First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Easy question, the playstyle is so different. I have a warrior and a guardian and I love my warrior a lot more. I know other players rolling warriors aswel and saying it is real fun to play. Some of them don’t ofcourse, it still is personal opinion.
A bunker warrior with tons of CC ponies everything up that does not have stability. A warrior has great escape abilities. Mine is specced for group support condition cleaning. And he removes tons of conditions from myself and teammates. Think I can remove up to 12 conditions in 1 rotation on myself alone. While my guardian, also specced for support feels totally different to play with. I feel their abilities are easier to land but are lower damage. Meaning you keep up a continuous DPS cycle burning your opponent slowly down. While a warrior has abilities harder to land, but they hit real hard. Meaning he is more like a burst character.
Survivability, a warrior with protection from a guardian (or himself) is the tankiest thing ingame. That health pool just takes so long to burn down. He surpasses the guardian in tankyness in large scale fights. But the guardian beats him in smaller and solo fights.
warrior: CC/burst dmg/mainly aoe condition cleaning, second aoe healing/best survivability in large zerg fights
guardian: Pull and lock/continuous dmg/mainly aoe healing, second aoe condition clean/best survivability in small scale fights
I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.
These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.
Would add AlBundy (I think his name is). Daecollo does sometimes spark some discussion and debate that I admit I learn from (usually from posters posting videos or facts about other classes) but much of the contrary discussion does get me out there playing PvP and WvW where normally I’d stick with dungeons and open world PvE.
I will say, the OP’s build looks effective but it’s not easy to learn to use. Need to be able to read the enemy well and I’m not doing so well at that.
I agree, Daecollo is still the best of the three. And I do agree on some points with him. He just needs some more positivism in his life.
And yea, if you are expecting to win a fight without understanding the mechanics of your enemy and being able to respond to them, than you are looking for an OP class. And the warrior ain’t OP. He is real strong tho and as you can see yields great results with the right knowledge.
ps.: I did not want to get personal, but I am really getting fed up with all the negativism in the warriors thread. Stop complaining about PvP in WvW topics.
LoL guys seriously? Play some more WvW, wrongly displayed downed people happens soooo often. And please run out when you get glitched inside a tower/keep.
I like them, the are amazing in WvW. Frontline tank, to heal people in AC fire. Going over 3.8k armor is great with these traits, add in protection given by a guardian and you are a rock rezzing people.
People think a bit to much about solo this solo that and not about teamplay. I was actually scared they would get removed.
I learned on this forum that there are 2 players you should ignore. Don’t try to reason with them, because they’ll never see that warrior is actually a really strong class. I have never EVER seen a possitive reply from them. But yea some people are pessimists, some are optimists and some are realists. I like to stay a realist.
These 2 are: XII and that daecello (or whatever) guy.
So in a nutshell, nice video. You showed superior game knowledge over your opponents. And welcome back to the warrior class. There are many builds fun to play with in WvW. I experimented a lot already and still love my warrior more than any other class. I love the aggressiveness, tankyness and escapabilities of the warrior class. No other class gives me these.
Comparing WvW with PvP is plain stupid, a build in WvW wont work in PvP. Simply because many builds need food to work. My build would lack damage in PvP and wouldn’t be able to kill anything. While in WvW I just deal enough damage to wear my opponent down before he can kill me. That is why asking for a build to work in PvP is wrong.
I am not going to make any statements about the warrior in PvP. I played PvP on my engi and it was nothing for me. To many terrible players and cursing. So I can’t say anything about the state of the warrior in this game mode.
Intended o.O?! Looks my hammer only has 4 skills now…
Just for future reference. This was a joke!
You made my heart skip a beat, thought I read the patch notes real well. But still missed this one somehow. Anyway, this bug kittens me up the most at the moment. I like the changes tho ^^.
Me and a friend of mine had a bit of fun in WvW, Run infront of the gate towards the bridge through enemy zerg. I went first on my warrior and made it across, even with hard focus on me. My friend the guardian died at the edge of the bridge =D.
Hello, I am a warrior I throw rocks and a hammer that misses 80% of the time. My vengeance is crap too, because everyone just ignores me. I have no friends =(.
Warrior has the worst down state, thank you very much.
Intended o.O?! Looks my hammer only has 4 skills now…
Hammer smashing in wvw.
- Good CC
- Imobilise when traited
- Fun for zerg divingOther than that, warhorn for those condition removals
This, hammer and warhorn <3
I LOVE rally mechanism, and please it ain’t that of a problem. A good 30 person guild should be able to take down ANY size of zerg. Even if they bring every person on the map, a good 30 man guild will wipe them.
