if you have several thousands matches played on main and just a hundred on your alt your main will have by far higher mmr as long as it has a win rate above 50%
i dont get how you cant understand that such a huge difference in the number of matches played is vital in determining your MMR but i suppose good job telling to lil criers and whiners of this forum what they want to hear and good job ruining matches of newbies by stomping them with a new account
pro playurs have no idea how to play thief tbh
wat o.o?
Back to topic: the only thing that surprised me is that there was thief at all. This have been said since HoT beta, thief is in bad state due to powercreep, revs (and scrappers) to extend completely shut down the class. All falls on deaf ears, per usual. Seems like to qualify as balancing dev you need as much education and common sense as a politician.
pro playurs have no idea how to build thief, they just copy paste metabattle builds just like emerald-sapphire overlords
i think you were supposed to learn that the team is always bad
This system is exactly what people have described, all about luck. If you get lucky with teammates and enemies you will get to legendary fast. If you dont, you might keep going up, down, up, down until you suddenly get that last needed luck, or give up.
It just seems that Anet made the legendary journey easier for those who would have gotten there anyways no matter what, and meanwhile kittened up those players who could reach legendary but now its all about RNG.
1st season = Matchmaking abuse
2nd season = RNG
3rd season? They could implement system that those who pay most gold gets easy matches. And seriously that wouldn’t even surprise me.
its not RNG, if you are getting matches you cant win or you are stuck at a certain rank then this is it: you’ve hit your skill roof and you have to improve if you ever wish to advance, of course unless Anet will redesign their ranked system back into favoring grind in the following season
pro playurs have no idea how to play thief tbh
at least this season legendary is actually much more close to show the player’s skill
Then just go back to regular PvP, we don’t need seasons for that. The reward system asks for progress, yet they give you games your supposed to lose.
reward system awards those who are able to climb, everyone else gets only dyes and silver for crossing tiers
this is a competitive atmosphere, not a reward track so everything is working as intended
if you stop whining about your team and instead focus on improving yourself you will suddenly notice that you can win regardless of mistakes your “always bad team” does
Works best, especially in soloQ. People do pull hilarious stuff though. Strangely enough a lot of matches are lost because people roll wrong setups against teams that clearly counter them.
yep there are certain occasions when enemies are simply better or have a better comp and that causes your teammates to lose 4v4, 5v5 and stuff but most those people who complain they would never be able to separate from the team and contest far/close and win 1v1 or delay enemies by holding them 1v2, they would rather keep getting slaughtered at mid and then open gw2 forums and yell that matchmaking is bad and team is bad
Don’t fool yourself. If mesmer doesn’t have moa or portal you’ll simply complain about other stuff. You make an appearance in every mesmer thread to spread false information, and you clearly hate the “interesting and interactive” elements of mesmer. Even to the point of making a post that said “clones instantly begin following you giving away your location, same goes to teleport skills” is b/s just around 2 hours ago.
Mesmer shouldn’t be defined by 2 skills only, but just removing those 2 skills straight away will simply wipe mesmer from this tournament. Base mesmer traits and skills will need to be buffed while adjusting those 2 skills. This kind of extensive rework will probably take another year or so.
since you began stalking my posts you could pay attention that i didnt say those skills should be simply removed, i said they should be removed in order to buff mesmer’s other abilities
and ye clones being glued to player and making any sort of skill jukes pointless is bad design and at least in spvp they should have some sort of leash range beyond which they cant follow the target
the only good suggestion for esports is banning esports alltogether
its sad that people need “pro playurs” to show them how broken mesmers are but maybe at least now mesmer mains will stop yelling that mesmer is little short from being unviable
It’s sad you think this way. If you have read this thread the only reason Mesmer is taken are for 2 skills. Give those 2 skills to anyone and the same thing happens. Also since we have those 2 said skills it seems we are balanced rather poorly. Honestly all classes should have a transform/portal type spell then we would see the true disparity in classes. Having those skills gives us an identity but with a high cost. Imo
this is what i’ve always been saying, removing those skills would allow to make mesmers a more interesting and interactive class, but mesmer mains always kept coming with some excuses that those skills absolutely must be kept
last season legendary means nothing, you could grind your way to it regardless of your mmr and skill, you could abuse the matchmaking by duoq with ambers, you could spam chronobunker to win matches while playing with 1 hand
at least this season legendary is actually much more close to show the player’s skill as opposed to the previous season where it just went to show the player’s ability to grind
if you stop whining about your team and instead focus on improving yourself you will suddenly notice that you can win regardless of mistakes your “always bad team” does
its sad that people need “pro playurs” to show them how broken mesmers are but maybe at least now mesmer mains will stop yelling that mesmer is little short from being unviable
Thief will always have the maximum mobility niche (yes, more than revs).
