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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

lol, they haven’t delivered any “content” for months now… and even when they were “delivering” content in the form of living story episodes, you seem to be forgetting the weeks long “breaks” they were taking

But when you got something you got it for free. Stop complaining about free stuff.

You got it for free? I had to buy the game in 2012 to get it. No wonder you’re so protective of ANet, they apparently gave you the game for free.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

basically they picked wrong, they put together the wrong packages/prices or this controversy wouldnt have occured at all. When you pick a good price point/market well you almost never get noticeable blowback. Even people who think its not feasible for them dont make a big enough fuss about it to cause this.

I’m a lapsed player already, if I’ve been playing an hour per week for the last few months, I’d be surprised. Stepping away completely is not only very easy right now, it’s also very likely, because the expansion doesn’t look good to me. Sure, I don’t know what’s going to be in it just yet, but nothing revealed so far hits any marks with me.

I was going to buy it anyway, pretty much regardless of the price, but I can’t get behind how they’re putting the kitten thing in the market, so it’ll likely be a skip.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

when you’ve already gotten so much value out of your initial purchase.

The initial purchase entitled us to that. It doesn’t enter into any equation beyond that.

“But sir, you have no grounds to complain about the size of the steak and the flaccidness of the greens! We served you a perfectly good meal last year.”

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Asking on map chat is useless in any case. Most people there won’t be angry, happy, or indifferent, they’ll be oblivious, wondering what the hell you’re talking about.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Here’s some logic:

The vast majority of players are unhappy about the expansion.

If they were exstatic about it, people would be buying it in droves, towns would be full of happy people spouting on about it, and forums and social media would be full of people singing it’s praises.


No, I’m sorry but your post already falls apart right there. The vast majority of people are indifferent/happy about the expansion/game. There are hundreds of thousands of GW2 players you never hear of. They never post on the forum. They never complain and they never voice their opinion. Those are all typical behavioral patterns for indifferent or happy people.

So, all of the unhappy people I know are really just indifferent?

…or they just don’t bother posting on forums. Perhaps because they’d rather not have to see people telling them they’re “feeling wrong”. Instead they just vote with their wallet. The vote that really matters to Anet.

No, the unhappy people are unhappy and the indifferent people are indifferent. It just happens that the few unhappy people you know pale in comparison to the number of indifferent+happy people out there.

Sure, there will be people who’re unhappy and simply vote with their wallet. But you forget that people who don’t complain are more likely to belong to the happy+indifferent group opposed to the unhappy group. Most people are not complaining that means most people are indifferent or happy.

You’re making it sound as if indifferent people are on your “side”. I have never spent money on something I was indifferent about.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Take the guild halls… In the time it took them to actually gather all the ideas, make an entirely new concept and code all the new mechanics they could have made at least 10 normal pve maps I bet.

I wish they had. I don’t give a rodent’s rectum about guild halls.

Upgrading to deluxe?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Wait a while and buy the deluxe upgrade with gems when it inevitably gets added to the gem store, like digital deluxe was.

I'd Hate to Have You as Customers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’ve read people complain about supporting the game for 3 years and how it’s unfair for them to buy again. That logic is so flawed because it dismissed all the content they’ve enjoyed that new buyers will never experience.

wow. it’s almost like… we paid for that…

Yep. And if we’re supposed to take that into account to justify the difference between the new player deal and the veteran deal on the expansion, as people keep suggesting, it’s actually confirming that we paid twice for something.

The Irony of the HoT Paywall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I think giving players a reason to hesitate was a very foolish idea. (Granted the “not enough content” crowd would have possibly existed at any price point other than free, but those arguments are highly subjective and not really worth discussing.)

When you’re looking at a likelihood verging on absolute certainty that there will be a “not enough content” crowd (I’m one of them, by the way), it would have made so much sense to sweeten the pot with a more favorable deal on purchase.

That more favorable deal would’ve done so much to mitigate all of the anger and misgivings. Think about this changed FAQ situation that has people up in arms about having bought the game very recently, in the now incorrect belief that they needed to.

If the standard $50 edition wasn’t such an inferior deal for people already owning a GW2 account, that situation wouldn’t be the issue it now is. If the basic HoT package was a bit more attractive for “veterans”, whether they played for 3 years or 3 weeks, people would be jumping with joy that they got into the game just in time, instead of feeling like someone pulled a fast one on them.

