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Divinity's Reach's ''activities''

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think they may not spend much time on instanced activites because people can’t play together, which in turn means there is not enough participation in them. I don’t have the stats but that’s a reason I almost never bother with them. Perhaps after adding new activities they saw their player participation and stopped working on them.

Loot Box Odds in China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Considering this applies to boxes that involve real money I think it’s a good thing, I’ve always felt like gambling takes advantage of human weakness. There are those who gamble responsibly but there are many more who overspend (that’s the whole reason this is used in so many places). Perhaps having the data available will at least scare some people off from getting suckered in…

Poll to remove Daily Achivement Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree with the idea of having no AP linked to dailies, just look at the replies here. ‘Only do it for the AP’.. and you think that’s a healthy sign? You should play the game because it’s fun, not do a daily checklist to get your 1-up. In my opinion that’s a fail from a design perspective. Ofcourse it’s an MMO so keeping players in the game is a priority for Anet, but a game imo should be about fun. I will never reach the cap exactly because I don’t bother with a daily checklist, I rather play what I want than waste time on such a thing. If they didn’t link AP to dailies I bet HoT achievements wouldn’t reward such a pathetic amount of AP to make up for the loss. Either way, my vote is keep the cap.. heck, remove the AP from them if you ask me but that’s something I know won’t happen so yea, keep as it is.

On another note, instead they could add achievements to make up for it that people can work on but don’t require daily progress.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

Curious about AC and GD pricing on TP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Some people use crests in their gear and Assasin is more useful than the other stats as already stated. So on top of the amalgamated gemstone demand that makes sure it does not drop below a certain value there is additional demand for it outside of that.

28 BLack Lion Keys... ALL uncommon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I hope you realize there are more tiers to satisfaction, not good and bad. ToT bag is worse than a booster in my eyes, but I never really enjoyed getting boosters either. Then again, I’m no fool to buy RNG box keys.. I open all my chests with map complete/story keys and stuff like this. At least I nearly have my 3rd ticket now :P

Going to the Shiverpeaks..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I for one have no idea what you’re talking about. As far as I can tell you’ve just listed a series of random things associated with the Shiverpeaks. They’re all in the game but they’ve all been in since launch so I can’t understand why their existence would make you think we’re going there now.

Bloodstone fen added a unique new icewolf model to the game that has a chance of teleporting to that map in those rift events. There are new dwarves being mentioned and seen in the game with LS, there have been references to the shiverpeaks in the raids. I’m assuming that’s what he means and it makes sense. I think we will probably face two dragons in the next expansion, or at least go to more regions rather than just 1.

The Dreamer - Sound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ll admit I’ve mentioned the ‘terrible sound’ a few times when encountering such a player during an event or boss. Because even though I don’t own one and use one, that short time period is already enough to make it worth a mute lol. They should add a sound cooldown to it or something, or make it fire off certain skills rather than auto attacks.

New to GW2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


PvP comes in two ways, World vs World and structured PvP. You can access both of these at the top menu (SPvP is the crossed sword icon). In SPvP you will be equal to everyone else in terms of level, gear and so on. The only things that may be locked are your elite specialization if you don’t own heart of thorns, but ultimate includes that if I’m correct. If you like PvP it’s perhaps best to get some character slots and bank tabs so you can have one of each class and have some space to store items. I’m sure others might have additional things to add.

Electric Wyvern location: Was this necessary?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The tiger isn’t locked behind the META event, I got mine in between. The wyvern is that’s true, but most maps tend to fail around blighting pods and you are already far enough to spawn the wyvern at that point. It would only require you to do a part of DS one time. I am in favor of making it available at all times, but I also didn’t really had any trouble getting it myself due to the fact it doesn’t require a full event success.

On that note, DS suceeds nearly all the time even during the day. It’s really not hard to get into a map if you come early.

Legendary Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Definetely one of the better armors they have designed (like most heavies since release if you ask me).

Legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it looks pretty awesome and worthy of it’s status, I’m glad they went with something unique. I doubt I will ever complete a set though due to the fact I can’t commit to raiding. But animating the armor is pretty cool. It’s unavoidable to have look-a-likes, they can’t create dozens of armor sets in quick succession to avoid that.