Warrior indeed has no niche at all for a long time now.
thief has only slightly more mobility than rev or druid, the difference is so small that there is barely enough time to decap the point while mesmer can create a pressure on 2 points at the same time, let alone that a thief simply wont escape from rev spamming his braindead shiro skills
plz no more legendary pve bullkitten obtainable from pvp, it only draws more trash people into pvp who go afk, rage or simply grief other players
that’s easy to fix.
just form a team of “real” players and go farm these “trash” people.
making a full premade to stomp the game full of soloq players? thats low, disgusting and shameless
a single player cant kill the lord fast enough before the enemy team can react, lord is strong enough and doesnt need any changes, if your door is broken that already means you should be prepared to rush to defend your lord any moment past 300 points
what should be changed however is the clarity of alarm message for lord defense, if the announcer is spammed by some messages like point capture info or “base under attack” it will often delay reporting that the lord is being attacked which might lead to defenders being late
why play thief when rev, druid, scrapper do everything better than thief
plz no more legendary pve bullkitten obtainable from pvp, it only draws more trash people into pvp who go afk, rage or simply grief other players
indeed its b/s that you can stealth in a combat and as soon as you reappear clones instantly begin following you giving away your location, same goes to teleport skills
let alone that mesmer is one of the strongest downed fighters because he can benefit from his weapon abilities in downed state in the form of phantasms they created
i got legend in under 90 matches playing only thief
so i can say im happy with it i guess
full glass cannon p/p can be incredibly fun as long as you stay behind and snipe kids who are tunneling some bunker on your team, best part is sneaking up on DHs who like to sit in some open spot and usually go down in a single unload provided you have the right build
i’ve done legend in under 90 matches playing only thief so no thief is pretty good
in short, you would do yourself good writing less suggestions and learning more game
its silly how a profession with a 20 sec daze skill and the ability to be in 2 places at once (while also being able to instantly transport their team between 2 points) is also able to stand evenly against other classes in combat
i mean 3.5 years ago before people figured out the game it was borderline acceptable, but now that people finally realize how to abuse mesmer’s advantages to the max its becoming ridiculous
Is that how people feel about mesmer? really? They get to open a 10 second short distance portal every 72 seconds, and use moa bird every 90 seconds (max with continuum shift, assuming both hit), and so they can’t be good at anything else or it would be unfair?
I am SO HAPPY i decided to park my mesmer naked in lion’s arch for the last two months to play elementalist and engineer. I started stomping people with other professions, and guess what? it was ten times easier, i was more valued in PvE, and no one complained when i spammed their strong points.
GW2 is a combat game. If you want to hold mesmer to the standard of “that portal profession that i dont really play but it annoys me so strip them of all combat abilities”, you are seriously thick.
sure i dont mind if they remove portal and moa and add some combat abilities to mesmers, as long as its not another bunch of defensive spammable cooldowns
having quit long time ago and returning right before HoT i’ve been wondering what happened to that map
there totally must be a map with water combat, its a very interesting and even outstanding feature of that game but i guess Anet is just lazy to consider in their PvP balance decisions the water combat
skyhammer is good as is, changing the map just because people dont want to learn how to play around knockbacks is unacceptable
rage harder son it will surely get you in legend
its silly how a profession with a 20 sec daze skill and the ability to be in 2 places at once (while also being able to instantly transport their team between 2 points) is also able to stand evenly against other classes in combat
i mean 3.5 years ago before people figured out the game it was borderline acceptable, but now that people finally realize how to abuse mesmer’s advantages to the max its becoming ridiculous
Because of the crybabies portal was “nerfed” “overnight” and it shows. They added a range but forgot to add any indication whether you are in range or not. What’s even more fun is that you actually do open the portal from outside range … but you can’t really use it.