Class Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’m afraid the chances of seeing anything that would require huge amounts of new animations for each of the 5 races, are very slim.

I’d be up for a martial artist though.

Guys, seriously, calm down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

What people are thinking is;

They changed position on requiring Core for HoT.
They didn’t change the FAQ to reflect the new position.

This would be the dishonest version…

…Which kinda obviously is exactly what happened.

They changed their FAQ when they began the prepurchase. They had already decided how they would do the prepurchase when they began the prepurchase, obviously; and in order to make the assets (website, the rest of the buying interface, FAQ localization and etc), they had to make the decision A LOT before they began the prepurchase.

Besides, with Colin and other high ups in E3, the decision was clearly made some time ago.

Yet they didn’t say anything. They allowed people to continue buying the game in order to prepare for HoT, even with said money being effectively wasted.

You said yourself what this is.

I guess so, good thing they’re allowing people to get refunds from recent purchases then.

Only purchases that were made directly through them. Sucks for all those people that bought from amazon, humble bundle and other retailers.

Shame for them, but someone will always fall on the wrong side of a change. They made reasonable efforts to minimise the damage in my view while keeping to the “make a big statement at E3” plan (which I’m sure they were required to do).

The FAQ edit has been used as some symbol of evil, its just one of those things that comes from press events and marketting while they put up a safety net for customers they could verify purchases from (direct sales).

This whole changed FAQ situation wouldn’t be an issue at all if the standard $50 edition wasn’t such an inferior deal for people already owning a GW2 account. If that package was a bit more attractive for “veterans”, whether they played for 3 years or 3 weeks, people would be jumping with joy that they got into the game just in time, instead of feeling like someone pulled a fast one on them.

ANet managed to make 2 badly received decisions that actual synergize to make things even worse. Quite amazing, actually.

Here's the deal...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

It’s not about the numbers of content you are getting. It’s about the quality of content they give you.
Stop riding on those stupid numbers.
Shall they just add 500 new world bosses that are all the same so they can advertise some fancy numbers?

Wait until you see the beta and then you can decide if the quantity but especially the quality of content is enaugh for you.

It’s just pointless to discuss it now.

It’s absolutely about the quality and the quantity.

Speaking for myself, I don’t plan to make any new characters any time soon, apart from the revenant, and that revenant will not see much of the original game, because I’ve had enough of that. All the new character features like specialization and whoknowswhat will only see play in the areas added by the expansion. If there isn’t enough quantity, the quality loses value. Why would I care that my ranger can suddenly use a staff if I have hardly any place to run around with that staff?

Also, quantity needs to make up for all the things I don’t care about in the first place, like anything to do with WvW, PvP and guildhalls, so there’s a worthwhile amount of stuff to entice me to part with $50. I’m far from convinced that I should.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

There’s nothing wrong with posting like a whiny child, and posting like that doesn’t make it not critical. If you have a problem with the way people post on this forum, report them, or don’t read what they have to say. The worst thing you can do when confronted with people who post like whiny children is to go full force against them or criticize them. If you don’t, the storm blows over, if you do, expect 1000+ post threads of pointless reiteration that make the company look bad.

And of course you can try to haggle for the price. The fact that people are doing it proves that. It’s probably pointless, sure, but so is pointing out that it is pointless. It all just perpetuates the pointlessness and it makes the community look bad.

In short, if you support ANet, the worst thing you can do is argue with disappointed people, because you can’t win and you actively contribute to making magnificent mountains out of insignificant molehills.

I’m not going “full force” against them. It’s actually rather the other way around. Also I’m not trying to “win”. I just try to camly explain to them that their whiny complaints are motivated by petty envy and a wrong sense of entitlement. It’s a good excercise on my way of becoming a Jedi Master.

Just like this Ricky fellow. I’m using him as practice right now.

Sad. The fact that you keep using terms like “whiny”, “petty”, “envy” and “entitlement” proves you are going full force. Terms like that never produce useful counterarguments, they only indicate a condescending lack of respect for another person’s opinion.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

The only reason this has escalated is the preponderance of posters who think they can argue with opinion and are doing so in the same or worse tone than the people posting critically.

That’s… lol no. There’s a huge difference of attitude here.

