Showing Posts For MadVisions.4529:

Profession Achievement OP

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


play ele, engi, necro, druid ??? profit? srsly hopping into a class have never bees this easy with this HoT potatoe.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Ele: glyph of elemental power should allow us to channel two weapon skill simtouesly.

guess you played Cabal tooD

HoT destroyed PvP balance

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


June patch of 2015

i’d pay for a server running pre patch client and balancing accordingly later on.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


added Mace Head Crack change to thief.

Teef in pro league proof of weakness

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


pro playurs have no idea how to build thief, they just copy paste metabattle builds just like emerald-sapphire overlords

do you have a mental breakdown or smth? what do you think who dictates the “meta” if no pro players XD

No MMR Hell? Prove it and WIN

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Can’t show proper 100% unquestionable evidence for this. Here is what i got to show you that the MMR sink or hole whatever is climbale.

3, 2, 1, Storytine:
I did not no life grind @ the start of the season so i reached ruby ~at the time first player got to legend. All was well, no problems with climbing.
so was ruby to a point. (~ this point
At this moment i have chosen a wrong time to que. I got paired with some plebs with uncarryable performance. For one time ok…. but w8. I dont believe in luck or any type of ‘fortune’ or whatever. Getting this amount of uncarryable matches was a bit suspicious to me too. A majority of them could be won if i tryhard to the max and if i wasn’t tilting i guess, but shlt happens all the time. ( , since i consider myself a decent player i was rather mad at myself and the randoms getting carryed up in divisions by broken builds w/o any understanding on basic tactics of gw2, becouse i fell back to t1 (
If i follow the MMR-hell theory, at this point my MMR should have sunk to a ridiculously low level becouse of the aweful w/l ratio of my recent matches and should have stuck in ruby for a long time.
This was not the case. After i fell back to t1 i carryed myself out with a reverse w/l ratio to legend. (
I believe that the loosing streak had a big influence on my road to legend. I felt like i had a lot more scrubs on my team i should have and had some close moments to a stroke in last tier of diamond, but it was absolutely doable.
I have some video records or 3ppl going for svanir wile ele is 1v3-ing mid(midgame) or after a won 3v1 at mid all 3 players rotate out and the dead opponent fullcaps mid etc… all this in ruby/diamond or even legend. Games like those where uncarryable, which happen inevitable over time. You have to swallow it and move on. The majority of QQ comes from people who just WANT to progress and do not care about getting actually better at the game.

Would this help?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


i am thinking about to make a “basic strategy and what you should never do.” video.. Irl stuff got priority at the moment. I wont finish soon.

Suggestions for e-sports

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I’m really surprised that the big reve fans got noothing to say about my suggestions :O
~a week earlyer they wanted to cut my throat

As a solo player i find this season the worst

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


After season start i defended the system couse it supposed to work in theory. As soon as ANet modifyes MM-algo to search for team mates by pip range instead of MMR, it will work as it was intended.

Till it is this hard to win 1v2’s due to Downstate and faceroll&&high-reward builds carrying mechanically bad people w/o basick knowledge of rotations is harder than it should be. Releasing official tactics tutorials and toning down powercreep would help in this.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


added minor changes

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


not even close to even being mediocre. Thief is brutal if played well and the team got some ideas about how to play WITH a thief.

Atuhit cancel vs not

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


the point here is, that you are able to override your casts while having autohit on. this awesome feature gets lost if you toggle it off unfortunately.

Want the old maps back?[186 Signs]

in WvW

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


nn desert stuff. gimme my old bay back or riot

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Just thorwing together some minor stuff i wanna see at least after season end. The majority of changes are number modifications or using already existing mechanics -> easy coding.


  1. Impacting disruption: gives 5 stack of might for 10 seconds on interrupt (1sec icd) [atm the bare damage this trait offers carrys less skilled players -> bad design]
  2. Tactical Strike: 20% dmg increase. Steals a boon. [hidden buff to c&d too. at this state this skill isnt even worth to use in a high number of situations]
  3. Assassin’s Reward: steal 600 life each time you steal a boon. [synergy with s/d. mby allows more build diversity]
  4. Thorw Gunk(stolen skill): unblockable. Ground targeted from now on[too many reflects, blocks, mitigations to use this skill effectively. especially vs engi… ground target helps it’s positioning considering it’s slow projectile speed. atm ppl just outrun it if used]
  5. Mace Head Crack(stolen skill): unblockable. [this allows some moves vs gua. our biggest hardcounter]


