its to remind you of superiority of your d/p thief overlords
condi engi is strong if you are fighting sub-diamond players i suppose
power revs in lower tiers wont notice nerfs because they werent able to land a proper precision strike or SotM anyway
power revs in higher tiers have ton of other ways to abuse the strength of the class even without broken SotM burst, precision strike nerf will hurt them though
more condis is bad for thief because anything what can create an extended pressure hurts thief, especially long condis which delay the ability to reset the HP bar but it wont be enough to make d/p meta thief swap to EA instead of ID simply because of how broken those interrupts are
everything else stays the same i guess unless patch notes will be extended which we should know soon
i know how to make you happy: revert obsidian flesh nerfs and replace all earth attunement skills with obsidian flesh
i agree, the game would be much more enjoyable if all sorts of youtube, stream and guide content related to it was removed and prohibited
that way being good at the game would actually be considered as something meaningful
No amount of removing guides, videos, etc will make being good at a video game meaningful.
well thats one way to settle with inability to get good, well done mate
i agree, the game would be much more enjoyable if all sorts of youtube, stream and guide content related to it was removed and prohibited
that way being good at the game would actually be considered as something meaningful
asuras are good test creatures
dont be greedy, farming and gear are super easy in this game anyway
good idea, also remove heal and name it “shield stance”
nerf d/p, nerf it hard into the ground, yeah
thats the funniest thing since revs and mesmers crying about nerfs, thanks
buff my class nerf everything else
mercenary was better anyway :[
no more surge of mists instakills for you boo hoo
Um what class are you referring to that’s getting 1-shotted by SotM? Because the only class in your signature is thief, and if you’re getting 1-shotted by SotM on thief then you should be ashamed. Hotkey Shadowstep if you haven’t already. It still can’t 1-shot you anyways.
thanks for the advice, gonna be useful at my legend rank
noone in their right mind will use sword or p/d competitively in spvp
no more surge of mists instakills for you boo hoo
surge of mists should’ve had its damage reduced in all game modes considering how its being used just as an extra kill power everywhere instead of being a defensive skill
and what of those guardian virtue buffs? not enough uptime on permablocks? lol
if you want to play 5v5 competitively with both teams being full premade then you’ve been playing the wrong game the whole time and i think it should’ve gotten to you pretty obvious that not a whole lot of people are willing to play pvp in a full premade team
throwing a fit just because you cant earn rewards for rolfstomping solo players with your buddies for one season is just sad
So what if not as many want to play 5v5? I have said many times I don’t care about long queue times so stop saying I want one queue, it’s getting quite irritating.
its not about queue times its about the matchmaking being easily exploitable if there isnt many players in the matchmaking pool
no need for some huge balance changes though, just revenant and mesmer nerfs will be fine
if you want to play 5v5 competitively with both teams being full premade then you’ve been playing the wrong game the whole time and i think it should’ve gotten to you pretty obvious that not a whole lot of people are willing to play pvp in a full premade team
throwing a fit just because you cant earn rewards for rolfstomping solo players with your buddies for one season is just sad
i see some people have already started to work on excuses why they wont get the rank they think they deserve
pretty much everyone uses marauder on thief nowadays with exception for maybe few parts being zerker for some extra damage
dont think that rotting corpses everywhere would appropriate for a child-rated game
First…its rated T…second…Risen are basically rotting corpses..have you seen Orr before the nerf? they were everywhere..third..i never suggested them to remain there on the ground, that will quickly clutter up and lag the server..i merely suggested bodies just dissolve into the ground, or anything for that matter, long as its not a lame vanish..
zombies are apparently cool and family-friendly judging by a huge rush of money-milking bandwagon of zombie games of last years but actual corpses are not
dont think that rotting corpses everywhere would appropriate for a child-rated game
it also allows shortcuts on certain jps and on few you can skip the whole jp entirely with vault right to the chest
its rather simple, if the said exploit is difficult to execute players are displaying their skill by using it
also if the said exploit is not widely known and the player found it due to their knowledge of game’s mechanics its also can be taken as diplay of player skill
example: finishing a player with thief’s impact strike elite chain without down state is a clear skill display , it takes a good amount of calculation or at least luck to pull this off and at the same time even today not a whole lot of people know thats possible to do
example 2: multilooting tarir isnt a display of skill because it takes zero effort from the player to do and even if at the beginning only few people knew they can loot several instances of tarir in a single meta today everyone and their mother know what tarir multiloot is
s5 next week confirmed
you can just sell them to vendor, you get back basically what those exotic weapons cost on TP minus the fee
Only problem with this is all classes(bar Reaper) can infinitely pressure since they have defenses that allow them to wait out their CDs and reset the fight as well, and most classes have answers to Thieves, evades are blocked by Wards; Stealth is Countered by AoEs,Channeled Attacks, Reveals; Interrupt Spam is countered by Massive amounts of Stability/Passive Stun breaks/Cc Reflects; Thief Burst damage countered by Passive Invulns/Blocks/Heals.
