Oh you know there was a really great game about 10 years ago, you could buy different skills sets, swap around skill points at any time (as long as you were in a town or outpost), a pity the developers of that game didn’t make a sequel to that … I think it was called guild wars or something,
you could start your own guild and it will cost you about 2-3 gold to start a guild bank with 50 slots, 10 gold if you want 100 slots
They can still be salvaged for mats. You were given plenty of warning that MF items would be taken from the TP and bound to you, and you did nothing. No one lost anything of real value.
Yes but even with 6 months warning , If you had listed MF for sale on TP the day before the warning you STILL lost your listing fees.
Yes, No real life value but I doubt there are many people playing that think they can go off and "pay the mortgage and feed the family " with in game gold
But it would kind be considered a loss if you listed 500 MF exotic gear and were told the next that that “Sucko Bucko, we changed the rules BTW , we have your listing fees, kiss those good bye, oh and those 500 items we giving back …. good luck with those LOL”
Yes …….;-P
what they also didn’t tell you is , that if you had MF listed on TP that it would be returned to you without the listing fees you were charged for listing it. So you were screwed either way
I know where you are coming from I had the same thing happen to me, Now apparently I should have read the upcoming patch notes or even a 3rd party website and Naturally its my fault for not doing so “insert rolling eyes here”
However even IF i had done all the things I was “supposed” to do while having a life outside of guild wars , ( You know feeding the family and paying the mortgage)
I still would have lost the listing fees
So go figure,
The best you can hope is to do what I did and salvage and hope to max out mats and luck
I am really starting to tire of this game and the lack of thought and bugs that come with the ever increasing amount of patches, which makes me sad as I did really love this game
OMG! Now how are you going to pay your mortgage and feed your family… oh, wait, it’s just play money. Nevermind.
That was a really impressive answer
Maybe they are ignoring you ;-P
But yes it is possible I was texting and mail my friend while he was on a EU server
Have you tried this?
1. In your Windows start menu type “%temp” (without the quotes) into the search field.
2. Delete all folders that say gw2 cache..
3. Re-launch your game client and try again
Yeah if you are going to play the market like that, you need to keep up on pre-patch notes. Tis why I unloaded a bunch of MF into buy orders hours before teh patch
OH so it was YOU lol
Oh dear lord , I said it was my fault , you don’t need to rub it in LOL,
well is called tp play coz you can loose, well game over!!!
and is a good way to remove a stokpile of gold out of flippers pockets wich is never bad imho.
i really hope they make flipping so risky that will be unprofitable, like let’s say limit number of transaction per day or per week, or double the fee, or whatever.
the t6 dust move was awsome too.
if this wasn’t intentional was the best error they made.
Flipper are the equivalent of market sharks and speculators irl, which caused the econom crash we’re experiencing.
thanks but i wan’t to keep this an irl peculiarity.
Mmmmmm not sure about that but each to their own
Yeah . totally my fault they were old buy orders that i was too lazy to remove,
That will teach me
Only saving grace is the price of blues and greens has gone through the roof , which has covered it
Are you Serious Anet. So angry right now
Any item that you have buy orders for that have MF as a stat becomes SOULBOUND on aquire.
Now I do see the slightly humorous side that anti flippers will see
But right now I am Stuck with 100’s of Soulbound items…
What I want to know is where the hell do you get the patience and strength not to open them.
I can’t let a stack get to 100 before opening them , let alone 1000
look at your trinkets, and underwater gear, I had totally forgotten that I had travelers underwater gear, I was like WT? I have no MF gear are you guys crazy, Then I found it
but what if you went into McDonalds thinking you were getting a free burger and they gave you KFC instead?
End of the year, hope this helps
I don’t believe it.
Why add ascended crafting before precursor crafting? Makes no sense, ascended item will obviously be harder to craft. Plus they have lied before, at this point I’ll only believe an official announcement on their webpage about it.
Of course you can believe , were talking about a people who introduced celestial crafting with MF as a stat knowing full well they were going to remove the MF a month later….
Heres’s you link for the precursor crafting btw
i think by reading the posts you may have to have the tickets in your inventory to be able to view them
Or maybe we could be able to throw them at bosses etc as a sacrifice and distraction.
Surely this is a bug . I’m pretty sure they would have announced that you had X amount of time before the merchant left as they have done in the past.
