Resets were fun and exciting when there was some matchup variance. When it is the same matchup for months on end – just another day….
TC is now the stacked server. The alliance of guilds that went YB to push t1 now reside there, coming from bg/Jq/YB – they must know something about what is coming or why pay to transfer at this point…… Which of course leads to what is worse – not knowing what is coming or only SOME people knowing what is coming……
(edited by Liston.9708)
Hey YB was an underdog ! Circa 2013……. Whenever season 1 and 2 was….. And maybe week 1 and 2 in T2…… And maybe when FA got super fat… Not so much sense then…..
Map chat can be funny. Someone whines Why did JQ have to AJ that? 15 mins later….. Someone whines Why did BG have to AJ that? HELLO PEOPLE WE DID THE SAME THING 5 minutes ago……
For good or bad, I’d add the removal of the match-up sub forum from here. Once that was removed, it seemed interest waned…..
I do wonder what the average age of the players are on these servers and how that plays into the willingness to coordinate. It would seem younger skewed are too rebellious and older skewed too get off my lawn…. i know I to my part to skew YB towards get off my lawn…..
That said, we’ll be increasing the cooldowns on all tactics by 5-10 minutes. Also, once the scribing costs come down, as part of the april build, we can start looking at rebalancing their actual effects as well.
What about Cloaking Waters, that have no cooldown at all and are easily abused? They will have a cooldown now?
They do have a cd, but it is pretty short – some thing like 2 or 3 mins….
Stealth and airship are SM only – they won’t be going to the ABLs. I am meh on the tactivators myself, just surprised any of you thought they wouldn’t be added as they are in EBG. My biggest gripe is how the WPS work.
That isn’t the only time, just the most recent. It was your leet awesome guild that first used the banners to the nth degree when they were OP…….
The point was and still is, we admit these things – others don’t or say well it’s the pugs….
Well of course there was no siege after we / BG cleared it… Maybe the right term was holed up in SM, which we have done as well. We port when we don’t have the numbers on tag – even when we are queued. Btw EBG is ALWAYS pugs for YB so you cant blame them right?
Pretty sure it was JQ with the cloaking waters, chilling fog, and airship humping Siege in SM NA prime last night ……. Don’t care that they did, just don’t whine about others when you do the same…..
Today is an example of how YB plays: YB has Stonemist, and BG jumps into EB and attacks Stonemist. YB, after a very light token resistance, decides to zone out into a different map and captures as much as possible to pad their ppt (right now they have all of Blackgate map after BG just took smt). Once BG leaves EB to take back their map, YB zones back to recapture stonemist.
YB simply does not have the capability to go full force against the larger guilds on BG. As stated many times, YB doesn’t have a large organized fight guild. No commander can lead a group of PUGs against a guild like Sekz and consistently win.
What YB does have is a lot of smaller guilds that keep to themselves and do their own thing. This leads to a lot of PPT as YB spreads out but also means there are very very few map rallies. Simply put YB does not typically have a force that can take on a large BG guild as well as their PUGs in one unified force. Most of the time they augment with siege to defend WPs otherwise they backcap and wait for the big zergs to get into a poor position.
YB plays the way any server with its guild structure would. BG plays the way a heavy guild server would. Neither is any better or worse just two ways to enjoy playing a game. If BG wants to square off against organized large guilds, it probably needs to head to T2.
Mulzi probably doesn’t realize we did have a sizable force with 2 tags on EBG (for once). that could at least engage the omni blob. When we left EBG it was because one of the comms tagged down for dinner. As he was coming back in an hour, others took that opportunity to do something else as well for that hour. Result was the fighting force was halved so the ones that didn’t log went to a bl where fights that aren’t one big omni blob can be found.
You guys don’t seem to understand what this really mean. They are basically giving up on improving WvW for good and are rolling back to a previous version instead of investing in the game mode and fixing issues.
The new borderland had a lot of cool new ideas, it’s in its implementation that it had problems. The old borderland isn’t much better honestly,it was designed for the orb mechanic that was then removed and replaced with nothing, the ruins are also useless. Most people here were already sick of playing them 2 years ago.
