Rata Sum). So it appears they have fixed this issue.

Mistward armor still soulbound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


This is just a guess but I think only any piece awarded after the patch will be account bound. It doesn’t solve your issues ofcourse, but it’s probably what they fixed.

Non stop crashing since the update [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I just crashed aswell when I tried to open the TP. Before doing that I already had some really weird graphical issues occuring like super stretched out airship models in Verdant Brink (all this has been taking place there). When relogging it fixed itself for a short while but quickly came back when I was gliding around. I also noticed that my map was full of fog several times (minimap still worked fine). I’m not sure if this is an issue with my harddrive/gpu or that it is something specifically to the patch. I rarely crashed in the past and I have never seen these stretched out textures/models before. This map fog issue is also something I’ve never had in the past.

When my game crashed I did get an error log but before sending it I decided to check this forum. By the time I had done that the log window closed itself so I can’t send a report.

Verdant Brink T4

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


To get the T4 map and the Bladed coat box you have to make sure all 5 bosses die (worth about 1,5 tier bar). This also means that during the 3 defense phases at the camps you need to make sure most of them succeed. If by defense 2 you aren’t on tier 2 it means your map is behind on progress and needs to make up for it by defending more camps or completing more champion events/supply escorts etc. If you have all that sorted out, managed to get to Tier 4 then you will have to make sure you have at least 100% participation and simply wait till the night ends. I’ve always had 200% participation when I tried T4’s and when I did I got the coat box all 4 times. Daytime doesn’t affect the night events much, if at all from what I have noticed.

How do I melee in HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve been playing as a Berserker in HoT with 100% berserker gear. In terms of weapons I most commonly use Axe/Mace + Mace/Shield. The reason I don’t take Greatsword is simply my personal preference. However, the offhand mace allows you to stack vulnerability easily and it gives you a stun with ok-ish damage. Because alot of enemies use skills that can be interrupted with stuns that offhand mace suddenly becomes alot more usefull vs old content where mobs aren’t using ‘nukes’ so to speak.

I use the Mace/Shield secondary set because it allows me to get invulnerability if Endure Pain is on cooldown and at the same time provides me with more stuns. I’ve got a PVT Mace for that set and a PVT shield. This way you will get some extra survivability when you swap your weapons. I also think it’s pretty vital to use something like Shake it off in your utilities as it has a short cooldown, is a stunbreaker and removes conditions without requiring any traits. It’s basicaly a multitool for your Warrior.

Some enemies (which you will have to identify yourself, as not everyone plays the same way), like for me Chak champions, will basically force you to either keep some distance constantly in between melee-ing or force you to swap to a Rifle or Longbow. These things are simply too dangerous when they throw around AOE etc. In Verdant Brink it might be wise to swap to Rifle for the Shadowleapers as they can stun and instantly kill you if you dont get away.

Finally, if you do go for Berserker you can take a trait which allows you to prevent death once while in Berserk mode and heal you for a few thousand HP instead (and kicking you out of the mode). It’s a great way to add some extra survivability. On top of all this, dodging is pretty much mandatory. If you would rather take things a bit easier then it’s best to just abandon zerk gear for the HoT zones and take something like PVT.

Map completition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


From this thread:

“Looks like everyone that thinks they are still affected are actually affected by the map complete reward bug. Hang on guys, it’ll be fixed in our next release.


People were talking about a different bug, but some mentioned the issue you are having (I am also affected by this on my main). This was a his response to it. So it should be fixed tomorrow hopefully.

Ascended weapons, armor and trinkets

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Indeed, doing all the elite specialization collections will allow you to earn an ascended Greatsword, Shield, Warhorn, Torch, Staff, Longbow and Hammer. They require you to do certain events and kill certain monsters aswell as buy some collectibles from the new races in Heart of Thorns.

Here is a wiki entry with alot of information on how to obtain Ascended items:

How can I make gold now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Don’t do SW, do Verdant Brink. I’ve made some 400 gold from selling mats I gather and salvage from events

The salvaged mats give you very little gold. The amount of gear you get from VB is so little.

When doing Verdant Brink you should also try to open a ton of Airship Cargo. I’ve received quite a few exotics from them. On top of that they also give you Black Diamonds which sell for nearly 2 gold a piece if you list them on the TP. Since the crowbars practically rain from the sky it is actually a pretty good farm. If you also do events there you can get shiny baubles which is another 30s/bauble. It quickly adds up.

Crafting Auric Ingots?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


You can buy and use any of the weapon recipes from the Exalted vendor in Tarir. Make sure you activate the recipe on the proper character (with the required crafting profession). By unlocking a weapon you automatically unlock the ingot recipe.