You see 5 people rezz? Jump on them and down those 5, finish off, congratz you just killed 5 more of them. And always keep an interrupt skill in a 2vs1, like the warrior ‘fear me’ you’ll get 3seconds to kill the downed player.
I agree that the underwater rezz power of the ranger pet should get nerfed.
I love the rally mechanic and think it is an unique addition to the game and should not be removed. And hope it will never get either.
This ain’t the main reason why guilds don’t want bambis to follow them. They want to run with their guild alone and do things as a guild. They run tagless not only to make bambis not follow you, but also that the enemy can’t focus down the leader. Mostly there is a bambi commander on the map and all bambis should follow him. Not the guild, the guild can do insane things if the bambi commander pulls away the attention.
Bambis give away location, die and rally enemy, can’t hear your instructions, group up way to late. So in other words they are useless to a guild. That is why a guild does not want them to follow them.
He, as all our warriors, expects some retaliation of course. But who would expect to stack such an amount of retaliation ticks per second, when covered by his raid ?
What is the purpose of a warrior in WvW combat ? Shall the warrior be a defensive melee class in combat ? Or can the warrior have some room for an offensive role ?
This is a serious question at this moment when balancing a raid: if the warrior cannot have a decent offensive role in a raid, then the warrior is just useless, since a guardian will perform much better than a warrior in a defensive role. The DPS shall then be dealt by ranged classes, while the tanks break the enemy lines. In this scheme, the warrior has no utility, with the exception of being a banner carrier.
Retaliation is one of the many problems that prevents the warrior from playing a decent offensive role. And this video shows this problem.
You have no clue about what a warrior does in a raid do you? Well I could figure that out already by you build and weapon choice. You ran a selfish build and used the worst skill you could to open. Your build doens’t support your team AT ALL. You should have lost that fight right there for real bad play.
I’ll give you a hint, warriors are NOT the damage dealers in a raid. Now I am not goin to hand it on a piece of paper to you, the Viz hate is still strong in this one ^^.
….considering warbanner severely lacks in almost every aspect of the game….makes the warbanner almost on par with SOR in select situations.
Wut? Warbanner and SOR aren’t even close to the same level of usefullness. Warbanner by far exceeds SOR. Miles and miles infront of it. After a GvG I often see up to 7!!! warbanners. They are one of the most OP skills you can have on a warrior. Rezzing 5 people instantly is IMMENS in any fight. If it is GuildvZerg, ZergvZerg or GuildvGuild. It gives aoe might aswel, pick it up and give stability. Counts as a blast finisher, deals damage and is a 2nd blast finisher when you pick it up and plant it again. It gives so so so much team utility where SOR only gives you 3 buffs you should already be maxed on. I often have 2-3min of movement speed, perma fury and 25stacks of might. So SOR does nothing for you or your team.
First off all, the build that warrior using is really bad. He tries to fight like a tank, but is far from it. Second of all, axe ‘5’ is only fixed in pvp not wvw. The skill is still incredibly bad and is only good to tag people. Nothing else.
3rd, use your brain, who in his right mind uses an ablility that hits 75 times in a turtle. Everybody knows that turtles stack up Retal. And those 75 times hit for around 200-300/hit. That ain’t worth it. A turtle has to be attacked with high hitting weapons to counter the retal. Not fast hitting.
Retal is fine, I have never had problems with it and it is an essential damage source for many builds. And we have another word for retaliation, something that suggest what people are that go in like this. Retal counters bad players, that is all.
You can build a warrior with insane condi removal. Insane health pool, high armor and still dish out decent damage. I never have problems standing in red circles and I am a blood thirsty player. Mostly when my group stacks up to buff, I am already down there facing the enemy zerg taggin people ^^. Meaning I am the only one against 40-50+ players and I still survive to tell the tale afterwards.
I do die sometimes, a stacked zerg thought we went invis and threw down all aoe underneath them and on them and I died =(. We wiped em tho, because they had all their skills on cooldown =D.
I also play guardian and I can’t do somethings on my guardian that I can on my warrior. A guardian has great long term sustain, if the damage he is facing ain’t to high. A warrior can survive great spike damage that would kill and guardian. I think I even got a few recordings of that, people jumping on me and a guardian next to me and he died and I walked away with 5k health left.
U can survive around 11sec (EP 2x, shield stance), and in case if u arent loaded with condies. After that war is gone
I don’t run EP or shield and have real great condi removal. But thanks for the concern, and it is longer than 11s.
And terrain can always mess with shaker. I’ve used a hammer quite successfully in WvW, had a lot of fun. Some good duels with nicely skilled players, and won a fair deal. Usually, terrain issues can be avoided, but it’s not uncommon to make a mistake, even when experienced.
