I always get only 10 -20 silver….my girlfriend gets 1-5 gold almost exclusively…. it is pure RNG
Is that it?
Dungeons = destiny’s edge = personal story.
I still consider dungeons beautiful and a big mistake to remove them
Dungeons developer team was disbanded a long time ago. They not only needed to nerf liquid gold to slow down the inflation, but also to make it a dead content. Nobody will ever touch them again, and I dare to say that if dungeons weren’t tied to the personal story, they would just scrap them, close all the gates and put there some NPCs that would tell by-comers that the excavation/mission/siege is over. And of course, they would write a long blogpost that they did it for our own sake, that it will make the game better…..
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
I am probably the one who you are ridiculing in this post. So just so you know: I completely reforged my armor, crafted new weapons and bought more trinkets to gear up my DH tank correctly. I finally found friendly people for raiding and it has been a lot of fun. What stays my issue, and it is not a problem of the game, is a severe lack of time Hopefully, in January, after exams, I will finally have time to beat it
Mace+Shield / hammer is the most used dragonhunter build for Vale Guardian in the raid instance. http://dtguilds.com/forum/m/6563292/viewthread/25118468-dnt-dragonhunter-tank-for-optimized-raids
Because this is what people want to do…use third party program in order to play one of the basic parts of the expansion….yaaay. /sarcasm off. Tripple trouble is the most similar to TD and look how many people are doing it. None. I killed that wurm just twice since it was released exactly because I don’t want to bother with 3rd party programs and the “wonderful” megaserver sys-not-tem
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
I have my full ascended armor only over half complete now, and let me tell you, it took some kittening time. Why? Because I don’t enjoy braindead content. I’ve explored the world of Tyria, witnessed all the big events, tried dungeons and fractals. And then I grew bored. Some people just don’t like running dungeons or doin silverwastes events to farm gold. Unlike raids, its just not challenging. What makes you think someone who spend more time in the silverwastes pressing F will be better at raids then say a PvP player thats actually experienced in combat?
(but arenanet will ignore it anyway)
Actually if you want to get all the maguuma masteries, you need to get almost all the adventures to Silver. It is impossible to learn all the maguuma masteries without adventures.
I learnt to ignore those skins if i don’t get ticket from free BL keys that I loot. Just ignore them. If enough people start ignoring them, maybe they will do something about it.
Everyone interested received invite. In the end I managed to find a guild which works exactly how I wanted to create this one.
We need to see how things go tomorrow on our first try. Guild leader will resume recruitment if needed.
come on guys, don’t be afraid to join
I put this link here because I believe that not many people check “Looking For…” subforum.
Please, post to the linked topic if you are interested.
Moderators please don’t delete or move this topic. I’m trying to create an incentive to play raids.
Are you fed up with random PUG people ruining the raids for you by not listening or leaving after one wipe?
Are you willing to learn and improve yourself?
Or maybe you have some friends for raids but not enough?
Are you playing on EU servers and can you speak English? (if you are reading this, you probably do xD)
Are you willing to adjust your build for the team?
Do you have full ascended jewelry or tokens to buy new ones if needed?
Do you have ascended weapon for your build?
If you have ascended armor and the squad needs you to fill a certain role, are you willing to reforge your armor? (Alternatively, you can just use proper full exotic armor but ascended trinkets are easy to get so these are compulsory)
Are you willing to turn on Team Speak if we find out it is too difficult to organise without it? (You don’t need to talk much)
If you can say yes to these questions and you are interested, put your ingame name here and I will invite you to the guild
When there will be enough of us there, we can decide on some time and date when we will meet in game and start progressing Spirit Vale.
1. You don’t need to represent the guild! It will be created so we can just see who is there.
2. I am willing to lead the group, but if you are keen on doing so too, then please do. I am not trying to give out orders. The more active approach each member brings, the better for the whole team.
One thing to discuss:
- Do you want to suggest a name for the guild?
- My suggestions:
[PP] Professional Puggers
[RJ] Raiders of the Jungle
[RE] Raids for Everyone
P.S. If you recognize me from some posts on this forum where I behaved impolitely, please ignore this fact. I had put this behind me, and from now on I will do my best to be 100% helpful, polite, and patient. I want to create a friendly environment in this guild, so if you are also a hothead like me, join this guild only if you are willing to behave.))
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Only feasible way to ascended = credit card?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mortifer.2946
I’m still not sure where the huge demand of acended armour comes from. Its a marginal stat increase and costs considerably more.
I’ve been paying around with Excotics since launch of GW2, even ran a set of Karma excotics for a long time, with it mixed and matched set of stats.
Never have I not been able to complete content because of my gear. Only because I didn’t dodge at the right time or because healing is on cooldown. Or the team lacked coordination.