If you think this will be good for WvW in the long-term it wont.
This is what I recall of the ABLs as well, not the ABLs circa 2013 that others seem to be reminiscing over…..
Well hopefully there will be more fights on the bl because I know I will fall asleep if I run around Alpine BL with the same amount of fights pre HOT since the borderlands were deserted then too.
Agreed. People think of alpine BL circa 2013 not pre hot after the stability changes…. While the DBls have many issues, placing blame on them and not the other HOT changes (which will undoubtably come with ABLs) for drastic fall off wvw population is short sighted IMHO. In fact, stab changes were even worse for the mode than HOT…..
Wvw match decided by which server has more SAB players? Will be interesting to see tonight…..
I would imagine they will be like EBG as far as HOT features go – tactivators and all. The one thing we can’t guess is the WPs on the side keeps….
Well…. People forget there were many complaints about those BLs as well as they were old and static.
That said, I prefer bay/wk, hills/ek, and garrison for keep design. I prefer north west/east towers having strategic value (sw/se as well). It was indeed smaller and faster to get back to a location as well.
The DBL would be much better if towers held some significant strategic value, shrines weren’t so OP (sand stealth specifically), wall traps were removed, center area redone removing oasis permanently and maybe just removing the land of the lost npcs, and fire/air were made a little less complicated.
I found this as total non-news. They always said that there would be some sort of rotation in the future.
Without any time frames, announcing the BL will return (not as was,but with hot tweaks) just means very little right now….
Told in another thread npcs don’t total into the kill count. They do in the death count though (go figure).
If npc kills go into the kill total and falling deaths go into the death total (which I thought they did at one time). Kills and deaths seem meaningless….
Here is the answer. NPC kills do not go into the total. However players deaths as a result of an NPC is tallied in the death slot. so this slightly lowers the KDR of a server. This explains why deaths a slightly higher than kills in the tier totals.
Thanks for the answer – I knew there was something “odd” that wasn’t stricktly player v player – just couldn’t recall what.
If npc kills go into the kill total and falling deaths go into the death total (which I thought they did at one time). Kills and deaths seem meaningless….
@msalakka it was all on Reddit if you want the entire discussion instead of summary….
Essentially overhaul was scrapped, but they will use some of the development done on that where they can.. On the forums look for a red post asking for top 5 changes – that may or may not be hint of what we see in April…..
(edited by Liston.9708)
If you are near stone most castle on EBG and your side owns it – cloaking waters upgrade gives 1 minute of stealth. You can sort of see the stealthed allies if close….
What server?
HOT for sure was bad, but people were leaving / taking a break well before it ever hit. It was more like the nail in coffin, but the coffin was already occupied…..
What is interesting is that their seems to be the same hope for the April patch that many had for HOT itself. I will have to wait and see myself if there really is a boost and if there is, how long it lasts.
There used to be UD, SG(Soul Guard), but even those guys ran 15+, apart from that im struggling.
I remember the first reset I did where I had 20 in squad, I was kittening baffled at our numbers.
We used to run 5-7 strong with everyone either being a PU mesmer, thief, or D/D ele… And that was only reset. We were lucky to get 3-4 most other nights. Then HoT came and we picked up numbers to the point where that was not viable anymore.
I do miss fighting you guys in the alpines though. I’m still not kittening sure how Wirriam has not broke his keyboard from jumping everywhere on that fancy charr of his.
Hot – really the guild requirements – did seem to kill off a lot of those smaller havoc guilds. not sure if the GH requirements was THE biggest death blow to those guilds or not……
The night before we had 1 or 2 even fights against XvX and/or GoF. Then they vultroned and brought MAS into the mix. So it was XvX, GoF, and MAS against 25 of us. 20 OnS+ 5 Pugs, and that has been typical.
Yea, that moment your 25 thought they had the 15 of us – (12 MAS +3 pugs) pinned at the N air shrine, and then… surprise! Here comes GoF! We thought it a real shame that you missed out on that ‘even’ fight, too. But, we got over it.
I think you’re just salty that once BOO came to the map and your vultron only outnumbered us by 15, you wiped the rest of the night?
