Showing Posts For MadVisions.4529:

Pulmonary Impact

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


DECENT IDEA! lets standardise it to 1k damage to all types!

Off season season??? aka 2v2 courtyard

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


The idea is the following:

off season is utter boring, unranked is not entertaining, game is terrible to stream, etc…
what about having a 2v2 ranked deathmatch season in Conquest between-season time?
Matches would be played on courtyard and would last till a team eliminates the other one. (TA from gw1 just in 2v2 format).
This gamemode is fast. ques would be really fast, it’s entertaining, it’s fun and you already have everything to do it!

make this happen!

Shortbow needs more damage (or lower costs)

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


shortbow is the best weapon in the game \o/

it could use an aftercast rework like the other weaponstes. you sometimes end up queuing some skills accidently or unable to #3 in time couse of aftercast. sometimes your hero just autohits 1-2 more before starting the heal skill you are spamming for ages etc…

Edit: almost forgotten about that you could sell “valid path -tickets” in the gemstore. i would buy a stack/day

Auto Attack DPS, Staff vs Dagger?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


dagger has better base damage and applies poison
staff has more possible damage modifiers and applies vuln


staff dps is higher

Thief vs Revenant

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


  1. pro meta d/p can 1v1 invoc reve but it takes time usually
  2. overall thief builds are destroyed by invoc reve
  3. reve phase travel, staff5 burst > steal backstab burst
  4. rev handles pressure, thief has to disengage
  5. non d/p thieves can’t disengage vs reve if they make a mistake
  6. neither of these calsses need buffs, both need nerfs and trait redesigns
  7. combining d/p with reve can be a good idea to coordinatedly obliterate people (requires TS). Booful theft → no stab/prot target dies to spike
  8. thief still can’t take even fights, revenant carryes those.

So how are thiefs in pve now?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


and melee? I

/euips staff



kudos on balance ANet

Thief cool downs

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Roll for Initiative – 60s to 50s -yes
Blinding Powder – 40s to 32s – NO
Smokescreen – 30s to 24s – sigh
Haste – 60s to 35s – sigh
All Venoms – 40s to 24s – NO

Overall i’m against of reducing cooldowns couse it promotes skill spamming istead of intelligent situational ability use. My reasons by/against your suggestions:

  1. i would actually lower the cd of roll to ~30 sec and lower the initiative refill to 2. Bandit’s defense would be still better, but in this state it maybe would see some light.
  2. blinding powder is totally fine…. stealth got the least counterplay in this game… this skill is even a blast finisher, use it wisely.
  3. Smokescreen CD reduction can end up in a disgusting amount of stealth camping that i hate with a passion. d/p wont sacrafice powder/bandit’s for this, on the other hand d/d could stealth camp well with this. Dont misunderstand me i am begging for more thief build diversity, but pls find another way than giving stealth camping ability to more builds….
  4. uhh.. maybe? i wont really enjoy getting quickness cleaved paired with every basi venom though.
  5. just please don’t…. basi venom is already major aids on builds like d/p who can stealth cast it. This ability got massive power creep’d in the last months, this change would mean that you could use it on every steal…. grow brain.. this suggestion is stupid. Plus if the aids share thief besoms meta with this i gonna cut myself….

Standard character models for unranked.

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


this has bees asked 1k+ times. still no patch on this. it seems to be a laughably easy change…. idk what takes this long…

Squads + DC from a full map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


can this be fixed pls?
if you dc from a full map while in squad there is 99,9% chance on you not getting back.
while in party you are dropped back in. Squads should work the same way.
can’t count the times i lost a 80%+ DS map couse of this. This applyes to any big scale event where you go there earlyer to get into a good map then you loose the full progression from the last 1,5hrs couse of this stupid mechanics.

