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I just bought 4k gems to see if I got the bonuses, so far nothing….
I contacted support to see what’s up and if they don’t, I’m hoping they would refund me.
If they do however, that means great news for mini collectors.
I’ll try to post asap when they email me
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A year later and nothings changed much for my Mesmer…
Although I do like IP for Screenshots!!!!
I added the last pic for fun, in case some people were wondering what a half mind wrack looks like
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Actually I hope it’s a bug that gets fixed.
I bought it yesterday (you sale!!) and it salvaged every rune from green items.
I was hoping the rune salvage rate would be near abysmal since tthey fill up my bags real quick
IIt’s nice to see some people benefit from it though
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I think op is talking about the Tribal masquerade from pvp but I’m not sure…
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I too would like to see main hand pistol but a part of me wants another skill set for sword.
I was thinking sword would have a different auto attack and new skills.
(like throwing illusionary swords)
But pistol is good too
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You can also distinguish mesmers with their health bar. All it takes is one Hit.
The Mesmer has full health but your sure you used heartseeker?
Then that’s a fake!
Unless they used their heal
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Is this happening now? Or in a later date?
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I’m usually typing on my phone
Hi Side Effect!
You don’t know who I am, but I used to be in the original Side Effect WAY back!
I love seeing SE in WvW because it reminds me of when I used to be in the zerg
Sadly, I took a leave and left because the guild transfered from Darkhavento Kaineng. And then I realized that Darkhaven was indeed dwindling down. So I decided to switch to Borlis Pass because my gw1 friend was there. After he quit gw2, I joined WFD.
I just wanted to say thank you for all the fun back in the day last year while I was in SE.
(I censored the pic below)
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I still don’t get it…
Are they selling dungeon gear? If so I’m ready to buy an Arah set lol
Maybe you confused it with something else….
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I voted for Kiel
I’m glad Scarlet has destroyed the potential epicness of Thaumanova.
Better to ruin Thaumanova than Abaddon imo.
Evon voters would’ve gotten:
Scarlet has gone back in time to make Abaddon crazy on crack! Stopppp HER!!!!
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I like their decision.
I knew they woulf take it off the gemstore because of the rage in the forums.
To all Flamekissed defenders saying, "but it was only the vocal minority! "
You don’t know the majority’s want. I’ve also seen many other forum posts saying, “this is my first post, but the addition of t3 being available via gem store is disgraceful”
Please stop thinking your the “silent” majority. Actually it seems the roles have reversed now and that you all are now the “vocal”
Anet has to face the lesser evil a.k.a Flamekissed buyers. There were numerous threads regarding the poor decision on the reskin.
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It will probably happen again.
But let’s hope it doesn’t.
Anet played with laziness and procrastination and got burned (pun anyone?).
Not only from t3 defenders, but also flame kissed buyers
They recieved hate from both sides.
Hope they learned their lesson about procrastination and utter laziness.
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At this point, I prefer if Mary Sue Trahearne comes in with his SaladBlog SueHorn and slays Scarlet.
Best thing I’ve read
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I’ve successfully ran Shatter and Phantasm. (My Traveler set 2/6 Soldier 4/6 Zerker. Soldier being Body and Legs)
Obviously not as strong as my Ruby orb’d full zerker or as tanky as my 6/6 Soldier set.
However, it gave me amazing results. As a shatter, I was still able to burst at incredible rates. As a Phantasm, they still dealt about the same damage, except now I can catch up to people
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Aion has these “fantasy” esque armors… I still play it from time to time actually….
But the ironic part is I wear their “casual” present day clothing from their cash shop.
It’s also why I like the Secret World because I was a super powered guy in casual clothing
I guess what I’m saying is:
Casual light armor (jeans + shirt)
Casual medium (maybe hoodie WITH SLEAVES + sweatpants)
Casual heavy armor (umm… jacket + and paintball pants type?)