That says more about your guild not being able to hold their own tbh. Your in a guild that runs up to 40 ppl chest thumping against a guild that runs yea…I’ll bet your so proud?
Also, wtf is a vultron
Up to 40? Maybe if we pin up public on reset and are the only tag on that map. I’m not chest thumping. All I did was state earlier that MAS, XvX, and GoF vultroned against 25 of us all night. There was no exaggeration there. It is typical. It is BG.
Now I like fighting OnS, I actually do, but rarely do I ever see them running small or w/o another guild, it used to be GS, now its usually LuN and Boo. And I have no problem with that, I mean why should I, its just normal strategy, and more fights for us. I really dont see why its an issue, if guilds team up to coordinate attacks against your forces. OnS has a reputation like I said of running large and with other guilds, which again is perfectly fine, no problems here whatsoever, no complaints, but knowing this its normal for 2 guilds to coordinate attacks when seeing you, because there will be the assumption that there is another enemy guild in the area. Its simply adjusting to enemy tactics.
What does vultron mean?
Voltron means to team up with other guilds in order to fight another smaller force. It is a reference to an anime show where multiple smaller robots would come together to form one huge one. We don’t like to do it unless we are facing fairly even numbers. We usually start the night by ourselves, and we run 15-25. However, we are more often than not blobbed down by a combined force of BG. It is then that we have to call in another force to have any kind of chance. 1st clip is the voltron BG blob that chased us all over the map and would not engage us one at a time or unless they could AJ us.
Pretty sure he knew, but was was referencing the use of vUltron instead of vOltron ……
Maybe wvw priority #6 should have been to bring back the matchups section on the official forums. The removal of that may have been step 1 in the population decline…… The sbi – YB – eBay 2v1 and bg-Jq-? 2v1 during seasons were classics…
I don’t expect pop balance to be addressed at all next month. Pretty sure they said that was a bigger challenge and will take some time…….
The only thing I kind of regret is that BG pugs/militia are very dependant on commanders tagging up to come out and play.
To be fair, that is probably true on every server at this point. There aren’t as many people willing to deal with herding cats that backseat drive as well (as there once was).
(edited by Liston.9708)
I roll my eyes when someone whines 2v1 in map chat. Might even reply who cares if others actually agree.. It used to happen way more often IMHO….
Lol, what can I say I want to have a four server rotation.
I would bet servers cant handle that, if server limit is arround 80, and most servers cantfit one BL….. 4×60 man group fights, 4way? would make more lag, since
would be a new side would be more calculations to be done in the server side.And just look already how the game is heavy gimick based, they would had more lame and easy win mechanics, more gimmics(i like to call them placebo solutions to cover the real issue) for party clean each other before starting laggin the server.
4 server rotation in a 3 server match not 4 server match……
Considering it was often bugged and worked for 0 minutes, the Nerf doesn’t really seem like a Nerf at all…
Fwiw – reset returning to Friday should help bg. From the outside looking in – they appear to be weekend warriors that do very very well. I guess we will see if weekend warrior or reset warrior….
I think the real reason is so that JQ and TC can 2v1 YB.
That would explain seeing more [kill] tags – they need to make their name accurate again….
This is just ridiculous. Now whole guild, from JQ, have left that server and gone to TC to push TC to T1 and let JQ drop. This is just fair weather type of WvW but the usual for these people who like to manipulate glicko. This basically says, to me, that glicko needs to be scrapped.
Funny thing is – the people who stayed on JQ are playing much harder than a few weeks ago. Drop may never occur….. (Well maybe not never, but won’t be before April changes)
Guardian’s Virtue Of Justice bugged/lingering.
I would not be surprised. It wouldn’t be the only skill that is causing an effect without a range limit. Sometimes I get hit by Soul Spiral in PvP when the enemy necro is on the other side of the map.
This seems like the logical explanation. Is the map THAT dead that the guards trait affects you because there are not 4 other players closer to the guard?
bring the old maps back
60% of people who left the game will come back
problems solved
no need to type 100 paragraphsNo they won’t – many left before HOT when alpine BL was in play….. How soon we all forget…
That was because many people left when Anet changed stability and essentially rendered melee a second tier group of classes in WvW behind casters who are still dominating the meta even now (i.e. pirate-ship meta). I’m sure WvW’s lack of rewards and other things were a factor but that was a primary issue at the time.