Maybe it’s not hugely productive to respond in annoyance, but the false equivalence is in fact false.

There is no false equivalence. Both “sides” have a more than significant amount of bad eggs posting absolutely rotten rhetoric. The fact that there are sides at all is bad enough, because there shouldn’t be sides in an exchange of opinions, just opinions.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

While I don’t feel entitled to anything. I feel a kitteneated with them being so stingy to the point that they would not include an extra character slot with the standard versions, at least for veteran players. This isn’t me feeling entitled. It’s me holding them to their own standard. They’ve always included an extra character slotin their expansions, which by the way had much more content and were priced the same or cheaper. I’m not angry about them including the base game. That’s a great deal for new players and is a great way to bring in new players. I would love to see this game expand. But come on. At least show you’re thinking of veterans. I honestly think something as small as the extra slot in the standard would have helped avoid all of this.

There you go. He feels entitled to an extra character slot.

I still don’t see it. I see someone criticizing ANet’s current policies as opposed to their past policies.

But thank you, I’ve come to an important understanding. Apparently, when people say “I feel that A”, some people read “A! A, you kitten! I demand A!”

I’m not sure how to go on participating on these forums if that’s a widespread affliction.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

The only reason this has escalated is the preponderance of posters who think they can argue with opinion and are doing so in the same or worse tone than the people posting critically.

That’s exactly his point. They are not posting critically. They are posting like whiny children who get upset tummies because they’re not getting what they want. This is not a bazaar. You can’t haggle for the price. If you want HoT you need to shelf out 50$ no matter if you’re a veteran or a new player.

There’s nothing wrong with posting like a whiny child, and posting like that doesn’t make it not critical. If you have a problem with the way people post on this forum, report them, or don’t read what they have to say. The worst thing you can do when confronted with people who post like whiny children is to go full force against them or criticize them. If you don’t, the storm blows over, if you do, expect 1000+ post threads of pointless reiteration that make the company look bad.

And of course you can try to haggle for the price. The fact that people are doing it proves that. It’s probably pointless, sure, but so is pointing out that it is pointless. It all just perpetuates the pointlessness and it makes the community look bad.

In short, if you support ANet, the worst thing you can do is argue with disappointed people, because you can’t win and you actively contribute to making magnificent mountains out of insignificant molehills.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I was referring to that post as well. Nowhere does it claim we’re owed anything.

Here, let me help you:

While I don’t feel entitled to anything. I feel a kitteneated with them being so stingy to the point that they would not include an extra character slot with the standard versions, at least for veteran players. This isn’t me feeling entitled. It’s me holding them to their own standard. They’ve always included an extra character slot in their expansions, which by the way had much more content and were priced the same or cheaper. I’m not angry about them including the base game. That’s a great deal for new players and is a great way to bring in new players. I would love to see this game expand. But come on. At least show you’re thinking of veterans. I honestly think something as small as the extra slot in the standard would have helped avoid all of this.

Okay… still not seeing it. Maybe you can bold the section you’re referring to?

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

The entitlement issue should be turned on its head.

ANet is not entitled to my money until they offer something I find agreeable.

Then don’t pay.

The trick is, if you say “It’s not fair!” or “Arenanet owes us this!” or any of the other variations on the complaint, expect some blowback.

Again, it’s about tone and attitude. People don’t care about you not buying if that’s what you think right, but the overwhelming tone, even in the thread titles, is simply not how adults act.


I think a lot of the inter-player conflict in this goes along this.

1) A few really loud voices go crazy and throw out this over-the-top spoiled language.
2) Lots of people who don’t like the cost, are annoyed by needing to clear or buy a slot, etc. get onboard digging that sweet outrage high.
3) Another group reacts to that first group the way you feel when you see a particularly spoiled child nagging their mother at the grocery store.
4) The people who aren’t so strident (or didn’t start that way) are both insulted by the implication they’re being bratty children and double down due to the opposition effect, coming closer to the actual bratty children squalling up in point 1.


In short, people aren’t saying you can’t complain, people aren’t saying you have to buy (let alone preorder), people aren’t even saying that arenanet is doing a totally smart thing with this marketing.

What they are saying is “Wow some of these people are like a spoiled 6 year old who’s learned that if he yells at his mom enough she’ll give in and buy him that toy. Man I hate seeing that.”

