First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Uh……… what? I’m sorry but your damage numbers are just silly.
You think backstab goes for 2.2k? Heartseeker under 2k?
Sorry but base values vs implementation. Thief can take power/crit/crit damage in their tree(all 30) we can’t. They also have Executioner, 20% dmg. under 50% hp among other things.
—————————————————Not saying thief is better than warrior or such but you are basing it off of base damage on a multi-hit strike that plants you in one spot. Not only that, the length it takes you could pull off several of those you mentioned.
Kind of unrealistic don’tcha think?
I got screenshots, can’t help it that I am tanky. And yea, I know 100b roots you and is bad because of it. But somebody was throwing numbers so I started to throw some too.
It’s so funny how both WvW and sPvP are developing so differently.
WvW: rangers dissapearing because they just getting cruised over by the melee train
sPvP: rangers dominating because of easy kiting
Thief can miss too, love to guess right and dodge all his damage.
Mesmer is easy to dodge too.
Landing a burst depends on your skill. It might be harder for some classes, but if a warrior hits, the enemy gets downed. That is why it is harder to hit. High risk/high gain.
I can compare too:
-backstab thief: backstab 2.2k/cloak and dagger 1.8k/heartseeker 1.7k
-warrior 100b: 1.7k-2k (x8)
Both full zerker on my tank warrior. You see, 1 warrior skill outdamages everything a thief has.
I disagree with almost everything. But I am assuming this is for sPvP/tPvP and considering the builds for these are totally different from the ones used in WvW (heck, I can’t even make my build in the mists…) I can’t say much.
Your damage section must be troll thou, warrior has almost the best burst in game. And we can give ourselves 100% movement speed uptime which no other class can this easily.
People still underestimating the mace damage I see. With these buffs it is fairly easy to deal 5k+ damage with mace ‘2’, yes the block.
How is vulnerability a rare condition? Warriors can apply 3 fairly easy.
You are barely touching the real problems in this thread, just a damage increase over the entire line? Like a warrior needs more damage… He needs more ways to make that damage effective.
im running draconic valkrie atm with soldier runes i want to replace, will probably go lyssa for these.
I am slowly getting the invader P/V/T gear, for those I was thinking dolyak (is the regen any good?) or divinity?
Dolyak runes aren’t good, the regen is like 55 health/tick? So really not worth it. Divinity ain’t worth it on a warrior either.
Really, lyssa are very good. Soldiers too, but I am guessing you aren’t into that playstyle.
Runes of the pack are decent too. The might/fury/ms procs quite often and stays 7s? with some boon duration.
2 roads you can go:
1. Go for plain damage and see the bleeds from the sword as an ‘extra’, the longbow will be slightly less effective thou. Riffle would fit better, but has a lack of aoe.
2. Go condition build, get like 1k-1.5k condi dmg, your longbow burn will hurt a lot and the bleeds will tick pretty hard too.
On a side note: condi warrior are really fun, they don’t utilise the strenghts of the warrior completely. But I am going to buy a 3th armor set for my warrior anyway, because I still think it’s fun to play sometimes :p.
Vizu on their strongest point would have crushed the SFR we have now. We doing really bad because the good guilds have to call off raids because of the 2hour+ queue times. The pugs are new, clueless and arrogant. They spam /m with informationless batter.
This free transfer did us bad, but we are working on our pugs. Soon they’ll know how we roll. (I hope)
I kinda feel ashamed to admit we are a nightcapping server now. That is how we got our points. Hope to fix that soon.
A shout out to all SFR players posting here: Keep it clean, post less and only to congratulate the enemy, don’t brag. If you can’t resist posting, just don’t read this thread. I want to keep the SFR name clean. Thanks
Fight PD thief and you’ll get it. Big wipes are nice but some builds apply conditions all the time. Because we don’t get the passive benefit of losing a condition every 10 seconds or so some builds will eat you up no matter what you do.
The other thing is you are forced into a situation where you cant just trait removal passively. We are the class with the weakest innate condition management and it does show.
I don’t disagree we can be tanky but unless you are carrying a ton of cc some builds are just insanely OP vs us. Please be aware that devs have already acknowledged this it is not conjecture its fact.
