I’m usually typing on my phone
(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Almost every update , we either get a bug fix / buff to a skill while making another skill totally bugged to the point of uselessness.
They SHOULD NOT be counting bug fixes as buffs.
Anet: “Oh hey! We buffed you guys!”
Mesmers:“omg really?!!??!!!”
Anet: "Yeah! We fixed you so one of the skills we broke a patch ago is back to normal! Isn’t that great?
Mesmers: “….”
Yes, I am referring to their comment on Phantasm Warden
(edited by LumAnth.5124)
This is a request to make the some of the new hairstyles available to more (mostly concerning Norn and Humans)
I’ve seen many players (human female) wanting the new female Norn hairstyle that uses the ponytail.
Also, players who have human males want the new “spiked” up haircut available to male norns.
And it’s not just race vs race too, some reddit users want one of the asuran hairstyles to be able to use of both genders (and I’ve seen one player wanting the grass pony tail available to female sylvari)
For the next Living Story season, could you please give players the option of becoming dragoons, Mordremoth’s champions? There are probably more than one Grove as evidenced by Malyck, so that could become one of our bases. Sort of like the Horde vs the Alliance in WoW (I don’t play WoW, I bought GW1 when I chose between the two).
I’ve made a similar suggestion a few times in the last few months. In my case, I’d love to play Inquest or Nightmare Court. I think it would add the factions thing back into the game by having Anti-Dragon vs Pro-Dragon.
BTW, Mordie’s champs are the Nightmare Court. Info from both the Sylvari PS and the LS imply that the Plant Dragon is behind the Nightmare. If you have fought Scarlet in the last update, you’ll know that she said, “Darkness is all I need”. Courtiers tend to say the same thing. Plus Scarlet’s journal (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scarlet_Briar's_Journal) has this line: “Tonight, I saw it. I started into the abyss, anD it stared back at me. So much power.” If you’ve played TA story dungeon and watched the story, you’ll know that some of the sylvari from the NC conversion pods say something very similar.
She says " the dark energy is all I need"
not darkness
PLEASE this would make my dreams come true!
Come on ANET! I know you want my $ for the makeover kit
I’d pay $20 for this haircut on my human!
I want the second male norn hairstyle (the spiky hairdo) for human males. It looks more like a human male hairstyle in the first place!
I know I’m sounding like a spoiled brat, but I really want to petition this LOL!
Norn and Human should have interchangeable hairstyles.
I mean wow, some humans have “norn like” hair while norns have human styled hair
I’m also sick of my male human getting Anime-boy haircuts, I want some of the Norn’s!
I know this is a small request, but the Mini Lord Faren (not the Southsun) looks like a demon compared to the original Lord Faren
My character as a crush on him, and he was one of the first NPC’s I met.
I’m in such shock that they gave the Male Norn (2nd haircut) the haircut I want (and I have it in real life!)
I call it my “Alex Shepherd” hair-do because it reminds me of the silent hill protagonist. I’ve always wanted it, now I have to have a someone who is a disproportionate human to have it
I don’t think I will buy a hair kit :/Reminded me of AS too! Looks good.
In all I think they did a decent job with the new hairstyles, but I would like to extend the suggestion that some hairstyles should be shared between races/sexes (particularly some Norn/Human hairstyles since Norns are essentially just giant humans anyway). Not really feeling some of the Sylvari ones though. They seem, I dunno, low rez maybe?
Great to see another Silent Hill player! But RIP the now Alex haircut
I even have my character’s last name as Shepherd [(First Name) Shepherd] since the beggining of GW2, I’ve waited for this hairstyle but oh well….
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LumAnth.5124
I can finally level my first Sylvari (2nd Elementalist) lol.
idk, this break is a little needed for me, I can enjoy the game before it’s time for another Living World
Well, this isn’t the “Feature” patch yet, we’ll have to wait
I’m in such shock that they gave the Male Norn (2nd haircut) the haircut I want (and I have it in real life!)
I call it my “Alex Shepherd” hair-do because it reminds me of the silent hill protagonist. I’ve always wanted it, now I have to have a someone who is a disproportionate human to have it.
I don’t think I will buy a hair kit :/
Final battle is great in my opinion.