The balloon tower only stays open for 2 minutes after the conclusion of the event that opens it.
Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to work, but I’ve seen them close (several times) within less than 10 seconds of the event completion.
Anyway, closing isn’t the issue. The issue is that it kicks out any player who is already inside, and that makes no sense. By all means close the gate, but if a player is on his way up the stairs, let him / her get to the top and use the chest or baloon.
I opened the chest , my inventory was full , so I attempted to get rid of junk and bam I was booted off, without my loot …. LOL
I gave up with the kittens, can’t be bothered, I’m starting to lose interest,
Oh. I got you, I was thinking is there some way to stack weapons that Idon’t know about?
Silly question , but how do you stack or split stack weapons
Those that kitten about not being able to keep track…. just make a word document…. duh,i did that with dungeons too… how DARE Anet make us think for ourselves
Mmmmm , the issue is not so much not know what maps you have done, Yes we can all use word or a pen a and paper, It’s the issue of what ones your have completed.
The other night I went into multiple maps and DC errors, causing some of those maps not to be completed. I have no Idea which ones counted and which ones didn’t so now I have do all those maps again
Why is every one say “If” they become craftable .
I thought it was a given
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-guild-wars-2-in-2013/I think they are referring to “if” it will be in this upcoming patch. They note the new crafting will be but not precursors (which is too significant to leave out of the patch content list if it will be).
ahhhhhh I see
Hero’s and Henchmen for sure
why would you miss these when gw2 content is easy to the point of a 5y old able to do everything in open world? Henchies/heroes were needed in gw1 to travel the world, gw2 is easy enough to play with your feet while being blindfolded
Perhaps thats why i missed them , I also do miss them telling me how long its been since they had a bath , etc
I copped Gendarran twice in 3 hours last night too, actually I can pretty much bet on getting it again when i get home from work as well
You are taxed when changing gems to gold so you might end up actually losing gold when you need to spend and exchange rate hasn’t risen enough for you to break even.
I did not see anything about a tax on the TP window but it figures there’d be some kind of exchange fee.
Still, since gems don’t drop in the game; the only way new gems are added other than you buying some is when players who have them choose to sell them. If they are spent them on in-game items, the gem disappears.
You may not get a 1:1 exchange on gems to gold or vice versa so “playing the market” isn’t viable, but over longer terms whatever you lose in terms of paying the “tax” or fee is compensated for by insulating your overall buying power.
Not sure how that works or will work for a considerable time yet, if you buy gems now with gold and need gold in the foreseeable future, you will most definitely be running at a loss
Why is every one say “If” they become craftable .
I thought it was a given
i would love to know how often i die ALOT, (elemetalist btw)
If you want to know how often you die type /deaths in chat. Then you can type /age and figure out how many times you have died per hour sort of. An average of sorts I suppose. Hard to tell for sure because of time you spent in cities and what not.
You say that like you can’t die in cities
Sure I do it all the time from being dumb and falling. Sometimes I jump to my death on purpose during RP. My Mesmer doesn’t really like himself so he is a bit self-destructive at times.
LOL I sometimes go on the walkway above the bank in Lions arch and try to splat on a player standing below.
i would love to know how often everyone dies, i die ALOT, (elemetalist btw)
I Chucked my elementalist in the Bin after two weeks , she seemed to have a death wish,
(it was nothing to do with the fact that I didn’t know how to use it ;-) )
Magic find is a horrible stat, any way they get rid of it is for the best. This is the best option they have I think. They are not sitting around thinking of ways to rip off the players.
Celestial gear is fine without magic find. It is not like the reduction of it will cause you to do less damage or die more often in battle. I guess I don’t see the issue. I made Celestial gear on my guardian but only because the stats worked out to be slightly better then the ones I was wearing for my build. The magic find wasn’t even enough for me to care about honestly. 18% extra chance on something that already rarely drops is still extremely rare.
The thing is though some people and a fair few crafted the Celestial gear as a replacement for MF gear as it gave them the added stats that the standard MF gear did not.
I am not one of them, I was thinking about it but thankfully I never got around to it.
And what is going to happen to Polla?
Poor Polla I guess that’s the reason they were giving her away.
All MMO features are subject to change for balancing or design purposes. Don’t like it, don’t play MMOs. Or many other games for that matter.
