So, I haven’t read every single post in this thread yet, but am I the only one who thinks AC is easier overall now? Enemy damage is generally lower, health is generally lower.
Yes there have been mechanical changes to attacks and such, but once you learn it, it’s no big deal. I think a lot of people just can’t handle change. Sometimes it’s better. Fights are more interesting now.
I do, however, still think it is a little too hard for level 35s, but that was true before the patch.
…we fought this one Graveling that tunneled constantly and evaded 90% of our dps if only because 90% of the fight he spent underground. Either he was using the skill far too often, or his mechanics were just meant to waste time. It wasn’t a fun encounter.
When it goes underground and pops-up, if it hits someone it gains evasion. So the key is that everyone in the party needs to evade the attack so it doesn’t gain evasion every time. I think it may also be blockable and blindable but am not certain.
People need to learn avoid getting hit and not just tank with their faces. At level 35, it is probably time to start learning that. It may not have been you but it could have been a teammate.
So, just a reminder, this is still broken. Any chance of acknowledging that it has at least been recorded?
(edited by Lucky.9421)
The key to rezzing a defeated player is to have all but one player dpsing the boss and evading while they rez. You can’t have multiple people rezzing. You can’t have have the decoys being cowards and running away loosing aggro. They need to drag the boss away gradually. Rezzing is very doable.
While some specific encounters may need to be refined, this is a good overall change.
[Liar] is a former GW1 guild with a 5 year history and we are now expanding our roster for GW2 on the Yak’s Bend Server. We are looking for friendly, teamwork-oriented gamers, ages 17 and up.
[Liar] seeks to create a friendly, social environment where people can play together and enjoy anything cooperative gaming has to offer, especially in Guild Wars 2. We seek active, friendly people interested in meeting and playing with others rather than recruiting based on experience or hours played. We recruit from all stages of gaming experience including people playing through the game for the first time to those seeking advanced content. Whether you are new to the game, a gaming veteran, or returning from a break, you’ll find a helpful guild at [Liar] dedicated to improving your social gaming experience.
Visit our website at and click the “Click Here To Apply” button on the right and fill out the application. Forum Registration can be found just below that button, but you must be confirmed as a member before being able to read and post in the guild section.
Liars killing Zhaitan in the first week of release, just 6 hours after the world first.
Liars Capture Stonemist Castle for Yak’s Bend Server!
Liars raiding the City of Arah
Liars running Fractals
(edited by Lucky.9421)
Thanks a bunch! To both of you. I did finally get the pants in one of the last few missions(as well as all the other pieces again). It’s weird that you get almost the whole set in a row, halfway through the story, but not the pants until the very end. Senseless, actually :\
The whole mission rewards system seems rushed and incomplete.
Also would like to know.
I can not scroll passed this point in my personal story log.
This is what I get if I do
This is the mission before “The Steel Tide”. I can’t check because my story panel is also broken, but that’s a separate bug report.
This mission has so many bugs, I wonder if there is any point typing it all out. I would rather just say a dev needs to go play it. I will try to be brief.
In order of chronology:
1. The armor column gets “attacked” in transit but does not stop when this happens, so your fighting undead while they roll off.
2. The first two cutscenes have very low voice overs and no subtitles.
3. You don’t really need to “defend” the column afterwards because their cannons kill most undead before they can get close. You can go the read a book or something.
4. What in kitten’s name is going on here? It seems like there was supposed to be some epic battle with these giants, but nothing happened.
5. The npcs speak of a ghost fire mechanic to kill the giants. It doesn’t seem to be implemented.
6. Tegwen says she will stay behind in the cutscene but follows you downhill anyway.
More and more people are getting to this point in the story Anet! Finishing it should be a top priority.
PS – Would love the ability to replay missions like GW1. That way I could one day play the completed version of this.
So my level level 78 storyline mission(Marching Orders) was ridiculously easy. Much easier than even the level 1 tutorial mission. I don’t think this is by design, but a bug.
At least one of your Pale Reaver allies has an auto-attack that, not only knockbacks with every hit, but takes about half of the health off of regular foes. This allows them to mow through everything without me helping with even a single skill. Someone must have missed a decimal point on a power rating somewhere. It was almost comical watching the undead get launched and slaughtered left, right, front and center. xD
I am of the general opinion that npcs are too weak in this game, especially in dungeons, but surely there is a happy medium? xD
It’s actually very unlikely to be malware. It’s possible, so have an antivirus, but probably not the culprit so reformatting would not help.
Make sure you don’t use your new GW2 pw anywhere else.
Thanks that’s sooo KITTEN helpful and totally and completely addresses my issue.
It will address your issue. Do it now. You will stop getting those emails and won’t have to worry about it anymore.
Make sure the pw is unique to GW2 and not used for any other websites, games or email accounts. This is absolutely key; read Gaile’s link to understand why. Write it down if you have trouble remembering it.
Is this the set?
No its a heavy armor set. The heavy counterpart on those same vendors is not the same set. I’ll put up pics tomorrow. Maybe that will help track it down. I have a feeling the pants may have been left out of the game due to a bug.
[Mending Shoulders][Mending Greaves][Mending Helm][Mending Gauntlets][Mending Chestplate of Mercy]
^^^ OK This is killing me. Does anyone know where to find the leggings that match this set? I got the set from later storyline rewards but the leggings are not given as far as I can tell.