Agreed – it is the HOT and dbl talk of being the ruin that is wrong. It certainly did not help, but there was a lot of attrition before HOT oh and clamor ing for new maps…..
It isn’t wrong, you see, these things (PPK, Stabs, siege humping no GvG ladder) being wrong made people leave… THEN the DBLS made the rest leave… THEY BOTH ruined the game.. not just one or the other. Players just started leaving even faster than they did before over the DBLS in hordes.
And you really believe your guild mate 60% of all those people will return by bringing back the old BLs? No doubt SOME would return, but no where near that. I personally think the stab change making it a pirate ship Mexican stand off of a whole lot of standing around was the 1 biggest thing that caused people to stop playing….
Who is talking about just my guild? I have friends from both NA and EU servers ( all tiers) in MANY guilds. You have to look at the very MANY different players that left, not just one group. You have to look at the rate they left, when they left and why they left. They will tell you if you ask them. I still keep in contact with many of them, as we play many games together not just this one. Many of the guilds on this game have played numerous games together. One of my first guilds was formed on campus at UT Austin, and not only do we play games together ..we party as well. Everyone still talks to each other.. same guild rivalries on this game are already started on DBO, for example, the players are not leaving individually here, they are leaving in mass.
Many players will not go to the DBL at all, and will not touch this game again until they are gone. It was " the straw" that broke their back, an insult. They asked for so much for years and were ignored and given that gimmicky bouncy mess instead. THESE PLAYERS WERE IN BETA and let them know they didn’t like the maps.. then they put them in the game anyways. The stab issue is annoying as hell, but you can still win a fight even if you are being thrown around, but the DBL map terrain/ banners/ airship/ fog/ guild upgrades/ NPC’s/ auto WP/ all the nonsense made it unplayable for many. They stopped logging in all together. Small guilds feel robbed, large guilds are not even having fun anymore, scouts had everything they do in game taken from them.. In addition, PPK has never been given enough priority in a PvP game mode and it is sad.
Your guild mate Kalkz said 60% of the people that left would return based on the BL change. That is very hard to believe kitten many left even before there was a bl change. believe what you will, but that is a preposterous claim. No need to write another novel bringing in a million other factors that were not part of the 60% claim…..
bring the old maps back
60% of people who left the game will come back
problems solved
no need to type 100 paragraphsNo they won’t – many left before HOT when alpine BL was in play….. How soon we all forget…
That was because many people left when Anet changed stability and essentially rendered melee a second tier group of classes in WvW behind casters who are still dominating the meta even now (i.e. pirate-ship meta). I’m sure WvW’s lack of rewards and other things were a factor but that was a primary issue at the time.
Agreed – it is the HOT and dbl talk of being the ruin that is wrong. It certainly did not help, but there was a lot of attrition before HOT oh and clamor ing for new maps…..
It isn’t wrong, you see, these things (PPK, Stabs, siege humping no GvG ladder) being wrong made people leave… THEN the DBLS made the rest leave… THEY BOTH ruined the game.. not just one or the other. Players just started leaving even faster than they did before over the DBLS in hordes.
And you really believe your guild mate 60% of all those people will return by bringing back the old BLs? No doubt SOME would return, but no where near that. I personally think the stab change making it a pirate ship Mexican stand off of a whole lot of standing around was the 1 biggest thing that caused people to stop playing….
bring the old maps back
60% of people who left the game will come back
problems solved
no need to type 100 paragraphsNo they won’t – many left before HOT when alpine BL was in play….. How soon we all forget…
That was because many people left when Anet changed stability and essentially rendered melee a second tier group of classes in WvW behind casters who are still dominating the meta even now (i.e. pirate-ship meta). I’m sure WvW’s lack of rewards and other things were a factor but that was a primary issue at the time.
