The new patch did nothing for my influence points. I still get only at maximum 5 of my characters to count for logging in.
They like to have a message for each bug, as it is better to follow it up. Thus 2 threads would have been better.
Additionally, you should not expect an answer. Players will answer here and that is as it should be. They shall answer in form of fixes – when they are ready.
I had multiple farming before. For trees and ores it will be only a bit more than one serving. Normally you’ll get 3 woods from one attempt. With the bonus you get 3 woods for the first attempt and mostly 1 additional wood for the second attempt.
But it is only a chance it will not happen anytime.
There is not much explanation on why you believe the event is bucked. A server is missing as well. Maybe you should provide more information, if you expect this to get fixed.
The toon name is on the reservation system and it is therefore unique gamewide. The email-address is considered to be unique as well.
I have not read anything about the accountname. Thus I will believe until further information comes along, that accountnames are NOT unique. At least not without the digits.
GW1 had 7 years to get where it is now.
GW2 had 3 months so far. And you are already calling it limited? You don’t know the resources available and you don’t know the resolution of Anet and its employees! This is not the end. Anet will not give exact numbers on how player usage is spreading out or how the Tradepost and its currencies are doing. That’s a company secret. But believe me or not: I’m still getting companions in almost any area when in need to do the Meta-Events. Nothing of the problems you try to invoke.
Guild upgrades and bank reset upon switching server. I had alot of valuable stuff in that bank that took a very long time to collect. I would very much like this to be resolved.
Guild upgrades are serverbound. You will get them back, when you switch to the old server again. If you don’t, you have to accumulate influence on the new server and then you will have to upgrade again. Being on the new server guild upgrades start from scratch again.
If you had taken your time to read some posts in this thread, you would have known this before you did your post.
To make it short: yes.
Here is a listing of the different bag styles:
In GW1 a Guild leader is demoted automatically in favour of another officer if he is absent for a long time (more than 2 month). If there is no other officer the rank of guild leader can be pushed on a normal member through this mechanism.
I guess that such a solution would be sufficient for your current problem.
On the other hand, this is not the “suggestion” forum and your problem is not necessarily to be seen as a bug.
yes i did switch severs btut does that mean if i switch back i will get it back or is it all lost?
you should get it back. Influence and Guild achievements are serverbound.
Make it a few seconds to work out and you will still be able to kill them. This would be easier and more fair than to build in a penalty system.
out guild lost its bank and also lost all our influence and lost all our upgrades don’t know whats going on but would like some help please
Did you change your server?
- If you did, it is no mistake. It should be that way.
- If you did NOT change it, it would be a bug.
I did some check on the event points I gathered in influence so far.
1. event points have been awarded since September 9 – before that the history tab shows NO event points given
2. my hero achievemnet tells me I joined 865 events
3. my history tab shows exact 408 events to be awarded
4. this means I didn’t get 457 events (or double that amount as influence)
5. I have lost 4,050 points on login
6. on the other hand I have currently 662 influence points more, than the guild history tab shows me to be winning
This is for anything accumulated up to yesterday: November 27
As the event points are not awarded simultanuously, I have no means to say which events failed to be awarded.
That I didn’t get even half of the event influence points, that I should have received, is very bad.
I am lucky, that there are 2 places where the event participation is tallied. Otherwise I would not have been able to do this math.
All in all I lost somewhere between almost 5,000 or 4,400 influence points until yesterday.
(edited by Michael.4791)
…when I switch back in like 4-5 days then what? Will it be this way? Start over all again?
No, you should return to the guild achievements you have done.
And as the other player said, a switch should be an account switch. I forgot that when I made my previous post. You select it on the character panel and not for a particular character.
The INVULNERABLE bug for any underwater combat is a known problem and it was written in this forum some time ago. Even if you are at spawn point of the mob, he will often turn his back, reheal and turn around to attack you again, while you were in combat all the time.
The underwater attacks seem to be less effective, but with the elementalist it depends on the attunement choosen.
I agree. I don’t need to say anything more, except this forum asks me to say more.
