Showing Posts For MadVisions.4529:

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Uninterruptable leap through smoke field for stealth that can crit for 3-4k damage is a bit much IMHO.

I would make it unable to crit or remove the leap finisher aspect of the trait.

yep. impact isnt the only thing that hurts the game atm.
DD’s endurance meenagement
clense on evade with 1s icd
basicly 2-3 traits of daredevil are worth a vanilla traitline… how sad is that?!?…
not to mention chanelled vigor and Bandit’s Defense….

Rune of nightmare 6 piece fear

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Unless they remove ALL passive abilities on the dozen or so runes (e.g. Rune of the Grove), AND all the passive auto fear/auto taunt/auto stability/auto anything talents on every profession, no.

Cherry picking is not the way to go — either it’s all removed or it all gets to stay.

ye well if my House burns down, better make sure everyone lights theyr candles near the curtain.

forgotten to mention, i hope you have a fat curtain!

Rune of nightmare 6 piece fear

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Unless they remove ALL passive abilities on the dozen or so runes (e.g. Rune of the Grove), AND all the passive auto fear/auto taunt/auto stability/auto anything talents on every profession, no.

Cherry picking is not the way to go — either it’s all removed or it all gets to stay.

ye well if my House burns down, better make sure everyone lights theyr candles near the curtain.

Mid Air-immob reminder

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Pretty sure they have no idea how to fix it.

I dont think so.

  1. they are not realising that you can’t start casting anything wile jumping or in air anyways
  2. they can’t make immob’d people be effected by gravity (iquit if so)
  3. they are unwilling to check for Player.statusEffects.hasImmob() if player is trying to cast mid air(which gets a red sign usually).
  4. They are unwilling to change #1 by letting poeple cast spells while jumping but not while falling Example: you can cast spells while the player-ground Z-difference is <= 200units. this would actually improve gmeplay overall, couse kiting in pvp jumping-puzzles would be more safe, bugs like dealy on pistolwhip or air sigil proc on cloak and dagger getting delayed so instant revealing you would be fixed
  5. ? not intrested

Is is true thief just uses aa in raids?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I find it hard to believe all these classes just use aa in raiding I mean seriously? That just doesnt make sense.

several people(a team) work hard every day in the office at ANet to reach perfect balance and make the game more fun through ability and skill modifications. I highly appriciate theyr efforts but you know…..

LUL Matchmaking - Can this be explained?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


One day… I’ll gift ANet an MM system …

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Oh so we just all should go play d/d core because how dare people actually play something that works vs current meta classes/builds? Who are you to tell me what to do?

Yes, impact + venom can be stupid in thief vs thief situation and promotes spamming to certain extend but you just suggest to nerf weapons we have vs other classes.

where the kitten can you read d/d in my writeing? where the kitten do you read in my writeing that “how dare you do xyz”??? I use an even more cancerous autopoc aids version of the same meta spec everyone is sticking to in 80% of my gameplay. If i suggest something that does effect my own gameplay too.
are you just assuming that i suggest nerfing thief to unviableness? are u mental? Thief is life!
I want this game to be as fun as it used to be and changing impacting and/or venom would be a step. Posibly in an update that levels the amount of passives and instants && boomspamming && condiburst etc…
Please stop thorwing stuff like these at me LOL. If i made an unclear statement then SORRY. U read forums 24/7 stuff should have meen clear for you.

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


in thief v thief scenatios it’s just completely stupid and removes a lot of fun/skillcap.

not to mention thief v reve…
Imo thief v reve is the most enjoyable 1v1 since HoT, but Impact completely ruins it…

Meh.. mby it’s just impacting….
Sad story

ye well i was wrong… it has literally noothing to do with venom… it’s just impacting.. what a surprise.
it’s just stupid how easy it is to proc 2x impact from venom after stealthcasting it and applying it with instants like steal, infiltrator’s anything or shadowstep.
Worst case scenario → i insta stunbreak with bandit’s as a reaction but the pleb fkked up the precast and the delayed skill rupts my block →2x impact, no block, still cc’d

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


He is sd main pulling certain wvw d/d thief player here: "please nerf all other builds but mine because it is “skillful” (oh and btw idc if thieves suck in pvp!)".

