(edited by Lisa.6102)
This is driving me absolutely kittening mad. Seriously !!!! for the last 5 or so nights it has virtually had me in tears at one stage! I can play the game in open world for hours without disconnecting, I can play any other game for hours with disconcerting. Yet I try to do this part of the living story and i’m right royally kittened the kitten with a barge pole it seems . I yet the boss down to 1/3 Health and disconnect, then have to do the whole pre story all over. I am literately heart broken not to mention the sore backside due to the barge pole. And yes I have tried repairing my client.
I think the OP needs to go get a law degree before making claims like this. This would never go to court. Anet is offering refunds to people, and a FAQ for an unreleased game wouldn’t be considered advertising anyway.
Vayne sometimes I really wonder about you, really really wonder.
HoT Pre-Purchase Questions and Feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lisa.6102
It’s not uncommon , I do it all the time. Not doing it with HoT though
You are all taking it way to serious.
i lack english grammer but both of those sentances before and after are the same thing but the 2nd is easier to understand……nothing wrong here, being mad at the price as i do too doesnt justefy anger in other places
I think people are angry at the deception and apparent “Money Grabbing, snake oil salesman tactics” as they have a right to be.
For me its not even about the "Free " base game,
Its the sneaky, slimy way they went it and changed to FAQ without bringing it to anyone’s attention.
You can not say it was merely and “Edit” as that edit has consequences and would have undoubtedly effected peoples decisions on whether to purchase the standard game on its own or not.
seriously all they did was correct an error on their faq page. i honestly expected them to do that already wonder what took them so long
Really ? That error has rather large consequences
Op what are you talking about? You get a free copy of gw2 when you buy HoT. Unless there has been an announcement I haven’t heard about yet.
Since no one else will set you straight:
No, no you don’t. You get one code that either upgrades an existing account or creates a new account that has the base game and HoT.
LOL and Imagine if the upgrade overwrites and deletes your existing account…
Just saying’
I Still play GW1, I Play GW2 not as much as I used to, I don’t buy all the RNG or cosmetic cash shop items , and I hardly every buy gems (mostly for bank tabs etc).
I won’t be pre purchasing HoT, I may buy it after the release if they offer a different pricing structure. Watching the way updates and patches have been implemented in the past, I sort of expect the installing of the HoT with the base game to cause a major DB error and wipe everyone’s data .. LOL …
Most stores don’t warn you of a sale. I just get a flyer in the Sunday paper, same day it starts. They did say they’d help people out who just bought it.
I think you are totally missing the point .
Go and read this
Those of you who bought when they had the FAQS up stating that you would need the base game to play HoT do have a moral case. Possibly even a legal one. The number of jurisdictions that GW2 sells in means that it could be a legal nightmare for them if they don’t act soon. I am pretty sure that in Australia the ACCC could slap them with abig fine for that sort of thing.
Those like me who have had the game for years only have jealousy as an excuse to complain.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. Read your terms and conditions when you pre-purchase the game.
? That doesn’t even make sense, Do you even know what people are complaining about?
I mean.. Really this is just an overpriced game, nothing more nothing less.
Totalbiscuit covered games like Dungeons 2 (Or was it Jim Sterling?) Saying “It was alright, but rather expensive” (Not actual quote)
The game itself is 45 euro (60 dollar?)I know this is an expansion and not the same thing – While I agree the pricing is a bit over the top it’s not like it’s anything worth covering.
Not to mention we’re on top of E3.Their FAQ ninja-delete is false advertising, deal with it.
I’m pretty sure legally you can’t advise that you need to buy a product in order for the newer product to work. The later after people purchase the product go in and change the advertising to state otherwise .
Wow , just wow
Ethically speaking
A retraction should have been issued, and any person that bought the base game from the date of the of the original release of the FAQ , to the date of the “Edited” FAQ that goes on to buy the HoT expansion SHOULD be refunded the price of the base game.