Yea, I have to admit that I still miss it too sometimes. It happens less and less frequent tho, but I am nearing in to 1500 hours played on my warrior of which atleast 1100 in WvW so have fought on every possible terrain. Landing them on stairs and slopes gives the most rewarding feeling ^^.
You can build a warrior with insane condi removal. Insane health pool, high armor and still dish out decent damage. I never have problems standing in red circles and I am a blood thirsty player. Mostly when my group stacks up to buff, I am already down there facing the enemy zerg taggin people ^^. Meaning I am the only one against 40-50+ players and I still survive to tell the tale afterwards.
I do die sometimes, a stacked zerg thought we went invis and threw down all aoe underneath them and on them and I died =(. We wiped em tho, because they had all their skills on cooldown =D.
I also play guardian and I can’t do somethings on my guardian that I can on my warrior. A guardian has great long term sustain, if the damage he is facing ain’t to high. A warrior can survive great spike damage that would kill and guardian. I think I even got a few recordings of that, people jumping on me and a guardian next to me and he died and I walked away with 5k health left.
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
I do believe warrior aswel, it is not that his leaps bring him to the greatest distance, it is that they have such a short cooldown and you can set up a continuos cycle giving you a sustained speed for like ever. On the long run he’ll win.
congrats; also Doac was for carebears; go shadowbane or go home.
A fellow shadowbane player!!!! Dam dude you are right, all mmos are carebear games after that one. kitten I had good times in shadowbane.
Never thought to meet another player again ^^.
And socks the washing machine, you did well. Was fun running with you on SFR. I’ll be getting my title somewhere in the next 6 months. 20% atm, going stronk ^^.
Yesterdays fight at Danelon mine was one of the most epic fights for me in a long time. In a matter of minutes my kill counter went up with +-120. Dam that was insane.
Looks like it is going to be an amazing week.
Soldier runes, shout removes conditions. Take shake it off, activate it right before you hit. It will remove the blind and make you hit.
You can make earthshaker hit for 100% of the times. Only defense your enemies can have is stability.
And dodge, invulnerability, mobility, line of sight, terrain, aegis and immobilizing you.
I’m leaving something out. I know it.
Is what you are, not seeing that blind was the condition we were talking about right from the start.
Signet build mate, signet build
Soldier runes, shout removes conditions. Take shake it off, activate it right before you hit. It will remove the blind and make you hit.
You can make earthshaker hit for 100% of the times. Only defense your enemies can have is stability.
And dodge, invulnerability, mobility, line of sight, terrain, aegis and immobilizing you.
I’m leaving something out. I know it.
Take mobile strikes and have stability on. If they use their invulnerability skill for a skill on a 7s cd than that is their problem. Terrain is not knowing how hammerstun works and wrong placement on your part. You should not open with it on a guardian no.
Dodge counters every attack and you should lure those out first anyway (backbreaker for example). You got to use your brain ofcourse to land it.
Soldier runes, shout removes conditions. Take shake it off, activate it right before you hit. It will remove the blind and make you hit.
You can make earthshaker hit for 100% of the times. Only defense your enemies can have is stability.
I rerolled a thief, 5 thief party >> anything else. Get inside towers when it get’s capped and cap it back after a few minutes.
Doing 12k burst damage in 1 hit no problem, pu down smoke field so everything is blinded and can’t hit you so you can go stealth again. New blind made thiefs OP as kitten. And yes I will play only thief now when he hits 80.
I ran 10/0/30/30/0, I will now be running 0/0/30/30/10. I use hammer – sword/warhorn also only in WvW.
I like the changes, they seem to have buffed my build, did some field tests and feels good. More testing needed ofcourse. And yea I’ll miss dealing dmg on dodge roll aswel, used it a lot as final hit to troll ^^.
And not really, stunbreakers got more spread out meaning some builds with many will now be running with less. Looking at those cantrip eles. Also mesmer blurried furry or whatever it’s called is now affected by retal. So I am getting nice buffs to deal with many classes I had troubles with.
WUT?! My tank build dealt 6K+ damage with final trust, the damage is insane. I was under 50% health so 20% damage increase and target was under 50%. And yea it was boom dead for them =D. I love the sword now.
I am definitely taking on my tank warrior now I lost the 12% power increase. I will miss leg specialist, but I prefer the damage.
I love the 20% dmg increase under 50% health. Makes going high health and shout heals still viable. Just have to time em right, and dat sword ‘3’ damage o.O, did 6k crits already and I am a tank. It is just what I needed to finish of guardians and eles.