  1. Eye for an Eye: taunt replaced with 1 sec dase. CD decrased to 40sec [i hate the fact that it’s still an autoproc, but easy change]
  2. Enduring Recovery: gives 5sec of vigor insted of static amount of endurance. [remember nerfing feline grace?.. still a skilless autoproc…]
  3. Phase Travel: removed unblockable effect.
  4. Precision Strike: CD increased to at least 6 sec. projectilesdo not travel further than 600 range. Damage decreased by 10%[less overtuned]
  5. Surge of the Mists: add casting animation ~1/2 sec [this skill being instacast is bad design. you can use something like thief staff2 animation.]
  6. Renewing Wave: decrease cast time to 1/2 sec
  7. Punishing Sweep: decrease cast time to 1/2 sec
  8. Unrelenting Assault: no longer follows teleleported units.
  9. Drop the Hammer: Cast time decreased to 1 seconds.
  10. Hammer Bolt: 3/4 cast time. nerf damage accordingly.
  11. Shiro Heal: the damage part is broken… this skill needs some major change imo.


  1. Self-Regulating Defenses: replace Elixir_X with Elixir_H [works as an out of jail instaproc if you are focused but works against you if loaded with condis. this change handles this]
  2. Sneak Gyro: add 1/4 sec cast time [can’t be used while stunned]
  3. Shock Shield: damage decreased by 40%
  4. Gyro mechanics: Gyros no longer explode to deal damage and daze if killed. only if manually doing so.


  1. corruption mechanics: the duration of the conditions from corrupting a stackable boon should depend on the size of the stack. [10sec weakness from 1might. WUT???]
  2. Shroud: no longer counts as a weapon swap [double weapon swap is just sick on condi reaper]
  3. Deadly Chill: gains invers torment mechanics. meaning that you get full damage if you are standing and half of it if you move. [lowers overall pressure from this trait]
  4. Putrid Curse: removed boon corrupt [autohit spam too rewarding]


  1. Search and Rescue!: now requires target. [removes faceroll factor]
  2. Ancient Seeds: 20sec icd. [less cc-seption]
  3. Takedown(smokescale): no longer unblockable. Knockdown replaced with 4sec chill. [this pet is still overtuned. i’d rather nerf the cc than smoke assuailt damage.]


  1. Invigorating Torrents: regen duration reduced to 3sec.
  2. Water: increase healing effects on water attument skills [moved some healing to water from point 1). this leads to more controlled healing and less random spam.]
  3. Phoenix: cooldown reduced to 12 sec. should deal more damage too.
  4. Arcane Shield: cooldown decreased to 40seconds. [mitigates minor damage compared to it’s cd]
  5. more Scepter: improve autohit pressure.
  6. Elemental Shielding: ony grant protection to yourself.


  1. Quick Breathing: 2condis removed.
  2. Cleansing Ire: now convers condis to boons
  3. Eviscerate: removes blind.
  4. Last Stand: reduces recharge by 20% instead of increasing duration.
  5. Battle Standard: 180 sec cooldown.
  6. add MINOR protection somewhere

Gua?, Mes??

  1. Gua feels ok overall. Considering the list got numerous nerf to other classes, this makes gua actually comparatively better if untouched.
  2. Can’t really think of mes change(positive) w/o nerfing continum split, portal or moa. I’d like to see a return of power shatter. Can’t imagine atm how it supposed to compete with reve though.
  3. posible portal tonedown: either redice range in pvp a bit or make it disappear after 2 or 3 uses instaed of 20.
  4. continum split could be changed so it no longer refreshes elites. in exchange it couls have a shorter cd 40s mby? this opens a lot of opportunitys to use it for mitigating damage, bursting, etc.. would promote some skillful play insted just being a 70s moa-bot.
  5. mby test how reverting alacrity nerf turns out??
  6. condi mes got too many good matchups, with having this much utility. i’d change something about it….


  1. Nightmare Runes: removed from pvp or replaced fear with something else (IMPORTANT).


(edited by MadVisions.4529)

This is what its come too...