Your daily “he is s/d main blah blah blah” bullshlt skyrocketed lately.
To clarify something: The fact that i love s/d playstyle the most does not mean that i dont play 80% d/p thief in matchmaking. Nor does it mean that i can’t play better d/p than 99% of the game’s playerbase. So pls sit down


Venom(now) is suited for powercreep as you mentioned. And as i admit that it is fine vs the majority of classes but in thief v thief scenatios it’s just completely stupid and removes a lot of fun/skillcap. Meh.. mby it’s just impacting….
Sad story

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Balance Officially toxic

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Ofc it’s toxic, every patch contains CRIMES against the game engine and combat mechanics. The whole pvp combat is totally kitten over by juni patch and hot and the several laughable updates that carryed as much cancer as purity…

Basilisk Venom, Thief powercreep and more

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


try making this: blockable / 1stack / reveal self on cast


finally remove Impacting Disruption

maybe both…

best wishes
~a player who is fed up with your company politics

EDIT: The ongoing conversation ended up by me making another log review. Gonna quote it here, couse i feel the conversation evoveld a lot.

Describing the problem from d/p thief perspective: Why did impact and HoT overall dumb down thief gameplay?

To describe why Impact is broken by design:

Before HoT, you had to meenage Initiative in many aspects. You had to consider when you use initiative for what purposes. You did use it for offense, defense and utility example: hearthseeker, shadowshot(blind is util too if u use it wisely) for offense, 5->2 to defense, 5->cluster and headshot for utility etc…
If you consumed too much for certain purposes in this balance you had less for the others. If you spared initiative to interrupt necro heal or warrior banner which you should, then you casted less stealth or shadowshot etc. Counting on opponents skills defined how you meenage your bar.
Impacting in itself is changing thief gameplay. It’s damage matches frontstab or shadowshot critical hit damage and is unevadable, unblockable, unblindable and unclensable. It is a decent damage boost on your steal if landed properely and gives direct damage to utilitys with CC, which are OK to a certain degree (still think that it’s stupid with venom). To come to the point lets look at how it effects the init meenagement.

Headshot was before HoT a powerful tool to control your opponents if applyed correctly, but you had to consider what you want to interrupt to have enough initiative to apply enough damage pressure. I hope you see that this trait removes this aspect from the game entirely couse the damage of an interrupt is higher than the average noncrit-crit damage on all your weapon abilitys. This opens space to the question: why wouldn’t i just interrupt every skill i can and deal more damage than usually. Yes you should! You should even interrupt autohits for damage couse it’s matematically higher than any other combinations (not considering inback-stab or precast+steal burst). Not to meantion that interrupting the enemy can already f@@@ theyr plans over.

HoT offers even more dumb stuff. Now that i explayned how not using Headshot for damage is not optimal they introduce a massive Autohit damage buff. This leaves you with Good amount of pressure even if you spammed all your init. Fair enough you’d say… well not that intelligent that this damage buff was so high that meta moved to rage sigil autohitting… This leaves you with the following: biggest damage is impactHeadshot and if you can’t do that you get away with simply autohitting.
(WARNING!!! BEFORE SOME OVERANXIOUS CYNZ WANTS TO COMMENT: i do not say with this that you should not shadowshot, 5->2 or hearthseeker according to a situation! they are awesome and got theyr place!)

There are 2 more HoT(daredev) additions that changed thief roles but according to the devs this was by design and this is not necessarely bad but i want to mention it here couse it is a part of powercreeping the d/p.
This is the evasiveness that comes with Daredevil.
First, the not that bad things are the dodges that are comming with DD where the motto of sword-acro builds before the expansion. You needed both of these to succeed with an evasive-themed build. I welcome D/P in this family couse i support evasion based gameplay over stealth camping \o/. You have to admit though that this traitline offers TOO much dodges. just too much. There is little difference in your evasiveness depending on your main weapon.
The worse part are the “ELITE” dodges. 2 of them are staight up broken on d/p