Sometimes I play it just for the music and sounds.
My favorite part is definatley when the music is ramped up after the piano (kill microholos to finish off the the Prime one)
Very hectic and when Scarlet says, “Enough, enough, ENOUGH! No more…” was just perfect
On the topic of blue backpacks, there is the Fractal Capacitor, even though it can be a pain to get if you don’t do Fractals.
There’s also lightning / Wind catcher for purple / blue
I’m lucky enough that I’ve always loved Turquoise colors, and the moment they released Cyanide Dye, I instantly bought it.
I apologize if I come off as offensive, I don’t mean it.
Then you’d just be angering the players that created a turquoise back piece.
Sorry, but a lot of people like the turquoise. I’m pretty sure it’s the only turquoise one in the game too.
Your have to remember that your not the only one playing GW2
Why choose Chaotic Interruption when Bountiful is almost always the better deal?
In fact, if a Mesmer decides not to take Chaotic Dampening (staff), they are able to get Bountiful along with Prismatic at 30 trait points. That is boon heaven if you manage to interrupt correctly, or even land a Chaos Storm in the middle of a group.
Not only does Bountiful give random boons of all kinds (except stability) we are guaranteed to get might along with it.
I think you’re just over reacting. CI is actually the “unfavorite” in the Chaos trait tree lol.
Am I the only one that believed that Sylvari and Tyrian defenders and are Tyria’s version of Captain Planet?
Theories of Sylvari and (based on speculation) Mord are actually very possible, seeing as how ANET stated that a revelation will be of unpopular theories above all.
I just hope it’s not. Sylvari shouldn’t be tied to Mord at all in my opinion. It would just be bad writing. Nightmare Court, I understand being corrupted, but just the thought of having all sylvari being preemptively corrupted, and having the Pale Tree being an exchampion would just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
I wish Sylvari would just be…. Sylvari. Nightmare Court can be corrupted for all I care.
This is nice, almost too good to be true.
In fact, I expect a nerf and MANY QQ posts after the patch about how condi Mesmer is OP.
But, it will only be OP in certain situations. Condi Mesmer will still be a step down from Necromancer/engineer in PvE. And I’m certain, since A NET seems to lack the ability to logically process a split in PvE vs pvp skills (although they have done it, they don’t do it often enough.
I’m very excited to play this Mesmer actually. Kill my staff clones and you will suffer conditions, keep them alive and you’ll still be under conditions. Now to just get condition ascended accessories!
I’ve actually had enough of this action.
I used to play Aion, there is a dragon known as Tiamat who is able to transform into a woman. They released another one too, Beritra, who is…. Ugly (in my opinion)
Before that, as someone stated, we had D&D shape shifters.
I know this sounds really “old fashioned” but I’d rather have the dragons stay as dragons. They are described as forces of nature.
Male light armor has the worst “skimpy” clothe.
Seriously? That feathered tunic is repulsive.
I say give us the Tribal set sitting in the PVP locker, not because I’m obsessed with it like some people are in the forums, but because it is as close as we can get to the GW1 Necromancer / Monk scar pattern/tattoo armor.
I had a monk (male, and male monks were a rarity in GW1 lol) with labyrinth chest, Kurzick pants & shoes, Chaos gloves (or any gloves really…)
It was “skimpy” but very “manly” at the same time.
DaShi, please do not make this worse by involving random personal issues. In fact, it makes you look lIke the Internet troll / bully.
I’ve been a long time fan of GW lore ever since reading up my first article on the Guild Wars (1) wiki, Urgoz’s Warren, and loved lore, loved seeing the debates in the GW guru Lore section.
I’ve known (“lurked” LOL) some of Konig’s post in both GW wiki and Guru, because mostly, they were backed by proof, something that is severely lacking in some theories. By all means, speculate all you want in the Trading Post and make thousands, but as my English teacher would say, “Your thesis and theories are nothing without evidence”
Back to the topic, I whole heartedly disagree with the theory of Sylvari being initially corrupted, only saved by the Pale Tree. I see little evidence and a whole lot of speculation.
I am getting a little tired of all the retcons Anet has done though. Retcon godly powers from the 5/6 Gods, retcon bloodstone, retcon calendar, retcon everywhere!