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


easyest fix of my life Evan…. just change the +/- 1pips on ranked win/loss (disable winning streak too) to +/- 0. Thisway ppl can’t progress in ranked but they can play on the “skill level” they reached @ the end of the season. This isn’t the best sollution but MEGA easy and provides better matches than stomping rank 20’s in unranked.
all you need to do is reset ranks and replace pip gain with the original walues at s#3 start.

Edit: PLEASE for the mother of got at least enable standard modells so asura rats can’t abuse theyr animation hideing…. 4years into the game and still no standard modells in unranked and wvw… just… pls…

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Analysis on Thief changes. Acro and more!

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Sword’s Stealth Attack getting a little buff in one form or another

i suggested to buff damage and give 1boonsteal before patch. They decided to buff larcenous instead.

viable S/D meta

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


ok so i have to make things clear he i guess…
The acro rework wasnt helping any build once again. mby the 4th time they ask people who actually play the class before doing something like this.
I find this topic REALLY important so i am going to make a summary of thief changes and theyr effects in the PVP subforum to let devs read it lmao.

+ I would STRONGLY suggest to use inpacting-trait in poth of the builds couse it’s broken as f.

made the topic earlyer today. here is a link for ppl who are intrested:

Analysis on Thief changes. Acro and more!

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I speculate on a ‘what if we make s/d win over meta mesmer with plasma, acro, withdraw changes’.
sad thing, the mesmer killer build gonna exclude acro

Edit: lets make a ‘Tracer cosplay’ competition for p/p thieves. Best build+look combo wins

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Analysis on Thief changes. Acro and more!

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Hello players && devs!
In this thread i gonna focus on how the ’19 th patch effected the viable weaponsets and why are the majority of the changes irrelevant.

First off, i am really sad about these changes are buffs and 0nerfs where made. This ensured that ANet is still favoring the brusier, instaproc, skillspam -type gameplay that really disfavors thief especially s/d that they where trying to buff, couse it relyes on active defenses.

I gonna start with the Key changes which actually have meaning.
The Lead Attacks change: it allows thief to have a good dmg bonus after sb#5-ing through the map, which is really greate. It also favors good initiative meenagement which is really to my likeing. In conclusion i find this change the most deliberate, kudos on it.
Thorw Gunk: much apriciated that you listened to my suggestion, too bad no unblockable added. It’s a decent quality of life change, gg.
Consume Plasma: this change really helps vs meta mesmer, i gonna get on this one later. (really good change imo)

My agreement to the changes stop at this point though :/

Bontiful Theft: thes ability was already almost mandatory. This change just feels like the necro scepter boonsteal change from last season. Instead of investiong time on toning down the unhealthy boonspam you once again powercreep an ability to “handle” it. This opens opportunity to strip the aegis-stab-prot trio to land good bursts but i STRONGLY disagree with this decision nor does it synergyse with the further changes(explayned later).

Pistol changes: these got ZERO meaning. You basicly did the exact same thing that didn’t work last time….. Buffing the damage of unload wont change the viability of the weaponset. It still lacks utility/survivability. The autohit’s pressure is still extremely low etc… Also straight dmg-buffing the “skillspam” ability of a weaponset seems aweful design to me….

Now finally we came to the more in-debth part, the acro changes.
These number tweak -changes wont end the redundance between DD, Trickery and acro. This redundance is the reason acro wont take a part in the build diversity even after the changes.
There are SOOO many inside and outside problems with this line that it makes me cry. There is even redundance INSIDE the traitline, example: felineGrace-vigorousRecovery. Acro is evasion themed, still it has the biggest collection of the useless womit autopocks of the game #junipatchMentality#hotisgud…
Besides 2specific builds that i havent tested yet, i gonna explain why picking acro still isn’t optimal.
The problem relyes in what you give up to get acro vs what you already have from other lines that acro offers. Assuming that you use DA/TRICK/DD (that you should) you should count with the following:

  1. dash gives permaswiftness + extra Thrill of the crime -> Expedious dodger redundant
  2. bontiful theft && stolen vigor -> almost perma vigor -> feline grace redundant
  3. lead attacks && sleight of hand -> Swindler’s Eq massive redundant.
  4. Preparedness initiative pool + kleptomatic -> upper hand redundant.
  5. Mug’s healing covers whole acro regeneration.
  6. Endless stamina‘s pluss 50endurance every 20sec is totally worthless compared to daredevil’s 50max, 50on steal(20s), 135Chanelled vigor(16s), agility signet does not waste ~20-30 on use couse of 3th bar.
  7. Dont stop completely redundant to Dash
  8. if you need clense, Escapist’s Absolution clenses more condis overtime than Pain Response wich is even triggered for removing nooting/1bleed. Escapist’s shouldn’t be picked instead of the completely broken ‘Inpacting’, so this leaves you picking the whole traitline for a bad clense trait couse of #9
  9. the rest of the traits are useless or easily counterable.

These DD/Trickery traits allready handle all the areas that acro is supposed to help in. The problem is that the whole traitlines do MUCHHH more, so the overall value loss would be too big if you dropp one for another. Here comes the first reference from above, they even buffed Trickery. why would you buff a completely ‘mandatory-since-years’ line if you got intrest in making another one viable that is already 60% redundant to it? cmon..

The last part we have to touch is: what if i want to scale these factors, instead of reducing the redundance?
This means if you want to use acro with dd and trick. With this, you enchance your defensive factors by a tiny amount, couse you where already at the limits with DD/Trick. For doing so you just sacraficed another mandatory traitline. To understand why doing this would be a major mistake, take a look how DA scales better as a defensive line than acro while being a major offensive support.

The major pressure of the thief comes after a good steal setup. DA’s Serpent’s touch&&Lotus Poison combo makes sure you win the HP treade leaving no room for proper counter pressure. Other than this, Improvisation is neglecting a high chunk of damage indirectly, due to the stolen items are heal or control themed and make you less exposed. The reference from consume plasma comes here. Having inmprov obviously enchances the changes to stolen skills especially consume plasma resistance duration vs meta mesmer. Mug isn’t only a burst damage source it covers the whole acro regen too.
Having this is already better than running acro imo. But there is obviously more. Panic strike is brutal strong for landing ganks/kills, not to mention mug damage + exposed weakness etc… Losing these matter a LOT for low dmg coefficent weap sets like s/d on wich using acro would actually make sense.

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


What about Ranked do you want?
Is it standard models?
The type of matchmaking?
Is it the map selection? Now that the maps are updated, is this still an issue?
Do you want to climb the ladder until the the season resets?

( standard modells )*10^23

viable S/D meta

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


ok so i have to make things clear he i guess…
The acro rework wasnt helping any build once again. mby the 4th time they ask people who actually play the class before doing something like this.
I find this topic REALLY important so i am going to make a summary of thief changes and theyr effects in the PVP subforum to let devs read it lmao.

+ I would STRONGLY suggest to use inpacting-trait in poth of the builds couse it’s broken as f.

Protection Boon

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


remember? before juni patch the amount of vigor on meta classes (abusing energy sigil) was a problem. instead of fixing the traits and skills that made this happen ANet decided to gut the whole boon as an easy “sollution”.
After this patch i honestly dont tink that boonspam, skillpsam, mass instants, mass autopoc that leeked into the game gonna be ever touched. It is utter clear that these are destroying the game experience but it seems that there is no intrest in actually making the product enjoyable. Marketing→Hype→Sell→GG mentality I’m beyond sad.

What if they added a 4th line?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Would it break the game?

juni patch already broke the game with 3 lines

General tips for each class

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I enjoyed most are Thief with a Daredevil Marauder S/D build


[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Do you think Runes of Exuberance could be good in WvW or stick with Pack runes?

both runes give a decent amount of stat. In wvw i use scrapper runes for more sustan couse you can get decent amount of HP from gear. Scrapper helps a LOT vs power damage wich is the most common there.