Shock to find out our heals didn’t get a cd reduction ;(.
Still toying around with some builds, but I wont stop playing my warrior. Just need to see if I should look for another trait in adept power line or discipline line.
At that WN ranger I fought around SM, not even in a 100 years you would have won from me so that /bow was bit misplaced ^^. Still nice fight, but you got more skills than auto attack you know. I would like to duel you at windmill and show you you’ll be dead without all that retreating to dredge canons and guards. Shame that warrior showed up, he sucked tho, don’t even bother to duel him, to easy.
Keep it up recruit.
Do not patronize us. You are only strong in numbers. And I do not beliefe that the rest 3/4th of your server has any more individual skill. I did not see anything that justifies RoS to speak of FoW like we’re some kids not knowing the “true” meaning of WvW.
You might have more experience playing together as a server maybe. Admittedly we do lack that. I on the other hand, and many others, have found our way of playing WvW in our own way. We are adepting to the imbalance. Can u say the same?
Well 25 hardcore WvW players from VcY transfered to RoF for the week. We couldn’t be bothered fighting Vabbi. We’ll be back on saturday unless we have to fight you guys again. Riot is on a break aswel and I bet many other guilds have players relaxing aswel. We probably not even putting 50% of our normal force in WvW.
But see you guys, we are having great fun and already earned the money for the trip back.
Gandara must have something personal against quaggans, not a single one of you respect those harmless creatures and just jumps in to kill them.
I have no respect for you guys, I am sorry but you lost all honour in my eyes. è.é
Quaggans have feelings too!
By the way for those zerkers, run mace 4sec stun —> frenzy+100b. You get a daze and a block aswel. And there are going to be less stunbreakers out there.
No the changes are good, mate of mine plays a lot of pvp on his warrior and he is pretty good and these changes are a direct buff to his build.
Don’t think we can complain and I hope these changes are real.
Portal bomb a zerg and you are going to have a bad time.
I love the changes, went through all of them and this will increase my builds damage with around 20% and give me more condition cleaning and andrenaline control.
No, at fist I didn’t like the changes. But they actually fit really well in my build.
Daecello’ quote
Kick right now does 122 damage.
With a buff, it now does 244…
With the trait, it now does 488.Hammer Auto Attack: 333, can be used every second. Kick has a 20 second cooldown. 16 if Traited and knocks the target away from you…
Nobody uses kick, because it kicks the target away from us…
^^^^^^^^^^ THIS 18374019274674927;027! Times this.
I just spent 4 mins getting crippled, chilled, immobilized, and blinded, losing at LEAST half of my life just getting to my target Why in the kitten would I want to Kick that target away!?!?
That it doesn’t fit in your build doesn’t mean it is useless, there are plenty of ranger warriors out there that like to keep their distance. This will be pretty good for them, kick target away, followed up by longbow snare and the mini bomb. Switch to riffle and unload and smack em back again. You see, kiting kiting kiting.
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
Seems like RoF adapted quiet well to our “fun” upper tier ways of fighting. I hope for them that it doesn’t stick :S’t know if I like this new system. It’s cool to not always fight the same guys. But what chance except to blob up do lower wvw pop servers have? This match ups are teaching them the biggest fun killer strategies the high tier servers are plagued with.
Well, at least it’s not like any of us 3 is like AM at least ;P
I am the big kitten legend warrior [VcY] running second in the first picture, nice to see my name. Oh and I just spotted myself a bit more in the back on the second. Nice pictures. Had fun tonight. Great vacation and it is paid really well too.
Wtf is happening on EB? Perma quickness?
Server catching up after really long skilllag mess inside EB.
Why you guys kill quaggans! We mean no harm, we just little quaggans watching fights.
Especially millers have no honour.
on topic
Interesting fight yesterday night at EB, underdog did it again ^^I thought you guys were a serious corporation? Talking off topic is not very serious …
I am on vacation we get a 1 week break if we hit 50k kills. So I can do what I want now ^^.
Why you guys kill quaggans! We mean no harm, we just little quaggans watching fights.
Especially millers have no honour.
on topic
Interesting fight yesterday night at EB, underdog did it again ^^
Rank 117 atm and got:
+-10 rares
1 exotic
tons of greens
0 blue
1 omega golem
tons and tons of siege
some superior AC/ram/cata/ballista
I am happy with em.
I play for the fights, not the server. KILLS IS WHAT I WANT. BLOOD!
No seriously I do. I don’t have server pride or anything like that.
Sir Cuddles The Fluffy
51g to transfer for a week guys ^^. I think it is worth it. No challange in here anyway.