Thieves aren’t a godly immortal class as you make them out to be, they have big flaws and weaknesses in each build, D/P just has the fewest flaws and has better tools than the other builds.
im not describing thief in the light of strengths of other classes, especially in the light of power creep introduced by HoT specs and post-HoT buffs to core specs/utilities
im describing thief’s stand alone design and in no way i have implied that thief is a godly immortal class as you try to mock me, if anything i actually mentioned the many flaws of thief that forced players to adjust to the uninteractive and unfun d/p playstyle
if thief wasnt a poorly designed profession we’d never have thief meta being stuck on its current d/p iteration that is only viable because it severely limits thief’s opponents options
if thief had real combat strengths there would be more fun and interactive options to play thief closest to such options currently are staff and s/d but even those arent anywhere close in their power level to other classes mostly because of the archaic baseline thief weaknesses that include low base stats, weak profession skill and initiative mechanic
(edited by Lexander.4579)
ghost trap thief is the highest skill build
No D/P thief in this game is one-shotting anyone playing a reasonably good build without the opponent simply not paying attention, sorry. And any such build that can even come close isn’t to be considered even close to a reasonably good build, either. Anyone can build a profession to take advantage of getting the jump on someone not paying attention, either. My reaper can even deal almost 25k damage in a second. Rest assured, I absolutely know what I am talking about when it comes to the thief’s capacity to deal burst damage.
The Daredevil is poorly-designed because it fills in the gaps of only a few poorly-implemented/designed features of the profession. By far and large, the thief is excellently-designed because everything about it is fair. There is no build capable of doing it all, and the sacrifices made are huge for every build when compared to any given potential area of expertise achievable by the profession’s other builds.
There are some niche-exploit builds which are badly-implemented or exist and are strong for reasons beyond the thief, however the core profession is about as fair as it gets. Daredevil on the other hand is just needless, boring power creep that reduced available build diversity to keep the profession up to speed by letting the profesison abuse its core kit options and giving it some freebies.
The only thing poorly-designed about the thief is the ICD on stealth attacks. That’s it. The rest is entirely at the fault of other professions getting too much or not enough while lacking meaningful build options when dealing with either those blatantly superior options or lack thereof.
The thief isn’t overpowered or overly-strong because it’s fair, unlike most of the rest of the professions and builds currently running around in the game.
i didnt say that d/p thief is one-shotting anything, at least not anymore now that everyone has at least marauders or more often than not a mix of toughness/vitality on their gear
you keep mentioning my phrase about one-shotting taking it out of context, thats not nice and i mentioned it as a part of thief design, not the d/p meta if you are able of course to separate those 2 things
and yes thats what was kept in mind when thief was designed: we are not meant to stay in prolonged combat because we are limited by our resource and innately we are squishy without any means to survive in a direct fight so we either kill quickly or get killed quickly with some options to escape or avoid the fight
initiative mechanic was designed to allow thief to quickly release a huge burst of damage before enemies can render a response but that playstyle was nerfed in the first months of GW2 and on top of that it became completely unplayable once people realized they can use other stats than full zerk
however d/p meta is exactly that niche-exploit build you are talking which unsurprisingly became universal because it gives thieves the ability to infinitely apply combat pressure – something what thieves were never meant to do
instead of utilizing the initiative to do damage before HoT it was simply used for stealth-scrubbing and backstab spiking until you exhaust the opponent enough to land a kill, now there is also highly skilled P4 spam that is also unhealthy simply because no matter what decision the opponent takes they are punished for that by interrupt and 3-4k damage to the face
so as you can see, thats how thief design worked out in the end: having a resource instead of cooldowns led to a meta thief build that relies entirely on preventing any sort of response from the opponent, be it stealth-scrubbing or P4 spam
fashion wars 2: the end game
thief indeed is full of terrible design as a squishy class that is meant to instakill the opponent without counterplay or otherwise get killed instantly
the meta d/p stealth-scrubbing only makes that issue much worse and the addition of HoT options (dodge spam and PI) didnt make it any better, just added some powercreep on thief to make up for powercreep on other classes
The insta-kill builds only do so when they devote their entire build to a single attack and lack any meaningful mid-fight potential, and quite frankly, in most cases they need to catch their opponent off-guard while not paying attention. Such builds usually aren’t even D/P, anyways. Mesmers, Warriors, and DH’s all bring equivalent or superior burst with objectively better mid-fight capacity.