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529



ANet. Any plans of indroducing a PvP-team?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


sell elite specs like mobas sell heroes (but make sure they are perfectly balanced.. or it will result in p2w.. and stop releasing them with expansions. release like 1 a month and you will get 9 in a year too.)

could work. aint happen though due to the game is an MMO.
on the other hand you gonna need the pvp design team for this too so i’d start there

ANet. Any plans of indroducing a PvP-team?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Any plans on introducing a team of lets say >=3 people to the game developement team, who can handle the pvp part of the game?
I’m really intrested in this becouse it is nearly 4 years into the game, with major investments into this particular gametype but without any technical followup.
May i ask the question… if the xxx dollars of investment into pvp league was marketing-side a success, did your highly respected financial meenagers think about, how would the financial indicators look like if they invested ~10% more and actually put some base under the first package.
This actually could have led to a state where your customers wouldn’t warn all of their friends (wo are thinking about getting the game) about the massive marsh they are about to chip in.
I think any advertisement or “E-Spurt” investment feels like a massive ‘propaganda’ at this state of the game and does not lead anywhere. You lose customers, you lose a major part of your future customers, we lose the joy of the game.

I might be baised but the potential in this game’s pvp was ridiculously high and could have been one of the best pvp-games out there with proper developement following the release. May it be couse of financial starving or led-designer fault, it does not matter anymore. All you can do now is to try to save what you have left. “CAN” do.

The reason behind me and MANY others still playing is the BARE above mentioned potential in the game. no more, no less. You are playing out your last cards though.

The amount of feedback, QQ-s, rageposts, ideas, etc. out there are all in hope that one day this game is going to bloom and fulfill it’s potential. (hint: if you see tremendous amount of flame, rage etc.. then something might go in the wrong direction in terms of developement)

back to topick, the need for this team is there since eternity… this has been suggested 1k+ times, i see no reason for your top top top financial meenagers not doing a reserch and investment modell on this. I myself don’t see how a project like this could end up lossy while the community is begging for this since years.
I see ONE thing that could prevent this happening. If you where willing to abandon the game and move along. It is really unlikely though, couse you are working on living word and next xpac.

Do yourself a favour and think about this again if you didn’t already. ????Profit?

PS: I know, game is NCSoft’s, you sell copys, you get paid, company happy. GG

Atuhit cancel vs not

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


if you got autohit toggled on you can interrupt your abilitys with others while if you dont have autohit on you can’t.
I’d want to be able to interrupt my stuff but still have no autohit. fix pls.


Can't Move

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


It’s a fairly common bug, if you use an emote like /sit it fixes it.


Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


the map is too smal. sidepoints should not be surrounded with those fall traps. the jump pads should be hopping you to your destination like shrooms @ hot maps.

Strongest 2vX setup

in WvW

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Nowadays, just any 2 people that knows how to play imo

good time to change throw gunk

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


make thorw gunk unblockable→unreflectable. all i wish for

Nerf everything

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


the “balance” atm is ribber concept. for the fact i’d call revenant, druid, engi, ele are ‘balanced’ compared to each other in terms of game presence.
the thing that ppl tend to forget when asking for “balance” and nerfs is that the classes or mechanics they want to change feel ok compared to the state of other similar stuff.
on the other hand, the right argument would be that the change moves the gameplay into a more stable skill based combat state, becouse it nullifyes design flaws.
and this is why top performing specs should be nerfed insted of others getting overtuned. Buffing underperforming builds atm just going to lead the gameplay to even sorryer state.

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I love this idea if they give non passive abilities to replace the passives…so instead of defy pain make it unrelenting pain where stances give protection and aegis or something and reduces cd…some classes are too reliant on passives atm due to a lack of available active defenses…this change without adding something huge would remove warrior from pvp and wvw and its almost non existant atm anyway..anet needs to remove passives, remove some aoe make everything 1-3 targets not 5…nerf condis so they do less damage but more when stacked and increase durations…makes clearing condis more important, also need to remove invulns…instead make 80% damage reduction or something, and remove the evade spam. This would cause people to have to play more intelligently no more running into point and just dropping aoes and relying on passive defenses and invulns to keep you alive.

ofc man! thies thread is about reworking the majority of instant aids thats spread out in the game.
please keep in mind that i did NOT mean these as a nerf to xyz profession. all this is necessary due tho the bare idea of instaprocs is redundant to gw2’s active, evasive, player-controlled combat system.
the traits reworked could be replaced with other defensive mechanincs that help the class survive.

Lol at defy pain, why do I feel like the op main thief?? You should have added teleport and insta down on your list. Also those bounces/insta evades have to be removed too.

Ps: I don’t want to hear thieves say they can’t play without stealth or bounces/evades/dodges.


