What are you guys talking about, its a balanced skill. Reasonable damage, easy to interrupt…oh wait… /s
I can chip in too! ^^
at least 3/4 cast time or riot
wait wait wait!!! i found more!
Such animation hideing, so high casttime, wow!
you can guess! i found MORE!! XD
totally counterable by human reactions Kappa
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
What are you guys talking about, its a balanced skill. Reasonable damage, easy to interrupt…oh wait… /s
I can chip in too! ^^
at least 3/4 cast time or riot
this is my thief with the new red aura
my question would be if i get my hands on the blue one. can i use both of the at once?
or can i use this aura or the blue one with the raid-one? do they add or they override eachother?
You got goodies in the process of earning them.
ps. gonna release a revenant specials duel video in the next days.
does it still track down the thief ‘after’ it stealthed?
if it is, that would be another problem
it is.
my hint would be stop fast forwarding your videos.
the problem here is that you can’t really hard nerf revenant skills, becouse the class handles other op stuff.
So in case ANet decides to only shave specs like paladin scrapper, cleric auraheal-bot, etc… you donna need reve powerhouse and necro to make things actually die.
till the overall powercreep shrinks i’d go with changes like this:
acts like every other projectile skill and casting fails if you are not facing towards your target.
increase cast time to AL LEAST 3/4.
For me the most annying part of the skill besides the 4sec cd, 6kdmg or the bug that makes you take damage if you teleport out of range is that it can be hidden into animations or visual noise this easy. The cast time is so short it can’t even be interrupted. Increasing the casttime would help with counterplay a lot and couse less hidden animations.
HM dungeons would mean raid-like elitism. I don’t think that’s what the game needs.
Hard, not unbeatable mode. By this i mean that you would need team builds for do a dungeon in relyable time, but could be done with troll comps etc. Just smashing thru bosses with pswar, mes, reve, eles is just a shame of noskill rush content. You literally kill a boss in seconds…. HM would add some spice to dungeons, the could be rofl trapps like in Tribute mode of SAB to force you to a longer path etc…
Also keep in mind that getting a team of 5ppl together is much easyer than raid scale. You could just ask some guildies to hopp in w/o any preparation…
the book i mentioned in OP post solves the reward problems. Mby make it craftalbe thru scribeing? that would be intresting!
I predict balance patch to be minor like last one
partly this is what i am afraied of.
Can we have an insight on pvp balance notes of 19th patch?
this would get us time to give some kind of early feedback. Cheers.
By far the best pvp arena they put out. Had a great observer mode camera, rewarded balanced builds, and had a title track and rewards that were grindable while still favoring the highly skilled teams.
here is the google cache.
ANet can’t fight the cloud Kappa
to continue the discussion, the comment i made before ANet decided to kidnap the topic was something like this:
RE: Balance -> Contrary to popular belief, the PvP team (or wvw, fractals, raids, etc) doesn’t actually handle profession balance. There’s an entirely separate team dedicated to handling balance for all core areas of the game (appropriately named the Balance team).
You are telling me… there are several people… who get up every morning, walk into the studio… and work hard on balancing the classes. You have this whole team GETTING PAID HARD, doing this for a living… and problems like autohit for biggest dps rotation in pve or being totally trash tier in pvp happen to classes for this long time. Not to mention more and more trait designs that go aginst the combat mechanics of the game…
The PvP team (and the other aforementioned teams and more) gives regular feedback on balance issues, but the balance team is ultimately in charge of maintaining the design vision across the game.
They even get feedback… hell they could dive into these forums and steal the 34556673 ideas people are posting.. but still….
I REALLY dislike to trash people’s work, but the quality here is like the acrobatics traitline they redesigned numerous times. Hope you get it.
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
Hope many ppl saw the original conversation tho
guess this forum gets closed soon if we head into this direction.
ok it got completely removed. not locked, not moved. It just disappeared like rebels in the communist times. GJ
for kitten sake and its not even in my shadowplay buffer to scrap it i’m so done. srsly sukout moderators
RE: Balance -> Contrary to popular belief, the PvP team (or wvw, fractals, raids, etc) doesn’t actually handle profession balance. There’s an entirely separate team dedicated to handling balance for all core areas of the game (appropriately named the Balance team).
So.. You say, there are several people… going to work every day into the studio… working hard on class balance regarding all the gamemodes… and problems like biggest dps rotation is autohitting in pve or classes being complete trash tier in pvp exist for this amount of time.