  1. Dash offers perma swiftness. well yep this is already really good. your mobility is brutal with this trait, well worthy of a grandmaster. The thing is i’d stop this trait right here. but it removes snares with no icd. Worst part is that it removes immob. There is no need for evading abilitys with immob. you dont need to know what applyes immob. you just dodge like you normally would and get away. This renders an incredibly amount of skill from the game. Immob wasn’t thorwn around in the golden days of befor-juny and landing immobs was a way to stop thieves momentum. Getting immob isnt “death”, thief had many cards to play, headshot or blind the incomming burst, switchin to sb->#3 or #5 or both, clensing it with signet, etc. Now you don’t even have to think
  2. Bound. At the pace you can spam evades with DD the damage buff is on you most of the time. 10% damage is the average of what executioner offers, which is a GM trait. If you land 1 damage proc from it to lets say only 1 target every 10sec(natural regen time of a dodge but in reality you can dodge every ~4 sec in permanent successions) for ~3k dmg. In that period of time you deal ~20k damage to that person. Assuming this, the end resoult is that Bound gave you ridiculous sum of ~25% damage boost. I’d stop here in development but Bound makes applying initial #5&leap stealth uninterruptable. Yep that’s bad design couse it leaves no counterplay. So hmm it’s prty kitten strong too.

I don’t want to go further. I hope you get my point. Revievs like this could be done for the majotity of professions, highlighting the flaws in Elite Spec development. I’d leave the rest for other people or for another day…

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Opinion: Too much AoE, and CC in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


i love how ppl like you come to a topic and completely dodge the whole purpose of it. Not sure if you realised that the topic is generalised, the scrapper example was made for the skillfloor changes of HoT and aoe pressure not only for AoE-CC.

(On the other hand if you would compare old hambow’s CC to scrapper’s, then you’d realise the old king of CC actually got less than Hammer-engi. Not enough? thy adding a druid with glyphs etc + necro fears + ele shocking auras to the fight.)

And then comments something completely stupid….

it’s definitely not as good as the old cele or even condi Engi builds.

Another Patch of more PvP nerfs to PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


devs are focused on their beloved e-sports balancing

I wish this would be the case
They play LoL in the office all day tho.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


would instabuy stalwart shoulders if it returned as a gemstore item. just saying.

So, full premades vs. solo/duo again?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


works as intended.

no ide why are you trying to make leaderboard for teams this horribly faceroll and casual.
Casuals wont form teams to “compete”.
If you want to make solo progression casual, be it. I dont mind.
But why on earth would you make team “leaderboard” like this. This serves zero purposes.


I've found where the resources are gone

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


explains why pvp is struggling. Idk what the devs smoke but i want some of it…

Is slower PVP with healers and bruisers fun?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


ISO rollback to before juni patch gamestate. Some trojans and wurms leeked into the system.

Can we have more CC in this game please

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


decent idea!
Elemental bastion should autoproc shocking aura, the mines from scrapper hit procs should dase etc…

Should Ranked PvP be Competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Yes because competition is inherent in anything ranked.

*Daily automated tournaments restricted to teams to earn qualification points for a monthly tournament among all qualified teams, this is what we need since release. *

There used to be tickets you can buy to enter tournaments. I think that needs to be brought back with official tournaments and teamQ’s purpose can be fighting for better seeding within your league’s tournament section. You could go up in a tournament but never down so a team of emeralds can join the diamond tournament (but be positioned to lose against a highly seeded team so they’d basically be paying to lose) but a team of diamonds can’t join the emerald section. So you can play up ranks if you want but never down.

automated tournaments would be a wonder. Even better if they added an in game Observer mode for these tournaments like in gw1. And game message would pop up on all chats of xyz team won xyz tournament, like gw1’s xs’s Team won a battle in HoH.

The team leaderboard is a joke atm. its 100% grind based, you just stomp a bunch of pugs in the majority of matches and advance to top. If you loose all your team v team matches and you obviously stomp the pugs you are still going to be top placed. Like.. how kittened is that?!
If ANet wants to make solo progression massive casual… fine… JUST WHY would you make EXXXTRA casual team leadetboard??!?!?!? thats just absurd. casual players wont form teams lmao…..

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Atm if you dont have an over average CPU you gonna struggle to play this game. ~10 fps on pve events, ~3 fps in wvw zerg fights, ~20 fps in a PvP teamfight.
even if i found the budget to upgrade my PC ANet servers are still too small to handle wvw, so whatever.