I fought many thiefs, some were enourmously dragged out fights that went on for 5min+ and others were just a chain of cc and a dead thief. I probably encountered every possible build. I can’t say I fought the best thiefs, I don’t know that. But I do know I can’t remember the last time I lost to a thief.
A smart thief, playing filthy might win on the very long run. But it takes a looooooong time before you wear a good warrior down with conditions. Some were doing good, I have to admit. But after some minutes they get to greedy, impatient and they go in for a kill. That is the mistake, and they lost.
Devs reported a warrior has to few options to cleans conditions yes. This is true, because there is only 1 viable build to deal with a lot of conditions. But adding protection wont solve this and they wont do it either. Our tankyness ain’t the problem.
Yes, this is why Warriors are so good in TPvP/SPvP, because they are so tanky and good against conditions!
Shout warriors are absolute trash compared to the Utility of Guardians, I apologize but its true.
I am not talking about sPvP, there are other reasons why warrior ain’t good there. Dunno if I stated them in this thread or another. But fact remains, warrior will be unbeatable in WvW with protection.
And yes, a warrior doesn’t shine completely in a 5vs5 fights, but if you go 20vs20 they become dominant on the field.
I have to admit I don’t play sPvP, I am a WvW veteran. I know people who do, and they admit warriors are lacking, but protection or regen aren’t the solution.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts. I think warriors are awesome, can tank tons of damage, be the locomotive of the pain train and still dish out tons of damage. And I love to play tanky and shouts.
Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore. And people going 3.5k thoughness are dumb, you got to balance the thoughness and the vitality. I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health. Which is double of what most classes have. Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild I can go up to 32k+ health. If the skill is available for a warrior than it is a warrior skill… deal with it.
Thank you for prooving my point.
@ I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health.
Warriors with 28k health do little to no damage. And they need twice or three times the health to survive due to having no boons and little to no condition removal and crappy heals and defense lines.@Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild
Warriors need a team to help them survive or do anything, point proved.@Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts.
Warriors need Shouts and Runes to survive conditions, basicly “gear” instead of there regular skills. Sounds like you proved my “Must have 30 points in Vitality to be any good” Theory, what other class has such a crutch?@Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore.
Warrior is fit for one role, Damage. point proved.
Let’s start in points, points are pretty and I like them:
1. 2-4k damage is enough, you don’t need more or it will be overkill or your guild just sucks.
2. Warriors should be the backbone (together with guardians) of the raid. You feel it if you don’t have 4-5 hammer warriors running next to you. You do need the same amount of guardians too ofcourse. Why? You need their stability and the condition removal of the warriors shouts
3. I solo roam on my warrior too, taking camps is no biggy. Killing people in 1on1 fights ain’t hard either. And I am not talking about the zerg build.
4. Can I help it that other classes don’t have such a good tree, healing shouts + condition removal is just way to good. You get 3k health and 30% boon duration too. I love it and will never run a build without the 30 into vitality.
5. Warriors are fit for 1 role: disrupting and breaking the enemy zerg. You don’t need oh my gosh!?é@! damage in a zerg/raid/GvsG fight. 1 nub zerk warrior dies 5 enemy players rally. That is how you should think. Warrior can deal a lot of damage, but it doesn’t mean you have to maximize that. You can take advantage of it by going really tanky without gimping your damage to unsignificant.
The last thing happens to bunker eles, they just annoying but wont kill you.
How is faster weapon switching more endurance?
It has a 9 second cool-down on the sigil.
Warriors are NOT tanky, no amount of toughness will save you.
I can pretty much go through every sentence and prove how wrong you are.
Weird, you find warriors lacking and in a need of a buff. You don’t like the tanky build nor the shouts. I think warriors are awesome, can tank tons of damage, be the locomotive of the pain train and still dish out tons of damage. And I love to play tanky and shouts.
Who is wrong here? People try to force the warrior into something he just ain’t fit for anymore. And people going 3.5k thoughness are dumb, you got to balance the thoughness and the vitality. I feel vulnerable if I don’t have 28k+ health. Which is double of what most classes have. Heck, if the enemy really is competent and I am running with the guild I can go up to 32k+ health. If the skill is available for a warrior than it is a warrior skill… deal with it.
And it just depends how you build, a warrior can have tons of condition removal too. I run shout/heal and I rarely find myself suffering or shut down because of conditions.