Agreed – it is the HOT and dbl talk of being the ruin that is wrong. It certainly did not help, but there was a lot of attrition before HOT oh and clamor ing for new maps…..
bring the old maps back
60% of people who left the game will come back
problems solved
no need to type 100 paragraphs
No they won’t – many left before HOT when alpine BL was in play….. How soon we all forget…
I think anet didn’t think enough here. A lot of the big tacticals were produced from pure hype. If they had thought more then perhaps they would have also asked not only ‘can we put this in?’ but also ‘should we put this in?’ Basics is you have an idea, you test it, then you decide if it should actually be included.
Things like airship defense and banners are far too powerful. They may be expensive but that simply puts them out of smaller guilds/servers range. Effectively they amount to a massive buff for top servers and give nothing to lower/weaker ones.
The auras need to be reduced too. They presently give a 100 buff to defenders, 50 or even 30 would be better.
I have thought this as well. The airshiP – cloak – fog are a pain, but two of them are SM only. There seems to be a way to disable the cloaking waters too (or it is just buggy). T1 meta is drop all sorts of trash food and siege around the tactivators to make them difficult to select.
The aura seems to be as big a problem with or without siege when trying to take – retake Garry on the bls. I’ve seen sides just give up when there isn’t even all that much siege involved…
If a match up is stale, too many Queues on your server, if you could easily transfer between the servers to balance that out
This is just disingenuous lip service. In the three years of this game, the only guilds who ever cared about transferring for balance were GvG guilds and that scene is beyond dead. The VAST MAJORITY have transferred to the latest bandwagon server.
This. Free transfers wrecked the population “balance” in the first place by stacking a handful of servers… That said limiting free xfers to once a month or every 90 days, may not be so bad at this point….
These numbers are not accurate. The API data is still not entirely fixed.
Before the PPK went in and borked the API data T1 was averaging between 30-50% more kills per week than T2.
Or do you really believe that T1 is only as active as T3-T4?
T1 in NA is still significantly more active than any other tier in NA, and once the API is back up and fully repaired, the numbers will show that.
I believe it. The game mode is hemorrhaging out the top. No one wants to play anymore, and Anet will not listen to fix it. I see fellow T1 core players here saying the same thing I have been for ages and no one will listen. When we all go silent, that means we all gave up /uninstall and stop waiting. There will come a point that it was too little too late and they waited too long to do as we asked and they will never consider coming back after that point. MANY T1 players and guilds are setting up house on other games atm. BDO getting most of them for the time being. The same T1 guild rivalries on here are being carried over there. XD
See, this is something that Anet has failed to capitalize on in a major way. The rivalry and camaraderie that WvWvW creates. Instead they try to shoehorn people into 5 man sPvP teams and have at one point actually considered churning out PvE content every 2 weeks (those are nightmarish deadlines) to keep PvErs. All those tiers and queues to the point where they made EotM to alleviate it, but those players just weren’t enough to be worth real, active and continued development? Meanwhile, they had to introduce megaservers and gut dungeon rewards (which I’m sure was at least partially influenced by gem sales) to save empty PvE maps. It just seems off to me.
In the end, it’s people who make the MMO experience worth anything. Even guilds from Archeage are playing BDO. That game will have to seriously mess up for those players to leave their established communities and accounts, castle sieges and GvGs to come back to GW2 in a meaningful capacity and not just log in for dailies. T1 NA is so bad right now that its comical. YB has a map blob in EBG yet they’re managing to flip all the other maps and siege up paper towers. The chilling fog + air strikes in an already sieged up SMC (like seriously, having some of these upgrades should decrease the siege cap, shouldn’t have both).
YB apparently is entertained by sieging up towers, the thing is no one else was, and got bored and left. The players coming on don’t care about PPT, they just want fights.
You mean something like this ?
That is TC in a nutshell also.
Most FA guilds have left the game, probably never to return. The way WvW is setup now, the only players that will still play are the ones that siege hump.
On this last reset, there were so many TC on, that they actually had every single tower in every single BL and all sieged up too.
Unmanned acs are considered as siege humping? 2/3 of those will get nuked down before anyone gets there to use them……
Friday – preferably an hour earlier than suggested.