The only reason this has escalated is the preponderance of posters who think they can argue with opinion and are doing so in the same or worse tone than the people posting critically.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

While I don’t feel entitled to anything. I feel a kitteneated with them being so stingy to the point that they would not include an extra character slot with the standard versions, at least for veteran players. This isn’t me feeling entitled. It’s me holding them to their own standard. They’ve always included an extra character slot in their expansions, which by the way had much more content and were priced the same or cheaper. I’m not angry about them including the base game. That’s a great deal for new players and is a great way to bring in new players. I would love to see this game expand. But come on. At least show you’re thinking of veterans. I honestly think something as small as the extra slot in the standard would have helped avoid all of this.

Yes, but this argument has already been invalidated several times. You didn’t get enough character slots to make one of each profession when GW2 launched and you’re not getting one now.
The fact that there’s a new profession and the fact that you used up all character slots are two separate events that are in no way connected with eachother.

Also keep in mind that there are some veterans who still have character slots left. Or don’t mind deleting an old character.

An opinion can’t be invalidated unless it is proven to be based upon entirely wrong premises. In every other case, it can only be disagreed with.

Yes it can be. I just did it. It’s a silly argument to say “they owe as a character slot because of new profession”. They don’t. For reasons that were stated numerous times.

That’s indeed a silly argument, but why are we talking about this? No one made that argument in the quote train we’re in now.

I can do one too!

It’s a silly argument to say “all trees are blue because birds have 2 legs”.

Because you’re deliberately not quoting the part I was refering to. See JobHand’s Post.

I was referring to that post as well. Nowhere does it claim we’re owed anything.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

While I don’t feel entitled to anything. I feel a kitteneated with them being so stingy to the point that they would not include an extra character slot with the standard versions, at least for veteran players. This isn’t me feeling entitled. It’s me holding them to their own standard. They’ve always included an extra character slot in their expansions, which by the way had much more content and were priced the same or cheaper. I’m not angry about them including the base game. That’s a great deal for new players and is a great way to bring in new players. I would love to see this game expand. But come on. At least show you’re thinking of veterans. I honestly think something as small as the extra slot in the standard would have helped avoid all of this.

Yes, but this argument has already been invalidated several times. You didn’t get enough character slots to make one of each profession when GW2 launched and you’re not getting one now.
The fact that there’s a new profession and the fact that you used up all character slots are two separate events that are in no way connected with eachother.

Also keep in mind that there are some veterans who still have character slots left. Or don’t mind deleting an old character.

An opinion can’t be invalidated unless it is proven to be based upon entirely wrong premises. In every other case, it can only be disagreed with.

Yes it can be. I just did it. It’s a silly argument to say “they owe as a character slot because of new profession”. They don’t. For reasons that were stated numerous times.

That’s indeed a silly argument, but why are we talking about this? No one made that argument in the quote train we’re in now.

I can do one too!

It’s a silly argument to say “all trees are blue because birds have 2 legs”.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

While I don’t feel entitled to anything. I feel a kitteneated with them being so stingy to the point that they would not include an extra character slot with the standard versions, at least for veteran players. This isn’t me feeling entitled. It’s me holding them to their own standard. They’ve always included an extra character slot in their expansions, which by the way had much more content and were priced the same or cheaper. I’m not angry about them including the base game. That’s a great deal for new players and is a great way to bring in new players. I would love to see this game expand. But come on. At least show you’re thinking of veterans. I honestly think something as small as the extra slot in the standard would have helped avoid all of this.

Yes, but this argument has already been invalidated several times. You didn’t get enough character slots to make one of each profession when GW2 launched and you’re not getting one now.
The fact that there’s a new profession and the fact that you used up all character slots are two separate events that are in no way connected with eachother.

Also keep in mind that there are some veterans who still have character slots left. Or don’t mind deleting an old character.

An opinion can’t be invalidated unless it is proven to be based upon entirely wrong premises. In every other case, it can only be disagreed with.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

The entitlement issue should be turned on its head.

ANet is not entitled to my money until they offer something I find agreeable.

This is not about the money!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I’m sorry but you’re nothing special for already owning the game.

But new players are special for not owning it ? How come ?

Because they are new and need an incentive to buy the game. If it makes them buy the game so Guild Wars 2 can grow to a bigger community it’s a good thing.