No Halloween Nodes / Doors in Core Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I definetely saw a door in Gendarran fields today, several while I was checking a vendor there.

Feeding Hungry Cats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Was the Revenant cat in HotM removed due to the Halloween redecoration? I can’t seem to find it based on the wiki screenshot…

It wasn’t there for me today either so perhaps the halloween version might have accidentally excluded the cat from the map? Either way I could not find one there.

Does Mad King's Labyrinth become easy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


They nerfed the retaliation that would normally wipe groups, there probably spawn far less minions too plus all bosses seem to die faster. I think they basically nerfed all of the bosses as the giant candy corn used to kill quite some people too.

Best way to make gold during halloween?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If you are patient, farm Labyrinth all day long on different characters to avoid DR. Hoard them in your bank/alt inventories or somewhere that you can keep them for a long period of time. In about 3-4 months or more they will start rising in value and you can make a ton of gold. You can also make an investment when it drops to its lowest price if you are very patient. Short term, farm → sell right away but you will earn far far less gold (30-50% of what you can earn if you are patient).

Why do Karka still don't have Defiance bars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Adding a defiance bar to remove the armor vs depleting their health would actually fit pretty well. They’d need to have a pretty big bar though that hopefully doesn’t regenerate that quickly.

Bloodstone Crazed Shark in Maelstrom

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


There are also alot more sharks in Frostgorge Sound (the whole river running from the west to the northeast).

Collection Dependent on Tier 4 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Every event completion and camp upgrade counts towards the meta. If your map does not reach T4 after killing all bosses you can still reach it by doing the events and upgrading camps. Basically this means you do part of the work afterwards because your map probably didn’t do very well on the initial defense phase. I’ve seen this happen a few times and usually when informing others that the events and camp upgrades will count towards T4 it still reaches T4. You can easily get 30% of a bar by just doing events/upgrading if you kill the bosses with like 8 minutes left on the timer.

Collection Dependent on Tier 4 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I don’t know how you go about getting T4 VB maps so perhaps this can help you. I’ve had 100% success rate the last few weeks. I even organized one late that still managed to pull through to T4. The trick is to start a taxi early and announce it on your map. VB meta starts every 2 hours at XX:45 minutes and lasts 45 minutes till the end. Helicopters spawn at controlled camps with 20 min left on the timer. It is not possible to get T4 if you have 30min on the timer and still nothing is organized. If you join a map don’t expect others to do the work, start your own T4 taxi and explain what people should do when night falls (= spread out with 4-5 per camp that defend and upgrade their camps). You can ask others to create a taxi too and tag up at their camps. Make sure people communicate during nighttime by asking them if they need help or if a camp is unattended etc.

The event is only a true success when all bosses have been killed which in a way does make sense, because you didn’t eliminate all the threats in the jungle in time.

has this game gotten better and enjoyable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think there are a few things that could put you off, some mobs in HoT zones can and will destroy you if you aren’t careful with evasive skills. I think their mistake with HoT was making ONLY zones that have a higher base difficulty rather than having a mix. I really hope that the ‘high damage’ mobs will still exist in Exp2 but that they will have more casual maps mixed with maps such as VB/AB/TD metas.

[Feedback] The forced feeling Caithe-hate

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The way I see it Caithe didn’t trust anyone with the egg. This must have started at the end of LS1 (she probably felt Mordremoth’s presence from then on). I doubt that the Sylvari all felt it at the same time, plus they probably didn’t know what it was. Just a gut feeling of sorts. Then she finds out about the package the Master of Peace is carrying and probably decided well before finding him that she must take the egg, nobody else. Including the player..

As already pointed out, this was also made more clear when Faolain attacks you in Auric Basin and she tells her to basically back off and stay away from the egg. When you take the egg, being guided by an Exalted she most likely realized at last that it wasn’t her task (plus she couldn’t really run from Faolain as she was being assaulted). The next time you see her she already knows you’ve brought the egg to safety and tries to help you out by following you into the heart of Maguuma (Dragon’s Stand.. though I find the heart more appropriate :P). It is there where Braham outright calls her a traitor after you find Logan and Zojja, perhaps not knowing all the details of what happened outside Tarir.