How is it that my other characters that have not switched worlds cannot view the stuff anymore? I mean I get what you are saying and if that was the case I would just play an ALT for a little while then work on my main guy… Like I previously stated this sucks and feels like doing hard work for nothing….unless when I go back I will have the influence transfer..but even that’s sounded like a no.
It should be like that. Any Character going to another world would have to accumulate and spend influence starting from scratch. Any character left behind should be able to use the achievements accumulated so far. If this is not the case, it is a bug.
For me influence gaining on Login alone nets me a maximum of 5 characters login (except one day on Halloween that gave me 6), while I had 9 characters until recently and 12 now. All represent the guild and all login daily.
So far I lost 3,900 points on logins alone.
Influence on events doesn’t come fast, so I guess I might have lost some there too. But this numbers cannot be computed yet.
@Leira: If you have a wrong area serial (as your posts suggest to me), you should claim your money back from your first seller. Then you should buy a European serial and you should apply this new one.
But I would suggest, that you ask exact proceedings or recommendations via your support ticket. Makes no sense to do something and it will not work out.
Viel Glück und Erfolg!
None of the possibilities.
I am almost pure PvE. Although I enjoy joining in events and helping others out.
Dungeons, Jumping Puzzles and all PvP is nothing for me.
There are so many celebrations over the year and in different nationalities. We cannot expect ALL those to turn into special events in GW2.
There are already some exotic celebrations in GW1 like
- Talk like a pirate day
- Christmas in July
The empty container with a name would constitute to namecalling, which isn’t allowed on this forum. Thus the empty container MUST have an empty name too.
Terrible lags with total standstill, several disconnects, one BTD, several Event chains broken or at least delayed, no loot (in first one-time-event – 10 karka-kills), small loot (in second one-time-event = 1 gold, 2 greens, about one bag full of white and garbage – 34 more karka-kills including the lost shores experience), got killed (because of lag, disconnect and reconnect with long loading).
This is really nothing to be proud of. And it was not much to enjoy too.
I was having more fun on this last day. While repeating the lost shores experience from the day before. But I died too much. Even with being careful and in a big group, I could not avoid being killed too much. When this is increased by getting a disconnect and thrown into another different environment upon return (instead of cleaned area, one that is still under karka-control), I lost the fun. I lost more money than I made and thus I called it quits.
About 4 hours ago I stopped playing and I wanted to read and write about my experiences in this forum. For several hours I have been rejected with “false password / loginname” information.
As you can see now, I am back with the “false” information now.
As I don’t know, what caused the problem (and I didn’t change anything before, during and after the problem occurred), I am now posting this in the forum problem section. If this problem is known and it was caused by something else, I ask the supervisors to find a better place for this.
I received 34 kills yesterday. Mainly on the lost shores while following the Lionguard Lady and doing all the events with her. Most of the time I did NOT receive any loot. Thus I think it might be a common issue. But I have not controlled it the way you have.
It did NOT happen on Halloween with the Mad King Chest to me. If it happens now, it seems to be a bug.
@yokermo: “nothing at all” yet.
Usually they do a bit more for our sake.
I did the second phase during the last hour. It started almost the same: Lags – such that anything didn’t move anymore – and finally a disconnect. But before I got the disconnect I was able to type and send a bug message about the lag.
Afterwards I was able to follow the Lionguard Lady and to kick some Karka backside while following her. Currently 44 kills.
But this lag needs to be adressed. You get killed and you don’t even know what hit you!
I had BTD 23 minutes into the event. When I was able to login 6 minutes later, the event was finished. I was credited with 10 kills, but because of lag, client disconnects and BTD I received no loot, I got reduced participation (because of disconnect not all achievements had been logged for me) and I received no event result (because of BTD I was not in the game, when that was distributed).
Final result: I took part in the one-time-event and I got nothing out of it.
That is really bad.
The same with me. 23 minutes bad play. I could not see, what I was doing. Anything had minutes of lags. 2 times the client lost connection. Then about 23 minutes in the game the last 2 minutes no movement whatsoever and then BTD.
If the event is that way all the time, then there is no event to play at all
Similiar to Joiry.