This theory may actually be plausible because of retcon galore that the writers seem to be doing. Heck, sometimes I wonder, am I playing a sequel to Guild Wars?
In fact, I believe in the crazy wacko theory that the Sylvari are the “White Blood Cells” Tyria utilized to counteract Dragon corruption. Maybe it’s because I have a background in medicine lol.
This is literally the only problem I have with playing an Engineer (The only class that I don’t have at lvl 80)
+ The some backpacks look way to heavy for even normal people to lift.
I can’t believe they (or this is my wishful thinking LOL) listened to 2 of my suggestions with Zodiac / Tormented weapon sets!
What I really really want is:
800gems (or higher!)
Contact Kit (infinite reusability)
Lets you change your eye color permanently. Every time you change you’re eye color, you spend 1g.
125 – 200 Gems
Contact Kit:
Lets you permanently change your eye color.
So I ran into a mesmer that had a constant, nonstop purplish fluctuating glow around her. It was like the effect of an illusion being shattered, sort of, but nonstop.
I didn’t see her holding anomaly, so I asked her what was causing it. she said “power return, as long as I don’t use all the charges,” which of course was from mantra of recovery. I have used that before and never saw the effect, but I tried it out anyway, and of course, it didn’t happen.
She refused to answer any more questions, so I thought I’d post it to you guys, along with a screenshot. What the heck causes this?
Looks like a visual bug from the cast of either moa morph or mass invisibility. Sometimes visual effects can bug out and remain, and I think that’s what we’re seeing.
Yup I think this is exactly what we are seeing. It happens to Guardian’s Renewed Focus, Signet of Rage (warrior), and I think Basilisk Venom. Basically, anything that looks like it’s distorting reality (most elite skills have this “distortion” visual effect) can bug out
It’s a cool bug, sometimes it disappears if you sheath your weapon. Other times it will be their permanently until you die or go to another map.
1st pic was a year ago (maybe even longer)
2nd and 3rd are current
It’s amazing to see how little tweeks like a stubble can give an illusion of realistic aging.
I prefer to roleplay in my own mind that he “grew” up from last year. Initially, he looked way to childish lol.
Actually Mesmers were not all about Butterflies on GW1. in fact, I can only think of 1 skill right now that produces butterfly effects in gw1 and that’s Soothing Images, a not so popular skill used for anti adrenaline.
For me, Mesmer was a fear inducing class of control and dominance, not really trickery and deception. I mean have you heard the sound of the gw1 Diversion? That is a sound to be feared.
Sadly, I believe that every single Mesmer in GW2 is 25+ attribute point in Illusion Magic. Domination Magic and Inspiration are all dead magic now. Funny thing, Domination was almost always the better skill attribute and the more used
Technically Dervisher we’re shapeshifters, using blessings of Gods to transform into Avatars of the respective skills.
And, even though they are considered “Leather” wearers (and even aesthetically wise, they wore more cloth like armor), their forms can be considered heavy armor-ing.
But currently, with the multiple races and the Lore (especially Charr and Sylvari) not really believing in the Gods, Dervishes would be hard to implement.
Zhaitan’s minions will disappear from Orr etc.
Don’t be so sure. Have a source on this, or are you assuming?
I’m assuming. I’m pretty sure they will change Orr. As the Living Story is the story after the death of Zhaitan. We cleansed Orr and now there’s a new Elder Dragon rising.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Living Story isn’t AFTER the Personal Story. It’s real time and separate because some players have done the Living Story but not fighting Zhaitan. The Living story has to be relevant to all players Personal Story completion or not. The cleansing of Orr “hasn’t happened” technically for everyone.
Sorry to burst your bubble bursting, but it has been confirmed by A-Net that the Living Story is AFTER the Personal Story.
But for the life of me, I cannot find the link!
Just ask Lore Forums though, and they will prove to you that LS is now after Personal Story canon wise.
She is a perfect troll, and a good example of what a Mesmer should be.
Yeah, I bought the Ship Pass because I wasn’t able to get the Royal Terrace.
So ugly compared to Divinity’s Reach! Also, I go to Divinity every day
I’d pay 35$ for the Royal Terrace pass tbh !