(edited by Lisa.6102)
My guess,
Announce the expansion, – reduce the price of the base game.
New players will then have the opportunity to get the GW2 cheap now and have time to level up before the expansion is launched?
As a horder of the worst kind This may be very handy just for storage alone.
Sweet , thank you
I still have 2 jade weapon skin tickets in my bank, I haven’t played for a while , went to the BL weapon specialist and noticed the jade weapons were gone? Can i use the Jade weapon tickets at all ? anywhere?
I find this insulting to new players and a complete slap in the face to the foundations this game was built on..
I thought the idea for a new player was to jump into the game, explore, discover new areas and features.. for example; when you see the skill point icon you think “ooh what’s this? I’ll make my way there and have a look” then be greeted with a challenge etc.
I feel as if a new player, instead of walking into a theme park and deciding where to go and what to do for themselves have instead walked into a theme park run by a dictator telling you what to go on first and how to have fun ‘their’ way..
You mean its turned into a contiki tour
I opened 15 the other night and got
1 Ticket
2 scraps
4 unidentified dyes
some dye kits that netted me about 4G
and the usual boosters
2 craft kits?
As for people that keep bringing up AA…
Archeage is nothing like GW2. For one, it’s tab-target without dodge. It has quest hubs, worse dungeons with 3 player limit, no raids, etc. All it has is open world pvp, where guilds will control open land, raze your house and ships, and you will be left helpless without a mega guild to protect you. It also uses labor points for everything… no seriously, literally for everything. If you want to harvest, craft, open loot, you will need labor points. Just think how “energy” works in those facebook games, and that’s archeage’s labor point system.
AA is picking up a lot of the disgruntled wvw players .
I played a few beta sessions and I actually like it (well I did until someone chopped down my not-so-hidden, hidden farm) . How good are the gliders! I quit playing GW2 probably about 8 months ago because I didn’t like the way it was heading and the constant churning of the living story was driving me batty.
I had returned last week after I found myself bored after AA beta finished, and quite honestly I loved this game a year ago , I don’t anymore. In fact I have found myself playing more and more GW1 over the lat few weeks.
I’m not gone completely yet, but I’m not here either.
(edited by Lisa.6102)
To all those leaving: Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Good attitude. Empty mega server eventually must be your cup of tea.
It won’t.
Megamauler will continuously harass him to change instance due to the lack of players. Eventually, if everyone leaves, then he’ll end up getting a: “Sorry, there aren’t enough players to open an instance. Instead, you’ve been taken in a queue. Your instance opens in 109:45:29 hours, please be patient.” message instead..
You people flatter yourselves. It’ll take many more than the number of whiners in these forums to have a meaningfully negative impact on the future of GW2.
Says the guy with a 6 hour forum presence. It’s ok if you are new here but calling people whiners who genuinely care(d) for the game is just [deleted due to content]. More people leave the game without saying a word compared to the forums. Have fun new guy.
Oh I know. Many more people are upset than are represented on this forum because…
…wait for it…
This forum isn’t representative of the entire population of GW2 players!
You think maybe that these whiners (Yeah. I went there…) are overestimating their ability to damage a game that doesn’t even have a monthly subscription fee by picking up their ball and going home? Good riddance!
And by the by, if I talk about whiners and you take it personally, perhaps you should ask yourself why. If you think I need convincing that the whiners feel like they cared for the game without regard for the fact that they bothered to play in the first place, aren’t you insulting my intelligence?
Funny thing (haha) I spend more than a subscription on this game atm. The fact that I am rethinking this decision along with many others will effect you in the long run. I’m not leaving just yet if you bothered to read my original post. Why would I insult your intelligence? I neither know nor care who you are. I already know I’m not a whiner, you are just lumping people together under a close minded label.
My point still stands that if the developers of this game continue to ignore what the player base actually want then the game will die. People aren’t going to spend cash on gems or suggest the game to other people if the development continues to go in a direction that people don’t like.