If you make a guardian build for damage, he will suck too and die in a breeze. Warriors have the same problem. They have really high damage output, that is why you can go really tanky without losing to much damage. Who decided you had to kill everything within 3s? Sure it is awesome and feels great…if it works…. It is less awesome to just out sustain your enemy and deal more damage than he can heal. Fights take long, but you will win because of that pile of thoughness and vitality and still dealing 2-4k hits.
A warrior has tons of options to deal with conditions, some better than others and not all suited for every situation. Signet of stamina for example is great for solo fights, but sucks in zerg fights. You got 3 rune sets that keep you clean of conditions and they all fit warrior really well.
A guardian is once in, no way out. They have to push through the zerg or die, they don’t have that many disengages. A warrior is much more tolerant, the sword leap takes you out of almost every sticky situation. Guardians have an incredible slow hammer animation. Yes, warrior hammer is easy to dodge too, but when it hits you’ll feel it.
I have both a warrior and a guardian now, and I don’t feel my warrior is subpar to my guardian.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights.
So guardians, then.
Guardians have 16k health on average, so % wise they need the protection to not die too quickly. I got a geared guardian now, still learning how to play him because I craft lvled him. And I can say I like my warrior way more. But I got to be honest and I can’t compare a class I played for 100s of hours with one I only played for +-20 hours.
But the decision of Anet to not give warriors protection just seems logical to me.
Care to post some vids of your warriors in action?
I have the strangest feeling though that the gameplay you would post would actually trump your terrible grammar and sentence structure or at least break even. If that last sentence was hard to understand let me try this, “WHOLLY PHUK WAT U GUIZ RITE IZ ARD 2 REED IZ DAT SHIIZZ EVAN ENGRISH??”
Working on it, first time I work with Sony Vegas and still looking for a better free recording program. I am using bandicam at the moment, but can only make clips of 10min max. But already got some footage. Not enough to fill a movie with, but I got a full week of playing ahead. So patience.
And yea the limit build options sPvP give you bottleneck warriors. I run a mix of various stats. And I can’t recreate my build inside the mists. I have no idea why they made it this way. But I don’t really care either, I don’t like the game mode that much.
i actualy eat alive any clas in 1 vs 1 with my warrior, except bunker elementarists , wich i ignore
Yea those bunkers can’t kill you and you can’t kill them. It is just a small skirmish, you both realize this and walk away. I had a mesmer once attacking me from next to redbriar all the way to the road between sunnyhill and the north supply camp. I got tired, turned around and killed him.
1on1 and WvW and PvE, warriors are fine and don’t need big changes. They just don’t really fit into sPvP.
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights. I sometimes stand still ikittenerg fight just swinging my hammer everwhere, I don’t care about the damage because I have protection and regen. Give us those and you start kitten parties solo.
Yes because we have lots of condition removal! This game was totally made for 1on1 fights
Well warriors are beasts in WvW, they are good in 1on1 fights. The only problem they have is that they not really fit in any role in the sPvP meta. That is why everyone is complaining. Give them protection and they become gods in WvW and are unbeatable in 1on1. Does it solve the sPvP problem? No, because you can just pair him with a guardian if that was the only thing he is missing.
Warrior doesn’t need protection, Anet chose not too and gave them a big health pool in return. You can’t have it all.
Most warriors are nubs with bad builds, my warrior thinks thiefs need a buff because it is disgusting how hard I ppoop on them.
But keep trying to focus me, just gives me another bag.
I tried the skill and it actually is OK in certain situations and hilarious too because nobody knows what is happening.
Which situations? The 1st clash between 2 zerg trains, where all the cc is dropped and you need stability the most. Rampage form can take tons of damage and is extemely disruptive. And this last one is what warriors are for, disrupting…
I use it for fun sometimes because it is hilarious. But it can be pretty decent with some minor changes.
-must last longer (25-30s please)
-must be immune for blind
-a perma movement speed, chill/slow/root don’t have any effect on you.
Add these and I will use it a lot more. Because it will be pretty good.
You lose from a thief? They tickle me…. and drop that armor to a normal number like 3300 and get around 30k health. This will increase your ‘effective’ health by a lot. Armor scales good with health and health scales good with armor, you got to balance those.
We make fun off greatsword warriors in my guild
—> hammer is the way to go in WvW
After 800 hours of WvW with my warrior, I find hammer/sword-warhorn the best combination.