? ok.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529



  1. MOST F_IN IMPORTANT: Make separate version of skills and traits for pvp and balance the gamemode independently from other gamemodes.
  2. 5man premade can face only another 5man premade. team of 3, team or 4 cannot que up.
  3. rework the majority of instaproc traits, both offensive and defensive aswell as on weap swap sigils
  4. rework high impact low CD abilitys. and move away from the spam-promoting developement.
  5. remember Observer mode from GW1??( inplement this forgotten genius addition and inprove overall spectator features and viewing experience.

hope you can think of what these changes are good for, so i dont have to explain.

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


topic is still top priority imo

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


-Surge of the Mist. Reduce damage by 20%. Now procs only one stack of stability.

-Chaotic Release. No longer refunds cooldown and energy when interrupted or cancelled.

-Jade Wind. No longer refunds cooldown and energy when interrupted or cancelled. Cooldown is now 45 seconds.

-Warding Rift. The projectile now applies 3 seconds of weakness instead of blind.

-Precision Strike. Cast time raised to 3/4 seconds, up from 1/2 seconds. Skill no longer targets invisible or stealthed foes. Chill duration reduced to 1 second, down from 1.5 seconds. Damage reduced by 15%.

-Burst of Strenght. Vulnerability stack reduced to 5, down from 10. Duration raised to 8 seconds, up from 6.

-Elemental Blast. Add a 0.5 seconds delay before first tick of damage to better match with Elementalist’s Lava Font OR adjust Lava Font to match Elemental Blast.

-Riposting Shadow. Add a 5 seconds cooldown.

+1. i dont think jade winds needs that change tho. i’d rather rework eye for an eye and enduring recovery.

Don't * with The Lord Morgul - montage

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Just an update for the fans Morgul will return with a new video quickly soon.

SOON^tm… Where is it already ?!?!??! can’t wait

Can we finally nerf revenant plz

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


brace yourself! the baised revefans gonna grab your neck :’D.

+1 tho. rev got some aweful designs that should have an overlook

Revenant will never not be OP

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


How precisely? If they run the meta power shiro with the shield it’s a losing game for them. I can agree that things change when they put on an axe. You are likely to dodge the precision strike, you have 3 second block followed by a knockdown to prevent their unrelenting assault (or stealth, which breaks it). The stolen ability slows them down and with improvisation you slow them twice which should give you enough time to use basilisk venom/regain initiative/steal cooldown to set up another burst in their face.

Superspeed shiro is nasty because of the sword’s 3rd hit but you can wait that out in stealth or shadowstep away and they’ll be forced to switch legends to regain the energy.

IMO even the pre-HoT D/P meta build would be able to annoy or pressure them immensely with shadow arts instead of daredevil.

Of course that’s just theory talk. Most revs I’ve faced are bandwagoners that can’t play i guess.

Basilisk venom these days hits through their blocks.

:( … you seem really confident on this bullcrab.
ofc a good thief wrecks bad revenants. you cant imagine how many revs i’ve blown up w/o getting sweat.
Players with decent mechanical skills and with enough matches on the class to understand the class and memorize all combos, blinds, stunbreaks, instants etc… you are most likely to loose against.

+?what on earth is wrong with ppl like him??:

The fact a Power Ranger can CC lock a Revenant and kill him before taking a single hit shows clearly that Revenant can’t even be considered OP

are you ppl having a mental breakdown or just playing on a skill level where revs need go l2p? I mean rev isnt THAT easy. Its easy to pull off (some) broken combos and reach actual map presence, but mastering the class is close to thief level.

edit: missed your last post..

However in 1on1 thief vs rev the thief is not the one that’s shorthanded. Even that joke of a build that is condi thief can beat up rev because the revs can’t cleanse all that well.

EDIT: Also my worrding was bad, sorry for that. I meant you’d most likely be blocking through unrelenting assault and THEN you’ll kick the revenant in the balls for a knockdown.

who on earth plays condi thief???

you mean kick reve like this:
and loose 50%hp due to a 4sec cd skill. reasonable.

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Revenant will never not be OP

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Actually there are 2-3 viable thief builds against revenant. Go figure.

revenant 80% – thief 20%
(on same level of skill)

Thief Meta confirmed

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


The 10 ways to make Thief viable again

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Just my top 10 things (no particular order) as to what Anet needs to do to revitalize this once great class. Other things I would fix as well is probably a rework of the Shadow Arts trait line but that’ll be for another thread. Hope you guys at Anet get a peak at this. And what are your thoughts? It is a bit too much? Too little? Or sounds about right?