The PvP team (and the other aforementioned teams and more) gives regular feedback on balance issues, but the balance team is ultimately in charge of maintaining the design vision across the game.
? They even get feedback, they can read the forums and steal 2245201 ideas from people’s posts…
I mean… i dont wanna trash people’s work, but the thing that they GET PAID FOR is the quality of Acrobatics traitline they reworked numerous times. I hope you get it.
Dont misunderstand my post. I’m already in love with this topic!
Have you played gw1? I absolutely loved the roles there! too bad, gw2 fall so faar from the tree.
We cant make every class do everything. Maintaining an identity is more important to me.
the diagrams show the exact opposite. classes do not have direct peacks to an atribute except for warrior or thief.
+ druid, reve, thief, warrior mobility numbers are not even close to reflect the actual state. No idea how you wanna implement that.
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
i’ve already done my top 5.. just gonna dropp this as a plus: If you wait with changes for long months, ppl gonna just leave and never regret that after seeing the patch you made needs ‘shavings’.. but w8.. that requires a new patch, that needs 3months to be worked on…
you are about 2-3 weeks early.
please try again later
I… I…. I just had to.
The balance patch you are looking for might been removed, had its release deleyed, or is temporarly unavailable.
Please try the following:
- Uninstall game, play mario for 2months till overvatch
- Post massive rant on forums
- Pray for deus ex machina
- Cry in the corner
This is what “pro” players are doin right now. LOL
pros do that in all MOBAs. Don’t be surprised
Marketing budget has to be spent on viewership
It’s non-transferable to the balance or PvP team
i’m totally aware of that. If the meenagement found it somehow profitable to invest in advertising thisway that monney should stay.
On the other hand i still can’t get where the company policy is heading. Literally they just admitted that they failed in sheduling HoT developement which is really stunning for me couse it offers laughable amount of content compared to Factions, Nightfall or EotN from gw1.
The pace of fixing pvp-issues was slow in the past. The juni patch, hot-profession design, stronghold, season2 patch… all of this are questionable in my opinion. Therefore i can’t really trust theyr class design team to handle after HoT pvp. It’s just too much for them. Just watch, some weeks and it gonna turn out that all of them are working on next expansion insted of fixing issues. This was the case before hot too i guess, juni patch then skydive into HoT and letting dd-ele etc roam around untouched for eternity.
This tipe on company policy is tilting me. Shipping half ready content then mooving towards another. No idea how are they expecting people to buy more gems, product or whatever if it turns out half-baked all the time and the chef just flips you off if you dare to complayn.
I can barely give a kitten about pve, atm i want pvp to be in right hands and the above suggested pvp-team would be a decent first step to that.
and money can’t entice them to make better decisions
???? sry?
Edit: + this team could ship the actual rewards from a cup like AG etc… imagine you go on a poker night and the club tells you: hmm ye u won 2k dollars worth of tokens. we gonna transfer your earnings after ~3months ok? SMILEY:) … hilarious….
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
quick!!! someone blow the goof bugle!!!
what about balancing the game insted of this?
Hello everyone!
I just want to inform everyone in the community including devs who did not play gw1 about a wonderful addition that was used there and spice it with some more long forgotten gw1 mastermind content.
- Hard Mode (HM) was an option which your party rtiggered before going for the adventure. It ensured way more difficult content with better rewards. There where achivements(titles there) regarding this mode, like vanquish all areas in HM etc… you can read more about it here: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Hard_mode
- Master Dungeon Guide (MDG) was a misc item and could be purchased by an NPC in EotN. Your character filled out the pages of this book with collected info on a Dungeon after you finished it. After you had an at least half finished book(min 9 pages full) you could trade it back to the npc for experience boost, major reputation boost towards other mega boring to do titles(so this was EXXXTREMELY helpful) and some minor cash. The was HM and normal versions of it and ofc the HM one offered greater rewards. more info here: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Master_Dungeon_Guide
So my super-duper idea is to save your next to dead Dungeons with the following:
- introduce HM to dungeons. In the entry screen there should be: enter story mode, enter explorable mode, enter Hard explorable Mode etc… thisway your party could chose to make the path or paths in hard mode before entering and cannot chicken out in the midle of progression. Upscaling the HM difficulty could be done similarly to gw1. You upscale the area level of the map the party enters to 80 and buff monster stats, cast times etc. (not the fractal way where stuff gets only more boring due to gigantic HP amounts. make it Hard not by making it boring.) add more lurking monsters to the dungeons in HM which cannot be scipped. Making them run after you till eternity or idc, close some more doors.