Thief - work or not?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


The amount of skill required to play something like the d/p meta build gone really low. Till the best source of damge comes from Impacting Disruption the skill floor gonna stay low so you dont have to worry, it’s really unlikely that they gonna change that trait in the near future.
On lover levels people wont be able to line of sight you while executing key abilitys and combos, which means you gonna have a fun time getting better with thief.

you can start with learning all the profession combos in pve. stealth combos, precast -> steal combos and such.
I’d follow with going on wiki and learning all the text of other classes weapon skills to know what to expect from a LB guard etc. Then you can pair up the skills with the animations.
Second and most important step is to know and count with all the passive procs. This is really difficult and this is going to get you nightmares(lol nightmare runes). You should know what passives proc when on specific builds and how to deal with them example: you time cc to shut down engi right after pasive mini ends, insta stunbreak eye for an eye, dont try to steal burst into nightmare runes etc…
Use brain before deciding where to rotate, be ware for decaps w/o leaveing team in crucial situation etc….

if you know these you are ready to thief in ranked. there are no serious needs of skill. If the opponent has a better thief you should just stealth camp and rotate on him, thats it.
EDIT: ^^ To finally answer your question: yes thief is decent in PvP at the moment. They are really fun to use in WvW for solo or duo roaming. In GvG scenarios they see good use in well coordianted ~3man groups if enough space is present for the encounter, like Obsi sanctum arena, borderland scrim spots. I know noone tho who uses thief in guild hall gvgs tho, place is too small even for staff eles

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Dear Karl: what are the balance goals?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I hope you get the answer
i havn’t.

[Video] Thief season 2 PvP highlights

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


So let me know if you’re interested in it.

i let u know

gg vid. was too short tho Kappa

Not even sarcastic guesses on S#3Balance

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Just gonna use elite spec names couse i’ve forgotten the vanilla ones.


  1. Give some love to pet abilitys!!!! Reasoning: Doge can down only 1 man by the time i run out of mitigations in 1v3 !!!!
  2. remove ICD from Ancient Seeds! Reasoning: Druid is worst class in teamfights. this is due to the fact that this instaproc only affect a single person with an aoe daze.
  3. Heal as One should transfer boons to nearby allyes rather than to pet and player Reasoning: It is not fair that only eles and mesmers can maintain permanent defensive boons on the party, druid is totally suited for this role too. obvious decision


  1. Eye for and Eye should have 2 charges and separate cooldowns. Reasoning: you have 2 eyes lol. if they poke out the right u still got the left, dont u?!?!?
  2. Enchanted Daggers icd between pocs should be removed Reasoning: if i dont have shi#4, shi#5, staff4, glintheal or whatnot up and need some of HP this would speed the process up! Leeching damage is bugges and standardised so reve abilitys wouldn’t obliterate the first hopeless kitten the autolock finds in consequence!
  3. Phase Traversal should be instant. Reasoning: the only class ability of thieves is the same in standard and is instant. Shiro needs justice!


  1. Signet of Humility now transforms the enemy to Cersei Lannister in the well knows “Ding!-SHAME-Ding!”- scene Reasoning: suits more to the “Humility” theme.
  2. Continum Split now splits space and time properely, Resetting all your cooldowns and hp to the state they where in last time you was out of combat. Reasoning: My cousin who suggested this, only played mesmer before juni patch.
  3. Portal double activation opens a portal to the nearest secondary objective on the current Conquest map. Reasoning: Sometimes i accidetly double press it LOL, now noone will notice.


  1. This class should instant passive proc traits, proccing passively unblockable ground AoE active instants by design! Reasoning: Gesundheit!
  2. Scrapper first minor: now passively gives you rampage form for 5 secs if all hammer skills are on cooldowns. Reasoning: Someone told me this promotes spamming. WHAT??? finding a proper moment for all my spells in a this quick seccession should just be rewarded imo!

