Showing Posts For Lux.7169:

Pvp Legendary items

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I am so glad Azuzephyr was here to voice the forums sense of reason.

Lots of glory and other materials = Legendary weapons
Tournament and Ladder Ranks = Money Prizes and Special Titles


Custom Arena Corn Farming

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


There is an upcoming change that will allow custom arena owners to enable or disable these commands. When enabled, progression will be disabled.

Awesome. What bothers me is how players still insist in farming glory points. I have some pile eating dust in my account, I wouldn’t mind giving some for these poor guys. I mean, like, seriously?

People farm for the rank that comes with the glory, broku

Plus for the future reward changes. They have been talking about things such as glory to gold conversion etc etc


Upcoming Larcenours Stike

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169




Why is matchmaking so bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Agreed completely.

Every day I play the same 5-10 good players (with or against) and then a few randoms who aren’t even top 1k. It seems like a population issue (which is primarily due to lack of incentive to actually do Solo Q) and their match-making system which is flawed in the reasons you pointed out.

I’d prefer it to either be:

-Completely random and be indiscriminate about rank when assigning teams


-Average out the ranks on each team so that they are as close to equal as possible.

More QOL improvements such as fixing the 5v4 situations (2 min pre-timer starts and someone quits, either find a replacement 5th or cancel the match entirely).


Remove "Click Accept" from Salvaging!

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


One of the thousands of QOL improvements we need.


Why people still playing PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I just play it for the achievement points, NO OTHER REASON AT ALL.

If there were no achievement points, I would NEVER play PvP.

Well obviously for this and the glory. I can’t get enough glory. Just hoarding all my rare glory. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with achievement points when I can just look at all my beautiful glory.


How do you check your rank on solo q?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


% means you’re not in the top 1,000. Based on my friends list it seems that above 81% = top 1,000 for NA. The higher the percent you are the better.


Hey guys don't worry about Sic' em! :D

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


At this point I actually want them to break stealth so they can’t avoid noticing how limited the other options are anymore.


I don’t mind anti-stealth skills and I run D/P


Why are some PvP'ers so incredibly FAST?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


In PvP I often meet an enemy player who is jumping and running around so fast I can barely turn my face to his direction, so he always defeats me in no time.
How can I become so fast myself?

If it’s in a hotjoin your best bet is to spectate them, read their traits and skills and watch how they execute their abilities.

If it’s in a tournament you can always whisper them after the match.


PVP unique weapon and armour skins

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


In the State of the Game the devs, Grouch and Jsharp said they were definitely looking into PvP exclusive armors (and maybe weapons), and said that they could possibly be taken into PvE/WvW so that PvP players have something unique to show for all of their hard work.

I definitely support this.


Stop making MAPS and give us MODES

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


JSharp is the man!!! Thanks for the great stuff to look forward to! Keep up the good work and thanks for communicating!


Open Alpha, Dishonor Math, Leaderboard Rtngs

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169



15 etc ccc


What items are mandatory for W2 Z3 trib mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Lux.7169


ok so you do need a torch? It’s absolutely mandatory for completing it?

Thank you for the clarification.


What items are mandatory for W2 Z3 trib mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Lux.7169


I know certain items are necessary in certain zones and I don’t want to invest X hours into W2 Z3 and find out at the end that I need a torch or some other odd item. Any help would be appreciated.


^48353 up @ leaderboards in 1 game

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


That decay XD

15 chars


Idea: Return Zaishen Key's to PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Even a small addition like zkeys would be enough to keep me playing PvP. I want to feel like my efforts in PvP are completely wasted in terms of in game currency. Devs in gw1 recognized the importance of currency progression so they implemented great rewards for HA and PvP in general.


Mesmer and Ele upcoming buffs.

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Balance rangers necros and s/d thieves and the meta will be 100x better for all classes.


So america got crushed by europe

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


^But TC won….?


So america got crushed by europe

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Unless I misunderstood something but why did you mention TP/TC and their abilities? It doesn’t appear to me to relate to your topic title. I thought this was going to be about CC v SYNC so I am confused by the TP comment.


PAX finals video link?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Thanks for the link, but oh dear! I just jumped into 5:20:00, looking for a fight and WTF is going on at Waterfall? There’s literally 14 ‘npcs’ on the screen!

pvp at it’s finest, obviously. $10,000 on the line and we’re stuck with this fantastic meta. lololol


Steal as a stunbreaker

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


We have more than enough access to very good stun-breaks.