- Make an NPC sell MDG. This book should work as the original one worked in gw1. The more pages are filled the bigger reward you get. You could move the gutted rewards of dungeons here, while making sure people use all the content, all the dungeons and not just farming AC every day. Rewards should contain major gold pack, some exp and tokens towards a chosen dungeon so it fills the gw1 theme.
hint: if you want to stick to the get hot or gtfo policy, you could move the MDG seller npc to a HoT map. Problem solved.
I think most people agree that it should be an “accumulative” title, that would persist through all seasons, instead of a 1-off for each one.
Think back to the days of Guild Wars 1, where we had these types of accumulative title tracks.
Each season could progress the track for example. (note: Legend can be replaced with other nouns, Gladiator [RA] and Hero [HA] and Champion [GvG] worked fine in GW1)
- Legend
- Fierce Legend
- Mighty Legend
- Deadly Legend
- Terrifying Legend
- Conquering Legend
- Subjugating Legend
- Vanquishing Legend
- King’s Legend
- Emperor’s Legend
- Balthazar’s Legend
- The Legendary (final)
RS#5 animation doesn’t play properly half the time.
this is true tho
Superior Sigil of Ice
30% Chance on Hit: Inflict Chill (2 Seconds)
(Cooldown: 10 Seconds)
are you kidding? who the actual kitten uses this sigil????
so you rather “nerf” this, than hydromancy. thats stunning.
id rather nerf chill of death or chilling nova uptime and remove hydro from pvp.
the actual question and theme of your theread is perfect but the bare fact that the reason you want to do it is you are seeming to find ice sigil too strong is making the whole thing look stupid.
jesus…. ye ppl just celebrate that he died for you… make him a favour and dont be stupid…
if you have thousands of matches on thief then a ~30 matches-profesion is unlikely to appear on your diagram.
Edit: in theory. if i’m wrong, then too bad no swag diagram for u.
- Profession Design Development Team These are the guys who do balance updates. It’s quite obvious they have very little knowledge of PvP.
not like PvE balance is better where max dps rotation is autohitting in many cases.
The team i am Suggesting should handle ONLY the pvp balance which should separate from the other modes. The prof design team still decides on class mechanic, playstyle orientation etc, but this new team should define modifications on numbers or replace certain effect to reach healthyer gamestate. These ppl MUST have good understanding on the game’s pvp and the majority of classes to suceed and should NOT by any circumstances be drawn into other projects so they can focus on the ultimate goal, balanced&&healthy gameplay.
There’s actually multiple teams in the picture.
- PvP Development Team They work on stuff like Stronghold, leagues, and various PvP systems.
The work of these ppl should be influenced by the abowe mentioned team. Also they seem to lack actual statistics on what people want(not stronkhold) and modelling abilitys(It’s more likely the creative’s fault but i can’t mention anywhere else). I doubt that they tested the new MM systems deeply and run major symulations. Dont misunderstand, i am almost happy with the work they made. 8/10.
Not sure why you think killing esports is going to fix anything?
WHET THE kitten. I mean really… ppl dodging the actual question and idea and posting bullpotato just tilts me…..
ESL matches are icky and I don’t like watching it, they should just disappear.
Tournaments broadcasted on twitch are allways welcome imo. they are the ONLY thing that keeps many playing. with the lack of a proper leader system or automated tournaments there are no competitive elements which non casual players can bite on.
The viewer counts last time you played saddened me though. If anything the view experience should be worked on. the camera angles our commentators are using are terrible most of the time. they miss key moments etc. less visual noise and replaying crucial moments are essential furthermore free camera option should be available for commentators.
Not sure if you played gw1 Chaith, there was a so called ‘observer-mode’ google it up. I believe it was the first in game inplemented tool that allowed players to watch high tier matches. Unfortunately ANet decided to dropp it for gw2 after seeing that all the MOBA and FPS games stole the idea. Hypster 4 ever.
ISO answers.
This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MadVisions.4529
I blame NCSoft. all day.. all night..
still ISO TCG vs 55 match
added more ele stuff
I feel this is another sad day for this game.
You promise as a full 2nd set of legendaries, advertise with them to bait people who love legendaries into buying the xpack..and now you don’t deliver…after you have taken their money.
I have no words for this that would actually get through the “kitten” filter.No legendaries, yet you manage to release Black Lion Skins and Gliders almost weekly.
It’s clear that these generate easy cash, and that cash is becoming more and more important to ArenaNet.Same with HoT.
