People always confuse NEED and WANT …..why?
I thought sky pirates was part of the dragon bash story? like frost and flame and the molten dungeon???
mmmmm.. Was only a holiday weekend in the only USA?
I’m in Australia so we are effected permanently by server time.
You just have to suck it up and deal with it.
I’d also like the Transactions – buying -bought-sold-selling to work so that you didn’t have to reset every time you look at an item, its so kitten annoying
Especially if you are pulling bids that you have already been overcut on.
Exactly! gives me the kittens lol
I have a funny feeling it might be tassel that is bugged , I noticed a post in the Bug section.
My Jade Staff disappears half way through my back like its embedded through my toon.
poor toon
I was the same with my necro, then i got my friend to fix it for me , now i love it, I will post the build when i get home,
I think if you give this build a try you will be loving it too.
ahhhh did you open the box that it came in?
because you should have 3 helms one light one medium and one heavy.
You’re clearly not cynical enough, OP.
RNG will come in the form of those sweet new Aetherblade skins only available from a chest at the end of the story dungeon. We shall have people who run the dungeon hundreds of times and never get a skin, and that annoying player who dies constantly, cusses out everybody on the team, gets carried all the way through, and gets a skin on his very first trip.
LOL and double lol
Oh just as long as it doesn’t have a single player mode, It’s bad enough i have to get cussed by a team, single player mode i have to cuss on myself, and really does your self esteem in
Since yesterday the TP is acting strange for me, I have sold 2 items for 12g each, but I only received 10g each after they were sold..
And no, I didnt sell it to the highest buyer..Is there some new policy or something? (Sharing the profit with GW?)
Server: Piken Square [EU]
No new policy ,
you get charged sales tax (5%) and selling fee(10%) totaling 15%
so your 12g sale would look like
12g – 60s -1g.20s = 10g 20s
(edited by Lisa.6102)
I’d also like the Transactions – buying -bought-sold-selling to work so that you didn’t have to reset every time you look at an item, its so kitten annoying
oh excellent , shall be puking all night now
devious plan by anet to make you buy more bank slots
How much do you eat. I have seen people puking all over LA
I got mine on my about my 400th coffer , i farm mine, so no gold or money spent
My friend got his on his 10th crate, (kick him in the shins)
I have farmed another 500 since and not got a kitten thing, on the other hand i now have 4000 taffy and wonder what i should do with that?
How else do u think they pay all the TP representatives throughout Tyria, with Zhaitaffy and kisses? I think not!
for karma recipes? u mad?
RNG is R N G. Deal With It.
is like when you play lottery… You know that the chances for the instarich are near impossible… but you continue buying lottery…LOL yeah and you go through your whole life hoping to win and you dont “wake up”!!! So your saying a “GAME” has to deal with these same odds. Thas stupid. Something needs to be implemented to give everyone a chance to take away at least one weapon skin from these events through either hard work completing all objectives or High level crafting be it the same as making some Eldrich scroll wepaon etc. Or to open these skins in the Gem Store for a limited time. Any of these is an easy fix that still gives Anet a win/win situation keeping people in game playing or paying.
ahhhh everyone does have a “Chance”
I’m quite perplexed, help me out here. Why did you spend $300 on rich coffers, and better yet, why did you spend $800 on gaming this week? From what you said, you have “disposable” income – but $20K is nothing. I understand that it’s your money and you decide how you spend it, but just for ONE skin? Why don’t you look at the opportunity cost man…$300 add $100 more, and order the new PS4 or something. Go out and spend that, go on a vacation, buy someone a gift, donate to children in need, or something.
I too, have “disposable” income, but by no means does it justify shelling out that much for a game.
I don’t even know what to say…I’m at a loss for words.
Already have PS4 on preorder, as well as many games at my favorite gamestop. I also recently drove around 600 miles with my family over the weekend for fun, so I believe I covered that too. On top of that I am in college full time doing programming, 4 classes currently. I understand the sillyness that so much money into a game of RNG entails, but I do have my limits for all things. The $800 was for some epic CE editions of my favorite game coming out, and some for GW2. When I start a sub for another game I am less likely to spend as much on a free game as I will be intently playing the sub one more. Aside from that, with family, gw2, new games, my 230+ ps3 games, and regular life I keep myself pretty busy. I even bought my wife a new wedding ring because hers had become slightly damaged and wanted a more personalized one. Then I bought my son a 3ds XL because games these days should be enjoyed on large screens. I bought my wife an alien ware X51, because like me, she had always wanted one as a child.
So I live comfortably, yet busily. I do spend my money/time wisely on my own terms. I don’t agree that RNG is the best way to deliver these items, I did want one of these and I ended up with 1 (3 as of today). But I wanted to shine some clarity of the fact that a few steps forward were made on the RNG chests, but then a few steps were taken back. Hence the discussion on the topic, I was hoping people would have suggestions and share their feelings on them. But I suppose people rather turn it into a thread about me, but in all honesty, I’m truly not that interesting of a topic.