(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Ha very creative! Loved it!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: LumAnth.5124
I wish I would’ve bought the Royal Terrace (Permanent) when it was on sale, but my credit card was blocked for some reason on that day.
I bought the Airship pass, and it’s so UGLY compared to the Royal Terrace + I love Divinity’s Reach.
/small rant over lol
Dungeon. I am and will always main my Mesmer even if Anet desecrates the class with nerfs. I’m lucky enough that most dungeons accept Mesmer in the current meta, but I switch to Guardian / Warrior for times when there is already another Mesmer.
I have an extra slot for pvp also.
Usually on my main class 100% of the time in WVW but will rarley switch to my Hammer warrior or Guardian if I get bored
It was one of the very first things I noticed at launch of the game.
Staff was my second weapon I had gotten and loved it since.
Also, I love the small details some of the devs put in, like what you’re talking about now so I have an eye for these things
No sorry, you probably played against “YOLOQ” players.
Conditions are so rampant in sPvP, and they are also big counter to the Mesmer class. A shatter Mesmer has little to no condition removal. The only one I can think on the top of my head is Warden → Temporal Curtain and usually, we open up with Temporal Curtain and then Warden.
I’ve decided to actually take a break from SPVP because of it.
How dare you insult my new clothes I had just bought!
puts on fake gloves and proceeds to slap you
Seeing Immobulus is x100 more fascinating than seeing Meteorologicus imo.
I do have Bifrost and Bolt, but Immobulus is just so cool lol
I do believe Mesmer is more popular than engi, necro and ranger.
Overall? Not really. Well maybe engies. Rangers are still popular among the randoms in WvW and in general PvE, necros are definetly more common in WvW.
The things is, people that cannot endure the class quirks will move to another. Personally I’m thinking of abandoning my Mesmer every bloody night because of poor weapon choices in guild groups. Pick the sword, I cant really go effective damage (not in an elite guild, major differences in what you can do aggresivly), pick the gs, I suffer horrid targeting issues and pretty random performance (I think everyone knows what I’m talking about when you consider the Guardian staff :/ ).
What, people expect me to run around with my beer mug focus on full glamours, kindly dropping things on our glorious leaders request while completely gimping myself? “Veilbot drop here”, “Pullbot pull that”. Blind this, blind that, timewarp, nullfield, feedback, reflect everything, blargh! Even when we run with nearly 40 peeps on commander its often only 1-2 Mesmers (me included) and there’s only so much you can trait. Sometimes I even laugh a little inside at commanders seemingly expecting every mesmer to have portal ready in the middle of combat (just… what… ugh…).
It’s a tiring profession. Which is I’ve recently gone PU backline skirmisher alot even in guild groups. Yes, yes, I’m a horrible person and a bad Mesmer.
Stole the words right out if my keyboard lol!
I have commanders that are so ignorant sometimes it’s laughabl.
“reflects feed back here on their back line! "
" their stacking throw down your null field to get rid of their might!"
“I need a veil here in 3….2….1…”
“MESMER! we need that PORTAL NOW!”
(but…. I don’t have a 4th utility slot :-( )
Sometimes, just to be cruel, when a commander asks for Mesmer portals for their golem train, I just stand there and watch the golems move inch by inch.
Ranger: Say hello to my little friend!
Elementalist: Collateral damage is my specialty.
Mesmer: Looketh over there. HAH! Madest thou look.
Necromancer: My day begins when yours ends!
Thief: I see you, do you see me?
Engineer: Somebody call for an exterminator?
You made my Mesmer sound like Buzzkillington from Family Guy
I would love more small scale cosmetic “mounts”
Like the Sonic Tunneler or the flying Broomstick
Except they should make Mursaat Feathers where it’s on your back, and causes you to have a cosmetic effect of levitation like the gw1 Mursaat. shouldn’t do any flying, but just a cosmetic levitation effect
Staff doesn’t really add anything.
Mediocre AA damage
A good retreat spell that, but still a retreat spell you won’t probably use
Very conditional phantasm (must have conditions, scales to power, the attack can miss)
Chaos armor for you only
Chaos Storm is good but a Guardian is x1000 better for support.
They said it breaks immersion, in the past. Which is why they won’t add it
a good point that explains how for one year fractal 79 gave you less reward than cutting a tree.