The poor design stems mostly with Daredevil rather than any issues with core thief. Unlike most of the other specs and professions, the thief actually needs to make substantial build sacrifices to achieve what it’s trying to do.
what you just described is basically d/p thief, which has nothing to it but spiking with backstabs and stealth-scrubbing both being garbage designs, after HoT thieves gained also p4 spam and bullcrap AA damage but neither of those serve towards mid-fight ability
and you can hate daredevil dodges all you want but its just an extra HoT survivability that every other class also gained, all the issues thief has are about 3 things: base stats, initiative mechanic and profession skills (steal and stolen skills)
thief indeed is full of terrible design as a squishy class that is meant to instakill the opponent without counterplay or otherwise get killed instantly
the meta d/p stealth-scrubbing only makes that issue much worse and the addition of HoT options (dodge spam and PI) didnt make it any better, just added some powercreep on thief to make up for powercreep on other classes
just delete AP from the game and add open world pvp
could be because they added loads of small text files for purposes of container previews lately
oh my, sounds like you occasionally have to think before using sword 3 instead of spamming it whenever its off cd
nono we cant have that!
It’s a bug, how would you feel if Unload or any other multi hit attack proc’D confusion every hit instead of only on the activation of the skill like everyother skill in game.
wouldnt feel anything since unload is a joke skill in pvp
oh my, sounds like you occasionally have to think before using sword 3 instead of spamming it whenever its off cd
nono we cant have that!
thats Anet’s efforts of further separating pvp from pve
the “evade” animation that played after you 3+jump wasnt actually giving you any evade frames, it was simply a part of staff 3 animation that was delayed by your jump so it wasnt really any useful
the mentality of trolls is pretty simple: their acts made you think and talk about them, goal achieved
thats what you get for making lord hamsalt mad
the only thing staff is good for is cleaving bunches of lower skilled opponents its a fun option for wvw, but that sums up all the staff advantages over d/p
also staff thief is pretty much a GS/axe+shield warrior downgrade being harder to play and having worse stats/utilities while having similar functions
however even a complete scrub is dangerous with d/p as long as he tries to do unpredictable p4 PI procs let alone all the infinite stealth-skitten that allows him to reset any fight until his opponent runs out of cds or makes a mistake
on top of that d/p thief excels at quickly shutting down outnumbered enemies or those who simply arent prepared to fight him, capitalizing on core strengths of thief while staff thief instead tries to compensate thief’s core weaknesses and while it can work it doesnt compensate sufficiently, hence the above mentioned gs/axe warrior comparison
ye thief elites are pathetic compared to other classes
Elementalists beg to differ.
ye thief elites are pathetic compared to other classes
dont get whats up with all the hate on boosters? dont hoard them, use them and you’ll see they are much better than kittenty tot bags
Maybe I’m misunderstanding what’s being said here, but the Daredevil can do a ton of damage while dodging via Lotus and Bound.
and unhindered combatant does so much damage you can fight 1v13 with it
some time ago they were considering to add slots at material storage for such items as petrified wood, blood rubies, tenebrous crystals etc so we might see that implemented on the next update or the one that follows
they can just call the link for metabattle page of each build that would be enough
That’s not how metabattle works. Many tourney builds aren’t on metabattle at the tournament time, and only get put up afterwards.
Proleague doesn’t copy metabattle. Metabattle copies the proleague.
As for the topic the casters do not have enough time to go into detail on all ten builds in each match. Simply clicking through the builds at the beginning so that we can SS them is enough.
so? how does that stop them from calling the metabattle build page?