Some veteran players obviously also need an incentive to buy the game.

The "entitlement" meme needs to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

“I’m a veteran so I deserve a character slot to play the revenant”.

Who are you quoting there?

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

GW1 has stand-alone campaigns that came with the option of adding them to a single account so one could have the totality of the gaming world available for all characters on the account. Fusing the campaigns that way made them appear much like one game was an expansion to another game. This is what makes people confused about the whole thing, incorrectly calling Factions and Nightfall expansions.

If you owned one campaign, you’d get 4 character slots. If you bought another campaign and created a separate account for it, that account would also have 4 character slots. Joining a new campaign to an account already owning at least one other campaign, that existing account would gain 2 character slots. This added up to, like Echo said: 2 slots for the account plus 2 slots per added campaign.

Along came GW2, and somewhat later, HoT appeared, with GW2 added in for free. GW2 gave us 5 slots, and the new HoT bundle will (presumably) also give people the same 5 slots if they add that to a fresh account. Adding HoT to an existing GW2 account however, will add no slots.

With GW1, buying 2 campaigns will get you one of the following options:

  • An account with campaign 1 (4 slots) and a separate account with campaign 2 (4 slots)
  • A single account with both purchases combined (6 slots)

4 and 4, or 6.

With GW2, buying the basic game and the expansion that comes with a free basic game will get you one of the following options:

  • An account with GW 2 basic (5 slots) and a separate account with the HoT expansion that comes with the free basic game (5 slots)
  • A single account with both purchases combined: the basic game and the HoT expansion (5 slots)

5 and 5, or 5

GW1’s 4+4=6 for single account players is obviously more attractive than GW2’s 5+5=5 for single account players. GW2 completely eliminates an entire game’s worth of resources for single account players, which is obviously a very unattractive prospect. The alternative is to have two separate accounts, which is equally unattractive because that way the original account doesn’t get “expanded” with new content and features.

The HoT deal makes us chose between 2 bad options: no new character slots, or no new content and features for our old account.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Reminder: Factions and NF came with TWO slots and it just so happens those games also added two classes.

But now? 2015 ANet? They make one class and give 0 slots. This just perfectly frames ANet in my eyes as having lost any heart and integrity they once had.

Do we get tired of going in circles with this? They were stand alone games that were compatible with Prophecies. If they had come with no character slots they’d be unplayable.

I do wonder at the time if the question was, “Prophecies came with 4 slots, but factions only comes with 2!”

Every account has 2 complimentary character slots. Each of the three campaigns adds 2 slots to the account.

failing to do simple research when you haven’t played the previous game makes it trolly.

Ironically those expansions were stand alone expansions at a value of a stand alone game, here we have a few maps plus rebuying the core at a standalone price.

Interestingly, the Nightfall pre-order package also added a character slot. A much better deal than the HoT pre-purchase.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

When something is added for “free” to another product, it isn’t actually free. You need to pay for that other product. Making that purchase is the price.

Simple fact, right.

When they’re selling HoT as an expansion to the original game, it is implied that people who bought an instance of the original game, can “expand” that original game with it.

Make sense right? Any arguments so far?

Now, a “veteran player”, be it a 3 year veteran or a 6 month veteran, buying the expansion for its intended purpose, (which we established was the expansion of the options that came with the game he previously purchased) cannot have this free addition of the base game.

Still with me?

Buying the expansion as an actual expansion, which is obviously what people who buy expansions expect of expansions, and which is obviously what expansions are intended to be, is an undeniably bad deal, because you’re not getting something implied in the offer.

The only way to get the full benefit of this expansion deal as a veteran player, is to not consider it an expansion. This strikes me as very counter-intuitive and undesirable. And obviously, considering what’s going on in the community right now, a great many people rightly can’t get their heads around this illogical scheme. Making the purchase, which is the “price” you pay to get the basic game for free, but not getting it, because you’re buying the expansion as an expansion.

This was always going to happen, completely predictable. It’s a horrible marketing mistake.

(edited by Manasa Devi.7958)

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Arguing with Jongi is pointless, because he ignores points he can’t refute. Please, have the decency to concede when you’re obviously wrong and you know it.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

You guys need to look at the entire picture, time investment you got out of the core game, what you were able to experience when other people who are new cannot and what is actually happening.