Economy at its finest….
What about making prestigious items tied to skill rather than gold and tp flipping?I think there should be more desirable items that are outside of the TP – that’s the real solution in my opinion, not trying to adjust the TP so players can’t get rich.
Skilled player should be rich and not tp barons at the expenses of skilled players…..
People can be skilled in the TP. It’s not the easy “oh that item let’s flip that!” as you think it is.
Usually, staff is a big No No for PvE dungeons.
When have I ever said on death traits are OP?
Don’t put words in my mouth.
In fact, I said that on death traits are horrible without other traits for synergy, but according to warrior biased devs, it’s too powerful.
DE nerf affects Condition with the “unintended” effect of nerfing shatter. Tell me, how many shatter mesmers do you see now?
Stun way is being “fixed” soon, if not the Tuesday update. There was a “bug” causing the Chaos Storm to stun more often with the Confounding Suggestions trait active.
But for me, I’ve always used defensive stats such as Soldier, Sentinel, Cleric, Magi etc. For staff
They most likely refer to “cheesing” game play as using DE to kill clones, in turn, procing the on death traits.
But instead of toning down the death traits, they nerf DE.
That’s because in that specific example, the problem is DE.
To validate this, spec a spec without DE, use on-death traits, and utilize them, including overwriting at 3 clones to proc on-death traits. Then compare the same again without those traits.I used to have that (no DE but on-death-traits), and really, if it’s anything it’s underpowered.
It only becomes an issue when you add DE to the mix. Even when it comes to full-clones-overwriting.
Yes I know, I used to play a non DE clone death trait. I still even have the armor set I used to use for that build.
I don’t think they know what effect this does to shatter mesmers. This spec is probably the one of the 3 (phantasm vs shatter vs condition) that needs the most help, yet this “fix” to the condition build had the side effect of nerfing shatter.
Shatter is my concern. They are already having a hard time with the current meta, this DE nerf will destroy some of the complex Shatter combos used.
Here’s the thing Xaylin.
It was obvious that what they were referring to “cheesing” was using DE to kill clones and activate the on death trait.
Their most used (and most lazy) fix to an “overpowered” trait/skill is add an ICD (see Necromancer)
What would’ve been better is, clones that die from DE should not proc the trait. Imo, it would’ve been better to tone down the traits than DE
Yes well, maybe. But keep in mind the on-death traits are actually fairly weak unless paired with DE.
What Carighan said.
The on-death traits are not the issue. DE is. Will always be. It is a very powerful trait since it massively affects the class mechanic and therefore most builds. If anything needs to change then it is DE. Following your argument, DE could get an ICD of maybe 5-10s. Man… that would create a massive rage among Mesmer players. It would also be very annoying to use because it requires more micro-management.
I have come to the point that I would like DE to become a Grandmaster trait. Many Mesmers will hate it – including me – but it might make sense on the long run. Currently DE covers weaknesses and flaws in the class design. If it was not available all the time the devs might become more aware of existing issues.
You seem to not be understanding what I’m trying to say.
They most likely refer to “cheesing” game play as using DE to kill clones, in turn, procing the on death traits.
But instead of toning down the death traits, they nerf DE.
One of my usual shatter combos is izerker → Mirror Blade → dodge then mind wrack. With the DE nerf, I am not able to do this because previous to doing the said combo, I usually set up some clones to prepare for a daze before my spike.
On death traits by themselves are horrible because you must rely on CD skills (clone generation) and player decision (that is if you want to deal some damage)
Nerfing DE was not the way to go. Not only do they neutralize the power of on death traits, they once again, nerf shatter in a game play where it’s already ridiculously hard to thrive in one
I saw a bear named, get ready for it….
“Bear with me” or sonething similar
Here’s the thing Xaylin.
It was obvious that what they were referring to “cheesing” was using DE to kill clones and activate the on death trait.
Their most used (and most lazy) fix to an “overpowered” trait/skill is add an ICD (see Necromancer)
What would’ve been better is, clones that die from DE should not proc the trait. Imo, it would’ve been better to tone down the traits than DE
Yes, and is mathematically proven to be better / “more” dps than Precise Wrack
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