Runes and Amulets

  1. Vamp Runes got theyr mist form effect back Reasoning: wont stop condi builds recking ppl 1v1. A little more autopoc did never hurt the community! We release 1-1 every major patch and you see? it’s fine.
  2. All amulets with both power, precision and ferocity got removed. Reasoning: Builds can focus too much on rough damage. Look at condi amulets, they only have maximum 2 stats affecting theyr damage and are doing fine.

would do more but i had to vomit…

Should Ranked PvP be Competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Don’t get me wrong, I love this game. But it could be so much better, and its not happening.

this is the exact thing that upsets me too

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


going to do what their limited resources allow them to do.

so resources are limited due to released stuff is not finished.. i see. I’d totally invest in a new expansion when my last one is half done

Direction of PvP Team & Balance Team?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I feel like we won’t get major changes until expansion 2 drops. It seems they’re working hard on it though… Sucks how long it takes for them to drop story updates. And they’re so freaking short!

we said the same before HoT! then we where promised a lot of patches adressing issues, jet we have seen noothing from that.
Next expansion hits, the promised updates gonna miss again and the development of the new expansion starts.
At this point i dont expect anything else. ANet needs to change theyr politics to satisfy the customers.

Opinions: S/P or S/D or D/P?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


you should allways use shortbow. no matter wat. if you want to stick to p/p i’d still suggest to use shortbow.
shortbow synergises with all the weapon sets even with p/p. need stealth? bp → cluster. sb5 is the best positioning tool. clusterbomb is a decent melle skill if you find yourself in close combat. SB basicly gives you the evades, melle pressure, blast, movement you lack on p/p. you use lot of stealth??? the better! sb immob to unload is decent pressure.

Gear Progression/Raiding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


You are expected to have maxed out your gear before you even start raiding.

So what does raiding bring to the table? (apart from the challenge, which I’m looking forward to)

Apart from the challenge and the minis, it brings Legendary Armor — which has stats the same as Ascended, but you can switch them (hypothetically) when out of combat.

that would require anet to release some of the conetent we bought with HoT instead of pushing living world 0-24

infinite dodges?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


thief does not have infinite dodges

Should Ranked PvP be Competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Former topic

There would be million ways to implement a competitive behaving leaderboard. This topic should not be about the methods rather the bare question of do the community want the ranked to be competitive?
Right now it is not. Not even close. I dont want to talk about the Team leaderboard for the reason it is not “team” leaderboard. The topic is regarding the personal-side of ranking system.

Further explanatios for people before voting:

  1. Competitive ranking means that you gonna have a position on the leaderboard based on your skill level
  2. It means that you have to face that maybe you are average
  3. it means that others see your skill level even if its low level
  4. it means that after a certain time you can only progress by getting better
  5. separating players by true skill level can lead to much balanced matches on every skill level
  6. Balancing around competitive scene, high skill builds are revarding, less spam, less passives, gameplay returns to the old combat system
  1. Casual ranked means that the leaderboard functions like it is now (closely)
  2. Everyone with mediocre effort can reach the highest ranks
  3. Gameplay is bumbed down, less build diversity, easy to master classes, many low skill high reward classes
  4. More PvEstuff in revard
  5. Mixed skill level of players
  6. time based progression.

now if all is clear please vote:

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


well watching Leet0 on twitch is really entertaining too bad he gonna move “Over” to some other game.
We had a good conversation on today’s Leeto chat, the resoult is the following:

I still believe that not deciding makes the most damage to the game. Not only does it make people feel theyr feedback useless, but both the competitive and casual community gonna be fed up to a point where noone wants to write anything anymore besides walls of rant.

EDIT: well if ANet does not know, then the community does! i gonna poll you in a new potic soon.

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

PvP Season 3 Amulet Changes

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I think it’s great that Anet spends the effort on balancing and supporting PvP, even though the interest doesn’t seem to be particularly high.

the intrest gone low due to the effors you are so thankful for.

roaming builds with sustain?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


play condi or s/d if you got bored of d/p playstile.

PvP Season 3 Amulet Changes

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


there is a separate team for that.

could you talk to Mr. O’Brien to force these ppl to use forum actively?