Quality of life, stow weapon stolen items

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


something about whirling axe canceling and keeping it on interrupted cooldown.

chanelled abilitys go on full cooldown if cancelled

Refactors, Bees, Chack sac ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I don’t see any problem with this. Cele stat is universal and i would use it for the effect ‘couse i’m not a maximalist.


fixed it for you

Refactors, Bees, Chack sac ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


why are these awesome effects tied to a exotic cele accessory?
i love the effects but i really dont want to mess my build up with wasted stats.
couldn’t these get bouned to an infusion like sab auras or the gorsheval one?
also i see no reason why the effects are shut down in pvp. you can allways use standard modells to neglect viewpoint difference and there they wouldn’t be applyed anyways.


[Feedback] New Legendary Bow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


actually 2 classes use showtbow so it is used by the least professions in a draw with riffle.
both users are medium armor, skirmisher style slippery designed “skinny”-type professions. Now we get a huge xmastree design that fits to no wardrobe composition i can imagine for my thief or ranger.
well wasted 6month design imo. all i like about it are the colors this faar. i hope i fall in love with the effects or i have to book this as another massive failure.

Rev and Necro and matchmaking balanced needed

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Oh man i feel so bad for that thief facing so many revs.

facing revs is 1000x better than facing multiple thieves imo. Couse fxck stealth camping thats why.

Why Gw2 Will Never Be Balanced

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


first post here is decent. the rest is just drama about randoms poking an angry random.

I am not required to prove anything to you, you imply that your opinion matters to me and it does not. So you can take it at face value, or you don’t. Either way, I really don’t care if you believe me or not

THEN WHY ARE YOU JUMPING ON ANYONE DOUBTING WHAT YOU CLAIM. Either react with reasonable arguments or just kitten. You are just making yourself look stupid.

jesus. use you overleveled ‘psychological’ skills and give less kitten about ppl.…
to stay constructive about “Why-Gw2-Will-Never-Be-Balanced”:
i see this in a customer POW. and by no means am i a professional game developper. but i gonna give my 5 cents.

  1. lets start everything by reviewing the game’s combat system. There are 2major aspects that make this game feel so fluid and these 2 things should be the root of any further development on game mechanics. These are Endurance based evasion and being able to cast and hit while moveing. These 2facts make things behave really different from other games. Example: Running after a moveing target and hitting it does not develop distance between the two players, nether does shooting atsomeone while kiteing. In exchange people get an opportunity to evade attacks as a reaction every x seconds (depending on traits vigor, etc…).
  2. how does the first point give a direction in game designing? it is simple, the whole base concept supports the visible unique animations counterable by reastions -type of gameplay and the main focus scould be maintaining this.
  3. what is breaking the rules? Stuff that is unavoidable or not player controlled. Instant cast abilitys, passively activated high impact effects or just powerhouse abilitys on laughably low cooldown. These are meenageable to a certain degree, but too much leads to spamfest and passive defenses-offenses that play certain builds instead of the player. (just look at retribution man…. icry)
  4. handling boons. The healthy state would be if you would consider to invest points, traits utilitys or a rune for having resonable uptime from ONE boon and it would matter when you use cooldowns that provide it/them. To a certain point we had this. The dev team decided to move away from this mentality. Classes got infinite uptime of at least half the Boons, eles keeping up perma protection on party. etc…
  5. HORRIBLY SLOW and bad decision making. The dev team who are working on class balance (grouch claimed there is a team only for that) are slow paced even if there are clear decisions to make (example: last years DD-ele horror). I cannot really accept the they are busy with pve arguments or anything like that couse pve got almost as big bullfly going on as pvp (ATM biggest dps rotation for thief is autohitting+bound every few seconds). Either there should be pvp specialists helping them to fix issues faster or enchance the motivation of the balance team.
    example: remember shoutbow times? there where obvious problems with the metaspec’s endurance regeneration. Example->DD-ele, Soldier Engi having permanent vigor not to mention Call to Arms’s vigor share from shoutbow. Please notive that these are the classes who are able to abuse the weapon swap sigils to the maximum. This means that the absurd amount of vigor was paired with the energy sigil’s endurance regen. Instead of investigating the problem and making proper sollution vigor’s regen was cut in half, but energy sigil left the same. This crippled builds that relied on theyr medium vigor uptime but had less access to energy procks. this decision just enlarged the gap in effectivity. It was an easy faceroll decision without testing the resoults.
  6. knowing ANet’s balancing them’s capability scrapping the game is almost inposible now with the damage they made to the principles of the combat system’s base with juni patch and HoT. Splitting trait and ability effects between the 3 game modes and investing more into this crucial region till the “balance” is stabilized would be a good start.