I think it’s fair against her to have mistrust in episode 1. Even though we had a long break in between, the game storyline technically didn’t. In episode 1 it’s still fairly fresh and throughout those chapters you as the commander gradually start to accept her decisions. That’s just how I see it at least, it’s hard for them to properly communicate the story’s intentions with the budget they have assigned in terms of scope/development time etc.

Weapon swapping for ele/engi

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Aside from that there is Lightsbane :P (depending on your gamemode I suppose) I think this would be pretty helpful, it would also allow more flexibility to those classes. However, I’m not sure how that would affect PvP/WvW. Perhaps it would still need a cooldown even out of combat in those areas.

Allow more than 8 bags per character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Chuck you are right you can sell mats every time your deposit area is full, however if you do that you will lose out on alot of gold. Many materials have certain moments where they will sell for much more so there is value in holding onto certain items. I also tend to hoard many crafting materials (my guild vault is full of them) so I can access them for legendary crafting/ascended etc. Since those require some planning and many materials. It’s how my bank fills up at least. I also have a ton of items that are basically mid-tier crafting items that are required to craft something bigger that are long-term goals and can’t be thrown out but also don’t have a storage slot. I do always salvage and deposit all whenever I’m out in the world, but with Heart of Thorns my bags have just been filling up so incredibly fast with bags within loot bags within loot bags (yes those still exist..)

Auric Lodestone collection item not dropping?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


From what I’ve read about these RNG drops it’s can take some many hours before they get it. Just keep going is all I can say. I haven’t done it myself, but I did read others having a similar experience. It’s how RNG can work for and against you.

Update on the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I hope something will be done about rares hitting nearly 20s this week. Some are already as low as 22s a piece. Plus silk is worthless taking the old leather spot, leather still too expensive compared to the rest (just add new sources to old maps too, not just the bloodstone fen salvage stuff etc..) I think AB multiloot should also be fixed, I figured I’d participate yesterday and I could hardly believe the enormous amount of loot you get from it.. It took only 1 octovine kill and one commander to organize a squad and 50 people had a loot galore (and it wasn’t even the only squad).

And fixing silk really shouldn’t be done the same way leather was, that was way too extreme.

How does one 'see' Anomalies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


For me the anomalies already popped up before ever encountering the Legendary one in ascalon. I only defeated some regular champion anomalies and did a few of those inquest vs consortium/priory events. But they pop up for your entire account once you meet the requirements. Only two or three characters of mine have ever done those events and all of mine can see them.

Allow more than 8 bags per character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I really don’t get it, it’s like these people are not reading what is being said. If you play multiple game modes you can already easily have 2-4 armor sets (especially if you play raids on ranger/druid, you could have healing + dps). How can you be more efficient in storing 12-48 pieces of armor when the only remaining option is to literally delete those items when you don’t use them? Placing account bound gear in a bank can work, but not if that bank is already full of crafting materials that are waiting for a price hike, gear from alts and what have you. There just is no harm in adding more bag slots, I don’t get ppl on the internet. If they aren’t experiencing it nobody can be or they are wrong.

The total amount of bank + inventory slots is static, no matter which place you put your items. If you have one of each class and play said classes regularly you cannot put all their non-used gear in the bank because that easily fills up with other items plus it’s inconvenient always having to return to the bank the moment you want to change your weapons or armor. Just 1 or 2 more bag slots can solve this issue.

Also, shared inventory slots came to solve an entirely different problem that was requested by players. It was not linked to storage at all, it was so people can easily swap account bound gemstore items such as tools, salvage-o-matics etc.

Why even have armor repairs anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I agree with Rauderi, if you interact with an anvil it should just show a popup ‘repair’ and instantly repair all your armor without a chat window. It’s a small quality of life thing that makes sense now as it no longer costs anything (and hasn’t cost anything for a loooooong time).

Regeneration intensity stacking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


If they were to add stacking intensities to regeneration they will have to take a look at all sources of it, but I think it could work. They managed to do it with burn and poison. You do run the risk of having too many stacks running at the same time if all current sources remain as they are, this can be balanced by tweaking durations on all of those aswell as the scaling they get from healing power.