Greatsword does work and is fun, but doesn’t make up for the long root flurry gives you. And yea, replacing hammer? I don’t think so.
Hammer is great for solo fights too. You poop on thiefs/necro’s/rangers/engineers. I rarely lose a fight, and you can easily disengage when you are losing with warhorn and sword leap.
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
If a warrior had easy access to protection, the bunker ones would be way to tanky. Nobody would even be able scratch them in 1on1 fights. I sometimes stand still ikittenerg fight just swinging my hammer everwhere, I don’t care about the damage because I have protection and regen. Give us those and you start kitten parties solo.
I use it next to ‘for great justice’ and ‘shake it off’, it is an awesome skill and I’ll never remove out of my bar because of how many times it saved my life. It deserved it spot more than any other skill.
I didn’t like it either in the beginning because of the long cooldown, but now I know how to place it and it is great. I almost dare to say it is the best utility we have.
PvE is not the same as WvW is not the same as sPvP. They all require different builds. That is why I got over 40 exotic items on my warrior to regulary switch builds to be better fitted at what I want to do.
WvW requirements:
-3k armor+
-26k health+
rest you can put in damage the way you like. But these are for me the absolute minimum.
Weird that the best guilds run mainly warrior/guardian specs with some eles, mesmers and necros
Warrior is great in WvW, one of the stronger classes. PvP is an other story…
Hammer warriors are really strong in WvW. Go real tanky and you don’t even need to be good to kill thiefs (look at me ^^). I run solo sometimes with my tanky build and anything without stability is pretty much dead for you. It takes longer to kill, yea, but you sure do kill.
It’s funny to see see a 2k backstab from a thief and know he needs 15 more of those before you are down. Rangers just panic when they see you aren’t even taking damage. I can feel their fear walking to them and slowly smacking them down. Necro’s put on their conditions on you thinking they have won, you clean them off and smack that necro around. Guardians, if they are tanky it is an even fight, if they are damage specced you won’t leave much of them.
They announced boon hate and more resistance to snares/cc for warrior, this is needed in sPvP. But I am afraid it’ll make warriors OP in WvW.
Hammer and hammer and hammer and hammer and yea pretty much more hammer
For running and escaping I trust on me old sword-warhorn.
Yea, I am working on a mace-mace build and it is devestating in solo against some classes. Especially eles get dominated by it. Interupt them with instant skills and block their burst and return a 4.5k hit. I am not very good at it yet thou, need some practice because your skills are close range.
<—- armor junky
Can’t live without my 57k EHP anymore, I tried with 52k but changed my spec back to 57k 2 days ago. This is for WvW, not for sPvP or PvE. Keep that in mind ^^, but it is hilarious against thiefs, cloak and dagger for 1.5k and backstab a stunning 2k damage :o.
I downed a thief today just with retaliation, he spammed everything on me while I was running to my commander. priceless
Playing on laptop and he does fine for multiple 15hours+ sessions :/
And yea, processor/GPU can melt but mostly is because of a production fault.
Lol 60. We have never had more than 30 in WvW ever. Instead of saying awesome fight, gg, you go for the good old ‘they blobbed up’. No wonder there is little respect in this thread.
If it’s not you then there was enough pugs/other guilds. Don’t tell me 30 VcY wiped 25 GH + 5 BiLL + 4 DeX.
I wasn’t there and sorry with all due respect I won’t believe your words. My mates were saying “blob” more than once when I asked them about this particular fight.
All we need is unit count addon-like feature that many other MMOs have to monitor how much enemies vs allies are around in particular radius.
We were with around 60 people (25-30vcy) and deso was definitely with 60+ too. Because there weren’t any deso anywhere else. So it was a pretty fair fight. From my view deso even had more than us. But I play for SFR so I can’t call this objective data. Someone recorded it on our side so all be careful what you say.
Good old blob on blob action <3
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
Saw some VoTF too, numbers are almost even, with Deso having the most. Nice fights, glad we wiped you after you wiped us a few times earlier :p.
2 Condition Removal
… Warrior cannot do anything to remove conditions quickly and are very “easy prey” to themPff Daecollo. Shoutsheals + sup soldier runes means up to 6 conditions can be removed in a very short time. ( 4 semi-instant, 2 in 1.4 seconds or whatever it takes for mending to complete) IF YOU’RE SPECCED FOR IT.