Wow so young to have accomplished so much , well young wife anyways… ;-)
On my Norn the Jade quarter Staff becomes embedded through my back.
I will attach photos when I get home ( naughty posting at work while the boss isn’t looking)
(edited by Lisa.6102)
I’m not really sure if the OP is genuine. Seems more like someone trying to provide an example of the type of customer that would make ANet think these things are a good idea, rather than an actual experience.
I know some people have a lot of disposable income, but I really have trouble believing someone would spend $800 a month on the gem store and not bat a lakitten doing so.
If it is real, then it’s probably an addiction to ripping off people like this that has prevented who ever runs the gem store from pursuing a more reasonable and likely more profitable cash shop strategy that doesn’t rely on those they must view as “suckers” throwing money at these horrible RNG boxes.
Hey , they could be Donald Trumph , for all we know
Rolls eye Yes eye ( I have stye atm so it hurts to roll both)
Brings to mind that saying
A Fool and their money are soon parted,
“Want” is a funny thing
I cheated well sort of,
I did the foot method, but at each effigy I guested to another server, so getting three effigys done for the “price” of one
Exactly. And still have yet to update. Hours and hours later for the simplest fix.
Obviously some kind of game is being played to delay the shatterer wing covers being handed out, for whatever reason.
Yes i’m sure delaying a statless cosmetic item by 24 hours is a conspiracy to make the game fail and steal all your money.
An unnecessary stab at people who do not share your vision of an RPG, perhaps?
Nope. A criticism on how players are responsible for some of the worst flaws in GW2.
I’m not going go to into how a farmer basically states that he’s no better than a Skinner rat. It wouldn’t bother me that much if it were just a matter of someone renouncing his humanity like that. It isn’t, though.
What farmers (and grinders, addicts and exploiters) have taught MMO developers is that there is no point in making a game fun. Fun is subjective – trying to make a given piece of content to be “fun” will, 100% of the time, result in something that some will like, and others will not. Making fun content is hard, too.
But do you know what is very easy do build? Grind. Just throw something players can kill over and over, give a shiny reward for it, and players will jump there. No need to actually work to make it interesting, farmers don’t care.
As a result, what updates do we get in Guild Wars 2? Improved storytelling? Better cinematics, like what we had seen in the original Guild Wars by the time of the BMP? Challenging content?
No, of course not. There is no point in any of that. Making repetitive, mindless content and throwing 200% Magic Find is enough to make farmers play until their fingers bleed. Who cares about good content? Grinders certainly do not.
MMORPGs won’t ever be great games, because the current community of MMORPG players don’t want great games – they want to revel in cesspools of grind.
LOL been sucking on lemons have we?
“Oh for the love of fish oil glands” Why are you still here then?
Oddly enough I do see the point you are making even though I am one of the boring bot like Skinner rats ;-P
when people see scores like 0 – 100 in the first 30 seconds they kinda just give up you know.
Silly them for leaving because at least you know teams are not going to be evenly matched , so stay , when the match finishes and the teams reshuffle , the chances are pretty high that your going to be on the next winning squad.
I got my 20 wins up in 40-50 minutes by staying in a game that had at least 3 afk
1. were you buying Instantly or placing an order.
2. If it was just placing an order check in the "items i am Buying " in the transaction tab. Your order man not have been processed yet.
I didnt pay attention to drop rates, but there was some sort of ninja change to holo creatures. Ive noticed that now they become invulnerable for a few seconds, what didnt happen before. But a ninja change to drop rates would make sense, since the coffers drop tickets and NCsoft is all about making money. They might wanna boost the lottery boxes sales.
Oh well they aren’t very good Ninja’s then are they
Or maybe just Ninja’s that aren’t very stealthy … LOL like Pseudo Ninja’s or something
You guys are looking at the “glass half empty” as i was until today.
I joined a game where there were at least 4 afk. It eventually works out in your favour, If you hang in that same game without exiting to lions arch, After each game the teams are shuffled so you either going to be in the team with lots of AKF and lose or you are going to be in the team that has a pretty much full squad, the chance of getting those wins increases greatly with all the AFK , rather that two full teams,
“The glass is now half full”
I’d be more inclined to agree with you if you “needed” the jade weapons, but you don’t. It’s just a skin, and every few months, there’s a new batch of em. I get it, you think some of the skins are pretty, and it’d just be dandy if you could get one or two for some characters, but we simply just do not need these items.
Yes, I know it’s really, really frustrating and annoying to literally flush hard earned money away. But, all I can say is just don’t do it then. If you want to support ANet, bye items which you are sure to get. And if you don’t like their practices with chance boxes, then don’t bye them.