You don’t need Acsended armour anywhere in the game, except two places: High level fractals and now Raids. The rest (about 99% of the game) can be done with exotic armour. The only parts where you could justify getting acsended is for trinkets (using laurels) or a weapon.
The weapon is the only thing that actually costs a lot of effort to procure, but also provides a significant stat incease. Yet it demands considerebly less investement in materials than armour set.My advice: Don’t bother with acsended armour. Get Trinkets as they are easy to get and invest instead in a weapon. Sell the rest of the materials and use the gold to get weapons/runes/trinkets/skins etc.
But we want to do High level fractals and raids bro.
My ele half ruined, my engineer who looked terrible before now looks even worse. Why didn’t you create toggle for this? This is the same nonsense as removal of some character idle animations…actually no, it is worse
Edit: and please stop pushing for that esports nonsense and rather fix your game. You should finally come to terms that gw2 PvP has no chance of becoming a serious esport with so little diversity in feasible builds
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Congratulations on getting the coat box. I still didn’t get map on T4 night :/
ArenaNet have their own idea of fun and it seems to me they are completely clueless how to make this game working as a whole. They are just trying out new things every new major update, completely scrapping some game systems for never-ending line of new ones. The game still lacks UI which would let big communities easily organise for big metas events. This game after 3 years still feels like an unfinished product. And those bugs… I don’t get it..so many of them. Public test environment is also something this game gravely needs.
[POLL] Which is your LEAST fav map in HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mortifer.2946
Tangled depths because of its unbalanced meta. The map is beautiful though!
They will fix it sooner or later, but i guess rather later….much later.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Thaddeus thank you very much. It seems like it would be best to first look for raid guild and then let them decide what role they want me to fill in. But as a former healer from WoW and alliance buffer in Lineage 2, tanking sounds more interesting
Okay I need a final answer if somebody can give it, so I can finally reforge my armor. Am I going to be accepted more in raids as a zerker DH with GS and LB, or condition guardian? I guess more as zerker. And what about DPS tanking guardian? I think I would be more valued as not-tank because of merciful intervention and wings of resolve that can save green circle runners.
It is cheaper to buy legend than to hand in 43 spiritwood planks and 10 elonian leather + all the other stuff. I decided to stop the collection and finished the weapon 20 days early.
Exactly, and in the end it is not about their skill, which i dare to say is not better in many occasions, but about the fact they have enough time to spare and friends playing GW2 with them.
A magician who can do neat tricks with cards, shuffle them quickly in a way most people deem impossible, isn’t skillful at all.
He just had those thousands and thousands of hours to spend…From wiki
“A skill is the learned ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both.1 In other words, the abilities that one possesses. "
“Skill usually requires certain environmental stimuli and situations to kitten the level of skill being shown and used.”
I honed my gaming skills when you were in pampers.
Exactly, and in the end it is not about their skill, which i dare to say is not better in many occasions, but about the fact they have enough time to spare and friends playing GW2 with them.
Thank you
From what you say, burn guardian is only doing big damage against multiple enemies. Does he do enough damage for let’s say, Vale Guardian?
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Open Hero panel, go to Build Tab – in the third trait line choose Dragonhunter.
And it will work!
What does that have to do with elitism…?
He basically said raids are not hard enough because PUG people can get it too… So he kitten ed even harder content so the ones who beat it can feel special, can feel….elite
He wants a challenge, which is completely fine. He also said that said harder encounters should be in a seperate difficulty without touching the “original” difficulty we have right now, instead of just ramping it up.
The raids in their current state are completely doable by everyone who is willing to improve and invest time into it. It’s great that we finally have content you can’t just roll through.
Even harder difficulty? I would rather arenanet made some nice new maps not bound to timer…. or fix bugs… or add more raids – but harder? so only 0,1% of players can enjoy them? nah..
What does that have to do with elitism…?
He basically said raids are not hard enough because PUG people can get it too… So he demanded even harder content so the ones who beat it can feel special, can feel….elite
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Short question: Do these knockbacks, stuns, daze, … occur in the raid? I can’t remember them. Maybe i didn’t get far enough in order to see them.
Not on the first boss,
But if you’re refering to why i picked Hunter’s Determination instead of Zealot’s Aggression.
You do not want the cripple on your attacks for the AOE phase, since his breakbar will melt if you do take it. Which isn’t good for the NO CC tactic
What do you mean by aoe phase and no CC tactic?? I thought you always have to break the bar
Come on…this game doesn’t really need even more difficult version when does this elitism end? Don’t worry Laraley, there will be new raid wings and it will be difficult again, and pre-organised groups will be the first ones to finish it
Worst idea ever – leave the game design to game designers. GW2 is chock full of ez mode raids – with champions, world bosses and mega events. Dumbing down your one little raid so that ‘everyone’ can ‘experience the story’ will bring arenanet misery.
