Well there are dozens of other world bosses you can fight, or not fight, who really cares you can do whatever you want in this game or whatever you don’t want. I didn’t like Liadri in the Gauntlet because I didn’t want to put the effort into learning the fight—so I didn’t fight her…I also didn’t complain that it wasn’t fun, I just didn’t effing do it.
Many people complaining just want to see the game succeed. People not playing content is the worst thing that can happen to a game. If a company has too many releases in a row that go like that, it can be devastating to them.
If the event turns into a "ghost town" after this fortnight is over, they ArenaNet will have learnt a lesson from that.
*cough*Karka Queen*cough*months later
Right it is one day old. You know..that first day which has peak concurrency.
If they gave him different spawn times on different servers that would help. If you wanna fight teq and he just died on your server or whatever, you could just guest to a server where he’s going to spawn soon.
Yes the Golem is quite good now. It was super boring before and I wouldn’t even show up for it. I’m worried about TQ.
I haven’t tried the others.
We’ll have to see how things pan out in the long term. If it becomes a dead event fairly quickly, like Karka Queen, then Anet has wasted their development time again, which would be a shame.
I don’t think the Karka Queen isn’t done because she is too challenging, but because she isn’t featured on the boss event tracking tools frequently1 and is outside the popular “endgame” zones (e.g., Cursed Shore).
I would not say that the Karka Queen is too challenging but rather that it does not scale well with lower numbers like many group events. It really takes about 20 people to get the ball rolling.
If 20 willing people think that only 5 people are needed, then 20 show up. Usually, if 20 willing people think 20 are needed, nobody shows up. Even when talking about the same 20 individuals.
It seems silly because it shouldn’t matter as long as you have 20 willing people right? But it does. That is the nature of human morale.
People are silly.
I predict TQ will have similar problems in the coming weeks, or perhaps already.
I do like that he is deadlier but the health bar seems to be killing this event.
It ain’t the health bar necessarily that’s doing in most groups.
I think it is ok for some people to die during the event. Not to brag but I haven’t even been downed at all and I am a melee zerker; just to get that out of the way.
Blame the pugs, or blame Anet. Either way, if the end result is an event that people don’t show for, it is still unfortunate.
(edited by Lucky.9421)
Thanks for sharing. +1’ed
It might be a little too hard, but -please- do not nerf it to the ground…
People will try as long as the fight is fun and/or there is nice loot.
I am not saying it should be nerfed, but the dynamic scaling should be addressed for when numbers go down. They always do.
Did it with 4. 2 of which kept dying in the electrical field and wp-ing back. As long as you can figure out where not to stand and keep dps-ing it’s not hard, it’s just long.
With 10 people, it took us about 8 minutes which is ok. 6-8 minutes is ideal in my book. Over 8 is pushing it.
I believe the base scale for that event is 5, like most group events. Meaning the minimum amount health that it will have is the same until there are 5 people in the area. Above 5, it will have more health. So if you were only 4, then you were chewing through an amount of health meant for 5.
Tequatl is out of the ordinary in that the base scale is allegedly 80(unconfirmed). This means 40 people will have to contend with the same health to deal with as 80. Which is potentially a problem. Also the group that got it so far had at least 130(from their teamspeak) and probably closer to 150 or even 200.
(edited by Lucky.9421)
Ah well new Golem and Fire Elemental are also fun. Maybe I do them too.
Yes Golem was quite fun. We did it with only ten people and others were dying quite hilariously while I was able to maintain my 25 stacks of bloodlust through the entire fight. ^.^
But we did it with 10 people.
Tried to get to Fire Ele but did not make it.
You might find they nerf him after the achievement incentive is removed.
Remember though, you can take him on with 80: that’s a medium-sized guild, so they will probably show up. There’s the raids that everyone has been asking for.
We don’t know for sure if you can take him with only 80. Anet never confirmed that they successfully tested it with 80, only that it was designed for 80. BG had possibly twice that.
Also, you can take on Karka Queen with even 20 people but nobody does it. Events like Dwayna, Grenth and Lyssa can be done with about 5 people but even those can go many hours without being triggered.
I am not saying it should be done on recharge every single time, like Jungle Worm or similar events, but if gets done rarely or never then it would be huge waste of Anet time investment and also there would be effectively less content in the game than before.
I do like that he is deadlier but the health bar seems to be killing this event.
(edited by Lucky.9421)
There is a game full of easy stuff. Everything is easy. One year long everything is easy. After 1 year they added 3 difficult things for people who like that.(SAB Trib Mode,Liadri,Teq) and you are complaining that it is too much? These 3 little things are too much? This can not bet true. EVERYTHING else in this game is easy and there for you to farm.
Also I do not like these new generation of gamers who only measures there fun in rewards. Playing itself should be fun and interesting. Not the reward afterwards.
Fast forward one month from now. Tequatl is spawning on your server. Will you show up?
That said, participation is already seeming to fall off. We’ll see tonight.
My question to the complaint is, “Whyyyy?”.
If you don’t like the event, don’t participate….by your own admission you are loosing nothing by NOT doing it.
We’ll have to see how things pan out in the long term. If it becomes a dead event fairly quickly, like Karka Queen, then Anet has wasted their development time again, which would be a shame.
If one of the big set piece bosses, that is always featured in trailers for the game goes unchallenged, it would be a shame.
I do think you make some good points.
Everybody loves sarcasm!
Narru’s mail indicates that Tequatl Rising happens during the personal story, as the invasion of Orr is ongoing and Zhaitan is talked about as if alive.
I think that part can be read as Tequatl is rising in response too the pact invasion of Orr. So it can have happened in the past tense. If taken that way it can make sense.
Of course this still poses a problem for first timers who wander through Sparkly Fen in their first playthrough and stumble upon the event.