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


1week till season #3 start. no idea what anet is planning, but i still find this an overly important topic. ISO answer

Did anyone lose respect for Argi?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


i think many need to realise that the resoults of this season are already set. there is no reason to tryhard anymore, the teams got thyer place and winning or loosing further matchups do not really matter.
At this point i do not expect anyone in the pro league being serious.
The whole season is technically a catastrophe. ANet cant even maintain the visage of cometitiveness anymore….

Runes forThief ?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


scrapper, exuberance, vampirism(not sure if ll is fixed), pack

scholar bonus is almost allways lost to an autohit

Fix pathfinding issues with thief sb5

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


tuesday patchday?!?! Kappa

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


blah, blah

u just dodged the whole purpose of this post

[suggestion] make spirit shards sellable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


make the mystic forge nps in LA sell mystic coins for shards. 2problems solved @ once

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


IMO it’s time for ANet to officially take sides in terms of pvp environment.
Thy are designing 99% for casuals

so, you answered your own question here.
case solved.

…. read


“we gonna continue to use both MMR and PIP system”, no plans on guild leaderboard, etc….
what u think?!?!

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


ANet doesn’t even want to split pvp/pve/wvw balance…

and what purpose does that serve? what is the cost? why is it important?

whe whole purpose of this topic would be to point out how difficult it is to give proper feedback if we dont even know how the company wants to see the product.

For example: if we take your statement as a suggestion (like so many including me did before), it gets completely irrelewant real quick if the only goal of pvp is to let people brawl a bit between 2 living story achivements. There is no need for extra effort in balancing if there are no plans regarding a competitive pvp system.

Long hours of brain storming etc could be saved for the customers if we know what we can suggest and what will be completely ignored couse lack of intrest.
(like the suggestion of separated balance etc…)

Please take sides to allow good feedback

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


IMO it’s time for ANet to officially take sides in terms of pvp environment.
Thy are designing 99% for casuals and selling everything as competitive. Could you guys officially take sides to open path for serious feedback?
I mean i can write 50pages of decent pvp changes that support healthy gameplay and builds around the Combat system of the game, but what is it’s use if you have no intrest in it and just want to introduce more faceroll factor so the skill level between random and decent players vanishes even more.
I dont mind giving feedback for either one, it just feels waste of effort to spam forums with intelligent feedback if it heads to a direction (where i would like the game to be) that the company does not support.
Building for casuals is not a bad thing, just please make it official to actually awake players from the dream of giving feedback from restoring some skill level of the game will be useful.

Perma evade thief has returned. Fix it.

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


The thief in the video is condition. The same can be done with the staff. Please Nerf it.


skillCLICKER player @ it’s best ^^

Reward Tracks on tick?

in WvW

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


why do we get ponts towards the track on server tick?

progression/wXP would be the direction i’d take. so it actually would feel like you are rewarded for doing stuff and the pace of the rewards would be determined by your performance rather than how much you karma train and afk on EB taking the place from others.

Total of 13 ppl streaming GW atm

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


for 148 viewers!!!!!

one of them are streaming pvp for the great summ of 0 people.

this just saddens me. all your pvp streamers left the game.
While the mega-giga casual pip ladder exists this gonna continue. Paired with the meaningless pugfarm guild leaderboard.

GW wasnt the best streaming material ever, but this off season time is just ridiculous. There is no meaning in queing up. My friendlist is full of decent/top pvpers, now it’s a deadspace.

There is a reason why players like me barely touch PvP since a while….

Fix pathfinding issues with thief sb5

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


and many other abilityes.
the most issues are with thief sb5 tho. consuming the resources w/o getting teleported is a huge problem and should NEVER happen in a well programmed environment.

1 out of 10 or more ports fail due to the projectile gets cought in some texture(example: saplings, random rocks etc…), players walks ~200 units onto an invalid port location, etc…

+ whats up with these DC-s, connection errors popping up recently???

On Interrupt Sigils

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


no thx.
till mace war can condi bomb with a 3sec cd daze skill
till d/p thief can proc impacting disription on every HS
till mes can stun with daze every 5 sec

Can we have sword 2 become instant?

in Thief

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


bad idea. it was nerfed for a reason. in this state it is totally fine. the aftercast hurts as allways but w/e. too bad random d/p players can rupt it accidently with uncontrolled HS spam for 4k impact damage. that hurts tho.