PAX finals video link?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Thank you very much.


PAX finals video link?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


It was censored due to the ownage.

Seriously though, I want to see it as well.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Ok let’s do it 4v4 I don’t care tomorrow when you wake up. I have an eu account.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Come land it on me then. I will be home in 2 hours.

I see it as a L2P issue. I hear people telling me its too easy to land and to avoid it you basically have to be lucky. I think that’s the wrong way to prove your point. Why not just roll a mes log on and Moa me then post how Aphro is a scrub who can’t rupt or dodge Moa. I don’t care if you have 3 clones and stun me or stealth to cast it, I will still avoid it.

I mean you can continue posting about how it’s too hard for people to reliably avoid all you want… But good players seem to defy that logic. You don’t have to jump in the air or throw your arm up to have a telegraphed skill.

I am driving home now. You can add me in game and ill add you when I get home.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Its fine you are a top pvp player, but I dont think the average player can dodge this skill reliably while there is action happening.

So you want competitive PvP to be balanced around casuals?

You realize that what you’re asking opens the door for more of this, right?


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Dodging isn’t the only counter play. As was mentioned earlier its a telegraphed skill that is not difficult to interrupt and you can LoS obstruct or you can blind the Mesmer. Dodging is just one of the several counter plays, not the only one.

Please, avoid to spread misinformation.
The Moa Morph animation is extremely hard to read.

There is no telegraph at all. It is just an average, anonymous, pinky mesmer skill.

That’s extremely easy for me to read. Everyone I PvP with would have no problem dodging or interrupting it because of the animation.

I could distinguish that from the Mesmer heals from the clone activations from the auto attacks extremely easily and so can all the other top players and mediocre players if they knew what to look for.

I will be home and online all night if you want to duel and try to land that on me.

Lol duel. What about a nice fight involving asuras, minion mancers and a spirit ranger or two?

You said it’s an anonymous pinky animation saying I was wrong about it being telegraphed. If that’s the case then come land it on me. You’re the one who said I am spreading misinformation by saying it is readable and easy to counter. Put your money where your mouth is because I am game to prove my point in-game.

Once I tell you it’s avoidable you just bring more variables into the equation. Ican easily avoid it with AI around but then you will tell me to do it while you are in stealth and then while I am immobilized and then when I am dazed. Guess what, it is still very possible to avoid and country play without too much difficulty. Yes you can counter the counter play but guess where that leaves us? Yomi. Mind-games. Competitive PvP.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Considering semantics and exact meaning is extremely important I would say yes, especially when you’re using a game specific term in a general sense.

Now I understand that you expected me to know that by dodge you didn’t mean just the in-game dodge. You meant blinding, obstructing, blocking, invulnerability, one-of-sight blocking, out-distancing, and of course dodging.

That’s the same as me using the term swiftness to talk about quickness and then getting annoyed with you when you assumed I meant the in game swiftness instead of just using attacks swiftly.

Your newest post contradicts your statement though. Your statement about the lack of counter play sounds silly now. It made more sense when it sounded like you said dodge was the only counter play, but now that I’ve listed 7 off the top of my head it sounds more like a L2P issue. Unless you genuinely mean that the 7+ counter plays to this skill are not viable even with skilled players.

It’s not really equivalent. Avoidance is a different in-combat tactic compared to blocking/invuln, which are not as readily available to certain professions. Your approach completely changes when you are dodging/LoS/outrange, because more often than not these actions interrupt your damage more so than blind/blocking/invuln, with exceptions being given to extremely long skills like shield stance, but even those can be terminated on command.

You’ve listed 7 off the top of your head that apply to every single-packet skill in the game that isn’t unblockable or that cleanses conditions upon activation. By that logic all of those skills have viable counterplay, but there are plenty more factors to consider even with other one-hit application skills; Moa lacks these other factors aside from the 5th skill and its recharge as an elite skill.

Why did you say dodge was the only counter play then? You just said dodge doesn’t encompass blocks and invulns so you’re basically saying there’s more counter play to it besides dodging, which contradicts your original statement.

This is sounding more like there’s a ton of counter play to this skill even though its nor what you originally stated. On top of that it sounds like semantics are increasingly important as the discussion goes on, especially when we are using precise terms.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Dodging isn’t the only counter play. As was mentioned earlier its a telegraphed skill that is not difficult to interrupt and you can LoS obstruct or you can blind the Mesmer. Dodging is just one of the several counter plays, not the only one.