You spend more than a subscription on this game because you choose to. If you decided to leave tomorrow, you would not be individually or personally missed — by myself or any Anet staffers. But again, you’d be making a choice. So it’s time to take a dump or get off the pot. Anet has made it abundantly clear that whining on the forums here won’t get the results you’re looking for.
Good Lord LOL … I feel like we all should go sit in the naughty corner now with our hands on our heads
Good luck in your future endeavors! Can I have your stuff? ;D
If i like Archeage as much as i hope i will gladly give you my stuff.
You will. ;-)
Thanks Ill give it a try
Type face has changed and I have to enter my password every time too
I saw a Santa the other day , and I thought that was weird
its one of the things this patch got VERY right.
some tweaks can make it better, but the positives greatly outweigh any negatives
I don’t dislike it , I think they just screwed up a bit that’s all
I’m still having difficulty understanding why the stuff people are complaining about is so important.
There might be a lot of things to criticize in the Feature Pack, but I honestly don’t see how the new Trading Post can be one of them.
I think it depends on how you play the game, For someone that just sells the odd thing here and there it probably isn’t a big deal.
For someone that spends a lot of time flipping and selling on TP the changes are a big issue, not so much the changes but really important things they screwed up like the ones I have mentioned in a previous post.
You’re toon has been deemed to worthy of carrying the mighty sickle.
Anet isn’t completely silent. They did say there were bugs they were working on, including the fact that some of the new player experience was supposed to not carry over to existing players and did. They don’t know why yet.
Ohh Vayne, your loyalty is cute. ( cute is the best I could come up with , without having the porcelain bus waiting for me)
And your toxicity is obnoxious and annoying. Get it into your head that Anet isn’t making the game the way YOU or anybody else want, they are making the game the way they want. Don’t enjoy it? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Oh that’s not very nice now is it? :-P
Many a nerve have been touched.
LOL a bit of Pot and Kettle I think.
Anet isn’t completely silent. They did say there were bugs they were working on, including the fact that some of the new player experience was supposed to not carry over to existing players and did. They don’t know why yet.
Ohh Vayne, your loyalty is cute. ( cute is the best I could come up with , without having the porcelain bus waiting for me)
And your toxicity is obnoxious and annoying. Get it into your head that Anet isn’t making the game the way YOU or anybody else want, they are making the game the way they want. Don’t enjoy it? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Oh that’s not very nice now is it? :-P
While some of it is good, there are features that Anet have totally kittened up.
1. you can not longer see , or add to listings that you already have
eg, I have 20 greatswords for sale . I have another 20 I want to sell of the exact same sword. I can no longer add to my current listing . In fact i have NO WAY of knowing now if i even have any for sale unless I jump back of of the sell screen and go back to items i’m selling, Write down on a note pad I have X amount listed and the listed price then go back to the sell window and list them at the price.
I have already undercut myself at least 5 times this morning.
Over looking or removing that function was just a little be silly on Anets part don’t you think?
2. The projected profit was better, but not a game breaker as I have always just mentally subtracted 15% of the sell price anyways
3, I now have to close the TP completely to see what just sold.
eg. 3g just came in and I listing items for sale want to know what just sold , if go to the sold window it is show stuff that sold 1 hour ago. the only way to get the sold items to refresh is to shut down the TP altogether and reopen it.
(edited by Lisa.6102)
Anet isn’t completely silent. They did say there were bugs they were working on, including the fact that some of the new player experience was supposed to not carry over to existing players and did. They don’t know why yet.
Ohh Vayne, your loyalty is cute. ( cute is the best I could come up with , without having the porcelain bus waiting for me)
I think you die when all your life runs out. I think
Funny i did have to reboot after trying to log out last night , For some reason the game was holding my pc as a hostage and the only way out was to reboot. I have never had this issue before with any game
I’m a flipper, I adore the way Anet has helped my undercutting. I am thrilled that I have undercut myself 5 times already this morning without even knowing. Really impressed with that!