Allow more than 8 bags per character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


To repeat what others have said, there can be many reasons people have full banks and lots of gear to carry around. First, if you are a trader or do some trading every now and then you will easily fill several bank tabs with purely materials or items already (especially if it are unstackable items). They often remain in the bank for a while so prices can rise back up (there are trends in the tp prices anyway). Then there’s the reason people carry multiple gear sets → different builds and playstyles. Not everyone plays the same way all the time. If you play in PvE, WvW and fractals you could perhaps have a set used in either wvw +pve or fractals + pve, but if you really want to go higher in fractals you’ll likely have an agony set that doesn’t match your WvW gear. Why not carry each weapon? For some the option is to throw away/salvage a weapon and to buy a new one when they want to use it vs always having it ready. Actually, I’m not going to bother with stating more reasons.

How would more bag slots negatively affect the game? It allows those who want or need more to bring in more gem usage = money for ArenaNet. Those who don’t need or want it can ignore it just like all the minis, outfits, finishers and whatnot that the gemstore provides. If each new map will have currencies such as those provided in the LS maps and the keys from HoT/SW/DT then I can only see this becoming more of an issue for some people.

Declining amount of active players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve had no issue getting maps to fill up in each of the HoT zones so I can’t say I’ve experienced the same thing.

Allow more than 8 bags per character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I still don’t have 8 slots on all my chars but I can definetely understand the OP. I have 8 bank tabs and a personal guild vault and 8 bag slots on 2 (with 160 inv slots basically) of my characters but I still sometimes get cramped on space. I have an enormous amount of materials that I use for trading, lots of LS1 items, boosters, tonics etc. that you cannot store elsewhere, legendary gifts and random other loot that I am going to use when I can. The thing is.. you get so much junk in these meta events even if you do your best to manage your inventory it’s too much sometimes. My main has condi gear, pvt gear and berserker gear. He has at least 1 of each weapon (2 of dual wield weapons), buff food, dungeon potions, salvage kits, boosters, gathering tools and so on. It easily takes up 50-60 slots for me. I wouldn’t mind seeing an increase in inventory space.

I’m all for increased bag slots, it’s actually been one of my new goals recently .. get all my characters decked out in 160 slots. Because I’m starting to run out of space sometime soon.

Went through all 58 Class II portals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


As far as I know the should remain, there was an official response somewhere that they will only remove current events if the story leads to it. I can’t find the quote atm because I don’t know if it was on reddit or here… but basically they plan to move current event achievements to a different category when they aren’t really ‘in the present’ anymore, but they should remain available.

WvW disconnects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I just had my dry top map crash 3 times in a row and it wiped out my achievement progress that i made shortly before those crashes. I’ve had alot of lag in HoT meta maps for a few weeks now but these crashes seemed to be the actual server as other ppl were talking about it too.

Went through all 58 Class II portals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The current theory is that we have to wait for Class II unstable rifts to appear (which will likely take a few days like previous current events). @Zoltar, go to fields of ruin and you will figure out what this is all about :P

GW2 looting mechanics are minor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think that the HoT maps did try in a way, if you earn T4 nighttime in VB you get the bladed armor box. That is definetely one way of doing it, this method isn’t repeated for the other maps though sadly.. Killing Octovine doesn’t give you a weapon with unique skin, you can still craft it from the dropped materials. But in the end it’s much more efficient to just finish the story on all 9 classes and then craft the remainder with what you get from AB itself.

I think rewarding skins is difficult, making skins is alot more time expensive than making a new item with x y z stat combo and a skin that already exists. One thing they tried with HoT is to have your easy to earn weapon set (Reclaimed), then you have your harder to earn weapon sets through crafting (AB), then there is the bladed armor you can get a guaranteed drop of (and some pieces from cargos too). Tangled depths uses a similar method as Auric Basin, except you get those egg drops and then buy the weapon you want. In a perfect world we’d have so many new skins releasing on a regular basis that they can have a set you can earn and a set that can drop (either weapons, armor or backpieces or a mix). But the time artists need to make all these skins is simply expensive.