We are not getting huge influxes of first time players these days though, so maybe it was a compromise that Anet was willing to make.
But thats stupid, considering previous Living Story (like the one, where we meet Rox) is supposed to be after the personal story.
And Rox is even at the Tequatl fight now WITH Frostbite.
I think it’s already been proven quite well that numbers alone aren’t enough.
They also appear to be necessary.
Has AN ever considered scaling bosses difficulty based on a) number of people on a server or b) number attacking them? Is it too hard to write into the code a scaled difficulty based on the number of potential people to attack it?
There was this thing called dynamic scaling that they invented back in 2008. Don’t know what happened to it. :P
Did I say that was all they did? No I didn’t.
Stacking up was a major part of their tactics though, their walls of reflection wouldn’t have worked as well if they hadn’t stacked up, neither would their AoE boons or healing. If they were spread out the cleanses from the turrets wouldn’t have worked half as well either.
Let’s not forget zerg rezzing is way more efficient that way(the downed ppl, not dead).
GW2 WvW(and now pve) war cry: “STAAAAAAAACK!”
@Mars – Well no. The queue in Blackgate yesterday was basically broken. You could not reach the front of the line by sitting in overflow because people in the main map were inviting guildies to cut the line and actually exceed the overflow value.
@Pifil – lower populated servers aren’t always maxed out in the main Sparkfly map. If they were to receive guesters they could max out the map capacity and have a chance.
I noted that they had 130 people on their TS server. I thought that was high. I wonder what the exact map caps are.
It’s boring waiting, and it doesn’t matter how fast I get there I’m dumped in poxy overflow.
Yeah I didn’t suggest that as a serious solution for everyone.
But if you reeaaaallly wanted to.
I guess you can stay on the map between spawns. :P
So did anyone get an ascended weapon? :x
Main force stack together while the guys on turrets focus on cleansing and giving the main force quickness. The first part is the long one, then it goes a lot quicker. We have 100 people in TS now as well:)
As with all pve questions, the answer is stacking . :\
There is nothing wrong with failable events.
But they are not required for everything. And a timer is not the best way.
Is there anything that triggers him? Pre-events? I’ve been seeing a cycle of Krait attacking energy sources and Risen attacking Chokevine Gorge, all under the Danger at Fabled Djamnor header. However, nothing seems to make a dragon happen.
I can be patient, I’ll have a lot more game time in the next few days than the 2 hours left to play today for me. But I am curious.
It’s a timer.
+1’ed for exposure
Well yeah, that’s what I was implying aswell. They shouldn’t be the standard and I get annoyed by the elitists coming on here saying otherwise and feeling superior simply for being on Blackgate.
I too, enjoy smugging about failing an event. xD
Weakling, did you ever do any of the older WoW raids? Stuff like Onyxia took 25~ min for a medicore organized group on voice over, a 15 minute boss is no problem, if his hp fits and there are no bugs or trolls (both that sadly exist if its open world or plain made by a-net).
I am not weak I just get bored. :\
I never played WoW but that sounds a bit dreary.
25 min of this might be hilarious though
Yeah that fight has several phases. It’s longer than average. Odd that they gave her a short timer.
I think at first It’ll be a “Hey look someone can do it!” sort of thing that will motivate the rest of the servers to keep failing and failing over and over again until people realize how much of their time and WP/repair money they are wasting.
After that the servers will stop being full and the servers will downscale making success easier for dedicated people. Reports of their success will bring the crowds back and everyone will be back to failing.
The circle of life.
I don’t think it scales down much though.
Probably a lot of Americans are getting home right now and flooding the servers. Euros haven’t gone to bed either.
Any error codes?
Wait a few mins, i’ll get it too you after the next DC :P
That sounds really serious. If you can, cross-post this into the bug forum with as much info on the bug as you can give. Hopefully they can hot-patch it before US prime-time.
I think 15 minutes is too long. A good big boss fight should be should be 6-8 minutes imo. Short enough so that people don’t say “let me know when he’s at 10% and I’ll port in” as is what happens in my guild with events like Claw or Lyssa.
Maybe some people would like a 30+ minute boss fight but I think in many cases they don’t really know what they are asking for.
30 minutes is way too long for one boss fight. :X
If you can get pugs to follow, go for it. I doubt it would make up the 90% most groups are getting atm but couldn’t hurt.
Even if it would work that way, which I doubt, that would be pretty formulaic and boring.
Let’s see how you guys feel in a couple weeks.
Yeah! If we work together, we will take out the other 90% of his health!
Would be cool if he suddenly stomped that safe spot and one-hit KO’ed everybody there….and stole their shoes.
I like this idea. Canoneers already getting a lot of grief which I think may be unwarranted.
Either way, this would fix it.
Anet Lore and Continuity Designer Ree Soesbee pronounces it as such
Yeah, I know. The Hylek in Tyria have weird names and give things weird sounding names.
Their naming conventions and art design have Aztec motifs.
Because although concept art can never truly be represented in game, Anet seem to like making it entirely different than in game models. E.g. Scarlet, did you SEE how unlike her concept art she looked? Bah.
Also recall how awesome Mai Trin looked in the Sky Pirates wallpaper. They ended up giving her a generic human npc model. -.-
I guess it takes time that they don’t have to translate this stuff into meshes and textures with this 2 week model.
They have nice ideas though.
That’s looks like either…Tom Scholes http://crayonboxofdoom.blogspot.com/
or Jamie Jones, though I don’t think Jones nor Kekai Kotaki work directly for Arenanet anymore.
Nor does Tom Scholes. Kotaki and Jones are working at Bungie on a game called Destiny.
This is Jia Ruan. Relatively new to Anet.
personal art site
Interview from before working at Anet
Bumping this so people can see. Many are probably getting close. +1’ed as well