You guys need to look at the entire picture, time investment you got out of the core game, what you were able to experience when other people who are new cannot and what is actually ha7ppening.

Everything we enjoyed before was paid for when we originally paid for the game.

If you’re telling us that we should consider that enjoyment the thing that veterans get instead of the free base game that new players are getting, you’re actually agreeing that they’re paying double.

There, you’ve defeated your own argument, sounds like the perfect time to rethink your position and give this nonsense a rest. How does it feel to agree with the critics and not even realize it?

No, where are you getting that from? People who paid 3 years ago got their monies worth 3 years ago. HoT is 50 dollars with or without the core game so I havent defeated my own argument. New players are paying 50 dollars for the expansion, and vet players are paying 50 dollars for the expansion.

Please, own up to what you’re saying. You were justifying veterans getting less by pointing out what they already got before. It’s out in the open for all to see. I guess it’s hard to keep track of all the nonsense you’re spouting.

I have, your getting HoT, nothing more nothing less.

So what did you mean when you were writing what’s in the topmost quote in this post?

Still waiting for an answer to this, by the way.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I think we need to stop replying to posts like these cause they clearly don’t see where others are coming from and just keep defending Arena and their purchase.

I see where people are coming from. And its wrong. Its not even an opinion at this point, they are saying “this certain thing is happening” when it really isnt.

Oh so this it about you being right and everyone else wrong? No wonder Anet thought they could get away with this,

If that helps you sleep at night, say whatever you want. But your just creating a scenario that doesnt exist. If im wrong prove it, me and so many other people have explained and where to go look about these things you guys keep bringing up. HoT is $50, your not getting anything more or less than a new player, and your not entitled to getting free stuff because you have been playing for 3 years.

You know what your problem is? You’re arguing against points no one is making. You spend your time distorting what people are saying, twisting it into strawmen, putting them on dead horses and then gleefully beating them, beating them, beating them until you have enough glue to put your next faulty argument together.

Point in fact: you’re again implying that people are feeling entitled to free stuff. Please stop that nonsense.

No one is making points im arguing against? So no one is saying Im also paying for the game when I guy HoT? No one is saying that veterans should get something for free? No one is saying that they should get a free copy of the core game to use somewhere else? Are you even paying attention to the thread?

I’m not saying you’re only arguing against points no one is making, but several things you’re arguing against are. Like veterans wanting stuff for free, that’s not happening. People are stating what they would find acceptable deals instead of the one offered by ANet.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I think we need to stop replying to posts like these cause they clearly don’t see where others are coming from and just keep defending Arena and their purchase.

I see where people are coming from. And its wrong. Its not even an opinion at this point, they are saying “this certain thing is happening” when it really isnt.

Oh so this it about you being right and everyone else wrong? No wonder Anet thought they could get away with this,

If that helps you sleep at night, say whatever you want. But your just creating a scenario that doesnt exist. If im wrong prove it, me and so many other people have explained and where to go look about these things you guys keep bringing up. HoT is $50, your not getting anything more or less than a new player, and your not entitled to getting free stuff because you have been playing for 3 years.

You know what your problem is? You’re arguing against points no one is making. You spend your time distorting what people are saying, twisting it into strawmen, putting them on dead horses and then gleefully beating them, beating them, beating them until you have enough glue to put your next faulty argument together.

Point in fact: you’re again implying that people are feeling entitled to free stuff. Please stop that nonsense.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

You guys need to look at the entire picture, time investment you got out of the core game, what you were able to experience when other people who are new cannot and what is actually happening.

You guys need to look at the entire picture, time investment you got out of the core game, what you were able to experience when other people who are new cannot and what is actually ha7ppening.

Everything we enjoyed before was paid for when we originally paid for the game.

If you’re telling us that we should consider that enjoyment the thing that veterans get instead of the free base game that new players are getting, you’re actually agreeing that they’re paying double.

There, you’ve defeated your own argument, sounds like the perfect time to rethink your position and give this nonsense a rest. How does it feel to agree with the critics and not even realize it?

No, where are you getting that from? People who paid 3 years ago got their monies worth 3 years ago. HoT is 50 dollars with or without the core game so I havent defeated my own argument. New players are paying 50 dollars for the expansion, and vet players are paying 50 dollars for the expansion.