Mistward items

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


As with all collections, you can sell items that are used for them once they are ticked off on the achievement panel. There is one exception that I know of that’s been added in Tangled Depths. It’s some lorebook that you can use to read lore and it also allows you to add chapters to it about different subjects. However, you can simply pick up an infinite amount of that main book by interacting with an object. Any other collectibles tend to only drop if you still need them.

Mouth of Mordremoth fight should be harder

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it is tuned fine at the moment. I’m just talking from a commander point of view but having to stay focused and try to get people to do what you want is rather draining because of the length of the event. I don’t know if it still requires alot of talk from commanders right now but I did it a bunch of times over a week ago. There is almost no down-time in this fight unless you are on a quick lane. I guess if you are just a player tagging along you can take a break whenever you want but as a commander, especially at pods for example you can’t take a break cause it influences it so greatly.

The new Ebb sword skin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The new loot boxes/bags from Dragon’s Stand seem to drop new exotic skins. I’ve received a new shield from those twice so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if the other zones also have a chance to drop this new set of skins.

Gold Starvation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you need money you can sell Flax seeds, you can do the world boss events to open chests. These chests often contain exotics and things like black diamonds (which sell for about 1,8g a piece). You can craft rare weapons by buying materials for about 20-25 silver and sell them for 50+ if you craft the correct ones. You can craft a daily damask and deldrimor steel for 7-8g profit per day. You can sell those boxes from Fractals if you run out of keys to open them. You can flip stuff on the TP to make gold easily while you do other things and let your listings do the work. There are plenty of other ways to earn money right now but yes, they wanted to nerf the ‘flat gold’ coming into the game through dungeon grinders. I can see why they did it and I am glad they did it.

Quick and Dirty Guide to Breakbars

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


For mace warriors, skill 3, 5 and the adrenaline skill all provide stuns. In berserk mode you can use the adrenaline skill quite often with the proper traits which gives the warrior acess to alot of hard cc. You can swap out the offhand mace for a shield to get a stun on skill 4 aswell. If you want to go even further you can take the hammer. Berserker elite also stuns and there is a new launch skill for berserkers. All in all, if you NEED to break that bar they sure have a TON of tools. These aren’t even all of them.

The adventure's problem

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


In Tyria there are a bunch more points than required to max all your masteries. I assume the same is the case for HoT. I haven’t done any math on the HoT mastery points to see if this is the case though.

As for colorblindness, I assume it is the blue marker that appears on the map/in your view that’s difficult to see. On top of that you have to aim with a small dot which can be really easy to miss if you are colorblind. I think one way to get around the dot is to stick some tiny bit of tape in the middle of your screen and then hope you can complete the gold tier that way.

Rev racial heals?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Revenants don’t have any racial skills, their utility skills are intended to be based on which powers you are channeling. Each Revenant is essentially exactly the same for each player, you customize by using different weapon combos or different legends rather than manually altering your utilities.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Wouldn’t the best way for reducing the influx of gold being them stop selling it for real money? The economy is based on them being able to throw an infinite amount of gold into the economy at any given time. Thus to balance that we don’t get rewarded for anything.

The gold people buy by selling their gems comes from people spending their gold to buy gems. There is actually no gold added but only drained through this as there is a tax on these transfers. Just compare the gems → gold and gold → gems ratio, they are made in such a way that it’s really hard to make a profit by buying gems with gold and selling them later. This used to work in the past when the value of gems was still rising rapidly, which is no longer the case.

Suggestion: Popup when Mastery bar is full

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve noticed that the bar starts to glow once you fill it up. I suppose it might not be enough as you guys haven’t seen it. Perhaps they could add a level-up effect to it if it doesn’t have that already.

Indigo Mushrooms

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I am not working on that collection but I am guessing it’s going to be a collection specific item, perhaps its a good idea to try killing mushroom mobs in the HoT zones?

Mistward Armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think they should definetely change this to account bound, achievements are at their core account bound things. I don’t recall anything coming from achievements ever being soulbound. I noticed this before I got my first piece thankfully and now my Revenant is using it but you are definetely not the first and not the last that ran into this problem.

Gift of Twilight

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think they have made it so you can salvage Gift of Fortune/Might/Magic. I don’t know if it works for that gift specifically but you can use a salvage kit and check if the icon shows red or not?

Guild boon disabled for non-HoT players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think the vendor probably allows access to other things aswell, one way to fix this would be to move the boons to a different NPC or something. That way they can keep the NPC HoT-restricted but still allow core players to make use of the old boons.

used Box of recipes (first tier)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I do think that there is a potential for improvement to the crafting system to avoid this. If they would make all recipes that you unlock through items actually unlock account wide such as dyes this wouldn’t be a problem. Plus it is alot more convenient. They can keep discoveries as soulbound ofc.

