Showing Posts For MadVisions.4529:

This is why S/D is on life support

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


S/D does fine damage. It’s just got weird casting time issues on its damage and a crappy 4’th slot ability.

lamo. s/d can’t even apply meaningful pressure w/o using major cooldowns XD

dancing dagger is just fine imo. could use some dmg buff un first hit but meh.

Usual post about the lacking development

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


go ahead and watch my post history. Not really in moode to copy paste shlt thats already told to devs like 10000 times.
Your customers told you about several issues that are ruining theyr healthy play experience. be an attaboy and do some work. kkthx.

Thought it gonna last longer

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


But i’m already bored of headshot spammer pulmorarity inpact tryhards. just saying.
not like i was enjoying to fight paladin druids or scrappes or even precision strike heroes but this last piece of shlt badly designed trait is driving me insane.
GJ ANet! also decent changes on season #2 patch u’re in my debt forever as allways…

PvP mass dc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


occured once again

PvP mass dc

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


all party got DC’d after match started with GW2 crash.
can’t rejoin to match couse of unable to access logn server error. && match in progress so cant que up again.

decent start to a season! i hope this wont effect my winnstreaks.

[Teef] Your way to play thief ?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Topher: how much do you use #4 on s/d ? I don’t use it a lot, but I can see its worth to keep pressure. MadVision was using it in his s/d video as well.

it’s worth using when you have “too much” initiative and you want to keep distance or you chase and you need that cripple to land further hits.
I know ‘lead attacks’ trait gives damage on initiative but your goal still should be to never be on full so no regain ticks are missed.
it’s also good for applying fist strike of b_venom.
it can proc air sigil so damage can be unexpectedly high.

The best way to farm Season 2?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


? Stronghold ?

Season two and promised balance changes.

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


lol for a moment they had my hope! then i realised it’s ANet

How does a thief beat a scrapper?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


- if you evade all abilitys, even then you gonna be pressured hard by on ground shlt and retal, be caucious with that.
- you have to time venom/impact strike/bandit-kick cleanly, no kitteng up with wasting them in stabi or getting insta stunbreaked.
- apply all your damage after these CCs hit.
- use steal to interrupt hammer2 or hammer3(this needs a lot of practice) this can ensure you dont miss steals to random dodge etc.
- if you do this for a decent amount of time with 0errors engi gonna die.
- if engi is running paladin amulet duel is inposible(if engi is not handicapped).

Would you?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Support canning elite specs and going back to the pre expansion meta, a meta in which EVERY profession had at LEAST one viable build?

Or are the new shinys too tempting, are new abilities and missing counterplay your cup of tea?

This meta blows kitten

i’d pay for a server running with pre juny patch…

Sword/Dagger still severely lacking

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


As a S/D WvW Roamer main, I disagree. This is, of course, my own opinion but I personally think S/D is better than Staff in most ways except damage. But still with my S/D I’m pumping out 4-6k crits with 1-chain swings.

S/D with the right build for it can out perform Staff in many ways. Staff excels in AOE damage and instant burst damage (Weakening Charge + Steal Bug)

I’ve never once died and though: “Man, if only I was using a staff – I could’ve won that fight”.

DH and Scrappers are the same for 90% of Thief builds. They’re simply just our hard counters.

Revenants… Mhmm, nah. I’ve never had any issues with Revs, minus one really good one.

  1. scenario: ’guess you are a god then!
  2. scenario: you fight a bunch of kittens or noobs in wvw and you base your openion on that.

if you ask me, op is right. I have tested every s/d build posible with every posible rune and amulet. Conclusion on the tests was: building for defense is useless, building on damage is not enough.
Atm s/d is underpreforming compared to any other power based meta-ish profession, not to mention it’s in mechanical disadvantage against the rest of the thief builds(if we dont count shlt like p/p and such…).
The thing s/d needs at this moment is some more pressure. this could be brought back with reinplementing some kind of might stacking or buffing key abilitys like c&d or LS or Stealth attack. (i would start with the Stealth attack buff ~200%dmg and finding a way for might stacks.)

what does it mean when you are on a "rampage"

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529



in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


+1! Hell even GW1 had a perfect ‘observer’ mode!!!! but as usual good stuff is left out from the #2 game.


in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


i really hope you finally find some standard modells for revenants so i dont have to continue to fight against rats 0-24 like between seasons ’couse ranked has to be turned off for no reason

Backstab Buff

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I think they should buff it. I have enough dodges to randomly dodge to avoid dead.

nice sarcasm.