Any info on this wildcard tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


nah the wildcard team gonna be 5devs playing together Kappa.

Bring back obsidian armor plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


120 Ecto&&Obsi shards are eZ to get in gw2 tho :P

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


@vaxjani.9073: shadowshot doesn’t blind blocking target, fyi

it blinds blocking targets fyi

it ports you to blocking targets, it doesn’t blind them unless anet ninja patched it

shadowshot was patched to unblockable to avoid making people teleport to the thief who actually reflect it. unblockable makes a projectile unreflectable too so this was the solution. the blind effect is applyed by the shot and it is behaving like this since the unblockable effect patch.
made video proof couse you seem unconvincable.

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


@vaxjani.9073: shadowshot doesn’t blind blocking target, fyi

it blinds blocking targets fyi

Seasons are way too long

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


One month should be plenty, anything more than that becomes a grind and divisions get devalued to oblivion. I see more and more “legendaries” that were stuck in the mid tiers for more than a month now. The length is a complete joke compared to the number of games you need to prove your skill level.

100% true. approved

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Very nicely done


D/D and cheesing through Diamond

you mean condi? newer enjoyed that :P gl on legend though!

Small Balance 4 a Man Big Balance 4a company

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


we are so close to the quaterly patch so i wanna blow the dust off this thread.
added some intresting thoughts on OP post. discuss

Warrior Eviscerate undodgeable. Fixed?

in WvW

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


as far as i know, it is still un evadable. same as decapitate. warriors need help i know, but now like this. even on my thief with dash i am forced in melee range to do any real dmg and can not escape it unless i use my block.

Maybe you should learn to dodge. I mean Warriors are not really used any more in WvW, unless you count gunflame.

Learn to play a thief then….

He mains a thief and he is pretty good at it..

Obviously NOT that good. Warriors have been nerfed into the ground with the Pirate Ship meta. That is why there are very few warriors in WvW now, with the nerf of stability, only seem to be Flame Gun now.

Every Profession has some weakness, that is the way GW1 was also. No one profession should be just uber over everything. Makes no sense.

who the actual fxck are you? Try reading the OP again and understand the actual issue before you flood the forum with stupid trash.
jesus…ppl like you are tilting me in an instant.

to OP: the bug was around last day so i suppose it still is due to no patch.
mby tomorrow. tuesday patchday?!?!

Dc on ESL Pro League!?. . . . . . .

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


or just have pause option in private arenas like every other competitive game does.

[video] S/D thief vs Rev (thief pow)

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Might wanna change pw to arena :P

ye i noticed it too

Critique my roaming build

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


interesting, I cant find it in gw2 char builder

ye couse its not there ^^

Critique my roaming build

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Damage reduction, got it. So he uses DR runs, tough food and toughness?
+some minor toughness from gear

Critique my roaming build

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Thanks, just curious because I’m not super seasoned on thief, which one did you find to be better? rune wise? Exuberence seems pretty legit.

good call. i use exuberence in sPvP couse i like the bigger HP pool. however you can reach decent maxHP with marauder/valk in wvw so there is no need for exu there. it’s still decent but i’d rather get hp from gear and get DR from scrapper. my buddy Lagspike uses the 10% DR food too with some + thoughness which is brutal vs other thives and reves.