You seriously need to stop trolling the war forums. Everytime you post here you show you lack of game knowledge in an extremely blatant way.
So we have to be specced AND geared to remove SIX conditions every 20 seconds or so and you think that is good condition management? Not to mention that shout warrior is one of the most dull warrior builds out there. Conditions literally shut down a warrior. Constant cripple, chill, or immobilizes can reduce our damage output to insignificant numbers. A shout warrior maybe could manage this, but then it really comes down to him being able to just auto attack his opponent down because his utilities don’t give him any dominance or control.
It’s better than kill 1 player every 90s or how long are those cooldowns?
And you got 2 weapons with 5 skills, if you let them chain cc you, yea you deserve to die. A warrior needs to chain cc his enemy. And why kill something within 2s and die right after because you got <2700 armor. I think it is better to kill something on a longer run and still be able to tank damage from an other player.
Fighting a necro for example, most of his conditions are ground target. They have 0 stability. So dodge the circles, get close chain cc and you will barely have any conditions on you.
Put 1 guardian and 1 warrior together and you be kitten those parties. This combo is better than 2 guardians and better than 2 warriors.
It is true the only thing a warrior lacks is protection, but if my bunker warrior would get protection, I wouldn’t even have to dodge because I’ll be a walking mountain. I am already really hard to kill.
Full bunker guardian vs full bunker warrior? I am still not sure which is the best tank, many think guardian. But I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Warrior will deal more damage.
In PvE a guardian wins ofcourse in tankyness but in WvW with 50+ damage sources I think a warrior is more tanky.
ps.: all good warriors I know are shout/heal warriors. Not all go soldier runes, just depends how much you want to contribute to the group.
I find frenzy warriors bad, but I only play WvW so I can’t judge I guess.
Pretty nice update for WvW warriors thou. I am happy =3
My biggest hope is that everything they told us up till now was a april fools joke and the patch is going to be awesome filled with everything we (wvw players) requested.
I am gone to another game if they do that. WvW already has to much PvE.
Hay if you cant cut it in wvw who are we to stop you from giving up?
This is how i see most ppl who think they are quitting because of these changes because in the end of things WvW is about betting the other team and if there best chose is to say they give up its just shows there true skills in wvw.
Did you read my post? Or stopped at the first half of the sentence? I can cut it in WvW. I geared all my characters with WvW money, and crafted them up with WvW money. I earn plenty of G’s killing the enemy. And I love WvW, but I hate to fight braindead NPC’s were you can see there attacks comming from miles away. That is why I play against real players.
If they add even more PvE content in WvW, it ain’t WvW anymore it will be WvNPC’s. And if we are heading towards such a scenario, me and tons of other hardcore WvW players will leave this game and look for another one were we can try our skills out against REAL players without having to fight stupid creatures.
You won’t be able to buy ascended or racial armor with badges.
Only the standard karma temple armor.
Patch is nothing to look forward to tbh.
I’m aware you are all posting about public chat but I just wanted to post a reminder that commanders are never suppressed in squad chat.
You do realize a squat has a max number of 30 players right? And in T1 EB you can fill up 3 such squats. I don’t know what insane reason brought them to decide to put a limit on a squat.
Commander should be harder to get (spammers will be mostly avoided this way) and commanders shouldn’t be suppresed, or atleast it should take much more.
Or the squat limit has to go and people in the neighbourhood of a commander auto join his squat unless they already joined another commanders squat.
Or give them Shooter like menu with standard sentences like, attack!/retreat!/move!/follow!/…. even I can program such a thing.
I am gone to another game if they do that. WvW already has to much PvE.
That is a lot of norn food I can get with my 1million+ karma…
And seems I can buy only crappy karma gear with the badges. I’d rather buy siege with it.
They worked that long for this? They are slacking harder than my guildies.
Seems like a dissapointment but we’ll wait for the patch before drawing conclusions. No commander changes is strike 1 thou. Come on, this is childsplay…
This looks more like a wvw update so pve players like it more.
No… ArenaNet clearly stated multiple times that this was to get you that “finding a treasure” sense. Which is completely stupid.
No it is not, I like it. And if you die you don’t deserve bags, it’s that simple.