[video] MadVisions' s/d thief montage

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


are u kidding? is anyone home @ forum meenagement? any reason this HAD to be moved here?

Backstab Buff

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


The problem with backstab is that combo:
backstab+steal(mug) + fire/air procs + PI proc

already hits other thieves for like 85-90% hp in one-hit, so further buffing backstab going to oneshot-style fights, where thieves should randomly dodge to prevent being dead, because class don’t have healthy access to protection or other damage mitigation forms.

So, buffing backstab is unhealthy idea and won’t be implemented in any form.


[video] MadVisions' s/d thief montage

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


newest version finished uploading tonight! Hope u gonna enjoy!
video link:

link to [videos] topic:
(comment there if posible)

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


what i mean is, i tend to do CnD steal and tactical strike more then i should. just silly things like that lol.

ohh! i see. sry then

PS: UPDATED link 2. i uploaded a newer version tonight. Some minor editing a fixes happened on the video. I also added the 3 clipps to the end i accidently left out for the first time. Enjoy!!!

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


very nice. teaching me a lot. i rush thing’s or do things too quick for my own good. i try to combine d/d and s/d in 1 go, which mucks me up sometimes (old habbits) also i need to learn to play with out AA on.

Glad i could show some tricks
AA is your enemy as S/D. It locks you in animation and produces aftercast, these make you unable to use flanking strike for precise evasion as a reaction on enemy animations.
You have to be patient with s/d. never use autohit without reason it can get you killed! I still have to gut down on my random #1’s a lot, it’s getting there…

Regarding the D/D + S/D, Afro uses it a lot in his wvw videos. Try looking him up @ youtube, mby you find some useful clips.

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


new video is here with gosu && highest quality && next level Intro!!!
updated first post with link and text etc. . .

gonna dropp link here too: (
youtube needs some time to load HD. be patient :O

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Kodan (Daredevil) Roaming Montage :D/

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


this vid is just lovely!

[Teef] Your way to play thief ?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


i play s/d. i’m patient. i evade shlt. opponent takes some damage. i evade more shlt. opponent dies after time… or not.

What is this¿

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


fifteen smiles

Is pp viable in pvp

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


not sure if p/p is viable nor do i play it, but if i would play it i would try this build i just made:

more than enough stealth uptime with bp→bound, bp→clusterbomb and blinding powder.
more than enough evades even if you spam them for invis <- CV, signet, steal
some condi clense: Escapist’s, signet, shadowstep
good burst with coordinated venom, vamp procks and flanking strikes / rage sigil.
+ the usual rupts, boonsteal.

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I just wanted to say thanks for getting me to reconsider s/d. It might not be as strong as d/d and im far from mastering it, but its incredibly fun and feels so much better to play with. The shadowsteps man…i can literally be anywhere I want, and I usually want to be in a place, where they dont hit me.

u’re welcome!
new vid incomming as soon i find out what music to use. suggestions welcome!

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


As for advice towards anet. Create a test server. Without it your gamemode is lost.

i had 0 feedback or comments OR anything not even troll comments on this thread, wondering why….

Dear Anet!
i’d like to see a beta server opened where some chosen people could test the features of the upcomming patches and give early feedback.
the server’s functon would be to discover broken / unhealthy additions before they go live and destroy our game for another 2-3 months.

what do you think?

Remove the Health Cut on Illusions in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


keep in mind that mesmer is unviable atm becouse of other professions got broken designs not becouse of low dmg or lack of invulns and mitigations(lol) or low phantasm health.

Minor balance tweaks on 23th

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


3. “We’re nerfing <insert skill/class here> just slightly”
Truth: class/skill gets nerfed hard

y scrapper got nerfed hard, also revenant!

I wish signet of agility...

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


condis are stored in a Stack. hope this helps

Shortbow Auto Attack

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


shortbow damage is over decent. the only thing that i would change is fix #3 movement and aftercast. thats all

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


u use C&D really well and overall it was enjoyable except when you were up against that “Hidden Animations” person. That guys’s gameplay was unbearable.

nice sacasm!!! start to respect yourself.

can pls these things go? :)

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


paladin amulet
scrapper runes
herald runes

pls notice that defensive stat stacking is kitten overpowered on most of the classes! on second thought … whatever you dont care about the games healthy environment till a last meager starving etiopian person pays for some gems.