The expansion is already rushed, systems are bugged or half in place, story is rushed out with gaps, we got 4 maps…we had to pay the full price for this…and instead of giving priority to fixing the problems we have now, you almost proudly tell us the amount of devs you have working on the “next expansion”.And then I am not even mentioning actually actively destroying content.
Destroying dungeons, killing of WvW, PvP is still a nightmare as well…Wake up Anet.
If you guys are going for the cashgrab nobody will be around to actually play the next expansion.
Such a different company since Guild Wars 1, even so much change since the start of GW2, or even pré HoT…
What happened to you people…
Game is NCSoft’s.
- Gua feels ok overall. Considering the list got numerous nerf to other classes, this makes gua actually comparatively better if untouched.
I think that the problem of the Guardian/DH viability partly lies in the excessive amounts of the projectile hate. Mb some nerfs to those would be fair?
The problem with DH’s is that they are freekill to scrapper and reve (1v1) and are bullyed by Tempests in teamfights.
I would not touch things like swirling wind or magnetic aura. Maybe replacing reflect to block on Defense Field(bulwark gyro toolbelt)? I too think that they can be annoying, but they are necessary till there are ranged powerhouse skills with this short cooldown(rewarding mindless spamming cough, cough) like precision stile, Gunflame, True Shot, Spike Barrage(BalancedBackF2)…
Guas are more about control with Hunter’s Ward and all the trap dases&&dmg in a disgusting way.
I’d add some supporting factor rather more damage or cc or whatever.
mby try buffing other weaponsets and even move LB to a more support-ish state.
just LOL… try to compare these skills to eachother.. laughable design.
same cast time, lower cooldown, 128.6% dmg coef, 1200 range, pierces…
this applyes to most of the HoT-introduced stuff. Laughable…
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
I’ve heard that D/P Daredevil counters Staff Daredevil really hard. But when playing D/P, fighting Staff players doesn’t seem like an easy win to me. A lot of the problem is I don’t see it in Ranked enough to get good practice in, and then when I do see it I’m struggling against the BD and Vault spam. Not that I always lose, but it doesn’t seem to be as easy a win as people make it out to be.
Pretty sure I’m doing something wrong or approaching the problem incorrectly, so any advice would be appreciated.
i would not consider d/p a hardcounter in 1v1 situation, however in comquest it’s a pain in the staff player’s butt. The d/p can just stealth camp the staff player who can’t really do much about it. It going to eate the stealth spike and then the d/p’s team can just focus it down.
As for giving some help regarding 1v1’s:
you have to swap weapons a lot vs staff. SB is your best friend in this matchup paired up with some stealth camping. Practice evading vault with sb#3 etc…
The things you have to REALLY watch out is basi venom and steal combos. if you can meenage those, you are good to go.
pro playurs have no idea how to build thief, they just copy paste metabattle builds just like emerald-sapphire overlords
do you have a mental breakdown or smth? what do you think who dictates the “meta” if no pro players XD
im not a pro player but in legend division im playing hybrid thief winning nearly everything with enemy players whispering me after match to ask me what build i am running or simply saying that i have sick build
that should give you an idea how meta is created, son, and learn some respect towards your betters before they have to teach you some
ok master! can u link here the godlike build of yours so i can see it with my ‘unrespectful towards my betters’-eyes?
i’ve never said that you can’t make non-meta worki roll ppl in legend with s/d thief which is clearly non-meta. The fact is tho that your performance would be better with a visible amont if you would play some alter of the ‘meta’ spec. which is D/P – daredevil in our case.
d/p is an outdated build which works only against bad players and becomes completely non-existent if enemies have a rev who keeps an eye on you
many could argue with this
still waiting for the build. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQBAA
sorry son but what mine is mine, dont feel like sharing my intellectual work with people who are only able to copy paste builds from meta battle
at some point someone will figure out this build for sure but i am genuinely curious for how long i can abuse it
I’m really disappointed daddy. W/O sharing, your arguments become kinda groundless
also i’d like to see how creative hybrid build you could come up with w/o any might stacking ability. You claim it works or even reaches abuse-level, so i’m even more curious
d/p is definitely not the highest damage, or even good at 1v1.
nor is it used for these factors. You are unable to do stealth rotations, fake pushes etc on any other thief build. Plus the damage, rupts and in fight mobility is just enough to focus down targets with a teammate with high pressure(necro, reve, etc…).
Staff builds got intense damage but are easyer to focus. Also D/P can just stealth camp and dominate other thief builds from the enemy.