Please, avoid to spread misinformation.
The Moa Morph animation is extremely hard to read.

There is no telegraph at all. It is just an average, anonymous, pinky mesmer skill.

That’s extremely easy for me to read. Everyone I PvP with would have no problem dodging or interrupting it because of the animation.

I could distinguish that from the Mesmer heals from the clone activations from the auto attacks extremely easily and so can all the other top players and mediocre players if they knew what to look for.

I will be home and online all night if you want to duel and try to land that on me.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I am by no means a top pvp player, I am casually doing some pvp inbetween pve stuff and I find it as someone guessed highly frustrating. In some matches I have been turned into a moa over 3 times

My advice would be to create a Mesmer with the Moa elite, go to the test dummies, vast the elite as many times as it takes to memorize and immediately recognize the cast, so whenever you fight a Mesmer you’ll be that much more prepared to counter it.

Complaining about the skill in the forums is fine but realistically nothing will change. Your best bet is to be better orepared for it. Heck you can even ask a friend to cast it in you while you practice interrupting it or dodging it etc


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Dodging isn’t the only counter play. As was mentioned earlier its a telegraphed skill that is not difficult to interrupt and you can LoS obstruct or you can blind the Mesmer. Dodging is just one of the several counter plays, not the only one.

Dodging is avoiding the skill itself. Obstructing is the same concept only harder to pull off if there is nothing nearby, blinding is again, just a way of avoiding the skill. Is this really turning into a semantics argument? You can do that with any skill in the game; its landed effect however is toxic to fair gameplay.

Considering semantics and exact meaning is extremely important I would say yes, especially when you’re using a game specific term in a general sense.

Now I understand that you expected me to know that by dodge you didn’t mean just the in-game dodge. You meant blinding, obstructing, blocking, invulnerability, one-of-sight blocking, out-distancing, and of course dodging.

That’s the same as me using the term swiftness to talk about quickness and then getting annoyed with you when you assumed I meant the in game swiftness instead of just using attacks swiftly.

Your newest post contradicts your statement though. Your statement about the lack of counter play sounds silly now. It made more sense when it sounded like you said dodge was the only counter play, but now that I’ve listed 7 off the top of my head it sounds more like a L2P issue. Unless you genuinely mean that the 7+ counter plays to this skill are not viable even with skilled players.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I really like the evolution of these ideas. I think we’re starting to see likely ingredients and perhaps if the devs could be inspired by some of these ideas.


Say NO to legendaries

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Yes we do.

If your graphics can’t handle the particles maybe PvE is where those players are better suited.

Top 5 questions asked and answered about gw2 before its release.
1) It will have no monthly fee.
2) It will have everything you love about about gw1, but more.
4) With no monk, all professions can roll all roles.
5) It will be ready when it ready.

So, the average machine with an ok graphics card shouldn’t struggle and need multiple render pipelines to simply accommodate all players particle effects, let alone animations.

So no, these players don’t belong in PvE because they are only running a good graphic card with dedicated 2gb cached memory.

I’m running twin video cards S.L.I (Both nvidia) and at times I watch my 60 F.P.S drop to 21 F.P.S and spaz out in 8 vs 8 spvp. That’s also with many options set to medium to prevent it from having issues chewing through all effects.

I have a $500 computer and play competitively and I am not concerned about legendaries being graphic intensive.

If a legendary animation on low settings will just tip the scale of lag to unplayable then perhaps it’s not the animation that’s the problem. In PvE if you lag out its just a time delay to completing content whereas in PvP if you lag out you could lose your team lots of rank on the leadrboards.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I can appreciate something with that amount of variety. I personally don’t want to play other professions for a legendary but I can see how it would be a good thing and promote better PvP.

500k glory is a lot and may need to be weakes if you require all if the other stuff. Basically it would be saying anyone lower than rank 40+++ can’t get one legendary no matter what. I agree with the exclusivity but maybe 500k is too much compared to the time it takes to get one in PvE.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Dodging isn’t the only counter play. As was mentioned earlier its a telegraphed skill that is not difficult to interrupt and you can LoS obstruct or you can blind the Mesmer. Dodging is just one of the several counter plays, not the only one.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


The OP didn’t even say the skill was OP. He just said it was frustrating.