How should NPCs be "Retired"? (HoT Spoilers)

in Lore

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I don’t know if you are aware of this but you can save Beigarth and Occam in Prisoners of the Dragon. As for what happens after they escape, that is indeed unexplained. Perhaps we will see them again considering they are important smiths.

I honestly think that they have left alot of questions unanswered to give them more room during LS3. They will have the ability to explain some of it and leave the rest up to interpretation. I think with each story instance they add they leave some hints, but in general they leave you with more questions. I wouldn’t be surprised if many things are just left as they are because they have to maintain a story that a player can follow. We haven’t heard anything about zephyrites in the HoT zones (perhaps there is a sign of them there somewhere, but I haven’t seen it). The whole deal with Rytlock seems to be a good candidate for an explanation once Ls3 starts as they have been teasing the player about it during the story. I think it’s likely we won’t be seeing anything of Garm for a long time. Perhaps he might show up as a corrupted boss in a raid, it would be one way to end his story.

I can't sell my loot

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think you might be having ‘invisible’ bags. There are a certain type of bags that hide items from your inventory at vendors and the TP so you can’t accidentally sell them. You should check which bags you are using on your revenant.

Can we make mentor harder to get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’m pretty sure that this will die down just as what happened with the commander tag change. Soon commanders will get more tools for their squads which should also help alot for the new world bosses. You’d be able to assign groups of people yourself to tasks since they will be visible in groups.

Instant 100% map completition?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I don’t think they will ever do this, however I do agree that the hearts are a total pain in the kitten after having been through the world several times. I really love the zones where you can just do events and whatnot. The new zones since LS2 are great in that way. They give decent rewards for you to come back and do events more than you normally would without burning you out. Especially the new zones as they have a really large amount of events to do.

But yea, I don’t think they should do this even if I would love to have all hearts completed on all my alts that aren’t 100% yet. If you want 100% on all chars you will have to go the long route like everyone else.

Mistward armor shouldn't be soulbound [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree that this should be account bound as achievements are awarded on an account basis. This is probably an oversight. I happened to notice it before I finished any of them and managed to make sure I got them on my revenant but you are definetely not the only person that has run into this problem.

@Eggshells, the item is not stat-less, it actually has a choice of 3 stat sets that you can choose yourself (one of them being the very commonly used Berserker). So yea, it is kind of a problem.

[End Spoilers] It's confirmed.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


@SkyFallsInThunder, if you would break Eir’s breakbar while she is reviving Garm (only one stun/daze/knockback or so would have been enough) then she becomes vulnerable for about 5-10 seconds where you can do enormous damage to her, even my auto attack did over 13,000 dmg.

There's no way to get mastery points anymore?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve been mostly succesfull in using my own commander tag and map chat. It also helps if you respond to other people requesting help. They tend to need help for other hero points after that which you might miss yourself. These things are mostly intended to be group events. You can even earn a reward from them every day by doing them after you already earned them. This includes some loot bags, experience and map-currency.

Nuhoch Models excessively large?

in Lore

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


About your size comparison chart, one thing I would like to point out is that the livestream they held on the Itzel and Nuhoch explained that they increased the ingame size of Itzel only because they would be too hard to see ingame. They are actually much smaller. As for Nuhoch, it’s probably because it gives them a reasonable scale compared to the Itzel aswell as a feeling of a large intimidating beast.

I messed up badly.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Guys fear not. The backpacks are part of a collection, when you finish that collection the reward is an upgraded version of it. Collection unlocks occur once an item binds to your account and thus even after you delete it you will have it checked off in the collection. I actually checked this myself ingame and there is an achievement for it.

Dungeon Rewards Reduced, why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think if you take a look at the bigger picture, they are trying to reduce the raw gold people accumulate so that the material prices etc. don’t go out of control. Over the past year the prices on the TP have been pretty stable but now with HoT you can see that there is alot less gold flowing into the game. I think it’s good, that way new players will have an easier time earning their place in the game. As for dungeons, well.. you can still farm them but you will simply earn less. For me personally dungeons have just turned into a place where I can get more skins and equipment for alts. I never really farmed dungeons as much as some hardcore farmers though.