Most boring reset ever, they should delete vabbi and fissure from wvw…
Not even 2on1 is a challange, I have seen upscaled for godsake.
And veteran as highest rank entire evening, really?
I want refund than >: (!
And think it is OK, you have to kill 5 guards. And it gets removed on death. Mostly you die a few times in WvW unless you run with a guild group.
It is not that you lose only vitlity. You damage output will be non existant. 4% crit chance and 1.7-1.8k power? You will also lose some thougness.
Combining all these factors and the crappy scaling of the shouts with healing power, you can better invest in damage/own survivability than in trying to heal your group for a few Ks more. Waterfields and blasting those is way more efficient.
Good evening to all
The time looks right for another official statement of the Velocity corporation. First of all, I would like to apoligize for yesterday and this afternoon. Yesterday we had an official corporation event and had 35 employees attending. This was an absolute record for our ever expanding company. Thanks to all the directors, HR, executives and ofcourse our awesome employees.
Now this afternoon, it was crisis at the headquarters. We left the killing fields for some well deserved sleep. Our employees only have to work 18 hours/day, and we don’t want to pay their overtime. And we woke up to see we were 2nd place. This was unacceptable. We skipped our usual milk and cookie break in the morning. We woke up 7 lucky employees and went to the eternal batleground to claim some maybe future business locations. We regained control over our own corner and expanded towards our concurrentions side. Here we focused on towers, while the official man in command focused on the keep. We kept flipping your towers and are really grateful for the loot we got. Our companies bank account gained a lot and we are getting really wealthy. Our stock options went up a full 2%. This evening we will have another official employee event. Stock options are closed tho, sorry for that. But we can’t sell after giving you this information.
Sir Cuddles The Fluffy, head of the Raging Fluffy Bunny departement at the VcY corporation
VcY-very serious corporation
Hello again, what a splendid day it is.
I am Sir Cuddles The Fluffy, head of the raging fluffy bunny departement and everything that is soft and cuddly in VcY. I am here to deal with a few accusations of blobbing. It came to our attention that some people called us out for blobbing. So let’s clear this up, shall we.
Yesterday we had a non official raid. Meaning our numbers were less than usual. On raids we almost reach 30 players. But yesterday we had around 15 in WvW. And a few randoms following us. I have to admit, at some point, we had a really big group following us and this could have been considered blobbing. I apologize for that. But VcY is where to fight is. We didn’t really care that much about points yesterday. We look on the map, localize a nice fight and go for it. Sometimes this fight is already happening and we just join in, this can be considered blobbing. Sometimes we are fighting and the commander joins in, this too can be considered blobbing. Sorry for both of these scenarios. As you can clearly see, they were not intended.
But I don’t think people can complain that we don’t fight and we are mostly only VcY + a few bambis (you can almost never have a bambiless guildrun). So all have fun in WvW and seems it is going to be a close week again.
Hope I cleared everything up.
Sir Cuddles The Fluffy, aka MiLkZz head of the raging fluffy bunny departement
VcY – very serious corporation
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
As long as we keep Henry, All will be fine to me.
ps.: Henry is that big kitten worm north of bay.
You can use fireworks in WvW. Must be a boring server you are on, because in good weeks we burn through 1000+ fireworks a day.
Our guildleader made a circle on the outer wall of SM with fireworks. Great fun
I love full sentinels to troll, get a guardian with you for perma retal and you are a CCing, retalling monster in zerg fights. Get the shield + reflect missiles while blocking and add endure pain and you will laugh
. Just running through the enemie zerg without using skills and getting bags.
This might be proof that anything works in a zerg tho ^^.
I count myself lucky. After about 10 chests i have gotten a 2 rares and 1 exotic. They were all awefull, the exotic was a lv79 Spear (why? im level 80 kitten …) But overall, pretty lucky.
But its abundantly clear that this is not the norm, not even close. And the guy that said “you get the value of an ecto from the box!”. No, not really. I didnt really pay much attention to how much silver i got from the chest, but yesterdays two boxes netted me 9silver and 13silver. Along with the trash-green thats not even a single ecto.
Money gain in the raid tonight in my guild, all cost already substracted.
1st place: 32g
2nd: 27g
3rd: 22g
4th: 20gI was late to the party, so I clocked only 10.5g. But yea, you DO earn money in WvW.
You’re telling us that you’re guild had 4 people make more then 20g in 1 night of WvW? Either you are mistaking gold for silver, or you are taking us for fools.
No, the first 2 kittens got the wings drop ^^ (16g I think). But we killed +-1000 people that night and those new chest sell for 3.5silver add some rares and yea, you earn A LOT.
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