He never said it was frustrating. He implied it just as he implied that it was OP.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Perhaps put a special token in the chests that people need to acquire before they can forge the legendary.

That would work. As long as it’s only available through team tourny win chests, I am all for it.

Yeah but personally I think there should be a chest for top a top 1 ,000 game in team Q to get the special chest with it in it and a special chest in Solo Q for matches with all players in the top 500. Obviously the numbers could be tweaked but this would offer incentive to climb the ladders, especially when the solo q ladder mMR is fixed.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Making the first new pvp exclusive items in months tied to official tournaments is bound to upset the wider community. Jus’ sayin.

Does depend on the accessibility of these tournaments though, if we’re talking weekly it might work.

The problem being Caed and Jumper will have 200 legendaries and they’ll complain about how it’s a pain salvaging all their extras.

IMO tie gem prizes or $$$ to big tournaments or ATs and then just have legendaries craft able with a ton of mats to reward dedicated players. That would be my preference, but perhaps there are better ideas.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I am sure the masses will love this idea, but I want legendaries to be tied exclusively to team queue. Win chests in team tournaments should offer a small chance to loot a precursor. Add 500 arcane silvers, 250k glory, add some currency you get for winning team tournaments – voilà you earned a legendary!

Currently there is no incentive to form a team, when you can get (worthless) rewards quicker in solo queue. Teams require a lot of time and commitment to maintain. Getting 5 people with different schedules together every week, sticking it out through bad losses, while keeping everyone motivated – it’s work. I guarantee if they make legendaries only available through team tournament wins, many more teams will be formed.

I want The Dreamer so badly…

I agree with the 500 slivers and 250k glory. The problem with requiring a precursor is that some if the precursors are already forgeable in PvP while others are not. Perhaps put a special token in the chests that people need to acquire before they can forge the legendary.


Say NO to legendaries

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Yes we do.

If your graphics can’t handle the particles maybe PvE is where those players are better suited.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


The particle effect has never bothered me in wvw.

How often do you do a 5v5 + AI in a capture point in WvW?

I rarely wvw but I PvP more than you. If you’re fighting 5v5 on a capture point you’re doing it wrong.

The discussion isn’t whether or not legendaries SHOULD be in PvP but rather what their costs might be.

If you want to discuss why they shouldn’t be in PvP go make a new topic or whisper me. The devs already confirmed the release of legendaries in PvP.


(edited by Lux.7169)

PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


The particle effect has never bothered me in wvw.

Tournament prizes should be $$$ not pixels.


Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Yeah let’s count all the top teams and players using Moa!



Mesmer Moa skill

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


They nerfed the hell out of it already. I don’t play Mesmer and I think it’s UP.

I crit for 2k on auto attack, the better skills can crit for nearly 4k. It gives you a bonus evade. I think it’s fine as is or needs a small buff.


PvP Legendaries 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I know this is old news but since Anet confirmed that PvP legendaries will come out in 2013 what do you guys think would be an appropriate price? What do you think Anet will have us gather for them? Do you think they will simultaneously be released with the new set of legendaries that are coming out in 2013?

I would love to hear theories on pricing!


Shadow Trap

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


Personally I thought it had to be stepped on to be activated so I never bothered checking it out. I am going to try this instead of smoke screen. I run smoke screen to have the edge in ranged fights and for the added blind on downed foes if I have no initiative.

Most players use the power signet and I guess they don’t want to lose the damage boost. Even though strap is a stun break you basically have to abandon your current fight if you use it so I see refuge and shadow step as staples to all non sd thieves.


Why would i care to win in SoloQ?[hot-join]

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Sure you can say its useless -now- but Anet e pkucitly stated we are getting legendaries in PvP. Pretty sure glory will be involved directly or indirectly.

Hot joins: play for personal score
Tourneys: play to win


Closest match ever? :D

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


I think it has nothing to dowith player points, blue team wins, like in GW1 AB, I think it was confirmed on the forum.

Except the devs have ecplicitly stated it does have to do with the scores.


Closest match ever? :D

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


In the case of a tie, which it sounds like this was, then the team with the highest combined points individually will win.

Blue team had a higher objective score so they won.

Always fun seeing these games.


[NA] [oof] LFM competitive players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lux.7169


I read that as no ‘rangers’ at first and lol’d. My gf and I are looking to be more active in tPvP again. What vc do you guys use?

She exclusively plays trap ranger and I play thief.