There will be more skins. Some of them you’ll like, some of them you won’t. Some of them will be in chance boxes, some of them won’t.
And hey, of you really have had enough, stop playing. If you aren’t having fun in a game, what’s the point?
The old “you don’t need it” reply. You don’t “need” to do anything in a game. What is something you really enjoy about GW2 so we can tell you that you don’t “need” to do that. Stop dictating what other people find enjoyable about a game.
I’m of the "You don’t need it " view too , but I do see that people want things , and let’s face if people didn’t the game would be full of generic clones.
everyone is different , as is need and want. Wanting something though doesn’t always mean you will get it.
Heck i have people telling me I NEED a good —-—- , doesn’t mean I Want one though. :-P
You do know that you can get the skins from Dragon Coffers that drops from every single thing in the whole world right?
And rather frequently as well.Lol. Like 1 in 1,000, at best. That’s not “frequently”.
I think you are reading it wrong.
My take is he was implying that the actual coffers drop frequently.
Who says they reduced the drop rates? Anet haven’t said anything, Just people assuming they have because of DR.
I have not noticed any reduction other then the normal DR from hanging around the same area.
They haven’t publicly stated that they have , and there’s nothing in todays patch saying they did , So it would be nice to see if they do confirm either way , I just put it down to DR, as i noticed it then moved to another map and all was good again.
Living World
Fixed a bug that allowed Utility buffs to be used in Dragon Ball Arena.
Fixed a bug where the giant Holo Dragon in Lion’s Arch would freeze for some players when they got far from it.
Fixed an issue with the Piñatas where players could interrupt each other preventing players from getting candy or achievement progress.
Increased the health of all Holo Dragon Minions that appear from the Holo Projectors located around the world.
Changed the rarity of the Mini Holographic Risen Knight from Rare to Masterwork to reflect the actual value of the item.
Fixed a bug where the icon and chest of the Karka queen’s reward would persist on the map. The chest will now go away after five minutes.
Fixed a bug that could block the Meta event in Southsun.
Nothing there about nerfing the drop rate from mobs or anything actually
last night again I tried the nice approach only to have some other player activate it while I was attempting to alert other players in the area.
At once stage my slow running (grrr) necro was sauntering her wiggling butt up to the holo as there appeared to be no one else in site and some dumb kitten came running past me at lightening speed and took the whole thing before I could even hit swiftness .
I was mad for like 2 seconds and then lolled.
It then became a competition between the other player and I across the map, It was actually quite fun.
(edited by Lisa.6102)
I’d like it if they added the ability to player kill in this game. Then all the nodes would be mine!!!
Love it!
Those of you who have been playing this game a while know that ANet loves this concept of open world “chests.”
So far, there have been ones for almost all the major events, and almost every time they result in the same problem for players. What is normally a friendly, helpful, and chatty community, suddenly turns into a competitive, greedy, foul-mouthed, bunch of jerky-jerks.
LMAO I love the greedy foul-mouthed behaviour that it brings, I find it hilarious watching all the raging and name calling going on.
Perhaps, but frustrated players who make the unfortunate mistake of venting could find themselves suspended by others who report them.
Then they should watch their potty mouths
Those of you who have been playing this game a while know that ANet loves this concept of open world “chests.”
So far, there have been ones for almost all the major events, and almost every time they result in the same problem for players. What is normally a friendly, helpful, and chatty community, suddenly turns into a competitive, greedy, foul-mouthed, bunch of jerky-jerks.
LMAO I love the greedy foul-mouthed behaviour that it brings, I find it hilarious watching all the raging and name calling going on.
I tried to be nice and posted it in map chat / say . But while standing there typing " Holo is up I’ll wait for….." some fool came along activated it and one shot the whole thing.
If i could “team Kill” he would have been drake fodder!
No more Mrs Nice Girl from me !
I have just been farming them then selling them right away. Made about 70g out of doing this. Currently I am waiting later this month when the prices on these dragon coffers are 1 silver. Then I’ll just spend 20 gold to get 2000 coffers.
great idea
It’s like christmas LOL
I wait till I get a stack of at least 150, make a coffee and sit and open LOL ,
(edited by Lisa.6102)
Sea of Sorrows, its mostly oceanic people on there
The only problem I can see with allowing them to be sold or gifted is Bots will be out in force big time
Ahhhhhhhkkkkk thank you
Meh , kitten happens
What exactly does that mean?
I love the way they have done the RNG this time. SSC was fun but disheartening at the amount of crates you got.
Now at least I feel like I have a greater chance of getting something (even though I probably don’t logically). I treat it like a lucky dip, I don’t expect to get anything but it would be a nice surprise if I did.
- Ducks and runs for cover now *
the laurel vendor in lions arch sells back items also check this out