Edit: Scratch 7. Instead, make it be “Evade the next attack after every dodge roll”

uhhh ok.
1. no ty. think of 21k hp d/p thieves….. i shiver
2. “15 initiative baseline” <- ok, rest is like, WTF? guess u want 3ini HeadS spam.
3. no more stealth pls
4. ?
? definately not
5. ?
already stronk
6. yepp, should have happened since years
7. certainly not
8. no ty. enough instant spamming is enough
9. ????trolling?
10. cluster bomb is 10/10

Edit: the majority of the classes are flooded with flawed designs in terms of out of hand boon spamming, instant mitigations, instant soft and HARD CCs, passive major healing sources, limitless spammable enormous damage sources w/o any requriment of positioning, etc….. get some of these issues fixed(even thief got some of this HoT-AIDS) and thief going to be viable with eZ.

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document

in Revenant

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


no words for this man XDDDDDDDDDDDD

and all these comments here too…. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
at least pls mention that you want these changes for pve only XDD k?

[video] #Season2IsGudKappa

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


The edit & quality was good aswel as the songs.

PS: WTF is Abs doing with S/P Build rofl.

ye lol. i was like ‘wtf’ too

The edit & quality was good aswel as the songs.

ty man.

Only 2 build work in high level play

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


First one is Condi-sustain build. You can hold 2v1s for a while you can 1v1 any class except DH and Mesmer. Perma evades and recent changes to Thief helps this build a lot.

Second is Staff build. Easily the highest damage weapon a thief can have. You can easily melt Eles and Vaulting in the middle of a fight never felt more satisfying. Auto does crazy damage as well.



in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


winning := being first aka beating (all) opponents w/o doubt.
defeat <=> not winning
draw => now winning => defeat (from upper defination)

[video] #Season2IsGudKappa

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Some duels i recorded this season.
The plays are not flaweless but i had a great laugh after many encounters

url :=

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


New video out!!! edited main post with link #3! #Season2IsGudKappa
Contains many missplays but i had a great laugh after many duels

url :=

The single biggest threat to our game!

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


You see, there is something out there that threatens our very existence. And may be the end as the playerbase, as we know it.
I’m talking of course about ManBearPig!!!!

here is a video proof of it’s existence:

Revert revenent sword auto nerfs.

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Pro teams pick 2 revs, revs are literary reason thieves not doing well in pvp atm (and are not taken for tourneys), OP asks for buffs. No, ty.

Thief is actually a pretty hard match up for rev. The majority of thieves are not very good.

sure. rev got >70% winrate vs thief. i’d consider that a fairly bad matchup couse it doesnt just blow it up like it would do to a gua or war.

Dear op. Rev needs moderate adjusments not buffs to make the game enjoyable again. This ait happen though couse #1 Incompetent ppl are running with knives against suggestions to rework false designed traits and skills, that carry theyr butts. #2 other incompetent ppl are suggesting stupid things like you just did. #3 ANet does not give a kitten. We gonna see what Colin#2 gonna do.

A new era for Anet, a new era for PVP?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


All the points are accurate and complete. Thanks for writing this, I hope it grasps attention.


Please do everyone a favor and also post this on reddit.
Apparently that’s where the action is.

this would be a good idea

all deeez noob bilds carrie bads player

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


ok. THIS is officially the best post on this forum.
give it a sticky or smth :’D

Nerf this skill already

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


so… what about increasing the casttime to a level where you can actually interrupt it as a reaction? would the great rev defenders go with a sollution like that?

extra video of pure love:

Creative ways to make ANET understand...

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


A start would be if the game would belong to ANet and not NCSoft so the slacking around due to hitting the required (contact) lvl of incomes could disappear. And actual decisions could start to follow a minimal moral level.

What do we think?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Of having a matchmaking system where it takes 10 players within a pip range, and tosses them into a game without any manipulation?

should happen

Nerf this skill already

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Nerf the evades of a rev, not the damage

now this is constructive thx

Nerf this skill already

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


So your argument is that everyone playing revenant should just learn and be aware if every single UNTARGETABLE prop object in the game like bushes and crates that just happen to suck in precision strike and just play around it?
You just sound like a bitter bad looking to stick it to revenants any way possible regardless if its actually fair.

couse this does not apply to any ranged ability…
u ppl could actually suggest something about how to change the skill. unless that i can’t really take u seriously

LF female human medium armor designs

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


BE$$T custom outfit my me:

i hope it wont be copyed by every last one of you, couse it gonna get less original.

edit: dyes used: Midnight Ice, Enameled Emblaze, Electro Pink, Molten, Flame, Charred, Celestial, Enameled Legacy, Rosewood

(edited by MadVisions.4529)