If the pants don’t exist, it would be a shame because its seems like a cool set.
Still broken. Or broken again. Yaks Bend
Rune of rage does not give the extra 5% crit damage while under the effects of fury.
I just tested this by removing my gear and it seems skirmishing is fixed. I have 30% crit dmg at 30 points.
However, I can confirm that Rune of rage still does not give the extra 5% while under the effects of fury.
(edited by Lucky.9421)
Just wanted to note that Chickpeas are needed to craft two level 45 foods, yet are only available at a level 59 heart.
I think they should appear a bit earlier in the game, like a level ~40 heart, especially considering that they are no longer trade-able.
[Devquote included] Dungeon Gear Token Costs (Aka, whatever happened to anti-grind philosophy?)
Posted by: Lucky.9421
New advert idea
“GW2, at least it’s not runescape”
Lucky, so how did you get the 5th barrel down?
One of the 4 barrel runners gets the last barrel. You may still have to murder a bandit or two if they snatch one.
The sale fee isn’t mentioned anywhere, only the listing fee. So the majority probably doesn’t realize this and the game doesn’t tell them, it needs to be made less obscure.
Best answer right here.
Maybe the TP should not let you post something for less than merch price + sale fee + listing fee?
Oh yes, it’s aweful.
For Seraph CM line
We cheesed it by pulling the mobs over to the stack and having a bait person pick up and drop the barrel over and over. This confuses their ai and makes them unable to attack. If the person fails to pick up the barrel before it is snatched, they just pick a fresh barrel from the stack and continue.
It’s an interesting idea but executed poorly. They need to further refine the mechanic and the encounter.
Disclaimer/flameshield – I am not saying make the current skins easier to get, I am saying add new ones.
“Rewards will be for the level of the dungeon. That being said, the armor and weapon sets that you can get as rewards for finishing a dungeon are completely unique in appearance so a player of any level might be interested in the dungeon rewards.”
I do hope Anet recalls his quote and take another look at dungeons to see about improvements in this area. Right now, you just get a boring yellow helm at +5levels of the story mode of the dungeon you do. It is still a useful piece of gear, but uninteresting to look at. And you don’t get anything but tokens for doing the explorable branches. This is leading to people, for the most part, waiting until level 80 and picking the shortest path to repeat over and over. Instead of exploring all the paths as they become available from 30 to 80.
One thing that I would like to see is, if you do all of the story/explorable branches at least once, you get a full set of usable yellow gear at the level of the dungeon. For example, if you did all of the AC branches, you would get a full set of yellow lvl35 gear with a unique skin.
That way, you would have an incentive to do the dungeons at the appropriate time as part of your story progression to level 80, because they do actually link with the story in an interesting way, instead of waiting until level 80 to grind something out .
Again, this thread is not meant to advocate making the prestige skins easier to get. That is a separate issue. If they want to have something for 80s to work on in the long term, leave those as is. Maybe add a new set of skins that fit the theme of the dungeon.
But right now, there is not a lot of incentive to do AC at level 30-35, CM at 40-45, TA at 50-55 ect. I think a system for getting a set of gear, to keep to you up to date and looking cool, as you progressed through the game would be a great incentive to do all of these challenging dungeons as soon as possible.
(edited by Lucky.9421)
[Devquote included] Dungeon Gear Token Costs (Aka, whatever happened to anti-grind philosophy?)
Posted by: Lucky.9421
That was two years ago. Dungeons were one of the last things they worked on and clearly rushed. Hopefully they will fix it with post release polish so that quote can ring true.
Almost got through AC story without dying once. Went down literally as the final cutscene loaded in around my screen.
lvl35 warrior with mace/shield + rifle and rounded traits. Staying at range is too good, that’s what the rifle was for. I would melee for a short while, then go to rifle until my health was back. Spent most of my time at range which was pretty boring.
Anet really needs to work on the range/melee unbalance.
Also I don’t get why eles are so squishy. It seems unfair to them. They don’t really seem to do more damage so what is balancing out their squishyness?
I definitely would appreciate a better way to store and organize skins. We already have a decent concept for pvp skins. I could see it being carried over for pve.
I like the idea for the shield. Though I think it would require a different running animation specifically for when you have a shield. Especially for Charr.
“I swung a sword, I swung it again. Hey! I swung it again”
I don’t think Anet knew dungeons would end up this way when they made that trailer years ago.
I agree with the OP strongly. Now that the game out the door, they should work on further polish. Starting with a complete dungeon overhaul.
Gotta agree with what Kurzick, Fox and the OP posted. I only plan to do each dungeon line once just to learn the lore. The gameplay is boring and the rewards are just not worth it.
Personal story, events and PvP are GW2’s strong points. Dungeons are a weak point(except for the writing).
You know this is needed. Also please stop with all the butter and chocolate from bags to stem the flow. We need more trophies instead.
Did anyone else start getting this after the update?
1. Right Clicking someone on your friends list or guild list to send mail opens mail but does not place their name in the “to:” field
2. Sending mail to someone who is on a different character than the character name you type in results in an extremely delayed send. Over one minute.
3. Sending mail to someone’s account name results in an unavailable message.
I have never had issues with my game password… and I have been using the same one for a very long time with no issues.. Hell i use it on my diablo 3 account and never had any problems
lolz come on dude.