Bloodstone Fen and Embar Bay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


It’s a matter of opinion. I really like the design of HoT maps (environment etc), map completing is a bit more difficult (especially with your HP train getting lost half the time in TD). But the way the rewards are structured is pretty nice in my opinion. Whereas Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay seem to be much more basic in design when it comes to the complexity of the terrain. I know this was much requested, but I do hope we will get at least the level complexity of Verdant Brink in the next expansion (maybe also in LS maps, but I assume those dont have as much development time), TD was probably overkill for most players. I am also not a fan of focusing so much on daily tasks, daily hearts, daily achievements, daily rewards and so on which is the trend in the living story maps.

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I did not follow all the responses that were put into this thread but just 2 random questions: if players are so into having spirit shards, why not consume a ToK on your lvl 80 toon ? What content in the game require you to actively spend spirit shards in a regular basis so that it justifies the need to get them at each end of xP bar ?

Spirit shards can be converted to gold (at quite a decent return) and many are also required for legendaries. But another big issue that I personally felt when I encountered this problem is that back before HoT I would get a skillpoint (now shard) after each level up. With the new mastery system that got replaced, however once I hit the same point again all my experience was going to waste, it was literally worthless. After playing the game for 4 years knowing your experience was going towards something useful was a nice thing to have. People don’t like to have benefits taken away. Now I personally ended up just killing a Vale Guardian, but raiding is definetely not something for everyone as it requires quite some hours of dedicated time. Exactly what many players in GW2 don’t have.

Furthermore, this might repeat itself for those who have HoT but don’t own certain LS episodes, or when a new raid comes out etc. I agree with people that a permanent solution should come for this.

can't play dragon stands map. always full

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve been doing Dragon’s stand quite a few times now (at launch and in recent months) and the trick is to use a tag, either mentor or commander (commander is preferred usually). Then set up your own squad and your own taxi well before the map begins. The number one issue I see at this time is the unwillingness of people to start leading or setting up the map. It’s also the reason I end up as a commander every single time, because when I go there I want to avoid wasting time waiting. You can use to see when it’s about to start. Always come a few minutes early, but even if you come late you can sometimes still set one up. This sunday I set one up 10 minutes after the maps were already reset and by having another useful person also taxi-ing we actualy made it to the end very fast without many issues.

Communication is key, each lane squad commander should talk to the players there and try to invite those on their lane into his/her own squad. If people are in the wrong squad ask them to swap. After the first mortarvine I always make sure I either have a dedicated 5man boss group set up already or start setting one up by asking for volunteers. At this point you will want to have ~30 people on each lane that are in the proper squad. There will always be some that refuse to join or simply play with friends and you just have to ignore that or ask them kindly to join your squad so you can do a proper headcount. After the second mortarvine is killed you should start explaining what the task is of group 1 and group 2 (2 is generally used as the ‘boss group’). Whenever I lead I make sure I tell all the players to bring some healing and stunbreak skills before we reach the blighting towers. I tell people that group 1 should follow me and group 2 will kill the pods on the first cycle. I also try to keep an eye on group 1 straggling during the towers and the broadcast feature makes it easy to inform others that they aren’t doing what they should (i.e. many sticking around at a blighting pod or going for the boss).

Obviously this all comes after the event has started to run, but the gist of it is. If you can’t find a map, organize it yourself beforehand. You can often set up a squad 10-20 minutes beforehand and then ask others to fill up the map with a taxi once the map resets.

(edited by Lethalvriend.1723)

The Jungle Provides - Totems of the Itzel

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The totem achievement was more like ’let’s see if everyone can find them’. But those that aren’t interested in that basically use a guide anyway, but I didn’t find this one particularly annoying. As for the rabbit achievement in Tarir, just bring friends and only lure the veteran to the entrance. If you time your dodges and attacks right (which also dodges) you can take him down very fast with little deaths. Took me and 2 friends about 5 minutes or so.

Heart of Thorns suggestion: Outpost defenses

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I see the defenses as a nice scenery and a way to take aggro from you. Most NPC’s have almost no damage output because they want the players to actually be doing things. I think it works as intended. Organizing a T4 should take some effort with people spreading their efforts.

Crystalline Ore for Unbound Magic

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’d rather they add another way to earn machetes. I have an enormous amount of airship parts but I can’t really take proper advantage of DS rewards because I can’t buy enough machetes due to a lack of leyline crystals (and let’s face it, leyline crystals is the currency that takes the most effort to earn out of the 3). But they could also simply increase machete rewards from the DS events.