I like lootbags, they make for nice screenshots and reward the person who wins the batlle. There won’t come a ‘put loot in bag’ function because the encumbered thing. And put it in your bank or what not, takes the pleasure out of it.
They wont chance the system and I hope they wont either.
It’s good to be able to resist the first burst of the pain melee train. Which mostly downs 60% of the enemie.
I have got 2 armor sets, 2 jewelery sets (all exotic)
I got all exotic weapons and most of em even double with different stats.
2x mace
2x sword
2x ace
2x greatsword
All with appropriate sigils and couldn’t resist to get nice skins for all too. Yes I spent way to much gold on my warrior.
Heh…. no, we have not better coverage at all. Do not forget we are in a special week, for the Last Stand…
Bad excuse, I respect you Troma, you put a lot of effort in a hopeless thread. And yes I admit SFR has the best afternoon coverage, no denying that.
But, the golem rush each morning at around 7am is a vizu habit and I got many recordings of it. It is not just a “last stand tactic”. I am not blaming, just stating. On average you got the most players all around the clock. You got less people than us in the afternoon perhaps, but the difference ain’t that big.
Anyhow, got to say RG is a nice addition to SFR. They really aren’t that elitists and they really are the best. And I say this without being a fanboy. Sarcx is a great commander with good calls and tactics. He knows where to be when. I ran with RG in EB 2 nights ago. They rolled double their numbers without losing 1 member. And yes, I was almost hoping for one of them to die :p. Sure they get rolled sometimes, but a lot less often than all the other guilds and it takes a much bigger effort to do so. So I don’t really get the hate against them.
SFR has good coverage yes, no denying that. But, Vizu still has better coverage. Especially between 6am-2pm. I was playing at 6am and we were with 4-6 players on entire borderland till 8 am. We tried to defend bay and hold of a 15 man attack from deso. We managed to destroy their siege. But after this 20+ vizu came with 6 golems and took bay. Don’t say I am lying because I got it all recorded.
We gained few players after this and we went into alarm fase into my guild so we grew to 15 players at around 10am. We got 2 commanders online to keep Vizu zerg bussy be attacking bay with golems and hills with golems on the other borderland. As soon we spotted the zerg we ported the golems to safety, wait till zerg leaves and attack again. We did this till we finally managed to get bay, and tried on garrison :p. It wasn’t untill 2pm till we could counter your mini zerg.
Got to say vizu has some pretty amazing response times. You guys sure are kings of defense. Can’t say anything about deso, haven’t seen them much this week. But haven’t been playing in prime time either.
@Dyno, go sit next to kingface in the trolls room. Your attempts are pathetic. And read it is clear you didn’t even read this thread. Well I don’t blame you, I gave up at around page 20 and now only read random posts. But as a troll you should. But I bet you are lazy and you wont so I will say it again.
SFR was THE number 2 server in EU. Before PRX, with PRX we beaten vizu. After they left we became the #2 again. Or did you won from us at a certain point? Now a rating reset was announced, I am pretty sure it was a red post. So I bet you noticed. We saw our chances better in T2 and dominate there than get dominated by vizu and end in T5. Now Elona had the same idea so we started a don’t cap/kill anything losing cycle. Heck we even FORCED elona to cap towers (smack one in and use line of wardings so he would cap). Now, when we dropped, the reset was cancelled. And we saw T2 as a little vacation, fight some guilds from Piken. Which many guilds on SFR wanted to do. We won every single week without to much effort and were heading to T1 again to claim our #2 spot again. The transfer only sped up the process and actually made us #1 server.
If I was you, I would watch out for JS because they are on their way for a #3 spot. They have a decent night/morning crew, ofcourse it’s a french server.
I got to admit, we SFR have some bad players in WvW. But trust us, we are doing our best to train them and teach them how to proper WvW. Just takes some time.
Looks like it is going to become a close week. Scores are really tight, good luck to you vizu. I hope to soon be on the battle fields again.
when the boonhate comes into other classes like thief or ele, 30vitality will probably extinct!
NEVER :<! 30 vit = the way ;D. And no, I tried going back to non shouts, but is simply impossible :o.
I don’t find the 3seconds of invuln. worth it. How long is the cooldown?
Against d/d ele’s, just get stabilty and autoattack. As soon as you see that they don’t have stability, chain cc them. Usually does the trick for me.
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