And plz…. no skinny jeans for the male variant if they decide on pants
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First I had a human female. Deleted before level 20
Then I thought male slyvari would be a nice change. Deleted before level 30
After, I saw female sylvari as a good character. Deleted before level 20
I went with human female again. Deleted before level 10
Saw male sylvari and decided to retune my previous one. Deletef before level 20
Took a look down memory lane (GW1) and I wanted a Charr (white tiger) Shaman from GW1. Had master Jewel and Cooking. Deleted at level 43 sadly…
My first male asura! Only used for sPvP and deleted at level 3…
Female asura? Deleted at level 1.
OK how about female human again, and looks better then my previous ones. Deleted before level 6
In the end, I went with human male. Call me boring, but it was the only one thst didn’t “irk” me.
I would have sticked with Charr if they had let us have the option of running on 2 legs though. And not always on 4’s (out of combat). Because well, Charr eles look pretty “beast”
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Kraitkin. If only you could use it not underwater…
I’m only going for Bolt personally because it’s just a good mesmer weapon…
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Male human mesmer here
I had a male mesmer in GW1, so might as well continue the legacy here (but his “great grandfather” was an assassin from Cantha, not my Mesmer from Elona). Although, he is more Tyrian now because err….. his grandad had a thing for Ascalonians lol
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Looks can kill.
While I was in WvW I saw this… really handsome Guardian (male LOL).
Although I didn’t get to see his armor because of Graphic Settings.
I did get to see his character portrait from targeting him and wow I stopped dead. He was also the commander and 10s later, they pushed and I was dead because I was paralyzed someone could make such a good looking character.
But that had nothing to do with transmutation stones. He even had pearl weapon skins ifI recall…
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Quaggan + Grawl: Sounds legit.
Lol. Is it sad that she did the exact thing to the kraits ? Except she said I can awaken your god (prophet) instead.
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The best way to make money = best way to lose money= Trading Post !!!
High risk high reward. One of my friends made around 6k gold from TP but he lost 3k in like 3 days trying to get more out of it.It kinda irks me that some players earn more money by, ummm, not playing. Y’know standing in LA and all.
They are still technically playing. If they like to sit in front of the TP [find it fun to] and analyze price / economics graphs then good for them. And flipping the TP is definitely not an easy thing to do if you want to make big profit.
Meanwhile, I like to WvW and I get a couple gold on a good night.
Frankly, I think the best way to earn gold is to do what you like best.
But I digress.
For efficiency, the best way to make money is through TP if you know what you’re doing. (I however, do not; I tried it and made probably 8g flipping things and looking at the screen for 2 hours. Definitely not my idea of fun)
If not, then the best way is to probably do dungeons with Meta events like Shatterer in between
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I thought it was fairly easy.
What profession are you? Probably depends because I’m a main Mesmer and I used a standard phantasm build through each chamber and the last instance.
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I press Attunement skills on accident thinking I would shatter and expect a big Mind Wrack/ invulnerable….. oops
Same with Engi tool kits too. But those only happen sometimes
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I’d buy Obsidian armoe for 20$ a set
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am I the only one that finds it ironic that Copper Ore sells for more copper while…
silver Ore and Gold ore are worth less than 1 silver?
On topic; I guess running easy dungeons daily, Participate in meta events and even post-nerf , kill a few Champions.
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Better elites!
Guardian: first… buff the Book elites to be more worthy…
(New Elite) “Holy Veil”: Become a ray of light that heals allies and pulses [might, fury and vigor (3 Seconds each boon)] or [aegis, regeneration and protection (2 seconds each boon)] depending on the Skill activated. You pulse boons every 4 seconds while pulse healing every 2 seconds. You also get increased toughness and vitality and lose Conditions( every 2 seconds) in this form. (think an anti-plague)
Elementalist: Buff tornado And…
(New Elite) “Master of Magic” : Become an elemental Master and gain Stability for the duration. You are able to use all 4 elements at the same time and gain a 10% damage increase to your current Attunement. You also lose all Conditions and gain a small amount of hp while under “Master of Magic”
Warrior: Buff war banner so it grants 1 Stack of might every 3 seconds [Might lasts for 5 seconds each]
(New Elite) “Skull Crack”: Strike your foe with a mighty blow that deals tremendous damage. Causes a unique condition; deep wound ( lessens healing (doesn’t Stack w/ poison) and decreases maximum HP by 10% ) and also dazes the target for 2(1/2) seconds.