All their testers were over the age 40
Whoa. I’m 52, junior. I could just as easily say that the testers were teenagers and 20-somethings who have been coddled all of their lives, and have the attention spans of gnats…oooo….squirrel!
LOL I think they got their testers from FB, the farmsville players
I love my heritage armor , Sorry I hope they don’t ever sell it
Dont forget though If starting with prophecies , Try to get to level 20 BEFORE pre searing , you can then get the Defender of Ascalon Title for the HoM
I thought the greatest fear was the “Downed State”?
Veteran players seem the most upset by this which i dont get. I started since release and its not like i dont hav 8 experience scrolls and 80+tomes of knowledge sitting in the bank. If your a veteran how do you not have any?
your level 20 guy still has less skills than he did before, you only have one utility, no traits, and who knows what else has been sealed away. i know that you need to get to 19 before you unlock you final downed skill.
I have enough tomes of knowledge to instantly get to 80
If you have only been playing a few months the complaints make more sense tho.
Hoarder :-P
Just thinking ahead XD. Warrior is the only class i need for 80 so i saved them, also got a full zerk set and some accessories in bank for when i finally make him.
I say in gist, as I think I may possibly have more, I seem to "collect’ for “just in case”
Veteran players seem the most upset by this which i dont get. I started since release and its not like i dont hav 8 experience scrolls and 80+tomes of knowledge sitting in the bank. If your a veteran how do you not have any?
your level 20 guy still has less skills than he did before, you only have one utility, no traits, and who knows what else has been sealed away. i know that you need to get to 19 before you unlock you final downed skill.
I have enough tomes of knowledge to instantly get to 80
If you have only been playing a few months the complaints make more sense tho.
Hoarder :-P
I cannot seem to find an option to add items to my previous listing – this way, from selling panel I can’t tell if I am already selling an item and for how much?
I have to go now to My transactions>current transactions>selling> write down a number>go back to selling tab>list an item?This information was easily accessible in previous implementation of TP, from selling tab I could tell how many items I have (still) listed, for how much and easily add new ones with one click without a need of typing in numbers/scrolling.
Am I missing something or is functionality of new TP huge step backward in this area?
Thanks in advance!
Big leap backwards . I cant tell if I’m undercutting myself now
The new TP sell interface seems far from intuitive, and actually makes selling items harder.
Did anyone QA test this? Where are the old options that we were used to, such as sell max (which went past just the highest bidder) or add to previous listing that we have of an item? Also the net profit estimator made it easier than having to calculate that in my head… Seems far less user friendly to me.
I had a quick look before work this morning,
when selling and item
1. I now can not see if I have others identical items listed, or at what or what price – MAJOR PROBLEM
2. I cant sell max automatically- not the end of the world as half time it never worked anyway
Item sold.
1. I was getting money showing to be picked up, however nothing was showing as sold in the transaction. I switched screens multiple times in order to refresh. The only way I could get the sold list to refresh was to shut down TP and open it again
In your account bank? Or your guild bank?
Your account bank is bound to your account, so anything in there would be safe if you switch servers.
Your guild bank is server-specific for now, but come Sep 9th, all guild banks will be across servers, so anything in there will become available regardless of which server you’re on. (As long as you don’t leave the guild!)
Oh no , lol,,,I have to rethink quickly , I have a 2 man guild, my friend is on another server and I actually hide stuff from him in my guild bank, ekkkk now he will be able to access it ? Not that I don’t trust him , but he does have the tendency to “borrow” items
yep :-) ….. …
I’ve been on an extended break, I was playing 4-5 hours a day for about 18 months and just got bored and didn’t like the way the game was heading, I have only in the last week or so log back in as AA closed beta had finished and I was bored…
Apparently its not even worth guesting with the megaservers for PVE as you more often than not even up back on the same server?
For what its worth, I used to love guesting to SoR to do trains etc, They had the best FG train going…
Pics or it didnt happen