I repeate. You can make many builds work. You can even carry games with builds like Staff, S/D, or the mysterious hybrid build, but the Highest performance expecting good players vs good players can be reached by playing D/P due to it’s mechanics.
My 5 cents.
pro playurs have no idea how to build thief, they just copy paste metabattle builds just like emerald-sapphire overlords
also what do you think how ‘meta’ specs are made if not good/pro players experimenting, finding working things then optimalising? It’s not the 500-games plebs thorwing together some traits that’s for sure….
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
6. Shadow Shot: put the blind on the actual dagger hit instead of the unblockable projectile (so you cannot blind blocking people)
brilliant idea
pro playurs have no idea how to build thief, they just copy paste metabattle builds just like emerald-sapphire overlords
do you have a mental breakdown or smth? what do you think who dictates the “meta” if no pro players XD
im not a pro player but in legend division im playing hybrid thief winning nearly everything with enemy players whispering me after match to ask me what build i am running or simply saying that i have sick build
that should give you an idea how meta is created, son, and learn some respect towards your betters before they have to teach you some
ok master! can u link here the godlike build of yours so i can see it with my ‘unrespectful towards my betters’-eyes?
i’ve never said that you can’t make non-meta worki roll ppl in legend with s/d thief which is clearly non-meta. The fact is tho that your performance would be better with a visible amont if you would play some alter of the ‘meta’ spec. which is D/P – daredevil in our case.
d/p is an outdated build which works only against bad players and becomes completely non-existent if enemies have a rev who keeps an eye on you
many could argue with this
still waiting for the build. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQBAA
pro playurs have no idea how to build thief, they just copy paste metabattle builds just like emerald-sapphire overlords
do you have a mental breakdown or smth? what do you think who dictates the “meta” if no pro players XD
im not a pro player but in legend division im playing hybrid thief winning nearly everything with enemy players whispering me after match to ask me what build i am running or simply saying that i have sick build
that should give you an idea how meta is created, son, and learn some respect towards your betters before they have to teach you some
ok master! can u link here the godlike build of yours so i can see it with my ‘unrespectful towards my betters’-eyes?
i’ve never said that you can’t make non-meta work i roll ppl in legend with s/d thief which is clearly non-meta. The fact is tho that your performance would be better with a visible amont if you would play some alter of the ‘meta’ spec. which is D/P – daredevil in our case.
- Impacting disruption: gives 5 stack of might for 10 seconds on interrupt (1sec icd) [atm the bare damage this trait offers carrys less skilled players -> bad design]
- Tactical Strike: 20% dmg increase. Steals a boon. [hidden buff to c&d too. at this state this skill isnt even worth to use in a high number of situations]
- Assassin’s Reward: steal 600 life each time you steal a boon. [synergy with s/d. mby allows more build diversity]
- Thorw Gunk(stolen skill): unblockable. Ground targeted from now on[too many reflects, blocks, mitigations to use this skill effectively. especially vs engi… ground target helps it’s positioning considering it’s slow projectile speed. atm ppl just outrun it if used]
- Mace Head Crack(stolen skill): unblockable. [this allows some moves vs gua. our biggest hardcounter]
just copyed out of my patch ideas from PvP forum. Keep in mind that the patch contains nerf to reve, scrapper, etc.. that itself makes thief better.
Not bad, more threads like this with actual constructive criticism are always welcomed.
thx mate!
+ added ground targeted fact to thorw gunk.
(edited by MadVisions.4529)
Guess Anet wanetd to kick me in the balls for no reason: http://i.imgur.com/uvvvKrU.png
decent decision! deleting my post for something i CLEARLY did not write. where have i mentioned that i quit the GAME???? i told u i quit sPvP. Or "what remains for me: 1v1 and GvG&&scrims " this is excluded from your game? guessed so couse it still got 0 support since eternity.
I got legend and the peac?ck backpiece (http://i.imgur.com/sORyBX6.jpg ; http://i.imgur.com/8kY8XJV.jpg), i see no reason for anyone including myself to play this broken gamemode. (also i don’t think censoring words like peac?ck with o is necessary couse it refers to this majestic animal http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/blue-peakitten-14934585.jpg and not a D)
Deleting this post of mine indicates that you are going to follow the usual ostrich-politics. Well played.
definately NOT a good idea.
if you want to make stuff unblockable you could start with, Thorw Gunk and Mace Head Crack. That would be a forwarding change w/o overtuning already strong stuff.
what data i’d like to see? mby the documentation on class designing if that can be considered as data.