I thought they’d fix that when they fixed the mistrigger of thief’s steal but nope (putting it in cooldown while having no target etc etc). Still there.
Also to call you on your bluff … it’s not a daze. You handicap yourself. I can’t count the times when I’ve moa my opponents at ~1800 HP left and heal on cooldown and they ran like chickens.
I would’ve died in 4-kittens if they went for autoattack….but yeah. It’s shocking how much people panic in moa.
I have not been killed while in moa for awhile now. Regardless of class. 90% of the players in this game do not know how or don’t want to kite properly. And even less chase you down once you start kiting.
Disabling melee attacks while climbing on the gravestones at mid is tons of fun too.
Since mesmer mains hold onto the argument about moa’s combat abilities so dearly I suppose I finally have to bust that myth.
Being turned into moa completely disables combat abilities of a character for a simple reason: moa does reasonable damage only with zerk or marauder amulet. That being said there are next to none classes running such build outside of rev, thief and DH. However that still doesnt allow them to fight in moa state because without their class abilities they are extremely squishy and can be simply destroyed by mesmer’s clones while mesmer is just running around spamming his endless defensive abilities.
At the same time classes focused on condi or tankiness are completely locked out of ability to contribute to the fight in any meaningful way.
Thats why moa is effectively a daze skill.
190 matches is way too much to get legendary and people say you cant grind your way up anymore, huh
you cant kill condi mesmer because there arent many classes which can, thats all
perhaps you should listen to a higher ranked player when he is talking about the state of game balance
Ah I see. Good to know you have a monopoly on the truth. Let’s hope the dev team listen to you in all things – that would definitely make the game much better.
I play mesmer a lot – but I have won a much higher percentage of games with Rev or Druid this season. Must be becos mesmer is OP.
You are something of a hypocrite frankly, but that is not surprising given your attitude.
i dont care if they nerf or buff mesmer, im skilled enough to get my legend regardless of the game’s balance state and without playing broken classes
i am simply expressing my opinion and it is disappointing that it causes so much hate
Well, I don’t know where, but I’ve heard that somewhere the past few weeks. But well, as it seems, you can’t carry every team doesn’t matter how bad or good they are’, especially if you, the carrier, plays warrior.
The matchmaking is real.
just by taking a glance at the screenshot and seeing your healing skill and utility abilities is enough for me to say that you didnt deserve to win
Funny how dev wastes his time to reply to people who generally dont want to improve in the game and blame their team and/or matchmaking, basically being in complete denial about their own poor performance
We’ve been through this before the vast majority of people complaining know they aren’t legendary material players.
if what you say is true then why people complain they cant progress or that they get matches they cant win? then they should understand that its all logical
Logic was that apparently all high ranked players would clear out of the lower divisions leaving players in their approximate right divisions, yet 4 weeks in and it still hasn’t happened.
What makes you think that way?
Funny how dev wastes his time to reply to people who generally dont want to improve in the game and blame their team and/or matchmaking, basically being in complete denial about their own poor performance and these people are still unhappy and prefer to remain in denial even after getting their answers.
This from a guy who spends most of his time QQing about mesmers ………. Maybe you should take a dose of your own medicine from time to time.
perhaps you should listen to a higher ranked player when he is talking about the state of game balance
Funny how dev wastes his time to reply to people who generally dont want to improve in the game and blame their team and/or matchmaking, basically being in complete denial about their own poor performance
We’ve been through this before the vast majority of people complaining know they aren’t legendary material players.
if what you say is true then why people complain they cant progress or that they get matches they cant win? then they should understand that its all logical
Funny how dev wastes his time to reply to people who generally dont want to improve in the game and blame their team and/or matchmaking, basically being in complete denial about their own poor performance and these people are still unhappy and prefer to remain in denial even after getting their answers.
As for the popular topic of “blowout matches” its pretty simple. It happens because of the human factor: low divisions are full of tilted people who are generally not good at the game so as soon as a single thing goes wrong they become mad and refuse to attempt to change the situation either openly – by going afk, or secretly – by not doing their best (even if their best isnt all that great anyway).