Necromancer: (New Elite) “Signet of the Lich”: [signet] active: summon 10 bone minions that automatically cause a death nova when killed. The nova also causes burning (the nova does more damage than the trait. Doesn’t stack with the death nova trait). Bone minions still alive explode after 15s. passive: Condition damage, power and toughness are
Thief: “Deadly Paradox”: You ambush your foe. You shadow step to your foe, immobilize, steal and deliver a strong attack. You also blind nearby foes, but you gain revealed for 5 seconds.
Mesmer: “Panic”: You channel and cannot move during the duration of casting. You gain stability. For 8 seconds, foes that look at you are dazed. Channeling is cancelled when you move. Haste does not affect this skill. (max 8 targets) (is not affected by the trait "Confounding Suggestions)
I can’t think of other profession elites right now. But we should definitely get better elites and buff some current ones too
edit – gave the skills GW1 names for reference and homage.
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
Sword OH is proably better in elite fights against multiple mobs for the MH cleave. However, against the Toxic Hybrid – Y U NO TAKE STAFF
I mean – 15k phantasms <3, depends on how many you are . :o Made it with a friend and we just had 4-6 conditions for about 10k’s – still much.
Because I do the chambers and the toxic hybrid instance solo.
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I use a shatter build for sPvP and it’s very dynamic. For utilities I use portal, blink and 1 other depending on my play style (it’s almost always Decoy though).
What’s so dynamic is that;
My shatter build is a glass
Although portal can look discouraging, I use it often. You never know when you get 25 stacks of bleed and you have 2k hp left. In that situation, pop your escape portal and recover yourself when you get downed!
Focus pull → iwarden followed by sword 2 immobolize and a shatter is a strlng strong burst
I’d type more but im torrd and on my phone typing this
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I really like the staff and I think they look aesthetically better than a random greatsword but my build jusy functions much better with GS
I’ve been doing the chambers and GS trumps staff there since I’m using more of a power phantasm build rather than a condi one (iwarlock is also useless soloing since I have 3 phantasms up and only myself to give conditions)
I bought 2 Kasmeer staff skins though.
GS is great for tagging (CoF p2) and for AoE (…CoF p2
). However Staff is for utility, boss fights aswell can be used in melee without damage reduction and still grant tons of buffs to allies, gain all the buffs from allies and supports with signet of inspiration for total OP-NESS for the whole team
Read my last post btw – it’s power based, NOT condition based. Also with 20/20/0/30/0 you can trait staff and GS what ever you need. Just switch your weapons and adapt to the situation. Mesmer can do this well, they require all the weapons they got. Except Torch :o (PvE)
btw … say op-ness. say it again. now say it loud! OP-NESS. Now say it without the “O”.
… heh you just said piiiiiip
I’m 20/20/0/30/0.
I use GS for chambers because it gets the job done MUCH quicker since izerker hits the mobs for 5k+ each while my warlock can only hit 1 mob for 3k.
Other than these solo instances, of course I use staff! Doh! It’s my favorite weapon to look at too, since as a GW1 player I often used staves and the 40/40 set.
- also note thaf I’m using sword / focus (hence the 20 on dueling… fury on phantasms and quicker CD on sword) for more aoe and reflect— then switch to sword / sword to quickly koll the Toxic Hybrid.
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(edited by LumAnth.5124)
I was a hard core GW1 player and a “casual” or semi casual here.
I’m really banking on GW2 being my last online mmorpg…. (no I’m not near death, I just want to stop playing games like I depent on them)
Not exactly what I had envisioned but hey… it’s keeping stuck here. Here’s hoping for a Cantha release in the next year!