Please, own up to what you’re saying. You were justifying veterans getting less by pointing out what they already got before. It’s out in the open for all to see. I guess it’s hard to keep track of all the nonsense you’re spouting.

I have, your getting HoT, nothing more nothing less.

So what did you mean when you were writing what’s in the topmost quote in this post?

(edited by Manasa Devi.7958)

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

You guys need to look at the entire picture, time investment you got out of the core game, what you were able to experience when other people who are new cannot and what is actually happening.

Everything we enjoyed before was paid for when we originally paid for the game.

If you’re telling us that we should consider that enjoyment the thing that veterans get instead of the free base game that new players are getting, you’re actually agreeing that they’re paying double.

There, you’ve defeated your own argument, sounds like the perfect time to rethink your position and give this nonsense a rest. How does it feel to agree with the critics and not even realize it?

No, where are you getting that from? People who paid 3 years ago got their monies worth 3 years ago. HoT is 50 dollars with or without the core game so I havent defeated my own argument. New players are paying 50 dollars for the expansion, and vet players are paying 50 dollars for the expansion.

Please, own up to what you’re saying. You were justifying veterans getting less by pointing out what they already got before. It’s out in the open for all to see. I guess it’s hard to keep track of all the nonsense you’re spouting.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

You guys need to look at the entire picture, time investment you got out of the core game, what you were able to experience when other people who are new cannot and what is actually happening.

Everything we enjoyed before was paid for when we originally paid for the game.

If you’re telling us that we should consider that enjoyment the thing that veterans get instead of the free base game that new players are getting, you’re actually agreeing that they’re paying double.

There, you’ve defeated your own argument, sounds like the perfect time to rethink your position and give this nonsense a rest. How does it feel to agree with the critics and not even realize it?

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

What some people are doing is trying to make the complainers see that their arguments are kind of stupid. I paid for something 3 years ago I should get something free now

Who is asking for anything for free? Asking for a better deal is not asking for freebies. People like you who continually and viciously misrepresent other people’s writings on these forums is what makes this place toxic, not the people expressing their opinions.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Most of the people on the forums. I dont feel like im being treated unfairly because I know that I got my monies worth.

But you haven’t gotten your money’s worth for the expansion, because you don’t have it yet. No one is arguing that we didn’t get our money’s worth with the original purchase. I’d just like to see an expansion and to see it sold in way that’s also my money’s worth.

Where did I say I got my monies worth from the expansion. Its like there are 40 different conversations going at the same time none of which are about the original post. I got my monies worth from the core game. I dont need a free character slot, I dont need a free skin, a free core copy or anything else because I got my monies worth.

I didn’t claim you said anything, I was just explaining how having gotten your money’s worth out of one product has nothing to do with how you should value your next purchase. It’s not rational, it’s emotional, and it’s your prerogative to base your own decision on that, but you can’t use it as an argument in a discussion about the expansion. Our feelings about GW2 up to now has no bearing on our feelings about this expansion situation. Your continual pointing at what we got out of the original game is completely without merit. Pointless. A waste of time.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Most of the people on the forums. I dont feel like im being treated unfairly because I know that I got my monies worth.

But you haven’t gotten your money’s worth for the expansion, because you don’t have it yet. No one is arguing that we didn’t get our money’s worth with the original purchase. I’d just like to see an expansion and to see it sold in way that’s also my money’s worth.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

But lets see, special treatment. Theres another word for it.

yes, it’s discrimination

Reading comprehention. Im not saying that there is another word for special treatment or entitlement, im saying special treatment is another word for entitlement.

Oh? Now you’re telling people to get some reading comprehension? Oh, this is just too sweet.

The irony is overwhelming.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
“no wonder your kids have a sense of entitlement”

Wheres my 10g?

So your next post is going to apologize for applying the word falsely? Surely you’re not going to maintain with a straight face that asking for a deal that somewhat approaches the deal that others are being offered for the same amount of money, holds up to that definition?

Did you not read my post at all? They are wanting free stuff for playing since launch, no other reason. So no im not using the word falsely.

Wheres my 10g?

That’s not what they want, the only way you could conclude that is if you’re seriously lacking in reading comprehension.

10g? It seems to me you’re the one wanting stuff for free. You certainly didn’t do anything to earn it.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Veterans do not get anything? Sure, except 3 years of continues updates. I am sure this will be swept under the radar because it does not help the Internet pitchfork mob argument.