I have a guild Tricycle (Tri) on Server Flussufer (Riverside). My account has 9 characters. All characters log in every day. On average I gain 50 points, but since last week it is only 40 points. Since September 1, I can check the Logs in the guild menu and up to today I did not get 3,250 influence points alone from this “Log In” problem alone.
I cannot recompute the lost influence points in Events, because I lost track on how many events I have taken part. Therefore I cannot say, if there is a loss on influence points there too. I think it is possible, but I cannot prove it.
I have no clue, why the points are given or not given. Maximum has been one day at 6 characters about Halloween. Most often it is the first 4 or 5 who get the points, but this is not always true. Some are given in a map and a second character on the same map receives nothing.
My problem: Influence points gathered
Server: Flussufer (Riverside)
Guild: Tricycle (TRI)
Leader: me
I did not try to catch all the event points. I just took the log-in-points because thats the points that I can compute.
I have 9 characters on my account. All of them enter the game daily at least once. But most of the time I only receive a maximum of 50 points (for 5 characters only). Since September 1 until today I lost 2,920 influence points in failed logins alone.
I thought it was limited to 5 per account, because there have been a maximum of 5 characters per account from the start. But on October 28 I received 60 points for the first time (since then that did not happen again).
Most of the time it is 5 characters that will be accounted for, but sometimes 4 characters are given and very seldom the limit is 3.
All characters represent the guild. Most of the time the influence points are given for the first characters that enter the game. Sadly this is not always the case.
I don’t have any clue, what rule might be influencing my influence counter.
I did not have any other guild problem yet. Only the influence.
I tried it once. Was caught by the mist fast. Then I decided that I was
1. too slow and
2. too bad in jumping puzzles.
I saw the video here and I am happy I decided the way I did: I would never have made it.
Certainly I avoided a lot of frustation creeping up.
Good luck to all of you close to the storm. I wish to see you back in Tyria happily ever after.
Invulnarable is a message that often pops up in underwater combat. I assume that this is a different bug.
The answer is in this thread
@Busko: Not theirs, but other game’s or forum’s DB got hacked. Some users use their adresses and passwords over and over again. The bad guys are trying these corrupted data on any new game. GW2 is the newest kid in town. If a user used such a stolen info on GW too, chances are very high he might loose his account.
Read the article from Mike O’Brien. It says – among other things – that an unique address and an unique password to be used on valuable things in the WWW is the best protection. I’ve got it and I did it. That’s no 100%, but that is impossible to get.
@GODh: Any linked GW1-account will be changed too, when you change the corresponding GW2-account.
I was glad about it, because my old GW1-Account-address was not available to me anymore. Thus I was able to update it.
Are IP addresses originating from a certain area a general threat?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
There is at least one country in which RMT (Money-Trading) is not illegal. Nobody will be able to punish somebody there, because hid did not act against the law.
Another sample: Several years ago there was a virus released from an asian country. It did a lot of damage worldwide. But there wasn’t even a law against it in that country. As far as I know, they are just creating such a law now.
Result: No law broken – no punishment.
In such cases a company has no handle to try anything.
Providers typically use IP-ranges. If the system remembers the Provider it will accept any IP that knowingly belongs to that Provider. Sometimes the access point for different session changes. But I don’t know how much. In Germany (my location) it can change a few hundred kilometers.
That’s the way I have been told.
You can get infected by viruses even when you are good in keeping your personal data personal. So, don’t let us accuse somebody about wrong behaviour. There is no 100% in security.
Remember the problems that the Internet Explorer or Firefox had recently.
Nevertheless, if anything used is brand new, the first thing to look for would be a broken security issue on MY PC. Therefor I recommend strongly: check your system!
There had been some change. Therefore the limit is either 9 or 10 private messages.
Try it here
It’s pinned for all guild problems.
It happens to me too. But I don’t believe in being to far away from spawn point. The mob will usually move away only a very short distance. Then it rests for some seconds and after that it is attacking again.
As this happens with Bosses too, I am not fond of joining underwater boss events if there is NOT a big number of participants.
After the Patch and server restart the Hylek was shortly alive. Later in the day he was dead again in Riverside.
I guess this one is not fixed yet and will be reanimated only with a fresh server.