Write a ticket to support, they can help.
Add the ticket number and some details here:
This thread was made for such accidents and for reviews.
I’ve checked for this since September 1. I wait until the daily summary is up. Until yesterday I lost 12,890 points of influence. I have 20 characters which are testing. Yesterday I received only 5 logins, while 20 have been in. About 3 or 4 times I received the full amount due, but on average it is only one third that I am receiving.
I have not seen ANY reason why it is failing. Anytime I had an idea, it was crushed the very next day.
There have been no official information about this part of the guild related problems.
If the influence points are given for logging in, it is done immediately. Only the summary will be done by the end of the day.
Sadly the influence given never approached the real numbers of characters online. On average I received only one third of the influence I should be getting. I checked this since September 1.
I don’t know how it is done, because nobody ever mentioned any specifics about it.
When the box is partly filled with the special event letters the notification is not given. That was my reason to say it’s filling the mailbox, but it is not showing off.
I had the same problem with my 2 accounts and the hint as well a the missing letters only came when the mailbox was relieved form those special letters (I deleted them).
BTW Missing letters will sometimes take some hours to arrive. Somebody mentioned that on this forum too.
Maybe people should check with the list I found on the wiki.
There you can see the achievements as they appear on any given workday and if they don’t fit with the achievements shown to you, the date / time on your PC must be wrong.
And if they are the same, then you have reason to send a ticket because this reason will not be the cause of the error.
They don’t like to talk about something that is not ready to be rolled out yet.
So you won’t get dates. The best you can get is “we want to bring it out soon”. If that is the case. If not, you might not be satisfied with the answer anyway.
Have you checked the security page in the account on this website. It may show off strange IP ranges. If that is true, you should delete those and than proceed to write a ticket and have support check your account.
Sometimes hackers use accounts for botting, so they will not be shown as being changed on first sight. But you need to alert support in order to prevent a possible ban for botting.
As far as I know, there is a cooldown period for trying to access the account again, when a false access was registered. It should be 2 hours.
Some players have problems with the changing of passwords. The best you can do in such a case is to write a ticket.
The blacklist contains only passwords that have been registered elsewhere. It contains passwords that were stolen from other websites. Anet can check against those passwords, but it cannot check against otherwise reused passwords. Thus the mandatory change. Anet just thinks that reused passwords (that are not on the list) will be replaced by better / unique passwords.
I believe that such a change should be requested by new players after some time too, because they will likely be using “recycled” passwords in many cases too.
For Firefox:
- use “settings”
- select the “security” tab
- use the button “saved passwords”
- in the following window, let it “show” you the passwords
Maybe the wording is different but the meaning should be clear. I’m using a non-english version of Firefox. So I had to translate.
What about the year?
Just check it again. And if it is still wrong, you should consider writing a ticket.
My answer is still the same: if you have problems accessing your account – for what reason ever – make a ticket with support. They are the only ones that can provide any help.
The mail count is off for the special event letters. Those fill up the private mailbox without showing it off.
My friend started playing gw2 on wrong server
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
Yes, it was stated in this forums. If there are no characters on an account, the server can be changed for free. The amount to be payed is for the characters to be moved to the different server.
The upgrade usually is a key, that has to be entered once you are either logged in on a website or inside the game. As I bought the upgrade in the gem store, I had to do nothing. All was applied automatically.
If you cannot access an account, you should write a ticket to support. They will ask you to provide some proof, but I am sure they can help.
(edited by Michael.4791)
Email address as Display Name (client-side issue)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
Maintenance is no patch.
Ellieanna is right. Usually within security alert companies you are forced to change to a new password al least every 90 days and old passwords are off limit too.
If there are any questions about security with Anet, I recommend to read the relevant stickies and articles. It is a good read and it explains why they are doing what they are doing now.
Some may not need a mandatory change, but how will Anet know. Their blacklist is only part of the problem, because it only has the KNOWN hacked passwords. What about the recycled passwords that were not hacked yet. Anet has no chance to check against the list of unknown recycled passwords. THAT is why everybody is forced to take part.
Hearts letters don’t count for the private letters. But some event letters don’t show up as counting. They are filling the mailbox anyway. So watch out for those special event letters and private messages.
Since about 3 days I have a very light coloured forum head. I am sure I have not changed anything and I looked for any change that I can do: there is none.
If I am not logged in, I still see the darker red.
Is this a general change or is is a bug?
I’ll attach a screenshot (I removed my personal information).
PS I guess it’s okay now. Maybe it was a memory problem of my PC. I removed some parts in the memory and it was ok again.
Thread can be closed.
(edited by Michael.4791)
There are several couples of families playing together. There have been informations according this on this forums. So it is no problem at all.