All the now happy raiders will play through the ‘practice’ mode and then try the ‘real’ one but those samey victories will be dull. Instead of the joy and happiness that comes from being an elite player.. They will feel none of this.
And worse all the people that want to raid but don’t – they will discover they didn’t really want to raid either.
In short GW2 will lose players – much the way WoW has lost 50% of its population since the addition of LFR. Bad ideas from bad players.. They don’t need that here.
I will quote you – Worst idea ever – leave the game design to game designers.
What we are talking about are suggestions. ArenaNet will be the one who will decide in the end.
I don’t think raids should be nerfed… as everyone reading my older rage-ridden posts thought.
What I want:
1. Easy mode for newbies in raids. So they can:
- learn the rotation of the boss,
- learn combos that might work on normal mode,
- find random new friends for future normal mode,
- experience the lore hidden in this raid first hand
(no raid rewards would be given for this.. little bit of silver and maybe a much smaller chance for miniature)
2. Make expensive runes and sigils not that expensive! I know Jon Smith will just roll his eyes over this statement, but how are we supposed to gear ourselves up when some runes cost like 30 gold? I am not going to put here any suggestions for how to change this, but I am sure that for the quality of life of the game, ArenaNet should do something about it.
3. Ascended Armors…it is strongly advised to have it. I still believe ArenaNet did a very wrong thing when instead of introducing a completely new crafting materials, they used ascended materials to craft precursors and new legendaries. Very, very, very bad decision that with the release of the Raid completely ruined the market. And people who don’t have ascended armor yet are screwed. Reforging is OK, but as runes are expensive and you cannot extract them, it is not as good as it could be. I suggest to give players an ability to buy extractors for let’s say 3 gold per 1 charge…i don’t know, Anet you know the math better than me so figure it out please!
4. Raid lobby
5. Raid lobby.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
I’m really curious about the build you were using? Could you share?
This is what i run.
So you used merciful intervention? Because in this link you chose Judge’s intervention. I guess that is just a miss-click.
But what about those soldier items (edited from a wrong word)? Were you tanking the boss? And wouldn’t it be better to use Knight instead of Soldier for extra critical chance?
I would little bit edit it like this
What do you think? This way I don’t have to craft last 3 pieces of zerk armor and istead use jewelry for the stats. And I get bigger chance of landing a crit.
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Guys, all your constructive comments gave me some hope. I will farm gold for scholar runes, create my own squad and give it a try. Thank you.
Zhaitan had weaknesses and it wasn’t the brute force. The final fight with him is actually when he is already weakened.
If an “Easy Mode” were ever added to a raid, the following conditions should be in place:
1. No achievements can be earned on Easy Mode.
2. Rewards (if any) would be severely reduced to 1/25th that of a normal run.It would allow players to play out the raids story and learn the mechanics but it wouldn’t allow them to ease their way to AP and shinies.
Completely support this. ArenaNet should enable everyone to see the encounters, environments and the story elements. Hell, it doesn’t even have to have any rewards. Being able to see it is the reward itself.
Prepare for destruction of your dreams in 3….2….1
No, Legendary gives no added bonuses over ascended, if you don’t want to work for legendary then you are not any worse off than before. No support.
Legendary “stuff” does provide versatility so that is a boon to the gear rank. Your level of support for this doesn’t matter, something will change over time once the devs gather enough feedback and statistics. I guarantee they are questioning their current design choices as we type, so it will only be a matter of time. Also, a dev could swoop in here and tell me I’m wrong, but that will be temporary “heel digging” and won’t last long.
Edit- Games can offer challenging content, and none of what I said takes that away. You people also have to understand that casuals are the backbone to any video game so content designed to being tightly exclusive, along with a lack of options and qol features like I mentioned, are areas where developers always end up shooting themselves in the foot.
There is no added gear rank just because you can swap stats, it’s still not practical because you’ll still need to swap runes, Which if running strength runes like many do, is not going to be an option. No ones going to pay 100g every time they need to change out their runes. And quit honestly, i’ve only ever been in maybe 2 situations where i’ve needed to swap stats to anything from zerker. The issues with not being able to get it are simply learn to play issues.
There is nothing wrong whatsoever with exclusive content. Look at runescape, they have a variety of certain drops only dropped by certain high level boss monsters that are pretty difficult for anyone not in top end gear. Yet, no one there complains because they understand it’s something to strive for and that not everyone will have them.
If you can’t keep up with the endgame content then don’t do it until you can. Casuals are the backbone sure, but that doesn’t mean 100% of content needs to be tuned to them, at some point you need to think about the veterans and what they want.