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I got to rescue “Faren” again too! (Although it could be a hallucination)
Faren is probably my favorite character of all of GW2
I did find it weird that Scarlet thinks my main character (male mesmer) has a crush on Logan. At first I thought Scarlet meant a “friend” love but reading these forum posts make me think otherwise. I’m fine with it though lol. Better to be crushing on Logan then having a crush on Caudecus
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You ruined the update for me….?
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Yeah thanks! I’m not a full blown collector but I do collect the several LS minis I like (e.g. Liadri, Ghost Carlotta, Candy Corn, Tequatl…etc)
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Also I don’t think krait are Able to jump
just try all the tonics and you’ll notice that a few cannot jump
But it does appear that the krait tonic work UNDERWATER!
Woo hoo!!
I remember back in launch pre costume brawl, there was a krait tonic which could be used underwater.
After costume brawl however, the tonic would force you out of krait form.
So glad it works underwater!
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Also I don’t think krait are Able to jump
just try all the tonics and you’ll notice that a few cannot jump
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Getting poked by a thorn….
Ummm…. our characters are dying from pollen mines, hit by toxic projectiles- like arrows, and get toxic spores as back packs…
If they use this thorn as a plot device then dear lord….
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I really like the staff and I think they look aesthetically better than a random greatsword but my build jusy functions much better with GS
I’ve been doing the chambers and GS trumps staff there since I’m using more of a power phantasm build rather than a condi one (iwarlock is also useless soloing since I have 3 phantasms up and only myself to give conditions)
I bought 2 Kasmeer staff skins though.
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I had Tybalt too and Scarlet said…
“Teacher’s pet teacher’s pet…. how dead can your teacher get?”
Was a little flustering but it still doesn’t prove she’s a good villain…. she’s just that annoying wannabe “Joker” if you ask me
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I waited for the next commander train for each level. If there’s no commander train… log out and go to character select and hope you get in an overflow with many trains.
Personally I thought it was fun, but going through 3rd level solo is very hard since almost every mob there is an elite or veteran
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9 keys and still no mini…
How have you gotten so many keys? I’m finding it incredibly hard to get keys. Rarest drop I’ve ever had to deal with.
I had thought that they were given for every chamber run (color depending on chamber lvl) but I found out that was false.
I guess I was just extremely lucky for the 7 (21 total if you want specifics) other key drops (all were chamber rewards of completion) the 2 were from Dee and the freebie from Kasmeer
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I had to kill Tybalt on my mesmer
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9 keys and still no mini…
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on another note (I have a primary alt as an ele; so I view their forums time to time) some want us to have base 10k hp…
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I actually hope that it’s like nothing or gw1 style
People are already complaining because there are so many festivals and parties… even I’m worn out of it too.
A nice little nod like pumpkin pie drops would be good though; who doesn’t want free food from mobs/WvW loot bags?
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In gw1 they had pumpkin pie slices or something like that drop from foes. I dont remember anything last year tho in gw2
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I don’t care for it either but I still partake in it.
It gives nice AP lol
I also like it because it usually gives new minis that I like
Also the story WAS interesting until that boring tree girl popped up and ruined lore. She’s way to bland and predictable that Anet needs to press the "DEL"key on her data.
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Because other than shatter spiking (and maybe sword I guess….) Mesmer base damage is low.
If you want to nerf Phantasm damage then they need to buff overall base damage.
Hell, even condi builds rely on clones to stack up condis.
No offense but this sounds like a “QQ” thread
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Lots of Ele skills are on far longer CDs than they need to be. There’s no real excuse for Armour of Earth having 90 sec CD when Guardians have Stand Your Ground for Stability to a GROUP for 30 sec CD.
Yeah I understand but glyphs in general are not so appealing.
Elemental power grants conditions with near negligible durations
Lesser elements give another pet that might die in the next 5 seconds
Storms do scratch damage unless your an object like Graveling burrows, and even then Ice bow is better
Renewal is a ress… ok long CD just like all resses but like every ress, it’s very situational
Also all Glyphals except the Harmony (heal) are on 40+seconds of CD, unoess traitedi guess
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