What happened to the economy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Twilight losing value probably also comes as a result of mystic forge gambling being extremely cheap right now (rares are cheap, crafting rares is cheap etc).

What happened to the economy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


The price of goods dropping is actually a sign of oversupply (perhaps Auric basin octovine multiloot is causing it, idk). If everyone gets a ton of gold prices would rise because people would not mind spending more. It is like gold would lose value if that’s the case (opposite of what seems to be happening). But this game’s economy is so big I would not be able to accurately pin it down. ArenaNet has the numbers, I’m sure they are aware of it. (or at least John)

Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it would be a nice quality of life feature if you can choose to pin 1 or many characters (in your own desired order) and then have the remaining characters sorted as they are now (last time you played them). I definetely support this idea.

GW2 looting mechanics are minor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it all comes down to the fact that they tune loot to the people that play very often. This means they can’t give players alot of the highest quality or rarest items often because those people would be the first to get bored. It’s impossible to deliver more content than that type of player can ‘consume’ in the same timeframe. So instead they make sure there is loot that’s super rare.

I do agree that GW2 gives players an enormous amount of ‘junk’. (fine/masterwork = auto salvage for me, they might aswell just give me the materials right away but salvage kits are a gold sink eh). But even in games where you get less items but of higher quality you will eventually get that feeling. With GW2 I’ve found 2 occam boxes in my entire time playing the game (1 from Teq, one from Dragon’s Stand random loot). I don’t play as much as the highly active players (~2100+ hours in 4 years) but even in other games I would find more items of the ascended equivalent by just playing in that timespan. On the other hand you do get an enormous amount of ‘junk’ (read materials really) that you can use to craft ascended.

The good thing is that ascended is only required for higher level fractals and to some extent in raids. I would not mind if random world drop ascended items would be slightly less rare though. The only sure way to get many of them is to farm fractals or craft them yourself.

Can we be able to hide mastery levels?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I’ve got under 2100 hrs played since launch and recently got my final mastery level (173 atm). It’s definetely doable if you are willing to get the points and I do like the challenges to get the mastery points. However I have not heard of anyone making any kind of comment based on another person’s mastery level.

It could be because I play different content (haven’t set foot in dungeons in an incredibly long time, did do fractals recently though). But from my understanding they want PvP ranks to be something to show off, Masteries to be something to either show off or give an indicator of dedication just as WvW has rankings. I don’t really care about the mastery level displays, as someone that often runs as a commander in new maps it just means I can identify if people probably need an explanation for something.

If I do a fractal I pretty much accept whoever wants to join, obviously most of the content I do in GW2 isn’t really hardcore to begin with. I only did raids to get the mastery track unlocked (so I could continue earning spirit shards). I don’t do much fractals because I can’t swap to a different character at will due to agony requirements.

If you experience lots of discrimination in LFG you could perhaps try find a guild that doesn’t bother with that whole AP requirement nonsense that used to be very common in dungeons.

Ecto's at an all time low.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Ectos have an enormous amount of uses so their price falling this slowly is not really surprising to me. You can salvage them, you need them for hundreds of recipes and forges including legendaries. I do agree that earning ectos seems to be super easy now. I have earned 2 stacks just casually playing (and even whilst still consuming them for recipes in the meantime). For now I just sit on mine, the ecto gambling vendor also keeps them in some demand and the cheaper they are the better your chances of earning more than you invest (although generally the house wins :P ).

"Upperbody freezing" gliding Bloodstone Fen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


I think it might be related to the skill swapping when you land/take off. Charr has always had this bug but not nearly as common as in Bloodstone fen. I can 100% replicate it within a few minutes of casually flying around on a male Charr and then landing to do some mining for example. (Which then looks as if he’s bashing his head into the rock rather than using his pick).

Ascended Trinkets... Without upgrade slots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


When they were first introduced they actually had their stats separated but after a while they patched it so all stats are displayed as one (rather than X1 X2 X3 and then another list of the ‘gem stats’) so a basic ascended trinket is better than an exotic that already has a gem. Plus you can add +5 to another stat (and agony/wvw buff) on top of that by using infusions.