So matches which are actually perfectly balanced end up looking like a complete stomp simply because in the losing team there are regularly 2-4 people who refuse to try once the enemy team becomes ahead by 20 points.
Well perhaps we should group up sometime so I can be blessed with your presence in one of my blowout matches. You might find that you’ve seen a completely different side to this system.
Who knows, maybe the system would favor you and put me into a team that doesn’t repeatedly die in mid while I frantically try to cap one of the two unguarded points. (While 2 or 3 of the enemy team rush over to kill me and my team still manages to lose the group fight in mid.)
I’ve been in plenty of matches where my team would lose 4v4 on mid while I’m busy fighting an enemy at far or close. Im still winning the match however because most of the time I beat the person I’m fighting 1v1 and if my team loses the teamfight at mid I still can keep multiple enemies busy long enough for my teammates to recover and regroup.
So as I said all the issues people face in low divisions are easily explained by 2 factors: poor player performance and negative attitude.
its silly how a profession with a 20 sec daze skill and the ability to be in 2 places at once (while also being able to instantly transport their team between 2 points) is also able to stand evenly against other classes in combat
i mean 3.5 years ago before people figured out the game it was borderline acceptable, but now that people finally realize how to abuse mesmer’s advantages to the max its becoming ridiculous
Funny how dev wastes his time to reply to people who generally dont want to improve in the game and blame their team and/or matchmaking, basically being in complete denial about their own poor performance and these people are still unhappy and prefer to remain in denial even after getting their answers.
As for the popular topic of “blowout matches” its pretty simple. It happens because of the human factor: low divisions are full of tilted people who are generally not good at the game so as soon as a single thing goes wrong they become mad and refuse to attempt to change the situation either openly – by going afk, or secretly – by not doing their best (even if their best isnt all that great anyway).
So matches which are actually perfectly balanced end up looking like a complete stomp simply because in the losing team there are regularly 2-4 people who refuse to try once the enemy team becomes ahead by 20 points.
nah 20 sec of unbreakable daze is fine np
First season I got to Ruby almost in a breeze. I actually didn’t even bother going for diamond because Fallout 4 came along.
This season could not have been the polar opposite if it tried. It has actually made me rage quit the game several times. Something I NEVER do.
so you did several times something you never do? seems legit
Whats the point of the thread? Everything is as it should be
while it doesnt look that much as a mage staff its doesnt look like a daredevil staff either imo… i’ll stick to my Bo
nerfing b/s low cd on healing turret would be a good start as well
just another day in low ranks
its funny how its just another thread to whine about “always bad team”
you people would do yourself good if you focused on what you are doing bad instead of what your team is doing bad
(edited by Lexander.4579)
I am surprised you guys forego Trickery completely. I’d pick Trickery over Daredevil even for a condition build.
trickery is extremely overrated and surely its nowhere close to daredevil in its strength
There is a good Reason why i do have people on my Blocklist. Mostly because they’re antisocial.
I don’t have to play with them in PvE or WvW….but in PvP you’re getting forced to do so.
I don’t care if I get higher Q-times.Well that would be easy to abuse. Just block everybody who is better then you and get easy matches.
I believe that the suggestion was for blocked people to not appear in your team. And the blocklist is not big enough to contain even a small fraction of bad players.
i wont because of how matchmaking works: if ill get 4 sub-diamond players on my team then the enemy team will have at least 4 sub-diamond players as well
Hint: the Matchmaking doesn’t work the way you think it does.
Which class you played to Dia solo?
It doesn’t really matter. If he did it in that few matches then he was obviously one of the “golden ticket” holders blessed by ANet with premium match-ups. He could have been playing a Warrior for all it would have mattered.
thats some serious tinfoil hat case
Yeah, right? Too bad that in this season it’s actually true…
actually unlike 90% of people who complain on forums or in game about bad matchmaking I do know how matchmaking works and the worse you play the more you will be stomped, blaming your team or Anet will not teach you how to play
Which class you played to Dia solo?
It doesn’t really matter. If he did it in that few matches then he was obviously one of the “golden ticket” holders blessed by ANet with premium match-ups. He could have been playing a Warrior for all it would have mattered.
thats some serious tinfoil hat case