Legendaries are simply skins with very limited added utility the stats are exactly the same as ascended and casuals can easily get ascended. If you don’t have ascended then There’s no way you’ll be going for legendary either regardless.Of course legendaries are practicle… Runes are minor in comparison to the entire gear and food package. Soon enough we will be able to swap out runes and sigils, and we will eventually get ascended and legend dart runes and sigils as well.
The game is pusing toward roles for endgame content, you’ll make more than two builds eventually and legendary gear will be a blessing if you have it.
I’m glad that works for runescape, but it will need to be adjusted here.
What I want are options for all players, nothing of what I said takes that away…
I have weapons, never switched the stats once and I can’t even think of a situation where I would ever need to either. You are basing your statement off assumptions about being able to rune swap, and actually rune swapping is far more important because it costs far more, a set of exotic full zero armor is cheaper than a set of strength runes. You obviously don’t need to replace ascended/legendary armor if you want new runes, you just need to replace the runes.
Not once has anet confirmed rune swapping is going to be a thing.
Really? You’e never swapped the stats on your weapon, changed out an entire set of armor, etc?
I’m guessing you never play wvw then. And you might want to check the cost of a full set of ascended armor- it’s way more now than a set of strength runes (not that people use those in wvw anyway).
There are other parts of the game that don’t just use zerk faceplant.
Still dont see a reason to go anything but zerk there either, since WVW all u do is run around in zergs capturing empty towers.
Is it really? did you ever hear the word “roaming” in GW2?
OP you have my full support. And unlike me, you write your topics without ragequit attitude so ArenaNet might listen to you and elitist raiders mostly stay away from this topic
Someone with a hardcore mindset who doesn’t have much time to play is probably the most likely to get upset about a lengthy grind for something they want.
The kneejerk place people go with this is to think that when the hardcore mind doesn’t like something, or vice-versa, it is their responsibility to come over to the casual side (or vice-versa). Nothing could be more absurd. Most of us think the way we do from genes and/or years of social conditioning. We don’t change overnight.
I am casual in that i play when i can and for an unspecified time frame (meaning, when my daughters and wife are sleeping). I may even have to interrupt my playing if one of the babies wakes up.
But i like hard content that keeps me awake. if i can play with just the auto attack, chances are i’ll also fall asleep.
My last 3 days playing have consisted of 9 (nine!) hours of raids, with no loot, no kill, no progress to obtaining a shiny. Just the thrill of getting better and better and learning the encounter that, sadly, not everybody had learnt well enough to succeed.
I add myself here. Unfortunatelly, if I want HC experience I have to play another game, because HC experience in guild wars 2 is locked behind gold wall and the need for finding 9 decent people.
If you want to get somewhere in this game, to experience the higher end of content, you cannot play just 1 class (unless you have close guildies to carry you). Make sure to have a few classes at 80 and geared, thats how you get around, becuase the meta and class usefulness shifts as the wind every few months.
I dont see why someone would take a DH for DPS, healing or tanking (other than first boss), but that’s just cuz I like to min-max, but there are so many out there who are the same, and that’s okay, because people have several classes for each situation.
Thank you dear elitist for your input. I will quit my RL and start equipping all 9 characters so I can finally play. …your kind is what made this game so horrible…or the game became this horrible and attracted your kind? Hmmm
If you didn’t manage to get ascended stuff (speaking of trinkets especially) since their introduction to the game (which was 2 months after release), you are a roleplaying casual in my opinion. Sorry but, it takes you like 1-2 weeks to get that stuff IF YOU ACTUALLY SPEND YOUR TIME WORKING TOWARDS IT INSTEAD OF AFKING IN DIVINITYS REACH OR CRYING ABOUT HOW HARD YOU THINK IT IS.
Sry Caps overkill, but as I already used that amount of caps, let me go on:
Don’t whine about it, JUST DOOO IT!
How much of my post did you read? 1 sentence? I have full bank of trinkets…I wasn’t talking about them.
Anyway, I only get responses from elitists who feel like they have to justify their gazilion of farmed hours, so I won’t continue in this conversation anymore.
or how about nerfing the cost of gearing up for raid so there is easy access to all builds like how it was when the game first started.
Ascended armor is probably a really kittenty update.
This is what I want, but we will obviously never get it, because elitists would QQ
ArenaNet, please nerf nerf nerf! Don’t listen to the OP. Nerf!
Did you really think you will get to earn another set of weapons without a credit card?
restatting gear costs like 60g you can do it in the mystic forge…..no need to buy another set.
Yeah, but what if I like my set because I use it for WvW and open world HoT maps?
/edit: i know, i will reforge it… for open world i will get exotic and WvW is empty anyway…
But….that’s what everybody wants from me. I was told guardians are worth kitten in healing or tanking, because now we have revenants… and that i should be glad if i get accepted into raid as a ranged DPS….
edit: I CAN tank, but I was told by people on forum and in game that I will always be inferior to revefarts.