If EVERY game account is controlled by ONE player, everything is okay.
PS I did it on GW1 too. One account for me and 2 additional accounts for my kids. We liked playing together from different rooms and in the same area. It was great fun!
There are ways to get information before you can act. Usually there is no help available for the mistakes that you do yourself. But who knows?
If you want to have something changed, I would recommend opening a ticket with support. It cannot be solved on the forums.
I have not seen something to lock 2 GW2 accounts. There is no reason to do so. You can do it in game and it is called a guild.
A mistake? Sometimes some people err.
My password change worked without problem, but I did not wait for the mandatory change and I changed it via the account – security version on this website.
Linking GW1 and GW2 does not make both more insecure. Not if you have a new unique mail and a new unique password. I had prepared one for day one of GW2 in August. But as some security acts (like the blacklisting of passwords) have been introduced only in September, I had to change now too.
Why should they introduce a delete function, if they don’t want to use it on other accounts? As far as I know, there is no delete planned currently.
I guess you have to watch the announcements about changes, if there will be a change on this.
That’s odd – you are supposed to be able to create a support account with the same email as your game account.
I guess in most cases you do just that. Mostly a person has just one mail account and usually that will do.
I have more than one. There is one special which I use to all lowly things from which I expect to receive spam. For the GW2 account I created a special one too – a unique mail. And my main mail address is used for the support account.
…Your old password was insecure, …
No it was not. But Anet had to draw a line and that was fixed to a special date on which Anet implemented something on security. Most of the passwords older than that date were threatened, but not all. But Anet had no way to check which were safe and which were not. Thus it was easier to make the mandatory change.
I would not have needed one, but I accept the decision because it was done for our sake.
If you were able to make secure passwords the fist time, you might be able to do it a second time.
Sure, 8 letters are not much, but even 100 are not sufficient, if you don’t do it right. And I discovered that in most cases, you don’t even have all the options, because mostly you are restricted to letters and numbers and often it is limited at about 20 in length. That won’t do. Only having all the options will help. Even if you don’t use it to the max.
Add it in your ticket update. Usually it’s a no go for free server transfers, but this is a different situation.
When the guild leader transfers to Ehmry Bay he won’t have a bank too. All the buildings remain on the guild home server. On the new server you have to build up influence points (they belong to the home server too) before you can build guild buildings there.
Stay with support. For using it, you just need a working email address. Sometimes it takes time to answer. Has he used the information provided in the stickies on this page on how to “ask a question” for such an accident?
I’m pretty sure we were playing Fractal Of The Mine level 26 the night before. We did a few more dungeons after. I can’t see or sense any time allowable for him to bot areas of Tyria. His friend list was titled in grey, not green. Review incident number 130208-000357 please.
Post ticket number with some info here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/account/Tickets-for-Review-3-days-and-older-merged/page/70#post1413271
No, once you are on a server, nothing you do sets you free. Only way: normal transfer for which you have to pay.
No bug. The limit is known. I have to correct my previous statement: for some people it is known, but the knowledge seems to be not spread wide.
Email address as Display Name (client-side issue)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael.4791
If you have more problems than just the mail adress showing up, you should put it in the sticky for guild problems in the bug section of this forum. They are collecting all other guild problems there.
It may take some time. But there should be an automated message relatively fast. If you don’t receive anything, check your spam folders. Sometimes the spam systems block those mails.
Just open a ticket. They will ask you anything they need. But make it fast. Support should be able to shut down the account quick, so that the hacker will not do anymore damage.
There is some sticky in this subforum about what to put into a ticket. But don’t worry about things you don’t have now. Go ahead!
I have problems with my support account currently too. That means I cannot access it. But you can still open and process tickets, because you will receive the answers via mail. I am currently doing so.
It is displayed already. If you hover over the time/date and click it, the display mode is changed.
Or it could be that something is changed already. Today it closed without me having changed anything.
There is a limitation on repeated buys of gems. If you happen to get the error for the first time on your first shopping – that is a different error.
If you don’t find a topic fitting enough, choose as you think it’s best. Support will move it to the right place if it is wrong. Just get it going, or you won’t get it solved.
There are other people who have the same problem with the trading post. If it is connected to this kind of getting into the game, nobody knows about it. It could be just another problem unrelated to the login.
It’s known. It don’t affect the title, that you might have done. It’s a minor bug, that will be done in time.
That’s about all that is officially known.
In fact the “suspension” is 72 hours. And any problem with bans and suspensions are to be directed at support. Putting it up on the forum, won’t help. It only serves to violate other rules as well, because you start discussions about decisions from support.