It’s not like they do it every day. This is a change that rarely happens.
errrr except when the introduce Celestial crafting that has MF as a stat knowing full well they are going to nerf MF a month later….LOL
Most of the items players spend gold on are items they could get themselves but would rather purchase to save time. In the context of a game where both “items” and “gold” spawn from and despawn into nothing, the notion of “inflation” is somewhat misguided.
In the real world, currency came into play as a form of IOU when commerce revolved around bartering. This means that instead of trading you a goat for a bag of grain, I would give you an IOU (the generally accepted currency) that puts me in debt to you for the value of a goat. You could then keep that IOU and come back to me later, then give it to me and get the goat I owe you OR you could give that IOU to someone else and they’d know that the IOU is good for one goat from me or the goat vendor. This all works by a kind of mutual trust among the traders, who trust each other to uphold the generally accepted value of the chosen currency.
In a game, you can generate currency by selling imaginary items that always sell for the same price no matter what. When you loot a mob and collect some items, those items were generated by the game just for you and when you sell them, the currency you get does not have any value associated with it and does not represent debt (the NPC vendor does not go in debt to you because he is not giving you an IOU; the currency is generated from nothing at the point of sale). This is exactly the same for ALL players.
For this reason, it doesn’t matter how much money is floating around in the game because it’s tied to the drop rates of items in the game and is entirely arbitrary (as set by the game’s admins). The value of game currency is controlled by limiting the availability of certain items by adjusting their drop rates, the locations they spawn and the level of the player required to acquire said item(s).
You only notice “inflation” when you compare a game currency to a real-world currency. The amount of US dollars to buy gems is set by ANet and is a fixed value. The number of gems a dollar buys does not fluctuate, but the game gold to gem exchange rate does. Even so, the relative buying power of the gold you get by trading gems stays the same…meaning that if 1 gem got you 10 gold a few months ago, and today only gets you 1 gold, you can still buy the same amount of items for1 gold today as you could for 10 gold a few months ago.
Bottom line is that if you want to “preserve” your in-game wealth (buying power), always change your gold to gems whenever you can, and only change gems to gold when you are going to purchase.
Oh ok…… “x files music seems appropriate right now”
why give people the ability to craft an new stats item like celestial only to nerf them a month later? surely the development team plan more than a month in advance?
i wish i could give one of my 8 sets to you, the are gross , almost looks like broken egg shells stuck on coat hangers
His is right you cant access it even if you were to guest. Guild upgrades etc are independent on each server, I have a personal guild and my friend is the only other member, he is located on another server, we both have to upgrade and build separately, nor does our influence combine,and he can’t access the guild bank when he guests to my server,
Are all servers having the invasion on at the same time? and is there a set rotation
Here is my issue.
I get home from work, if i get 3 hours play in I’m lucky.
The last few night I seem to be getting the same three maps, meh ok for farming but I am pretty kitten sure now that I am not going to make it to the play house or am i going to be able to complete the clockwork chaos achievement.
P.S I don’t have a potty mouth that “kitten” is for Dam with an “n” on the end.
(edited by Lisa.6102)
I have a sneaking suspicion that SAB is going to be a let down like every other sequel in existence.
Oh come on nothing could be as bad as Dirty Dancing 2 or Grease 2 …………… or could it?
I have never under stood the fluffy panda hats and town clothes, who can be bothered changing there clothes all the time , and just who stands around in a town doing nothing?
Hero’s and Henchmen for sure
1. In your Windows start menu type “%temp” (without the quotes) into the search field.
2. Delete all folders that say gw2 cache..
3. Re-launch your game client and try again
you can buy them on the tp for +200g …. if you farmed the life out of the watchwork event you could get one for $0 of real life money
5 and 7 tickets…what a complete and utter joke. Anet should be ashamed, preying on people like thakittens
not a joke. It just makes those weapons still unique, while enabling ppl that really want it to get it.
Do you have any idea what 7 tickets means? Do you know what compulsive gamblers and others will do?
If they have any sense they should use the money they were going to waste on RNG and buy gems convert to gold and buy the skins outright
At least ANet is doing something right.
Down with exclusivity! Down with prestige!
LOL perhaps we should all wear brown paper bags a newspaper boat hats,
Thanks , guys it makes sense now , ,,,,, I’ll pull out the blonde excuse