Already paid for with the original purchase.

Yes because we will obviously never receive any update ever again. We will no doubt receive many more updates which will hopefully all require HoT to play.

That has nothing at all to do with what you wrote and what I responded to it. The only valid response was: “You’re right”.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
“no wonder your kids have a sense of entitlement”

Wheres my 10g?

So your next post is going to apologize for applying the word falsely? Surely you’re not going to maintain with a straight face that asking for a deal that somewhat approaches the deal that others are being offered for the same amount of money, holds up to that definition?

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

so a customer is not entitled to their moneys worth ? serious ? lol

forget about just the game, but is this the future leaders of the world speaking ? heh

Not if they already got their monies worth. If you played for 3 years and got free stuff why should you get even more?

Paid for with the original purchase, nothing was for free.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Veterans do not get anything? Sure, except 3 years of continues updates. I am sure this will be swept under the radar because it does not help the Internet pitchfork mob argument.

Already paid for with the original purchase.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Veteran players have already gotten their fair share of free stuff, living story which if these new players want to experience they have to pay for, free level 20 boosts for being active during the anniversaries, free skins, free level 80’s if you didnt waste your tomes, and who knows what else was given out.

That was all covered by the initial game purchase.

Thinking back on all that goodness only makes the expansion look worse and worse.

But you don’t know how much of that kind you can expect within the next 3 years again.
So basically it will be impossible to evaluate HoT until the next addon where we can say “all the content they brought over time was well worth my money” or “the content density was quite disappointing for 50 bucks”
But you simply can’t know it yet. You can only know if you are personally sure that you will have enaugh fun for your money or not.

What I do know is that hardly any of the features announced so far interest me at all.

Veteran entitlement mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Veteran players have already gotten their fair share of free stuff, living story which if these new players want to experience they have to pay for, free level 20 boosts for being active during the anniversaries, free skins, free level 80’s if you didnt waste your tomes, and who knows what else was given out.

That was all covered by the initial game purchase.

Thinking back on all that goodness only makes the expansion look worse and worse.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

as far as value for money goes, how many hours of entertainment are you going to get for the same $50 elsewhere?

Since I don’t have a clue yet by how much the expansion will extend my enjoyment of the game, because they haven’t disclosed the complete list of features yet, I can’t answer that. What they’ve shown so far doesn’t show much promise to me.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Is it really too much for Anet to ask, after three years of continuous update and development, that they get a refresh on their capital?

Yes. They are the ones who decided upon their payment model. The model they chose is one where everything they’ve provided without a gem pricetag is covered by the initial purchase price. We don’t have to take any of it into account when we look at the expansion.

They’re not “entitled” (there’s that word again!) to emotional goodwill from players, although some may give that freely.

So what IS the value of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Yes, but ‘creating content’ is exactly one of the problems here. We know for a fact that HoT will receive constant updates and new content, which basically means that the amount of content we get for these 50$ will slowly but constantly rise. And if the size of HoT increases, so will its value.
But when will players be able to say that they are happy with the amount of content they got?

That only makes an early purchase at full price less attractive. Wait for a discount and get more available content. More for less.

Yes, so why do people purchase a game at release when we know for a fact that EVERY game, single-player or MMO, will get cheaper as time goes by?

I don’t know, I don’t know what’s going on in other people’s heads. I hardly ever buy anything before the dust settles and consensus about the quality of a product emerges. It doesn’t even have anything to do with money and lower prices or anything, I just hate buying rubbish on the principle of it. If I buy something I later consider to be rubbish, I will look askew at the provider, but I fully realize I’ve been a sucker.

So what IS the value of HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Yes, but ‘creating content’ is exactly one of the problems here. We know for a fact that HoT will receive constant updates and new content, which basically means that the amount of content we get for these 50$ will slowly but constantly rise. And if the size of HoT increases, so will its value.
But when will players be able to say that they are happy with the amount of content they got?

That only makes an early purchase at full price less attractive. Wait for a discount and get more available content. More for less.

The "entitlement" meme needs to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

None of that matters anyway. Whatever we did in the game so far, we already paid for and whether we paid a lot, or only for the original game, we don’t need to take that into consideration when we look at how we value what’s offered in the expansion.