Critique my roaming build

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


dunno. it’s personal preference.
the ones you made are totally fine. No idea whats the mathematically perfect build if thats what you are asking.

Critique my roaming build

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


almost identical to mine.
i use this( as this is completely OP.

[video] S/D thief vs Rev (thief pow)

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


…like… just before 16:41 i evade that prec strike .
the 3th glitchy projectile hits me for 856 dmg (glancing hit couse of weakness)
it ends up proccing anahhillation trait for 341, shiro heal for 928 for a total of 2125 dmg.
thats 248% total of the actuall skill damage.
this could have been a crit. then it could end up like this:
2k crit, 341 anah, 928 shiro, 1,2k air, 640 blood for a total of 5109.
this would have been 255% of the weapon skills damage.

you can see the damage log @ 21:27 after getting melted by a prec strike.
2561,2311,1911 prec strike 940 shiro, 381 annah, 1158air, 640blood(combat log still does not list damage taken or dealt by blood sigil #2016) for total of 9902 damage.

[video] S/D thief vs Rev (thief pow)

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


My 4th big video is out. The theme is dueling against an invocation reve. Contains tticks and tipps and a fair amount of duel clips.

I already posted this in the thief and reve subforums but i suppose the majority of the ppl opening this topic never visit those, so i just dropp it in here too.

I gonna add some thoughts on reve mechanics here to actually prevent the topic being moved as allways due to lack of constructive meaning. (lol)

Many see the strength of reve in shiro evades && mobility with glint boonspam and damage mitigation paired up with skills like precision strike and UA.
This is true to a certain degree. Abilitys like those are indded stupid but the main AIDS source of damage excludes those skils. You can actually play around those skills effectively, i mean prec strike in close range is still kittened due to the 0,01 casttime but thats another story, you can keep your distance.
The problem lies in that you take absurd amount of damage from the instants and passice procs. Lets say hidro 2k leeching 1k shiro heal 1k legend swap 2k etc.
You gonna get hit by ele blast at least 1 time ->1,5k+weakness, air1k, blood 0,6k, shiro heal 1k, anahillation 0,3k etc…
autohit? same…
1UA hit? same…
1prec strike projectile getting you after dodge roll? same…
after you know how to position yoursef and evade the majority of waht should be evaded (4s cd prec strike lol evade 10sec cd kkthx decent design) you take ~60% passive damg and 40% actually skill damage. If you ask me this is flawed as kitten and should be worked around it.
(ofc staff5 being instacast is totally stupid too and is a problem since HoT release. hope u figure what to do.)

EDIT: lmao.. i’ve forgotten the link :’D url :=

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


What’s your build mate?

you can find it in the vid’s description

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


REVENANT SPECIALS video is out !!!!!!
url :=

[video] S/D thief vs Rev (thief pow)

in Revenant

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


thought it can help out rev players too. enjoy

Could this be the best Thief build ever?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


nah u want retribution, the only-autoproc traitline to actually make the build play itself to more faceroll.

Quality of life, stow weapon stolen items

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


if you stow weapon a stolen skill to cancel it’s cast you lose it.
what about making it actually cancel the cast but do not consume the charge?

PPL leaving GW2 cause pvp is dead

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


YAre you unable to invent something new yourself?

?i see this completely different. They want to invent the wheel over and over again.
tere are brilliant inventions in gw1 and we barely see any of them. GW2 just lacks on quality of life features even compared to the base game.
there is no shame on inplementing a cool feature that you discover in another game.
for example. take Diablo’s inventory system. 2h for weapons, armor, helm, boots, etc.. applyed by drag and drop/doubleclick … all the rpg games stole this kind of system.

Share your thief armor set!

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