Is S/D still playble?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


to play S/D now you basically just need air sigil


to play s/d you need to know every animation of every class and react accordingly with asian 400+++ apm to be viable. rest is only practice situations && gameplay experience.

topic: it’s ‘fun – to -play’ tier, can be viable if you are very good at it but has sooo many counters…

Lord Morgul || Just best kiting

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


:‘D thief @ it’s natural habitat

Precision Strike works as intended

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Look where the projectile fly bc thief used dodge.. and didnt landed. I moved to condi cus for me sword is trash atm.

that looks mega wierd

Precision Strike works as intended

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


It also doesn’t fire outside of 600 range.

it tracks invis targets though

Precision Strike works as intended

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Good thing precision strike tracks so it still hit

This video disagrees with you. Something else?

here you go!
the demostration:
#1: MAXIMUM range is disjointable with sidestepping IF the revenant is standing still
#2: mid range is NOT disjointable
#3: ?WTF? no maximum distance traweled, it seems this skill is not disjointable with teleporting.
#4: if the reve is chasing you and not standing like a kitten skill isn’t disjointable with sidestepping.

[video]MadVisions' S/D montages.

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


nice video

thx Sir!

Mby i should have made a troll video like morgul to get more attention((

Edit: +info→ friends convinced me to return to this miserable game so more vids incomming soon.

Unranked be so much fun

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Unranked is soooooooooooooooooooooo gud!!!

Precision Strike works as intended

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


A) precision strike is supposed to be powerful 1v1 but weak in team fights
B) backstab is good for 1v1s and teamfights
C) vault does more DMG than backstab so if you’re going to compare it to something…
D) precision strike is very buggy. I know that’s not intended but it definetly nerfs it to a degree.

Despite that prec strike needs a change. It’s clunky to use and to deal with

i used Backstab as an example becouse it’s the iconic burst damage ability of the older metas and unchanged since then. The fact that the power creep has no mark on it makes this skill a good comparison imo.
(also vault is broken as fxck not to mention pulmorarity impact if we want to talk about the dark sides of thief.)
to talk about the topic, the usual ‘Anet-sollution’ like -5% dmg is out of question.

Precision Strike works as intended

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


*2370 damage(hint: backstab is 1897 gg) ability in 1v1 senario with 4SECOND cooldown whitch is a 600 units homing missile that tracks invisible enemyes and treavells past any distence after cast so it can’t be disjointed. works as intended!
testing stuff on Moose and golems works as allways. pls fire some people already, released stuff contains a flood of untolerable bullshlt every major patch.

(fun fact if dancing dagger would have gotten buffs like this, bannhammer && nurfs && gutting would come in 2days. do something already)

No testers for the balance changes?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529



It seems they rather wait ’till you want to play for it.

It seems they rather wait ’till you want to pay for it. (fixed)

autocorrect rocks if you dont run eng as base language

No testers for the balance changes?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529



It seems they rather wait ’till you want to play for it.

Anyone find SB lacking?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Is it just me or is shortbow a bit… lacking vs other classes these days? For condi it’s still got it’s uses, but for power builds it feels like it doesn’t do as well as it used to since HoT. Thinking mostly for 1v1 situations really, anyone else feeling this?

nah. SB is as awesome as allways. it’s must have in pvp not just for the mobility but for aoe dps, support and ranged pressure. I uploaded a vieo yesterday, go watch it there are some showtbow moments in it.
I dont know what do you expect from your secondary weapon set as thief, but the function should be to fill out the defects of your main weapon set. Shortbow fills out EVERYTHING, it has unpaired vertical mobility, aoe poison application, evasion, high damage aoe ability <- blast finisher, fair CC on stealth attack and decent aoutohit damage. These things solve all your problems besides spike damage(steal+2xcluster is still high enough) that you already have on most main weapon sets. And this is why SB is strong as hell. do some 1v1’s just using SB with your friends to practice, not too much though ’couse they gonna start whineing about the weapon being OP…

Lord Morgul - one of the best, videos

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Lord Morgul – Master Thief on the Top.

Please check my videos if you got free 10 minutes

Piece of master work

Enjoy my videos.

D/P… boring as allways . go watch my vid, much more fluid.

Backstab Counter

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


if you do the BP→steal+HS combo you have already done some damage. consider that a win. if the opponent is dodging away and gets distance you can shadowshot+stowWeapon or straight shadowshot→Backstab them.
Shortbow is allways there for B option. immob→clusterbomb is really underrated.

bp→steal+hs(or bound) isn’t allways the best. camping some secs in stealth leads to more reliable bursts if that’s your goal.

what i miss from the devs

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


problem is that they have to use forum to read about that they should use the forum. Kappa

Silence about player feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


are you new here?


S/D still irrelevant?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


s/d is fine. just dont fight druids and scrappers or DHs. s/p can fight DH but that’s another story.