T2 is closer in ppt and that keeps it relevant for some if not many. I know I know who cares about ppt – the casuals – fair weathers do.
Last week YB won by more than 110k and 130k. YB leads by 70k this week – meanwhile, t2 was 25k last week and 3k this week.
Our guild leader has mentioned these numbers the last few days, but I don’t even trust those numbers tbh. do they include npcs? Is higher kill count faster pvd door train flipping BLs back and forth?
On the other hand, would it really hurt to increase the matchup variance at this point? I don’t think so….
Closer, I don’t think so. FA is currently 100K behind TC and DB. That is not close. FA is the smallest of the T2 servers as far as population and lost a whole bunch of players due to the current state of WvW.
T1 is closer than T2 as there is more around the clock coverage. In T2, FA does not have any SEA coverage so DB and TC just come along and K-train everything.
It is way closer for 1st which is what I meant. there are 2 servers with a legit chance of winning – difference between 2nd and 3rd (outside of seasons) was always meh – because not winning either way. Your perspective is from the 1 distant server in the match not one of the 2 close servers. T1 doesn’t have that “race for the finish”. 5 weeks ago it did, but not since.
T2 is closer in ppt and that keeps it relevant for some if not many. I know I know who cares about ppt – the casuals – fair weathers do.
Last week YB won by more than 110k and 130k. YB leads by 70k this week – meanwhile, t2 was 25k last week and 3k this week.
Our guild leader has mentioned these numbers the last few days, but I don’t even trust those numbers tbh. do they include npcs? Is higher kill count faster pvd door train flipping BLs back and forth?
On the other hand, would it really hurt to increase the matchup variance at this point? I don’t think so….
Been some time since only people who enter wvw count against the cap and set capacity status.
What is unknown is how quickly the status reacts to mass transfer on or off a server – seems to be @ 3 weeks.
No transfers is just silly – every game I ever played had some form of transfer available. This coming from a guy who also is on the same server as originally rolled at head start and never moved…..
I think the current prices are a pretty pointless constraint. I’d very much like to visit other servers for a few weeks to a month at a time, but no way I’m paying 35$ for a return trip like that (->high ->very high).
What I’d really like to see is the guesting feature instated for WvW.
Allow people to guest to a server outside of their own matchup. They’ll be able to play on both servers interchangeably. On the weekly reset, the guesting privileges are removed at which point they can choose a new (or the same) server for the next week.
Either that or a monthly/bimonthly free transfer.
Too many free or 9.99 alt accounts exist for player on server a to guest an alt on server b or c in the same matchup for nefarious reasons (though some of that already exists anyway)
You guys are DEAD wrong about WvW making ANet more money than PvE. It’s quite OBVIOUS that PvE makes them more money, since it gets all of their attention. If WvW made them the bulk of their money, then they would clearly work more on that!
I don’t care if you had a FULL guild and you all spent $1,000 per month. Trust me, you’re STILL outspent by all the PvE spenders! Otherwise, again, WvW would get more attention than it does.
So, please, stop ASSUMING WvW makes them more money. It is simply not true. Trust me, what was the last main number of overall accounts, seven million? I want to say. If I had to guess, I’d even venture to say only 25% of all accounts (~2 mil) WvW at all, and maybe only 15% (~1 mil) “LIVE” in WvW. Now there’s some assumptions for ya :P
Another thing, if all you people are leaving WVW, guess what – that means EVEN LESS people doing it, therefore making PVE REALLY out spend WVW. So, to be technical (on the business side of things), NOW wouldn’t be the time to be leaving if you want shet fixed. Now would be the time to be spending more than you ever have before. Though all the WVW people would have their work cut out for them since a BULK of ANets playerbase is PVE (or even PVP) but just not WVW…
But anyway, if EVERYONE did WvW, there would be queues on EVERY server at EVERY tier. What’s the cap now, only a few hundred people. Yea, trust me, PVE players WAY outnumber the WVW players (and therefore outnumber the WVW ‘spenders’).
Maybe one day you can realize and accept that…
You guys = lil dev and I don’t think anyone else. Your reasoning is also mine, but I’ll let you reason with lil dev – I give up.