The art and design in HOT is stunning.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


While I am fine with the way masteries work, I do see a point in the complaints about elite specs. But aside from that, these new zones offer the best environment and creatures. The old levelling zones are for a large part pretty bland compared to the new ones. I think they did a great job with the enemies and all the ways you can go through these maps. It’s crazy how high and how low you can go in Verdant Brink for example, or the amount of ‘maze-like’ places you have in the 3rd map :P

Please Stop Revenants Spamming In Banks etc.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


What you are seeing and hearing isn’t a revenant spell, it are people using tomes of knowledge to level up their revenant. When you level up that effect always appears but because people are using so many in a row it might be rather annoying. It’s always happened to some degree in the past but because it’s a new class you now see ALOT of people doing it.

HoT story backpack reward

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


You get the upgraded version through a collection so if you obtain the first item and get rid of it you are still fine because it ticks off in the collection.

How many hours more to HOT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Honestly I found it rather confusing to figure out the time aswell. I always fall into this trap with american timezones etc. From what I could find UTC-7 is their zone, I personally am from GMT+1 which equals UTC+1. So if it releases at 00:01 in the morning in the US it should release at 8:01 in the morning for me. But then they decided to use 12:01 AM which is rather weird to me since AM and PM clocks go from 00:00-11:59.. anyway. I THINK the release is in 14 hours from this post (and about 25 minutes). But if it releases in the morning I will still be in bed anyway so I guess I have nothing to worry about in the first place. CONFUSION TO THE MAX. But bring it on!

Bugger, I'm not eligible for a free char slot

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree that it was rather strange they did not include 1 character slot as a base reward, however sadly I have seen the marketing of this company for a while now and I actually prepared for the worst. Back when they announced the expansion a part of the community got a bit kittened off that the core game became free and veterans got nothing so they changed it so those would receive a free character slot. Since I am a veteran I got my slot that way, but I can definetely understand your situation. If I were in your position I would feel the same way.

How will Anet handle all the downloads?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Like said above, alot of the data is already on your PC. Just look at your GW2.dat it is much bigger than before all the expansion announcement stuff and the beta’s. I believe it used to be about 17,6 GB (give or take) and now it is well over 22 on my harddrive. It is likely we will still have to download something around launch but that will probably be available from the 20th as the usual patch day. When GW2 launched they used headstart to reduce the download requirement on launch day and from what I remember there weren’t that many issues. Their biggest problem back then were bugged skillpoints and events etc.

How to find/browse guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There is no ingame tool specifically for finding guilds, but on this forum section you can look at guilds advertising for themselves. They also tend to advertise in mapchat in game but that is more about being lucky finding the right one at the time you are in those maps.

Hex Outfit Please!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


They added it as an ingame reward last year, there is a chance it will be placed as a reward for halloween just like back then. It’s highly unlikely they will suddenly sell it on the TP as it would cause alot of frustration from players. It only costed some candy corn cobs so you can already ‘buy’ it now if you are willing to take that chance (by getting the candy corn cobs ready).

Achievement Panels with HOT update

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It has been confirmed on two twitch streams so far, one time during a stream with some devs when LA was new and one time recently during the giant livestream they had that revealed the launch trailer etc. etc. They will be adding this to things like diving master which is actually an example they used. Also the coins in Dry top and Silverwastes.

Buying HoT for someone in another country

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


A friend of mine got me Heart of Thorns from the official website and you basically get a serial code that they can send to someone else to add to their account. My friend lives in the same region though so I don’t know if that would make a difference, but I assume Canada and USA are considered the same region since you both play on north american servers.

Essential Experiences?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


For things you could do on your own or at your own pace with a friend, I would recommend jumping puzzles.. lots of them have nice scenery. There are also alot of hidden things in the world ranging from conversation, triggering an event or hidden caves etc.

Harathi Hinterlands has 2 things in the southwestern part of the map that I think are quite nice, there is a temple with a secret not many people know about just north of the southwest corner. In the caverns in the southwest corner is also a small story to be told with a giant (it’s linked to an event aswell). There are quite alot of things similar to this in other maps. Without spoiling it, the best way would be to explore all the maps and try to look for unusual places. You could also use the wiki to find such places but that does take away part of the experience.

Oh and reading tombstones sometimes reveals some small bits of information or jokes, similar to the Fable games.

Suggestion: Add race change to Makeover Kit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It has been commented on and the general reason is that it would cause issues with the personal story. If it happens then it won’t be anytime soon.

Same skills at lvl 40 - what's wrong here?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


On your hero panel you should have a tab that says ‘Build’ and there you can customize everything regarding your skills and check which skills your weapons give. It also allows you to customize your traits and unlock new skills.

HoT Battle Music Changes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


When I did the story instance it seemed to use this new system, although I am not sure as it could have been tracks playing for that story specifically. In the open world I still got to hear the old music so I can’t tell whether it’s there or not.